The Seaforth News, 1927-09-08, Page 3Persia Halts British Air Plan
"All Red" Plane Service to India,Barred by Refusal to Grant
Landing Place
Great Britain's plana for its la11-red" air relate to India, and:
eventually to the Antipodes, which was heraldedas oneofthe
greatest of projected world airways, have been brought to a
standstill by the action of Persia in refusing to grant a landing\
place on Persian territory. "
.To say that the officials ty110 have the Persian border, and Bagdad. But
labored for ',more than a year to put Britain did not like the looks of the
this airway into operation are peeved suggeation, which, though ostensibly
over the snag which has been struck Persian, was believed to be a Russian'
would be a rather mild way .of saying project, operated by Germane ancl
they -are in high' dudgeon. According linking up with the Moscow air lines.
to views expressed in Loudon the red Here was another "all -red" route, and,
hand of Moscow -is responsible for .the according to Brig. -Gen. Percy Groves,
failure to complete the "all -red" route. secretary of the Air League of the
Rize Khan, Persia's new , self -am 13ritish Ezitph•e, one with political as -
pointed Shah, at :one time a humble pirations behind it,
,member of the Persian proletariat
and also saidto have been a flunky at
the Britisli.Ministry in Teheran some
"years ago, seemed perscinally' to be
well disposed toward Great Britain
,( when - he converted himself into a
royal figure almost over, night. An
agreement was signed last year be- mine) at the present time=Bushire,
tween the Persian and British govern- Bandar Abbas and 'Chahbar.
meets granting landing rights in Per-
sia to the British. But the Persian
Parliament subsequently refused to
ratify the agreement. It has been
suggested that the Persian link in the
air chain was withheld until such
time as the British Government made
some handsome monetary. offer for
"4 seen a .Privilege,
The British airway to India was in
operation at least once some eight
months ago when Sir Samuel Hoare,
the Air Minister, accompanied by his
wife, flew to Delhi and back. The
route was.. surveyed and prepared at
heavy cost by way of Basra—the ter -
1 ermans Get Concessions.
Shah Riza is something of a dicta-
tor, but so -far he has done nothing to
bring his Parliament to'. the point of
ratification. In fact, the Shah is prob-
ably bringing no pressure to bear on
the refractory Parliament. As Persia
is not a member of the' Convention
for the Regulation of Aerial Naviga-
tion site has the sight to prohibit
foreign machines Prom landing on her
soil, Important concessions have
been made, however, to a Russo -Ger-
man company..
While Parliament was debating the
agreement made with the British goy -
oyernment' the . Persian Government
came forward with a proposal to open
up a air service between C3ureta, on
Vital Statistics
Births Again Decline in Eng
land and. Wales; Rate for
• 1926 Approaches 1918
Low Record
London. The spectre of "race
suicide" has crept across tho English
Channel to haunt British social sta-
tisticians, The English and Welsh
birth rate for 1920 again Inas shown
a' decline, following the descending
curve which has obtained since 1920,
according to figures published by the
• Registrar -General. The rate for the
calendar year was 17.8 per 100,000 of
Against this the official report shows
that the death rate of infants less
than a year old: was the lowest on me -
cord. Scotland experienced a higher
birth rate as web as a higher infant
death rate than England and Wales.
The 1926 birth rate tied that of 1917
and was barely higher than the 1918
rate of 17.7, the slowest on record for
England and Wales. In b'rance, where
the low birth rate for years has pre-
sented what Is regarded as a graye
national problem, the proportion .for
1926 was 18.8 for each 100,000.'
Cancer, ,heart disease and tuber-
culosis of the respiratory system led
the list as causes of death in England
Women, the Registrar -General's re-
port indicates, were far 'more agile in
dodging motor vehicles and in avoid-
ing fatal accidents generally than
were men. Also, the number of wo-
men who committed suicide was less
than half the number of mon who met
death by their own hands. The suicide
figures were: Males, 3,099; females,
1,350. Accidental deaths: Males,
9,531; females, 4,274.
ritish Grants
Aid Migration
Imperial Assistance Stimu-
lates 'Affortestation in
South Australia
Adelaide, 'S, Aust,—Au imperial
grant of £35S,250 to South Australia
as a nucleus, for starting afforestation
on a larger scale was recently an-
nounced by the State Premier, Riclr-'
and L. Butler. 'Representatives of the
British ` Government have had an eye
on the southeast for a long time. It
Aka is here that they expect an opportuu-
ily to be able to place migrants from
England. In addition, the Scottish
societies • of this area are now draw
ing up a scheme for the importation
of families from Scotland. Several
estates have been', offered to the Goy
ernment for purchase and subdivision
into farms, and a substantial income
is assured " from these lands, where
onions, ptatoes and cereals grow to
In accordance with the terms of the
above grant, a minimum of 50,000
acres is to be planted over a period of
10 years, and paper pulp works will
also be started. It willbe necessary
for the state to secure a furthers 100,-
000 acres of land to carry on the pro-
ject, and already44,000 acres have
been purchased at a cost of £69,000.
It is estimated that the expenditure on
on acre for 30 years' work will be £57.
Every acre harvested will, on present'
day coats, enable the state to replant,
Substitute Route Considered.
Unless the Persians relent it will be
necsssary,to map out a snUetitute link'
on the Arabian side of the Persian'
Gulf, a matter• now under considera-
tion in. London. Many difficulties
would have to be overcome before
such a landing place could be estab-
lished there.
Soviet Russia has also met some re-
buffs in Teheran, and one of her dip-
lomats was recalled from the Persian
capital because he was not successful
enough in his dealings with the Per-
sian Government. Nevertheless, Mos-
cow's official minions in that country
are exceedingly busy, and Russians
were supposed to. be behind an at-
tempt. by wealthy Persians to obtain
oil concessions in a district adjacent
to certain. areas where the Anglo -Per-
sian company holds the. drilling eon-
The latest..difilculty of the Persian
Government is over the terms of a
contract -with Dr. Millspaugh, the
American financial adviser.
without involving the. taxpayer in any
expense between six and seven acres
of forest.
This is the second grant made to
South Australia under the British
Policy of stimulating migration to the
Dominion. Not long ago £250,000 was
devoted to the development of a new
wheat province, called Eyre's Penin-
sula, where a great water scheme Is
being carried out, known as the Tod
River project.
Canadra's. Leauikig Golfer
Carrick shoots great golf but failed to class" in American Amateur Title
Machines of All Sizes Sur-
mount Obstacles on the
`Historic Salisbury
Plain -
London. -A. gigantic sham battle in
which more than 200 British Army
tauks participated was held recently
on the historic Salisbury Plain, The
tanks were of all classes and ranged
front the tiny two-seater "Crabs" to
the huge 'wagon variety which fire
eighteen -pounder guns as they speed
The battle• started at dawn with
these metal monsters stretching over
seven miles of terrain . where every
• conceivable difficulty had been placed
, in their way. Squadrons of airplanes
descended upon them unexpectedly,
sections of the plain theoretically was
soalted• with gas and steep gradients
requiring all the skill the drivers
couud muster had to be negotiated.
Some .casualbies were reported. A.
few tanks were unableto mount the
greasy slopes of Beacon Hill and slid
backward down hili. One "iron horse"
got in a quagmire and had to be
A. crowd of several thousand wit-
nessed the manoeuvres and showed
great interest, ,particularly in the
later "Crabs," which are the latest
experiment in the tank line. These
have a caterpillar trach and also two
wheels in the rear which are equipped
with balloon tires. At one point it
was demonstrated how easily the
"Crabs" could be camouflaged with
Among those watching the demon-
stration was a retired British cavalry
Paul Redfern's solo 4,600 -anile dash
from Brunswick, Ga., marked au ef-
fort to break the existing long dis-
tance non -atop record, made by Clar-
1 encs Chamberlin in his flight from
New York to Germany. From the
take -off point at Brunswick, Georgia,
to the coast of South America it is
11,575 miles. To reach Rio Janeiro
!down the east ,coast of the southern
oontinent Redfern had 3,700 miles. on
fly. It wouldappear ire is another loss
to aviation pioneering, as no word or
hien has reached us..
as trees!" he muttered finally as he
turned away.
The Geneva Fiasco
London Truth (Ind. Lib.): I should
call the recent proceedings at Geneva
one Of the most lamentable exhibi-
tions of political folly that have been
seen in the last fifty years.. . . The
Conference was by its constitution
the worst possible medium for arriv-
ing at agreement. How can you ex-
pect the professional fighting men of
different countries, naval and mili-
tary, to agree between -themselves
about the limits to be put on their
own services, except under definite
instructions from their political super-
iors? Fighting is their business: in
tact their raison d'etre. An admiral
Or a general charged to negotiate with
the admirals and generals of rival
armed nations, can no more give
away points to the other side in ne-
gotiations than he can in war. If his
Government' has left open for discus-
sion any fundamental difference of
opinion, his business is to look at it
as a `fighting, man, not as a. pacifist'
Governments have no business to put
their -admirals and generals into stroll
a position.
The White Pine in Canada
The botanical range of the white
pine in Canada extends from the At- c
'antic ocean to the province of Mani- a
toba. It is confined to the region ly-
ing south of a running approxi- h
mately from the southeast corner of a
Lake Winnipeg, through Lake Nips- T
gon, along the height of land north of t
Lake Thniskaming, through Lake St.
John to Point de Mots on the St. Law-
rence and Cape Breton Island.
Saved for Nation
Stonehenge Circle on Saha.
Eury Plai'n, Great War
Camp, to Be Preserved
London Pr mo Minister Baldwin,
Ramsay MacDonald, Viscount Grey
and other prominent persons recently
.eigne,l an appeal for $1.75,000 to pur-
chase laud on Salisbury Plain for the
purpose of preserving the remains of
the prehistoric structut'o at Stone-
It is prapo:ed to protect the imme-
diate n r:o•nvtiiugs of the Stonehenge
Circle nom the erection of unsightly
Nine yearn ago, after the original
owner was prevented 'by the Actfor
the Protection of Ancient. Monuments
6,0111 Selling Stonehenge stones fortransportation to the United States, it
was presented, to the nation. It Is
now proposed to pull clown a huge air-
drome erected near by during the war
`so that posterity will soe it against
the sky in the lonely majesty before
which our ancestors stood in awe
throughout all our recorded', history."
Stonehenge, the most imposing
megalolithic monument in Britain, has
long proved an enigma to scientists
and a never-ending, sourco of romance
tor "novelists. Its name, a modifica-
tion of a Saxon term, means' "hanging
stones." The Normans called the col-
lection of stones "Choir Gaur," or the
Giant's Temple. What the stones
Were originally reed for has proved
as great a puzzle as where they came
tiom, for In the geological formations
for miles` around there is nothing re-
sembling thorn.
Excavations and measurements
have proved that originally they form-
ed two concentric circles enclosing
the tallest being 221/2 feet and 3 feet
posed of the largest upright atones
the tallest being 22@ feet and 3 feet
4 inches thick -only seventeen re-
main. The inner circle, composed of
smaller stones, is exactly 9 feet with-
in the circumference of the outer.
Although their origin has been va-
riously ascribed to the Phoenicians,
Belga° and the native Druids, no con-
vincing evidence has ever been pre-
sented which would rationally solve.
the mystery.
Scientist Goes to.
Live on Iceberg
Takes Dog Along, Rubber
Boat and a Phonograph
Edinburgh, Scotland.—John B. Simp-
son, a British scientist, has left here
with the intention of malting his home
on an iceberg for three months. Ho
was accompanied by a Samoyed° dog.
"My purpose," said Simpson, "is to
gather material for a book on the ice
fields. I expect to be very comfort-
able in my abode on some drifting ice-
berg. I.shall erect a fur -lined tent,
and I will warns it with au oil stove.
I• have plenty of reading matter and a
"I have no idea where I alien drift
to, but I have a collapsible boat In
case of accidents."
-- 4
Moscow Prepares
Moscow Pravda.—One thing is, quite
clear: we shall have 'war, and that
very soon. . Not so very long
ago we said that war would not be,
that we did not want war. We still
do not want it, but the latest events
have forced us most seriously to pre-
pare. .
repare... We by no 'means want to
frighten anybody with the horrors of
heroical warfare. In some places we
:ready notice the appearance of
ante and dread, where the people
ave been told unnecessary stories
bout the destructive forces of gas.
hese stories have certainly erred on
be side of exaggeration. Science
must be militarized, , .. We are con-
fronted by a terrible danger. We
must not lose a single. minute. Care-
fully watching our enemy, we must
accelerate our preparations , . , and
victory will be ours.
officer. As he looked on he appeared Good political timber is often de-
more and more disgusted. "Christ- veloped on" the stump:
The Hope 'o f the Empire
The 1927 British Polo Team, who will ride against the American "Big Four" in the international' matches at Moadowbrook on September 5th.
Big Storm .Lashes
South of England
Two Mail Steamers Collide
and Shipping Driven to
London—Ali this. year's records of
summer rainfall were eclipsed ou Sat-
aturday, August 20th, by a great soutae
westerly gale accompanied by tor-
rential rainstorms which raged
throughout the south of England and'
generally around the coasts.
Seaside holiday makers and whips
hail to •atrsh for shelter, regattas, and
bathing wore suspended and from all
points game reports of damage to
crops -and other destruction through
severe storms,
The 900 passengers on the two mail
steamers. St. David and St. Patrick
had a tryingexperiencein a collision
off ' Fishguard, Wales, the foroe of
which carried away tine superstruc•
turn under- the bridge.
It was 2 o'clock in the morning
when the collision took place.. In the
darkness and, -.raining torrents it was
impossible to ascertain the extent of
the damage, consequently the 600 per-
sons abroad' the St. David and the 300
on the St. Patrick, most of whom
were half-dressed, became frantic and
the utmost efforts of the ships' officers
•hardly served to prevent a panic
among the screaming and fainting
Women and children, several' of whom
were injured in the confusion of
scrambling to the. deck.
Both mail boats, although) consider-
ably damaged, managed to return, to
Pishguard under their own steam,.
when the St. David's passengers were.
transferred to another steamer which
saildelay,ed for Ireland after considerable
All cross-channel steamers had ter-
rible crossings, among the sufferers
being Prince Henry, who after a holi-
day at Le Touquet, crossed from Bou-
logne to Folkestone. A London ex-
press train was derailed near Maid-
stone but nobody was injured.
Air liners also had rough crossings
and needless to say the inclemency of
the weather seriously interfered with
seasonal channel swimming and the
projected trans-Atlantic flights.
Urges Removal
All Auto i oras
To Ensure Safety
Driver Should Depend
Brakes and Steering
Gear to Guide Car
New York—Automohtle. :borne, ori-
ginally dovlsed as a safety measure.
for highway traffic, have been so uni-
versally misused, says C. T. Strong,
President of the Buick Motor Com-
pany, tbat he now believes .if they
were removed entirely from automo-
biles the result would be a marked de-
crease in automobile accidents,
"Without horns, he points out. "it
would not take long for every one to
realize that safety depends on keeping
-the: eyes.'and ears open, : which is,
after all, the only sure and: complete
remedy , for accidents. A. long step
in the direction of greater safety will
have been taken when drivers realize
that they cannot drive with the horn."
While admitting that horns do oc-
casionally prevent accidents., he states
that they have inoculated, the average
driver with a false sense of security
which often breeds carelessness and
results in disaster,
"If automobile owners would try to
drive their cars," adds Mr. Strong,
"without the aid of the electric siren
which is now standard equipment on
every car, I am sure they would find
themselves driving with more care .h
than they had eXercised since their S
Sea Cook Guilty
In 2nd Degree;
Gets Ten Years
Jlxiy Deliberates 3 Hours in
U.S. Court; Judge Fixes
Battice's, Penalty at Mini-
mum Prison Term.
Earl Leo Battice, mulatto 000k 02
the sch'oorler Hing'sway, which came
into port; Jrecentiyi wiltiy a strange
story of murder and near -mutiny ou
a voyagefrom the West Indies to the
African Gold Coast, was found guilty
of eecoud degree murder y a fury in
United States Court and was gives
the minimum eentence of ten .years,'
imprisonment in Atlanta Prison. Bat -
lice was charged with the murder of
Ins wife on the high seas last Febru-
ary 5. The maximum sentence 005-
etble under the verdict was life im-
Defendant Watches Judge
During the summations by the at-
torneys and while Judge Anderson
was speaking, the defendant display-
ed a keen interest in the proceedings,
tilting his head to one side and. keep -
fug 'his eyes fixed on the speaker.
Caruthers' Ewing, who, with Prather
5, McDonald, was appointed defense'
counsel by the 'court, pleaded theun-
written Raw.
He reminded the jurors that the de-
fendant's affair with Emily Zomba,the Porto Rican girlat San Juan, had
no bearing on the murder two months:
later. He hurried on to the relations
between Mrs, Battice, the Negro's
wife, and Waldemar Bari Badke, the
engineman, while the schooner Kings-
way was in mid-Atlantic on its way to
the Gold Coast of Africa. Iia declared
that when Battice saw his wife In the
embrace of the engineman ho became
crazed and did' not realize what he
did from then until he had slashed his
`wife nineteen times with a razor.
"Knives were in his mind," said Mr,
Ewing, "and ought to have been there,
nothing else could have been."
He pictured the defendant as -"physi-
cally weak, cowed and -crushed" in the
face of Badke, "the bully, coward and • •
yellow bound."
Tuttle Charges Premeditation
Mr. Tuttle told the jurors that the
defendant had willfully intended to
kill his wife from the time he fell in
love with Emily Zamot, The defense
was untenable, he said, because the
only evidence to support It was the
testimony cf Badke, who he admitted,
agreeing with Mr. Ewing, was "an im-
measurable Ilan"
Every around on Mrs, Battice "cried
out for justice,` he declared, and no
evidence showed that Battice had ever
asked the captain for protection from
"I agree," he said, "that Badke is a
yellow dog and a cur. There Is only
one thing worse and that is to take a
man by the hand and say, 'Come aft,
my wife is crying for you.'"
Judge Anderson .pointed out that
the case would probably be a unique
experience for every juror and told
then: to weigh- carefully the testimony
of EmilyZamot. If, he eaid, they
should discover that the murder was
conwzitted:in..the heat of passion they
could render a verdict of manslaugh-
ter, and, if they eblieved that the'de-
fendant had lost this capacity.• to dis-
tinguish between right •and wrong at
the time of the fatal slashing they
could render a verdict of "not guilty."
They Do the Work and Fight-
ing and Are the Rulers of
Their District
Baku, Azerbaijan. --A tribe of Ama-
zons in which the women fish and
hunt while the men are locked indoors
and kept in luxury 4s described as in
abiting the Zakatal district_ by the
oclety for the Study of Azerbaijan,
says Tess, the Russian news agency.
'rhe tribe is called the Yassi and is
of Dagestan origin.
The Yassai women, like the legen-
dary Amazons, are described as abso-
lute rulers in the 'private andpublic
affairs of their tribe: They settle
quarrels with neighboring tribes with.
weapons, do term work and control
the sale of tbetr products. They keep
their husbands and sous luxuriously
idle or engaged in petty household
affairs, the more laborioue household
chores falling upon .the girl members
of the tribe. It is regarded as stunt -
Eying to the family dignity to permit
the men to labor and the woman who
fails to provide well is considered an
The women are described as tall in
stature and beautiful, of a dark viva•
cions Cancastan type with masses of
glossy -black hair, Adjacent market
towns esteem them highly for their
honesty- and intelligence. The tribe
consists of approximately 150 fami-
lies and is believed to be the rem-
nants of the Ava people who inhabit.
ed the Caucasus centuries ago.
Wright Motor Maker
Assails Pacific Race
Bay Shore, L.I.—Charles L. Law -1
ranee, inventor of the Wright, Whirl-
wind motor used on the transatlantic
and California•Iiawait • transatl.antio
flights recently, 'condemned • as "lit -
otic" the offering of prize money for
the airplane: race to Hawaii. The
time is not yet ripe, he said, for races
where various planes start :at, a cer-
tain time regardleas of. theffIr condi-
tion tor Beloit extended flight&,
first experience as drivers. Drive two
locks through traffic without the use
of the horn and you will find that you
are using more cars than you have
ever used before to avoid accidents,
You will drive as you should always
drive, with due regard, for others who,
are sharing the public streets and
This is true because you will not
be (placing exaggerated ooniidence in
a noisy bit of mechanism which can-
not and never could of itself prevent
accidents, ,even though many drivers
show by their actions on the road that
they credit it with such powers.
"Then round out the test by noticing
ELS you drive, and as you cross- the
streets ou foot, what'effect tiro horns
of other cars have on you. You will
discover that the sound of an electric)
horn no )auger causes you to jump
out of the way, or pull your car over
to the side of the road. Usually it
is only after repeated warningsthat
you notice the cause of the noise.
Sometimes this happen& too late, and
there is an aecidept which might have
been prevented if the driver had de-
pended moire 011 Pia steering wheel
and brakes than on his horn,"
The present recorded water -power
resources of the Doninion will permit
of a turbine installation of 41,700,000
horse power; The total tydraulic in-
stallation up to the end of 1926
throughout the Dominion' was 4,556,-
226 horsepower or.lesa than 11 per
cent. of the recorded Water -power; re-