The Seaforth News, 1926-02-18, Page 3CELEBRATE; ALTHOUGH INFANT A GIRL. Giving'Fitting: Cognomen to Imperial Child Made Occa- sion for Great Ceremony. When the stork hovered over the palace of the Prince Regent and ,Crown Princess of Japan on December 7,Aaan entire _nation was 'expectantly awaiting to learn Whether an imperial • bejl?,woul,d be born or only a -girl baby. Although the arrival of a baby prin- cess was 'announced by the booming of two cannon shots in Tokio and by a twenty-one gun 'elute in Kobe„ the event was not nearly as auspicious nor the rejoicing -so spontaneous as would have been :the case had the chidrcd beer a boy birth. of a male child is always••a much more important event hi any family than the arrival ce a mere girl and especially so- in the case of an lin- - perial in--perial birth, when a boy .child means en heir to the imperial throne. ITad the child born to Prince Hiro- hito and Princess Nagako been a -boy, a three-day general holiday wound have signalized the event, and the sentences of all prisoners in the En1r pire would have been reduced True, there were phbltc and -private oele- Ations tllroughouttthe land on the official naming day, seven days after tll'e -infant's birth, but no holiday was • declared and the prisoners, were doom- ed to disappointment. Weeks before the princess• was born the newspapers ' were giving great prominence to news about the ap- proaching confinement of the Crown Princess.' -Emperor Sends Gift. As soon as the news was flashed to' the palace of the Emperor announcing that a granddaughter had been born, an imperial mese•nger was sent to the palace of the Crown Princess with the Emperor's first gift to the child, wh4ch, according 'toancient custom, was 'a short sword with a blade about nine inches in length. The most important ceremonies in- cident to an imperial birth are those -held en the naming day. The child rejoices• in the name Teru .no Miya Shigeko Nal-Shinno, which means "the enduring lustre of the sun and moon." The name was selected by the Elm - press from three names submitted by the Minister of the Imperial House-. hold after profound consideration. The -.name day ceremonies, started early in the morning when the infant was bathed by alma. Shimazu, head lady of the court, assisted by two mid- wives and Dr. Mikami, of Imperial University. During the battling rites selections were read from the Nihon - she'd, one cf the oldest of Japanese backs. Selected by Empress. Later the name selected by the Em- press was conveyed by Count Toku- gawa, grand chamberlain td the. Em- peror, and to the palace of the Prince Regent and Crown Princss, Count Chlnda, stward to. the Prince Regent, receival the imperial messenger in the Crimson Hall, and Count °hinds pre- sented his tname, written on a sheet of -lino paper and inclosed in a lacquer 'box, to the Prince Regent in the audi- , mice hall. The 'naming ceremony was performed to the, accompaniment of the twanging of ancient bowstrings. A bulletin announcing the name • of the child and the origin of the name was Issued shortly before noon, and the Prince Regent dispatched messen- gers to inform the Emperor and Em- press of the name and also to apprise the imperial ancestors at the Imperial Sanctuary. Throughout the morning school children carrying special name -day fins thronged in front of the palace of the Prince Regent, and a procession' of 5,000 members of the young men's societies of Tokio marched from the imperial palace to Hibiya Park, where a military band played in honor of the occasion. - Flags were displayed from private, homes and office buildings for seven days after the imperial birth, and the palace was deluged with official and private messages of congratulation, No Fame After Death Motion'pioture producers at Holly- wood are perplexed by the faot that while the public will pay ,money to read a dead man's music, see a dead man's plays,. or hear a (lead man's music,, it invariably epurne the acting of a i1101 star who has. died. When one. of the most popular come- dians of early "movie" days died dur- ing the height of his fame, it was ac- cepted as a foregone conclusion by officials of the company that had "fea- tured" ,>)l that his death was ah op- portunity to demonstrate a great "movie"rinlracle—.the power in the alms to make a men live on beyond the grave, as lifelike to the spectators as if he never bad died. But the public dropped him, The company found his pictures- were' a da+ng on the market. He was, dead; end film enthnedasts deol`ined to pay money to see the shadow of a man scarcely any of them bad ever seen in the fleslm;, That was an earlj' instance of a truth. which Later experience has eau. firmed over andover again. Fortune gives too much to many, but to none enough. PI` SALT . DURING, . !ER Colds, Influenza and Like Trou- bies Can be Avoided. Have you noticed that some people enjoy good health through the utast trying weather; while- others Succumb to colds or influenza at every touch of wintry' conditions or are attacked, by rhemmita:tisan_or sciatica? -The rera Son is to ,be found in the condition of the blood. If it is rich and 'pure the. system Is able to resist disease,. • But Telt the blood become impoverished and the way is made elear for disease to ester the system. The common sense way to avoid colds and influenza la to keen a pieta iiful supply of rich, red blood in your veins. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have achieved avorld-wide '.fame , for their remarkable blood enriching powers. Tho new blood which comes front the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills• tone's up the whole system and se helps. the body to resist winter -idle. If the system has already .been weakened by colds, influenza or other winter ailments, then,Dr. W!Id4a'ms+ Pink Pills are the safest Medicine for rebuilding the blood and s'treugthen4ng the body. An example of the value of these pills is given by Mrs. R. 0 Stromberg, Cobalt, Ont., who says:— ,if had a very severe attack of grippe, or influenza, which confined me to my bed for a ween. On getting up again. I dill not recover any usual strength. T was very weak, had a severe pain in. my ,lead, and a constant backache., I had to get a woman to do my work for 130:0 as I had neither the strength nor the energy to do anything. At this stage, remembering the great zenefit I had through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. in ginlhood, I began taking this medicine, and soon my strength began to return. I am now able to do all my own work again, and, take care of my baby boy. I am very •grateful for what the pills have done for me, and hope my -experience will be of benefit to some other sufferer." If you need a blood -building tonic begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to -day. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cb., Brockville,Ont., • Random Remarks. We talk tho much and sing too lit- tie.-Sir'Hugh Alien. " Man Inas plenty to do in his struggle With Nature, and it is madness for him to struggle with his fellow-man.— Sir Oliver Lodge. 1 believe we get Much farther in this life by giving a dignified nod and smile to an opponent than py making a rude and crude shout—Mi. Ramsay MacDonald; M.P. One evil thought draws the line, two evil thoughts engrave the Inci, three evil thoughts chisel the line."—Sir Fhiltp Gibbs. Much more harm has been done in the world by swelled heads and false heads than by fat heads, -Mr. J. R. Clynes, M.P. You calm trust the modern boy far more than you can trust the modern man. -Dr. Cyril 'Norwood. Of women, at least, it may be safely said that nearly all the harm they do arises out of their helpful spirit. Father Ronald Knox. - Most people 'who cater for public taste are in error in supposing that the taste le as low as they suggest,— Bishop of Manchester, It is the height of folly to harbor pessimistic views, for I'ccess usually runs with the optimist,—Lord Rath creedan. • I should like to be a perfect domestic servant.—Miss Viola Tree. Usually the 'best way out of a dif- ficulty 14 through it.—Lord Hewart, Gave Up. Platinum, Coins. Russia tried platinum coinage. in 1823, only to give it up in 1845. In cold weather, run a gallon of warm Water through the .separator before running' the milk through, Coughing There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. There is nothing so goodfor a cough as "Buckley's". Buckley's Mixture used by hundreds of thous- ands of people through- out Canada is now pro- curable in two forms, "Strong" or"Modified". Either kind acts like a 'flash on Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and all affec- tions of throat, chest and lungs: Positive and instant relief. Onle.dose stops coughing. Every druggist sells Buckley's - on a money refunded guarantee. 40 doses for 75c. LTC KL.' ,f1x-r°u5 7s. "STRONG" on OOFIED" W. K. Buckley, Limited' 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 206 FINN SKATING ACE CLAIMS CANADIAN RINKS TOO SMALL Charles Thunberg, the famoussspeed skater from Finland, arrived at the C.P.,R Windsor Station in Montreal recently atter taking part in the Inter- national Races at Saint John, N.B. In the panty' was also Leila Brooks, of Toronto;: the world's. woman champion skater. While In the metropolis for a few hours Thmrberg paid a visit to Alder- man Louis Rubenstein, whet he expreseed 'through hie • intemlireter his plea- sure at meeting the Canadian who won the Amateur Skating Championship of the _World in St. Petersburg, RniSisda, more than thirtq` years. ago. Tlmn- berg said he was. ;disappointed at the small tracks ;they have here, and ad- mitted that he could, net do his best work on them: The photo shows, front left to right, front row: Miss. Elete Mueller, New York;' Leila Brooks, Toronto; Lois Littlejo4'n, Chicago. Beek row: Charles Thunbesg, Finland; O'Neill Farrell, Chicago. ..Why Crosses Mean Kisses. . Whatever your sex, at some time or other iiou have probably written a let- ter and put'some "crosses" in it—for kisses. But have you ever wondered why a cross should be used as the written symbol of a kiss? - This story is interesting and takes us back to the times when few could. read, and still fewer could write•. In' that reepectthe nobility were no bet- ter than those of a lower station of life; bat'tipeds transferring, property, wills, and other documelitshad -to be signed somehow., So those who could not write names "made their mark," and this, in an age when religious synlbolisan was very much in evidence, usually took the farm of a cross, From motives of reverence the shape used was not that of the cross.of Calvary, but the St Andrew crosses, which re- sembles the letter "X. Having duly made their mark, the signatories• of a document kissed it partly as a' pledge of good faith and partly as ah act' of reverence, And so a cross marked on: Paper became.as- sociated with a kiss. KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IIS WINTER By Regulating the Stomach. and Bowels With Baby's Own Tablets. • Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are change- able—one bright, the next cold and stort)y, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much. In they are often cooped up in overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with 'colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tab- lets. They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and through their use the baby will' be able to get over the whiter seasmm in ger- feet safety. In 'using Baby's Own Tablets 'time mother has an absolute guarantee that she is giving her precious little onee eonle'liing that is absolutely sale and somi ,:ling that cannot poselbly do harm to even the newborn babe, as the Tablets contain not one particle of opiates or other dangerous drug. They are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box, by mail, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Afterwards in Flanders. (Dy an Unknown Civilian). Out of their mingled eartlm, tall trees are sprouting, Withered their laurels now, their names unglmessed, Here, where they died to save us, nothing doubting, Sh'elteretl from our forgetfillness they rest. Fad's once again the twilight of November, These gave their lives when life was • at the May. hleve L the right to whisper, "1 re memlfer?" I was not with them whelk . they marched away. All that they never had was mine, full. measure, Dying, they passed to me their hail - Love, friendship, toll, achievement, learning, leisure, Voicesof children, golden middle age And with it, all, the l nomvledge never edeeping, Though none reproached, that I was not as they, That life is won by losing, lost by keeping— I was not with themwhen they nia'rched away. London Observer, Shakespeare. had a vor_abulary of about 15,000 words. The average man gets along with three or four thou- sand. Minard's Llnimerl•t' for .frost -bites. u"DIAMOND DYES" COLOR THINGS NEW Just Dip to • Tint . or Boil to Dye Each 15 -cent peek age contains flirec tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors in lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, C o at s, stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, hangings—everything! Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind and tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wool or silk; or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Why Boys. Won't Wash. The small boy whose knees and hands are always dirty ie far more likely to be a success In life than the "mother's darling" who is always neat and clean•, According to a statement made by a well-known doctor, dirt is the black badge of juvenile independence. The boy of eight says: "I am now old enough not to have my hands s•erubbed by mummy." Then he reasons:' "If I keep' my bands as clean as mummy kept them, nobody would realize how grown-up I am." '!In the same way he does not wipe his feet on the doormat, is unpunctual,. and careless," adds the dootor,' All this is quite healthy, but the boy of the same ago who can be described as a "model child" arouses the doctor's suspicions. "That perfect little gen- tleman is failing to realize ,the sense of emancipation and will presently shirk his responsibilities." The Sea Bird to the Wave. On anti on, 0 white brother!' Thunder does not daunt thee! Hew thou nmovest! By thine impulse— With no wing! Fairest thing The wide sea shows me; On and on 0 white brother! Art thou gone! —Padm'aio Colum, in "Wilt, Earth," enadhut Made for Cana- dian Climate. Double wall, Copper Hot .Water heating, system. Sensitive Automatic regulator. Hatches strong, healthy chicks. Write for PREF, Circular to J.B.Mackenzle, Georgetown, Ont, if loTANT � Fortunes are ,node. Iron ,,eerie ides, goad for list of intentions wanted.our"I'atoat Pro- tection booklet and ognn a"T'h'e Thinker" SHIPMAN & CO. 711E tile ma -Lunn -a FIRM 0110197'000 0ATCNT ATTOONLTa, OTTAWA, CA:t. !NM With the extremely active mar- ket now Is the time to keep in touch with Northern Ontario mining. We buy and sell for you all mining stooks. Reliable information free on any mining stock. 15 years' experience. 1926 banner year for Northern Ontario Mines. A. W. RYDER & CO. Mining Brokers 7 McCaul St. Toronto Adel. 1110 EASY • TRICKS Fingers And A Match A match is rather frail and: no one should have any difficulty in snapping it in two with his fingers. However, it is possible to hold the match in such a way that it is im• possible to exert sufliclent strength with the fingers to break it. aofti the match' as in the illustration, Try to bgeak the match without bending the middle finger or em- ploying the thumb to gain addi- tional leverage.• (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook. i When you get that tired, lay-me•down•and-die, feeling take 16 to 80 drops of Seigel'sSyrup fn a glass of water. Does the trickand safely, You'll feel like new, • A Sure Sign. A Y orkshjre`nii'll--hand charged with having set fire to 'a large hayrick was , defended on the ground that he was not altogether responsible for his an -1 tions•: One of the witnesses, a typical'! Yorkshireman, declared that the pri- senor was "wrang in his head." "Can you mention any occasion on which the prisoner behaved in a man- nerto waa,rant your statement?" he was asked. "Yes," answered the witness. "Ah mind once he got hauf a crown too much for .his wages, an'—" "Well," said Counsel, as the witness hesitated. "He took it back to t' manager!" Minard's Liniment for Grippe. Fatal Result. The hired mat itt a lantern to go and see his best girl, "Humph," said the farmer, "When I was young I never went courting, with a lantern; I went in therdark." • "Yet," said the hired man, "and look what you got-" A country isnot made great by the number sof square 'miles it contains, but by the number of square peop:e it contains, When the natives of Gallas, Abys- sinia, thresh grain with a flail, they. become so enthusiastic that their shouting can be heard for at least two miles. , Clears theThroat, Relieves I : tarseness, Coughs &Cods i Us�eedforbsyrr., ¶; y Public Speakers and Singers Why ret you? ,Red C a s e e :i: mar . g . vtaC ,w -Ume? Oh Mother! What Can.I Do? How many :times 'a day do your babies ask you that question? And how. often are you able to suggest some interesting game for ' them to play, some amusing occupation for a rainy, day? If you'd like always to have a practical, helpful suggestion for them, read this snappy new fea- ture. Cut some pictures out of these Valen- tine napkins. Now take a strip of gaper, seven inches long and two inches wide. Paste the ends• together and paste the plctures overthe place where the strip is joined. Bach of us can have a Valentine napkin ring, Motor Harves'Fs Sugar Cane. Sugar cane can now be harvested by a motorized machine that does the work of 100 men., Equal parts of plaster of Paris and whiting mixed with water i5 a good filler for repair cracks in walls before they are painted or papered. This is a hint worth following. ffleMilltilEIERSIOMEEEESISEESIMIM kere is only one — Nujol THE INTERNAL LUBRICANT For Constipation 4 ASK FOR IT BY NAME Sold onhlinbottles packed in sealed Cartons - NEVER IN BULK ,{ 4 Nujo1 is mannfadtured only by. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD Olt. CO. (N.J.) Bayonne N.S. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuralgia Colds Neuritis Lumbago Headache Pain Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept 2Rlaz "Bayer" ap ekage which contains proven directions. Kandy "Bayer" boxes . of12 tablete Also bottles of 24 and 100_ -Druggtats. Aoplrla 1e the trade mark ,'regtstored In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mononeetle- aoldeoter of Sallcyltceold -(A'ootyi saueyitc Add, "A. 9, A."). while it le well known that Ariplrtn moans Sayer�manufacture, to assist the public against Imitations, -the Tablet* el -Bayer Opmpany. wOl b stamped with their gamut (ranomark, the 'Bayer Omar." Classified Advertisements. 11) AHEM' OVEN5, wgITE 000n 'immaLpaus Jill- and 11ot at used grana, 'Hubbard 07ea Co*• 8001', 252 King, Wert. 'Tarawa G'RAMI&. (LITTLE FRIEND) TO EIT1E2 SEX, mailed In pian envelope, Perls epaelalty Co., Monts', LADIES WANTED—TO DO PLAIN AND 1,1011'1 sewing at home; whole ar agora time gold MAY. Nttk font any distance, charm's p1ld, 5,11 ttnnrp' ler 1ertlemaro. National h'anutaoturing Co:; Menestd. !AGENTS WANTED WANTED—Ons reliable man in every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best Custom -Made Clothes in Canada. Highest commissions. REX TAILORING CO., Ltd. TORONTO2 WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used in front of Tobacconist Store. Must be in good condition. State price and where can be seen. H. WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto One inch of rain equals 101 tons to the acre. CCI DENTS Will happen. Be prepared for every hurt. Keep a bottle of Ml nerd's handy. THIS MOTHER GLAD DAUGHTER IS WELL Mrs. Parks Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Daughter's Health Toronto, Ontario.--"Ddy daughter is 16 now and has been an invalid ever smee she was six months old and has been com- pelled . to remain out of school the greater_ part of the time.We e have tried different kinds of medicine but none helped her much. I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vege- table Compound when. I was run-down, and it had helped me so much that 1 thought it might; help her at this time. She has gained ever since she began tatting it. She attends school every daynow. and goes skating, and does other out- of-door sports. T recommend this medicine to any one who is run-down and nervous and weak."-1VIre. PARES, 106 Bond. Street, Toronto, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine for young women's troubles. For sale by druggists everywhere. q C1JTCUR EADS ECLEMA O FACE In Rash. Spread to Scalp. Itched and Burned. Face Very Sore, " Eczema broke out in a rash on my face and later spread to my scalp. The rash scaled over and sore eruptions formed. It caused a great deal of itching and burning; and my face was very core,: The trouble lasted three or four weeks. " I was treated without any ben- efit, I began ueing Cuticura Soap and Ointment and could see a great change after the first night. I con- tinued the treatment and 'in'•four weeks. I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Margaret Drnyow, Ferrisburg, Vermont. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then, keeps the skinfresh, smooth and clear. Cuticura Tal. cum is alae ideal for the skin. Sample Hach Tree 1y re-atl Addrers'Canadian nepat: "&evhoui1 WA, Mootrael" Pries, Soap 26e. Ointment w add 6W.. Talcum Sc. +W (r (b fro Shaving Stick 26c.' ISSUE -No, 2-:'26.