The Seaforth News, 1923-03-01, Page 4it o,. Lamb G,7r SNQWbON, Proprietor. VL!J It is nOt ea record that any tele - hone operator refused to au -wet• tviten rates: siz.,,t4Forim Marva,. AteFFfro ry^F(y' m , t -0l t_A� 01***1 ffiaRW***iii.m-r.� .Athi •. • • . +mmeawataa'poQFaeptlra+eacmruw which was able to make each life. pulse heat, 'and'the dead --no tenger dead -e -sat up and was restored to his mother, / But, elasl such joyful events do not occur in these day -s. Our hearts beat'. in sympathy with thosebereaved ones. We wonder at such happen- , 'but we calx only say that the ways of Providenceare mysterious. slced for the time to pay their M , Raney says the. appointing of one magistrate instead of several jus- tices of the peace in each county is a great saving. Hon. Peter Smith its his report, says the cost of justice has increased thousands of dollars owing to the change in the law; There you are. You pay the money and take your choice—at the next election, J<m Among questions formerly given to puzzle school children, was one asking . them to solve the question: If a cat is 2Q feet up a pole and comes down two feet during the day and goes up ane.foet during the night, how many days will it take the cat to reach the top of the pole? This it the question the Hon, Treasurer put before the people of Ontario. Ile says that by setting aside a sinking fund of $750,000 each year, he will in forty years pay off the debt -.of On- lario,'and at the same time he will go on borrowing $35,000,000 each year. He will pay off that debtas slowly as the cat will go up the pole. i<r The Hon. Mr. Smith assured the Legislature that no new forms of taxation would be introduced this year. Yet auto owners are to be as- sessed one dollar per license extra giving the 'Treasurer about $403,000 extra. a nice little sum. Then, there is being introduced legislation for li- censes for garages, licerses for gar- age mechanics, and among the latest licenses for well diggers, eo that, the government, which says no new taxes will be levied, have already several new ways of extracting the money. You may call it fees, but a tai, smells just as had by that name as any other. If you dig a well, you have to pay your share of the fee. The sante of the garage fee. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS $$ By W. H. T. I #i-.. —re The rise in temperature of the last few days was very. welcome after the tong -continued cold. *Kea February fully sustained its reputa- tion for severity. Let us hope that ktarch will bring more bearable weather conditions; although we are all .aware that March is capable of great weather stunts. n e In the meantime our fuel piles are dwindling away 'towards the vanish- ing point. If • the Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King could only snake pie crust that is es fragile as his promises, he would be the envy of every housewife in the land. We look with more titan suspicion eon the loyalty and patriotism of the man who flees to a foreign coun- try, when the Great Empire, of which he is a citizen, in order to re- deem her pledged word, and to re- move a menace to the peace and lib- erty of the world, engages in war with a mighty foe; who quibbles and fails tb answer when appealed to by the Premier of the Motherland, as to what Canada would do in case her help .might be needed. Who never in any speech in or out of Parliament litters one word expressive of loyal- ty and devotion to tate Empire and its sovereign; who discourages immi- gration from Britain lest there should be in this country a preponderance of British sentiment, which is utterly ab - hermit to him. We wonder how the Globe, -which is truly loysi to the British Empire, can put up with shin t man as the Rt. Icon, Mackenzie Icing it** How sad it is to see` a man like the 'late F. E, Devereaux taken away In the prime of fife, leaving his wife to mourn the loss of his companion- ship and of his help in bringing up the children with which God had blessed them. And sad, too, and so t'etrible fa its etiddemtes:, and such a blow to las widowed mother, was the death of Vincent Patterson, before whore life was opening out with such brightness. of promise. We think of that scone of tong ago in Palestine, when a young man, -the only sonof his 'mo- then,- attd the was a widow, was being borne ,to the_toiml>; and there came along the God,Man whittouchedthe bier, and they that bare it stood still, ant, then He-spalce with that voice CE, ST For Infants and Children in Use For r newer 30 Years Always bears r the ���i .. Signature of gee , �!+ ��' TORONTO MELTING POT Toronto, Feb. 26,—"So little d —so much to do" was the comp! of a certain historical character the clarity of vision accorded in itter hours. Whether it is stirring conscience or merely 'et- t»»^ton growing public unrest the Drury erutnent now proposes financai trenehrrent. Ilon. Peter So,'th's b 'et perch on Thursday followed -ah 1n, of estimates totalling O $5b t' Y 000, including 4�6 (182,001 et sal expenditure. Th,.: proem treasurer seems to contemplate Vag by du un.a the coming fis ,e:i tv.th enormously reduced outl for e penditure in the year end 'bet °etobe, has $37.442.95, and c e oeuditure $51,885,000, the to n^indhi statutory. bean=; $105.}41.1 Or course there will be further st ri..tneottr ie, before the Legislate rises, nut there is evidence of an attet tr, e+.+t down the wholesale expen tele• which has been going on. W ;he. it will impress the electorate • 'eve li' ant:: is to be se 'T -on. Mr. Stihl promise, _that of tamv..ion w 1l' he p n:'t fed, and he has a pan to w tut the ordinary debt of the proven 'r. 49 years, otit of revenue, No ho held out as to dropping of any -le new teems of ta:ratiou, and in f t e.l 1 •ranee l'f.w that it oiled to 't +1.600000 from t rr :.lite°tt • ...65009) from t •-•-1F n tax act: and $4,400,0 vehicle cle licenses. 7 itkeynote to the mi.ittste h lerh i and it was a go ll, _,,nt-,:d ,.1 wwith previous f ,rte -ss-as that no natter what t •-',:stay tncty have been "we raised t money." It was trite, he a'Imitt hat a oe'•. r' - e kent mounting, it w2 met by r nettles, The peon had "com,s actress" and preeumah deserved credit for not defaultin There ryas a comparison. Ioo, wi miler provinces. favorably to 0 tarin, naturally, in view of the finan sal stattts of talose in the West. Th is, even in nearly four vears t Government has not ruined the pro ince. and the treasurer congratulat it thereon, Mr. Smith forecasts a new bot ssue of $35,000,000 to help meet xpencliture mentioned above, for t al receipts during the current ye re estimated at only $39,3%2,000, Justice Is Costlier While statistics of tate Attorne eneral's are presented in -the publ ccount somewhat differently fr he previous fiscal year, making co arisons difficult, it is admitted th dministration of justice in the „pro eco during the twelve months en ng last October cost $1,515,460.80, a tcrease of $456,668, The total eo f the Attorney-Getieral's departmlen or the year was $1,906,070.73. What is now described as "La nforcement Fund" accounted fo 5589,894, or more than one-third e whole administration item. ear ago tate item "Enforcing O.T.A. hick probably does not correspon xactly, was $482,084. Salaries o rovincial police for 1921-22 amouu d to $91,860. The total is not give e tate accounts just brought dow ut the list is twice as long as be re, and in addition there is $85.27 r salaries and expenses of "sundry fficers, The Board of License cons issioncrs cost over '$40,000. Under• the new plan by which jus res of peace try only by-law case id county magistrates go—or ar unposed to go—on circuit, the cos as mounted a bit. There is a classi cation now under "Police Marais ates, salaries. travelling expense td contingencies• $27.967, salarle uaanting to $23:273 of this. In ad tion, salaries of police magistrate districts (as distinct from con es) amounted to $27,322, au incrcas $6,000. The nutnetrous commissions cant iter Mr. Rattey's department, and r the year ended cost $18,406, a mpared s"ith 516961 the previou 'r The ptlbile service (Gregory) tntnissiou got $11.345, and also cost 3.121 in the previous' Year. The Has - es enquiry cost. $1,432.$0. G'trdon aldron. who is U,F.O. Counsel, not 273 for represeittfng the gnvern- nt in the enquiry into the death of et, Huston. The departmnt refunded some $16, - in Q.T.A. fines, as cantered h: $.33,844 a year ago. It has not essed wrong- quite so often, or per- s is gettinx less susceptible: 0117-----OGRAPHY IS SUBJECT OF CRITICISM be new nubile school geogranhy, ch made its appearance last Sen- tuber, • has brought a veritable me of . criticism. 0f cotrrs,,,. it is to be expected that any new or iced authorized "text -bank could aro criticis"t but that levelied a, latest boric issued and eetltnt•t.,,'ri the Provincial Department of FA - Oen seems -to be rather well noted itt feet.. horel in Critktized. Walkerton oaner assails liar rnrshin, of the tet book in no ten ' +tt terms when 1t sea+as; 3v enquiries we have learned brat Tieta,•tment emnmiecion ad t-wo tlemen to Ret their heads tnnet',gr out of the abundance of their one aint 1n dy- of goy- re- ud- the my c at cal Y, 'ng ap- tat 43, 10 - ire npt he- at en. 110 er- 1pe cc Pe of act is he he 00 is od ef- he, Ile ht t le ly th 11- 1- at his v- es td the D- ar y- is omt con e a G tt a }t it 0 f 11 tl y w p e •ii h fo fn m ti at h fi th• 81 11 di in ti of oil fo co 80 51 $:1. ,.,e Ca 1.15 Wit 111[ hap v- d- n st w of A d f t u n, 0 s s s n - e d s s ft7E whe to etn1 not •ev Ole b inn A 4.ut ant! ., n he ''cn and knowiec(ge compile a new geograplt The result is this Somewhat uriis�u text. One of the anchors acquired 11 familiarity with the teaching of pu lie school geography by serving Greek aflutter in a High school. S far as we can learn he has -never see race inside of a >t hair- s• to e Good Overstonnlly for the Destruction,. y, THXI SITlV11VIER `FALi OW e t 11,S Not So Good as Cultivation and ap Soil-'lmpto eitllent. i t cl of sine his catty youth. 23ts collaborator pr pared himself for the authorship tine geography book by teachin English in a Winnipeg High scho+ thirty-five years ago. That these ge tlemen made a few hundred io snake in their book is surely not to be we dared at, They have produced th kind of book you would expect the to produce.". For two or three months the dail newspapers have given eonsiderabl space to tate controversy as to whe titer the eastern headquarters of th Canadian National Railways ghoul remain at Toronto or be transferre to Montreal, The new geography ha his lttle proble o settled long ago handing the coveted pin ,t toMone ^00, New Prnnstviek. A few we"k aro it .was officially announced tha Montreal would be the Dominic) ',rale rafters -- Winnipeg, Toront end ikloneton remaitu'lg as divisiona '-ea''gl111 rters, V t of of 'Weeds -and i.useet Pests—stick to Otte Greed in Batelle; live t ' ;local«--i'cintere ori (:o-opei�atii t, n- s (contributed 5,Y Ontario Uet,att,ment 08 wet Agrteeottere,' Teroute.> e r There Is na so11• so rich that it can 01 stand the long continued practice of y; stuumer fallowing without decline in e i fertility. . Experiments have shown - that when sumtuer fallowing is prov- e treed, live times more nitrogen Is ren- d dared soluble and available than to d required for: the crop. Tee ooeasioual fallowing of laud to destroy -pests - either insect or weed may be jtisteled t even if it dotes destroy cousidorable et . vegetable ivatter. Ctutivated' and o soil iutproventent crops whereby the 1 soil is kept in use leave largely taken the',place or the summer fallow on tunny of the beat operated- Ontario f farms. Rotation of crops and after= ✓ h tl gest tillage well practiced churl-. d nate to rl lit;;e -hent any necessity for summer hallo , log.—L. Stevenson, e Toronto. Maps of Poor. Quality. Perhaps the greatest weakness o the new geography- is the very poo finality of the snaps in general an Ontario and Canada in particular The used fail to snake e?ear th h t n iaries of ' provinces and conn 'Wes. There is a confusing mess o e twee on tate maps. every hamlet or '+, railways. it would seem, 'being on the map.' The geography itself, hay - ;.117, a smaller page than the older edi- tian, has not the scope for larger maps and consequently both sides of a page are used with a big one -inch white snace between to break the connectiOn. E sports and Imports Neglected. f STECia '20 ONE IIICISE`ey. Another serious fault in this "ind- ent. text," as it is termed, is the great leek of specific reference of imports tool exports as it applies to the vari- ous ceentriee of the world. In this age of trade communication; it weed e " th»t '''ore careful attention let tail have been given this eery 'mporleut department as it applies to a study 0f the geography of the world. • f,pellfng Inaccurate. The aet.hors of the text have not ie n>,l it necessary to have the spell- ing nt pence on the Wraps agree when 0.,t1%‘11(%; 18 matte. to these. particular r,i1e n the reeding matter itself. rhe capital of one hair+mean country, ?r! arta Tr, wit, is given in tate reading 1n:tter and yet it is not misrked +'n the maps One Real Good Feature. The new hook is handsomely got- ten up, beautifully illustrated and makes a very attractive volume. The great number of pictures undoubtedly helps pupils its impressing upon their minds geographical facts of import- ance its their work, Fundamental Principle Violated, The Gpvernmeet, as controlling the Department of Education, ntay be called to account by the pupils and teachers of the Province for authoriz- ing such a text book for their use. It has been well said "that there is no use crying over spilt milk," yet prog- ress comes through mistakes. A fun- damental principle which should sure- ly have impressed itself on the Pro- etnclal authorites is that of employ- ing the best, the most competent and practical men to prepare books, which it is their intention to author- ize for use in the pubic schools of the Province. MITCHELL. Awarded Damages.—Damages of $1,500 and costs were awarded Geo. Swale, Mitchell, plaintiff in an action before Justice Lennox at the -sittings of the Supreme Court in Stratford on Monday. Mr. Smale asked for $2,- 000 damages its connection with an alleged offence against his daughter. Mr, I. C. Matches acted for the plaintiff. VIone rof Mit 1 ell''sedoldest families un the person of Isabella McIntyre, wid- ow of the late Cleaphas Worth, pass- ed away- at her residence on Glad- stone avenue, Toronto, She was a daughter of the late Hugh McIntyre; and was born seventy-five years ago. A family of three daughters survive, Strangled with Asthma is the only expression that seems to convey what is endured from an attack of this trouble. The relief from br, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma 'Remedy is beyond measure. Where all was suffering there comes comfort and rest, Breath- ing becomes normal and the bronch- ial tubes completely cleared. This unequalled remedy is worth many tines its price to all who use it. Fickleness of 511515;! In E:, cding Live Steck is b'at.al to iiuccess, As the 1011650dpi. spdeds past while one travels by road or tallt it is dis- ap,..tinting to see a dltetent breed ui' cross or cattle Oh practically every ether farm. This practice causes more loss to the live stuck industry than any other, owing' to its alrnust universal adoption over very large .areas. Not oily is it a great national :use, but it uev=r g;:ts the individual „hirer woo ads',:: t it, atuytvite:u near success. IN:Attrmr note it give any 1n- enirati0n to hie :,.rain' to stay wtta :h lndueLry L::.,' to t"acinating, nealtity tine 11, 1, . 1s•, 1c ,Fen under- taken nder-t`ken wmire 1. t r,t ,. e a of 'Uteilt ant-. ty bred mi 0 .e 1101,1, 11 at person would Mak,. 1111 11.4 111156 as t0' what u' a„d td. nintam was d,sirt-u, and teen tete beat etre available for that o -ea titer w.,uld be a p.:ssiitllity of tel' breed. 'there 10 ti ilc,,1 .news of innid with iunt;y itlitatt a:iti they lulluw it by :,,acting tt•Oo, une bret:e of bull to .,i,irtner to head tlefr herds. They a:t. rarely able to giro a deenite rea- so,t lertheir sei,)arate choices, ox' what they expert from toe ottetattun. Many of the prevailing popular ideas ex-, ethit a lack of knowledge as to where the crossing oL breeds will land, Tuns lack of knowledge is all the more remarkable seeing that there are nun- dreds of cases in any county or sec- tion to shove that it means retrogres- sion, rather than progress. The writer visited a harm lately where a farmer tried the "in and out” game between the dairy and beef breeds of cattle. He had a herd of good useful grade dairy cows, and When' the boom came to beef cattle, during the war, he used a Shorthorn bull on these dairy cows. Before he reached anything definite the price of beefhad dropped and milk was com- manding a more profitable price. He is now using a very poor specimen of a Holstein buil on the crosses the beet bull gave him, and the progeny are miserable specimens, that will pro- duce neither milk nor beef. The results of tinkering with dif- ferent breeds always ends in a mon- gred herd, neither good to look at nor profitable at the pail or feed lot, The brat generation of a cross may prove satisfactory, but carried be- yond the first generation it is inevit- ably a failure. • A farmer cannot keep two pure -breeds profitably for the purpose of crossing, when the prog- eny are unsuitable as breeding Battle. If a man has a fancy for dairying, he should ohoose the breed whlcn ap- peals to him and best fills the de - mends of the market he intends to supply, then always use a nerd sire of that breed, and carefully select the heifers which are to be retained In the breeding herd. It is always found to be much ,more profitable to stay with one breed than to be con- tinually switching.' Every stockman should aim at Im- proving his herd or flock, and to do tins it is necessary to stay with one breed, use the best herd sire of that breed available, carefully select the breedlug female, and feed a ration that will promote thriftiness and maximum development, — Maritime Farmer, Get the Service . and You Get .AAP ,,on 1.-• Tr!". our Bonacilla Face Massage, at the Barber Shop, or you may try it at home by purchasing the Bonaciila Package--O-Beauty. Clears oriaciiet close enlarged pores, complexion, ebuildso droopinghetissues. ads 'and lyiMakes the stein soft and smooth. Refreshing and rejuvenating. '.file Restful Road to Beauty!' BONACILLA Package-O-L•Jcauty , „ .. 50c BONACILLA Facial at this Barber Shop ... , . 75c We will massage or shampoo a limited number of ladies, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, after eight thirty, by Appointment, THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR, W. W. ROBINSON, Prop. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ..dam" .,ons+,mon.+�.,nx,.�<ewm,a+,,�°"'h<•ar'vh+spa✓+arsa,M,.wv LFetnmNOY.,mw ii ui Thol'ra letaliyo P ti enntMoTiufuekp yt A'Jedefablol'reparatio!t%tits�. ..SirailtatinglitcFeed.hyllegida , tingtiteStomatlls anti liowets ei<+ Thareby.Pron0iintDiiestiou Cheerfulness anttilestGoideld 'neither 09pplun,Morph'ittenoi litineral.Ial »TNARC0'sl�. rr+p ,s(oT,rollllurfP.Il12 1 ta$st Sias% 5a ', acct.tsda ,rs stat F ' Fir t x Cr rte �"7• .l .0 ithin aiatTPf.0r iia3lis l.,'-liortaril ,iaiin9,u , tassel 1'ever£sl;lt-SS sad'hl !MS5O1t'v1+- 3'Rsttilin$t> e,rclfmin rstinfaittJ.y T lod e5i ti tto10Y G4 711:1 Ca%t111/90 CotPe.ti,'X. .. rd For Infants aIld Chi dna. tiers iicw That GOIrdia Cas t®ria Ali rays Beare, the Signature of Exact °i en,e get' ifel s:3 S V1Jrq e T< ;,,2, .o•- pp YM eF_N,..,Ufl CegipARtY NEW 'nag ell Y. rG.��.i5 ,.. � � ':a,..~.t,-.?�1:tas....�••, iN �' "•iy� ac'.:t�?r• f '^sr,,+a P I i• F. ,f"i • mLis W}EEK He ntzrai & Co. Upright Piano Mahogany case, 7 1-3 octaves, Sweet tone and a piano worth, to -day $600.00. aft cs � (1j WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE2 Also another Upright with Mahogany case and bench to match; 7 1-3 octaves; all in fine condi- $225n�! tion and Louis V. design. Special Price.. Also a Goderich 6 -octave Organ, piano case to go for $35.00, with stool and a Square Piano of reliable make for Quick sale with stool, $55.00, The above Goods are all guaranteed by us and will be sold at the ridiculous low prices above mentioned. Same wilI be taken on NEW ART BELL PIANOS at full value any- time you should desire something better. Apply to our agent for further particulars on above goods. Bell Piano and Organ Coo, Ltd. Guelph, Canada JONATHAN E. "WWII, Agent PHONE 6 on 616 Paramount Presents An 8 Part Reproduction of Robert Louis Stevenson's famous story of the South Seas with Lila Lee, Jan es Kirkwood, George Fawcett, Jacqueline Logan, Raymond liattoi, Noah Beery, and others As a writer of thrilling, colorful stories of the South. Seas, Stevenson has no ennal. The eight reels, which Paramotnit found necessary to de it:1st:ice to the story. are packed' with actionful seenes of compelling interest Coining Next Week -end, The comedy that has broken all attendance records 11 roki Lloyd's r d a's The most g-enuinely entertaining comedy ever filmed, , THURSDAY, hliARC10 i, 1943. PROPiES5IONAL DARDS Medical OR, IL HUGH ROSS, Physician end Surgeon, Late of London lioepital, London England. Special ateention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. °thee Phone No. 5, Resiclenca Phone 106. DR. F. j. nuRteolys, seatorul.,of. ace and residence, -Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Church. Cor - mer for the County of Huron. Tel- DRs. SCOTT tic MACKAY. Phys - clans and Surgeone, Goderich St. mposite Methodist church, Seaforth, eCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann arbor, and member of Ontario Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Coroner for. Coupty of, Huron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, Gold medallist, Trinity efedical College, Menthes' of Cole :ego. of Physicians and Surgeons, . Nose and Throat. Graduate ill Medicine University of Toronto, 1897, Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield'a Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London,' England, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each' month, street, South, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford, »Pe A. 111. HEIST, OSTEOPATH— Licensed in Iovra and Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free. Of- fice over Iihnbach's drug store. Sue - tow General Pire, Life, INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machineel james Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. Chiropractic Specialist, naci 0141(1.11,80U. THE NicKILLOP dual Fire Insurance Co, VARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers fa& Connolly, Goderich, President; James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, See.- Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; Robert Ferria, Jas. Evans, Beechwood. Agents. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R, liohnesville; R. G. Jaimouth,' Born- holm, James Kerr and John Goven- Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be prompIty attended by applicatioo to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoirt,ea. It's The Quality That Counts. High Class Food Products, Best -rood Flavoring Extracts, High Grade Toilet Preparations Superior and Excluisve Perfume Hygenie Household Specialties Macie Supp ort, in Home Canada Industries Our goods sold direct to consumer through local agents. If there is no agent in your district send us your address for Price List, and we wilt fill WOO! orders by Mall. Loeal Agents wanted in the fol- lowing towns: Goderich, Wing -ham. Exeter, Hensall, Brussels, Blythe, JOHN HOOPER P.O. Box 355 Seaforth, Ontario,