The Seaforth News, 1919-08-07, Page 1Aa.
New Series VO4.17 No, 31
OU have more
confidence in deal-
ing with a main who
has had a wide
Practical experience
of the Mounmental Works, has
over Forty years practical
" Olympia "
Watch For Our Special Big Display in Our
Window, Till Will Be Special on Saturday
The Palm of perfection
is held' Cut to all who would
possess a box of our sweets.
Nothing transcends the succul-
entexeellence of
Freshly made Bandy
bought here. Ono taste of our
Candy will dispel the meet het -
i -id arra of the blues and ao.+a .a
Distantly disappear at its first
taste, It's "perfection personi-
fied. Bey ii ilea for your „hl; if
e'.,n i?; i t.. s ,ufo`ather fellow will.
::tayisc>a�xm�+o-Yr,.var;tlwe v-+...Y-.ra60ccwY. �'
Se -a. .or-tliNews
.. .-.---- --.....�.: .. - . .:._. ..,
Hearst at Mitchell
It was an unusual crowd of men and
women of Perth that assoinbled:at-Mit-
chell on Thursday last I. hear the
Premien of Ontario, ii was busy time in
the middle of harvest and yet the Opera
Hall was crowded andmen stood during
the meeting. The convention was cel-
led to elect a candidate to contest the
riding of Perth. Ballots were distri-
buted to both men and women and col.
looted, The 'result was that Dr. Cope-
land received the Domination. The
Doctor, a dentist, thanked the conven-
tion for thehonor and said as there'were
only two small towns in the riding it
was clear that the farmers were on his
side as a farmer was hie opponent;
Dr. Steele spoke briefly after which.
the chairman called. upon Sir William
The Premier is still a young man in
the vigor of strength and is a very
fluent speaker, He has lost much of
his flowery style which he used some.
years ago in Algoma and has cultivated
a more direct -force of speech and car-
ries his audience with him,
Si William paid several -compliments
to the Holt farming oountry of Perth
with their prosperous homes, He was
glad to see so many ladies present. B,•
their deeds during the war they had
earned the right to vote and he knew
that vote would uplift the state; of lift.
In vivid language he depicted the eon-
ditirill of Kir•.'.. o int .re tit Ill']•# end
to -,lay_ Sir Jinuo, Whitney gave tiro
province, during his lifetime, hottest
government and Sir William resolved
h , would follow that example He
could say he haul dome s.i. Nut one
single charge, of dishoteety bail been
brought against his•rninent " He
tleid the runners to outsider this fact
u d not allow their alpha to become
nem Grit Meetings. Ho tall what they
incl Suite for sane tvt,+:i last cwt:
amounted to four uuhineo The iin
:creased income of the govetilltWilt cam,•
from taxing ho: ,viio the litepe-et -ct of tie.
rot at, This was right. tI
had etiouled the be_., molt it t urtair
site :tiitl ter of It l n+a tion and ri very•
thing pc:eli.te. Dain,! h, .retie for
echoul,t, tin proliooti,in tie was win u;
to be judged It WHO a war measure
mid give rise to much enuttovetay. 'lilt,
Proviticlal Legislature has oo power to
pr+eveut the tucking of liquor or import•
i.,g, what it could was prevent int sale
within the province, This set slid not
prevent its importation. It did away
with the bar and its evils, and the
shops and clubs, No one champions
these things to -day, It was only when
the Dominion Government, es a war
measure, prohibited the manufacture or
importation last year that the Province
betaine dry. His government was trot
responsib'e for that. It had a mandate
from the people to win the war, and to
do that the 0. U, A. was passed. It
conserved the finances,iuoreased the
efficiency and productive power of the
nation, in the groat straggle we were in
at the tithe. If they had not clone so,
they would stand condemned, The war
is now-overand the victory won. It is
for the people of this free, this demo-
cratic country to say what they want,
and their will, will be carried out. It is
tow for you to say what you want. He
believed in goverfifnent by the people
and for the people, He was willing to
staled or fall by their verdict,
August9 13t
Auspices G. W. Vo A,
Latest Attractions Brass Bands Kiltie Bands
Aeroplanes Merry -Go -Round
Boxing Exhibition Base Ball Midway
Monster Parade Calithumpians, Floats
Platoon forst Hurons
Tug of War Races Games, etc. etc.
Mon ter Parade Presentation of Medals
Exhibition of War Trophies
• pust landed from overseas
Field Guns, Machine Guns.
etc. under Government Supervisions
Oh Boy! Some Day! Same Show! Believe Me,
See large Posters for complete
Veterans' Day--Seaforth, August, 1,3th
Major R. S. Hays, Chairman
James"G. Mullen, Treasurer
A. D. Sutherland, Secretary
Executive Committee—Chas. P. Sills, Charles Ste–
wart, A. F. Cluff, W. P. Grieve, Frank Sills,
Charles Aberhart,
.To Pick Candidate
Committee of U F 0, of North Baron
to Select Candidate for Next
The U. F. 0, of the North riding 61
Huron, held a largely attended ;meet,
Mg in the town hall, Wingham, Fri-
day, the purpose being the placing of.
a candidate in the field atthe next
election, The meeting, however, de-
cided that the presidents of the var-
lets U. F, 0. branches in the riding
should form an executive -committee
whose duty it shall be to organize the
riding for the purpose of selecting a
The principal speakers were: Mr.
N. 0, Saunders, of Exeter; Mr, J, N.
Kernighan, of Goderiolt;.Mr. Lamb, of
Colbourg and President Halbert,of the
Provincial United Farmers' Aesooia-
"The country is looking more, and
more to the farmers for help, 'strength,
and stamina," said Mr. Saunders, who
presided, in opening, wbioh . "neither
govern men t nor partyism has aver given
it, Thin is not a political meeting
The U, F. 0. is not a political organi-
zation and any man that seeks to bring
into it political partyism will be
promptly thrown out."
"The world was never c,mfronted by
such a crisis as it f oes today," ,he said,
and itis the ambition of the farmers
of Canada to bring about better day
than can be brought about by political
party government.
In concluding the speaker declared
that the life of the idle rich do -day is
'nothing more or less that a great joy
ride, while at the other end of the line
the man who has to produce so that
the whole world may live, if he em-
ploys a man, finds that he calls five
hours a day and expects a full day's
pay for it, These conditions exist
despite the fact that it means a re-
duction of production by 60 per. cent.
-"J. N. Kernighan, of f=oderich, de-
clared that the farmer is attached to
the farm as never before and that the
statement that he is seeking the city is
not true, As a matter of fact the
farmer. he declared is the backbone of
the city anti of all inilnist ies. Want
of help is delaying anti erippling pro-
cltiotion and unless this condition is
soon remedied the amfnt it dr food stuffs
preilectetf will be eict
Mr. Ifernigltan d elane,i th tt a- good —
(5) Por the purpose of performing 1 .4ts
its duties under this order to allocate
Canadian lake tonnage sod to disiri•
bete oars tor rail shipment,
Authority is given to make advance
payments according to a schedule to
be prepared by the Board and approv-
ed :by the Government in Council.
Provision is made, too, for the issue of
participation certificates, and, in regard
to payment in full, the order -in -council
reads; "As soon as the Board had re.
eeived payment in full_ for all wheat
delived to the Board, there shall be de-
ducted from same all moneys disbursed
by, or on behalf of the Board for ex-
penses or otherwise connected with or
incident: to the operations of the board
and the balance ahall be clistrnted
pro -rata among hail producers and
others holding participation certifi-
It Rubs Pain Away,—There is no
liniment so efficacious in- overcoming
pain as Dr Thomas' Eoleotria Oil. The
hand that rube it in rubs the pain away
and on this account there is no prepar-
ation that stands so high in public
esteem. There lane surer pain -killer
procurable, as thousands can attest who
have used it succeessfully in treating
many ailments.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
will drive worms from the system With-
out injury to the child, because its act -
len, while fully effective is mild,
education is ab neo.:ssary to the Earned.
as to the c triticea mast lest t-- tine filet
that it is generally then l , etherwiee,
Mr Learnt., of (lobo/be, evened hiss
.oldreoe with a 1 ttic. , .tai rl e--1
rice, claiming that , i
;. nod for tL4: soot! -
•'Ail n" iw aseerte 1, . l-, rid reedit
the hest u,,, of the. short tilts that they
1 -Ni
i;e t aro : il, r a t in
•h, tli,.li+ titin ,,, it ot.t .t,
In+: is' a:" h ,:1 'tar ,n in•'.;,u
tum, on top of ., ni-s,.'. Ali will. .ar<u8,t
kit' ;lilt Lind tht thou,*itto unci en.,ries
of the vutit.try al zap-,+ scald, lilt,.
ii:tithid with fold el anis:
lT.1!6,1,1 Q r h in
Closing :Hi, ','1 tit i' it:`- in tansy -
President Halbert -if Toronto. stated
that the Il, F, 0, had grown from an
organization with 350hrattohes a corn
parative short time ago to one of over
1000 blanches, -
He pate special tribute to the women
and welcomed their interest in the
well-being of the country, The U. F.
0, he declared is neither Grit nor Tory
Referring to the churches anti their
part in the life of the country, the
speaker declared that they had better
pray for good government than for
most things which they now prey for.
Well Control Grain
Export by License
Ottawa, Aug. 1.—The Wheat Pur-
chasing Board will be known as the
Canadian Wheat Board, Under the
order -in -council creating it,, the Board
in addition to purchasing and selling
powers, has authority;
(1) To fix maximum prices or mar-
gin of profit at which flour and other
products made from wheat delivered to
millers, may be sold, and to fix stand-
ards of quality of such flour,
(2) To pnrchase flour frommillers
at prices to be fixed by the board and
to sell same in -Canada or in other
(3) To take possession of and to sell
and heliver to millers, or to purchase
in other countries wheat stored in any
elevate r,•warehouse, or on railway oars
or Canadian boats and to deal with the,
same as to payment of advance and
otherwise in the same way as if it had.
been otherwise delivered to the Board
and to movegrain -into and out of or
through any elevator and to Or from
any oar or boat.
(4) To control by l eenee or other-
wise, the export and sale of flour out of
Tow t ,.f Se1forth
Jvic Holiday
Mr. A. D, Sutherland and other
citizens having petitioned to,
have Wednesday, Aug. 13th,
1919 proclaimed a Civic Holi-
day 1 hereby proclaim that the
said Wednesday, August 13th,
1919 be Civic Holiday for the
Town of Seaforth and request ;+
that the citizens observe the '.
same by closing their places of
business, and in honor of the
War Veterans to decorate their
residences and places of busi-
ness for that day.
Dated at Seaforth this 29th
day of July, 1919.
HARB UR+, Mayor
e -a n:U ii
Trio of. t , r...l tease .,il it ,:a
,j010 U.S 11 t !-t'a r
ur' i, ;it c.
-tier tie>ia �. `.illi htir Lbs t '.i�•i e.. i i,- rpt
faction 11'. 'rn:il l t pill -.t.,t::5' L. epi
tit i, hcaldreds of lsertronii iil,L veil
their confid=.'nci, ye» ill and
Attractively priced
SL 75 to $69.50
an important clearance
$1.50 and $2.50
The figure does not feel
their weight, and yet they
give most satisfactory wear
Prices $1 to $5
t n ti -f t i LCA fl: relit
a.i . " S • ,..•. I t rel c:.. E':
LE jjO F
i� PRl'eE
$L25 to $9
Ar $i.75 each
4OC tc $ I.50
We carry a number of the
best liked kinds and. prices arc moderate
Soc to $1
To pick out the items of interest and print them all here would be quite a task so the followitpilaw; been pick, t1
at random to give you an idea of the value you will get here.
made with insertion of embroidery
and lace edging, ribbon run.
Slipover kimono model, with insertion hod edging
of lace end ribbon -run edging' Also tailored
Cambric, with cambric
ruffle soh hemstitched hem
Of fine nainsook with embroidered organdie
motifs and Val, lace insertion and edging trim-
med back.