The Seaforth News, 1919-12-18, Page 4MEDIC&L
�.IidlGll. 1tUtlfi, t'uyaleinn Itud 8utgati)it
Le of Loi'dO" Hospital, Lndolt, hngbw 4.
8peolal attention to disease% of l.y', For, Mi se
and Throat,
ofitheandresidence behind Nonunion liana
Data Phone O. s, Roaldenee Phone No, Ino
J !lI'RRU)YS Seaford' ()direand r s
aYrldeueee- Goderich Street, matt of the Meth
odist Church, c h, aurone':for County of Hume
elel'brnrr No' da;
.7ray tUT1' .t 1 i I \1' eltr%telonM an(1
0argeun0, ttbd 1'I, u,r! opposite Meth,.
Church, Some, i
f3COTT. graduate t t. rr. ,H tun Arbor, and
I ember of Ontario College ii; Puy M-ia.oa and
srgeess Coronet for ilium , of Nonni.
ukCR.tS, bunco gru4 ,'' '1 :pots fnieersitr,
gold modal}st Trinity Ut Air:, tbjI ,to tletnl,er
Of ('ollr;o-o) I'y4(, ulna end Barg" un, tinturt+',
Di, G1(0. 0 tt,I• iTA N, a-t'oId t. f,a Est
In Women's and tam retro
illtoamntie troubles t u re a .1 ,it rat I d
eco. Nor Eye, y ! 1 Myna( )at A I •n ti.1 re @
moved with ',occults( too u
baits i Ito 1,1), Hioro
Tali JAr, s a ,: ', t ,Feisty s l.u, • of:m a
..a+w a .a«. •d .. .� .+ BY-LAW number 204, for 1919. by the Council of the Town of Sea -
1 of the TOWN of SESFORTH l forth (its the event of the consent of
UGC \ by-la\M a, provide' for the hot- i the electors being obtained thereto)
1� nlr, 5�I 1
TUB 'Ali UW totting ,tt ,0000400, upon ctebenturesIafter one month from the first pub -
to erect 0 1lonartucnt in honour oft 1ication in the Seaforth News news -
the Soldier; from Sea forth, who I paper, the date of which first publi-
made the supreme .sacrifice in the cation being the Ilth day of Decent -
great War. her, 1919.
\\"Hb:hl :\e in the opinion of the \ND FI'RTHE1Z'TAKE NOTICE
oUBSC121PT1ON 1 nicipal Council toi the 'Town or that all leaseholders qualified under
Seaford! f 1 {
Or. F. J. O. Forster
Eye, Ear, Nose and Thtaoat
Graduate its Medieizto. university 01 I
Toronto 1807.
r\ si ee w •r r ) ,1
Leto a a[ 1 t ve Irk t itttal-
miC and :lural `lustLtnte. :llwt•odeld's
Eye, and Golden Velum e Throat Hos
pitalo, London LJ':,Rhotd, At the
Qneetl'n Hosni, tieafurth, third Wed 1
Jesday iu Bach month bum 11 a • In to
, ip,nt railroad tistie.:.3 Waterloo Street, iIi j
South, •t-ctford. ?hum. 207 Stratford, 4 pp
Haulage Licenses ,Filldnntff lowei.t• )
Aa. ya, :vadidesing Insure:se, Life or.laident? !
l fyoa sue, a postcard wilt get our rate°. .
J. D. tllNti..ltLEY,
Bos acid Agent for London Life Inouraace Co,'
od Imr:rlal Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
S.aforth, Ont,
" lL LOP '
Mutual Fire insurance Co, I
Farm anti isolated Town
property Only Insured, i'$^
From the Office
Phone 54 Stoning Tr"
Ire 0 loltat per !ear, strictly In 11 ,til.• -
A hilt 111 1 1
11 out Ltd in ranee ) 1101, 1,1 nu,
et tY . e tagged tllite 1 Witten
n tilde and proper ori the pruvisiuus of the :\fnn'rpet get,
he . ai,! l nun to erect a suitably section 205, „ aro required tett (10)
'lays before the day of voting; to file
,i.rli me a Statutory declaration of
Id qualification, otherwise their names
to not appear t •o' voters.' lig for
will ton the y tet.. list f
of omit voting.
AND F1'RTIT1:R'l'.V<F. NU'I'il.d.'
rat that the vote of the electors of the
by said'Town of Seafortl,, 'ei1T be taken
e nn the said proposed by-law on Mon-
et clay, the Fifth f5th) Clay of January
n 1920,•canuuancing at trine o'clock in
of the forenoon and continuing Ito tit five
e- o'clock in the afternoon of the same
at day by the following Returning Offi-
h cern and at the following. places:
0- North Ward at. Royal Hotel, by Jas.
y HHinchley, • 1)eputy Returniu;; Officer,
O .
b lilt
f Rest oilClerk,
n East Wat•tl at the "Town Hall, by Wil-
liam Hartry Deputy Returning Offic-
er, William Bright, Poll Clerk.
South Ward at the Carnegie Library,
IIy-J, Arnold Case, Deputy Returning
Officer, T. Fred Welsh Poll Clerk.
On Saturday, the 3rd clay ',,f Jan-
uary, 1920, at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon, the Mayor of the said Town of
Seaforth will attend at the Council
Chamber of the said Town, to appoint
aersons to attend at the various pol-
ling places aforesaid and at the final
papers, brio semis extra ttriettly ht [ 1ltnuulwut a 0onour , f the Soldiers
ad vane,•, 1 , it'uu St of ,t th, who made the su-
when sob , finers Thanfugo heir oddrest
odes ehouId be ',-, t us immediately, giving
both the old and the aeN' address. Sub.
mribeea will confer a laver by notifying us
of 0ny Irregularity of delivery..
Reading Notteda--Nu .eadlug UGLILY
advertising any entertainment ur matter of
which ' 10/01- 3 W 1,1 made ray any person
or cause will be Inserted to Tito Naw,
without charge. The price 101 ore loser.
C1011 of bush ss announcement. is TEN
Cents pet Count =)Or edea Roam:uu
parties having no contract tut donuts,
advertising and 51', 0 enl,ra per Iter rami•
insertion to thosehaving dlaptaY MnrntCts
and tot rico tits vete', Mad oalcetawmem
reading oott,es. Card of Thanks 5 to 0
linea, so ev,ts.
Judicial Lo •ai Official and Gomm -
cetera went N tied, -Ten uta per age ode halt
Notices -Tea cents
insert ,m ave cents r tine for each
u d n
o per
sub5eque Insertion.
Yearly ,•arda-Profcastanet Cards, out
exceeding one Inch, will be inverted fog
05.00 ner v= ar. potable atrtctly in advance
Display otivertlaing-1ta'es furnished
0a applicatbut,
"Advertisement. ordered for insertion,
wUntil forbid:" and those tent without
written Mammy n, will appear until
rltren order. are r• •elvrd (or their d(t.
Letters to the Editor /1st on attWm-
panted by the writer's own slgoature, not
or publication. out as a guarantee of good
faith. The nubtisher arcepte no ream*
oibltity whatever Inc the statements made
in such cointnuanx'ifom:. Lettere mr reit-
glans topic. adU not be published at as
except as paid advertising, purply marked
as ''telt. The rate for 'unit matter Is tea
00011 p•1 ane.
• 3 F'. S 1 0 4E10 14
prelee .sacrifice in the. tweet \Var at
ifo that purpose it is necessary
raise by way of loan, on the credit
the Town, the sunt of $6000,00,•
- AND \6 HEREAS it is ekpedie
to raise the said sum of $6000.00,
the Issue of debentures at one -tim
and to make the debt repayable
yearly stuns dtu'iug a period of fiftec
115) years, being the currency
such debentures, said yearly SUMS b
ing of such respective amounts th
the agegegate amount payable in eac
year for prinicpal and interest in re
pert 01 said debt shall be, as near!
asu ib
ss le equal I tial to the amount S
payable in each of the other fourtee
(1.4) years.
AND WHEREAS it will he neces-
tu raise annually the strut of $597.75,
during, t he period of fifteen (15)
years, to pay the said yearly stuns of
priniripal and interest as they be-
come payable respectively, uccording•
to the terms of this by-law.
1NI) WHEREAS in order •theret
Y lit will he necessary to issue debet
I tures of 'said Municipality fur th
A 1.
;out of $8906.25 as hereinafter pr
Y Tided 1 which is the amount of th
i I debt intended to he created by thi
i f by-law the proceeds of the said de-
i i hentures to be applied to the purpos-
es .tioresaid and to no other,
i1 AND \VrHEREAS the amount of I
4 I the whole rateable property of the t
a..,.,1 i said Municipality. according to the
hast revised assessment roll is
1 i Y AND WHEREAS the anemia of
1 the existing debenture debt of the
� said Municipality. inclusive of local
i improvement debts secured by pec-
iai rates nr 1 .t stents, is $198,097.03
I whereon there is no sum in arrears
summing tip of the votes by the Clerk,
s en behalf of the persons interested in
and protnoting or opposing the pas-
sing of the said by-law respectively,
The Clerk of the said Towtt of Sea -
forth will attend at his Office, in the
Town Hall, on Tuesday,the 6th day
,f January 1920, at ten o'clock, in the
forenoon. to sum up the number of
y rtes for and against the proposed by
f General Observations
J as. 2OOItOliy, rindt•rieb, Yr'•atdea t, Jamegi
SiTana, Beachwood, Cine Preuident, Thomas 1 i cow that there are several It
Hays, benfort h. Soe,•Y'rees
D. F. McGreggat, Seaforth; Joao G. Grieve,
thllathtop W. Riau, Constance; John neanewels.
Biod�hagen; Rooo� O aact:arloc
aki Malcom
teras Connolly, Goderich: Jas, Evens tieecchhwI ood'
Nog. Leitch. Harlocki E. Mockler, Seotort'•
Achnesell ; R G, J emou h'tErod ay •t;e' Jae
Kerr and lobo Govenlock, dealorth, au /tors.
Parties dealn,us to effect Insurance or trans'•
tier Mishima will be promptly attended co by
pntteatton to any of the above officers. (address ••
*their respective postotaces.
I` Price 250184e*
i FD'SLIutltEflTf
e' -'LIMITED.- t
lrt:aaaro C,CRICtARe,aat
..... ,nth
i m6ine
a`ler't fur either principal or i
the oppositions in the Provincial! THEREFOtrreSI,
rZ the municipal
cause, that special salary to the lea- l:ututeii of the Corporation of the
,11•r of the nppositiou hecontes /tie -;'Town of Sea hod! enacts as follows:
leading and should be cancelled. Mr.' 1. That fur Ute purposes aforesaid
Drury has reduced his own. Few there shall be borrowed on the credit
would regret if he tut the other of. ,,, the Corporatiuu at large the sutra
ses of $6000.00 and fur the purpose of
raising the said sum of $6000,00 and
It was little wonder that Mr. Drury ; paying the interest thereon, at the
said he wished Itis wife were with rate of five and one half (5 A) per
him when six deputations from the rent per annum, for the period of 6f -
National Council of Women bore! teen (15) years as hereinafter and here
down upon him, asking for as malty . itihefot•e specified, debentures of the
reforms. He said he thought she I said Corporation to the amount of
would be much better able to under-' y8966,2e, in sums of not less than
$100.00, shall be issued, which said
debentures shall all be issued at one
time and dated on the day of the is -
stand them and advise him what to
do. The ladies should be merciful
and wait until the new Premier gets
more accustomed to his new duties, 1 sue thereof and shall be payable in
a * equal amounts in each of the fifteen
* 1 (151 successive years, on the Fifteen -
The Ontario Government has been, tit (15th) day of October in each and
already busy with the question of the 1 every year of said terns, at The
disposal of the Governmenr House i Dominion Bank, at Seaford', Ontario,
and it appears that for nine years, � such amounts being made up of the
owing to the way in which the deed aggregate sum due in each year for
is drawn, it can neither he sold or principal and interest, as is particu-
used for any other purpose than a laxly set forth below, namely:-
Be Governor,
dwelling or a residence for the Lieut, year Principal Iitterest Total annual
Governor, Now that being so, why
not make it, during the winter months 1. $'267.75 $330.00
when the expense of heating is 401 2. 282.48 315.27
great,into apartments for the use oft 3. 298.02 299,73
the Governor a td his cabinet ait ' -'
4. 314.41 283.34
ters. I1 would bring the Cabinet 1 5. 331,70 266.05
in close touch with the Governor, a
very desirable thing: it is also quite
large enough for them all to live a
very harmonious life together during
the sessions and the ministers will all
want to get back to their farms as
soon as the sessions are over. This
is a sery practical age and if the Mill -1
inter; paid a fair rental it would rc-
intlnirse the 1''rneinre for the coat of
an the
".For the Brood Is the Life."
004111 Any disease duo to Irnpuro t ood
such no Bossing, ascarid.,, scurvy, Sad
000.. Absoeoeeo, (teem, Glandular
Swellings, Bods, Ptn.ploo, 8oroe *rant,
Ntnd, Pilon, Bteod Poison,Rlteumatrsan,
Gout, etc„ don't %mote your than nail mime).
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface atilt: skin. What you want
medicine that will shoratghl3•freethebloNJ
o) 'he poisonous matter whist) alone is the 1010
'n of all your suffering. Clarkes Blood
IsJuat such a madicm
a. It lcomposed
of ingredients which quickly expel from
all iefrom whatever canoe
arising, and by rendering
it ocean and 9000,
tan be retied on to effect a lasting cu:
tDJoata mit etcreiraonr '
round Med.
Over 50 years' -a..
Pleasant to
JJOJa py art
;CAnmtsta and
1s'uto tet,,,,
• SKIN & 81000 DISEASES,
No cliil I =deist!! hit :tit .,,':e l to sutler
.w hour: Iroin %ot pts when prompt
relief can be got from a simple but.
:gong• ,t; "i!emedy.-Mother Graves
Iprin. lietCrminator,
At a church conference a speak -
'r began a tirade against the uni-
-'r.ities and education, cttpressing
thankfulness that he had never beat
orruptecl by a college. After pro•
ceerting fora few minutes, the his -
hop, who teas in the chair, htterrup-
1 with the question "Do I under -
.sot .l that 110. Dobson is thankful
u• itis ignorance ?" "Well, yes,"
vas the answer, "you can put 0 that
way if you like," "iVeil, all I have
to say," said the prelate in sweet and
musical tones, "all 1 have to say is
that he has Winch to be thankful for,"
* 1
If Sir Robert Borden resigns
1,,,, ted,' ill -health. he will take, with
him the sincere respect of Canadians
all shades as well as their sym-
'•athy. He is the only Premier in the
't itisli possessions who stood the
•Iain during the whole of the war,
\cut «nee has a single breath •n! sus-
,ticion against his • honesty been
charged. His, loyalty ,gave strong
support to the soldier at the .front.
His upright person.aiity held Canad-
ians united to the very end.. of the
war, ver
6. 349.94 247.81
7. 369.19 228.56
8, 389,49 208,26
• U. 410,92 186.83
10. 433,52 16423
11, 457.36 1.0.39
12. 482,52. 115.2,1
13. 509,06 88.69
14. 537.05 60,70
15. 566,54 31.16
(>000,00 82966.25 $8966.25
2. The Mayor of the Corporation
shall sign and issue the said deben-
ture, and the sank shall also be sign-
ed by the Clerk of said Corporation,
wltr, w' ill affix the Corporate Seal of
the 1 trporatitnt thereon. •
3. During fifteen (15) years, the cur-
rency of the said debentures, the said
;out of 597,75, required as aforesaid
to be raised, used, levied and collected an-
nriilh• for the purpose of paying the
said ittstalmettl:, of IJr1In•incl attrl in-
terest, ,hall be raised, levied and col-
lertea in each and every year during
the currency of said ,lehenttn•es. by a
sneeiat rate sufficient therefor o't all
rateable property in the slid 10ttiniri-
nttlity, at the same tint and in the
same manner a. 0,1 her rates and tag-
s etre levied and eullecterl,
4. This by -lair shall take effect on
dae of the final' passing thereof.
Provisionally passed in open ('oun-
i1, the Stlt day of 'December \, T).
919. '
\'fayot•, -' Clerk, Sti
T.AKF, NOTICE that the above is \\
a trite copy of a proposed by-law, "n
"ich has been taken into considera-
ion a n ! which wii11 be finally passed
Mr, William Turnbull of Exet
died on Sunday, December 7th,
the age of 53 years, The deceas
had been a resident of Exeter on
since March of this year, corning
town from Winchelsea, 'Three yea
ago Mr, Turnbull had the lnisfortui
to fall from a plow receiving injuri
fror11 which he 'lever,' recovered a
which made him an, invalid to t
time of his death. Four years ag
he was married to bliss Entntersou
near Woodstock, bis bereaved wide
The deceased was bora and raised
\Vinchelsea and his parents, Mr. an
Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, survive, th
latter being under the doctor's car
and in a very serious condition, Tw
sisters also survive. The fuuera
took place on the following Monde
from his late residence. The remain
were shipped to Inrlerkip, near Woo
stock for interment.
The town hall, Henson, was th
acetic of a very successful bazaar an -
der the management of St. Paul's
Anglican church, There was a plent-
iful supply of dainty fancy work and
some very original gift suggestions.
The handsome sunt of $63.50 was real
ized by the sale of tickets on a quilt
contributed by Mrs, George Brooks.
Besides the fancy work and aprons,
home-made sweets and cooking were
n demand and a good supply to meet
t. In another room, pretty tea tables
bright with roses and dainty china
were presided over by Mrs. L. Petty,
3lrs. J. Riley, Mrs. G. Petty, Mrs.
Edwards, Mrs. W. Fee and Mrs. A.
netsinger, The ladies in charge of
he various booths were Mrs. G.
Case, Mrs, D. Shirray, Miss M.
ohnstott, Mrs, T: Simpson, Mrs, V.
tee, Mrs. McKay and Mrs, Ross.
The fish pond was a feature that did
rushing business all day long and
was itt charge -of Mrs. J. Simpson and
fiss, S. Fee, A number' of the gent-
emen ,,f the cougregratiUn assisted,
'he rector, A. R. Garrett, appreciated
he willing spirit of all. The net
roceeds were $340, which will Ise ap-
lied to the rectory debt,
The funeral of th late Mrs, Busch
eek place on Friday of last week
'n the residence of her son, Mr.
Pay'sch for interment in the Hen -
all ren'et,0 . The deceased who
vas seventy e'trilt years of a 0 0022;
cell -known and highly esteemed in
ieasall, haying lived there for near-
• thirty' years. About two /months
go she had the misfortune to break
ribs and on her recovery- she
sited her daughter, Mrs. Harvey
ape of T.ondon, where she took ill
tout two weeks ago and after a
tort illness passed peacefully. away..
rs,. Busch was predeceased by her
tsband, Mr. H', Busch, several years
yo, Four sons and three flatlet-oars.rvive to mourn the loss of a loving
tithe,: Fred of Hensell; Mrs,
one,• Loulseaand Bessie' of London;
illhm of London; Arthur of Tor-
,', and Henry; of Saskatoon. •
\ o''irt marriage' was solemnized
'Vednestlay December IOth, when
- Thursday„ DeeetnJocc 1&a 191.9.
Edith Johnston, formerly or Wing
ham, became the bride of James, L.
MacDonald of Tornto, Rev, Mr. Skey
oliieiated, The bride watt attired its
a navy blue suit and a small hat and
beaver furs and was attended by Miss
Rose \\rocks, also In atavy blue with
fox furs, The groomwas supported
by his brother, After the ceremony
the happy eoipte left on an extended
trip to -American poilits. After the
first of January A4:r. and Mrs. Mac-
Donald will live in Sudbury.
On Friday last, ivir. Thomas Wal-
lace of the 9th concession of Morris
bought out Bennett's bakery and con-
fertionery of Myth and is ttaw in.
possession. htr. Wallace is a man of
eonside abl energy, of courteous and
pleasing address and ora doubt well
qualified to cater the numerous pat -
urns of this :lore, Mr. Link who 1185
charge of the bakery end of this
hu.;iues., slid continue, Mr. Bennett
who has conducted the business lifts
ant decided where he will locate.
Thc,t.ak: 1furon Steel Corporatiuu
Limited will not locate in Goderich
but at Sarnia. Such is the import of
t telegram received by Mr. E. H,
heck, engineer with the steel corpora-
tion, on Thursday morning from Mr.
B, f3I McCreath, ivlr. McCreetlt's
message states. that 12,000 acres have
been secured at Sarnia at a cost of
5300,000 and consequently there is ne
hope of the plant locating in t=oder;
ich. The lead in question is an in-
diatl reserve,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Lobb of the
Bayfield road announce the engage-
ment of their daughter. Luella Fran-
ces, to Mr. Charles Douglas Cox, also
of Goderich township, The marriage
will take place this month, •
M r, and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd, "then
Maple Farm", Hullett announce the
engagement of tl>,eir only daughter,
3lapgie, t,t Edward Wilfred Farqu-
har, eldtrfit .sou of Mr. and Mrs. G. 1•I.
Farquh! e. also Of Hallett. The w'ed
ding tr 11 take place during Christmas
Corns cannot exist when Hollo-
way's Corn Cure is applied to then.
because It goes ti, the root and kills
the growth.
While making her visiting rounds
one morning a nurse of the Muskoka
Free Hospital for Cousumpti,ves dis-
covered a particularly sad case.
On a dingy street, 10 a hovel
which they cnll
d "hums" she found
a mother dying of COI1sUttJpthin.
The hobo,' was ht u tinny , et-
ditiou, soiled garments, unwashed
dishes, and feud, lay about, even 10
the bedr.nun itself there stood tt heti
of bread unit un uncovered bottle of
An.tldal It 1111 two children played,
bolt tun yuung to help or to rettliae
that they woald soon be left along,
The moan:' died before un atubu-
lance uuuld be summoned,
Th! i); Lut tyDicai of the wusutg-
01 00:.4,J)tion; !tie pour are its
especial t;ri.Lus. Icon ill to Wurk f ltey
are :malt.' to ':,1111,1) evt'n the 11e1e5-
8141e:e of 1-1,', 1'ou Will wish ID 1131E.
Th i.; ma best be tione by assisting
Ott!' Hoe/dial wont..
Contributions inn be silo 10
Sir Gaon, 84 Spading avenue,
or (1ourge A. held, 223 College.street,
St. James'
St. James' Church, Rcv, Father E.
F. Goetz, P. P. Early Mass, 8.00 a, et.
High Mess, 10.30; Sunday School,
2,30 p. m.; Vespers and Benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament, 7 p, m.
St, Thomas'
Rev. T. H. Brown, Rector, Sun-
day Services -ll a. in. and 7 p. rat.
Sunday School, 2.30 p, M. Women's
'Anglican Missionary Association--
Tot:May, 2.30 p, m,
Rey, Captain E. W. Edwards, A'{C,,.
ILA,, B. D., pastor. Sunday Services
-11 a,m, and 7 p. m. Sunday School
--•10 a. m, Prayer . meeting----Thurs-
Salvation -Army
Captain Fiirbysoit
Sunday Services --(Holiness: 11 a,
in. Praise, 3 p, m., Salvation 7 p. m,
Sunday School, 4 p, m, Wednesday
Public meeting. All welcome.
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev, S. 1[eLean, pastor, Sunday
Ser'i'es- -11 a,nt, tinct 7 p. rat, Bible
('las,, ,1 1.11. Wednesday - Prayer
Meeting, itlt?, 8nn. Y,' P. ivl C
Std Friday in the month, 0 p.nt, Wo-
men's Missionary Society, 3rd Wed-
nesday in the month, 2.30 p. in, Lal -
Aid meets itnutediately after.
Pleat. Presbyterian
Rev. I)r, F. H. Larkin, pastor. Sun-
day services --•11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Snndav school 2.30 p, to, Prayer tweet
lite -Thursday 7.45 p. rat. W'outen'.
\l' :lottery Society, 1st Tuesday 'hi
:I!'I month, 3 p, m, Barbaro Kirk'.
1111'+ Mission Band, 3rd Tuesday in
each month, 7.30 p. rat. Siuishine A-fis-
414:'II Rand, 2111u1 Monday catch month
at 4.15p. rat.
Constance Methodist
Rev, T. E. Sawyer, Pastor, Sim -
,lav services -2,30 t,, in, Young Poe-
'tte`s League, 2, 30 n. 11..olt Snnday.
\.Comeu'S A'txiliany, 1st Tuesday 0001'
month. 3,00 0. 0. T 'lies' ^1,1. ins'
l'lun•srtap r.f earl, nttrttit. ?. 3n. e
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Fletcher's Castoria is strilitly a remedy for InfantsandChildren.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essentiahfor Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy` for the coronion ailments of :Infants and Children
that brought,Casto is 'before -the public after years of research,
and no claim has been 'made for it that its lose, for over 30
years has not proven.
h ,Y.'I t\a W C A T O ' A ?,
Castoria ice n harmless substitute for Castor Cil, Paregoric,
Dro+•o 1 Soothin'v Syrttl:s, It is pieacan . It contains
neith:;r :, 1 _ :r tizine n r other narcotic stlbctance, Its
rags 13 Ikr more than thirty yens it has
- been i i t : ,-1;003 Lir Vie r:liof of Constipation, rlatuloncy,
Wind i'C ; -.'t 1:1'1-rhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
ro y re ;nintng Late Stomach and ;13owe'1137 raids
the assintilati.m. of Food; giving healthy and natural ' ieip.
The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Sig -nature of
se For Over 30 Years
,I,tcY.:!F,'vi'S.a�3.;S`gt<"t .S+Yf�rhe :,.
4-'4.4/113.T u, Flt%. SEiT a
'17: ji '4;71 411
f,�,i•, VANCOU5ER
lie P t
ini' gt0 WINNIPEG TORO Nte
• c ver
(Both Ways)'
.ilosarnanalsa SUCSOe1 neTOOEa nth, 10.31.5
9.15 P.m.
Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and
Cbionist Carr_ First-class Day Coaches.
Parlor Car through the Rockies,
Sandy, Igonday, Wodns.d,y, rdd.y
Roosti.n nation,l all the w.y,
Thur,d.y, Satwdn
yh Y 5,a„ North e.y, Caahr.n..04 C.n.dl,n National.
Nr.h.r tnh,mau.n' teem C.n.dlan a,N.n.l Tr..., n...ta, 01
GENERAL 0115510020 01010111000, TORONTO
Toronto - Winnipeg
mimes-a.,ao.n:o utoo Cog
II Job Pnnting
call on us. We are in a better position than ever
to supply your -
counter CGheck hooks
Letter Heads
Menu Cards
Loose Leaf Ledger
Forms, etc,
Calling Cards
Memorial .Cards
Bill Heads
Note Heads
Wedding Stationery
Tickets '
or any other printing you may happen to need.
Prompt Attention to Rush Orders
[4.1-e SearG '
Phone 84 Seaforth, Ont.
fr)Er-M. llad y1r' tat 1. i zot :a
On Sale Everywhere. 'I'lure utay
be country merchants . who ria not
keep 1)r. Thomas' IEcltc•trie Oil, but
they are few and far between, tout
these may .suggest that some other
oil is just as good. TlO're is nothing
so good as a liniment or as an intern-
al medicine in certain cases. Take
00 nthct: The demand for it shows
that it is the only, popular Oil to gen-
eral use., ' '
Confot•t for the Dyspeptic. --There
is no other ailment so harassing and
exhausting as dyspepsia, which' arises
h ons? defective action of the stem
omit and liver. told the victim of it is
to he pitied. Vet he can find ready
relief in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills.
a preparation that has established it-
self by years of effccticc use. There
are pills that are widely advertised
as the i t'catesl ever ro ,)pounrletl,
but not one of thent cast rank in value
with Partnclee's. - `j
Na drill) should he allowed to sof:-
fee althriul'' tvhen prt,•'tp1 re''i t (!att.
be ;:'rat in a sitit'tte h•,: stron{ reined
1'l01.1ei' Graves' \Parol 1:xtcr0111i:)--