The Seaforth News, 1926-09-30, Page 4•• aa....,1144.1.4....stasnotssr,sn •
. • • .'
• • ALTON 7, TarrtrInfi),.Elleen Mc.tLatighlin., Walter
Ms:,.andMes..',Oecit-!'01ce and !Miss §.11Ortreed,)Prval HolpieS Purookin,
eatisin.s; yaris, Alvin
Mieteefl 'IsOliise' land' -Elizabeth- . JameS' • Aldit'SOn, ',Duncan
onot.ored to -,Oranga'aille ttti,o.e, Catel
-effeyi.'"a0nt .p0SkkinkEr*eek"2- i,e4t,filkl140-1,140,:!ffitrttibtfil: ..)W -i1110"
end- at,the -hente' theilt- erntairi, RHef'.
B.' Kahle, . •:. , WiliVe
'The SehoOl. Fair at Walton. ,v,rws
'qualit0:.1:1:COSS la'st.,., The 'IPT.:.;; ,Car•rol's, 'gv-
••;.,• t • different schcal,s: in different,)cos), erAtt Perdnd,:!Heleb-8inalidon, Jack
' five
tunie,s Made a -niee.Parade and'theke "Yi8Gi`rthi Lorne McNichol, ,Margaret
•• • 'Murray Pumpkin, Bobbie Kirlcby,
syere many fine, anteresting e?t 1. is.
A,large .,concert was, given at night,.
• - the ;proceeds amounting to •SI50
The teaehetsfroni this district Will
,.•go to the East Huron teachers con-
' ' Vexation which will be held in Clinton_
•'''' Mr. and Mrs. John ,13ennett, of
; Alma, called on 'frinds in !Walton. on
•, Sunday. They were 00 the way to
V• isit Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bennett
n• ear 1361s:sets, and were accompanied
by Foster. ,
and' Mrs. R G.
: Parke and 'Dorothy, of Seaforth
eaI on friends and attended Walton
school fair on :Monday.
Miss -Winnie Drager, who has been
visting friends in !London, has return-
ed to her home in the 'village.
Miss -Margaret Hoy, of Benaniller,
spent Sunday with •her cousin:, Laura
Mate t• Stewart 1-lumphries, who
bas been on the sick list, is improv-
Mr, R. Coats IS having an auction
sale 1111 Oct. Mb. Mr. and Mrs.
Counts will move in with their son
James, for the winter. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Strong, Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey Moore, and Mr. and
Mrs. Forsythe were week -end visitors
al the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
A large number 'from this distriet
Were in to the Fair in Seaforth,
Mrs, Alex. •Gardiner returned from
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Graham, of Acton.
t!Mr. Neal made a short -trip by
motor to Toroth() and back last'
Mrs. Tom Archibald is much im-
proved in health after her recent 111-
Miss Sadie "romlinsoa returned
from lamdon where she visited her
Mrs. Neal latiSs." returned hone inon
A sad death occurred at Moncrief
on Monday morning in that of Greta
Spieran, second daughter of Mr.
Luke Spieran, in her eighteenth year.
She had been sick since the spring.
Mr. E. Radford is moving into hits
nt•w house !war the 111111.
Rev. • Mr. Abrey, of Londesboro,
rook the services in Duff's Church,
while 'Rev. W. J. !Alaines took the
anniversary services • held in Londes-
The Harvest Thanksgiving service
in tMoncrief will be held at 2.30 and
7,30, The following Tuesday a fowl
supper will be held, after which a
high class progiam will be ,given.
.A number from here attended 'Mar-
guerite Wilton's wedding in Brus.sels.
Miss 'Margaret Pride was visiting
Mrs. Gco. Clark this week.
•Ilias Jane pandas had the mis-
fortune to fall off the talk in front
of Jack Watson's, hurting her back
severely. Slue is at present laid up as
a restult of it.
Mr. Richard Drager went to Pres -
T011 011 Tuesday.
Mr. L. Cummings is having a few
changes made in his house,
Joe Carter has rented Harvey
Hoover's farm for three years.
Roht. Davidson, who was vis-
• iting Mr. jlm Smillie. left on• 1Vri-
nesday for Toronto.
Mr. and '10rs, John Crozier, Wal-
ton, Ont., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Nellie Rae, to Mr,
Ro•bert J. Currie, Son of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Currie, of Wingham,
the marriage to take place early in
\Vheat, Willie 7\ fePhersom 1 hwa 1
lltdmes, Oats, George Tay•or, Barley.
Wallace Shannon 'Wheat sheaf, liar -
orb( Tlolger. Jack Turnhull.Oats sheaf,
George Taylor. Barley sheaf, Wal-
lace Shannon. Garden corn, Willie
1\fcltherson, Laura Hoy. Fall wheat.
Bill Turnbull, Dorothy Somerville,
3m 3JcCall, Duncan 'McNichol, Hel-
en Jackson. Rosa Driscoll, Fall 11 !teat
sheaf, Dill Turnbull, George Taylor.
orval Holmes. Barley, Cora 'Ala
thers, Ruth Manning, Stuart Bryans,
jini. MrCall, Jack 'Turnbull, liuugh
Altrie, Barley sheaf, jock Turnbull.
Oats. NN'illie Mc Pherson, Billie Turn-
bull. Oats sheaf. Bill Turnbull. Or-
val TIolmes. Peas, Willie 1\ fclther-
son. :Jimmie McCall. Cora Nfathers,
Ray Carter, Helen Jackson, \\*alter
I. C. •Potatoes, \Vatter Bentley.
Muriel D'undo,t, Frank Dundas. NCII-
neth Thornton. Alvin Farquharson,
Orval T-Tolmes. 13, NI. Potatoes,
Blairmore Shaw, Isabel Alcock, Cora
tAfathers, 'Bobby Holden, Duncan
McNichol, jack ••McGavin. D. Pota-
toes, jack•:',11cChaviii, .Elda lePherson,
Tsabel Farquharson, Carl Hoy. Frank
Robinson Hamilton. Man -
golds, Willie Farquharson. Cora Ma-
thers, Willie McPherson, Stuart Bry-
jim Turnbull, \Vilfred Short -
reed. Turnips, Ethel Shaw. Beets.
jean 1,furra3.. Laura lloy, Dorothy
Drager, 'Fergus Sinaildon. Carl T-con-
hardt, Cora "gathers. Carrots, Charlie
Munn, Duncan •MeNichol, NVillie Mcs
Pherson, •Bobby FTolden, Ross Mc-
Nichol, Jim McCall, Parsnips. 1\fary
Minn, Willie :'Nferherson, Cora
Mothers. Onions, T-Telen Somerville,
Chaotic IMUnn, 'Afar). Munn, Agnes
Dunclas, Cora Mothers, AVillie
Pheraon. Collection of vegetables,
Evelyn 'McPherson, Stuart Bryans,
Charlie Alarm, Geo, Taylor, Harold
Bolger, Ivan Shannon. Swede turn-
ips, jack McGavin. Illairmhre Shaw,
Boyd Driscoll, George Taylor, Wal-
ter Somerville, Stuart. Ilryans. Nfan-
gollds. Jack MeGavin. Geo. 'Taylor.
Charlie N.Tainn, Blab -More Shaw. Cab-
bage, George Taylor, Ross McNichol,
Mary Munn, Cora 13Jathers, Charlie
McDonald, :fames, Alderson. Cauli•
flower, Helen Sma•Ildon; Gen. 'raylor.
To.matoes, Geo. Taylor, Jack. Mc -
Gavin, Ethel Shsw, Citrotis, Willie
lvicf'herscin, 'Fergus Smalldon, jack'
Mil Turnbull, Gordon Shortreed,
'Lorne McNichol. Sunflower head,
Willie Farquharson, Itsforfna SteiSS.
Beets, Gordon Shortreed, Jack.
Gai'iuu,.jack 'Sinaltdon, jack Murray,
Mary; Bnchanam, Helen Farquharson,
Flowers, -- Asters; !Norma Steiss,
Berne Steiss, Jane Dundas, Harold
B.olger. Sweet peas, Mary ,Buchanan.
Lena 'Wager, Viola Carter, Harold
Bdiger, 'Jack Turnbull. Zinnia, Earl
Hoy, Walter 'Bewley. Cosino.s, Nor-
ma Steiss. African :matigold's, Loans.
Hoy, Wallace Shannon, Jean ;Murray,
Jim 'Turnbull. Pinks, Lloyd Alcock.
Calendula, Ethel Shaw, BoydDris-
coll,. !Farquharson, Gordon
Ryan. !Salpeglosis, ,'Istebel Farquhar-
son. firendh marigold, Stewart 'Bry-
a•ns, Dorothy Drager. Coreopsis,
,Helen Farquharson. Nasturtiums,
Norma tSteiss, Vcra •DtillftaS, Boyd
Driscoll, Arthur Bewley,Robinson
Hamilton,' Pansies 'Mary Buchanan,
Allan McCall, Mary Humphries,
Boyd Driscoll, Irene Leonhardt, Robs'
inson Hamilton. Poppies, Boyd
Driscoll, Pansies, Blairtnore Shaw,
Isabel Farquharson, Harold Bolger,
Gordon Shortreed, Ross Driscoll, !Jim
Turnbull. , Gladioli, Jim 'Turnbull,
Jane Dunclas, Earl 'Hoy, Cora Math-
ers, Irene Leonhardt, Norma Steiss.
Asters, Gordon Shortreed, A111111 En-
nis, Ethel, -Shaw, Boyd Driscoll,
Chas. McDonald, Della Thornton.
Asters (bouquet) Ethel Shaw, Mary
Humphrey, Melvin Shannon, Ohas.
McDonald, Margaret Murray, Anna
Ennis. Dahlias, Gordon Ryan, Ev-
erett Perdue, Berva Steiss, Gordon
Shoetree& Della Thornton, Ivan
Shan non. Mixed bouquet, Lena
•Drager, -jiin 'Turnbull, Chas. McDon
ald, Earl Hoy, Isabel iMachan, Ken
red\ Thornton, Snapdragon, Everet
Perdue, Grace Perdue, Chas. Mc-
Donald. Jim Turnboll, no name. Zin
Inas, Everett Perdue, 'Grace Perdue
Chas. !McDonald, !Gordon Shortreed
COSMOS. Gordon Shoetree& Chas
cDonald, Cora Ma thers, Phlox
Laura Hoy, Everett Perdue.
Poultry.—Cockerel, Robinson Ha
milton, Stuart •Bryans, Alvin Mc
Donald, Jack Turnbull, ,'Lewis Mc
Donald, J. Anderson. Pullet, Stuar
Oryans, jack Turnbull, Robinson Ha
milton, Jas. Anderson, Lewis Mc
Donald. Pen of three,.)1vin Mc
Donald, Jacic Tturnbull. Stuart Bry
ans. 'Rdbinson Hamilton, Jas. Ander
son. Barred 'Rocks, Eileen McLaugh
lin, Gen. Taylor, Harold Bolger, Jin
Turnbull, Bill Turnbull, Jack Turn
\Vhite ;Plymouth Rocks, Geo
Taylor. Leghorns, Ruth Manning
I lerva Steiss, Alvin !Earqbarson, Jas
Andersott, Vera Dundas, Geo, Taylor
Wyandotte. Lewis :McDonald. Ban
tams, Bill Turnbull, 3101 Turnbull
Ray Carter, Mary Munn, Jas. Ander
1111. Jack Turnbull.
Livestock.—Light spring colt; Wal
ter Pease. •Heavy spring colt, Ton
Kirkby. Frank •Dundas. Calf born af
ter Jan, 1, '1926, Jacic Turnbull, Wil
Turnbull, Harold Bolger. 'Baby beef
.1 1111 Turnbull: Bacon hogs, Cot.)
Mathers, Jacic Turnbull. Spring lamb
Kenneth Murray, Ross Driscoll.
Fruit. —Apples, Bill Turnbu.II. Dun
can •MeNichol. Ross ...McNichol, Wal
tor Shoetree& Chas, Alunn, Geo. Tay
tor. Spies, Duncan .McNichol, Ras
McNichol, Ross Driscoll, Willie Mc
Pherson, W Shortreed, T.., McNichol
Snapdragon, Carl Leonhardt, Darl
Cake. Dorothy Driscoll, Dorothy
Somerville, •Evelyn Mc Pherson, Cora
Mather'.. Light cake, Ethel Shaw
Dorothy Driscoll, •Th den Somerville
Elda c Pherson. Pumpkin pie, Eith
Nrerher," Apple pie, Dorothy
I iriscoll, Laura Hoy, Evelyn Mc
Ilherson. ,Nlaffins, Dorothy •Somer
Jctn 'Murray, Ruth Manning
Biscuits, Ruth Manning. Elda
Illivrson. Bread, Cora Mathers
Buns, Cora Mather Elda, 011.1100. Eida McPherson
NI 8 pie eream, Charlie McDonald
Cora Ma thCrS, .‘gnes Dundas, Delia
Thornton. Tea towel, filadys.'Small-
on, Evelyn .fePherson, Jean Dun -
as, Hanel McPherson. Fancy hanub-
kt Dorothy Driscoll, Della
Thot•Itton, Ella McPherson, Evelyn
311 Phersot 1. Quilt Block, Dorothy
Dt•iscoil. Della Thornton, Dorothy
Drager, Gladys Smaildon. Crochet-
ing, Evelyn McPherson, Laura Man-
ning, Dorothy Driscoll. Tatting, Ella
McPherson, Della Thornton. A111'011,
111 McPherson. Muriel Dundas.
Buffet set. Evelyn McPherson, Ella
McPherson, Dorothy Driscoll, Dor-
othy Drager. Luncheon set, Evelyn
McPherson, Laura 1 -Toy, Ella 1\1.c-
l'herson. School lunch. Laura Hoy,
Elda McPliet.son.
Weeds, Mabel Bewley, Alvin 1\1c -
Donald, 1.1luart Bryans, Arthur Bew-
ley, Jean iMarray, Mae Shortreed.
flowet.s, Geo. Taylor. Leaves of
forest trees. Alvin McDonald.
Woods, Elwood Shortreed, Geo. Tay-
lor, Jas. Murray. Insects, Geo. Tay-
lor, Jim tAfurray, Wallace Shannon,
Weed seeds, Laura Hoy.
Best pet, Eileen 'McLaughlin, ROb-
Houlden, Fergus Smalldon, Mae
Shortreed, Earl Hoy, Robinson Ha-
milton. Best eggs, Mary Munn, Geo.
Taylor, Ruth Manning, Jack Sun -111-
10n. lack Tomball. Pair of Ducks,
Charlie :Munn, Fronk Dandas, Dun-
can McNichol, Harold Bolger, 5.
Cardboard articles, Mabel :Bewley.
Trap nest, 'Wilfred Shot -treed. Towel
holder, Wilfred Shortreed. 'Wire
Blairmbre Shaw, Roy Car-
ter, T-Tugh Altree, Elwood Shortreed,
Alvin Farquharson, Jas, Alderson.
Any article not mentioned, Earl
Hoy, Robinson Hamilton, Jas, Ald-
erson, Wilfred Shortreed, Ross Dris-
coll, Fergus Smalldon, Wilfbed
Writing --"Little Tied Hen," Vera
Dun das, Hazel McPhet.son, idary
Humphries, Acidic. Bell Rath Houle,
Everett to wrie. •1_,Itele Things,"
Helen Jackson, Jcan Badley, Annie
think, Wither Bentit.. Lloyd' Aleock.,
"Water,'„! Kenneth IMurray, Lena
_Trager, Helen To ralinson, 4N gram '
Ste i ss, .Helen Barquilaarson, Mary
Budhanan. •.."1'00ay," . Isabel RarqUi.
meson, lint...McCall,. :Mabel ilvfaohani,
finfklvItinray,,, jean 'Murray; Wallaet,
ShatiWorfr; ,« !The Solitary
Elda MaPlaebson,..Viola Carter, 'Eve-.
yn MclPhenson., May Ennis, Mabel
Bewley,- Dorothy "Your
Favorite'lFairy Story," •Melville Shan-
non, • Helen TorrilinS6a.; ,-Autobio
graphy, Wallace Shannon, 1,sabet
Farquharson, 'Jim 111/cCall, •idabel
Machan, Beacham Alcock. Friendly,
tlettee;,Geo. Taylor, Helen Somerville;
Stuart )Bryans, Dorothy, Driscoll,
ATOltur Bewley, Ethel Shaw. 'Pena
drawing of horse and, water color, 3 -
fruits, Helen IStnaildon. , Map of
Huron County, -Helen Farquharson,
Earl , Hoy, •Gordan Ryan, Melville
Shannon, Helen 'Sinai/don, Helen
Tomlinson. Landscape in -water color
and ,pencil group, lWallace Shannon,
Laura Hoy, Berva 1Stoiss, Edith En-
nis, 'Map of S. ;America, Laura Hoy,
Wallace Shannon, Jim Murray, Wil-
fred Shortreed, Alvin McDonald,
Serval Stelas, !Landscape, ink bottle,
box and ball, 3 fruits, Helen Smiler-
ville, Dorothy Driscoll, Orval
Holmes, iM.ary Ennis,. Fergus !Small-
clon. Map of .N: America,' Mabel
Bewley, Arthur Bewley, Dorothy
Drisc'ollabWillie McPherson, Fergus
Smallcion, Stuart Bryans. Poster an-
nouncing fair, Evelyn McPherson,
ID, Driscoll, E, SlIortreed, 0. Holmes,
-Helen Somerville, li'ergus Smaildon.
tenblic speaking. Eileen McLaugh-
lin, Jas. Alderson, George Taylor,
Alvin McDonald,
THE asicorrrH maws
THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1925
, «
were..,#16k,plea. 6, s ., Iv. . .- 'M ' ll Mr. P -'".j. Kelly and-,Igr., WaSr'aliteg 'ro*-SuirclaY ! last -,'«'at,.:Mt., ..a,o,!eet'e,4:- e35t1:11):-'cli''<:t°:t::::(11:1'. 71t11.°1e- ."
.. , ., .., .
Mr. Wpf,"Jaethtt ltarr;e4-trited'hoith Silent' 'Sunday t' with Altr. 'arid" Mrs. .1410,0ann's, I-Iibbert. . : • • , . co-inc.' ron4;----,teeEf ,..1..tlirtd
,, . , lixT,L-SoRgEN, . .1,L.,......0,0,.8,e . otoren,s, us . 'Kultett,, .0.11 .,Sund•ay.,la,st at gy , .R.11 sl'it0 s • No rat h
fro„m the •till,Legi,1,14.i3111'l14,0••••'1••,i.tre,.4i4%,t,N61,Slon,Niell•lidOrT.,i'' '':. • ' 4';•I' ' ' .1M1.: Peni's„ Barrie, of 'ruCkersrnith. wi.y's 7 a?rn , IRemerver . if uSed at)
Me..i.IRlIsSell TOSif4t.igileTuittatlie. \\cekl'i.1,6:4',.-4'/Ing• 37 .T. 'ge139lk.9tieY . On 'PI 4,4-14975.l's1(1°10e -, e44 , '.. '' ' • ..' ' '
end -with :friends •ih IVIarlette, ,Mich.ti) / s•0119,rth.' attending 0 , 0:,' ..f,041,i ,',O.I.'t. ‘1«.;...'k''''').'•".'',..a...);V%-",;,l0.•-ii',,:sis.,2111,11-:•';;•'•,7` .1 ' ' t.:" -- '', 1,-- ' ,---,- 4
Mr ' 0 r ' ''' ' ' . ."7----- - , , . .:, , , , ''-, ,,, ,, ,-;.,',::' 11 7777.", -' 4,,..,:,,,--c,! TT.
.i.r.t•Ival,:t..,.,1;4,-,Jviz: i:NSrtri+rtgr",4' ..,tC.::1)11,;;;16,e-Sd:,:tc'''li.::.fiit-,!.a:ititkrabtri - ' \ '''' . ' .. "' '. ' ." .' .'' .- ''''llim.""
lin ie' of Mr 'Chas Ste'phensoli' ''-'• 1,qvte 1 for a •couP a o ,Wee 5- • / a v '. '';'''''.
un • :- :in • - ,, „„,4 ,),,,,,, Mu : and Mts. Jas....s.e , , . , , • ' 9 Take .. ... ,.. , ...„, .,
aftMe:A•''Epi‘ifli:Erf°e,,'Y'-'esi.,:liAa,vvseveeltk‘11.Wil"itlu-'--1-"-ac-t- 'Wei..e 'gue.:Itigip.x.., a1.1.8 1V(r''$-" 1:7' 13.:°4:- ' ' ''' '
daughter at Brigden, ., ,' , - ' Friendly .Warn111g'.:'-,,,_
ni:amir:i:69,‘ie.p.,e.,4.,citr...4,,,dieSown days
..s St . -,t l'inIbbi -s ..,:,rt,Isii,lt:si.s.2,1iLdo:e,11.:,6,0ttr,tmin,' :1:116sse:cilliikat :LI., t' e'',t,'` :,' :id ::: ' . . ' - '
rcton, 1. .,, . r. ;Lae ,df ;tilt, e. he..0..1,,,aelltettil;i141,0Yi 7masisg'1°Itlitoc'e II:liOltlii;.7c4i.irialle*teinaleilicele'r is tevaerY'atilidlice.nrItaa:17:1;;;...7.51144i1c-fh.tiplicir.onilvayn'4iearincd
m ci t li '8- arid:bether', Mr. !Him Rich- ,,...
aCia'0.1,:i..liwle:laec'111:11.1,,o.611r?s,Jr`111-.:,,i67,tilalt:ifi'rMdie.AAIrdIsIdistriesnrollsp.paeo'li1114tt. .,E1:1'im:1:10'.gh),h\limnern:t.g.FeL:i i'..:::;.,' foOlkalcilwi ainii.1.4.1.'a :th:petetre-, ' :•1nadthielel healthtc)weglicause they are not Piei4eId-,sWith the Pr013e:
Huron. , . ai,itirosti.. ,E,,Bntoi,rtglati:4 3 .-syjueearisisliaegclo, ,, atilemasdyasu hi1-1
'WINTHROP. • '• Blyth. MiSS,,,Enugh. was secretary ..o
Way. Our prides Tor 'cleaning and steam pressing are lower
Be, ready With your warmer garments. t Wiser ii eTe.,:rSr.
fi,,,,;(11:1'1 oFfer'mglit 43E111-alalrittd,maiglie,..1.101fe(BI. 13,61111.!ei .-511X oCf °Tilgilriv,taYlil''Ce '''rsc,18.;:ciaattiftl_n ''''Squrng•clajany'r-f ' than you often pay fOr.ordinary work elsewhere: - . • •
011 34011d4.Y•.' . • ..0 sehooll teacher. _she was a valued ' - s " \ .
Mrs, W. C. Bennett. rive:. MTS: (ljudge) jack:Son, Of Leh-
, . . / ydney Dungey
mr. amo mrs. .H. Johnston, of member 01 the-W.,A, and of •the choir.
Mr. and Mrs. James' VVainsley;
with ' and l'reQl'en ee'd tWe ssistos
- bridge, Alta., Mrs:. A. E. Bradwim of . COMMERCIAL HOTEL
Blyth, spent SundaY
'PHONE 227 of 210
,spent ,sunday ;with mi.. ansi mr,s. ,G60. pl,i0i, Ont„ Wan., of Grand Val- • •• . • . _ • , • ,.
Ea ton, ley and Arthur of Buffalo, The fun- - , Work called for and delivered.
• Qtlite, a number 'from, here attend- iertil was held on Monda•y from Trtn- . . • . .
Ey Church, Rev. . 'W. H. Ilawkin,s
..;\,fiss Lizzie` Murray has left .for
Windsor where she has secured a po-
sition as teacher.. ...,
The many .friends of Mrs, Thos.
Murray are pleased to learn she is
improVing 'rapidly after her operation
for appendicitis in St. Joseph's hos-
pital, London.
311r. and i'Mrs. Pete Eckart and Mr,
and Mrs. John Murray from .here.
and Mr. and Mrs. Con Eck -art from
,Seaforth met at the home of 131Ir. and
Mrs, G. K. Holland, Dublin on the
ei'e -of the departure of Mrs. J. F.
MelMann to surprise her With an ad-
dress and' substantial •purse, "Dear
sister, Mrs. J. F. McMann.--(nowing
that you are about to leave 'here for
your futurehome in Chicago, we are
sorry to part with your happy and
ever cheery face. To know you is to
love you- and We cannot blame you
for going ,to •meet your husband and
family in your new home, for we
know they are much dearer to you.
than:we arc. -It/is our sincere hope
that yourself and husband and -family
will always have God's choicest •bless-
ing, health, and your children, who
are nicely •fitted for the positions
they have taken, will continue to pros-
per incl be a consolation always to
their .parents. Also we hope Shat
this parting- will not be .permanent,
but that we will .see you. all occasion-
ally: In •COliCillS1011 IVO ask you to ac-
cept this purse as a slight token of
remembrance of your brothers and
sisters you have left in Canada." Mrs,
AfoMann was taken bY surprise alld
said that words could not express her
appreciation -01 their kind thoughts
and good wishes to her and family.
but hoped 'they would all come to
see 1110111 in their new home in Chi-
cago. where there would always be a
uarm welcome for all.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harvej.- left last
week 011 a visit to 'Detroit and other
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice and
i\ les. Da ve tdoggartli motored to
Stratford on Saturday last,.
Burns' Church held their anniver-
sary on Sunday last, Quite a Isom -
her front here went over to hear the
'Rev. 1V. T. Maines, \Walton, Who oc-
cupied the pulpit:
jarnes Rudfit...11 lvas in Clinton
on business on Monday.
Miss Alice Miller, who has been
visiting her uncle and •autit, Mr. and
'Mr& Harvey, returned to her home
in Detroit last Wednesday.
J. C. Adams is giving his house
a coat of shingles which will improve
its appearance much in looks, .also fol
Mr. \V. firillith motored to Beach -
1 ilk' for Sunday.
•311r. Cecil Griffith,Gri(filh 01 \Voodstocic,
spent the week end at his home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little spent
Alonclay in Clinton.
31 fr. and •Mrs. Morris Capell, of St.
Catherine& motored up Saturday to
visit the latter's parents, 311 r. and
:Airs. Tom Little.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Grainger. of Stayner
are visiting 'Mrs. jolin Graing,erin the.
Mr. ("has Adamson is the guest of
his uncle, Robert .M.cCray.
ed the Walton School fair on Mon- •oonduct(ng the seryice. Many flow -
001 and wreaths I estified to the
es -
tent in Willett MISS' 911.,1:711 1
Among the wreaths were those from.
the Sunday school; the ,Conservatiie
Association:Me: MidEwan, of Goder-
felt, And Mr. 'Spotton, of Wingham:
The ,pallbearers were. D. John Per-
due, Messrs..Robert MeKay, Jack
Watson, Albert Taylor ;and Jas.
(Mrs. John •Nivins, of Teeswater, is
visiting :her daughter, Mrs. Win.
Miss Annie :Richmond, is visiting
this week at the home of Mr. John
Mrs. Jos. Miirphy, of Stratford,
spent last week at the 110001 of P. J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T.• McCaughey
'spent Sunday visiting friends at Sea-
Mr, Nand Mrs. J. D. O'Reilly,
Beachwood, attended the funeral of
Miss Alice Ernigh Monday.
Mrs. 'M. H. Kelly spent the •week
end visiting Mr. and Mrs. JOE Feeney
of Dublin.
,Mr. Leo Kelly spent the week -end
visiting. friends at St Augustine.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Healy visited
friends in Stratford over the week-
end.Mr. Fergus Kelly is.attending Nor-
mal ,school at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs: Wan. Mills are anov-
igsire.totown this week Where they will
Theanniversary services of Queen
streerUnited church will be held on
October 3rd.
Mr. John Brigham ad ,Mrs. Bail are
spending a 'few days with friends at
Threshing is the order of the day.
Mr. .W. C. Bennett wears a ,broad
smile these clays. His wift present-
ed him 'With a 'benincing baby 'boy on
Mond.ay at Sealorth hospital., •
Many of the people from around
here ,attended London 'Fair ,although
some days were not very nice.
Threshing is the order of the day
in these parts.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grinlioldby
and daughter Olive, and Mrs. Joseph
Riley, Sr., spent Sunclaya'at the lionre
of Mr_ and,•Mrs. ;Benjamin Riley.
Mr. Joseph Riley 'and Mr. Benj.
Riley erected a new ,cemcnt :bridge on
the side. road. It is good money
spent as the other bridge 10S a
ss. Edith
Riley left Sunday, for
Brussels will visit her sis-
ter, Mrs: Fred •G. Stephenson, and
other friends.
The weather las been unseasonably
cold for many days.
- The school house in M
No. 9, t-
Killop, has been made over and has
a good appearance now.
The pupils of Leadhury school andNo.
No. 9 exhibited a tine display of
fruits, vegetables etc., at the school
fair held at Walton on :Monday of
this week.
Mr. John •Leonhardt has been away
mating wood for farmers • near West
'Monition. He has a good outfit,
George Stewart and C.',Flulcer MO-
zorect up .from Paris last Sunday and
visited their uncles. the 'Munn broth-
ers. ,
The •late frosts have wilted thep
tato tops. Potatoes are a good cro
this year.
Williamson, front near Walton,
completed several jobs of threshing
othe latadbury line last week. He
has a good outfit..
Mr. anM
d rs. .Copeland and Mr.
and Mrs. Alex, Smith and their two
daughters, of 1 ondon, visited at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Day
man over the week -end.
'rhe farmers are •hoping for dr;-
weather to get their beans harveited,
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Daytuan vis-
ite] their brother 'Henry on 'Sunday
Mrs. McNevin and son Gordon, of
London, mill)) are old :time residents
of this vicinity, wore calling on their
n ta ay friends over the week -end.
They intend starting 100 California
next week where they intend making
their flume hom'thm
e. All wish esuc-
cess and a safe journey.
_Last Sunday was observed as rally
day in the "United Church here and
proved a grand .suttess with a good
tern oat of parents .1111d pupils.
R. J. Cooper and sons are busy
with 8 gang of men moving a barn
and building a cement wall under it.
Mr. Cooper is a very busy man but
eau accomplish a great deal with his
strong 'force of help.
The continued wet weabher bard
oll 'the bean crop and a large per-
centage of the crop has been ruined
in these parts. -
Great prepare dons are being made
for anniversary services in the Unit-
ed Church, which will be held the
third Sunday in October.
rs. Wm, Batt of Seafctrth, accom-
panied by .her son Roy, weld visitors
at Edgar a n d Thomas. B tt' s here
over the week end.
.Mrs. John 1A. ()Hnan went. ander
Mr. and MR
rs. obt. McCray spent an operation the past week,' blliis iin-
Sunday in Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery_ Davis
have returned home after spending
the week end at Niagara Falls.
The school . fair field on 'Monday Sunday was Rally. Day at Queen
was .11 huge success in --every way and street IThited Church. The ..attend -
credit is due the officials for their mice was very large. Special services'
enterpt.ise, 1( 05 held throughout the day.
proving again.
Mrs. .31fc-Kibbon of London is"..
ting with her sister, Mrs. Henry 'Lvi•
The Third Annual
P10110(hifig Match.
of Huron two. Ploughman's- Association
Will be held
One-half Mile West of Walton
- on Thursday October 7th
$350.00 in Oast) Prizes
Also fine list of Special Rwards.
Entries received up to October 1st. For further,particulars
and prize lists write or phone
L. C. CA RDIFF, Sec Treas.
Phone 514
On Friday last, as Mrs. August
Duchanne, of Hibbert, was preparing
supper, she accidentally upset the
teapot of hot tea, severely scalding
from her knee to her ankle. Through
the kind assistance .of her aunty -Miss:
Kennedy, and Mrs, Thos. Melady, of
'Seaforth, we hope she will soon be
up and around again,
tMrs. Mary McMillan, Mrs. !Cath-
erine Atkinson, Mr, Louis Atkinson
and little son, of Seaforth, were
guests on Sunday last at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Lafranier
and family, of Stratford. were guests
• '
Save ow
for jour next vacation
ca'n make your holiday dreams' come true next
Suthmer if You begin to save now. - Small amounts
soon become great.
Begin now—and deposit Your savings with the Government
Savings Pffice where your security is the total wealth of
the ProsGince. Withdrawals may be made without notice.
TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bay & Adelaide Stew 549 Danforth Avei Co..
University and Dundee St. OTHER BRANCHES'AT: Aylmer: Brantford,
Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa Owen Soun31, Pembroke, Seaforth, St, Catharines,
St, Mary's, Walkerton, Woodotock, 4
Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, Manager
'Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 0.30 a:in. to 5, 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Now Is the Time
To Have YourFurnace Put in Shape
T'S time for you to insure your winter comfort and the health of your family. No
matter what kind of a furnace yoli have, it cannot give satisfaction unless it es
N first-class condition,
onto 150S.01
It will pay you to have us look it over. A slight change in the installation might
mean a saving of a ton of fuel - - or $16.00.
Don't wait until the cold weather comes and we are
+.„ rushed. Think ahead! iDo it now and avoid disappoint-
ment and inconvenience.
If you need a NEW furnace - - the FINDLAY should be your choice. You get if
double guarantee when you buy from us. We guarantee OUR WORK.0 - and Findlay's
guarantee THE FURNACE.
We do All Kireds:of ,§lieet Metal