The Seaforth News, 1919-06-26, Page 4THE SEA.FORTH NEWS Thursday June . 26 PROFESSIONAL, CARDS MEDICAL 9'sR. H, Fi.'UGI3 01095;''Payatcian and Surgeon Ilaie of London Jioept tat, London, England. e antrial atteotton to dieoaees of F.ye, Ear, Nose d'lFhroat, No" and residence behind Dominion Sank, some Phone No. 5, Residence Phone No, 104 r, Pt, J ISUM MMS Seeforth Since and ri a idenr.ee- Godorleh Street, enol of the Meth other Church, mus N,, HI 'aroner for enmity of Huron telep Ira tii0ta C a[ tt`KAV. Physicians and aor Sun:Toot, uoderich Street. opposite Bethm • .Chart h, aaatortll Better. 00111010 Vietorla H11381111 Arbor, and Member 01Ontari0 College of Phy trans and at:rgeens. Coroner for County of timon. NorKo s, honor graduate Tri City ttniveistte,, gold medalist Trial tv Medical College. Meunier of Celle -c of Pr.teinea and Surgeons. tented-. reit tilts). Hyll.EMA:s. Ostoopthie Specialist ii/ it. Ramer s and Cintormes ti 'uses and ithenmat t trauteee. .scute a d t' 1,-ouic Mooed ars, Ear, Eye, Noee and Throat tdennid re• ilne5011 without ,hekn to tenet L 80100 ifee. otrioe over tmhah • note ht r. Toesas, 8 au. to A tee..Frhter tt s,"' In Spin Dr. i`s i Ra Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat fIradtt ate to lleelteilla, l ,11Y0ratty of Twenty, 1807, Late Aasisttt:t New York tlpllthal- mir and Aural lnstttrtte, Moorefield's $y e. and C;0!,t.,n Square 'throat Hos pitafe, Load 3Il Haglund, " At the flnr0l"s Hotel, Seaforth, third Wttl nestiay in each month front 11 a, no to I railroad time. 53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Phone 007 Stratford. o. ; ARO IUCenses Issued by JOHN end end opttcfan, .on• ynaconsidering IInsurance, Life tbnapot�nwill get urates. 3. D. FIIIVes LEY. vden eral Agent for London Life Insurance Co.. I mss riol Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, S'•nforth.. Ont. Tames Watson '=anerat. Fire, Lin. and a=• a. I.'o, rant ` agent anti dealer 7,tuehines. `•.^ _.._ _ __ Main Stree',"aaf,rch. TEE aEdiltt IA fill, Lii1V10 -IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY I From the office MAIN ST. ST. SEAFORTH, ONT• Phone .Ba Er an l - 13i SUBSCRIPTION tote dollar per year, strictly in adv a ace ,� it loll Ofd to advento ear and to hall wilt ba• 1.011 rged darted states papers, 'tufty rents entre' strfrkly In advance. !} When eubseri bets chaange. their address ( notice should be',or'a us immediately, gluing I both the old leadthe new address. Sub- I millers wilt confer a favor by notifying us f of any Irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices—No ,eadtag notice, 9 advertising any entertainment or matter by which money la to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In sins News' without charge. The price for the inser- tion of business aanouncemente is TEN cents per caner line each Ineertto.. it, parties having no contract for display odvertiaine, and FIVE cents per line melt insertion to those having display contracts, and for church. society end entertainment II readittg notices. Car:? of. Thanks 5 to 9 linea, 50 cents. Judicial. Legal, Official and Govern- ment Nottcoo—Ten coats nor line far first insertion and five cents per line for each eubceeue 'insertion. Yearly -'eels--Professional Card ,, not exceeding oec Inch, will be Inserted for St. 00 net y oe r• savable strictly In advance Dteplay a.tvertiaine—Rates furnished on application "Advertisements ordered for insertion, wUntll forbid," and those sent without written inetrnctiens will appear until ritten order• are re-elved for their ells. continuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accept% no reepoa- slbillty whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter is ten rents per line .1 F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Cost of living 'rhe Parliamentary Committee has elicited startling foots concerning the undue 'pr ft s a profits t of some mauuFtteturere, but the percentages raked,. hi by the men standing between the manufactur- er"and the oohsumer me also of great Itttptirtence in tixieg the cost of living. The llotnmittee. has not rouchee on the manufacture end sale of thatches, There is a plain instance of profiteer- ing, The matfnfacturets put ou the revenue stator, in the factory, and thea take their usual profit not fila cost, pitta the stamp, 'The jobbed.. the wholesaler' and the tetailer, all follow suit. 'rite reeutt is that the cousutner pays to the private 1it11viduals a profit on a tax imposed by eartidmeut. A box of tnctohts costs 1$ cents in the shops. It actual value is six cents,' and this allows for a httndstnueprofit, Atax of rite coots, uumilked, brings the proper retina pt•iee to 11 aurae, Similar lm-. proprieties, we aro_ informed, may be found in the tobacco trade. It eggs .ate. 35 Conte at the farm, the city bnyerhas a right to know why he mast pay fill cents. If a ready made stilt van be produced for $311, the pub - tie oslro why the retail price should be $40, We believe that the main task of the Coat of Living Committee of Parlia- ment is to engniro into We 'spread" between Coat prices told retail prices, Perhaps too many business men are continuing to demand the customary percentage for handling. a percentage which was well enough in peace time, but onto which becomes exorbitant In a time of high priced and rapid turnover. 'fatuity per coot. on an afticto that cost $5 before the war with Say two "tumors+, a- in the year wt•aat $2, I'bt, sauna perceutatfe with four "turn- Gneral observations srs on it manufacturing richt ,f City, $5 to $1i.5v• Fite root of I'at d inii by middlemen has not, inereaet,t to this pioh'ortson, despite the rise in wages ,, , . 3 s,rurtatiofl and warehousing TIE E i CKILLOP Mutual Filo insurance Got Patin and isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS las, t c oaoiry, t rade i. to, Pruelde0t, James Sraus, Beeehwaod, Vire-President. Taomea :aaye,Setlfortn; sae.•Treas Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, alatlrop W. Rhin, Conataace' John Benoewels, nllrodghegen• Robert Ferris, Iforlock; Malcom hie"eon, Clinton; It McCartneT Seaforth; sante Connolly, Goderich: Jar. Evans. Beechwood Agent. sties. Leitch. Radecki E. Hinr+dey, Seafort' fFjjQQSSl1ppin Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Vt. ,Eclmesvnle; R. G. Jormouth, Brodhaarnt Jaw Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, 0u mews. Parties dealrous to effect Insurance or trans other bppaineea will be promptly emended to I apyIDeatton to any of the above officers, address Ca sheir respective poetoffces. The original and Only Genuine a v lti t!o.e wl•o e'ejecti .. .1. tt cost ,:1 lith et sllnttlil take .h a 1011)0, 31Lv:wg8flti teas ,.f inereas- I. art the evil i't' .et•illg- ll, ,ttrik:' at do. HURON NEWS - mtuuiittg shorter htrttra Ii ihi, sato.. The Field Day 001,11 Soldiers \V,t,otna field at the home of Mr. Richard Proc- tor, 14th Morris, on numbly Jur:'. 12 was y largel ' „ attended, 'I9ta Wiugilattt Citizens Band fnruishetl the music. The Wiughare High School and Brus- sels football teams met in contest and the former won 2 to 1. Col, B. B. C'outbe sated as chairman, Au interesting court coos was tried in Goderioh last week. R. 0, Seldon bought a large quantity of wheat from W, T. Colwell o Centralia about a a year and a half ago, Before delivery Mr. Seldon sold the wheat to the Lucan altlling Co„, the company to team the wheat to Lucau. Seldon paid Colwell hie price. The Lttoau company on weighing in the wheat found it to be a certain weight, not as much by about $000 as Mr. Seldon ex- pected, The result was he brought suit against the company for the differ- ence. The defendant won both at l.'oderich and at Toronto. Mr. Seldon brought snit against Mr. Colwell Oa the amount of claim and the coats of the former case nod was awarded $280• reeds they s. -acct, the output ansa in oreaa the cost of the artidle. If the 1 cost of living is ever reduced it will be only by increasing pru.tuction. It would appear that the object of the Winnipeg strike was to win Canada by the same means that Germauy em ployed four years ago—in other words that t blight is right", It was an effort of Bolohevism to unite all labor classes, in order to force their will upon the rest of the world. It is al- most incredible that after lighting for four years against this doctrine, and thinking the war was won, it should again lift its hateful head right in the centre of Canada. It f iled before and is bound to fail again, +at The London Advertiser man was "up in she air" again last week. This time Beware it was at a rate of one dollar per mitt. Of [mi#aifoils tile, His bank account would long ago Sold 1,.a a rat ,t:e quantity if he l:tl to pay 03 til'% iii" prig..•, oroey tem.,or. !1.4 tr,.,e: up feint of Minard's `Ll81iOEftf h•, '111' 9s e p;m,,1t,, 1,0' ""‘011'-'b a ri'1..1'tal. d very Ol3sinnL.p ii butl'e- atel. !11 .,I :- 11'i'. ,.cod :Lt 1,<r,I '. eler whit eit'f, rat (li0tl Iran. .i: et,01, ir n, 0111-.0,,r rl c, 1 .0 ''0 tri .; l ii'i.,.': of u ..'1.. t5 1': Ili ;11,1 o._•1 '3,11: t It at On Wednesday, June I lth, In Totem. to, at the home of Mrs, Dunlop, cousin 1 tto bride. 202 Davenport Road, 'he marriage of rtka Ereiyn Frances Bal. foto, 01.01,10 ter of Mr. mid Mrs Z.: ph I'alt.ur, of Sluuh,. , r ]t ‘5,111. 0, ih. i.3ot 1t,n01, :logo. fit '.ttttehent, t,.oi, placo floe li!Vl,R rili:i { iN S will supply the required energy phone - E4 eveningz127 I h.: fie f siodliti et.et. ria souply t. lIo ante' 1 ol• etrie 0011 nit hued, not only :1.a 3 reedy t'piril'!iy for Ilio in ill" family. but eda:tee it is a )terse' and test do inediotna of pRo1 ;bnteo 05, As a sttbslittttc• for se, of all for 1•,,,e,„. g and cattle btf0sled by colic it tar FM - passes anything that can be administer, - ' w' ed. e as., -I fend: 11 I, 1:,'r. D - ..D i1:... I'r, n.1, I I:. it, . d ft:t'll' fir .,:,110,1r.,r,t It;, Ii'.1 ti ...,e. ..i oii 1'l.t I. fat of ata', '1'r L Ss 18 0, 'nig nun too .t V. 9. 11/E- `mete t.f that treat ill 'I.y best to d,o t'-wushfp anal Mar, Ash t. n •''itpathy tri sit Lo Foie groat tnish, - {;ru it, - tu'ti•- rstaud there al, it [ail ll,etffgn0u 00110, 0 un the builds, ;, e' ti cgr,tents, tut iu ti ase (Lays of ho;_lo p_ ici-s tt roots soma bh g to build L.at, 8 and buy implements anti feed. du:the County Court teat week - the case of Davi,% ve, Lloyd was tried before Hie Honor Judge Dickson without. a jury. 'The plaintiff was T, IN, Davie, dealer in automobiles,, and the defend- ants Jantee Lloyd et'. Son (Roy. Lloyd; wholesale fruit merchants, both of, Goderioh. 'Plaintiff claimed to have sold Lloyd a Clinton touring oar for $350, on which he received from Lloyd a note fgr $2010, Defendant refused to take the car, alleging that it was not in first Glass condition as represented by plaintiff. Defendant claimed that the. note had nothing to do with the trans- action, having been given to plaintiff merely, as au eecotnmodation at his (plaintiff's) request. Plaintiff sued for the value of the note, the balance of $150 owing on the oar; interest and storage, amounting in all to $376.15 Verdict was for plaintiff for 362 15 laid costs, The home of Mr, and Mrs. James Johnston, Huron road was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday morn lug, when their only daughter, Muriel Katherine, was mated in marriage to Mr, F1'aderiok Middleton, youngest son of Mr, John Middleton of White- hall, Goderlch Township The were mony took plant at 10 o'clook, and was performed by Rev, A, L G. Clarke, rector of St, George's church, in the presence of between forty and fifty greets. The bridesmaid was Miss Katlileon McNaughton of Varna, cous- in of tate bride, and the groomsman was Mr. Will Middleton, i,onsin of the groom. The excursions on the White Star Line steamer Greyhound this year proved very successful, more so than for many years. The weather had been such as to induce one to take a t hoot trip and large numbers availed themselrea of the opportunity of a visit to iloderich cr of a Beit to Detroit or aotne of the other points on the river. On the trip up from Detroit un Mon- day the steamer carried close on to 600 passengers and on the down trip on Tuesday morning well on to 400, For moonlight excursion Monday evening the puteer's record showed 1871 pass- engers. The moonlight excursion was under the, 33rd Reglrnental Baud, and the baud played down to the boat and on board till the steamer cleared. For dancing nt the fine dance hall on board u orchestra provided s 1 excellent mueic. ,.,l.. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then pub In the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth. soft and clear the skin becomes. Yesl it is harmless, and the beautiful resullg *111 surprise you. CASTOR! For Infants and Children. others Know That Genuine CastAiia Always Bears the Signature of a?'R ' ThtPlo riefaryorlhttitti'Icllitinsiltt AVeefaVarreaferASII sii'mila1 ngtlte ooiilyiRegu a I, tial*illcStontarllsalihBows1501 Thelebt Ptromoting t;eD sti. Gh@erfuffae55andl stConiain5 neither Opplyin,Ibforpllinenot hiiiterat. OT NARCOTIC. Litypeof p S.L:'IGELPIIGAER'+ J'ontpkin ,Sec/J s vanna Addle dP84 Ada Soo! ,Is,rprrnnai . ags Ilernr Sr •d,, is assn dxygo .Ahclpfulltometlyfor Gonstipation and Diarrlmea and l0eeverisllness and is Loss OF SLEEP zesuitingtherefrom-inlalancj',I: Tee simile 5ignattt''e et C°4fftf Tills C ^vnCOMPASY `,: MONTREAL C T{GN YOftic. Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use Far Over Tear y Years i e eNTA1-1 It COMPANY. 1,1 CV/ CITY• 'r ;c r„eM t l�iltl-,^ Spacial tier for Huffs I am buying all kinds of Junk and.. Fowl I have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings for sale. J. Naftolin Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House 4110 t.a tes for Telephone Service HE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25th and based upon air -line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3 -minute talk to points most frequently called by local sub- scribers: `'eAF.,tlh P to Iter?t etsetno.i. lefdition .Icl t ly tit ea, for l \ e It tie ,1 The hours rluritt}' 'finch rntincrd 1,011ff Dist ei.Cer";'r; r• r, ere in effect are no,,,-; From 0.30 p.m. to 11..10 p.m., 60 p4: Slat of raise From 11.30 p.m, to ti a.m., 40 per cent of -coy rat;, Night rates rrs' beset: on Standard 7`;n;e j.1.1t rates LOCAlL, E C E Rates for local service to present' subscribers Te nil be increased tett per cent, effective from July 1st next. Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from May 25th. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The w ell T ellethone Co. off Canada. •,-,rXsior. Oaemmdip,®NdesimeMisissdINw i lik it CHURCH NEWS , e sr SF.111=ORTIi, el—ILJRekilbS St. James' St. James' church, Rev, Father 111, F, Goetz Y, P. Early Maes 8,00,.High Moos 10,30, Sunday School 2,180 p. m, Vespers and Benediction of, the Bless. ed Saorament,7' P. on. St. Thomas' Rev. T. H, Brown, Rector Sunday eer0oee 1L u.lso, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2.30 p. nrr Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30 p.m. Chiltlren'ebranch Saturday 2 p.m, uteroeesiou services every "Thursday, 0 p,tn. Methodist Rev, H. B, Moyer, pastor —SUNDAY School at 10:00 a.in, Public service 11. a.m. and 7 p.m, Prayer Meeting 'Pnurarly y 8. p.m . Salvation Army Lieut.F. W, height Sunday servings—Holiness 11 a, m. Praise 3 p,m:-Salvation 7 p.m, --Sun day School !d p. m.--Wednesday— Public meati ig, All are welcome, Eamondville, Presbyterian Rev. S McLean pastor, Sunday set. vices 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible class 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y,P M,S Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.m. Women's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p.m Ladies' Aid moos im- dtetliately after. First Presbyterian ltev, F. B. Larkin„Pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m. aid 7 p m, Suuday school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.46 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Suoiety`the first Tuesday in each mouth at 3 p m, Barbara Kirkman Mis• Mon Band 3rd Tuesday. in the month ut 7.30. ro Sunshine p Mission Band every 21101 Monday at 4.16 p.m. McKillop Presbyterian ltiv. D Carswell pastor Sunday services Duffs' church 11 a ru Sunday school 10 a.m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. tvotnen's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 't'otock. Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday setvioe 2:30 pm. Sunday School I 16p on Pryer meeting Tuesday 8 p. In. L Olt Let wed. eonstauce Methodist Rev, T.E. Sawyer, paster. Sunday service 2.80 p.m. Young People's Lea- g'tt3.30ginSit tlly ,viulI's :aux iI ary first 'Neal ty of everymonth a 30 t.oa, fatlett' kid loot L'hursday of each month 3.311 p.o1 "For the Blood is the Life.” WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any dictate due to Impure blood such se Eczema, Cortaro 10, Scurvy, Sad Lege, Absooaeoe, Ulcers, Glandular Swelling., Boise, Pimpl a SorosOfany kind, Pilee,Blod. Polson,Rheumatiem, Gut etc., dont waste your time and money on lotions anti mtntent which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want is medicine that will thoroughly tree thcltloud of the p tsonou, matter which alone is the tree ,se of all your sufferingClarlicA Blood Mete!, is lust such a medicine. Its composed f hum:dient, which quickly expel torn the 1,1.8„1 all int uritis., front whatever • cause raising, and by rcoilering It dean tm,f part, n he relied un to effect. u lasting t can erotr:•suntelr. x , para Pound 80051 Iver e yeas' stems. Pitasnol for 4 tntt,�F Ante W? t z0. „'r1CURES ALL SIOIlt & BLOOD DISEASES. } L gra 1 • Data 0.1.1n11 -,e ASlhll'a, Et•oll e linin speeli torr ton til to 8,0 will lead to log.nt'.e which no words can describe. 1'110 ':rails 0,14110, breathing tithes eon. tract and it seema as if the tory . life stats. pass. From this condition be ,1, D. Kellogg's Aut,mn Remedy the tiger to perfect rent and health'. If relieves the passages arid' nor'tlial lyiaetll' lug to broody estal lisheil'agiiib*” Eitih- deed% of tettituuniale rhor,iviidistinttally=; prove its efl'aetivobese. } • 1 In • •