The Seaforth News, 1919-01-02, Page 1sEnFroRi j -i, 'l`ARI®, "i'HILIRSD14,Y, .I7 NU11lRY42 1919
Canadian Ura ite
Since `the iiiportation of Eur-
opean granite
ur-ipeangranite has been re
strictcd, our CANADIAN
GRANITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
are equal in color and texture
to any: imported granite.
The Sea£orth iMonlimental
\\ orks handles the best grades
W ,ia - ehapnar,,Prop
l.50 per Fear
St 4 Thomas Church
Diamond -jubilee
armary, 5thand, t
SUNDAY 11 A.M. anti P. M.
The Right -Reverend Bishop of Hili 'on
will preach
µassisted by The Rev. eanort L aig
--,011,t1 you •imgaine a real
Oiristmas without it? We
have a ' large assortment
including everybody,s fevor-
ites, and all the
is sanitarily made from pure
higcedients, fresh, attraotie e
dolicibusaid 1larmlete.
l leen fermis ora abide always. on hant1',-`
()ire lwmen addetierfies always the beat.
Ch's slateeY.(Jarmelo,.;3ou-lions & Tattles a
a; -:Savings stamps
on sale at all
UY' 'W,ar-ElavInies Sttunpe for $4.000 eaett, place
them on the Certificate, which will be given to,
mfr , you; have your Stamps registered against loss,
free of bharge at any Money -Order Post Office; and on the first
day of 1924, Canada will pay you $5.00 each for your stamps.
,dr, an aid to the purchase of W. S. S. you can buy THRIFT
bei, ipa for 23'cSiute each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on A
Card will be.exehanged for aW.-S. fl. Thrift Stamps do
.• interest Their Virtue is, that they, enable jotf to •
8S -,t 25 gents you can save towards the purchase of a
thee' 'dent. interest-bearing security.
By.. '- rates of interest must be paid on Government borrow -
the le•t; right that, every man, woman; and child should
sideriblk' rtui,ity to. earathis "interest.'3=v%r Thmnas White.
.A feat.
presented'," ,,igk5 00 fca 4 00
iierool Eons
ntnq. cif,, the A
'.11n ,thieit, 1isi1 on
lt'efp}lowing moniboro
t:olhee for, term .of
i't&s ty F
3rJD oag E1'
„'..1'Sto hie S. ( 11Bra, 'ig.
c�Y'Bto, f d Dale; ,.leas: ;,
togdiil f3',. W,
gyi o' Smith, 5,1. L.
P,.roe .f G Seen,
Alex ,Stokie,. 1'r•nstees;
' j3(istoiv and P
Pro', S;do Catu't,
:will render, tb0''1r ttiest heeds
t y, , Clear' tit?, excrescences
sing 130310 wey's" t;nre, - it hieh
hlyand eiieleeely•
Red Cross :Cheek•
The -Night Atter Christmas-
hristmasTwos the night after Christmas and all through the house
Every soul was abed, and still as a mouse:
The stockings so lately St, Nicholas' care
Were emptied of all that was eatable there,
The darlings had' been duly tucked in the bene
With very full stomachs and pains in their heads:
I was dozing away in my new cotton cap,
And Nancy ryas rather fee gone in !i nap,
When out in the nursery rose such n clatter
I sprang from my bed, crying, "What is the matter?"
I t1ew'to each bedside. -stilt half in a doze,
Tore open the ourtainai threw off the clothes,
While tight of the taper served clearly to show
The piteous plight of the objects below,
But'ivhat to the father's eye should appear;
But the little pale faces of each. sick little: dear,
For each pet that had'erammed himself full as a.tick
I lonely in a moment felt now like old Nick.
7'lieir•piaseswere rapid, their bretithtug the sante,
What their etomaohs ejected 19.i by name,
Now turkey, now stuffing, plum pudding, of course,
And custard and-orullere and cranberry sauce,
Before outrage:1 nature, all went' to the wall; •
Yea, lolypopie flapdoodles, dinner and all,
Like pellets that-nrohius from popguns let fly,
Went figs, nuts and raisins, jam, jelly and pie,
Till each error, of diet was brought to my - view,
To thepshame of mamma and Santa Claus, too,
I turned from the sight, to my bedtoom stepped back,
And bronght out a phial meeker, "PelvIpoao," -
When Nancy exelaimed,'for their sufferings +beaked her,
Don't you think yen had bettor love, rim for the doctor? .+r
1 ran, andwas scarcely batik ander my roof,
When 1.heard tho sharp clatter of old Jalaps hoof
I may say I hardly turned myself roitnrlyt
When the: dearer wrote into the room with a bound;'
He WW1 covered with mud from his head to his foot,
And the suit he had en wee his eVory day suit;
He hail hardly had time to put that on his beak,
And he looked like old Falstaff, fuddled with sae; •
His eyes, how they twinkled -had the doctor got merry?
Ilia oheeke looked like port and his breath stnelt,liko cherry
He bad not been shaved for a fornight or more-
And the board en hie thin was not white aa the snow
Inspecting their tongues in spite of their tooth,
And dre,wing his,,wateh from his waistcoacbeneathl
Se felt each poise seyiiig, "each, little belly
Must get rid",'=- here he laugheda — of tbt(reet of that jolly;"
I gazed on eaoh chubby., plump sink little elf;'
Aud I groaned: when he said so, in spite of myself;
But a, wink of his eye aa.he pbysiclred our Fred,
Soon gave me to know 1 had nothing to dread;
Ho (1, In't Prescribe, but went straight' to work, -
And dosed all the rest, gave his trousers a jerk,
And adding directions while blowing his nose,.,
He buttoned hie coat, from his ohairhe arose,
'Phan jnniped'in his gig, gave old Jalap a wliietle,
And Jalap' dashed off as if pricked by a thistle;
And the dearer explained as he drove•clit of sight;
"They'll be cvoll"to nioroow, good night, Jones, good -night"
Thi cheek for, the amount of the re'
n3iinoii}tit11 eseigi,ed by the deputies'
and tho assistant deputies for" their
81rviees in registering en ,7.tlne 22u,i
bas been received by Mr. A l (iiigg
of Clinton, who was registrar for south
Huron, The check deltl;by the Regis-
ai'd .Ott
tlatign$o p Yable to
Elio order of the General bund of the
ItedCroee in South 1111808 for $637,36
Ae.a like amount will be sent to the
Red'Cross'in North Huron, the Red
Cross i1' the County will receive' ahput
$i -,0o altogether from this5011rae
Recognize<1asthe leading specific
for the:destruction of worms, Mother
Graves'. Worm Exterminator has prov-
ed a boon to suffering children every-
where. It Bolt -low fails.`
From 5,30 porn, to 7.30 p.i n.
rowi Supper
Our „clan!
`Patrons a
Nappy and
New Year
will be served in the School House
Everything in Abundance
Admission 50 cents
And Afterwards at $ p. m.
A Grand Recital and Programme of
Sacred :,Soni
will be given in the CHURem by well. -known
artists r AdIhission Free
a: v is
Vniir 3afcllan 1trr & (lptirian -
31Entter stlarriegc lateranrs
Bneinese 194
Eveniuge 10
The Store you will always lily
Sliver Jubilees Is Field
torVery Rev. DOH Downey
With high mace at to a. In. Friday
the silver jubilee of Very Rev, Dean D.
ne 1
J. Downey, pastor p o of St A plioneua
church. Windsor, was :celebrated, fol-
lowed by a banquet in the new'' parish
hall at 110011,-
A reception and presentation of a
purse of gold closed the fostivitieo at
night, 7he'address aocorepanying the
gift was made by Barrister Francis
Cleary. 'Bishop M. Fallen „presided.
A program of music woe given under
the supervision of the choir, leader, Pat.
riek Outlette.,•
In his I5 yoaro 1' the ministry, Fr,
"Downey bee spent moot of the time, in
Windsor, fie waacurate of 'St, .1-
phonauo' a ureb whenin r9o4;' he was
appointed the'firet inrt,mhen't of the
new church of tne'Immaos 1ate.Conoop
tion, A, few years later, on the death
of. Father, Meunier;: he was ...honored
with the pastorate 'of:St Alphonsua
church, The establishment of two new
parishes stands to his credit.
Dean Downey ie 'h native Of St, Col:
unoban parish and was once in attend•
mice at the Seafortb High'' School;
Bo idesHie Lordship, Biohop Fallon in
the sanctuary thejo were present ,with
him at the Jubilation's Solemn High
Mase of Thankogiving clergymen from
MI parts of the dioceeei among whom.
were Fathers, McCabe, Foley, Formates
Young, Doe, Neville, Goetz, btanley,
Goodwin, Robert, John 'P, Brenna2,
Donnelly, Semande Cote,`
Looking ' Backward
ever Nineteen Eighteen
The year 191'8 will go down in history as 1 pc i''
hod full of eventful happenings.
Probably the most important day of the entire
year was November Eleventh, the ckty upon whirls;
Gcrmany signed, the Armistice that brought the
World War to an end.
Many' of us have had to bear the sorrow of the
loss of loved•.ones during the year 191 °---rnany have
had to make many sacrifices,
This store' has endextvored to canducl its business
In. accorda.nce,.,, with 'certain restrictions dictated by
the leaders Of thla nation as a help in winning, lire
Nineteeneighteen is gone --let us speed the ,`o1,al•
year's going; and hope that another year of war;:
such as was the past year shall never ag2.i,--.:l'+e v75'T
ited upon the peoples of the world, -
Looking Forward to
o '
Nineteen Niueteen
The sky is clearer as nineteen dawns bier the
The Treaty of Peace will be signed during .the
early part' of sgtg,
Many problems will, as a matter of course, need to,
be settled in 1919, but the will to do ,will assert it-
self so splendidly in this country, that these prob-
letns will be great' only because of their anticipation
and not bee:,use, of their actual solv-ing
This stole thanks its mn'dny custdzY ers and friends
for the generous paaronage accorded .dnririg the
momentous days of 1,918, for the generous manner
in which they 'accepted the various restrictions im-
posed because of the necessities of war, andfor the.,
apparent satisfaction they derived from having- trail-
'ed here.
This- store will maintain the.` broad buisnests
principles founded oncourtesy, service and value
that have Ewer for it a high position io the opinion•
of id -customers and the public,.
There is rnuch,to be joyous for on t
_of anew year.
Allow us,then, to °extend to yo
"of the season, and a very Happ