The Seaforth News, 1927-03-10, Page 4THE SEAFORTH " NEWS
A,5't't leek reeolae meeting
n's lrtssels, the ,following
9�tottonvves.• passed: --,"Hire. ,R.;H,
'Ferguson•aud 'Family; - The •O£flcers
' aid Members of •ISt, John's Lodge,.
GiR'C ,:A:.F..& A:M•, •1' o. 284, wish
to convey to •yoi. all their si}icete
sympathy with you in, the recent
passing away 'df your 'beloved ' hus-
band'a;nd fattier. ,'While we, too, feel
the loss of an esteemed add respected
Brother, we all must submit to the
decisions of the Great Architect of
the Universe and look forward to the
final re -union which shall end all
partings and sorrows 'forever' and
ever. Signed on 'behalf of St. Johns
Lodge, 'Wno, M. iGillesple, Sec."
Mr. W, G. Neal attended the fun-
eral df his aunt, Mrs. Crittenden in
Preston on "Tuesday;;
A deputation of our citizens at
Ren led' the Grey .council meeting at
thel on Monday with regard to the
insta'llation df street lights in our
The many friends of .Mrs. D. Mc-
Kenziesorry were to hear of her
death at the home of 'her daughter at
Montreal. The funeral was held in
,Brussels on Tuesday.
Mr. Vir, j. Johnston, of Gladstone,
!Manitoba, is bridging a car -load of•
horses from the West. They are ex -
peered to arrive alt Walton station.
about the 15th inst.
'The W. M. S. of Duff's 'Church will
meet in the school -room of the
church on Wednesday, March 9th.
The 'Worneh's,IMissionary 'Socie'ty
gave the scri'ptire reading from .psalm Cht;reh,
72.'LivingsE is- . 'J. Watt 'bought a very fine carload
A' beautiful Epis-
John Mc- of cattle from R. Reid and shipped.
ties was.Treading Toronto on Saturday. He
n1to o n y
Donald; a reading out tile 1v[fssfon- the r
ary Messenger was taken in unison; also shipped another• load the saute
Brown led in prayer: for India,;day.
Mrs• tworld; a
Japan and Mosle..
China, J 1 m Gar- DUBLIN.
solo was ' !veli by
Mrs. Peter 'B
• Mrs, age ` of fifty-seven
"Teach Me to Yray", M s. J. At 'the early g Y
Boer, C+for. Canada and
Bolger Ted in prayer.
all Tier leglslatttres; • Mrs. A. Seiner
led in prayer for'evangelism" and sac-
rificial`.contmerce of the world;' Mrs.
Berry ' led in prayer for, the League
of 'Nations; a prayer of Thanksgiving
was given by the congregation of wo-
men in unison; a solo by Mrs, Alden
MdGavin was followed by a Mother's
prayer and the meeting was closed
with the national anthem and bene-
diction. '
Mr. 3; J. MoGavin shipped three
carloads of stock to Toronto on Sat-
urday, one of cattle and two of hogs.
He ships every second week.
Mr. and'' Mrs. H. 'Skinn returned.
to their home in 'New Liskeard last
E. W. Bateman, Mrs. W,
Bateman and Charlie, of Seaforbh,
spent the week -end at R..11ioy's,
'Messrs, Geo. Badley and Charles
34sDonald took in the hockey. match
at Kitchener last week,
Mr. R. Hoy and Mr, Jets. 'Hamilton
went to Guelph on 'Monday where
they are delegates at fhe Grand Lodge
this week,
(Too late,.for lag week.)
Mrs. S•Iatst, of Winthrop, visited
tier sister, 'Mrs.' G, Jackson, on Thurs-
of St. George's Anglican church and t day of last ',week. -
Duff's United •:church assembled in Mrs. .Feed 'Scarlett had' the mis-
Duff's church for prayer service on fortune 'to fall downstairs and injure
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, The' ed leer head, but Is doing nicely at
day was ideal There was a 'large ge- time of writing,
theringof ladies, 'Mrs, Hugh Camp- The chopping mill' ware out of re-.
bel! presiding. The service was pair for a day or so but is running
opened with singing, after which Mrs, full blast again.
Maines gave a splendid talk on pray -I The annual day of prayer of ehe
�e in .Duff's
ar and missions. Miss Janet Simpson W. M. S. was observed
y �
rt rill W
Tuesday, April 5Uh, 1927
Under the auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural Society.
HORSES. let prize donated by John J ,Bro-
'Township Special. derick, 2nd prize donated by ,G,
Best three Horses from one twp; A. Sills & Sons. 3rd prize don -
two or more entries necessary to ssted'by. W.' R. Smith.
fill this class. 'Prize donated by Filly or gelding, foaled 1924 5 2 1
the 'Directors .. , .•..,,...,$21.00 1st prize donated by 'Cardno
Clydesdale 'Bros, 2nd prize donated by
Stallion, any age Cup 5 3 2 Chas.''Dungey. 3rd prize 'don-
' 1st prize donated by 'Bank of ated by Dawson [Reid.
'Commerce. 2nd prize donated Filly or gelding, foaled 1925 5' 2 1
by. J. 'Wesley Beattie. 1st prize donated by 'Chas. Ab-
Staldion foaled in 1924 ,, 5 3" 2 erhart. 2nd prize donated by
Stallion, foaled in 1925 .. 4 3 1 W. 3. [Walker & Son, 3rd prize
Sweepstake . , . Badge donated by W. E. Kerslake,
Belgian Stallion. Filly or gelding foaled 1926 5 2 1
Stallion,' any age . 6 2 1st prize donated 'by 'Marshall
Percheron Stallion. Stewart, 2nd prize donated by
Stallion, any age . 6 2 S. T. Holmes & Son, 3rd prize
Roadster Stallion, • donated by' W. G, Willis.
.Standard' Bred Trotting Stal-. Team in harness .... 2010 5
lion in harness 5 4 3 Sweepstake . , .. ...... Badge
1st prize donated by Seaforth . General Purpose.
News. 3rd prize donated by Team in harness 5 4
John Regie[•, 1st prize donated by 'Herbert C.
Standard ,Bred Pacing Stal- Box, 2nd 'prize donated by Fred
lion in harness , 5 4 3
years, Mr. Frank Byrne died of pneu-
nionia•, 'For' some years he had been.
a sufferer from heart trouble. Besides
his 'wilfe. (nee Maty. Carpenter) he
leaves dhree sisters, Miss Elizabeth
Byrne, Mrs. Thos. Kenny, of 'Winni-
peg; .Mrs. 'Henry Krauskopf, 'Arling-
ton, Washington; three brothers,
William, Edward and (Joseph in -Mon -
tans; one brother-in-law, Joseph Car-
penter, of McKi'1lop; two sisters-in-
law, Mrs. David McConnell, •Dublin;
Mrs. John '(Devereaux, Chicago. His
funeral was on Wednesday mornig,
following 'Requiem Mass sung by
Rev, .Fr, OlDrowski, P.P.
Mrs. Prank Kenny has •returned
home. after a month's. visit in Guelph.
Mr, Dennis Maloney has returned
to Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Krauskopf spent
Sunday alt the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Leo Krauskopf.
'Mr. and Mrs. 'Patrick -Woods spent
Saturday in Stratford.
A euchre is to ,be held:at the parish
hall, Dublin, Friday evening, March
Ilth at 9 o'clock sharp, Everybody
welcome. -
Mr, Fred Eckert has lost a velua'bio
Meese during the past -week.
'Mrs. George 'Holland spent Thurs-
day the guest. of 'Lon'don friends.
Mr. 'Wm, McDermid' ,has 'treated
himself to a 'beau'tiiful Ford coupe.
Mrs. 'James 'Stapleton, off Buf-
falo, and 'Mrs, John Stapleton, of
Toledo, Ohio, returned to their 'homes
on Monday after a pleasant visit with
1411'. and Mrs. P. !Stapleton.
'We are :pleased' to report that Mr.
John Moore, of •H'i'bl,ert, is improving
after an attack of pneumonia.
'T'he Ladies' :Guild of St. Mary's.
Church are 'holding' their regular
monthiy meeting at the home. of Mrs,
John 'Darling this 'Thursday after-
noon. All ladies are cordially invited
to attend at 2:30.
The card party held in 'Dublin Fri-
day night was largely attended, The
tickets were banded in and the aver-
age of the five nights will be taken.
The one holding the highest number
of points will be given a good prize.
Miss Margaret Dillon entertained a
number of friends on Sunday last,
Miss ,Annie MclGra'th spent the
week -end at the home of her parents.
'Miss Carmel Morris, of Detroit,
spent 'the •weelcend at the home o'f
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Mor-
ris, off Iiib'bert.
Mrs. Campbell and daughter's spent
Saturday in Stratford.
Mc. Lewis Evans, of 'Detroit, visit-
ed' his mother during the past week,
Mr. P. M. Judge is visiting in 'Cha-
tham at present.
Mr. 1'. F. Berm was called to
Lucan on Friday owing to the, seri
ons lilness of his mother, 'Mrs, Thos,
Mr. ZVnn. Dillon is
in !Dublin,
W. Wigg,' • -
1st prize donated 'by Huron Roadster,
Expositor. Roadster horse in harness,
Agricultural. • 15-3 or under 10 8 3
(Horses shown in teatns weighing 2nd prize donated by William
over 1,600 tb trot eligible in Agricul- Ament, 3rd prize donated by
tura! Class.) 'Thompson's Book Store.
Brood marc in 'foal 10 5 3 Carriage horse in harness,
let and second prizes donated by over 15-3 10 7 3
Stewart Bros, 3rd prize 'dona't- Livingston Special.
ed by' Geo, D, :Ferguson & Co. Best heavy draft or agricultural
Marc, filly or gelding, any mare, filly or gelding, any age...,$6
age 5 3 2 Prize donated by Thos, E. Liv -
1st prize donated by'R. J. Gibb. ston.
2nd prize donated by +Seaforth judging Starts Sharp at 2:00 o'clock,
Pharmacy. 3rd prize donated Classes will be called hi the order as
by Isaac Hudson,
Filly or gelding, foaled 1924 5 2 1
1st prize donated by N. Chaff &
':Sons. 2nd prize donated 'by
Beattie Bros. 3rd prize donated
by Percy Howe,'
Filly or gelding, foaled 1925 5 2 1
1st prize donated by J. F. Daly.
2nd prize donated 'by Thos.
Stephens. 3rd prize donated by
Dawson Reid.
Filly or gelding foaled 1926 5 2 1
let prize donated by James J.
Cleary. 2nd and 3rd prizes dons
ated by D, H. Stewart.
Team in harness .. 25 10 5
1st prize donated by 'Fred S.
Sweepstake Badge
Heavy Draft
Brood mare in foal 10 .5 4
1st prize donated by W G.
Medd, M.P.P. 2nd prize donat-
ed by 3. H. Smith & Son, 3rd
prize donated by Phos. G.
Marc, filly or gelding, any
age •, „ ...... . 6 3.502
1. Entrance fee $1.00, each additional entry, 50 cents:
2. Brood mares must show visibly in foal
3. Ages of horses to date from Jany. 1st,
It final,
' decision to e
u e• d c
4. The j
t eti-
stock for
co n
n 'n all p
• and merit particular to rc
will be
a g
r g
l undeserving
tion and withhold any premium if they consider the aroma
and a first or second prize will not be given to a third class animal or in
. a sweepstake if they consider the competition not sufficient. other-
wiseEach exhibitor must produce his entry ticket in every class,
wise the 'animal will not 'be judged.
Seaforth Agricultural Tiles, G. ,Scott, goods 4,00
SSocfety, cash $21.00 Jiro. J. Broderick, goods , , . 6.00
Bank of Commerce, cup .... , 16.00 'G. A. Sills & Sons, goods .... 3.50
J. Wesley Beattie, cash 5.00 W. R. 'Smith, goods. 2.00
Sealforth News, cash 5.00 'Cardno 'Bros., goods 5.00
John Regier, goods 3.00 Chas. Dungey, cash 2.00
`Huron Expositor, cash 5.00 Chas. Aberhart, goods.. 5.00
Bros.,goods ,. 15.00 W. J. Walker & Son, goods...- 2.
• S. D. t
' G. D. Ferguson & 'Co., goods 3.00 '1V. E. Kerslake, cash . 1.00
R. Gibb goods 5,00 "Marshall Stewart, goods . 5.00
Set ,l rn ac goods 3.00 S, 'T, Holmes & Son, cash , , , . 2.00
Seaforth ]. tar 1 y,
Isaac Hudson, cash 2.00 W. Cs 'Willis, cash 1,00
N• -'Cleft & Sons, goods. 5.00 Herbert C. •Box, goods 5
Beattie Bros. cash 2.00 Fred W. Wigg, goods 4.00
Percy 'Howe, cash 1.00 William Atnetnt, coal 8.00
J. F. Daly, goods 5.00. 'Thompson's Book 'Store, goods 3,00
Thos. Stephens, cash 2.00 'Thos. E.Livingston, cash , 6.00
Dawson Reid, cash , , , , , 2.00 Thee, \l:Milian, 'M.P., cash .. 10,00
James J. 'Cle'ary, goods 5.00 Prov. Ontario Bank, cash , , , . 5,00
D. IH. 'Stewart, cash 3.00 W. A. 'Cridh, cash 33,00
F. S. •Savauge, watdh . , 25.00 Thos. Dickson, cash
W. 'G. Medd, M. P. P., cash.. 10.00 'Thomas Phillips, cash . , , . , . , , 1.00
3. 'H.:Smith 4 : Son, goods , . 5.00 C, 1'. 'Sills, P. M„ cash 5,00
Prize Lists may be obtained from the Secretary.
DR. HARBURN, Pres. A 1).'SUTHERLAND, Stc.•Treas
.they appear in this ad. Exhibitors
will please bear this in mind. were guests- of 'Mr. and Mrs. Cas,
Postmaster's Special. Roadhouse on Sunday.
For boy, 15 years and under, dis- 'Mr. and 'Mrs, Russell Bradshaw of
playing best ability and horseman- Jantestowe spent a few days this
ship in exhibiting a horse on 'the week end visiting Mrs. 'Bradshaw's
halter. Prize donated by C. P. parents, lir. and Mrs. J. Granby.
Sols, Postmaster $5.00 Mr. James Peacock, assessor for',
Boys' Judging Competition, Morris, paid Isis annual visit to this
Open to Boys, 17 years of age and part of the township last week.
under . • . . 40 5 3 2 1 'Airs. Chas Nicholson and Gordon
1st 'prize donated by Thos. 'MCMil- spent Friday the guests of Miss Eli -
Ian, M.P. 2nd prize donated by Prov. zabetit Downing of Brussels.
Ontario ;Bank, 3rd prize donated by Miss 'Susie Cunningham of Wing -
'AV. A. Crich, 4th prize donated by haul spent Thursday and Friday with
Thos. Dickson. 5th prize donated 'by her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cun-
Thos. Phillips. Cun-
'The competition will be under the Mr. Wm, Grasby of Sunshine cut
direction of 'Mr. G. R. Paterson, Co, his foot severely with 'the axe while
Agricultural Representative, Score working in the bush last week.
cards will be'given each boy. 50 Mr, Robert ldte11 held a wood easy -
points for placing by score card and ing bee on Fridzy.
50 points 'for reasons to 'be given Air. Frank M'cCaug'hey purchased
orally. 'Class to be judged will be a 'horse at Mr. Thomas Taylor's sale
Heavy Horses. No entrance fee re- on Tuesday,
quired but bays must have their en 'Mr. and 'Mrs. David Laidlaw and
try in by 2 o'clock. family spent Saturday the guests of
Mr, and Airs. Fred 'Shobbrook, Hal-
We are sorryto report that r
p t to Mrs. E.
Hilborn is not as well as her friends
would wish.
Miss Penne ;S i 1
a is t hoff isin Wing -
ham ho ita!
s where she underwent an
The McLean Mission Band is hold-
ing an Indian supper on Sat., March
th, in the basement of St. Andrew's,
'Blyth Continuation School is giving,
a 'concert on Friday evening, March
llth, in Memorial 'hall,
Friends were shocked to hear of
the death of 'Mr. Russell :Fear on
Sunday evening about 9 o'clock, at'
his home on the north gravel, Morris,
followin-g a short attack of pneumo-
nia, Mr. Fear was taken ill on Wed-
nesday night with flu aid pneumonia.
His condition was not considered ser-
ious until Saturday. Me. Fear was
born 46 years ago on the eighth ,line
of 'Morris, the son of 'Ellen Jackson
and Samuel Fear, -He is survived by
his .,wife, formerly Miss Arletta 'Pot-
ter, his 'mother of Mimico, four bro-
thers and. 3 sisters: Wm., 'Wawanosh;
Ray of 'Clinton, (Leslie of Morris, and
Waiter of . Mimieo; Mrs. Wafter
ITaridck, Mimico, and Mrs. Jackson,,
;,fimico, 'Three sons and one daugh-
ter also survive: Nellie, 'Samuel,' Beet
aril Teddy, all at home, Mr. Fear
was secretary for the -Union school of
Wawanosh and (Morris. The funeral
v:as held on Wednesday afternoon.
a;'2 o'clock from St. Andrew's United
THURSDAY, MARCH- 10, 1927,
TheMyth Choral •* Society have ' o 3 'Tuckersmittr,
y C t y Report of S, S. Ti ,
f'or'Febrtary, '
;' V.—Dorothy 'Widsoi
IV.—Mary,'Pap Broadfoot a le 84 per cent:,
' end Wat-
Bon 83, Mayne Chapman 76, Helen
Munroe 72, Erma Welter 71, .i Beth
Elliott 70, Marie Elliott 69, Ella'' M.
Scott 62, John IBroadfodt 30 (ab -sent),
Murray Walter (absent).
Jr. IV,—Carrie 'Oke 73, !Bob Mc-
Catne 72, Elizabeth tBroad'foot 65,'
Clarence "Taylor 41
Sr, 'ILI.—agenet Watson- 77, (Harold
Rutherford 70, Evelyn Wilson 69,
Billy Calwill 68, Gordon Wright 60,
Bruce "Armstrong 51, Robert-Papple
Jr. III. -,Jean Watson 77, Willie
Papple 60.
Sr. LIi—Howard Walter 72, Arthur
Wright 66,
Jr. H. -=+Delbert Taylor 40.
lel 'Class, . W., .D. Wilson 642, Bea-
trice Armstrong 561, Earl''Papple
554, Bobby Dalrymple 547.•
Sr. Primer. Annie Papple 620,
Alice' Wright 535, Gertrude 'Walter
496 (absent).
Jr.. ori roll, 16. rt Avert Taylor Attend-
No � ag
32.05. 'Perfect Attendance --Dor-
othy Wilson, Mary Papple, [Helen
Munroe, Ella M. Scott, Elizabeth
Broadfoot, Bob 'McCartney, Bruce
Armstrong, Janet Watson, Robert
Papple, Jean Watson, Willie Papple,
Arthur 'Wright, Beatrice Armstrong,
W. D. Wilson, Annie Papple. Perfect
Spelling -Harold 'Rutherford, Janet
Watson, Jean Watson,
Ruby I. Taylor, 'Teacher. •
Mrs, .I3urgess,.'fornterly of Bruce -
field Manse, called., an old friends in
and wound /the village ' this :week.
While here she was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. John Watson:
We are pleased to •say that Joh
Fotheringham, of the 4th con., is
able to ,be up after 'being confined t
his 'bed for two weeks. •
Don't forget the concert in,'ttt
church on Tuesday evening, Marc
22nd, when Mr. /Ralph Gordon, o
Toronto, Canada's, greatest cartoons
and entertainer, will be there to gfv
you a really 'pro'fitable evening's en
been -requested to present"their tan -
'tate, "Joseph's Bondage," in, 'several
towns around.
' gdelegate of
Mr. Irvute Wallace,.
Blyth L:O'L. 963; is attending Rt.
Wor, Grand ''Orange Lodge of On-
tario West' w'liich ' is in session at.
Guelph .this week.
Don't miss seeing- Cherry Blos-
soms" at' the !Blyth Continuation
School cpncert•3o'be 'given in'Memor-
ial hall 'this `Friday.
'We are ,pleased 'to- hear that Mrs,
George :(White, • who. 'has been on the'.
sick list, is improving. .
White-Leversage.--1A. very pretty
wedding .hook place recently at
Mount 'Forest, ' when )Miss Ellen
Myrtle .Leversage; daughter of Mrs.
Leversage and the late Alexander
Leversage, became the'bride o'f Ste,
tihen H. White, of IBlyth,'Rev.. R. A.
Facey officiated.
Fa y
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Murray, of
Toronto, are visiting alt the latter's
brother, Mr, Idles Young.
We are sorry to report that Miss
Hattie Dexter is not much improved.
On Monday, ,Feb, 28th at the Rec-
tory, ,Hensall, Miss 'Florence Rouse
was united in ma'r'riage 'to 'Mr. Fred,
Bowen, both of ^Blyth. We wish them
much happpiness and prosperity,
'Miss Aileen Cat'bert of Clinton is
visiting her- sister, 'Mrs. Jas. Phelan.
AIr. John 'Stimore of Brussels spent
the week end visiting ;friends here.
Mr. 'Wnt, Nesbitt of Detroit spent
the week end visiting friends at ,Blyth.
The many friends of Mrs. 3. T.
McCaughey are pleased to know she
is recovering after her 'serious illness.
Mr. and Mrs. John (Riley, Mr. and
Mrs, John (McNichol, Mr, and Mrs.
John Grasby, Mr. Alfred Nesbit and
daughters, and Mr. John Nesbitt were
guests on Tuesday of Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. ;Sadler and [Miss
Marzete spent Sunday 'with Mr,, and
Mrs. L. Hannon, Zion.
The Marion Ritchie 'Mission Band
of the Cromarty church are 'bringing
a 'play, "The' Old New /Hampshire
I-fome" to the hall on Friday evening.
This promises to be a treat.
Mr. Ken. Drake entertained about
two hundred and fifty of his friends
on Friday' night last. All report a
good time.:
The W. 'M. S. met for their annual
meeting' on Tuesday afternoon' at
Mrs, J. "Leary's. The following of-
ficers wereap'pointed: President, Mrs.
Currie; 1st; vice, Mrs, L. Butson; re-
cording secretary, Mrs. J. Leary; cor-
responding secretary, Miss Vera
Ilanibfey; 'treasurer, 'Mrs. J. Leary;
mite box secretary, 'Mrs, H. -Smale;
strangers' secretary, Mrs. F. 'O'Brien;
Christian 'Stewardship secretary, Mrs.
3. E. Jones; Literature Secretary,
Mrs. • G. Vivian; 'Associate Helpers'
secretary, 'Mess ,Vera' Leary; )Birthday
secretary, 'Mrs. F. 'Hatubtey; organ-
ists, Miss Vera Leary and Miss Vera
The :following is the address that
was presented to Ivlr. and Mrs. Henry
Golding 'by their neighbors and
friends when they gathered •with thein
to celebrate their '60th wedding anni-
"To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding,
=We 'have' gathered here to -night to
congratulate you on reaching your
601h wedding anniversary. It is a
rare achievement, that must
not lightly be passed over. It is all
the more wonderful when we realize
That Mrs.'Golding was'29 and Mr.
Golding 26 when you were married.
"You came to Mitchell on 'Nov. lst,
1874, and a few nnonths,later, finding
that Hibbert looked better to you,
you settled here; that was 52 years
ago. We congratulate you on your
splendid choice, and the wisdom you
used in doing this. 'You must have
concluded long before this that it is
a most healthy country in which to
live, Your achievement stirs hope in
the breasts of some of the rest of us,
and we will 'from this night, take
courage and go forward,
"'We all hope that you will be
granted many more years- together.
We 'have every reason to 'believe you
will be; since your mother, Mrs,
'Golding, lived to be 102 and • at that
age had no grey hairs and used no
glasses. 'Grandfather Golding had
almost reached his 100th year, The
fact is you are still in the prime of
'You have ativays 'beets faithful to
the 'Church, and well you night be. It
has played a large part in your lives,
since we learn that you firs'[ 'met
each other at a Wesleyan camp meet-
ing, On this occasion the Church
still enters into your happiness,
" We cannot refrain from remarking
that your experience together pres-
ents some queer paradoxes. You,
Mrs. Golding, always call Mr. Gold-
ing 'the 'bo'ss; 'because, as be saysj'?he
never was the Moss; and you, Mr.
Golding, call • Mrs. ,Golding 'the
Miseps,' because you say—‘,She never
threw anything" 'to miss us with.'
Now, since the are not sure'that the
marriage ceremony agrees to function
after 60 years; we think that there
could be no better time 'than this oc-
casion'to start you off with anew
one (here followed a [brief marriage
ceremony) and now that you have
agreed to travel the future years to-
gether,offer our very
Kotler, we will i you o v y
best wishes for a long and prosperous
journey, and it would not 'be a
rweddingwithout a' grand wed
cake and gifts—especially since
g p Y
i - is our Diamond wedding. 'We-
Y }t• g
.asle you to accept these tokens of our
respect and good wishes."
'Mr. and 'Mrs. !Golding 'were thee
presented with a beautiful pair of
wool blankets and a very 'substantial
purse. The ladies then served the
wedding lunch; which included a
three storey wedding 'Dake.'
b fi Mr and Kett 71 years. She is survived.. by
4ett borne nlhout'8 o'clock three 50115 and one daughter, besides
Mrs, Allen Clinton to ntto the Firemen's her husband:' Alexander, Usborne;
to 60 b er't; Mrs. r'Chrit. Borland
l Robert,: Hibb
and Gilbert.
`c 1 -
udcrs. e c
Mr. Sydney Sa
brat'ed' the 25th anniversary of their
wedding on Feb. '26th.
Middleton, 'of Brantford, has
Mr.' N
taken over W. H. Lockwood's bak-
ery business. The latter.' is moving
into the late ltd. Pickard's residence.
(Win H. tArnistrong passed away.
on Feb. 23rd at his home here, due
to blood- poisoning which developed
from a boil on the 'back of his neck.
He was in his 37th year and leaves A
widow and three etnall children,
arty. Mrs. Allen said she looked
aboutethe stove before leaving to see
f.'all was, right, and Itha't there - seemed
to be very little $ire'in the stove and
the 'furnace had not been going for
some time. 'But the fire seemed to
start in the dining room, where she
Quebec cook':stove *as, and when,
seen' by a neighbor, who was going
home from Clinton, it had got quite a
start, :When assistance arrived it
was impossible to save much of the
contents, only The living room rug
and a couple of chairs being got o
Mr. and ''Mrs. Aylen were married test
fall, Mrs. Allen !being 'Formerly Moss
Annie Turner of 'Clinton, and all the
furniture and fixings with which 'they
had set up. housekeeping were' de-
stroyed, also all. their clothing except
what they on at 'the time. The 'house
was ^a substantial stone structere,
built many years ago, which had been,
vacated for them 'by Mr• and'Mrs.
Allen, Sr., 'who now' reside in Eg-
mondvillb, 'The fire paused the young
couple a very serious .loss: Some in-
surance was carried..
/The sad news was received In
town 011 Saturday evening of the
dea't'h of a hwell-known resident of the
12th 'concession of Grey, in the per-
son of 'Margaret Williamson, widow
of (Duncan McKenzie. She was born
on the 17th concession of 'Grey where
she resided for a number of years,
later moving to Brussels, thence to
'Toronto and from there to Montreal
She was 'in her 69th year and was a
highly respected citizen, One daugh-
ter, Mrs. Harry Maude, Montreal, is
left to mourn the lossofa kind and
loving mother.
Mothers can easily know when
their children- are troubled with
corms, and they lose no time in'ap.
plying a reliable •. remedy Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator,'
Report of U. 5. S. No. 1, MoKillop,
Sr. III. --Catherine Lane 82 per
cent., Edward Nigh 77.
Jr, II'I.—Arnold Murray 86, Wil-
li'a'nt Nigh 80, Mabel Nigh 73.
,Sr. I'L—+Frances Fortune 91, Ade-
laide''Murray 67, 'Dorene Nigh 65.
Tr.—Ambrose Nigh 67, Jack 'For-
tune 61. Best spellers: Edward Nigh,
Arnold +Murray, Frances Fortune.
11. C. Reynolds, Teacher,
School Report, S. S. No, 12, Mc-
Killop, for the month cif February.
Ha'blcirk 76, A. Alex-
ander 72;
Jr. IV.— M• Dodds 76, S. MoSpad-
den 75, J. Mulley 65, J. Adapts 54.
ISr, II'I,—G. (Hulley 70, A. Dodds
69, G. McFarlane 60.
jr. 1I'h— r1, Case 70, E, McPar1-
u 68.
Jr IT,—T. Hulley 75, B. McSpad-
den 74, A. 2&cClure 55.
Number 'of 'pupil's on roll, 14. Aver-
age attendance, 13.2 The best spellers
for the month, J.IHabkirk, /M, Dodds,
A. 'Dodds, 'A, Case.
A. E. Strong, Teacher.
The death occurred in McKillop,
on Saturday, March 5th, 1927, of
Annie Adams, relict of the late Joseph
Dorrauce, in her 73rd year. Deceased.
was a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Adams, df IHarpurhey,
arid forty-fwo years ago cattle as a
bride to 'lot 22, concession 5, 'McKil-
lop, which had been her home ever
since. Her husband predeceased her'
three years ago and she is survived
by three sons and one 'daughter, who
have the sympathy of 'the commun-
ity: Harold, of Brantford; Russell, at
home; Roy, Kingston, and Mrs.
Bowers, of Fergus, also . three grand-
sons, The funeral took place Mon-
day afternoon, ,from her late residence
to the place. of interment in the Mait-
aitland ,Bank cemetery, services being
conducted by /Rev. 'F. II. Larkin,
Wingham Lions Club is planning
to 'make a swimming pool for the
Mr. W. 'frank VanlSto;le died at,
his hone in Wingham last Thursday
morning. •
Dudley Holmes, new Crown At-
torney, ihas
t-torney,'has disposed of his Wingham
residence to H. T. Thompson.
A 10 -ounce lemon was grown by
Mr.;.H. E. Isard in the greenhouse Ivied
his home in Wingliam. Mr.
keeps the tree in the house all winter
Met puts it outside in the summer,
There 'are several half grown lemony
on the tree at present, which will pro-
bably not mature for a year,
Susannah 'Bell, relict of, the late
Richard 'Lewis Small, a pioneer of
Wingham district, died on Feb, 25th,
at the hone of her 'son-in-law, Hugh
McDonald, 'Culross township. She is
survived -bye four sons and two daugh-
The Federal Rubber 'Manufacturing
Company, of Wingham, showed a
gross :profit of $12,1'17.11:. on last
year's business.
The death took place in' Exeter on
Feb.. 28th of Ethel 'May, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A.;Balkwiil, aged 32
years and •10 months, after an extend-
ed period df ill health. She is surviv-
ed 'by two 'brothers and three sisters,
Mrs. 'Chas. •Hart, Verdun, Que.; Mrs.
Milliken, Zurich; (Russell, Exeter;
William and Ruth, at !home.
Mrs. 'Jno. Duncan, of the 12th con-
cession Udborne, died on Feb. 2511t,
t\Irs. John Taylor entertained a
number of friends to a euchre and
dance on Friday; evening,
Miss Katie I:aidlaw has :been visit-
ing at the home alt Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel 'Houston and
Miss Betty Houston visited at the
home 'of Mr. and Mrs, R. 'Doig.
Misses'Isabell and Jessie Archibald'
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'
Alex. Wallace.
Mr, and Mrs. William Sproat en-
tertained a .number of their friends to
euchre and a dance on'Friday even-
ing. g' '
'Mrs. George Bell is visiting
in Ex-
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt, ID'oig number entertain-
ed a tmber 'f heir friends to a
o t
euchre and dance on Friday evc
Feb. 25th. After lunchnch prizes were
distributed to the winners at euchre,
ladies' prize, Mrs. IWils'oe Wright
gents' prize, Mr. 'Wilson Wright. The.
consolation prize for ladies went to
Miss Barbara ISintpson and the gents'
went to Mr. John McGee.
Mr. Harvey ,Lcatherland is visiting'
at the hone of his friend, 'Miss, Iona
Mr. John re has returned to
Brussels where he is working.
School Report of S. S. No. 7, Tuck-
ersmith.—Sr. IV -'Margaret Broad -
foot 80 per cent,, 'Helen Thompson
69, Archer 'Thompson.
Jr. IV,—Elinor t$roadlfoot 80, Alis -
ter 'Broa•dfoot 79, Elizabeth Forrest
78, Mary Forrest 75, James •MeGreg
or 65, 'Lloyd ,McGee*,
Sr..dII. William lForres't 71, James
Black .66, 'Marion 'Thompson 63.
Sr. IQ: -Harold Nicholson 78, Mary
B roadfoot5.
i.—Arthur 'Cameron, Jack Ni-
Vera A. Crozier, 'Teacher.
/Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Allen, of. the 4th[` concession, of Tucl -
ersmith, were sorry to (hear of thein
loss early Tuesday morning, March
1st, when their house and its eon -
Powders do not
Millet's -after-help
need the of cantor oil or
any 'purgative to complete their [hof-
ougluiess, because they are'thorough
in themselves. One dose of them, and
they will 'be found palatable 'by 1
children, will end the.' worm trouble
by making -the stomach and bowels
untenable to fie parasites. And not
only this, but the powders •will be cer-
tain to exert 'mos(. 'bene'fi'cial; influencer
in the digestive organs.
items of news always welcome.
Why be without a marcel
when you can have it done
any day at
Dennison & ' Pullman
Barber Shop
Just phone 125
for appointment
Specialist in Marcelling,
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Sham ooin Manicuring
and Massaging
YOUR enei E OF
� llARNE,,$
Team 1 inch Heavy Lines
Team 1i inch Breast Strap
Team 1i inch Martingals
Don't delay, as you need them
Bring your Harness for Repairing and
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harness, Shoes and Groceries
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Hour. l.30 a,m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9.35 a ,m. to 3 p., ,, T p.m,•9,30 PAI.'
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