The Seaforth News, 1919-01-23, Page 8.^�1tSff('L1SiFR9ii�A05�QP'
The Best Wins
That is why this is the most
popularBarber Shop in town.
Beery thing is sanitary and you
can enjoy a hair cuthere.
Oommercial Barber Shop,C4th
Mies Annie (l, Govenlook, Graduate
' Teacher's Course (4adowsky Methods,
anadien Academy of Mucic Toronto
re -open her classes in piano, Organ
d Theory on September 3rd.
Pupils will be prepared for Canadian
edemy and Toronto Conservatory
Studio North Main St,
Phone 103
Mrs; O'Connell has reopened telasaee
in Piano and Singing.
Pupils prepared for the London Con-
John Street.
Annual Meeting
The Oouncilinet at i t a, nt, on Mon•
day Jan, 13th, A11 the members pre-
sent and eubectibed to their Deolarat
ions of Qualilioation and Office. The
offioere appointed by them for the en.
suing year are—Clerk—Jas. Jordan,
Treasurer --Thee. M, Hamilton,Assee-
sor—PatrickFeeney, Collector—Cleo.
G. Wilson, Auditors—Thomas Murphy
and Wm. Hills, Caretaker—Miss Jessie
Alien, Dr, A. D, Smith of Mitchell
was appointed. Medical Officer of
Health, Andrew Wright a member of
the Board of Health, and Thomas
Drown V. S. Scathe Sanitary Inspect-
or, John Roger, 0. L. S. , Township
Engineer Sheep Valuators, Joseph
Waters, Dublin and Allen McKellar
Cromarty. Accounts amounting to
$289.22 were ordered paid.
A number of oar loads of flax seed
were ehipped from here last week.
Mr, JohnMoneso. had an exciting
experience when hie horse tried to run,'
away and began to kick, However;
the snow wee deep and the horse was
turned into it and diitno damage:
Mr, Geo. Douglas has sold out his
businese to Mr. R. J, Patterson.
Bayfield is proud of her library. It
is a good one and the books are care.
fully selected—not merely jumb'ed to.
gether like so many libraries are out of
a catalogue, The following are the
Board of Directors for 1919: Rev, W.
Aebe-Everest, Rev. A, McFarlane, G.
E. Greenslade, J. A. Edward', H. VV.
Erwin, J. H. Reid. H Drehinan, The
library is only three years oldbut
there are over Soo books and more are
being added.
The trustees have not been able to
secure a teacher for the Junior room of
the school and it is still closed.
Mies Ieabel Wools of Se forth visit-
! ed her aunt Met week,
The lake is still quite open for this
season of the year.
The Annual Meeting of the McKillop
Mutual Fire Insurance Company Gill
be held in the Town Hall. 9.efarth, on j
Friday Feb, ith, I919 attwoP. M.
The business of the meeting will be to
receive the Amnia! :stst.meat abet
Auditors' r.p..rt T6t"•,,,•rere ofthree
direettes curl ts,. ';ee1 r, Old other
busiltese whiee me ii i,?. red of
benefit for - 'erre t the retiring
divectore are Joel,ts. leve, James
Evans and .tohli Beet eeles who are
ligable for eleetime
Varna Patriotic Society shipped in
January. 4 shirts, 18 pairs of socks,
22 garments for Belgians, The Sor.-
tety -will meet on Tues..
day of this week to seer for the Be]-
giane. All who eau come will dud
plenty of aowk awaiting them.
Pres. Sec. Dublin
bliss Mary McGrath ie home again
Walton after a pleasant visit to friends iu Galt.
The family of W. J. Shortreed who
were suffering from the epidemic are
now recovering.
Duncan ,lohnstoe hue diepased mf
hie farm to Adam Sholdie for $"roan
The farmere club met on Titeedey
night and arranged for the annual
The schools are closed still from the
desire to prevent the epidemic.
The hours of busiaeee now in affect
at the C,1'. R. station are as follows. to 41'. to, 8.;Jp,n.to9p.m
The public will kindly bear this in
Miss Margaret Love spent a couple
of weeks at her home in Walton,
Mr. Thos. Riley spent a day in
Arussele with his sister.
Miss Jean Cook of (zoderich Town
ship is vieiting her sister, Mrs, Jos.
The mild weather has been very
acceptable after the big storm which Hensall;
Mocked the roads 1(er three days. ^---
Mr Haile of ht. Catharieee is taking
duty for Mr. Forrester,
Al r, .lack McDaid (Inc gone to Kitoli.
eller whore he has a position,
Mr. Edward Weber of St. Peter's
.'+emivary London way Immo for two
Mr, Theo Jordan hes moved from
Toronto to ttiii iiipr,g,
The c-pedimic is still prevalent.
Pto Jae. Evans received warns wel-
come from hie friends on his return
from England. He was id in England
and will go to London Hospital for
Mr, Fred Forrester has the sympathy
of many friends in his recent bereave-
ment, his father (laving passed away
suddenly in Oliuton,
Miss Minnie Maloney is nursing in
Wanda N. Y.
Real Estate is changing hands rap-
idly these days,
Mise McMichael of Seaforth ie teacl
ing the school here.
Mi'. and Idrs, Chas' Riley of Tucker.
emitb have been guests of Mrs. Adam
Much sympathy ie felt for the rel-
atives of W. J. Roes who died at hie
home from the 'flu', He was a son of
the lite Alex Ross of Bruoefield. The
deceased lived on the homestead. Be.
aides -the widow;Formerly Mies Gilmour
two sons and a daughter survive,' Oth.
er relatives are his mother and a broth.
er Daniel, at Bruoefield, two brother's,
Hugh and John, at Swift Current and
Nil, also in the West.
A Watoh on Sunday January, 19th
near Dublin. Finder please leave a
News Oi!'ee,
Fred Ziegler..
The death of Lottie Kaiser so soon
after her mother, has caused much re.
gret. She was the youngest of the
the family but wee in
poor health for a year pact. The
funeral was a large one,
Our Coal merchants have been selling
coal as low se eight dollars per ton,
The supply is becoming more satisfac-
The body of Harold Glen, of
the Bank of ammonia, Thedford was
buried from the home of his father
tinder the auspices of the Mations. He
was a fine young man and was only a
year married.
Rev. Mr, Doan preached a very in-
teresting sermon in • the Methodist
Church on Sunday morning on Where
Do We Ge from Here.
A great need for simmer visitors is
a supply of cottage' near the lake. At
the present time there are net enough
to supply the dammed, . .
Mise Richmond •f Hespler spent a
few days last weak with her aunt, Mies
Miss Grevier and Mise Lily are now
living in the house formerly occupied
by Mrs, Lee.
Mies Branford of Niagara is with'
Mre, A, S. Kunkel of Niagara Fails
who was here with relatives was palled
home by the death of her brother, it
H Orawford,
The funeral of rhe late Wm, MoOool
took place last Tuesday under the
auspices of the Foresters, Much eym-
patby ia felt for the relatives in their
The Misses Lyon are visiting a sister
in Exeter,
Mra. HerrisonlLyou ie visiting her
daughter Mrs, Kerslake of Exeter this
Mr. Ned Crawford is busy healing
logs from Mr. Webster's bush to Blyth
the sleighing is good and Ned draws
some big loads,
Business will boom in our burg when
Mr. Wells gets his chopping mill going
he expects to start in the near future,
Mr. Wells is aneuergetic young man
and will no doubt make a success,
Mr, J. B, Brown intends loading a
car of heading for Mr. Wm Amens of
Seaforth next week.
Don't forget the Pie Social Feb 14th
Our teacher Mr Halmee way on the
sick list for a few days last week.
'There is still meal; sickness from
the epidemic here,
Mr. John Workman isnow improv.
11r. Andrew Bell sr; is quite poorly
:Ind we are sorry to report Mrs, Robt
Cooper has not been well for some time
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Fairbairn is very ill at present
Mrs. (lard of Dakota has written to
say she teat her oldest daughter since
returning from here, She has lost
within a year two sons, a mother and
a daughter.
;firs, fiothan epent a few days in
The postponed no0cert given by
(bane Church was a treat when it was
held The Munroe children of London
captivated all by their skill and grace
The first victim of influenza was the
infant son of SFr, and Mrs, Tuftin at
the age of one year. The funeral was
heist to Staff& cemetery, The parents
have the sympathy of all.
erontatry '
The telephone line with Dublin is
egain in working order after the break
down from sleet some time ago.
A pleasant evening was spent at the
horse et Miss Norma Wilson,
The death of Mies aortic) Dow has
geuei'sl regret, She had Been poorly
for some time, but an attack of inflate,
za was too much for the frail body
and she paella away suddenly.
Much regret le felt among Mr. Jas.
Howe's many friends to learn that he
is seriously ill with pneumonia at pres-
We are pleased to record that lvlree
Irene Walker and her brother Otto who
have been i11 with influenza are recov-
Mrs, D. McKellar and ties Mary
arrived from Brussels on Monday. It
will be sometime before the latter can
return to her school as she bas been i11
with pneumonia following influenza,
In January 1918 ten school • girls of
Cromarty,Ont, organized, for Red Cross
Work, with Sirs. Tufford as Hon, Pres.
Bebeooe Brace Pres, clary McConnell
Seo and Norms Wilson Treas. On
Dec, 28th they mot to review 'their
work balance their accounts and elect
new. officers. Those bleated for the
somieg yoer are Mrs, Telford Hon,
Canadian Collections
Adequate facilities at all our branches
enable us to make Canadian collections
with promptness.
Let us handle your collections. Your
interests will be well looked after.
pR[atnatienuounlentral9®estemexcanientonesu a emennlexieneinlomseefall
Pres. Norma Wilson Pres, Rebecca
Bruce Vice -Pres. Ethel flows Seo.
Grace Speare Treas. Boeing Committee.
Ena Gardiner and`Jean Hamilton,
From their own fees they raised over
$tt.00; from a lawn social in July they
cleared Sgo;oo; Frei smaller socials,
donations and other work some $l,l.00
clearing in all about $119,00, They
made loo personal property bags, 36
knitted wash clothe, So Turkish wash
clothes; also bandages, amputation
cases, 3 dozen made and filled house.
wives, to pairs of socks, 2 quilts, two
invalid chairs for the Devisvilre !tint -
Hospital costing $34.0o, $rico to the
soldier sailors' fund and $8 0o worth of
writing material for the boys on
Cromarty Honor. Roll.
21 Last Chance
We learn tl--et the Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal are shor-
tly to withdraw their offer of the
War A:lbnm which has been given to
all who this season subscribed to
this great paper, The Album is
certainly a useful little beak bare
containing a vast amoiurt of useful
information, Tho coloring of the
!lags of all the Allies ie beautiful. Th
now edition now issued has a complete
record of the war. It is said an edi-
tion of 25.000 copies was snatohed rip
by the cttizeus of Montreal in one day
$1.25 pays for the year's subscription
to the Family Herald with the Album
thrown in free. It is a bargain,
At the Nomination meeting held at
Winthrop on Monday afternoon , Mr.
Robert Reid was the only one nomin-
ated and was declared elected.
The snow is gradually going as in
the mouth of Marchand if it continues
the birds will get into a peck of tronble
by corning north too soon,
Keep Them Smiling
The "Welcome " sign still hangs high on the doors of the
Salvation Army Hostels. Help them to keep it there! While
our soldiers have need of the comforts—spiritual as well as
bodily—DON'T shut the doors in the'boys' faces—Keep them
The Salvation Army appeals for a Million Dollars for tka
boys who won the victory. This is the first time the Salva-
tion Army has made a general appeal for its work. We urge
you now, for the sake of the soldiers, and as a VITAL factor
in the solution of Canada's Reconstruction problems, with
the Homecoming of her boys, to give and to give liberally!
Our men in Khaki may not all be home for another year.
While there is a company of Canadians in uniform over there
or over HERE, there is work for the Salvation Army Lassie.
The weary waiting and the relaxed discipline spell dangers
that MUST be guarded against. A happy smile and a come
fortable body help to keep trouble at a distance. Do net
let the Hostels shut for lack of funds!
The S,ivation Ar y
',on Dollar Fund
January 19th to 25th
"First to Serve—Last to Appeal"
A WORD ABOUT THE. HOSTELS!—Have you ever been
inside a Salvation Army Hostel? If not, ask a returned
man about the Hostels in Paris, London, Toronto, Hamilton,
or any others that he has stayed in oxer HERE.
Let HIM tell you about the REAL beds, the home cooking,
the fried eggs, and hot coffee—and hot baths. If he knows
you very_ well, he may give you a hint about the spiritual
comfort the Salvation Army Lassies give these men far from
home and all it means!
Mail your subscription to'
Treasurer Toronto and .Ontario; SIR EDMUND WALKER
Toronto, Ont.
Treasurer New Brunswick:
Bank of Commerce, St. John, N.B.
Treasurer Nova Scotia:
Bank of Commerce, Halifax, N.S.
or to
1a 2t,Albert St., Toronto
anuary 23
q � :
R. se TT
"The Horne of Good Shoes"
Phone 51
Counter Check Hooke
Letter Reads
Meuu Cards
Loose Leaf Ledger
Forms etc.
Calling Cards
.Meniurial Laude
11111 heads
Wedding Garde
Note Heade
Neat'ip and promptlp
The biggest men in
the country have found
that the easiest way to
spell success is to
PIDV1 RTlsfE. Sup.
pose the newspaper
did not ublish the
news. how would the
people know.- what is
happening ? If you
don't publi: h your
Store News how will
Che people know about
yew,. goods? You can
never sell the gLods
people do not know
you have.
Advertising, is telling
about your stock. The
firm that advertises
gets ahead, every tinte,
of the firm that does
not advertise. shop:n
worn and out-ofrdate
stock is the penalty
merchants pay for riot
"Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exoes•
sive acid in stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at once.
Time RI In five minutes all stom-
ach distress, due to acidity. will go.
No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or
belching of gas et eructations of undi-
gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul.
breath or headache. art
Pape's Diopepsin is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs,
It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet-
ener in the whole world, and besides it
is harmless.,Put an end to stomenh
distress at ones by getting a large fifty.
cent case of T'ape's Diapepsin from any
drug store. You realize in five minutes
how needless it is to suffer from indi-„
gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach die•
order caused bey fermentation due to
exneesive acids to stomach. G,
Help. for Asthm-i Neglect gives.
asthma a gee ,i advantag'. 1 troub-
le, oboe it has sac -aired a foothold, fast-
ens its grip 0n the, bronchial oass'gss
tenaciously, Dr. 3, D. Kellogg's
Asthma Remedy ia da iv erring 0.0595
asthma of long standing. Years of
suffering, however, might have' been
prevented had the remedy been need
when the trouble was it; its Ord stage'.
D.. met negltet MOURN bM es. tfsir,
prepitratron it wee ,
SEALED TENDERS, addt'eseed to
the Postmaster General, will be receive
til at Ottawa until noon, on .Friday, the .
71.h day of February, 19r8, for the con-
vey0uo0 of His Majesty's Malls, 0n a
proposed Contract for four years, six
times per week over Seaforth No 4
Rural 'Route; from the Postmaster
General's Pleasure,
Printed notices oontaioing further
information as to conditions of propos-
ed Contract may be seen and blank
forme of Tender may be obtained at
the Post Offices of Seaforth, Rgmond.
viii', St. Columbanand Bruoefield and
at the offioe of the Post Office Inspec-
tor London. •
London, 27th Dec,, 1918.
Chas, E. H. Dilater,
Poet. 011ie Imepester