The Seaforth News, 1926-08-05, Page 7For $ho and Dirk Boys they telt able do start icor home They • knew :they would have tit' go thea; or their folk& would,suspect e'omething. "A real: good time," said Pick, tis ,;tato, separated of Ora corners\of rite road, and helaughed in a way that indicated that; ha'didn't feel quite at' ,ease yet; in the region of his stonweh. "Splendid!" : answered Johnny. "Sha+tll.we ery pipes next time?" with I a ghastly merinos: "I guess cigarettes '11 he etronie enough for us," laughed' Dick. "Gooda night, Johnny." "Good -might," said Johnny, faintly, and they separated. "Where have you bean?" asked Dick's mother, when he made his ap- pearanea. "We couldn't find you when napper was ready. Why, what's the . roaster with you? You're as pale as to sheet!" "I --I don't fell well, anawiered Dick, with a sensation of rotapee corn- ing over: him. r. Diolc has always felt sure that Mg mother's keen eyea detected what the matter was at mice: But she didn't ask any question. - • "I guess you need some chamomile tea," she said. "Oh, I don't want any!!" •said Diek, protesting as strongly as he could, but 11 was a weakly protest. 'If there was. anything in the whole wide world that he hated it was chamomile tea. "Chamomile tea'll do you good," she 11 said "It's the best o thing I know , t for boys who are sick as you are." And' chamomile tea Dick had 'to of drink by the teacupful. He didn''t A JOLLY TIME BY EBEN E. _REXFORD. Dick and Johnny were sitting otv fence one day, talking about this, at and the other, when La ' t os.' heath rode by, =airing _ a' cigar;: -Itawrenee was home from 'oo:1eoro, spending his' vacation, and as be put an a good many one andttolcI wonder - fel stories about his college exploits', hie' was locked upon by the smel+ihr boys as a model of a young ehntlemen. Most :of them were secretly longing 'e u•' the time to come when they ooudd 4o' just as he did" It they ever auc- ;seeded in coming up to his standard, *ligfelt es if their highest ambition Would be gratified. "It looks nice to'smtoke, doesn't it?" said Dick, "Yee;.I think so, answered Johnny, "I'd dike to try it, wouldn't you?" .r' "Yes; but I don't' dare to—'round •''Tome, any- way," answered, Dick. "I don't knew what fathered say Of he caught me` stroking'. ` You know he thinks .it's such a foolish habit," "So ?oas my -father," said Johnny. "Says it's foo.'ise and unhealthy, and expensive, and so on—you know how it is, for your father talks just like him. 1 heard them onoe, when they ,saw Billy Mason with a pipe." "Lawrence Heath 'says all the boys hisethoel smoke," said Dick, "They ugh at them therei if they don't. And iss e •A ys it's all nonsense alxiut its be - lag unhealthy. He says he couldn't t alonglwitbeut his cigars, and they ,Ip him when he hastostudy hard, pflcl I suppose he a tip-top scholar. I' don't believe all they sayagainst' tobacco. Now deep your father and Wee know that it's each awful stuff? Wiley never used it," "That's: just it!" responded Johnny. ("They've' read about it; and heard they e old: fever lingo against it, and y take it for granted that its all o: Now I'm more liberal than that, I don't belie in Weaving anything Past because some one 'says it, and it ittppnns to P whaton ant Y w to be- lieve. Now i eon' f•think' it..hui`ts a ;,Tran to use tobacco -that is, of course, to use it moderately. I know lots of tYieet who've teed it for years, and i Can'tsee that they're any worse oft 41921 those who don't use it." "Nor I!" wild Dick. "Wheal ger to be a man I mean to smoke." So do 1," said Johnny. "Young' men almost all smoke, nowadays. It's the fashion, and I think it looks nice." "And'I think it looks nice to carry a cane." said Diclk "But my father says that's.foDish, too. 'What doet a young -man need ,.f a cane?' he says. If a. fellow' don't know what to cls with his hands unless he has a stick t ho play with, he'd better keep 'era in is pocket!' he says." "I'•I1 tell you what- let's -do," propos- ed Johnny. "Saturday we'll buy us a Couple of pipes and some tobacco, and we'll go somewhere and have a good time smoking. What d'ye say?" "I'll do it," said Dick. "You buy the pipes and I'll furnish the tobacco." "All right!" said Johnny. ,"Let's see—teeday's.Thursd-ay. I'll meet you in the old barn over in the Creek Mea- dow, Saturday, after dinner. No one'lI see us there, and well have just a jolly'-thnel" So it was decided that on Saturday afternoon they -would take their first lesson in the manly' and fashionable art of smoking, a Saturday came.. In the morning Dick made some sore: of en eeeu' a to go to the village. His real errand was to purchase tobacco. On his way down he met Lawrence Heath, and, as usual, Ire had, a cigar in his mouth, "I know what I'll do,", said Dick to himself. I'll buy two cigars and sur- prise Johnny. Cigars are nicer than pipes, anyway." So he went into°a store where there was a cigar and tobacco -stand, and rung about until there was no one hut himself and the clerk in. The truth was he felt: a little asham- ed about what he was doing, and he didn't have courage to ask for his dears when anyone he knew was like- i ty-to `hear him. "I'll' take a couple of cigars, if you please," he said, walking up' to the o:ea k. "What kindest you have?" asked the clerk. "I—i don't know," anaw,eeed Dick, "I—I'm not much used to 'earl;" The clerk's eyes twinkled 'at this. "Well,' here are; strong ; ones `and mild ones," he said: "Do you want a five -center, or a bettor grade?" "I'll take the beat," said -Dick, imi- tating Lawrence Heath's style. Se the clerk,' with a quizical smile, handed him cut two. "They're Havanas." he amid. "If ou're ,a judge of cigars, you'll ea they can't lee beat,t "They. look {like' good ones," said Dick, with se'lair of being used to the lies'. Have a light?" asked ,the smidirtg clerk, politely. ""ince I games I won't.. smoke til after dinner," answered -Dick, and pu them in hie pocket. , The Creek lltieadows was a piece land about half a mile from'' horse, and had an old barn on it in"which hay was stored over winter. It was abon ha1feeal+1 now. ' y know which was worst—the aekees or the remedy prescribed.. - t "If I get over this, F don't. ;believe Fel ever smoke again," he_said to him - wolf, as he gulped down another dose of the nasty, bitter stuff. By-and-by he fell asleep, and in 'the morning he felt better.' tee.he old, Creek Meadow barn burn- ed up last night,"_ said his brother Ralph, as he looked in to say that breakfast was ready. "Somebody must have set it on fire, father thinks." So -did Dick. He remembered now that' Johnny had dropped his 'lighted cigar on the old and rotten floor when he was taken •sick. It had most likely ignited the boards, and the fire had smouldered until the wind had fanned it into flame. He went down to breakfast feeling guilty and ashamed. It seemed to hint es if they -a91 knew what had been done the day before. , If they suspected, they did not -sayanything about. it. "Hadn't you better have some more chamomile .tea?" asked his another, when he said that he didn't care to eat much. - "Don't- please!" begged Dick; and he said it in such a supplicating way that she did not, urge the matter. • As it happened, the hay in the Old barn was as worthless as the barn itself, so no great damage was done by, the •fire. But it helped to make the recollection of their "jolly good time" more lasting. "We made men of ourselves didn't J9shnny was there, waiting for Dick, "Here's the pipes," he said, display - ng itwo long sternmed, white -clay ones, "An' I've gut sbrna matches." And I've got --see!" and Dick die - played ltis cigars. "Oh, hookoy!" exclaimed Johnn with sparkling eyes. "I wish I'd "got some too. These'evon't last ha1P long enough!"r "Rea4 Havanas, too!" said Dick, tike an ol'd smoker. "Let's light up." He struck a match and applied it to one end of his Havana, sucking at the other end as hard se ever he could. "Don't draw worth a cent!" he said, "Give me another rnatoh, "Oh, I know what's the •metier," said Johnny. "We've forgot to bite off the end! Of course they won't draw till wo do that." "I guess you're right," said Dick. -"There, mine goes all right now!" And he sat down on an old box, ele- vated his feet on a beam', tipped back his head, and looked contemplatively at the roof, puffing away like a leco- motive. - R For /our or flee minutes they smok- ed in silence. Then— "Isn't this jolly?" said Johnny, blowing out a cloud of smoke, ala Lawrence Heath. Brit some of itt int and nose, and made him cough tiiiloat he cried. g "Pretty strong cigars, I guess," said Dick, making a wry face'over the bad taste in his mouth, and spitting two or three times. "Yes, I" guess so; but they smell good, don't they?" said .Johnny; "First rate," answered Dick. "Ought to. Mine's half gone already. Isn't yours?" "Just about;' answered Johnny. "I say, Dick, we'll come down here real often and' smoke, now we've got at ite won't we?". '`• - - "Of course we wild," answered Dick. "It's fun, isn't it? I think we're hav- ing` just a jolly time." "I—I guess I'm going to be sick," said Johnny faintly. "I'ni just as dizzy, and I feel awful, here," with both hands on his stomach, "You're pale as a ghost," said Dick. ';I'ia get you some water." creek. Before he began to feel eatwful" too. "I guess -they were too strong to be- gin on," he said, with a sickiy'a-ttempt at a laugh. ' But Johnny, didn't notice it. He had slipped off the box, and was lying on the floor, with, great' drops of sweat standing on his face. "Oh, dear, I'm so sick!" he groaned.. Dick managed to get him out of the barn and in the shade' of a tree. That was all he could do' for him, for he be- gan to be sick himself by that time, and dropped down limply, looking` as fr he hadn't a friend in. the world, What 'a jolly, time they had that' afternoon! It was sundown before grabbed rabbed his hat and ran for the got back his stomach Dr. J. W. A, Hickson- • Oonquerer of Mount Fryatt, one of the highest and moat formidable peaks to the Athabasca eectisse of the Canadian. Rockies, who was for 23 yearsprofes- sor df philosophy at McGill University. resigning lits appointment in. 1924. we?" said Johnny; the next time they met, "It'd my opinion we made fools of ourselves! answered Dick, with a flavor ofchare rniie:still in his mouth. "I don't Want another such a 'jolly goon time' right away!" "Nor I, either," said Johnny. " "I thought I was going to die—I did, for a fact!" George Was There. The rustic is by no means safely to lee taken far;' simpleton. He is likely to have a shrewd wit of his own, as this story shows; . "George," said a pompous squire to an old farm laborer, "you are getting very bent. Why don't you stand up straight like me?" "Well, air," answered George, "d'ye s'se yonfleld of dorm?" "I do," said the squire. "Then ye'il' notioe that the fail heads hang . down; C while the empty heads stand up." MEN AND WOMEN OF TO -DAY Down on the Farm. A peeress who cooks the meals for the workers on her husbaudts farm, getting up at five to prepare the break- fast, must be something: of a novelty even. in these days. She is Lady Rod- ney, a niece of Lord Lonsdale, and the farm is a big ranch in Alberta. Among the farm hands are a French princec,. a duke, a nephew of Lord Derby, and the son of the Duke of Manchester. The last mentioned, fed up with farming, left his job reoently, I am told, but was ordered by cable, from his mother, the Duchess, to go back, and reluctantly did so. • Rush Work. ' Alan Sullivan, the well-known novel- ist whose latest work,'"The. Days of Their Youth," wee published a short time • ago, has had an-adventueous career, having been a civil and milting engineer, 'an explorer, a prospector, a member of a. tribe. of Red Indiana, and a naturalist. Happening to meet him a short while ago leaked him for a story, and he told me • one reminiscent of the days when he was helping in the construction of the Canadian Pacific and the .Grand. Trunk railways. • Miles away from anywhere on the Inc.i' a trestle bridge harrbeen destroy- ed try fire, and it wee of course, im- i eiwtive that It should he repladed at once. �Accordingly, the chief bridge engin- eer and his staff were sent post haste to the spot with instructions to race through with a new bridge. Two, dayslater the superintendent of the line, wishing to know if the bridge had been started,arrived• on the Beene. He immediately sought the caller engineer. "The job must be rushed!" he said. "Are you ready to start? I suppose you've got the areliitect'i pians for the bridge?" "Well," the engineer answered, "I couldn't say whether the architect has done his picture of the bridge or not, but what I do' know is that; we've just given orders for tralns to pass over it." A Record. Rise. Known 1n' London circles as "Bri- tain's Rockefeller," Viscount Bearsted —formerly Sir Marcus Samuel -told an amusing story recentiy. It concerned a certain well-known speculator on the Stock Exchange. He was sitting in a. friend's • office, and during fhe conversation, wbfoh was chiefly aboutrs.tock•s and shares, he In- formed his friend thathe had picked up a cheap thing during the winter. "It stood at thirty-three then, and yesterday ittouched sixty-four!" he said. "By Jove? Yon are extremely. lucky. What is it?" asked the other.. "A thermo-meter," Was the reply. TANGS WORTH BOWE� Toto by Grafulfa✓t'home. f r! Flayingtag is about tire 4ddw t game In all' the world and when ohleiren dart from tree ire tree while Wee' obaesd by "It" they are pdarytng the Baine gave that the savages -played thousands and thousands of years ago. When the ignoran,t.savages ram from ' tree to tree anal "touched weed" thee' were relining from "It," but the "It" wee ' to them not another plower, but a retia dovtl. Msny devile aJwasa chase the liar knowing folies., but there is one goad thing about then,: Some are bad devils, but some sae good dovil¢i; In the ancient.gazaoof Tag the trews were the homes of good danits, who oared for people who trusted them so when a savage felt that a best devil' was after him he touchad' woods Ile would run andput bets hands on a tree, Thus they prevent the bad darvibs from nabbing them and doing terrible things, so them. Then it wae not a game, but es time paeeed and children began to learn brat device did not roam about they be- gan to pretend that they saw sierra.` And ao the game goes on, only now the players. meet have en "It and when they rush ,to touch wood they ere really pretending that theyare afraid; of him because he is a devil. e -* a e Firecrackers and such things are toys in most,, parts of China to -day, bat even, the best educated of the Chinese who explode the fireworks there is still, a feeling that they may be driving away devils. The less education they have the more devils they have. Less than a huudced years ago prac- tieaiiy'al'1 Chinesebelieved in millions' and mihilone of deviile. Devils lurked around . every corner, 1n every hone'e, art many animals, and almost any and every place. So firecrackers and other wary ere - works were invented, or rather had been invented long ago for such things, e31 are remote eft, old se the tritest of Ohdneee iiePile, according to the pewee be nee 'con. stand almost anything but loss isolates scare thein aenoat trate lite. reeri1e'atp not dike the smoke of in ooatse, it <dodg s than, so the Mimeo issep punk' heseil0g around, tbalz' entries of god* to kgep tee' davit* from dodo* •damage tri We etattuee..- i v a Ohlaeee funestt war he seem have in Cozen,tend they are worth seeing, Menage aye the mourner* net food an the gva'l a to Mere it ready for the dealt pei'll*n to eat, A. oraebrabed Chinaman was once °e ked: ' "When do you expece your dead to eat ar'l3 that food?" Tho .Obinesnan instantly replied: "Our dead will at thg Toad when your dead smell the flowers you peace on heir gravers." Then the queetioner realised+ foil the first time that to piaoing flowers. over the gravel we wene'doing exactly what the Chinamen were doing, only est time leas passed we de it more or nee ter, decorative purpoera, but the reel id. tendon is the ealne,e M U * S. • Fboiing devils le one of the oddest ideas of China and you can See how it is done at a Chinese funeral, ?LTi the way along the road to the burial place the Ciiinesa drop little pierce of papers arra at stud, eteuud the grave they thro' thonsande of places et tha snaps. thing. This is counterfeit money made and Used to tool: the devils. Devils of the Chinese leve to eteed a dead man's body and they will do ft it the mourners do not watch out. Revile love a dead man, but they love money more. So they scatter counterfeit money in plenty and while the devils stop to pick up the papers the rnour'nere get their dead safely buried.. An Alpine Village. Tlsetr world stands all on e,ndi; no place at all • Ie left for even the little nodus to lie That they have hung aloft like tapes- try . Uponthegranite reaches of the wall., That towers around them; there they cling and crawl And still- contrive between tate earth and sky To reap the tr•uits of their brief indus- try. Before the snows and the swift 'elan* -tall. Then In the church the meagre women pray, And in the hats the. patient cattle And earth the vow of her svelte peace fulfi•Ils. And heede them not who with such Passion pay Into her stony breast the faith they keep And still lift up their eyes unto these hills. —Anne G. Winslow, 1n "The Long Gallery." She Thought So Too. "He says he's just crazy to take her out." "I think so too."' ---e- Silent Watch. A boy, who had been brought up, in a family thaLwas accustomed to be aroused every morning by an alarm clock, was told that he would be given a watch for his birthday present, and was asked what kind et a watch he, would prefer, "Oh!" said he, "please buy me"'one of those''silent watches of the night' that I hear so much about." Nest Building. Squirrels, ants, wasps., apidere, sticklebacks and a hot of other crea-i tures build nests. But in regard to variety of design, skill and ingenuity shown in .their construction, birds are easily first. - The swallow and the house -martin are careful to add only hale an inch et mud daily to the exterior of their de. Mailed villas under the eaves. They adopt this plan in order to give each - layer time to set properly. Some ether birds are more casual. Many gulls, sandpipers and plovers simply lay their eggs in a gpltable hol- low, and add leaves or other material us incubation rrooeed.d. The eide1'duclt constructs her nest with, care, however, and takes the addi- tional precaution tot drawing a quilt of down over the eggs When she leayes them to seek food. Some birds are either too lazy to make a nas•t of I'hair awn, or perhaps are too modest to undertake such a difficult task! So they appropriate the nest of some other bird. - The cuckoo is the chief offender en this respect, but, on the principle that might is right, sparrows will turn. swat lows out of the nate they have labor - tomb, completed. Guillemots and razorbills are quite content if they can find a ledge of rock on which to lay their eggs. But, teat they should roll oaf, or be blown over the edge by the wind, they take the precaution or making t'nem top -shaped instead of round or oval. Many birds fully appreciate the im- portance of labor-saving devices. In Celebes, mound -birds will co-operate' to eonstruet a mound five or six yards high and oboist thirty feat in circum- ference. The situation chosen is us, uaily -in the vicinity of hot springs. The eggs are then laid on the mound, and left to hatch unattended. The young can fly on the day of their birth. Other mound -birds feet Sony their eggs in the sand, and then heap a large hot -bed of leaves over the place in cake the heat should otherwise be in- adequate: Soma of our own water -birds carry out this principle as far as the climate, will allow. They pile decaying vega, tation en the top of •growing water, weed, and rely partly, on aha heat thus generated to incubate the eggs. It- is the female bird which does most of the housebuilding. Her meth- od -5 show that eihe knows the import- anoe of a house which is "easily worked." REG'L'AR FELLERS ---By.' Gene Byrnes. , S'M:READiNe" A W WERCU sToRy Asou'r A, POOR eltL.WNO MARSeetelNE PRINCE '^SY 6'1ED ii,App', EVER`AFTER TO RAD UT •PRINCES AND DUKES AND KINGS AND GOOSSN91 :. Y JUST wigIT! rr MU5T BE TO ME - RO�IAL'tST TheManWho Would Be King. WAWA K140W SUMP't i oUR FAMILY Is „ pop SAID So HIMSELF ON ACCOUNT OF z WAST ONICCOr 1145 MAY" LAS' YEAR: Ce rf-1,t 1926 PLAYING, THE CAME e !a. 4,0'a(1 to vriili ,tee many of ua setae to be that We Onidaavor to.get threugh lies without a purpose. Seale mgeopio drift hers and there, fascinated with the latest erase and supporting whatever gdtea•tha promisee of a new thrill oast paip4iatlon. They must be entertoitcad tone they never entertain; they muat be osgried :do every height. and they laugh only as ot'hera discover reiisoase for Ianghdng. It ie euirprialt1,g what cam be done. with titre whenyou d,eterntdne that you Wet seely snelte eometbing of it, Atm- leeseneits,'ae a rule, ends in dds•8rater. A, Weathercock die mostly on the m,ov4, but tower aerives. To make Iife a sublime 'busdnesa is to put into 1t all ono knows, realizing that lire usually gives bask 4n d'ou'ble measurer.. We may leek armee and, find noth- ing othing to exult over, but rather to corn- - .plain about We may do it with weatitt, home eibi,lirty; but as surety as we complain about our lade of tiringll so surele will die disease develop and life will mock use and we shall pass silt as unfinlahed and undeveloped, Bees. • Say to' yourself sometimes+; "Weft, there are plenty batter oft dean I ani. Life has denied to the much that has been given to others, hut,1 am alive, anile what I hetie shall be put to the best use. So Sar as I are able I Fv• iieep on ellmbing, though I may g,8 slowly,,, Believe it; arid with tale spirit you wild 'mount. Never bzr'y Your talent; never hide your light itirder a bushed, i0Oras'one else is relying upon you, and as file sacra they well be encouraged'- Den'$ eV', "I don't own." Thougdt a hunldned facts of life shay tend to bring you to that Conclusion, defy them by saying: "'If I have not counted eo far, from this moment I'll be a tome 16 be reekoaed with." Gejrge Stephenson, sometitnes oali- ed, the Father of the Railway, began. lite ata ptt•,boy. Herschel, the first astronome2' of that mne; was a memo ear of a German band. Nothing could seem more remote trona the great work of discovery in the skies which he ac oomplished; but he had an ideal in view, and, with unwearied pereever- ance lie strove to realize it. He used his,delsvtre hours making his reflecting telescope. There are certain foundations of life that We mutt observe it we are to Drawn it with the noblest service. We must know thea' we are here for a pur- pose, and life win be impoverished if we fail to do our part. Than wo must be aware that theme 1 something which only wt, can do and that each of us le nacesaary to the perfecting of the whole. It may be we teat never see our moues in the newspaper, but if we do our beat, soave day our work will stand revealed. Lite` must have its ideal and the ideal must bo within attainment, Hav- ing fixed the purpose, make the pre- paration as complete as possible. Fight your battle with spirit and good tem- per. Never think your *ants is lost whilst you are able to play, and in the end quit the field saying; "I did my best" Such a life can never be ruined. With teat firmly fixed and head erect, permit neither lack of scholarship nor worldly possessions to deter you in your aim. Make for the highest,. aohtve the best. In this way you will live in deeds, not years. There's only one thing should concern us, To flint the task that is. ours; And then, having found it, to de it With all our God-given powers. Do You Wear a Napron? When you first glanced at the title or this article you probably thought that you had caught the Editor napping, and tbat he had actually passed a mho print In a headline? But if "a napron" looks curious to you, "an apron" would have seemed an equally strange com- bination of words a Pew centuries ago; for the word is really napron or'naper- on. It means a little cloth, and is first cousin to such words• as "nap," "nap- kin," and "napery." You can see at once how the mistake arose; some early writer was not quite sure to which word the "n" belonged; he made- ' e bad guess, and others followed -him in hie error. Curiously enough, the same mss• take leas been made in quite a nuntber of words. When oranges first came to es they were called me their Spanisli name, "naranja," which became 1n English "norange,' Later "a norange" was transformed into "au orange." The carpenter's "auger" is really his "nauger, wIsi-eb in . very old Euglish appears as "nalgor." "Gor" is a word meaning pieroing or boring, which wo 81111 see in the phrase "gored by a bull." Many people connect the word "nick- name" with "'Old Niek," thinking it was originally a Dante given to com- memorate the performance of some piece of •mischief The word, Itaweve•r, is really not "nioltuamo". but "icknaine" or seise. care." "Eke" means increase, es wo see ineuch asentenceas "He ekes out his money." Au "ekarraane" then, le &imply an "increase -name," or addition•' al rami:. Of the, world's soldiers, barely MI per cent are in Europe, China stoma having 1,607;000 Hien in military training. ,