The Seaforth News, 1919-08-07, Page 3By Agronomist,
This Department Ie for the use of our farm readers who±•wonk the advice:
et en expert on any question regarding soil, seed, crops, cis.' if, your question
is of sufficient gen,rnl Jnterest,-it will. be answered through this column. 11
stamped and eddreeeed envelope is enclosed with your letter, a complete
answer will be mailed to you. Address Ag:ronohist, care of Wilson Publishing
,Co., Ltd., 7a Adelaide et, W, Toronto.
Co-operation in` Threshing. • I and possibly a grain:aheller ora silage
When a farmer pians to thresh front, cutter ---and builds a suet! to house the
:ih n�;' implementsthe total capital antler
the field, engages a custom thre
crew to do the work on a certain clay; pie -war prices regairad usually am
and' the outfit does not appear until'owits to x;3,000 or $4,000. When it
three weeks after the s/Jeeatisil tints, Ari I:'t+ssihle for the compa•
ny to hire a
is it any wonder that the coentrymap gleet! engine or some `other part of the
makes a few pointed remarks ten- equipment, it may not be advisable
cerning custom threshermen in glen- to buy.
eral and this one in particular? Threshing for the various members
Unreliability of custom threshers, of the ring is performed on a business
labor complications which often arise basis, an average clay's work being• re -
when two outfits reach a neighborhood ,garcled as 2,000 bushels of oats, or
the same day, the expense of custom about 1,000 bushels of wheat or rye.
threshing, the careless and extrava- Record is kept of the time put in by
gent work of some hired machines, each laborer and the costs of the work
and similar factors have caused grain are disthibuted amongethe memberson
growers in some distracts to organize the basis of,the amount of grain that
co-operative threshing rings 'foe the is threshed.
purchase, maintenance, and efficient
Protecting Poultry Front Lice.
operation of threshing machinery. g Y
During the last two or three years The Lest roosts for the poultry'
the number of threshing outfits sold house aro- two by three pieces with
to farm organizations has greatly In- the upper edges rounded with the
creased, and the tendency at present plane. The roosts •can be, built in
is toward the formation of smaller section by nailing three roosts to
co-operative units And the purchase of., cross -pieces. Then the cross -pieces
small outfits. This conies from the, are binged to the hack wall of the
necessity for more economical use of poultry hoose so that they can be
' labor and the advent of the farm trot-! raised and hooked to the ceiling. A
' tor, the power of which can be well block nailed to each side of the front
utilized to run a small thresher, which,1 of the section forms the resting place
complete with wind stackeb, self-! on the droppiug boards when the
feeder, and weigher, costs about $1,-, roosts are 'lowered. .This gives the
200. Most of the farmers' clubs are'I poultryman a 'chance to thoroughly
small, so that all members may get: spray the roosts on all sides and it
'their threshing done in about fifteen catches all of the mites. •
days. All threshing is completed an, Some breeders' have the roosts fit
seasonable time, so that the grain may ,mato grooves from which they can
be salved to the best advantage. easily be removed at cleaning time.
There are two general methods of Never nail the roosts to the wall as
ring co-operation, the most common this increases the danger from mites.
involving the hiring of a threshing Of course, the roosts nailed to a cross -
outfit, the other its purchase. piece form places for mites to hide,
Threshing rings are beneficial Inas but when the sections are raised and
much as the threshing calendar in a hooked -to the ceiling the spray dope
neighborhood may be so arranged that will run into the cracks and destroy
the work can be carried out with the, pests.
least possible loss of t,•mc in moving i The best solution to the lice probe
from farm to farm. As a job nears lem is to use blue ointment on each
completion, the first men through, bird at least twice a year. Place a
knowing their assignments an the next small bit beneath the vent and rub it
in thoroughly so that none of the
ointment can be eaten by the bird.
Place another dab under each wing.
Never leave the blue ointment where
it can be eaten by poultry or other
ung crew. Certain men may be used stock as it is poisonous. In a recent
to best advantage by assigning them talk with a poultry instructor who
to one kind of work for the season. has had experience in several districts,.
Unless thio weather man prevents, he recommended the blue ointment as
threshing continues until all the jobs the best possible protection from lice
are completed in the circle, anctetlrus and superior to any of the various
little extra work is required in shift- powders he had ever used. It ,is a
ung wagon boxes or hay loaders. time •saver, and when the work is
Usually the threshing season is great -'done the poultryman icnows that it is
ly shortened and this favors the time- done well and more lice will not hatch
ly completion of the subsequent fall out and thrive as is the ease after
work, such as plowing, seeding, dis- the value of apowder has disappeared.
tributing manure, and so on. The To keep down the mites the roosts
threshing ring reduces the work of the and nests must' be protected. The
Housewife, as there are less nien to mites on the roosts cause 'the most
feed during the harvest season.
Practically all the threshing rings
perform some outside work as accom-
modation at the customary rates, or
to enlarge the ring in order to secure
all the necessary help.
When a ring buys all the machinery.
new, separator; power; clover huller,
place; may go there immediately and
have the grain ready to thresh by the
time the outfit arrives and is set up.
No time is lost either an contracting
for an outfit or in securing a thresh-
For Profit
!Trite for Treat Truncate
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OR the Gillette owner, life is one long holiday
from stroppingand honing.
It is a round of
daily luxurious shaves. The shaving quality
of the hard -tempered, keen and lasting Gillette
Blade is a never failing source of satisfaction.
You, who are planning a vacation, should include'
you can enjoy pleasure y jY twelve months each.
year—buy a Gillette Safety Razor. Free your
holiday from strops and hones.
The new Kit tract—the. Pocket,. Edition Gillette
Safety Razor—in a limp leather roll case, complete
with twelve double-edged blades and a mirror,
takes only a few inches of space in your kit.
Remember how the Gillette was the choice of the
soldiers of all the Allied armies. You will need a
Gillette to remove your open-air growth ofRbeard,
ti i t
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111W4�1 .a�ecln? .ua • .:, r,. a1n. Z7" rgyauo air na I
Living Rcm enhrancsa of the Country's Defenders That Will Gina
Each Mas! an Enduring Moniuneut,1
Living 3.1atnu.i.branees of the Countr y's Defenders That Will Give Basi' INTEi2NATI0I$AT LESSON
Man an Enduring Monument.
Trees ate the best memc,lale. The reason for putting the top soil Winning Others to Christ—Acts 10:
In affil more fitting farm can the Infirst ,is that it uont.0:ins more plaint 9-15; James 5: 19, 20. Golden
respecteul sentiment of the living be food in available form than does the Text, Acts 1: II,
deeper `oil, and so gives the better Act, 16: 9-1b. T
The newspapers are surchargechance for the rootless to absorb ithe Winning' of One.
with bright new ideas for the raising and incorporate it in the tree. Tho Peul.was upon leis second great mis•
of monuments to the soldiers who tree .is put down in the .hole r, little sionary jurriey. Silas was with hien,
have fou ht their last fight and paid detect than it stood in the nursery and together they . had .visited the
g becauee it will thee get a chance to Churches in, Asia Miiior which had
the forfeit, and to those who having root more quickly, the roots will be been established by him and Barnabas
served valorously have returned to kept cool and, further, it will be able a year or two before, Paul had de
carr! life. Pearly always the ideas the better to resist the wind, sired i,p,. preach tho Gospel in other
are boxed in concrete, stone, brick At the time of planting the tree parts of that country, but there had
and asbestos --a memorial hall, a needs to be headed back, that is, to been indieationtrof Prdviclenee; which
bridge, a statue, a hospital. have part of its top removed. In order he could not ignore, which directed
to understand the reason for this, ,it his steps to Trois-on the Aegean Sea,
must he taken into account that while a few miles south of the entrance to
the young tree has been growing in the Dardanelles and the peninsula of
the nursery, its root system and its Gallipoli, At Lystra he had found
system of leaves and branches have Timothy, a corivert of his first mission
been so developed that a balance to that city, and had brought him
along, and the three travelers were
Joined at Troas by Luke, the author
of the gospel which bears his name
and of the Bock of Acts. Tho en -
soldier with an individual living
menus� proportion of the root system has, to trance of Luke into the little "company
meat. One thousand names may be be sacrificed; to balance this, a por- is marked here by the sudden intro -
hidden on a brass tablet within a tion of the upper part of the tree has duction of the pronoun "we." (vs.
public hall. There is no reason why to be removed, or else the tree will 10-13).
this mase remembrance may- not be suffer, No doubt there had ,been much con -
given more distinction and marls. much If you are at liberty to select the versation and prayer together as to
more suggestive through a lavangitrees far yourself, do not think that the direction in which they should now
ever ranewin•g symbol. Trees will per-
� the larger trees are necessarily the proceed. The vision which "appeared
form this happy function perhaps bet-. best. Smaller trees are easier to trans- to Paul in the night" determined the
ter than any other medium yet seg-; plant, and in the course of a few years matter. They went over the sea to
gested. Let our monuments to the, will overtake the trees that at the Macedonia, and thus for the 'first time
country's defenders represent our per- time of planting were considerably carried the Gospel into Europe. This.
sonnl participation in the act of tree, larger,
planting rather than a charitable°toss The tree 'should be planted while
of a dollar bill into a collector's hat., in a dormant condition, that is, in the
The first essential in planting a case of a broad-leaved tree, before it
shade tree. is to prepare a good large leaves out in the spring or after it
hole for it. If it seems needlessly has shed ,its, leaves in the autumn,
large, all the. better. In that case` Evergreens, or conifers, may be plant -
there will be plenty of loose soil' ed later in the spring or earlier in the
around the roots, through which the fall. With the latter, special care
little rootlets will be the better en- must be taken that the roots do not
abled to feel their way in their search dry out, even for an instant.
for the soil moisture, One American Trees planted on the street or me
"He who plants a tree,
He plants love,
Tents of coolness spreading out above
Wayfarers he may not live to see,
Gifts that grow are test;
Hands that bless are blest.
Plant! Life does the rest." exists between them, the roots sup-
plying just the quantity that the
Let us popularize a fsrm of xnem- leaves need for their use. In the pro-
orial that identifies the dodividual seas of digging up a tree a certain
Or. Huber will answer all signed Totters pertaining to Health. U' your
question fe of general interest it will be answered through these columns;
If not, It wiil be answered personally If stamped, addressed envelope is on•
closed. Dr. Huber will not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnosis.
Address Dr. John B, Huber, M.D., care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide
St. West, Toronto
Screening Houses Properly. old and he is badly troubled with
Many of our fellow citizens ser en constipation. Is quite well otherwise.
against flies and and mosquitoes in I nurse him myself. He is very bon -
such a way that their houses be,:onae nie, weighing 14 pounds. I am care -
excellent traps to keep insects indoors fel of my diet. He only brings back
—which was i-wan:abl not the ob-
his food once in a great while.
p y Answer—Pull information as to
jest in view, baby and for the nursing mother is
being mailed you.
I have a baby girl age 15 months
who has a birth mark. I may say it
nearly covers her nose. It is red like
a beet but as smooth as the rest of her
face. I have been advised to have it
removed with radium and compressed
air. I would like to have your opinion.
Answer—As to baby's' birth mark,
I would not advise operation. My own
inclination would be to leave it alone
as it may disappear or be much modi-
fied in color, Information about your
boy is being mailed you,
Screening of 16, or better, 1$ -mesh
trouble. During the day they may1 to the inch should be used. Iron, gal-
hang under the roosts in clusters. At i vanized steel wire, copper or bronze
night they come up and feed upon is used, the screening lrought in rolls
•tile blood of the birds and this helps 100 feet long and from 24 to 49 inches
to devitalize them and reduce their wide, Blade iron wire netting is
capacity for egg production, usually 12 to 14 -mesh; this is not to
Coal tar prepntatigne are highly be recommended, because the pests
spoken of as miteprotectors and one it.All mesh even
sP can et through,
bronze and copper, should be varnish-
ed or painted, to prevent oxidizing and
corroding, especially at the seashore:
Daub lightly, so that the paint will
not run and fill up the openings.
All screen deers should be well-
structed, open outwards, capable
of being firmly closed. Where mos-
quitoes are very thick there had abet-
ter be a screened vestibule with two
entrance doors. 1Vlany screen doors
don't fit or are made of thin and un-
seasoned wood. A good door frame is
made of cyprus or other ,seasoned
Wood 1 to 1% -inch thick, well braced
and painted. To protect the screen -
Faili•, ,. ,
OW about using acid phos -
41 phate alone?
A total of 00 years' experiments
at Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
and Virginia Experiment Sta-
tions shows the following aver-
age increases per acre from the
use of single element and com-
plate fertlllzeis.
Average Acre
Material Added Increase Obtained
Ammonia or nitrogen .50 bus,
Nltrogenrand Pisoe. aeld 8.04
Complete rartlileers it, 18 `
You can pet en increase from
Acid phosphate atone butyour
can get over double tho anoreaso
from complete fertilizers,
Lay your plans for largest re-
turns per acre while wheat orioe8
ere high,
writefor free booklet.
The Soil a'nd Crop
tsnproveliiaent Bureau
of the
rianadiea r'ovtiliier Asso05Q41071
111,1 •Teluld,0 ,titciuusw' eeram bio
application will last a long time. Ker-
osene oil will kill the mites, but the
roosts must frequently be painted.with
it duping hot weather. Many of the
commercial poultry houee sprays are
fine to keep the roosts free from mites.
There are several lice paint'§ which
can be used to advantage on the
roosts, nest boxes and possibly over
the entire interior of the house. When
spraying the orchard with lime -sul-
phur, some poultrymen give the inside
of the poultry house a thorough babh.
This kills mites, lice and disease
germs . and is a very effective way
of controlling poultry pests. Some
poultrymen use whitewash once or ing when the door .as pushed open
twice a year to kill mites and lies (.many people ass their foot for this)
and give the poultry house a clean the lower panel should be covered in -
appearance. Others claim that the side with a 1/4 -inch mesh wire gauze,
whitewash seems to make their poul-
try houses damp and they prefer the
011 sprays and commercial mixtures
which do not seem to gather damp-
When building a new poultry douse
it pays to start at once and adopt pre-
ventive measures tfgainst the lice and
mites. A new house can easily be
protected and then if the treatments
little ,incident, apparently in itself so
small, became one of the great turn-
ing -points of history, "Lydia, a seller
of purple." is the first recorded con-
vert to the Christian faith on Eur-
opean soil, first of the vast multitude
which in the Centuries since have be-
lieved and suffered and labored for
the maintaining of that faith and the
spreading of it to the ends of the
earth. For it was here determined
that the Christian world for two thous
city, where the shade trees are under an avenue should not, be placed nearer and years should be not Asiatic but
a special comtiiission, always makes together than fort, to fifty feet. If European, and, as a consequence, Am -
holes four feet square and three and planted much nearer than this, both eriem
a half feet deep. These are left for roots and branches will interfere with
a time and gradually filled up with those of the neighboring trees, to
loose soil, fertilized if necessary; and, their mutual detriment.
when the time comes that the tree is, " Trees. grown in.a nursery will in all
to be planted, a hole is scooped in the probability give more satisfaction
loose earth, a little larger than the than those taken from a woodiot. If,
mass of tree roots, and thettee is however, ever forany
reason it is desiredfriends
began n their work i'
i Ph
planted in this hole. r i to male use of the latter, much care On week days they labored, earning
At the least the hole shpuld be dirge should be taken in the selection of the their daily bread, and on the Sabbath
enough to accommodate the roots of trees, They should be selected either they joined the company of Jews
the tree without crowding. The fine from the outside border of the wood- whose open-air place of meeting was
top soil first taken out ehouid be put lot or from some well -lighted opening by the river. Here Lydia heard of
aside by itself, and the coarser soil in it. In that way there will be ob- Jesus Christ and believed, and by bap -
taken . from lower down should be tained trees which have been used. tism she and her household were ad -
similarly put aside. The tree should to an abundance of light and air, and, matted to the Christian com'inunityt.
y p g which beginning at Jerusalem was
be put an the hole in such a way that so will surfer less through their new
it will stand a couple of inches deep- surrqundings differing from their thus extending itself throughout the
er than it stood in the nursery. Then, original environment. The greatest world,
first of all, the fine top soil should be care should be taken to get trees with Lydia was evidently a person of
put back in the hole and tramped a good root system. It will be well some importance. Her original home
around 'rho roots, after which the to remove quite a large mass of earth
coarser soil may be thrown in. All around the roots, so as to interfere as
soil must be firmly packed around the little as possible with the connections
is except the two or three inches formed between the roots and the soil;
to protect the screening; several
strips of wood 1 inch wide, set 3
inches apart, should be nailed across.
the lower panel and two or three such
strips pinged across the lower part of
the top panel.
In some climates even the best
doors will swell or warp, so that they
will not close; if then they are planed
to make them close, the wood will
are continued with xe ulaxtty there shrink in very hot weather er icorin
will never 'be any trouble from the cracks for insects to Banter through.
poultry pests. After a house has once It is best to have an easy fitting door,
become thoroughly infested with mites fully 1i-inoh clear all around the edge;
and Lice it is more 'difficult to control
bhem`as they breed rapidly and if a
few are missed by the •spray dope dur-
ing hot weather, thousands will anon
inhabit the house. .
Save the chiffon velvet hat trim-
mings. There is nothing better for
brushing tho sills skirt free from dust.
Keep a piece on the hat rack. It is
excellent for brushing felt hats.
Equal parts of kerosene and vin-
egar make a good polish for the ease
of a plena, and 'the keys can be clean-
ed !by wiping them with milk.
If there is no apple Coiter handy,
try a perfectly smooth clothespin.
This will extriioabe the sore as effectu-
ally as the corer you buy.
When' you fill the jar with preserves
do not fail to have the syrup overrun
the top. 'Pis will ensure air -tight -
Unconscious, no doubt, of the vast
extent and signi3 Bance of the move-
ments which were to be set on foot.
by their decision, but mindful of the
directing agency of the Spirit of God
and the immeduate duty, tlia four
was at Thyatira, north of Ephesus, in
Asia, and she was probably a Jewess.
The word "spoken by the apostles was
too ,not the only agency in her conversion.
at the surface, which should be left in fact, trees can be transplanted at The Lord Himself in His Spirit was
loose, in order to lessen the evapora- almost any season if a good large ball working with His servants. Of Lydia
}o from the soil. Any gravel there of earth is left around the roots. The it is said, "Whose heart the Lord
ti n
may be had better ,be removed alto- greatest care should, of course, be
gether. If the soil is poor, it may be taken that the roots should not be
fertilized with artificial fertilizer or allowed to dry out, especially in the
wellrsrotted manure, but care should case of evergreen (coniferous) trees,
be taken that none of the latter is In other respects the directions al -
allowed to be in d,irect contact with ready given for planting the trees
the roots. should be followed,
rated man so is the taste for good was founded which endured' persecu-
opened," Her faith was openly con-
fessed in baptism, and the first -'traits
of her changed life were seen in the
ready and cordial hospitality which
she extended to Paul and his compan-
ions. The conversion of this one wo-
man must have had an immediate in-
_.. __ __ fluence upon many others. A church
How I Billed Five Acres of Quack
' Grass.
I had a piece of five acres of solid
quack grass, and tried summer fal-
lowing, raking and burning the roots,
but it seemed to flourish better than
Then I pastured it for some years,
planted it to corn and .cultivated, but
the quack grass was ever present. I
then drew the corn off, got a' disk har-
row wailsround disks, put two teams,.
one each side of the tongue, and let
them sail, first one way lapping half
and then crossways. I then seeded the
'piece to rye, and have not seen any-
thing of the quackon that piece since.
Thatwee eight years ago, Now the
ground froze quite hard that winter,
and I figure the freezing was what
Ulmthe quack.—A. 11. G.
Ink stains can be removed by apply-
+ing freshly miredmustard to the
spots: Let it remain one or two hours
then wash off and rinse.
and then to mosquito -proof this by
tacking canvas finch around the top
and one side the door, facing on the
outer "side (not on the screen door),
so that this canvas will take up all
the lost or extra space. To the lower
edge a strip of canvas may likewise
be taken to cover any existing open-
The best window screening is one
that is screwed into place, for the
season, the entire opening 'being
screened. "Whatever screening is -used,
let 'there be no minutest opening for
insectsto smuggle through. The wire
netting can be tacked directly on the
window facing, with half -round ma-
terial over edges to give it a neat
Questions and Answers.,
I have a baby boy just ten week
TRE CHE1;ft.FUL CliER175
I like some tlhir s
about rn.yselF
fly curly and
Svrclx.yy clothes •
I think% I'm pretty
ntee. r 1 1.10pi».
l j mall won't
rms5 me,
where it goes.
trr CeNN t.
Who Is To Blame?
"Well, George," said his wife, as
George Morton and she came in from
church one Sunday morning,"how did
you like the sermon this morning?"
"Nothing in it," he replied briefly.
"I don't get anything out of sefmons
nowadays. It seema to me the great
preachers must all be dead."
"I wonder ,if thetrouble is with the
preacher or you, George?" his wife
replied. "If it were .only sermons
amongst other worth -while things
that had lost their interest for you, I
shouldn't think so much of it; but do
you realize that you can't get inter-
ested in a worthwhile book, the opera
bores you; you can never be got to
go to an Orchestral concert or a musi-
cal recital or a lecture that ,is meant
for intelligent people? The newspaper
has taken the place of real reading
with you, the musical comedy or the
moving picture the place of the opera
or the concert. 'You have acquired an
appetite for the frothy, highly spiced
things that require no thought."
"Well, if I didn't get a sermon at
daI'm getting one now! But I'll
have to admit there's a lot of truth
in what you say," he admitted good-
"George," she said, "your name is
legion, You're just like hundreds of
other men, who in the rush of busi-
ness to -day are losing their taste for
worth -while things, You remind the
of it story I read the other day about
a dealer .in lodes who was 'inveigled
out to ditmsr by his -wife, It chanced
that he was seated at table between
a brilliant woman novelist and a very
clever doctor. His wife thought he
would surely have a good time, But
.sire asked what sort Of evening he hada
He replied, 'Abominable! 'What did
those people know abed hidse!f heate, slept, drank and lived hides':`
"'That's what sone of you men are
doing with your business. Your brains'
are a one-track line, and anything that
doesn't directly concern your business
has no interest for you. I'm not scold-
ing. I simply pity you, The taste for
music is. essehtiai to a really eulti-
books, good drama, good preaching;
you used to have a taste for all these
not so many years ago, but you're
losing it fast. That's what makes me
suspect your opinion of the sermon
this_ morning. It seemed to me re-
markably geed, and so it did to others,
I wonder if you're not judging your
• Safeguarding Against Wind.
Now that windstorms are far more
fierce than when the country was more
thickly wooded, there is much more
reason to make sure of windbreaks.
around. the home buildings for the
comfort and safety of our families
and stock. Trees set even a hundred
yards from the buildings will not only
do much to break the force of ovind- taking of a new city for the Redeem -
storms, but, by absorbing the free Br's kingdom. It moans a defeat for
electricity in the air, will prevent the forces of evil. It means victory;
lightning strokes. On or near many accession of strength, reeovery• of
fauns can 'ba found fine young trees hthat whieh had been lost, an increase
of sugar maple, chestnut, pine, sic. of Minion resources, encouragement
Or a few nuts tike hickory, and the for all who do well, It means to
seed of shade trees planted in the "save a soul from death" and "hide a
right spot will soon grow into thrifty
trees. The location of the tress ,muoyltiitnudhe avofen.sni
nsT.h e gAfonr oitf hmeaevanen
itsaelfsed, is greater, and its joy As 111
There is no finer or richer happi-
news on earth than that of winning
Wbsn nraliogany furniture looks 'a another to a knowledge of.the salve
cloudy pit olive oil on a glean tion Shat is in Christ.' , And this is
cloth and rub in, This will make the the truest worsleip, to love, to restore,
surface clean and bright. and to bless.
tion and continued faithful for many
years, whose loyal and disinterested
affection was proved to Paul again and
again in his hours of need (Phil. 4:
10-20). May we not suppose that
Lydia herself was one of those whose
thoughtful affection and care for Bran
Paul speaks of in his letter which he
wrote them from a Poonan prison.
who had sent a messenger there with
gifts for him/ (Phil 2: 29). Sea
what Paul says of them also in Phil.
1: 3-11. It was a great thing indeed
to be the means of saving a group of
people of whom such words could be
James b: 19, 20. A Great Achieve-
ment. The turning of e single soul
from sin to righteousness is indeed a
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When baking flail lay greased paper
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disagreeable task of washing a sticky
"1.t Is not rare glees that maks men
happy. it is the common and simple
and -universal gifts: it i$ health, and
the glance of :sunshine inthe morn-
ing; it is fresh air; it is the friend,
the lover; it is the kindliness that
meets us on the journey: it may be
only a wort!, a smile, a look—it le
these and nob any rarity of bleseing
that are God's gentle art of making