The Seaforth News, 1926-09-23, Page 5tR,
of Meat you are buying and see if
it has the color and the appear-
ance of fresh,`tender, juicy, whole -
smite beef. Don't buy it if it is
string, dry, dark, full of tendons.
You get quality cuts here. It is
better to pay us a few cents a
pound more and get meat you can
tat enjoyably.
Phone 58 Seaforth
Your Botcher.
Rings etc.
• Emblems
At money -saving
Eepart wttehrepairiug
Service Satisfaction
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Opposite W. A. Crich's.
Red. & White
Our Prices for week starting.
September 24.
Something for n9thang all week.
Does not cost) much to live any
5 Bars Somme Naptha,Soap 25c
(and 1 box soap flakes free)
3 pkgs. Shiriff's Jelly Powder 25c
(and 1 plated spoon free)
1 Bottle Shiriff's Pure Vanilla or
Lemon 35c
(and I Conununity spoon free
1 Bag Five Roses Flour . 4.75
(and 1 Fountain Pen free)
Free rotes for all, with each cash pur-
chase or ensh paid ou account you
get free votes on a beautiful Shet-
land Pony. Ask for them.
ROSS J. Sproat Phone 8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
If its groceries we have them.
W, J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. j. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers - Furnished.
Night or day phone' 67.
rreetNINIMIIo► .ewe..
Having taken over the agency of,the
late James Cowan for the
Farmers' Fertiliser Co., Wingham,
I will be pleased to fill all orders of
both old and new customers and give
any informatlgn within my knowledge
Box 282, Seaforth.
Ph -..e 44W.
Also Agricultural Lime
The purchasing of Cream according to grade became.
law on May 1st.
Your cream graded here by experts under Government
supervision and we guarantee you the best of service.
All our -grading is checked by the Department of
Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream.
Send or deliver your create at least twice a week and as
direct as possible.
All .cream graded as soon as we receive it.
Creamery Open Saturday Nights, q
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
Meals and Quick Lunches at all hours Prompt Service
Sodas, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc.
DA H McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Diseases of all all kinds success
frilly treated:
Electricity used
At all prices to 'Meet your needs
Per lb.. ......
wf rlllu1
The George' Hill Blacksmith
Shop, repair` and woodwork
shop and dwelling house .in Eg-
mondville. One of ,the best
stands in the district. Electric.
light, motor power, complete
equiptitent, Stock of general
'supplies on hand. Will be sold
at a reasonable price. Owner
forced to retire on account of
! tnediate posses-
sion. Also barn 30x20 with ad-
dition 15x30, timber frame, and'
a, quantity of dumber, oak, bass-
wood, etc„ plank, scantling, etc:
Also a 40 gal. tank with 'tap,
Inspection invited. Phone or
call for appointtnettt.
Seaforth Phone 152
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c.
- T�wn To cy
10.E .._....10.n..�..� . M•a•.ee=•=ea�, rii.....e.M1PUOIF:0
Miss 'Bessie ttyiactnurchy, of Tor-
onto and 'Rev. F. C. Vesey,'of Korea,
were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. F.
H. Larkin at the manse,
Mr. and 'Mrs,'Davis of Tilsonburg,
were visitors at the thotne of Miss
Miss 'Etoi'le Sharpe is attending
Clinton.busittess college.
Mrs, James IMcTntosh has returned
from spending several weeks with
her son in Sarnia.
Ntr. Russel"kiays, of 'Detroit, is viV
iting at ;!his home here.
tIvlrs. Robert Stewart of Hensall is
Lidevisiting• her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
W. G. Willis has returned
from visiting friends ,in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs, W. McLean, heti
Cuy lMcLean, Misses (Mary. and
Hattie McLean, of 'Toronto, were
visitors at the hone of Mrs. G.
'Mrs. J. H, .Best and little daughter
Barbara, are visiting Mrs. Best's
parents in Toronto.
Miss Ellie Archibald, of Toronto, is
visiting her parents, "Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Archibald.
Dir. George Turnlbut,l is on the sick
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Heron are
.spending a few clays in Toronto,
Mr;I Leslie Kerr leaves this week
dor Kingston to attend Queen's Uni-
Air: and Mrs. William Hudson, of
Stratford, were visiting her parents,
iYtt and ,Mrs. James Hudson,
'Airs. W. Glenney, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Best,
has returned to her home in Hunts-
ville. -
Mr. Robert McKinley and Mr.
Redmond were in •Hensall calling on
Mrs. Clark, of Varna, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. R. S. Evans,
James street.
Mr. R. IB. Holmes and •-lir. K.
Bennett were in Detroit this week.
Mr. Ronald .McKay deft this week
for his school at Bestel, New ;Oat-
tario. Mr. McKay is. teaching in a
school at the Castle Trethewey Silver
The, young ladies of St. Janes'
church intend .holding a social even-
ing an the parish hall on Tuesday,
Sept. 28th.
:Flower and Rally Day service .in
the Seaforth Presbyterian Church
next Sunday morning. Evening sub-
ject, The Message of the Florida
/Mrs. Irwin and 'Miss Glendenning,
Who have been spending a ,couple of
weeks with Rev. W. P. and Mrs.
Lane, have returned to their home in
'Messrs. Russell and Louis (Bolton,
Miss Irene Bolton and Miss Nellie
Piyce were London 'visitors.
Mrs. Leslie Scott, who had the mis-
fortune to step on a nail, .has been
laid up for a day or two.
Mr. George Beattie, of Toronto,
was a town visitor,
'Mr. and Mrs. J. •i\[odeland were in
Loudon attending the exhibition..
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Beattie have re-
turned from a trip through the Thou-
sand Islands.
'Don't fail to see Wembley, Exhibi-
tion, tCardno's Hall, Oct, 7th.
The following members of the
Young People's League of North
Side United Church attended the
}bung •People's convention of the
London Conference held on Monday
iu !Metropolitan Church; London:
Rev. W. P. Lane B.A., \Hill C, Bar-
ber, Rob Willis, Murray Savauge,
Miss Marion Scarlett, .Miss Gladys
Holland, Miss Dorothy : Robinson,
Afiss'Jean Cluff.
Miss Irene Patterson, of Munro,
is visiting• for the week with Miss
h:velyn Harburn,
skit. and 'Mrs. A. Johnston, of
Stratford, were visitors itt the Monte..
of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark. •
Mrs. Russell Anderson and little
daughter have returned from 'visiting
friends in Hamilton..
Miss (Margaret `Stone, of Minedosa,
flat, is the guest of (Mrs. L. T.
lDeLa ccy.
Mrs. James Sproat, wito was cabled
to Detroi: owing to the illness of her
daughter, Mrs, Bert Horton, has re -
'fumed home.
IMr. Frank Murray, of Detroit, is
visiting his iutcle, •Mr. William Mc-
Dougall, who suet with an accident a
shoot time ago.
Mrs. J. Routledge, "of Calgary, is
ti�si'ting her niece, Mrs: Chas. Dol -
Mis.. Jas. ,Cummings, who has Ibsen
.quite iII, 'Gas moved to the 'hone of
Mrs. John Manson, Sr., ttnho is caring
for her.
,Mr. and Mrs. George Hills and
idiss Ria' Hills are, leaving this week
for a visit in Toroto.
Those who arc attending norm-
al school. in Stratford this year in-
clude i h 4t
res Rena Simpson, ileo t, Dorothy
Reinke E4va Jefferson, IivInrguorite
Blasts An'n e McTaggart, Annie
Brodie and Viola Morrison..
1tr, Prank Yeigh, of Toronto, com-
piler of "5,000 Facts about Canada,"
and prominent authority 010 mat-
ters Canadian: addressed the Presby-
tery of - the Presbyterian church Isere
ai! 'Tuesday. •
Nation - wide fame. -- There is
scarcely a corner of this great Do-
minion where • the merits of Dr.
Thomas' Eciectric Oil have not 'been
tried and ;!proven. It is • one of the
world's most ,efficient remedies for
sore 1hr•o't1, • lance back ' and anany.
other ailments arising from inflam-
mation, 'Rafted on lthe skin it\heal-
in;g power is readily absorbed, and it
can also be taken intet•nally.
for Sale
Large sizes made to order,
8" to 16". Get your order
in early.
Small sizes': always in ::
stock. Cement building'
blocks, pig troughs, etc.
Phone 183. Seaforth
The McKillop .branch of the W.M.
S. of. North Side 'United Church met
at the home of Mrs.. J. L. Kerr on
Thursday afternoon, September 161h,
with a large attendance, 'The first
part of the afternoon was spent in
sewing. ,Mrs. M. IMcDertnid ledthe
devotional exercises. Mrs. Porteous
read the Scripture lesson and 'this
was . followed by, prayer by, Mrs,
Lane. Miss S. Govenlock gave a.
splendid reading entitled "Christian
Living." Mrs. (Lane rendered a ,Mis
sionary solo very. • beautifully. Mrs.
James Beattie closed the meeting
with prayer. During the social hour
a delicious lunch was served by Mrs.
SHEIL13y.-1n the Seaforth hospi-
tal, on Sat., Sept, 180, to Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Sheilby, of Kippen,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayntan were
visiting relatives in Detroit°over the
week end,'
Mrs: Jas. ,McClymont is visiting
her daughter in London.
Dir. Basil Field is a visitor at his
brother's, Mr. IB. D. Field.
tMiss Grace Cooper is home again
for a visit.
Miss Etta Bell is visiting friends in
Mr. and Mrs. .Herbert Glazier and
children of Stratford and Mr. Ire-
land, of 1Brussels, were visitors at the
house of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butt.
"'Airs. Isaac Jarrott has returned
home again .and we alt hope she Will
be feeling fine soon.
Mr. henry (Monteith, of Powassin,
was a. visitor around .here in the past
litErs. H. Ivison is visiting relatives
in London this week.
The bean harvest is going forward
this week and the farmers are wish-
ing for dry weather.
• Mr. and 'tMrs.. 'j'an1Gs Dorsey, of
Duluth, are visiting at: the home of
Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. tHoiian'd.
'Mr. Pat. Shea and family, of Okla-
homa, renewed acquaintances in the
village last week.
iMr. and •Mrs. Leo Kenny are visit-
ing at the tonic of Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Kenny.
Mrs. 'B'asil !Byrne was visiting
friends in Dublin recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Tim. Griffin, of Kin -
tall 'visited at the home of Mr. and
lit Tont Molyneaux on Sunday.
iMr. and Mrs. ,Gilbert F raync and
two children, of Kingsbridge, visited
_li:r. (..Benninger on Sunday,
Misses Teresa Carpenter, ,Marie
Benninger and ,Miss Annie McGrath
left on Tuesday morning to attend
Normal school in Stratford.
Mr. E. Murphy and sister, Mrs. C.
\Iolyneaux, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Dire. Pat. Morris,
of Hibbert
We are glad to (tear teat Catherine
1<rau'skopf has recovered from her re-
cent illness.
'Mr. and.Mrs. John Flynn attended
the wedding of the latter's brother,
Mr. Geo. Holland, to -hiss Alice Car-
d.ert, of 'Seaforth, on Tuesday.
'The shower acid card party held i❑
St. Patrick's church' hall on Friday
evening was a great success. The
shower was. given in aid of the Nov-
elty booth for the bazaar to be held
early in 'October and malty interest-
ing and useful gifts were passed in
to the ladies itt charge. First prizes
for euchre were obtained by'Mrs.
John Walsh ansi 1.11:r, Frank Evans
and consolation prizes were won by
Mrs, 'Hastings and Mrs. Wm Kraus-
kopf. After euchre the evening was
concluded with art old time dance.
ivtr. :Leo Holliand, of Windsor, is
visiting friends here,
-Mr. Jas. Delaney and daughter
_Mary spent Sunday- in London.
Mr. Jo's. 'Ryan; - son of Mt Harry
Ryan, was operated on in Seaforth
hospital' for appendicitis recently.
Mr, Teddy Hickey, of Chicago, is
spending a few holidays with tela'tives
Miss '.Anna Delaney is attending
school in- Brescia Hall, Londton, this
Year. •
Miss Annie.Ryan is spending a fete
week&' vacation With friends in De-
b[i I+
�\ tiered I'eeney and • ler. Joys.
McGrath 'spent •Fridat at the London
We, are .glad to''he a that Miss Eve -
lyn elaney has secured e position
as teacher•'in \Vittd'sor. Miss. Zrizie
Murrayhas decepted a position as
teacher in' a school in Ford, City,
LJst.ful in Camp.—Explorers, stir-
vcyofs, prospectors and hunters will
fi:id Dr. Thomas' Eolectrie Oil very
useful in camp. When the feet and
les are
wet' l 'I
gand cod it is well to
rub tthetn freely "with the Oil and the
result will be the ,prevention of pains
in the muscles, and should _a cru: or
contussion, 'or sprain he 'sustined',
nothing could he,better'as a dressing
dots and,Mrs. John Helfron.. spent
last weeks visiting friends in 'T'oronto.
Miss Mary Healy, of Lttean, spent
the week=end at cher' ihome here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Morkont, of
Lucan, spent Suuday at the .horns of
P. J. Kelly:
Mr..and Mrs, Wrn. Lane, of Clin-
ton, spent the week -end visiting ,Mr.
incl Mrs. Jas. (Phelan. •
MMr, and Mrs. Matt, 'Cerbert 'spent
:Sunday 'at the home of (Mrs. J. J.
Mr. and Mrs, J. D, O'Reilly, of
Beechwood, spent the week -end visit-
ing at the home of J, T. McCaughey.
Miss Margaret Brown spent the
week -end at her'home here.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Young, of Gode-
rieh, spent the week -end visiting
friends at Blyth.
Mr. John Nesbitt; of Wittgham,
spent Sunday with !his sister, 14rs.
Thos, •Gras'by.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Jas. i\fcNichol attd
fantiiy, of McKillop, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs, John 'McNichol. on
.Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Kelly and i'i.try
spent Sunday with her 'brother at
We are pleased to report that MTs.
A. ',Radford is doing well since under-
going an operatiolr in Victoria hos-
pital, in -London, last week.
A sad accident occurred at Bel -
grave last week. Mr. Thos, Johnston
got off the train at Belgrave to walk
to his home las was Nils custom. He
knew no more trains were due at
that hour and 'being ,deaf and dumb,
he was not aware of the approach of
an extra freight train. Dir. Johnston
diediou the way to Winghant hospi-
iIir. and Mrs. Chris Rogerson and
daughters were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Roe, Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace were
Sunday visitors at Post Albert.
The people of Blyth and vicinity
heard with sorrow of the death of
Mrs. iRobert Johnston on Friday
evneing about five •o'elock. 'Mrs.
Johnston has been a sufferer for some
months. Born at Westfield 61 years
ago, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Howatt, she resided there until
her marriage on Christmas day abont
35 years ago to Mr. Robert Johnston
who survives, Three sons and 2 dau-
ghters survive, Stanley in !Wa'wanosh,
George in Blyth, Leslie and Ada at
home in Wawanosh and M`rs. A. Rad-
ford, of 'Blyth. A brother, IMr. Wm.
J. Howatt, of Hallett, and sister, M -s.
Chas: Wightman, of Whitechurch,
also survive. Two sisters predeceas-
ed her, Mrs. Harry Phillips; •of Au-
burn, died about 5 years ago, and
Miss Isabella, Howatt died about 30
years ago: The funeral was con-
ducted by'Rev.Dr. Barnby, of Queen
st. United .Church, • in which Mrs.
Johnston was a valued worker, on
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, In-
tertnent took place in Union cetnet-
ery. Among the beautiful floral
tributes to the esteem in which Mrs,
Joittis'tort was held, was one front
Miss Ada 'Johnston's class in Sunday
There is no poisonous ingredient in
Holloway's Corn Remover, and it
can be used without danger or injury`
Potato Harvest.
Late Blight.
Late Blight affects the tuber of the
potato as well as the vine, and the
disease lives over from year to year
10 the seed. When harvesting the
potato crop cull out all tubers with
dark sunken areas on the surface and
a brownish discoloration of the flesh.
Black Scurf.
This fungus develops small black
specks ou the surface of the tuber.
Such should not be stored for seed.
Stout End Rot.
This trouble is evidence by a de-
cayed and sunken area at the stem
end of the tuber. When a cross sec-
tion 3s made near the steam end a
brownish ring is usually plainly vis-
,Tuber injury.
Care should be taken to avoid
bruising'tlte tubers while harvesting.
Roughly handled Iiotatoes usually
have a high percentage of dry rot. --
L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension,,
O.A.C., Guelph.
'Marketing the Potato Crop,
The potato grower should cater to
the wishes of the most particular and
exacting customers. He should fure-
isb a choice product in a mdst af.e.
tractive form and should careful
study the demands of the market WI
wishes to servo. For the best prices
the potatoes should be uniform,
sound, smooth and of good table qual-
ity, whether selected by the pound,
the basket, the bushel, the bug, the
barrel or the car load. The com-
mercial potato grower should not be
confined to the local, but
should be in a position to put his
potatoes on the best market avail-
able, either through itis own efforts
or through the medium of a co -opera-
tive, association.: It sometimes occurs
that of the price paid by the 'con-
sumer for a bushel of potatoes about
two-thirds are required to defray the
cost of transportation and of distri-
bution, and one-third is left for the
grower. This is not as it should be.
Undoubtedly oue of- the best reme-
dies for such a condition
time on the part of the 'growers them-
selves. --Dept. of Extension, O.,A:C.,
The Inloal Dfare,
Tile brood mare that seems to have
tho least trouble and produces
healthy sound colts and also has lit-
tle trouble at foaling time, is one
which has been worked moderately,
or has had regular daily exorcise. Of
course, site should have plenty of
nourishing feed, of good quality,'es-
pr:cially, during the latter part of the.
gestation period. It is also Important
that site should have cle;in drinking
water. bo groomed once a day and.
have her stable well 'supplied with
Yet salt.
R eM M B
E W,
The Tailor
Main St.
when looking for y your next
Styles and New W Cloths
are here now for
Every garment made in our own workshop
The Suecial Milverton
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Aleve.
Ground Screenings i ' Whop of All Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes
of Batteries,
A complete line of most called for parts of various
Now is the time to have your car overhauled
Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned.
Dealer in New and Used Cars.
Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars.
Regier's Garage
PHONE 1671.
Courses: Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Complete
Office Training, Telegraphic.
Our individual instuction makes it possible for students to
enter at any time. Write for free catalogue.
Amalgamated with 3feLacltlatt Business College
R. F. LUMSDEN, B. A. , Principal
Shoe Shine Parlor
I have installed a shoe shine
parlor. All colored shoes
dyed, cleaned or shined.
First 'class repairing while
you wait.
Dress well by keeping your
shoes in good repair.
All kinds polishes, laces, etc.
Button Hooks Free
Two doors south of Beatties'
Variety Store
Requisite on the Farm,—Every far -
titer and stock -raiser should keqp a
supply of Dr: Thomas' Eclec'tt•ic Odl.
on 'hand, not 0111 3' as a ready remedy
for ills in the family; but because it is
a horse and cattle medicine of great
potency. As a 'substitite for sweet
oil for horses and cattle affected' by
colic far surpasses anything that can
be administered,
Ladies' Hairdresser
xrvill beat the
3011 & Pullman
Barber Shop
(Successors to W. W. Robin-
Every Tuesday
Phone 125 for appointments
Specialist itt Marcelling,
massaging, shampooingand