The Seaforth News, 1923-07-26, Page 3-- STORIES OF WELL KNOWN PEOPLE No Wasted Words. Dr. Abernethy, the Emmaus surgeon, was a man ol Lew words, but he once meet his, match—in a woman. She call- ed at his surgery in Edinburgh and showed'hie ,a:hand hn;lly'inflamedand swollen. The following dialogue, open- ed by the doctor, took place: "Burn?" ."Bruise," "Poultice." The next day the woman called again, and the dialogue was as fol- lows: Bettor?" "Worse," ,More poultice." - Two days. later the woman made an- other call, -and this conversation oc- curred: ` "Better?" "Weld.. ''''Fee?" "Nothing," exclaimed the dootor. "Most sensible woman I ever met." Famous Baldwins. Mr, Stanley Baldwin brings a new name to' British politics, It le a re- markable fact that we have -to go back more than eight hundred years to find a bearer of the name who'rose to greatness; • The last lialdw:in "boom" was in the twelfth century, an 'epoch when to live was to fight, when even priests wore 'armor, beneath their vestments. Such a man s top - liald- , w o s' umped England with the 1 ea u Canada's Great Wilderness Park Jasper National Park Rapidly Eecoming One of Forernost Holiday Resorts in Canadian Rockies. Jasper, the quaint little mountain town on the shores of the Athabaska River. The Parks' authorities have designed a town' plan for Jasper In order' that its future growth may he kept in har•- mony with the beautiful environment, and this plan will form the basis of all future developments. A,goll course is being laid out east of Lac Beauvert and adjacent. to the Lodge by the Oanadian'Nationai Parks Branch. The Mount Edith Cavell high- way, which takes its naive from the great peak, 11,033 feet .high, named in Memory of the 'gallant British' nurse, has been completed towithin five mites` of its terminus. Striking and Beautiful panoramas are afforded by vantage. points scattered all along this new highway. An important new trail has been opened up from what is known as Sunwapta cabin on the Sun- wapta'branch of the Athabaska River over 1?obolctan pass and down to Bra zeap Lake. - This stretch links up •a sarlse of trails covering a distance of over 300 miles, constituting probably the longest trail' in any of the national Cholera Infantum is one of the fatal parks, ailments of childhood. It Is a trouble -The plans for the present season in- that comes on suddenly, especially elude the building of a new road along during the summer menthe, and unless the Athabaska, from Jasper to a point Prompt action is taken the `tittle one two miles east of the Snaring River. may soon be beyond aid. Baby's' Own The project when eonpleted will offer .Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward - a delightful ecenio drive from -Jasper ,Ing off'thls trouble. They regulate the affording'wonderful vieWs of the wide 1 bowels and sweeten the, stomach and Athabaska valley and the nob! k guar err of the 'park is situated 1n on each side. Jasper National Park is rapidly com- ing into its own as one of the foremost tourist res 'orim ' in the Cattadian 'Rock- ies. Although it wits Oat' aside in 1907 and .is the lar est of great play- grounds a.lnt,ni;stared by the Govern - moat of Canada, the lack :of adequate accommodation °for Visitors, 'until last year, has. prevented itsuse on the part ef'the...piiblTh in proportion to its portauoe. Since' its reservation ;the National Parks' authorities have stead- ily carried on leve opmentwork in the construction of roads and trails to the scenic points of greatest ' attraction and it .now possesses 352 miles oft roads and trails', Two years ago the Canadian National Railways erected the that hotel—Jasper ParkLodge— on the shores' of beautiful Lac -Beau- vent. This is a bungalow camp com- posed of a °antral building surrounded by a group of rustic chalets which serve as sleeping quarters. The im- mense popularity -of _ this accommoda- tion last year resulted in extensions this season which will provide for 250 guests and plana are being made for similar .chalets in Tonquin valley and at Maligns Lake.• Jasper •Park's Great Expanse. Jasper Park, with its great area of: 4,400 square miles, is situated in north- ern Alberta on. the main line of the Canadian National Railways, about 200 miles west of Edmonton. The Moira w11Y Giroldus, preaobdtng the Cruel It was he who crowned Coeur de Lion in 1189, and finally buckled 011 his own armor and himself set sail for the Holy Land. No fewer than five Baldwins were kings of Jerusalem between 1098 and 1188—an interesting reflection in view of the fact that the new Premier may be called upon to deal with the evacua- tion of British troops from Palestina! History had no use for Baldwins for the next six centuries•. Presumably they :had been emigrating, for they next pop up morass the Atlantic—this time in the role of statesmen, Abraham Baldwin, born in 1754, was a leading figure in the American Sen- ate early in the last century, and a few years later the name of Robert Ba win was revered in Canada as that a statesman who devoted himself bringing about a better un1 erstandi between' the English and French s tiers'. v Matthey Baldwin was an American Inventor wbo made notable improve- ments in the locomotive steam-engine half a century ago, and to -day James Mark Baldwin ie Professor,of Philoso- phy at Toronto, So far as the Old World is concern- ed, the new Prime Minister possesses a monopoly in fame. I: UNREFRESHING LEEP ) THE PRINCE OF WALES' CANADIAN HOME • The ranch in Alberta, purchased by the Prince upon Ms first visit to the Dominion, and where he will spend a real holiday in the autumn. The ranch has been stocked with prize cattle from this prince's English estates, CHOLERA WARN • epees Lf You Are Tired Out When You Arise in the Morning Read This.- The woman who is tired out, who aches all over when she arises in the morning, who feels depressed most of the time, needs just the help that De Williams' Pink Pills can give Ler -- new blood and strong nerves. The number of disorders that 'are paused by, thin blood is amazing and most women are careless about the of condition of their blood. Quickly the to nerves are affected and the patient be - 71g comes irritable, worries over trifles et- does not sleep as well as formerly and • Picturesque I�cture.,que India. India ie a continent rather. than a country, and lis popufaition is rectally acme diverse than Abet of Europe, The ra,clad differenlcets says Mr. Harold Cox, are apparent at onto to the least experienced eye,' Aro• amla mould ren luso the sltusely Little smelling Gurkha, whose lead barely reaches to the shoulder of an English soldier, with the tail, 'tlhhs Sikh or with the fleece Pathan; nor could he confuse the Pseud Rajp'trt with the Somriewba't ser- vile Bengali, These are a few of the more obvious racial types. There are many other distinct races, much fie, then removed from ono another than the, En'glis'hman is firom the Spaniard or. than the Frenchmen is from tine • Gelrntan: There ape alisle dilstitaclbloni.'s of social habiit, Take, for exaiseele, ills ]natter of 'dress Oven ?Ake greeter pert of Europe as over the greater part of North Antonioa% you will finals evereone nikrh or mese; wearing the, same general kind of clothing: In India you can s.el. dram walica few yards without meeting peopee ;whose dress Is absolutely dl fereat from tiselir neighbor'sf. You may meet, say, a dignified Mohammedan V is. not refreshed by rest, There may be stomach trouble and headache. This .ie a condition that culls for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,' Give Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and the first sign of new life will be noticed in your appetite. You will be hungry by meal'time. As the blood becomes enriched it feeds and soothes the irritated nerves, easel) be. comes sounder and more refreshing, your' worries become' less, your work lighter. These are some of the things that these tonic pills do. Try them for any trouble caused by thin blood. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by' mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Beast! Mrs. Longwed; Does' your husband allow you to have your own way in everything? ' Mrs. Junebride: Yes; the mean , thing! ' Never once have I had a chance to say "i told you so." • MONEY ORDERS. f- Pay your out-of-town: accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, Artificial Wood. A Norwegian linyentor has, after many years` et'experiment, ddscavered a method af,maling artificial wood. A 'mixture' consisting" of 'sawdust; to- gether with chalk and sons. ahem -teals, Ls• subjected to heavy pressure, and the result is a sipbsteece possessing all the qualities pf timber. Its speoiflo gravity is the same as that of genuine wood, its hardness, the same as that of oak, •It can be plaited, sawed, bored, nailed,' painted stained, Or poliadaed, and submitted 'bo every prooeee of carpentry or manufacture to welch real wood is' subjected. It will not deteriorate in water, end, on account, of the chemicals .1t con- tains, is inlpr'n-vi'ous to rot. Moreover, it only burns at a temperature very much higher than that. at., which real wood catches .fire - • hi !easel's Lin Imam tor Dale evorywher.. Some milkmen cannot ' • let 'well enough alone. e'nblennan more than amply ehad in 'boilnml!Itnothe garments; then a Beugal'4 government cleric wearing a goxnnent somewhat like a 'wonnam'e skirt and called a delete; then a Passel sholpiseep- er with his peculiar beaidrda•ess lathes sitiggestive ee that ot'thle anoent Jews; and then a 000liee weaning nobbling at ale treat head to. loot except a narrow Iden .cloth. A few +yields farther an 9001 may Meet a h'e'ld beggar"; hll's' long lralr is 1laalig,Lng clown lilisi ailoauidelW and is matted with lime; leis whorls body is smeared with mud .and he is bialsteg out hese begging bowl and,.'aeik- !eig for acme in ,thee naane of religion Itis the senile Wray WW1 the women. Some wear stints with. a tiny bodice ' selves the tl9ase lerarvdng: the stomach quite bare; some wear'turou,siems: tight rounill the calves and.. baggy round the h170'; 'some again wear a single gar- ment about tlilia'ty yardui long,• wh•1Gh is in'g+enoesly tweeted 'between and round the legs so so to convey the inzpreoslon.. of a pair of baggY;lilllelse bbokei.s and then 0S curried um Delves/ the shoulders and over the head and eo a'rranged that 11 ren be dried as a veil, Do you have a goal in sight, keep your eye on it, 'and snake your assets, equipment and helpers assist you in reaching that goal? Do you realize that the man who sat on the log and waited for sweat tie a preliminary to work, was entirely outdistanced by the man who hustled sites' • the • job and got, up . sweat do frig it? Classified Advertk^e'en =..,. ANTED—AMBITIOUS MAN . On: WOMAN to dlstributo sample, and tnko ori Ota for Sign class ,,ousohntd0,11.Tome No rink. o ala. along,, honest nroos; u, Products Coo, Dont. 7. Thur tion,, Ont.; CI InvOU ooxaa NOTIta FROM -Ate mime 0-. (Pelee). _'Nino 9enr9' eeuarlortee raachlaa rows. 15 cents, nr. nandan. sltivo; Nov,.loots. WASHINOTONJNANO PREa9.. %[ 'e HAIL AN INe17WIS71' FOR A wAsrIN4-.' q TON nand Po,., that wllr•talro a PRIM '.of 7 d columns, lo.' Wilson Ivbneldnc 'Co.,: -Ltd„ P8 W 63nlsldo at. W. Toronto. al Risking Death for Flowers. "Fancy that plant being worth $750!" exclaimed a visitor to the Chelsea Flewer Show in London,. as they pausal to glance. for a luoment at the new orchid, °dente Crispum Soler, with its stiff, snowy petals spotted with maroon. "Fancy paying all that money Inc it!" • But orchids are paid foe with human Mees as well as with gold. Of all oc- cupations•, orchid collecting has the highest death, rate. A few years ago, eight orchid hunt - thus prevent all the dreaded summer complaints. They are an absolutely safe medicine, being guaranteed by at government analyst to contain no opiates or narcotics or other harmful. drugs. They cannot possibly do harm -they always do good. The' Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25e a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' 7!e,dlalno Co., Brockville, Ont, The Speed of Thought. Singer and Shepherd. When Mme.- Emma Calve,. the great singer, is at home she lives in an an- cient castle perched on a rocky noun,' Iain side in her native province of Aveyron, in the south of France. It Is • the castle of Cabieree, and it was built in rho year 1050. A' natural plat- -fo'rm of rock juts oat in front of it like the prow of a ship, and there the sing- er, who especially loves the ancient folk songs of her country, often stands answering the songs of the shepherds who watch' their sheep on the distant uplands. - ,One day; however, she sang before a shepherd on the' farther side of the mountatu., a boy of. sixteen who was guiding . her wltli a party of guests from the chateau through' the famous grotto of Dargilan, a labyrinthine suc- ces•sion of taverns,. We came at last, Madame Calve re- lates, in her recent autobiography, to a tremendous cave. Its vast, mysterious Until recently it was generally con-, depth fascinated me. I began to sing• sifted that a thought occurred with The boy started and turned toward me. the speed of lightning. But modern! , "Oh!" he exclaimed. "How lovely! methods of measurement have shown If the mistress could hear you, s'be' that the speed of th'aught'is not by any' would certainly give you a job. You ers, working in Madagascar, dined one means exceptional. could conte everydayand i evening at Tamatave: They arranged I sing for the to have another reunion fi The Gime taekett Por a nervous t1, i tiuoli Olt I and euro she would pay you fo •I dinner the. to travel from tiie elbow to Ire much Prone for I owing year. When the appoint t Y it •, ibrain and thence to the wrist graved "How much do you think she would pay me?" I asked. Similarly a frog thinks at the rate of Well, now," he said judiciously, urope with permanently ' -^ken about 90ft. a second, and it takes two screwing up his brow and scratching health eeonds forhis h s a whatsad e 16f"it's .to longhard to say. she might Y I think I That was unusually harm luck, but realize that he has. been .harpooned in go as High as five francs a every orchid collector knows of many the tail and to lash out with et. . ,' day. It wouls,be good business:' such caeet. A collector, a German, In corms peculiar way, lbawever, the "I'II think it over," I answered. "It's h very who jeered at an idol in a Madagascar aimed of thought seems to depend upon hind of you to give me the tip, jungle village, was soaked. in oil and !the temperature of the body. If a ,But don't you know me? I live over the wayat Cabrieres:' day arrived seven cf them were dee that it did ao at shout 3,80ft. a second. The eighth was in hospital. He stay- ed there for a year, and then sailed for burned to death. man's s No. madame; I have never been so body is warm he is able 5,, think You are always on the brink of the quicker than if he is cold; and if ht grave while orchid hunting, rays an I -expert. Invariably these 'bizarre, quaintly contorted little blossoms tui nerves are frozen they will not cons ea as that. Our church is up there on duct impulses at alk the plateau, andthat le as far as I have ever traveled." in the unhealthiest depths of the think only half ns quickly as an jungle, where fever, s1.alces, great cats,' at thirty-five, while if the frog another grotto, The boy was still there. He and ambushed savages with.po!soif52 warmed to the temperature of a man recognized meand came toward me, darts combine to wreck vengeance on ( the animal will .think equally as quick- twisting his cap e, his hands: i'Good the man who violates their privacy. 1y, morning, madame," he .mumbled. "I! A frog at seventeen degrees will A year later I wee again visiting the, But orchid hunting is a man's game. A' gold -blooded creature like the year.' guess you had a good, laugh at me last We've all got to die 'one day, and, at - fresh -water mussel thinlrs only at "Whet do you moan," I asked. "Why all events, we see to it that we do live about two and a half inches a second, should I laugh at you?" first. We are up against the real raw! One of the cuttieflshes thinks at the .1..,11 ..n rdventuro, and we do' not' rate of rI..,.e fest a second in winter know the meaning of boredom. If to- i and :the octopus •in summer- three to day we have draw's blank, to -morrow dos tinies 28 quickly, we may find a rare Dendrobinm grow- Many drugs, as well as cold, w111 de- ing in a mouldering skull' at a hill - tribe's burying ground, or another treasure or two clustering like, mis- tletde'in a cleft at this top of a 90 -ft. tree: The -Heart Blossom. An apple, big and red and round; No orchard nranareh ever found Surpassed in beauty, taste or smell, This, that from perfect ripeness fell, Midway 'twixt stem and blossom end My blade I made -all haste to send— I halved it. • In that apple's heart I saw the blossom's counterpart. A seed pod, where each petal fair Had been, lay spread before me there, A working model of the bloom That once had lightened March's gloom, j• Through all the fortnights that had ' flown The whi'ie that fruitage Ens !tad grown, The blossom's image had remained. To that great apple's heart enchained. Deep down within each human heart Lives our Creator's counterpart! The God -thought out of which we came Still lingers, ever more the seine. —Stiakiand Gillilan. The Story of Uncle Sam. Uncle Sant is the most popular nick- naatne in the United States. We all renew:thie-jovlal, Ialiky; beard- ed American with his peculiar top -hat, his voluminous :coet, and : striped trousers strapped under his boots. How did his name originate? One account dates from the war of 1812, when there; 'lived in Troy, New York, a .men : called Samuel Wilson, oonlin'only referred to 'as Uncle Sam. His work was to inspect pork and beef bought for the Government, Elbert Anderson 'a contractor, or- dez'ed several cases to be addressed to. the United States, and signed with his own initials. .= An employee marked the packages "E:A.—U.S.," and when ask- ed their meaning, replled,'',jokingly, that o.bviousdy they, r'elerred to Elbert Anderson and Uncle Sam. The joke spread, until finally Uncle Sam' was, understood to stand for. tue United States. ieloard's'Leniment teed by Physiclana,' crease the speed of 'thought—chloro-I form obviously, and ether and alcohol less obviously The ability to, think quickly esems to vary, too, with temperament. A melancholia or lethargic man thinks more slowly than a ohalerlo individual. In a» cases, however, it is practically impossible to tire out the nerves. They will always' think even 'thought the brain, which ,receives the impulses, may be too tired to deal with them, was told afterwards who you were,' he aus•wered, 'A nice kind of fool you most have thought, me with my five francs a day! They tell me that in the Americas you don't have to do more than yawn to earn' eight pairs of oxen!". tL0IIerfen41 Ploneor Dog ]temodroa Boo:: on DOG DISEASES and clow to Feed Marled Free to any Ad. dress by the' Author. U.'01e7 CIover Co., Ins 12a West 24th Street New York. U.S.A. UNLESS you see the Name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only. an "unbroken package"' of ''Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,"''which contains directions. and dose worked out y' physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions. for Colds Toothache Earache Headache • Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 10O—Druggists., Aeplrin is trip trade mark (registered in Canada) of Boyer Manufacture, of bt lis- acetleaoldostor of Salicyilcae!d, 'While it is troll. known that Aspirin. means .sayer.. mmluMeturo, to assist the public against imitetlona, the 'Tablets of Bayer Company Will bo slarpped with their general trade mark, the "Irayer Cross." If .you roll your own. (((a??slz fOr- gONE GMsr (sen latah ,,Verelt,a:i England to Plant Millions of Fish in North Sea. The Dogger Bank is to be rept:steed announces the En'glis'h press, indulg Ing in its ancient end honorable w nese for punning. Since the famou North Sea fishing grounds were die turbed by the bombardments and min explostees of the war, only knell-sdzed eatchee bevo rewarded the efforts o trawler. To remedy the shortage eighty million plaice this most remark able of ash will be traneported from continental fishing grounds, where the breed is. best. A system of crowed fishing grounds for the Dogger Bank, such as exist in all Eneldsh rivers, also Ls promised, with "No Fishing" signs theoretically posited around a belt of water 300 miles Jong off the Dutch and Danish coasts, Steam trawlers and motor ve'seeI s of more than 50 -horsepower will. not be aAlowed. within teat area. Cultivate cheerfulness. Think suc- 00ss;'act success; look successful, and be succesafu1., Mine •Alar in Often a "creep" or a movement .of the roof in a mine precedes a cavein. • An electric alarm which will give warningwarning is the subject of a patent is- s sued to an -American inventor. A pair of pipes are arranged upon a tripod, e The upper pipe is provided with forks at 'the top which are adjusted against t the roof. This pipe elides into a second pipe and rests against a spring. Con- - tracts are arranged in an ingenious way as to close on the two wires of au electric circuit, and bells are hung If the roof moves after the device is'set. London has a population of 7,480,- 221. 35 -LB. GAIN MADE BY NIRS.. ROBERGE "I've gained thirty-five pounds by taking Tanlac, and just think it's the greatestmedicine in the world," de- clared. Mrs. Caroline Roberge, highly esteemed resident of 224 Prince Edou- ard St., Quebec. "For the past two years I suffered from a bad case of indigestion. I had no appetite at all, my stomach was always sour and I had a bad taste in my mouth all the time. Nothing I ate would 'agree with me, and I was so weak and dizzy all the time it seemed that I had no energy at all. "Well, Tanlac ma the first medicine that did me any good, and it surely has been wonderful for nee, I am eating as much as anybody, everything digests perfectly, never suffer from sour stomach any more, and my strength and energy have come back. so completely I just feel fine in every way. Tanlac is simply grand," Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept 110 substitute. Over 27 -million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Ells are Nature's own remedy for constipation: For sale everywhere. BEFORE MY BABY :fE fl Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Compound Sydenham, Ont. —r`I took your medicine before mybabywas w s born,and if was a great help to me as I was very" poorly until I had started to take it. I Just felt as though I was tired out all the time ,and would have weak, faint spells. My nerves would bother me un - MA I could get little rest, night or day, I was told b a friend to take Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. I am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book you sent nae to any one I can help. You can with the great- est of pleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it will help others take it."—Mrs, HARVEY MILLI - GAN, Sydenham,Ont. It is remarkable how many cases have, been reported similar to this one. M•an Y women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run-down condition, ' when it is essential to the mother, as well as the child, that her strength be kept up. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and does not contain any harmful drugs. It maybe' tairen in safety by the nursing mother, su • 4J RINErlra. •.Keeps EYES , Clear, Bright and Beautiful WritoMurfne Co.,Chicseo,forEyeCarcllook I.� ® P Proposition ropnsitin For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or $500. Apply Bos 24, Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd„ 73 Adelaide Street West SORE SHOULDERS ON HORSES !! nerd's sukkir heals son shoulders, saddle bons and all maim and - UMW. BABIESLOVE MqSVRIVATD@pvq.t�p SCpirNli'� The Infants' and esildrea'sRegnlator Pleasant to .give—pleasant to take. 'Guaranteedurelyvege• table and absolutely. harmless. It quickly overcomes colic diarrhoea,' flatuleecy:and other likedisorders. The open published formula appears on every labia. • AMR Druggists ARS COVEU� NTU MMPL[S Also Chin. Large and Red. Cuticura Healed, "About a year ago a few small pim- ples broke out on my face. A month later my cheeks and .chin were ens., tirely covered with large, rod pimples that restored and scaled over, and frequently caused irritation. I tried different remedies without success. I -cad an advertisement for Sluti- cure Soap and Ointment and,_ sent for a free sample. Aftet tieing ' It I could see an in'Iproverrent so par. chased more, and, after using two boxes of'Cuticura Ointment, together with the Cuticura Soap, -I ' was beetled." (Signed) G. Marcoux,Laval.. llospitai, Ste. Foye,; Quebec. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and • Talcum for,aihtoilet purposes. aampt,Saehrroohy trail Addresd: 't ac,,tlm- ttoa 044 64, real at, W ,Montreal,' gold overy- wa re Sco.a flc. a1tmen.thlu,d6015 TNcuur2ip,: 5j25 C11t1CUra Soap ahave.wrthoatlalra•'. ISSUE No, 30--'S1=...