The Seaforth News, 1923-08-16, Page 3BoY uT Scoutingand the Kiwanis Club. "If„a man can write a better book, preach abetter sermon, or make a bet- ter mouse trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the wo.ode, the world,wiit make a beaten path to his door." Literarymenhave been having a great squabble over the author of this mouse trap (nictation. Some credit it to Elbert Hubbard. But be has been eliminated aa he did not'beginto write until after .the quotation had become famous. Thies Emerson's walks were looked to, But no comfort hasbeen found there. But who three who wrote it? It fits. theB Scouts. That is the only res PALE FACES AND WORN OUT NERVES Due :,Solely to Weak, Watery Blood—A Tonle is. Needed. Anaemia ---literally impoverished blood—conies: on so stealthily tbet it is'often well advanced before its, pree- ence ,is.. recognized. Feelings of fatigue and. discomfort are the earliest mane festations of the trouble and these are seldom taken seriously. Gradually small tasks become an ..effort and. eiia. ertion causes the heart to palpitate. Violentiy. The complexion becomes sallow or pale and there Is lose of weight, The nerves grow weak and the victim displays. 'irritability. under slight' provocation and is extremely sensitive to noise. The appetite is fickle' and indigestion often follows. A condition of anaemia call's for a tonic, one that will enrich the blood Boy sou and ;strengthen the nerves, and for son it: appears in our thoughts to -day. this purpose there is nothing can equal Business .men - aro peculiar ducks. I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, These pills give the blood all those missing eta - month necessary to give strength to the nerves, color to the cheeks, and nourishment to starved organs and tis- terest them in a proposition which sues. Mies Margaret J. Fraser, H.R. 2, does not entail miraculous accomplish- ment, They 'really believe that they Can work mlrfele0. So when a gang of fellows goes par - thding by bearing their miracles with em, the Kiwanis Club blinks its I swollen and I was in a very miserable eyes, stares, wonders, and then, as 1f condition. A friend advised • me to try seized by one common impulse, falls Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I got two in behind to da what it can, as tickled boxes, and found before they were To say that they are, egotistical is put- ting it so mildly -as to be eomplimen_ tary,_ They have such confidence in their awn powers that one cannot in_ Thessalon„Ont, has proved the value o this treatment. She says: "I was very pale and weak. ,My blood was Poor and I was very nervous. I lost my appetite, my feet and ankles were as a boy carrying water for the ele- phant at a circus. • It's hard to fool men. But you can't food boys at all.' And when men real_ ize the work of the Boy Scouter they are not being fooled. Neither are the boys who eompose the Boy Scouts. They get training mentally, physical- ly, and if there are any other ways they get that too real downright finished. that they were helping me. I cdntlnued the pills until I had taken a half dozen boxes, with. the result that I am now enjoying the best of health, all symptoms having ;disappeared. r feel confident that what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me` they will do for others; if given a fair trial.” You can get these pills from any too—real dealer or by mail at 50 cents valuable stuff, that makes men out of a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine them. And they like it, just as boys who entered the army liked the in- tensive training that was handed out to them by their superior officers. An old Persian proverb runs, "Think The Scouts have made good in spite twice before you make an enemy, and of the ridicule which was heaped upon thrice. before you make a friend." True then only a few years ago when their --even if we think that "twice" and elders firat heard of them. The police "thrice", should be transposed. As a and the rest of us laughed at the idea platter of fact, however, they are in of having Boy Scouts help handle big their right, places. crowds. But now! Why, they are the Most of ua, before experience first ones we tura to when something teaches us wisdom, take to ourselves big and difficult is to be done. friends far too easily. We continue That is the reason why the Kiwanis the friendship because we don't quite Club is for the Bey Scouts. Their know how to end it; but In our hearts. lives are open books by virtue of the we wish certain of our"frielids" a honesty which they are taught." They thousand miles away— permanently! preach better sermons. than the rest et ` There's the painfully "candid us usually hear—right in the lives friend;' for a start. He—or she—tells• which they lead. They make better us. of our faults, our defects, aur short - mouse traps than the rest of us; and comings, and rules in hard all the they can outdo us in the rest of the things we know but would like to for_ fundamentals. They build their get! houses in the woods—and our happiest "I'm sure no one would tell you but hours are spent in our pilgrimages to myself, old man, but do you know you are getting, fat?" Or when a new "bat appears—"My dear, I know you don't mind what I of our confidence! Not worthy of our say, but it doesn't 'suit you a bit! It confidence? Who then is worthy of v„ould be ail right for a girl of sixteen, but—" Had I my time over again I 'would never have one of these candid friends. I've searched my memory, and cannot remember when candid praise was given. It is always criticism. ` Candid friends are life -spoilers. Beep them out of your life, Then there's the' easily offended friend! Never have a friend of that type. Or .if you have any, seize the first opportunity of letting them go out of your life. They will age you, worry you, and make a slave of you if they remain. You. will always be' apologiz- ing, explaining, smoothing them down, bogging their pardons. Your soul will hardly be your own, for you will never be free to do what you 'like. They might be "offended"! They are tyrants, and their tyranny grows worse the more you pander to their "tuuchiness," Get rid of them! Buy—as I did,—a new hat, and tell them nothing about it. They are sure to be "offended." and then let them re- main so. Finally, there's the "friend" who devise means fon preventing expensive uses you when her real friend isn't fires and explosions due:to its Pres- available. "Uses" is the right word! once, The recent explosion of an. auto- you are in reserve—to be used as re - mobile tank while being filled and gaited. That type should be barred, resulting in the death of a woman sit- •too. Choose your friends carefully. u Co., Brockville, Ont. "Friends" to Avoid. then!. They have done much. They have dared much. They have done that which was assigned them. Worthy our confidence?"—From an address by the president of the Kiwanis Club of Toledo, 0. The late President Warren G. Hard- ing of the United States of America was Honorary Vice -President' of the Boy Scouts of America, and took a very keen interest in tike development of Scouting throughout the Republic.. This he showed in a very practical. way alertly before his last illness by offering to. present a special banner.to every Local Council and Troop in the country which either increased its membership 25% during 1023, or main- tained a previously reached 100%n membership, Static Electricity. Every radio fan is familiar with the pranks of "static," that bother- some condition of the atmosphere that makes one want to throw away his expensive set ever so often. But It takes the insurance companies to know the real menace. of "static" and to Master Georges Delrue, and the• Canadian Pacific S.S. M!nnedosa, on This 'little fellow is not much on s ze voyage unaccompanied, He has just or weight, but he is a recorder -holder, nevertheless. He was one of the most clistinguiehed passengers aboard the spent most of his young life with his Canadian Pacific liner Minnedosa on grand -parents in Toureoin; a small her last westward voyage, and he town on the border line -of Belgium and holds the record of being the youngest France. He took the journey that he passenger to make the trans-Atlantic might fain his parents and take up paseed the second milestone. Mr. Georges Delrue is his name. He bus ting in the car, was traced to static electricity generated by the flow of gasoline through the filling pipe. An- other case on record _shows the de- In the rural distracts of Sweden a struction of a fur piece burned while garden ie.' attached to every school., it was being cleaned with gasoline, the Here the children, receive practical friction of rubbing out a stain creat- instruction in the cll!tivatton of plants,. ing a small spark and the gasoline herbs, !lowers and finite. doing the rest. Chains touching the ground and "The well-being • of mankind leading from the nozzles of filling throughout the world" is the avowed pipes saved one oilcompany thousands aim of the Rockefeller Foundation. In of dollars after several of its tank the ten years since it was established wagons had blown up when friction of it' has devoted itself almost wholly to the pipe nozzles produced sparks that public health and medical education. ignited the spilled gasoline, So' far, it has spent $76,757,000. Even the simple covering of an elec- School Gardens. tric light bulb with cloth to dun it has been found dangerous. In one case the confined heat melted the bulb, starting a lire. In another, the cloth ignited and fell on a sola, eventually spreading tothe window curtains and house itself. In still another case, a tapestry containing metallic threads :came in contact with an ungrounded electric wire and when the metallic threads melted they set the tapestry , itself ablaze. r,— Do not forget to keep D $ P a dish of fresh water where your cat can; reach Classified Advertisements % T ANT'l:n•-AMn1TlOt3 MAN Olt WOMAN to llstrlbuto samples and telco orders for. 0101, tap proposition. eseslalty.' No rick, nle monor. Hamilton, proOoaltlon. Luoue PreduaN Co.. Dept T.' namlltoa -ort, 'MYER PDXES—NOTES rstOoi MY DIARY (nooklet), - Nino years' experience mulching force, 15 eents, br, itcadall, Truro, Now Scotia. GENTS OPPORTUNITY: REAL 1I801 NETS, sell easily, Send ton cents for full samples, its pro ositloabeta commission. tr.Dorothy lisle r Ndt;CLladsay Banding, Montreal. - - - WASHINGTON HAND 'PRESS. E BAYH. AN ENQUIRY DOIR A.wASnINe- TON Hand Preen teat will take 5 rase, of t columns, lona Wilson PnblIsklno Co., Ltd,.' 73 which he Journeyed from Antwerp. ,permanent residence at St, John's, P.Q.. While he was travelling "unac- companied," Georges was not for one moment uncared for, and although he objected to the Minnedosa to the full- est possible extent for the first 24 hours, after this period he found that ithe ship was merely a huge playground with everyone his friend. EASY TRICKS No. 40 A Card Mystery This is a trick with the joker Which will be found in every com- plete pack of playing cards. The joker is shown and is placed on the top of the pack. The magic- ian askswhether his epectators , would like to have it placed •,near the top of the pack, near the bottom or .in the : middle, Whatever the choice, he takes the joker and places it where he is told. He places the cards bebind his back for an instant and then brings them out. He snaps his fingers, says a magic word and the joker appears on the top of the pack. This is how it is done. When he shows the joker he holds it so that the presence of another card, behind the joker, is not obi' served. This Is done by holding the cards sq that they curve slightly, the convex side toward the audi- ence. He places the two cards (ap-: parently only one) on the top of the pack. The card he takes off the top and places anywhere desired in the pack the audience believes to be. the joker. Really, 1t Is the other card. The joker stays on the top of the pack for the finish of the trick. (Clop this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questlona on Public Health nate. ters through this column. Address him at Spadi is House, Statin Crescent, Toronto. A great menace to the public health presents itself in the slip -shod way some vendors have in serving ice cream and soft drinks. A rinse through cold water is sometimes prac- tically all that the utensils get. Vari- ous investigations have shown that the ordinary methods of washing soda water glasses and ice cream dishes neither cleanses nor sterilizes them. Contagious disease germs could thus be transmitted from mouth to mouth. The following disinfectant is recom- mended by certain boards of health, for the cleansing of •soda water glasses and other drinking and eating! utensils: Solution No. 1. Chlorinated lime, 12 ozs. avoirdupois, sodium carbonate, 831. ozs. and 66 grains avoirdupois. Water to make 50 fluid ounces. Grind the chlorinated lime in a mortar with 20 fluid ounces of water until a thick paste is made. Transfer the paste to a gallon bottle, washing it from the mortar with 14 fluid ounces of water. The chlorinated linos must be of full strength. Dissolve the sodium car- bonate in 17 ounces of hot water. Add No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby May be beyond all human help before the mother realizes he is 1.11. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentery and colic are most prevalent, Any o4 these troubles may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During the sum- mer mother's beat friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers orby mail at 25' cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. Huge Barometer in Munich. A new barometer, larger than the ordinary city hall clock, has been in- stalled in the tower of "the German' Museum at Munich.- Where the 12 is on a clock face the barometer has a large figure 71. When the atmospheric pressure is normal the hand of the barometer is at 71. Fair, weather is indicated by moving the hand to the right of 71 and bad weather by moving it to the left. Canada recently received an eider from Rumania for a $9,000,000 deal in woolen textiles. Music broadcast by wireless from Glasgow was heard by miners 330 feet ,below ground, at a distance of fifteen miles from the city. The first letter ever typed was, writ- ten in 1830. I11 contained -only 150. words, and is said to have taken more than four hours to type. Although 'butter'from New Zealand has to travel about 14,000 miles,, it reaches the Britishconsumer in per- t d'tion. Adelaide ,6t.. W.,. Tanta e the soda solution to the lime solution in the bottle. Shake thoroughly. If the mixture becomes gelatinous, set the bottle in wa water until the gelatin has dissolved Strain through wet muslin until liquid becomes clear. Wash with successive portions of warm water until the amount of the solution totals 50 fluid ounces. Solution No. 2. Hydrochloric acid, 8 fluid ounces, apothecaries' measure. Water 29 fluid ounces. Mix and stir well. To one gallon of water, add 11-3 fluid ounces of solution No. 1. When ready to use, add one fluid ounce of No. 2, to the above mixture. This makes a solution which is prac- tically neutral and which contains 2.31 per cent. free chlorine. The best method of disinfecting a soda water glass s with the above de g i scribed solution is to first rinse it I with warm water; next, with the solu- tion and, finally, wash off the solution with clear, clean, cold water. To wash eating utensils first clean' of the grease and dirt with soap and Ihot water. Rinse.Put in disinfec- Itent, Rinse with clean, clear, cold water. "I wouldn't think of marrying till I'm thirty." "Oh my! And you've been twenty- nine how long, dearest?" Women Organists. So many women play the organ in church these days that it is surprising that none bas as yet achieved any very great distinction, :considering the lightness of touch of the modern organ. Probably the first women to attain distinction in this 'field were Ann and Elizabeth Mounsey, two Eng- lish lakes who lived in'tho first half of the nineteenth century. The elder of these, Ann Shepherd, held import- ant posts 1n London, and wo learn with, interest that in 1843 she gave the first of six series of Classical Concerts at Crosby Hall, London, for one of which Meudelssohn composed "Hear My Prayer," for voices and organ, first performed January 8, 1845. The younger sister, Elizabeth, was for many years organist of St. Peter's, Cornhill. Besides the organ and plane we discover with some amazement, She was also a virtuoso on the guitar, and appeared in public as a performer on the instrument. This to as bad as Dussek, the virtuoso pianist, whoalso played the musical glasses. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Deminien Express Money. Odder. Five Dollars costs three cents, Boon to :Housewives. • A new bouseliold convenience is a portable metal cabinet into which dust can be eulptled" .fron) mops without any of it flying back into a room. Asparagus is believed to be the old' - est known plant used for food. Ask for Minard's and take no other. His Pluto Was Better Than a Gun. When John Jacob Astor, the founder of the Astor fortune used to go into the forests to trade with the Indians, for furs he did not carry a gun. He took a flute with him and played on 1t, which pleased the. Indians; and won him their confidence and friendship,. When you are trying to make friends never carry a gun with you. Always take a flute, -the flute of' courtesy, kindness, and goodwill. Tattooing in red and blue complete- ly covered the bald head of a man who appeared in a London police court recently. Goitre is very prevalent throughout the Himalayas caused from drinking snow water, T1teToLa�o of' a iy i; 61.nd in packages siaraweaursserawartae Common Complaint. 'He's sick of life? Must be hie liver." "No; just disorder of his fiivver." ' A lie is the greatest homage paid to truth. White specks on young evergreens? Dose frequently with strong soapsuds. Americo'' Pioneer Dog nomadism Boo:- on DOG DISEASES and How to Yeea Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. E. Clay Glover Go., Sea 12S West 24t,, %treat New York, 0.0.8. Attractive Proposition For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or 3500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. 73 Adelaide Street West, PRICKLY 1-1 lam` A ,' M lnard's counteracts EAT the inflammation, eases and heals the skin. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains, directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache : Neuralgia Earache Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Brandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin le Ito tredo marl! (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- '. anotionoidester' of soil lcylleacld, ' While It le well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the nubile against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company whl. be stamped with thou- general trade mark, the "Bayer Creels." Poland's Loss In ,Young Men. Poland's greatest loss of recent years hasbeen, not in devastated regions, but inyoung men. Therefore, physical education was stressed at a recent meeting of schoolmasters, and the government was urged to allot more money for the building of playgrounds and otherwise to assist In the building up of Polish youths. Keep Minard'e Liniment in the house. ' Chili's first electric railway will be a line 26 miles long from Santiago to Talagante. UI pINEYen CananotEUy New Eyes Dui you can Promote a foti, Clean, Healthy Condition YOUOUR E�UseMurine Eye Remedy R Night and Morning." Beep your Eyes Clean, Clear and Maltby. Write for Free Eye Care Book. Marto Ciegamcdy Co"9 East Ohl5 5000f, Cease Use Cuticura Talcum Daily For The Skin After a bath with Cuticura Soar, and warm water Cuticura Talcum ip soothing, cooling and refreshing. If the skin is red rough or irritated anoint with Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for all toilet uses. Seee25e. Oiotenet25 and 50e. Talcum 2Se. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:. lygmo ,. limited. 344 St. Pool St.. W.. Montreal, l Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.. 'EMI(); RUN DOWN AND AILING Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Brought Relief When Other Medicines Failed Port Mann, b. 0.—"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because I was tired and run- down. 3 had head- aches and no appe- tite andwas troubled for two years with sleeplessness. I tried many medicines, but nothing did me any real good. While I: was living in Wash- ington I was recom- mendedbyastranger to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-. ble Compound. I am stronger and feel fine since then and am able to do my housework. I am willing for you to uao thesefacts as a testimonial." -Mrs. J. C. GREAVES, Port Maim, B. C. Feels New Life and Strength Keene, N. H.—"I was weak and run- down and had backache and all sorts of troubles which women have. I -found great relief when taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and l also used Lydia E. Pinitham's Sanative Wash, f am able to do my work and feel new life and strength from the Vegeta- ale Compound. I am doing till I can to advertise it."— Mrs. A. F. IIAMMOND, 72'Carpenter Street, Keene, N.H. Sick and ailing women everywhere in the Dominion should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 0 ISSUE No. 33—'23.