The Seaforth News, 1923-08-30, Page 6Address communications to Agronomia, 73 Adelaide at. West, Toronto
CULTIVATION OF ROOT CROPS. requisites to success is the earlysoev-
ing of clean plump seed, of suitable.
varieties, in a seedbed that is well
prepared as regards drainage,ertU-
ity and tilth. By .starting the
vigorously it is enabled to hold its own
to the end with the minimum: growth
and seeding of- weeds. However; in;
spite of the best of 'care there will al-
ways be weeds demanding some extra
attention. In cultivated crops this can
be given the season through, and espe-
cially before harvest; in grain and
hay there is little opportunity until
the crop is off. If not delayed then too
long, many of the weeds of these crops`
can still' be taken in :hand, and some
of them with the greatest of time-
liness. _ ..
Some weeds like ragweed and Rus-
sian thistle push up rapidly about this
time. Where grain has been seeded
weed growth may have to be kept
down by the use of themower, but
other stubble should be worked over
by means of a disc harrow OT culti-
vator, or plowed very lightly. Besides
preventing the seeding. of weeds, this
also makes conditions favorable for
the germination' of seeds already in
the surface soil, which can be destroy-
ed in the later fall plowing. Some
seeds—wild oats for example—do not
the young plants, and one can culti- germinate readily, if at all, the first
vate closer to the plants without cove
season, but any farmer who has grac-
ering them. Later the larger tooth is ticed after -harvest cultivation knows
better, and as the cultivation season that considerable germination of many
advances and the plants get well root- weeds can be induced in favorable
ed, the cultivator should be narrowed years,
and cultivation should be deeper an After -harvest plowing of weedy hay
the centre ofthe rows. The most ef- fields is also desirable at the first op-
ficlent work can be accomplished by portunity that occurs. Such persist
first going one way all over the field. ent perennials as couch grass, Canada
In a day or twocultivate again but and sow thistles, the hawkweeds, ox -
go in the opposite direction to that eye daisy, etc., are probably at their
the previous cultivation. Cultivation weakest after using up their reserves
should be continued at intervals just in the attempt to mature seed, which
so long as the plants are not injured timely cutting of the hay should pre -
by horse or cultivator. vent. Plowing at this season is not
The reasons for thorough cultiva- always the easiest done, but the dry-
tion are briefly as follows: The soil, ness of the ground, if it does not pre-
particles are rounded in form, andi vent thorough work, is all to the good
When massed together without being, in weed destruction. Couch grass, in -
crushed they leave a large amount of! deed, might well be left alone unless
unoccupied space; this unoccupied the ground is somewhat dry. The
space in the soil is needed for the plowing at this time need not be deep;
movement of the. soil water and airs for couch grass particularly it should
and the spreading out of the root be only deep enough to get beneath
fibres; it is also the home of micro-
erganisms which develop the available
nitrogen used by the higher plants.
The object of cultivation is four-
fold; (1) To destroy and prevent the
growth of noxious weeds. (2) To de-
velop various degrees of openness of.
texture and uniformity of soil condi-
tions suitable to plant growth. (3)
To modify the movemeht of soil mois-
ture and soil air. (4) To change soil
conditions so as to make it either
- warmer or colder.
The cultivation of the soil, should
begin at the first indication of weeds;
in: fact, it is still better to make a start
before the weeds get rooted. To ex-
pose them to the hot sun in the ger-
minating stage is the most effective
way to kill weeds. If harrowing has
been properly carried on cultivation
may begin with a cultivator, the teeth
of which are 2 to 23 inches wide, but,
if the soil is soddy or lumpy; a narrow-
toothed cultivator will be necessary
to do effective work. Be sure the cul-
tivator has a sufficient number of
teeth to cover the ground. effectively
—.that is, so that the whole surface of
the ground will be thoroughly, stirred
to a depth of from 2 to 3 inches.
The harrow -tooth cultivator is the
best to start with; the teeth are nar-
row, they do not throw the earth over
bay or grazed, as pointed out in the;
plan for the destruction of the pest,
its rootstock reserve rapidly diminish-,
es,' and it soon falls down In yield of
forage. If old meadows are replowed'
every two or three years, however, the 'e
grass gets rerestablished and the yield q°�
can be kept up.. But I have never seen;
many quack grass stands which the 1
owner would' not 'willingly trade for l
some other kind 'of growth. It is a
pest to be swatted rootand branch.
Profitable : Methods of
Handling Manure.
Manure is worth money, varying in
amount depending upon the method of
handling and upon the crops to which
it is applied. If the hest methods can
be followed at no greater expense than
the poor methods, the difference in
profits represents the return upon
In Honor of Brute. intelligence. It is one of the objects
The first monument erected to the. of the Experimental Farms to dis-
niemory of Etienne Brule, - the dis- cover the best and most profitable
coverer of Lake Superior and the first methods of handling manure.
explorer who penetrated the lake re- In brief, the. cheapest and at the
glens. with • a view to trade. The sane time the best methods of -handl-
memorial, was erected during pis- , ing manure is -to spread it on the field
covery Week at Sault See.: Marie. daily as it is. made. This method
avoids the losses of fertility which are
bound. The underground material is
is pile
less in extent and is confined to incurred when the manure r
and reduces the amount of labor in
the first three inches from the surface.' handling to a minimum. As the
Beginning with • an old meadow sod,' greater part of the manure is made
there is a much better chance to kill during the winter months, the manure
out the quack entirely than where the can be spread when the time of both
beginning is made on just recently horse and manual labor -is not so
cultivated fields. I valuable. This is the method which is
- But the spade will show the most used in manuring sod land for corn,
surprising thing in a field that has! on the Central Experimental Farm,
been in meadow and then pastured fore Ottawa, after' considerable experience
a couple of years. It will show that with' other methods. Whenever pose
the quack is scarcely fortified .at all. sible, this method is recommended.
The underground parts'liere are very however, there are some circum-
small in extent and usually arecon stances when this method should not
fined to the upper two inches. This be used. If there are many noxious
is the ideal place to begin the killing-' wee d seeds in e th manure, it is a mks
�u .r�n4i ..,'n.a:.bk. nd3.x....r-: ,, rti" x„ . �w ;.. ; r• .SilNt9r7n
the matted surface rootstocks. After
plowing, the object will be to drag the
rootstocks into the drying sun by
out process. I take to scatter them about a field in
In repeated tests I have frilled out. green manure. The manure should
quack by late summer tillage on both be allowed to rot in order to kill these
old sod and old pasture land. The task; weeds before spreading it upon the
does net call for undue labor, and this, field. The rotting of the manure is a
labor comes at a time when other farm: very reliable method of killing all the
work is not pressing. 1 weed seeds and, as it is very poor
The best scheme I have tried is to business to plant viable weed seeds,
plow shallow some time in July. It is this practice, under such circum -
important that this plowing be shale' stances; should always be followed.
low. The plow should run just under! Again, if the land is very hilly so that
If these soil particles aretoo large- means of a spring tooth or other em-
end too looselypacked the soil permits plement. Thistles and sow thistles
the rain -fall to pass through it too will not be so readily dragged out, and
freely and the water is soon out of can best be dealt with by the use of a
reach of the plants; nor does it return duck -foot cultivator to keep all growth
rapidly enough under capillary action! cut off as often as it appears. The
to meet the needs of the crop. If the. amount of fallowing thus possible
particles are too small and too closely' after the removal of a crop should go
crushed together the water moves very a long way toward cleaning a field, or
slowly and the air is excluded fromatat the least preparing for a cleaning
the soil; and when the water dries hoed crop the following year. A rota -
out, the particles are cemented to -1 tion which allows of this procedure the smother crop treatment because it from the eaves of the born being al-
gether too strongly by the salts, whichi even, three to five years will hold sticks close to the deep,: rich lands, lowed to drip into the manure pile and
have become too concentrated to stay' weeds reasonably well under control. I At least, here is where it becomes the, the soluble fertility, in consequence,
in solution. Consequently, the root Many of the worst weeds of crops, worst pest. Some dense -growing erop being drained away. This can be
fibres are unable to set the soil par- are also eommonly weeds of wayeides,� suited to local conditions should be avoided by placing the manure in a
titles aside; the root system of the pastures and waste places and should, used for smothering. Smother crops, cheap shed or shelter of any kind. If
crops is revented from ro er de- be cut by means. of mower, scythe oil however, are of little or no avail urt- it is poesible,it is wise to allow the
velopmen tithe plants are cut off from spud, or hand -pulled after a• rain, ill less the quack{ -infested land is of bet- stock ccess to this shed because the
sufficient food supply; and as a re- only to prevent their seeding. Places I ter than average fertility. trampling of the manure excludes the
air and reduces the losses of fertility.
the mass of rootstocks. Where a gang the manure is leached away, it is not
plow is available it can usually be set; good practice to spread it during the
to turn a very shallow furrow. There winter
on the snow. In this case it
is also a special type of walking plow: should be properly stored in the yard
made for turning a shallow sod. It` until the snow is off the land. In
has a long,' gradually sloping mold- � Northern Ontario and in Northern
board and is usually sold under the Quebec, or in districts which have a
name Scotch Bottom. very late spring, manure applied on
This shallow plowing leaves the the -'snow causes the land to remain
whole quack plant, root and branch, frozen and wet late in the spring, thus
right near the surface. If it is bur- delaying seeding. This is a rather The neighbor, older in wisdom and
led deep, it is likely to live over the Y g g experience, smiled encouragingly, and
p Y serious objection sometimes, especial-
winter and be on hand to start growth ly when grain or crop of. green feed replied, "A short time, perhaps; but a
again next spring, and, coming from) n
is to be grown which is to be planted golden time, full of loving training,
deepdown in the ground, it is hard to earlierthan is necessaryInccorn. richs neces- inhome influence, every day of
kill out. But with the whole plant which was a preparation for this little
kept right near the surface, going Baru to store manure inr any t the , it i and be- journey on which he has just started."
over every two or three weeks with a fore drawing it to the field, some "Well, I hope I've succeeded in give
disk harrow, or spring -tooth harrow, simple precautions should be taken to ing him the right things to take with
will usually finish up the killing job avoid excessive and expensive losses. him," observed the young mother seri-
before frost. If there is any doubt Moreover, as these losses in a large ously, "but it's a big responsibility to
about all life being extinct, a smother measure are avoidable, it may be in- take a child through those golden
crop the next summer can be counted toresting to give the matter some years, isn't it?
on to finish up this work• study. Perhaps the greatest loss is "The biggest responsibility, my
Quack grass is especially adapted to incurred from leaching, the water dear," agreed the neighborly: advisor,
and then added, "but I'll whisper a
secret,—the rewards of this duty well-
done are the sweetest and most satis-
Make the
liquid first
Do not put Rinso direct
from the package into the
tub. Mix half a package of
Rinso in a little ccol
water until it: is like
cream. Then add two
quarts of boiling water,
and when the froth sub-
sides," you will haven clean
amber -coloured liquid.
Add this liquid to the wash
tubi until you get the big
lasting Rinso suds. Then
soak the clothes clean.
Perhaps many have noticed that
wild crabapple trees are much more
plentiful in pastured woodlands than
they are in places where there are no
cattle. The correlation between cows
and crab apples seems to ee very close,
for it is in the favorite loafing places
of cattle—near the pasture `gate, for
example—that the thickets of little
trees are found to be most abundant.
The reason for this peculiar situa-
tion lies in the apparent'neeessity for
theintevention of cattle in the plant-
ing of the trees. A little observation
of the seedlings willshow that almost
without exception they bear traces of
cattle droppings about their roots, and
one will frequently find patches of re-
latively fresh droppings with a more
or more of newly sprouted seedlings
sticking out of it, like pins in a pin-
cushion. Very rarely indeed does one
find a' crabapple that has not arisen,
like the scriptural poor, from the
Before a seed of these wild apples
will sprout, it has to take a trip
through thedigestivetract of an ani-
mal. Experiments` with seeds cut out
of sound crab apples have shown that
of hundreds planted only a few germ
inate at all, even when given ed
seed beds. It is probable that the see
coat la tough and more or less imper-
vious to water, as it lies in the new -
fallen apple, and will therefore either
Rinse is as splendid for the prevent the little plant within it from
regular fantll washing as getting water from the sail - or else
Lux is for fine fabrics, imprison it so securely that the poor
thing never gets a chance to break
through. But if a cow eats the apple,
the tough seed coat is subjected • to the
action of the digestive fluids, and so
softened and weakened that when the
seed is finally discharged from the
animal's body it is in good condition
for germination.
However, old Brindle's interest in
crabapple trees does not cease with
the planting. As they grow she prunes
them as well. The trees in a pasture
will always be found in a series of
fantastic forms—the smaller ones
cropped down into round little mounds,
the larger ones in conical pyramids
and finally in hour -glass shapes, It
will be found in every instance that
the curve of any of -these figures will
have a radius equal to the length of
the average cow's reach with neck
head and tongue. The leaves and
twigs, and even the thorns while they
are still young and green, seem to
have an especial attraction for the bo-
vine palate, and as soon as ever en
inch of green growth comes within
grabbing distance it is pulled ofl'. In
well -pastured mcadbws this cow land-
scaping keeps the trees as close•
cropped and as dense -twigged as the
best efforts' of • English or Dutch
When to Plant Small Fruits
and Ornamentals.
Dealing with fall planting, Mr. W.
T. Macoun, Dominion -Horticulturist,
says that bush fruits, such as cur-
rants and gooseberries, which begin
growth early in the spring, are best
planted in the fall—the latter part of
September. Raspberries can be plant-
ed either in the fall or in the spring,
but fall planting gives opportunity
for replacement in the spring if any
should die.
If strawberries are planted in the
fall, it should be early in September,
so as to become rooted before winter;
but early in the spring is the ideal
time -to plant strawberries. If not
planted them, Mr. Macoun says it
would be advisable to use pot plants
and plant in August, and then it
might be possible to obtain fruit the
following spring.
Spring is the proper time for plant-
ing fruit trees, ornamental trees and
shrubs, although] adds our authority—
as it will not matter much if the
branches of shrubs ale killed back at
first—should the fall be found more
convenient they can be planted quite
satisfactorily then. Conifers should
not be planted in the fall. Roses may
be planted quite successfullyin the
fall, and may escape winter killing.
If planted in the spring, it is advisable
that they be planted at the first op-
portunity in order to be well estab-
lished before the hot weather sets in.
Fall is the best time to plant most
herbaceous perennials. The peony
should be planted in September if
Lever Brothers Limited
Home Education
.The Child's First School Is the Family"—Froebel."
The Golden Years -By Edith Lochridge -Rid
A young mother stood on the porch alone in their own way. Not to pro -
and watched her little son trudge off tect from the world, but to prepare
to school for the first time alone. Her for life in the world is our duty as
face was pensive and the yearning of mothers during the Golden Years.
the mother heart was almost trans Some mothers out of their tender
lated into tears as she turned to a love, err in giving too much super-
neighbor and said, "I feel almost as if vision in early childhood. If we, see
I'd lost him, five years seem a short an aggressive playmate taking more
time to have him to myself." than his share of toys in the yard,
OM first impulse is to help our child
to maintain his rights, but unless the
encounter threatens to grow beyond
his strength, it is much wiser to let
tiny son fight his own battles. He
must do it some time, and the older
he is the harder it will be to start.
Self-reliance is an absolutely nec-
essary asset, to success in life, and the
child that goes out equipped to make
his own decisions and look after his
own personal interests without too
much assistance, will have fewer
griefs and hard knocks.
In those first five years, our child
gets his ideals for life's conduct. He
may never have heard the Ten Com-
mandments or the Golden Rule, but he
has seen them acted, if he is in the
fying in the world." right kind of a home. He isn't on
Yes, the Golden Years are the the fence in regard to right and
sweetest and fullest of opportunity, so wrong. Ile has learned by seeing
let's enjoy them, and live happy, nor- mother handle situations, that a thing
mal, everyday lives WITH our chile is either right oe wrong, but that there
dren. We can never tell them how to is no neutral ground.
act, that is a'flitting method of train- So while we all may have ideals of
ing, but we can,show them how we conduct for our `children in after
meet difficulties and problems and dis- years, the possibilities for attainment
appointments with fortitude anda during early: childhood are manifest
smile, and then, most important of all, and measured by their response to
allow them to meet their own trials temptations in the home -environment
salt the yields are reduced. which can be broken up and cleaned' The smother crop method of killing
If thorough and continuous cultiva- may be later reseeded if so desired, us- quack to be economical must utilize Furthermore, if itis convenient, the
tion is carried on it will correct the ing strong -growing grasses and clove some crop having a value over and horse and cow manure may both be
detrimental conditions mentioned, will ers, which will fully occupy the above its quack -killing qualities. Buck- placed in this shed, so that the horse
lesson hand hoeing, and increase the ground. Besides removing a menaces wheat has developed a good reputation manure will not suffer such heating
to crops—and often to the good -wills for its smothering effect If the land as it would were it piled separately
yield and profits, which is one objec-
tive to be borne in mind in all farm-
ing operations.
The time to start fighting weeds is
in the spring, and among the pre- they has upset other plans.
among neighbors -a little puttering) is kept well cultivated up until some- If the manure must be drawn away.
about in odd corners of the farm' time in late June and then seeded from the yard and cannot be spread
works wonders in making the old thicldy to buckwheat, the quack al- on the field, a large pile should be
place more likeable. After midsum- ways gets a jolt, and if the land is made with straight, sides and the top
mer such weeds rapidlybecome con- rich enough to make a heavy buck- sloped somewhat to the centre in order
spieuous, and may well: claim some of wheat growth, the grass is pretty well to catch the rain, thus keeping the
the hours or half -days when wet wee- down and out by fall. manure sufficiently moist and. avoid-
Any farmer who has not yet got this ing excessive losses of fertility.
pest on his farm should always be on So far as their influence upon the
The Way to Wallop Quack Grass -
Begin the Job by Tackling an Old Meadow Sod.
the lookout for its arrival. The seed growth of crops is concerned, unrotted
may come via baled hay, grain, seed and rotted manure are of equal value.
for planting, or it may be brought For twenty-one years, experiments
from a neighbor's farm by a threshing were conducted at Ottawa with the
outfit.: If identified while confined to result than an average yield of 21.7'
a few small patches here and there bushels of wheat were secured on land
on a farm, the most heroic -and ex-
pensive methods can sometimes be ad -
BY J. SIDNEY GATES. to which unrotted manure was applied the breed, early maturity and a bright
If I' can make clear the one simple cat. If you tackle' it when it has the and 2.1.6 bushels on land to which rot- intelligent head with medium beak. If
- r about - vantageously used -on these small in- ted 'manure was applied; with man- g
and well-established principle. shoo vitality of the frog, there is a hard P you:have pedigrees back of the birds,
un -
quack grass killing, we will be getting job ahead. If you first get it into fasted spots. Covering over the whole gels, 20.6 tons were secured from mi- that is desirable but do not take birds
q lg' areawith building paper—a heavy i 20.2t
well along towards controlling this, the cat reslatant stage before attempt g p p e vy 1 erred manure' end tons from rot- on their .pedigree alone. I have seen
the worst of all weed pests on the ing to give the final blow; the ]tilling ,grade of tarred paper should be used ted manure. These yields are strike two cockerels from the same mating used:after each milking; Then paint
farm. This principle explains 'ragged is comparatively easy. ;scu•ms the paper and extending it rusty uniform and show beyond quee- showing great variation. One is the the teat with the following: One part
ex erience with control methods—ex- Farmers who have killed out quack several feet bayous the infested spot tion that neither lass of manure will slow feathering type and about half of tmturo of iodine in four parts of
P why P are usually those who have—usually and covering the edges with dirt or t alargercropsequalthe size. of the other at four• months >t paintis on with a camel
plains of quack one case YY stones to prevent b1 wing away, will omits of applicatio i However,as the One shows weak vigor,the hairebrush.this
downfallq provedaccidentally—started the smotheringrotting rote of age.
to be utterly impotent. when the job: or cultivating work on the already kill out the grass m a single season. 6 process causes considerable other a picture of strength and vital-
was tackled in another field on the vreahened- grass, whereas those who Complete exclusion of light is what loss in weight, it Is. evident that a ity There, is no question of which
farm. 11 have failed, though using the same Plant poisons •are sometimes •used ave{talar rem the u0rotted source type you wish to multiply.
does the trick, much larger supply of manure.wlil lel
In addition to the one fundamental, plan, have in the main gone at the - DAIRY.-
principle, there are two general plans; job hammer and tongs just where on these small patches, This treat- Another itnportant point :which has;
in use io killquackgrass. One is men{, however, not only is quite ex- been learned from experimental work, l Chapped or cracked teats in the
and when the pest got to be the worst. . pp
' cows are more coroner than usual this
The strategy to be used in weaken- t of 'f other • h d
When new cockerels are needed for
a range flock it often pays to select
them in the late summer and let them
grow up together. • This prevents a
lot of fighting that may result if full
grown cockerels from different sources
are, placed together during the: winter.
The early buyer also has a, good se-
lection of the best early maturing
males at a price much below their vele-
ter value.
The -best breeding ' cocicerels are
birds that show'signs of good size for
Treatment should be given early,
and then it should cause very little or
no inconvenience. Teats that are sore
and tender should be treated after
each milking with an . ointment made
of vaseline, ten parts, and oxide of
zine, one part. If the condition be-
comes pretty serious before treatment
has been started, it may be well then
to use an antiseptic solution: and bathe
the teat in this;for this, bichloride
of mercury' can; be used, one part to
one thousand parts of water; a two
per cent. solution of cresol or creolin
may be used, but the mercury is . as
good as any. Fill a cup with the solu-
tion anti—place it against the udder,
with the teat suspended in the liquid
for, several minutes; this should be
known as the smother plan and the pensive but the poison' puts the land is that smaller applications of manure l ] •
other as the tillageplan.: In both ort .commission or raising o. er either ma a .more frequen y of cuv-
g ing quack grass is very simple, and asummer; probably due to the dry sea-
cases the quack is killed because it is crops for a considerable period after `ting larger- acreages, have Prosed _soil, although this condition may be
revented from making above -ground few minutes with a spade' out on most the quack has .been killed, Common more profitable than heavy applica- ort by many causes such
P g any quack infested farm will enable salt in quantitysufficient to kill most tions. While. it is impossible, owingto brought al y
growth. It takes leaf surface and; you'to cheek upon what I have to say., s. is the one risen which seems the difference {n tbepfertilit of wre as walking in wet grass or through
sunlight to keep leaf surface,orkeen{. Khat The spade will show, in a cultivated o have little or no effect on quack:ious coils, to preseribe exactly what mud holes and streams; also from
[ng down a keeping w field; where the' grass has become so rass, mi ht be called smaller a lications wading in manure. or lying in wet bed -
is produced so' cut off from sunlight g PP din it ria be caused from the nuns -
well established that there is., a .full But for its tenaciousness to coni it may be•said, in a general way that : g' y
that it cant function kills by much theearlyY g y
tf the calf or from minting ;with
the same process - as drowning an,
stand even after season fight vated fields quack grass would be a at
an application of 1G tons itr °
against It that the sound down t the t hands; or again, from cold air..
animal. splendid addition to•out domesticated per acre hos given as good returns in we °f t[ `r utile will ,,i
The extent the t o v y,
1 g o e
depth of the furrow slice is completely
er than It carr{es -3 4 pounds tion of 18 tongper acre, in a
era longtime to d whereas timothy.l treatment th t
and three -
is mere stored upmaterial f
fl which Y fd digestible to 48 poundsdi-tt Inother
with others the prose
Now, some animals have to be kept • plants. It makes good haw --far rich- a four-year .rotation as m applica- de endin upon the sensitiveness of
matted with wirelike rootstocks This P g
rown, w area . 1 t d t 1 the con `ilia manner o len a
o iges i e pro e' t,, o1, year ro a 'ion. o : er words,
, an.
ss. is relativelyi quack has pat there to draw the condi{{on hos •had, the length of
q p r w on' next gestible carbohydrates: and only 23 applicliCion orf 3 yr tons.icer acre per
short. You would have a hard time oar. It is a rather hopeless
a frog,though it can be
pe ass task to
drowning . attempt. to kill' it directly when so well
done; but a cat, despite its reputed established as this.
nine lives, succumbs very quickly.i
n k rase is almost as variable in THE SMOTHER METHOD OF ERADICATION.
rte response to the killing rocess no, And then the spade will show, on a
P g P piece of old meadow land, that the
matter whether the tillage or smother P
animal has been affected, etc. Huron. e c Ira ne
pounds of crude fibre to 100 pounds of • year has given as good results as an
At first the teat is very dry and red, fries c u t ,N ^n succi m
hay: Timothy'has only 3.2 pounds of application of 6 tons per sere per terider to the touch as shown by the li ` l ,
w usw
protein and only. 44.7 pounds of carbo- year: This difference is qui Ce marked re DN. S. 4. KENDASL COMPANY,
runningrestlessness of the cow during milk- E,lash„ra Palle, Vt., U.S.A..
hydrates, with crude fibre up and is very important. ire. 11 this is allowed to exist for u: ,rmlaxAaasn rte :
eo 28.3 pounds .to 100 ponnds;'of hay. - time, without treatment:
. 5_'2
ISSUE No, 3 8.
st1n eds '~deet{ cracks will form in the teat:
KNmtaa', 8puvlo TrentTrentrn ntar tUirldrellntle,
uwrewedy for oil moon of le0Iu Nlrllnr, ourb.
rintbl ta, b , e oath and 1 nhnm och'
mute& unmet formers 101,40 forty tours na rnaa110
acrd eu•, - 11 Imam10 barna' Wal4dng—not
1o5til,g•.. 1800, tt 1ulu done for 0010,,, lb will do for
you. hasp' n butt;, of
itendall's Sparser T!'Cateetent
•hsndv no volt arm non Itgtlekly wban {tie module..
A4 ttl tnly, Ior,O Str you Wo worth 4010110
tot - Ank rdlll•duel r 10o4111,naYou
Intown..' tar out to rert1115r14'
13010 ererywbuto. Geta free copy of "A '1'uetlno on
theuron a druggist' or r
a g nr u o x,oen n 0 e
But quack does not inane a lastingly Public service is one of the corm any lengthoft , w ,
p,frogg bay p or try's great` a
ran be asci;, s1s are the:and`the, pest has become more or. lase root rod meadow or pasture. (rut f
Then the 14nocking is Heard,
"Do you ever 'experience any knock-
ing in the meehaneem of your car?"
"Only when my wife and 'one of her friends occupy the back
A new 50115511011 and a new life are
in store for: the farmer who has not
yet had the pleasure of pressing tlie.
button and seeing his home, his barns
and out buildings, and the yards, all
springing from darkness into the light.
of day.
It is hardly safe to generalize as to
the characteristics of women, but itt
does seem fairly true to say that they
have a tendency to be exact anld con-,
crete in politica:-Mrs. klvar S11reehey'