The Seaforth News, 1919-09-25, Page 1New Series Vo1.;17 No 34
2. •'confdence in deal-
ing with a in w who
- has had amide
Practical experience
WM H.,
of the illot: mentalWorks, has•
over Forty years practical
F8 a-.�•,ss[ iAr.ia ,m ear , + ^
Watch For ear 'Special Big Display in Our
Window. 11.11 Will Be,Special on Saturday
-. The Palm of perfection
is held out to all who would
possess a box of our sweets.
Nothing transcends' the eueeul-'
out excellence of
/h Freshly. made Gandy
bought 'rare.' this taste of out
' Gandy will dispel the most, -hot
rid case of the blues and scowls
• • instantly.disappear at its first
theta. It's perfection personi-
fied, Bny a box for your girl; if
yon don't, some other fellbw will.
,5EWFOtlT14, @N'FAR'@, TfflJRSDIY,SEPTEMBER 25 1919
McCullough, Win. Ballantyne: Cock-
erel and Pullet; J. McCullough.
Bronze Turkeys
Old Toni, Hen, Young Tont and
,1-l.e.n; AV'.' G. Broadfoot: Any other
variety of Turkey; Tont-and hen; T.
& R. Snowden.
Toalonese Geese
Gander, Goose, Young gander and
Young goose; D. Douglas..
Bremen Geese
Gander and Goose; E. & R. Snow-
den, .
Any Other Variety, Geese
Gander. old and young; T. McMich
Pekin `Ducks
Drake. old and young„ dock old
and voting; D. Douglas.
A.+V. O. Orphintons
Cockerel and. Pallet: H. Edge, Miss
M.. Livingstone.
White Leghorn
Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet; D.
Pair; Alice Daley.
Belgian Hare
Doe, old and young, Buck, old and
young; James Weir, Jas. H. Knight.
A. O: V. Rabbit
Young doe, Old doe, Old buck, J.
Walker: Young buck; Jas. Weir: An-
gora, Dr. Grieve, J. McCullough;
Partridge Rock
Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet, Jnn.
I Cut Flowers
Dahlias; R.'Wintet: Asters; W. D.
McLean: Asters, collection; R. Win-
ter, W, D. McLean: Dianthus; Dr.
Phlox; 1)r, Crriere:^Gladioli; Henry
Edge, R. Whiter: Collection; George
Thompson: Collection of Annuals;
W. D. McLean: Roses; H. Edge:
Pot Flowers •
Doubel Geraniums; W. D. McLMa+:
Hanging Baskets Geo., Thompson:
Colection; . G. Thompson, IV B.
Home-made, pickles:' Mrs. E. Dal-
ey: Catsup; Mrs. D. Daley, hire. S. A.
Miller: Jelly, collection; Mrs. E. Dal-
ey: Wine, collection; Dr. Grieve:
Maple Syrup; R, A, Campbell: Pea-
ches, Pears, and Wild Strawberry
Preserves; His Mary Duggan.
Centrepiece, white; Miss Ament, R.
titer: Centrepiece, coloreds Miss
Ament, Mrs. Howrie: Table Doiley;
'R. Winter, Delia Symington: Tray
Cloth; Miss Ament, Miss Livingston:
Tea Cloth; Miss Assent, Delia Sym-
ington: Sideboard Scarf; Miss Ament
Mrs. Ruttle: Table Scarf; Miss A-
menC Mrs. Ruttle: Set Table Cloths
and Napkins; Mrs. Howrie: Tea
Cosey: R. Winter, Miss Livinstone:
Tapestry; Mrs. M. Ross:. Bulgarian
Miss 'Ament: Braidwork; Miss' A-
ment, V. Ter•raliau: Eyelet Work;
Miss Ament, Mrs. Rattle: Floss
Stitch; Mrs. M. Ross, -Miss Antent,:'
Punched Work; Miss Ament, Miss
T.ivinstone; Child's Dress; Miss Liv-
ingstone, Miss Anient: Fancy Shoo-
ing Bag:. Miss Symington, Miss Liv-
ingstone: Irish Crochet, fine; Miss
Miss Livinstonc Mrs, Ross: Heavy;
Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livinstone: Net-
etting; Miss Syminton, Mrs. Howrie:
Crochet, threat' lace; Miss Symiug-
toe, Dr. Grieve: Knitted Thread lace;
P. Winter, Miss Ament; Battenburg;
Miss Livinstone, R. -Winter: Point
lace, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. ?Iownie: Un-
derwaist; Miss Ament, R, Winter:
Uuderwaist, emb,;Istiss Anient P.
Winter; Nightdress. crocheted, Miss
Ament, Mrs, Ruttle; Bed comforter;
Dr, Griever Silk Quilt; Dr. Grieve;
Crazy Quilt, cotton; Dr. Grieve, V.
Terralran: Quilt, woollen, Dr. Grieve,
Knitted Counterpoise; Miss Syming-
ton, Dr. Grieve; Counterpane, croch-
et; Dr, Grieve, Miss Symington:
Hooked Mat: R. Ice, Mrs. F. Daly:
Woollen Sox, home-made, heavy, Dr.
fen Mitts; Miss Symington, Dr,
Grieve, Mrs. M. Ross:Woollen Sox
fine: Mrs. I-Towric, Dr. Grieve: Wool=.
Grieve: Wool Mitts, heavy; Dr.
Grieve; Sofa pillow, linen; Mrs. M.
Ross, Miss Ament: Sills; P. Winter,
Miss Ament: Patriotic; Miss Ament,
Mrs. Ruttle: Guest towel; Miss. A-
ment, P. Winter: Guest towel, initial,
P, Winter, Mrs. Ruttle: Bath Towel;
Miss Anted, Miss Millie Duggan:
Day Slips; Millie Duggan., R. Winter;
Centrepiece; Mille Duggan, Miss A-
ment: Slippers; Miss Ament, Mrs.
Howrie: Cape; Miss Symington, Miss
Ament: Motor Hood; Miss Ament,
le, J. R. Archibald.
Shropshire •
Aged Rant; W. G. Ross, 1st •
Shearling Rant; W. G. Ross, 1st •'
Ram Lamb; W. G. Ross, 1st •
Ewe Lamb; IV. G. Ross, 1st
• Shearling Lamb; W. G. Ross, 1
Aged Ram; Geo, 1 eihate. T. S
den: Shearling Rant; Geo. Penhale,
Seaforth Fall Fair this, year was`
unfortunate in weathcf selection and
the attendence was not as good; as
usual. The exhibits of Horses were
large and of the best quality. Cat-
tle however, were conspicuous by
their absence. Poultry••and the exhib-
its in the Hall were large and most
were of good gealily.
Tile following is a list of the win- T. Snowden: Shearling Ewe; T.
Snowden, Geo. Penhale: Ewe Iamb;
sere:— I (leo. 'Pen hale.
Heavy Horses
Agricultural Liecesters,
Brood stare & foal; T. N. Forsythe IAged Rant; IV. McAllister, Geo.
John Dale Jr., John McGavin: Foal,,McCartney: Rani Lamb; W. McAl-
1919; A. Buchanan, John Dale jr., J 1lister: Shearling Lamb; W. McAlis-
McGavin: Fily or Gelding, 3 yrs. old;Iter Ed, Heiner: Ewe Lamb; W, Mc -
Alex. Wright, Wm: Alexander, - let l,Alhster,. G. McCartney.
O'Reilly: Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs. old; `Dorset
John Dale, W. J. Grieve, Jas. Carl- Aged Rani; W. Pieces: Rain lamb
ing, IVnt. Alexander: Team in har 1 Shearling Ewe; W. Pierce: Ewe
ness; ' 3, Hays: Sweepstakes, Jan, it lamb; W. Pierce,PIGS
Dale, •
Heavy Draft '
Beadwork: MiSs Ameet,Miss Dr, Grieve: Walker; Assortment of Lea
Novelty; Miss Ament, P.. Winter:
Night Shirt; Dr•. Grieve: Patch; Dr,
Grieve, Mrs. - M. Ross: Btitton,tole;
Dr. Grieve, Miss Livingstone; Work
I'ag; lii,i Ament, R. Winter Hard
anchor; R. Winter
Child's Work
Handerchief;- Mrs E. Daley, Mrs.
Ross: Wool Work; Mrs E. Daley,
Mrs. Howrie: Crochet work; Mrs. E.
Daley, R. Frost: Doll outfit, Mrs.
Rosa: Collection, articles; Mrs. E.
Daley: Counterpane; R. Winter.
5 lbs. ,.J, 3. Hugill, R. A. Capbell;
3 lb. roll, J, J. Hugill; Decorated
plate for table, Millie..-Datggan, Geo.
Cobbler, A, Elcoat, 1st & 2nd;'Oth
er Early. J. Murray, Wm. Cameron;
Green Alountaiti, J. Murray F. Cole-
man; Other Late Kind, J Murray, W.
Cameron; Winter -Cabbage, C. Hol-
beint Red Cabbage, C. Holbein, Hy.
Table Carrot, short, H. Edge. Mrs.
1:. Daley Table Carrot, long, Win.
Cameron; Other Kind, C. Holbein:
Blood Beet, IL Edge, Mrs. E. Daley,
Red Tomatoes, C. Holbein, W. T.
Fotheringham; Pink Tomatoes, Wm.
Berkshire •
R Mare and Foal; W. McAllister.' Boar, 2 yrs. or over; W. Pierce:
Joint McGaviu: It. - Foal, 1919; Wm.
McAllister, J, McGavin, Win. McAl-
lister: Brood- mare & Foal; A. Buch-
anan: -Foal, 1919;T. N: Forsythe:
Gelding, 3 yrs. old; Jno. Dale, W. J.
Grieve: Filly..2 yrs.; T. 3. McMieh-
eat 1st &2nd; -Filly or Gelding 1 yr.;
W. J. Grieve: Team in harness; G. J.
Dow, W. J. Grieve: Sw•cpstakes; T.
G. McMicheal.
General Purpose
Team in harness; Geo. Penhale, G.
Thompson: Dominion Bank Special
John: Dale. --judge, W, L, Mossip,
Roadsters `I
$lined mare & Foal; '1'. J. McMich-
Broderick, ,
Landscape, Mrs. S. A. Miller, Miss
Livingstone; Marine, Mrs, Ho wrie,
Miss' Livingstone; Flowers, Miss
Livingstone, Mrs. S. :1 Miller; fruit,
Mrs. Howrie; Animal Life, Miss Liv-
ingstone, Mrs, Miller; , Portrait, Gel/.
Ttirithaiil, Miss Livingstone; Figure,
Mrs. Miller, L. Bristow, Landscape,
1.. Bristow, Miss Livingstone; Mar-
ine Water color, Miss Livingstone,
L. Bristow; Flowers, Mins •Living-
stone, Mrl''Howrie;,Frint 'lfrs, Ifow
rie; Animal life; Miss Livingstone,
Mrs. Ross; Portrait, Mrs. Howrie;
Landscape Mrs. Ross Crayon, any
subject, Mrs. 'Ross, Miss Livingstone
Pen apd ink .sketch, Mrs. •Howrie,
Miss Livingstone, Pencil- Lands -ewes, .J
Bliss Livingstone's. .any subject, litr,.
Ross; Tea Set, painted 'IV: Elcoat,
China, painted, W. Elcoat, Dr, Grieve
Glass, Miss Livingstone; Panel, Mrs. -
Howie, Dr. Grieve; -Collection W.,
Elcoat, Dr, Grieve; Collection paint,
ed china, W. Elcoat, Dr. Grieve,
There was only one horse race on
account of the wet weather. Music
was furnished by th eHenderson
Highland Band of London,
2.30 pace, prize, $150
Elsie Campbell 2 1.1 1
(A. Currie Brussels.)
Tony. Wilkes ,1 ,2 2 2
(",l\a, Vanson) "
Toddy Dist 4 3 3 :3.
Stuggs 5' 5.e o
River Hal 3 4 4:4
Tune l l(1 109 1,10
l'im'e fent rar r--.0 1) ihitag" 1st
S. G. I3a4 s. 27id.
her, M.
G. Hal'.
The Ontario house dissolved on
Tuesday and a general electiuu will
be held on the same day as the ref-
erendum, October 20th.
.00TOBER 13th, 1919.
Ottawa, Sept. 15. —Monday Oct. Phote 103.
13th, has been proclaimed Thanksgiv-
ing Day;
$1.50 per year
Miss Annie G. Govenlock, Gradu-
ate Teachers Course, Canadian Ac-
ademy of Music, announces the
immediate re -opening of her classes
in Piano, Organ and Theory, Pupils
will be prepared for Canadian Acad-
emy of 'Music and Toronto Conser-
vatory of \Music Examinations.
,_ Studio North Main St.,
Cabletron, Mrs. E. Daley..
Table Corn, W. G..Broadfoot, Mrs.
E. Daley; Field Corn, Jennie Shold-
icei Corn, collection, J. Murray,...G.
Fairthambe; Corn, fodder, J. Murray,
W. T. Fotheringham. ' • •
Onions, front sled, W. G Breidfoot
Onions, Froth 'set, glen. (urnbtill O
nions red, C. Hoibein,"E\ t ,'Ilroad
hoot; ,Onions, til bite, .0 , I l ,ll ein:.,1�
oleos, pickling, C. Holbein,
Muskmelons 3. Murray, W. Came-
ron; Watermelons, .1: Murray, NV, G.
Broadfoot: Citrons,A. Wright, R 'A.
Campbell; Table Squash Dr; Grieve,
A. - I ugrll; - Hubbard . Sgnaslt, Dr.
Grieve; Pumpkin.' A. Hugill, J. "J.'
Hugill; Radish, Dr, Grivev; Cucumb-.
ers, Mrs. E. Daley, J. Murray; But-
ter Beans, Dr. Grieve, W. G. Broad -
foot; White Beans, J Murray, Dr.
Grieve; Sugar Mange's; 1.. W. Beat-
ty,„ Geo, Turnbull; Red Mangels, W.
B. G. Broadfoot; Intermediate Man -
gels, Win. Cameron, W. G. Broadfoot
Swede Turnips, J. \V, Beattie, Jahn
Murray; Turnips, other kind, F. Cole
man, 5. Murray: White Beets, .R.
� tube Dr.
Dorrance; Squash, G. Faithambe,
Grieve; Pumpkin, R. Dorrance, Jen-
nie Sholdice; Collection, garden pro-
duce, C. Holbele, \frs,--E. Daley.
Children's Dept.
Ears of Corn, W. T. Fotheringham,
Mrs. E. Daley; Tomatoes, Mrs. Ed.
Collection, apples, Geo. Fiartlnantbe
H. Crich, Winter Apples, H. Crich;
Fall Apples, G. Fairthambe, H, Crich;
Baldwins, W. Elcaot, H. Crich; Tom -
lues, Wm, Cameron, 3. Murray; -Spi-
es, Geo. Fairthambe, W. Elcoat; Pip
pips. G. Fairtltatitbe, A. Hugill; Rus-
set, J Dale, I•I, Crich; Seeks, IV. G.
Broadfoot, J. J. Hugill; Wealthy, J.
Terrahan, r -I, Crich; Pewankee, H.
Crich; Ontario, H. Crich, Win. Cam-
eron, Gravestein, G. Fairthambe;
Duchess, H. Crich: Cayuga, W. Cam-
eron, W. G. Broadfoot: Snow, Wm.
Elcoat, Culvert, J. Murray-, H. Crich;
Mann, J. Dale, J. - Murray: Malcom
Blush. J. T. Hugill, V. Terrahail;
Reef Crabs, W. Elcoat, F. Coleman:
Greening, W. Elcoat, F. Coleman;
Fallawater, H. Crich, IV, T. Fother-
ingham; Pippin,W. Cameron, H.
Crich; St. Lawrence, 5, J. Hugill;
Call Pippin, Win. Cameron. H. Criclr;
Telman, A. G.-Broadfoot, T. Dale:
Best basket Fall apples, J. 3, Idngill,
TI .Crich,
' Winter. C. Fairthambe, H. Crich;
Fall, G. Fairthambe; Duchess, H.
Cnic„I.; Benerre, H. Crich; Clopp's,
W. Ballantyne; Sheldon, G. McCart-
ney, •Cen. 1 alrthamhc; Bartlett, H.
Crich„ \V, Ballantyne, Seckel, II.
Crick, \'. Ballan.tyne,
Gage, A. Hugill; Lombards, Mrs.
F, Daley, A. Elcoat: Bradshaw, Gen.
McCartney, Dr. Grieve; Prune G.
Fairthambe; Other kind, G. Fairth-
ambe, Mrs. E. Daley.
Boar, 1 yr.;D. Douglas: Boar, 1919:
D. Douglas: Boar, 1 hr.; D. Douglas:
Sow, 1919; D. Douglas.
Barred Rock
Cock; Jno. 1vlcCallough & Son, W.
G. Broadfoot; Ran; Juo. McCullough
Cockerel; J. McCullough & Son, 1st
and 211ci: Pullet: -J. McCttllough &
Son, 1st and 2nd. -
White Rock . .
Cock; D, Douglas,- H. Edge: Hen:
D. Douglas, 1st & 2nd: Cockerel; H.
Edge, D, Douglas: Pullet; 0, Doug-
ls;s,' 1st & 2nd.'
Silver Dorking
Cock: John McCullough, also Hen,
ry tin. pupilsofMr. A. T. CRAIG, Organist, First
• Presbyterian Church; Seaforth
Friday evening, Sepien'iber 26, 1919
Ur'tnmencing at 1 o'lock, :harp
At ease's Hall
and -
Mice MURiEI. WILLIS, organist, Methodist Church, Seaforth
MC..EARr. ban EGIMOND„ Organist ;Egmondville Pres. Ch.
Admission- by Complimentary Ticket only, which may be
by -applying to Mr. CRAIG, Drawer 428. Seaforth.
eal: Foal, 1919; T. J. MrMicheal, Geo, Cockerel and Pullet,
Thompson: Single roadster in har-I Game B
no's• J RGovenlock, 5• 13yeruau,Cockerel; 'Jo
, also
John McIvor, Pullet
Carriage Horses Cochin Bantams
also for
Broodsmare & Foal; Chas. McKay': Cort.; Jno, McCullough,
Foal, 1919; Chas, McKay: Fily or Gel Pullet. -
ding, 3 yrs, OR; P. 1'., Gram, Fred Spangled Hamburg ,
Miller: Filly or Gelding, '1 yr,: Geo: Cock, Hen Cockerel and Pullet, 3.
Thompson: Single Cariage Horse; McCullough,.
W. G. Broadfoot, Louis Fortune, Jas Buff Orphington
Carling: Single Roadster; R. Hyslop. er Co kr and Hen;nHenry Edge:
-Judge, R. Wilson.
Pei -
CATTLE. let; H. bilge, 1st :& 2nd,_
Shorthorns , 11.item cc
•Cow: Win. Charters,. 1st & 2nd • I orlcerel and Pullet Wrn'P;Ballat}-
, Heifer 1 yrs, Wi M Chatters: `Ileif- lyre,
!f, er, 2 yrs,, Wm. Charters: Heifer, 1 Silver Wyancioites
yr, Wm, Charters:'. Senior Heifer; W, Cock; r. McCullough: P. Daley S•
Pepper; Woe Charters: Senior Bull; Son: Hen; P. Daley, I.•McCollough:
WM.' Pepper; Junior Heifer; Wm., Cockerel and Pullet; J. McCrllougli:
White Wyandottes - Mrs Ross: Sweater; Miss T iving-
ti Il or over `Will Char Chas t Miss Ament: Cap
terse Herd;., m tai ere.
Jerseys Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet; F. R Winter, Miss Livinstone: pi• fit
& Son.
Charters, W. S. Broadfoot; Junior- v e Ment ;Jennie Slut:Mice: Laundry bag;
Bull; \Vila. Charters, W. S. Broad- Cock Hen Cockerel and Pullet t nri'cArnen# .Filet.,,
Miss A-
' „r - _ Barnett s one
feet: n yrs (Golden Wyandotte Miss Livingstone,
W Charters. A
R, Winter, Dr. Grrave: Baby ,out
Cow, R. Winter J. R. Govenlock: Daley o •
Heifer Calf; J R Govenlock:>Herd;Rhode Island Reds Miss Symington, Millie Duggan:
J. R. Gowen?lock, Jtul,ges, Wm, Wild- Cock; Sr. McCullough: Hen; John y1amaa; Mrs. Ross, Miss Ament:
Moue's, G.- Fairtiianrhe Niagara;•
G. Fairthambe, H Crich; condord.
G Fairthambe, A Hugill; Delaware,
C Fairthambe; Wilder, H. Crich, Dr.1
Grieve; ' Liclley„ A. ITagill; Other
kind, W. Elcoat, Dr. Grieve; Collec-
tion, G, Fairthaiitbe,. H. Crich.
Single harmless, M, Broderick; team
harness, M. Broderick; Parlorfurni-
tune, Jahn Walker; Bedroom set, J.
Women's and 1V sees
ew Charming Coats
Featured $25t0
Another illustration of the marvellous success achieved by
the Store in providing smart—very fashionable—worthy appar-
el at a reasonable price.
You'll marvel at their worth, - their good styles, the fine
tailoring, and they're here in the favored colors.
Many are copies of coats . that are selling for considerably
higher prices. -
Smart chic coats—for the dashing young woman, for the
more conservative an dfor the matron, suitable for street and
evening wear.
Also ilitary effects, straight line or belted coats. Some
have shawl collars, others have choke fur collars.
Coats of—
Navy blue. - Taupe, Quaker 'Grey, Sammy B.row}t, Black.
Platinnm Grey, Green, Burgandy, etc.
at $5„75
Hats that will appeal to discrimating purchasers because
of their individuality, their excellent quality and their chic
appearance. No two of the hats" are alike. All the new-
est shapes are shown, in close fitting, medium and wide mod-
els, smartly trimmed with wings, Ostrich Feathers, ribbon,
flowers, or novelty ornaments. Designs suitable for tailored
sport, or afternoon weal.
TRIMMED HATS $7.50 to $15
$1.75 to $10
eaf Orth"