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The Seaforth News, 1927-01-20, Page 2
S" , FROM OLD TRAPPER TOM Hardiness of Weed Seed. The seed of some of the troublesome' varieties of weeds show a great ten - BY GEORGE J. THIESSEN, acity of life. They will eesurrect.long after they are supposed to have been. "The balance of the fur season,ts places for sets. But before m'aldng killed if not thoroughly and skilfully ',.the best •' Toni Wileon laid down his any, you must study the :signs to know disposed of. The Michigan Agricul- knife ,s through force of, habit where to .put your;traps., The: ainas aural College is engaged, as recorded ran his fingers ever the edges` of a tour` just makes a set ,at the most con-' in Bulletin No. 72 of the Dominion mink -beard. be was making. "Yes;' venient place,, but the, experienced. Department of, Agriculture on Crop, he continued, "from now on we trap- pelt -hunter knows that 'there is one Rotation in an experiment to ascot•- pers ought to make big money, because best spot •anddoes not Put out a trap tain definitely how many years the the pelts are prime," until he has discovered that place. ; common weed eseds will lie dormant I felt flattered that he would even ` "To show you what I mean, suppers in, tho,,soil and then resume geowtli include me among the pelt -hunters, we consider that spring near the where suitable conditions come "about. for Tom was considered' one of the bridge at ;Rock' Creek. I,ve noticed Weed'seeds are, mixed with sand' and best trappers in that section,' having mink' tracks nearby and also a number placed in`uneerked pint bottlesthat followed the line for many, many of traps. The fellow ' are buried'.twenty inches below the years; while I had made sets for only "I made the sets, Tom," I confessed. surface and one taken up every _ five e ihipe.sgasoms, Wilson seemsd` ot tonotice.' years. Theexperiment which can be "tI know furs: are at their best," I "The fellow," he repeated, "oyer - continued for 100 -years has alx+Lady answered, "yetmy catches are few looked a place where he could have' been conducted 40 years. After being and far between. TJp to the present—" made catches right along. There is, if this length of time in the sail it has Wilton looked up, reaohed for his you notice, a rock which overhangs the i been found that black mustard, pepper' corncob pipe and interrupted: water, .and the minks, instead of fol - "You don't know how to catch them, lowing directly in the path of the sonny.. The books never teach you stream, go under this 'stone." that. When you have had experience, "I know the: place and you're wrong you find out many things that make Tom„ There are :no tracks under that your fur cheques bigger." rock, for I've looked. You see the I waited until the old Asan had signs are scattered, so it is hard to tell tamped his pipe full of home-grown exactly wht're to put the traps. I tobacco, lightedit and blew several made :a number of sets, hoping a mink rings of smoke toward the ceiling -of or two might get into them. his shanty. The old man waited patiently until "You're right," I admitted to my I had finished, "You're just like the ,frlond, `Sand if you could give me a 'hunter who shoots et a whole flock lases hints I know that I would have of geese instead of one. You never get 'better luck." • I' any. I'll admit eau can not see. any Old Panto, Wilson's' hound, • rose tracks under that stone, but mink from behind the stove" -;stretched ;travel under it, just the sante. If you himself and came toward his master, have used your eyes you would have putting his nose into the trapper's noticed that the current of water is hand. "I guess I can not recluse," was quite strong where it strikes that rock, the answer, "when beth of you start and carries considerable fine, white pleading." And with that he patted sand. In other words, the tracks are the dog's head and began: i quickly covered up or washed away. I "First of all, the average trapper know the minks go the route .I men- to -day dons not study the habits of tioned because you will find, on close the animals as he should. To illus -examination, where the animals rub trate: When cold weather conies and against the overhanging stone as they most of the furb'earers den up, he fails make the turn." , to make eatehes at all. At this season I confessed I .had overlooked thid of the year, minks are very profitable and would not only rearrange my sets for one who knows how to get them. at this spring but try to use the in - And no matter how cold it is, the ferrnation at others as well. animals run. 1 "You're right," I apologized, offer- "The thing you should do is to lo- ing my hand. "And thank you for tate them by their tracks. If you will what you have explained. I'll try go along every tiny stream that flows hard to make use of the information." from a spring—and there are many i The old man watched the as T walk- near—a close examination will reveal ed down the. path and turned toward the signs. And sets properly placed the creek. Only a few hours remained will get the animals." i before darkness. However, I found "The trick is to place the traps time to make one good set under the right," I lamented, stone by the bridge, as Tom had sug- "Certainly," was the reply. "You seated. T did not bother with any can't put your sats just anywhere in other locations, fora had no time. The the water and hope to gat results. The traps I pulled up were hidden until mink is the most cunningof all small the next day, when I would pass and furbearers, and at this time of the pick than' up. Yes, I got fur under year you must be mighty careful to that rock—t:. ns minks were caught at make catches." The old man puffed vigorously for a few moments and then continued: "As I said before, practcally all small flowing streams offer good that one location during the rest of the season. I knew then that the old trapper had tc'.d the truth when he made the statement that"the balance of the fur esason is the best." Method of Feeding the Winter Laying Stock at the O.A.C. We try to simplify our methods and arse only common feeds. At the pres- enttime we are using as a grain mix- ture ixture equal parts by weight of good wheat and cracked yellow corn. At We try to ret a Iran when we set tines we mix with these small quan- the incubators, but if none are broody titles of plump oats, barley and buck- at that time and set later we let her wheat. Such a mixture can be bought est and put some chicks underher already mixed. The grain is fed in , and take the lien off a day latex' than the litter of straw. This induces the the incubators, b' d - rcee A light feed is fedi We use a cord burning Iso -'lea.• stove grass, pig weed, ragweed, wild prim- rose, common plantain, purslane and Director of the Ontario division of the soup,is served piping hot and is popu- curled dook.wilstill germinate. Some Canadian Reil, Cross Society, who, af- lar on cold, blustery days. of these weeds removed in the earlier" ter returning from a five -mouths' so ""Sizzling hot weiners and nice rolls years; failed to germinate but did so Jelin' in Paris, says the 'Red Cross ie for sandwiches are always good se11- in later years. Ragweedfailed • to doing an Indispensable and invaluable era. And we do iret forget the onions, rminate inevery trial until after it worlc,..towarde the rehntbil'itation of for what is a Weiner without this had been forty years in the soil. A; many of the war-torn peoples of Bur - relish? We also have some kind of a the authces of the bulletin referred to ogee sandwich made with sliced bread and (Messrs.' E. S. Hopkins and W. C. . Something to Make. Mary and Bob are never in doubt THE FAR -SALE LUNCH AS A MONEY-MAKER BY JUDITH BASBERVILLE.. "What do you ide to earn. money?" "We usa a tested gradebf coffee and I BY nor,Lopfrnlncli nein. . I s '- asked the president' of a country brew it `the best whow. The . norm e know women's club, value of real cream is not overlooked. Everything • seemed to go wrong ""Serving lunch at farm ,sales is the Since nothing •tastes. so god as hot from the start 'that morning ear best money -making field in sight for coffee when the mercury is around thought Mary Ellen's Per- themother,` rural club," she replied. "A year zero, it sells readily in .the, afternoon haps it was because she had planned for 'bracers' i of like to to accomplish so much in the way of, never goes by without at least a few o The met do n Sales. The men are always there, for' leave' the sal© to cone for: it, so we extra cleaning and sewing that each, '* it is a winter picnic for them. What carry it around through the crowd, ' interruption annoyed her, ' . assortment of ties.) "Mother, please put onmyrubbers, , huge app is mere, .they generally bring along "We have a fine 1 � etites. Pumpkii raisin, gooseberl•y, mince, was the call Mary Ellen, decided "There can't be much variety:for • cherry and chocolate are favorites: to go outand play just as Mother gut such a lunch, for it is too hard to Sometimes' we have a few more elab-:nicely ruled at the sewing machine manage:. We serve'vegetable soup, the orate pies, but usually we stielc'to the., to irtalca Baby's new rompers. , But bones for which are boiled the day staples. • (Mary Ellen would get her feet wet if before. The stock is then strained, "Paper plates, cups,, forks and she did not wear .them, and the rub - the meat' cut from thebones and run spconstare ,inexpensive and make the bees were loo tight fol her to manage through a foodchopper:and added to serving easier. Thesespaper utensils alone. So the sewing was laid aside. the stock. The next reorning';thevege- are gathered up and burned with the ' Half an hour later loud words and Dr. F. Routley' tables are 'cooked in the broth. The rest of the ,debris when the sale is weeping earns from the front yard-- - p g over and the crowd has disappeared. ` and voices raised; ie childish anger. -"Ninetyper cent. of farm -sale days Mary E11en and her best 'little boy turn out to be unsettled. -or freezingplaymate were having a quarrel over colds :so we try to pick out a sheltered whose turn it was to ride in, the wa- cbrner In which to serve. Even then gon. many times the wind willwhip around: "Come op into the hoose," Mother and upset our plans, It is not an called, as the easiest way 6f settling easy way to earn money, but we. al- the disturbance. So Mary' Ellen, against herwill, had her rubbers 're- moved and was turned Tease in the living -meth tos,playwith Baby and her toys. Soon aaalisleate wrote as to who should build the blockhouse and Mary Ellen being still peevish knocked Baby's house`aaver as soon ,as two • blocks 'were placed oIS above the other. ' "You're is naughty girl," Mother said, as she rose and picked up Baby ard made Mary Ellen sit on a chair in the cornsr,.ivh re else wept protest- ingly. If Mothers daytvas being up- set, so was the world looking very, dark to 'her little daughter. Mary Ellen didn't like her lunch and was not careful about the crumbs get- ting on the floor. Again Maher 'vas • annoyed„ "Just because T want to sew, you're being a naughty girl," she said as she ran the carpet sweeper deer the floor and sent 'Mary Ellen to the kitchen to wash her sticky. hands. With the perversity oT every agar move that diiy, the little :girl knocked some tin .pans off the; sink and woke up the baby who had just been .tucked away in the down -stairs bedroom. But this latest incident also woke up Mother to the teas situation, . Sud denly, because she was at heart an understanding mother, she stopped. her work, sat down in the easiest chair in the house, closed her eyes to sights and forgot sounds as far'as' possible while she searched her mind for a solution of the problem. Was this day -going to mean a com- pleted pair of romrers and a disagree- able, unhappy family, or shoald she rise' above circumstances and make "mothering" supreme? 'She remem- bered that Mary Ellen had been, up unusually late the night before, and her thoughtful judgment told her that without a doubt this was why sbe had been nervous and upset as -to ap- petite and quarrelsome with her play- mates. Ten minutes later the unfinished rrompers were folded up and put .away under• the closed cover. of the sewing, machine. Baby was quietly : oothe I' back to sleep with a drink of crater, ;.• and then Mary Ellen and Mother played "tiptoe" and "secrets"'wlti?li meant that they walked . softly and whispered according to the ru'es of the' game which they played when Baby was asleep and Mettler wasn't too busy to pay attention: • With the, promise of a nice lone story afterwards, Mary Ellen had a tepid bath,; fresh clothing and a glass of orange juice, and then they two cuddled in the big`hair and "just rested."" There was'no one trying any longer to do 'something that she couldn't do, but there was the rare jcy and peace of feeling near to each e other." When the story was r.oftly finished Mary Ellen sighedhappily as she put - "LOVING IS THE BEST THING OF 'ALL" Hopper of the Field Husbandry Di- vision of. the Dominion Experimental Farms) suggest, it is apparent that there can be no let up in the war about keeping their napkins separate, against weeds; especially' if the land for at the ended each meal each nap - has once become infected, and that kin is folded neatly and drawn into prevention of their getting a start ii-Sa ring which has the owner's picture pre-emeniently the most importanaele ideeti`fsiit:,, method of weed control. Neglect foe These':rfaplcin rings are easy and one year may result in a plague of fun to make. Cut a flexible cardboard weeds for a life -time and longer. foundation, G inches long and 1% inches wide _ Form a ring by bring - Leek Your Hens Over. ing the ends of the cardboard founda- in The goes- tion.• together. To prevent a ridge When is a hen la y g' where the ends join, do not lap, but making of bread to which it imparts; asked, "Can you tell ground meat.' ways feel well repaid for the 'effort. How Honey May Be Used. Honey sweetens life in many ways, This is apparent' when we sae..the various uses to which it is put: For merly it was used mainly as a spread; on bread, but to -day there are a 'great number of other was of usin it to Y g. vary one's menu. Though the best, way to serve honey is in its natural or raw form in desserts, as a sweeten -I er, it is used to a large extent in cook -1 ery both in the baking of cakes and whether or not a hen is laying?" This glue the ends .down to a small eat of is very easy and requires but a few cardboard laid just inside the ring observations. When a hen commences tubers the two ends meet. laying the conditions set upin the re- You must next choose motorial for g covering the ring. Mary , chimesomeing of candies, both as a centre whichl productive organs are very similar to nett flowered ,teed chintz She is chocolate coated and ascan ingredi the properly cf keeping fresh for a long time—this is a point which all' good 'housekeepers should. note. Resides this it is used in the mak- conditions in' any pregnant animal. found it in the scrap bag and its Preps anion is Heade for laying, much colors were soft blue, 'green, and as for parturition in a cow. rose. Bob preferred a striped design When the ovary is dormant and to and he, too, found what' he liked eggs are icing produced the distance among theanids -and ends. It w between the pelvic bones is very small, ue mu res wr s mt town rues So very little is needed that there is what is called "Ileacs -nut Butter." a de- • eat in many other kinds of sweets, for I which recipes are to he found in all goad cook beaks. 1 A very - ,appetizing new spread is now manufactured by incorporating b1 d ih 1' b 1' honey. svith peanut butter to snake' The vent is dry,; small, puckered,and in yellow, fleshed chickens has d never any difficulty in finding what Apart 'from entering directly into ceded bend of yellow pr meat eroun is wanted right at home. table use, it is used to mala most eco , the lurid^ Whin laying commences the pelvic banes become liable arid', Line the inside of the ring with a spread apart. The distance may in - matches material, selecting a color that crease from one to three fingers in a, matches erne of the colors of the out- side- covering. Cut this lining Gu i short tints. The vent becomes large' inches -long and 2 inches wide: and hue and after two or three eggs'back of it arts of hone water and alcohol hive been laid the ring of yellow pig-� is6pitth lueelet the gluovpartialiyery i dry ngly make a mixture that has proved very" ment has disappeared and the vent is then smooth the lining to the inside of satisfactory to some who have taken. bleached.__r^�•�� the ring, having an even margin on the proper precautions t0 see that ,all s �u Our each aide. Bring' these margins up 'Baskets and connections are tight ,'00 �Tourlst Y Freshand over on to the outside and smooth that no leakage: enn occur, for places, Garden Stuff. thein down. The ends will slightly where water cannot pass through • lap. honey mixture will- �. cellent vinegar, said by many to be equal to the best produced. The motorist too may sweetenlas, temper by the use of it as an anti -1 freeze. It has been found that equal Last summer we sold all our fresh We can realize the value ----- garden stuff to the tourist camp 10- You are now, ready for the photo- ' of honey as', e Use a Hen as a Live cated near our farm. Two evenings graph,and the outside oovering. Glue a natural food when we See some of Wa week we loaded the carr with nicely the picture, an unmounted snapshot, the large breakfast food manufactur-' Brooder. sorted and cleaned bunches of 'Age- on to the ring and trineoff the edges,: ers now advocating en all packages of A few years ago we started using a • tables and called on the campers. We if the picture is wider than the ring. j cereals put out by them the use of it hen in connection with our broader sold young red beets, carrots, green Cut the covering material. 6% inches' as a sweetener: stove and liked the arrangment so well onions and radishes for five cents a long and exactly 1'4 inches wide: Cut that we now use one for every brood.] small bunch. Corn, cabbage and Cu- neatly and sharply so there will; be no cumbers also found a ready sale. frayed ends or edges. Measure and There was a demand, too, for some cut an oval or square out of the. canned things. For instance, a few centre just large enough toframe the run a sharp knife around Inside the jars of freshly ground and prepared face of the snapshot. Spread the back peel to separate the pulp from the horseradish always went well, Every- with, glue, centre the opening care- skin; a grapefruit knife is a great thing was sold in small anrou its- fully over the picture 'and working convenience for this. Run the knife small bunches of vegetables; pint jars both ways, away from the picture, from the centre of the fruit out,to Grapefruit Cocktail. Cut 2 grapefruits into halves and n s 10 ere i , earl in the morning, while as much and put the chicks out the second day of fruit; tiny glasses of jam. Tourists smooth it on to the ring. Watch the the peel an each side of ¢ash of the y g drvidin sections. Now lift out the as will be eaten up clean is fed at , with the hen right with them. The. don't want extra food to pack. Pager edges and keep thee), straight,' 170 g night before the birdsgo to roost,' hen will saver same of the chicks, butt sacks holding two pounds of new Far not try to fold in any raw edges; they core, and most of the tough portion lar,. An inverted plait at each side g inside the peel will coins with it. ^ To l Sprouted oats are fed either in one they will soon find out that all cannot tatoes sold best. will not fray after they have beenpe of the skirt gives added width, and' ae feed at noon or in two lighter feeds keep warm there and will seek the Each trip netted us around $3. glued down, the pulp of the grapefruit, add 1 ban- belt, and patch pocket' complete this under the hover' Prices were gauged by those at the The picture may he omitted entirely ani, sliced, the pulp from .2 oranges •trim little dress. No. f3G8 is in sizes at ten thirty in the 'morning, after- an warmer atmosphere. i t about two thin in the and apnea out from the hen to the local stores. We didn't 'make enough if preferred or you may like to use and 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar. After G 8 10 '12 and 14 S' 8 again a yP 66 tipp��,}E7� . N ��6l�xiBl,fs' Y,. Pei ;i4- 1 A SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL GIRLS' DRESS. If you are thinking of making a new littlefrock for your young daugh- ter., you will find this smart design very simple 'to fashion. The' dress has the popular' kimono shoulders, and long sleeves gathei'ed to narrow wrist- bands:' The: neck has a front opening and is finished' with a neat round col- a the haulm the. snapshot of a pet instead of our putting the desited amounts into tall ' ' ' years. Size year8 g p y requires 2%yards 36 -inch, or flit. glass dishes, add a tortioeanfel .of -yards 54 -inch• material. 20 cents, grape nice to each portion, Serve Our. new Fashion Book contains very cold. many styles showing hew to dreas boys and girls. Simplicity is the rule for The Golden Rule is all there is to well-dressed children. Clothes of char - good manners. atter and individuality are hard to buy,, but easy to make, with our pat- terns. A small amount of money spent on good materials, cut on simple lines, will give children the privilege of wearing adorable things. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. IIOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain. ly, giving number and :size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number. and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Tororto. Patterns sent by return mail noon. As much as will be eaten up stove. to pay for a truck t clean is given. The cats are fed with: After the chicks are a week old the but we did think it well worth' the sprouts about one inch in length. hen is tied with a string about three two trips a week in the car, Our gar- When available in the fall, cabbage, feet long to keep' her from scratching den wasn't large enough to supply the ,,In some persons the arteries have rape or Chinese lettuce are fed in the feed and is put to bed in a small demand, .t.:o this year we are going to begun to harden at the an of forty, addition to the oats. We endeavor to pen about 3x3 feet. At night the plant more vegetables and in greater while with' others this process does have the birds sat as much green feed trnallest chicks are put under the hen, variety.—Mrs, F. B. not begin until fifty-five. own picture. as possible. as these are usually the ones the a. Oyster shell is supplied in hoppers larger chicks tramp and crowd away at all times. ` Once each week the from the stove. Many small -sized drinking dishes are scrubbed out and chicks are saved from being smothered the birds given Epsom salts in the in this way. drinking water at the rate of one' Now comes the time for the chicks pound of salts to 'one hundred birds. to be turned out in tfe pen and et' At all other times milk in the drink- this time the hen proves her useful.- ing material used. It is good practice nese. Shs will call the chicles out in to have both water and buttermilk the morning and back again et night.l continually before the birds. Anyone who has tried to get a bunch 1111 A. dry mash is constantly before the of brooder chicks in quick in case ofl birds in hoppers. We aim to have sudden rain will appreciate the help them eat as much of their grain in a hen gives at this time. -F. W. the form of mash as possible. The a formula we are using is as follows: i I Spread Tree Diseases. .750 lbs. ,corn chop, 500 lbs. oat chop, ! I spread lilight through our young THE CANADIAN I-k)MEMAKE.R el series c" we% • artictrs covering PLANNING BUILDING . FINANCING DECORATING . FURNISHING . GARDENING' copyry4't lats. aralaaa-aflasea are 11i ITER OPERATIONS IN THE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR GARDEN 300 lbs, bear, 500 lbs, shorts, 500 lbs, orchard in 1023 by using dirty Arun -1 By Ileni•y J. Moore.low grade flour, 6 per cent, high grade ing teals. It Coat ma $8,50 to correct: January. leaf soil and •sand. Iu the mixture leaf 7. The propagation of warm green• tankage, the .damage, and two ,trees were de- ' ,i 1• A planting of lettuce and asow- sell should slightly predominate. house plants such aa, Creams, Dm. For Leghorns the percentage ofstrayed entirely. The .foll owing year danger, ing of radishes may noiv be made in- 4• Tomatoes should now be planted caenai and Rubber' plants should now tanLangekage le at times increased to eleven I found: a way to eliminate the . Per cent. of the mixture. The low; A sehall quantity of corrosive sub -I doorsto supply the early market or omitted if difficult ib u ht for a few cents' I for domestic use. The former should grade flour may be ern d ]emote was c g o to secure. For the past five years we and this was stirred into hot water at be readyin about ten weeks and the have .1 -seen able to secure fresh hog the rate of one part sublimate to one latter in six. The latter as a winter livers at' a fairly reasonable price, and thousand parts water. The mixture greenhouse crop is especially profit - have fed the White Leghorns at the ' was poured into a wooden buck and I able and Is easy to produce. rate of three to four whole livers per taken to tete orchard. When a tree: 2, It may be necessary to top dress hundred birds twice per week. These' was prouncd all tooIs' were imrttersed Lilies which are being forced for win are fed raw, 'stuck on nails on the in the solution before passing on to' ter flowering. It may also be noes=. sides of the pens and• the birds allowed the next. Saws and hooks were coated, sary'to repot such as L. Auratiim into to tear then up. The heavy' breeds are . with the solution by using a paint, the ones in which they will flower, fed very little, if any, liver, At times brush. It took only a few minutes:Whether grown in the hone or green - when the birds begin to slacken in each time tp do the job, and a bucket Douse .Lilles should not he subjected production a very small amount of of the mixture was sefflclent to go to an :excessively high temperature. moist mash of the same formula as over every tree in the entire archard.100 deg.. to 70 deg. Is high enough, -• that fed' dry is fed at noon, to increase the amount of stash consumed. A poor' farmer can't get -along with good hired men, and a good farmer can't1 carr hired men. getalong p The good hired than has a job on a good farmer's farm. We worked among both healthy and 3. For flowering in the 'home or diseased tress and 'hare was o to -i greenhouse bulbous 'plants o a sum- 11curronce of the trouble. We have since mer flowering nature such as Achi• used the method anong trees infected manes and Tuberous Begonias may for with canker, blister rot and, wilt, and t earl flowering be patted and started Y into, ,growth. The Achimen'es do. well it is surprising • to find how much dam gr age can be prevented by taking this. is a soli composedof a"mixtnro.of peat simple precaution—P.-R. G. land sand and tho Begonias la loam, on thegreenhouse bed about two feet apart.. A good way lo support the plants is to arrange wires ,,or cord vertically, tying these to horizontal wires, ono near the roof and one near the bed• Stakes may of course be. used. v.' One of the best-things'yop may them in -flower during autumn should now do is to prepare a plan upon ' -sow the seed's now. - It will be well which You to indicate thepli poh also •to sow the •scads of the Fibrous of which crops feints stein -planted rooted bedding Begonias so as to have in spring. Based upon this you will late ready fare -planting ant dnuing i11ay. order the seode-ilt.goad:Lime and se 0, An inspection of the vegetable not Suffer disappointlneni at finding roots which are stored• away mayre u 'r the varieties ypequite all sold. veal that certain kinds aro! rotting. 6. Grape vines in greenhouses and Carefully sort over the Carrots, Beets., aleo era:talental , `cl'imbing:' isaants- Potatoes and others of value. should now be pruned. , In all cases' 10. Should opportunity occur,, sgrt where ilornrant, l hesaanglr outer hark: the Patetoesand set aside those in- ofshe grape vines •Should,b& removed' tended as "Sea'd." . alse sort the radii a h Onions, '1 i sc end ton tlie' shed 0 ns Alpe pick - ba d 1 to Y 1 g 3 be used, I. { _ } s d, for picl.- be thoroughly . scrubbed,' soap and ling, .the larger.:- for any of their tem water heiaig used. -sea', meg uses. • be undertaken. A warm propagating case will bo necessary to facilitate quick rooting, Theywill root in a finely screened mixture of peat and sand or directly .in a bed of sand. 8, Those - who desire to raise tuber. ori Begonias from seed so as to have • her arms around her mother's neck ,and murmured, "Laving is the best thing of all." , And as Mary Ellen's mother foss and left, a contented. little daughter at play with the favorite doll, ihere was within her soul the thrill that comes only through supreme love and the jay of ,'true deyoticn to nictherhood's duties. - • • Kitchen Discoveries, Cheese rinds, carefully sciapea, can be used to flavor soup. The sugar from candied peel will ,sweeten and flavor a rice pudding,_ The coarser and more grisly meat is, the more slowly should it be cooked. If a fruit cake mixture iie not put into a really hot oven at first, the fruit will sink to the bottom of the tin. The succebs of a brown stew much depends on the meat being quickly fried before the liquid is added. If a cauliflower lee boiled in as little water as possible .and no soda used, the liquid can be used as the founda- tion of a soup. In cooking by .gas, a •compartment steamer which will cook three"or four - different food's on one burner is a most useful 'utensil. Onl one Train. Steaming,, stewing, and bicaisieg y are the most economical methods of ' Wile—"How can this single --track cooking,bath in the use of fuel and' in: i'ailmoad say they simply couldn't have the retention of nourishment.' a 'collision? Do you believe' it? Friedarsley is a popular -garnish Hubby—"Yes, ;they have oaLy one for ally fried dishes, such :as: fish, train, rissoles, croquettes, ate. The fat in which it is done should never be hot enough. to make it. brown and' shrivel- Che farm., who saws hia wood' in • t should see and -res.. led i s o d be n Mayor •puts battens on ]tis barn in ' � P April:will never make 'A Good I:iv- Ev r • of a .cold sok•` shekel ing and 10 Per Cent,".e ea -shiver' 'a cent' of the milk cheque.