The Seaforth News, 1933-12-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
,yrs (Lawrence Cunnings enter-
tained the ladies of Walton aE=
ternoon tea Thursday in aid of the
Of the 'United Church, ;A soc-
iable afternoon was spent and good
Mr F. !Gill has leased the building
belonging to the .Canadian :Bank of
Commerce sand is getting settled with
Mrs. Gill and daughter. He is operat-
ing a barber shop and is now !busy,
Mr, :van Young and son Edward
from Port Huron are holidaying with
his sister, Mrs, J. Campbell and other
A. sleet storm accompanied by
thunder and lightning swept over this
district on Thursday night. ,Residents
were withou't the use of hydro during
Friday forenoon, owing to damage to
the wires.
The Carolina Jubilee Singers of
Chicago presented a splendid enter-
tainment in Duff's United Church on
Wednesday evening, The program,
which was divided into three parts,
included negro spirituals, !jubilee songs
and camp meeting songs, also s'olos,
male quartette, piano instrumentals
and readings, Owing to the cold win-
try weather the crowd was not as
Large as anticipated.
The annual omeeting of the (Walton
al g
Red Cross 'Society :was held at the
home of Mrs. William Anderson on
Wednesday. The : following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
President, Mrs. John Bolger; secre-
tary, Mrs. Roy Bennett; treasurer,
Mrs. 'William Anderson. It was ag-
reed that $25 be donated to the Wal-
ton Library Board; '$50 to the Lions
Club at Seaforth; $125 to the Christie,
Street Hospital, Toronto, and $25 to
Westminster Hospital, London.
(Graham Stewart of Brussels was a
recent visitor at the home of Mr. Gor-
don \IdGarin.
Mrs. Waiter Davidson entertained
the ladies from the 117th concession of
Grey and the east boundary Tuesday
afternoon. A ten -cent tea was Served
irt'aid of the W.M.S. of Duff's United
The young people have been testing
cut the ice in H. Kirkby's field be-
hind the',C.P!R, station.
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment of D'uff's United Church Sunday
school was held Monday evening
with a large attendance. The superin-
tendent, Silas Johnston, acted as
chairman for the first part of the pro -
'gram, which opened with "Joy to
the World." Three dialogues were
'given by a number of children from
Walton Public School.
The Oxford 'Group from London,
lib ,in number were in Blyth over the
week -end. A mass meeting was held
in St. Andrew's Church on Sat rd.;•
evening. On Sunday they divided in
four groups, taking in the four
churches, The Group at Queen St.
United were :Messrs. Campbell and
Rutledge, Miss Grace Shaw and Miss
Florence MdKay. They held a mass
meeting in St. Andrew's on Sunday
afternoon and Queen St. United
Church in the evening. The services
were well attended, Their standard.
is absolute honesty, absolute purity,
absolute unselfishness, absolute love.
The following .letters have been re-
ceived from the West:
Shamrock, Sask. , Dec, 4th. 'Dear
Mrs. Colclobgh—+l am writing on be-
half of the committee of the Rural
Municipality of Shamrock for relief,
thanking you and your church for the
bales of clothing sent us. The Gov-
ernment is doing all it can. I pre-
sume, but there are some sad cases of
need,,Some of the most heroic suffer-
ing is in the homes that will ,mot ask
for much. Some have nothing or very
little .for 4 years to sell—many not
even a garden milk. butter, or any-
thing. I have visited places with noth-
ing green to eat in Sumner except
Russian thistle, and gophers for meat.
$50 from tate government to clothe a
family and find shoes and all for 112
.persons for a year in this climate. it
cannot be done. Thanking you again,
I am, yours truly, 7: W. Brown, of
Shamrock United Church.
IFontiex, Sask., Nov, 28, Dear Mrs,
Cotclough,—lI ant in receipt of 6 hags
of clothing from your Presbyterial.
First may I say that words could not
express the appreciation of the people.
The quilts were lovely and the other
things are so useful when we have had
no crop for four years, and .five years
for some. Yet people of the East and
other places have sent us vegetables,
and now you good people are sending
us heckling and clothing. After all the
world is not so big. It would seem
that there is a relationship between
the rEast and West that will not easi-
ly be broken. 'I have laboured in this
vicnity for three 'years, last 'June.
(hat is, .I had t,e Wallard lis rt to
the nth^0 " r `ei and far Cie past
year I have \\ all,rd and Pc 1e x, 6
paints. (For from—'ll rea,w•' 're had
to double up These two fields are in
the centre ,rf the drought -stricken
area, but it is wonderful how- cheerful
the people are keeping.' But is is esti-
ful'to see some of the larger .families.
One or these made footwear from raw
cowhides for the whole family, last
Year, turning the hair inside. This is
economy indeed, but why should we.
harden you with all: the poverty of
this West. But we alb appreciate very
much indeed your help in 'relieving
the conditions by sending us so gener-
ously of your supply. 'I may say that
i in five of rimy points' we make no dis-
tinctions between Protestant and iR
C. They all share and share alike.
both in vegetables and clothing, but
Ponteix itself is three-fourths RC., so
I cannot undertake to look after
therm. Vie shall think of you`: pe plr
for a ling time to conic, and
many join in wishing you and your
oeaple a very Happy Chrk rnak T
hope many of the 'folks will ,write
lettter at 'appreciation, II put year ad-
1 Merry ehr somas
to Ali
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
dress in each parcel. Again thanking
you very much, yours sincerely, W. A.
Mrs, Jeanie Knox, Messrs. Ernest
and Ward and Miss Olive Knox at-
tended The party on Friday evening at
the horse of Mr. and Mrs. T'ho's. Ap-
pleby, M'dKiil'lop. Miss Olive remain-
ed, returning .home Monday,.
Miss Eld'a Stephen returned to her
home at ,Hillsgreen on Tuesday of
last week' after holidaying at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. •McEwing.
:Choir practice, was held lost Tues-
day evening at the.'home of -Mr. and
'Mrs. Bert Allen :preparing 'music for
Christmas Sunday,
Mr. Gordan 'Snell spent one even-
ing last week at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs, Thos, Colson,
Mrs, Isaac Rapson spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wa'rreti. Gibbings, returning.
home Sunday evening, Mr, and Mrs.
Rapson having spent Sunday alter -
noon 'for tea at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. J. G. Gibbings,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knox and baby
(Bert) spent Saturday for tea and
evening at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs
I A. W. 3IdEwing,
1 Mr. Harold Beacom and his moth-
er, Mrs. A. W. Beacom, returned
'hone one day the beginning of last
'week after spending a few days in
'Grey, having taken Mrs. ,Beacon's
sister, Mrs. -Bremner, home on Sun-
day, Dec. 10.
Messrs. Arthur Colson and friend,
Mr. H. Stephenson, of Grey, and "Miss
Isabel Jamieson of Constance, spent
Sunday afternoon at' the home of Mr,
and Mrs: Warren Gibbings-near Clin-
ton: Miss Marjorie Colson accompan-
ied then' home after having spent the
week -end 'with, Mr. and Mrs, Gib-
Mrs, 1Vnt, Knox of Clinton who has
been living for the last few weeks at
the home of her son Mr. Thomas, and
\frs. Knox visited one day last
week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Beacons and Monday afternoon of
this week at the home of Mrs. 1.
Mrs. Jennie and Ernest Knox vis-
ited Sunday afternoon at the home of,
31r. and Mrs, Thos. Knox.
The Burns' Church Sunday School
Christmas tree and entertainment will
he held in Bairns' Church ;this Thurs-
day evening, commencing at 8 o'-
clock. The entertainment will be put
on by the children in 4 of the school
Mr,. Thomas Knox k its Toronto
this week, hating gone there on Sat-
The December meeting of Burns`
Church Ladies' Aid and W.M.S."was
held on Wednesday,' Dec. •6th at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson,.
assisted by Mrs. A. W. Beacom, with
a good attendance. All the old offic-
ers were re-elected. The visitors were
Mrs, j, G. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings,
.lir. Bremner and Mrs. Joseph Bew-
,1r, and Mrs. Leslie Knox visited
Tuesday evening of last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Rapson.
The following is the report of the
examinations and daily work of the
pupils of S.S.N,o. 6, ,Hillett, during
the months of November and Deceni-
her: V -Ida Leiper 83%. ,Sr.
Wilma Shepherd '87%, Jim McEwiitg
73, Watson (Reid .50. Jr. iIV.-Gordon
McGregor 65%. 'Sr. Pitt. --(Laura Lei-
ner 67%r,'IIL—Jean .Rapson '78%, 'Ross
Leiper 7)1. I.—Alvin Nicholson 7'3%
Pr.—Archie Watt 86%, Kathleen Roe
75. The pupils winning the highest
points in arithmetic were Laura Leip-
er, Wilma Shepherd and Gordon '\rc
Gregor had the least 'mistakes in
spelling. 'Lydia L. 'Reid, Teacher,
W,M.S.—The 'Women's Missionary
o tciety met c', Wednesday afte-moon
Dec. 13 with Mrs. R. McAllister pre -
'Piing,. 'We
re-'iding,.'\Ve opened the meeting by
singing Hymn 53. Prayer in unison.
Hymn 50 was sung and the responsive
raid. g: The dei tinnal leaflet, The
Touch of His Hands, was given by
\It \V, Turner. The offering and
r casure'; rea.rt ajare then given
The all citirn for th'a year has not
(teen reached.The -of officer,. for 1'13'1
•' r '.vs: iT4"t T esident \frs.
'r2 bfr'\las, c. r. r'resdent—Mrs. R
i ephens,' i ,1st Vice—Mrs. 05. Tur-
ner. 2nd Vice—Mrs: Ross Love, Treas
—Mrs. \V. Turner. Secty.—Mrs, R.
Consitt. Asst. Secty. Miss A. 'Jarrott.
Organist—Miss iA. Jarrott. Asst, Or-
ganist —'Miss Irene Turner; Mess.
Secty.—Sirs. R Love. Supply Secty.
—Mrs. Chas. Stephenson. Asst. SS.—
Airs. R. MdAllister. The meeting
closed iwit'll prayer.
I hose visiting during the week are
-Mrs. A. Smith, daughter Marion of
":rantford; Mrs, A. Ashman, son
Douglas of Tillsonhurgwith their
:renis. Mr. and Mrs J. Richardson'
Mrs, Ross Dick, son Douglas. with
Mr and Mrs. Dick, ,I-lensall Mkt
'T.orene 'Sava] n of Zurich with Miss.
Doreen Reichert,
A number from this viciniity at -
ended the reception in ,Hensall on
Thtirsdiay night for Mr, and Mrs.'
Wes. Richardson, brietal couple,
' Mr. C.anh'1e�of Ngnsall,is in'h:
vicinity doing some work.
113orn..—)To Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ad-
kins, in allay Township, 'a son, on
Thursday, Dec. 114th, 1933.
Mrs. Fletcher Townsend's friends
are pleased to knoiw she is able to be
around again.
Mr. Wm. Landsborongh Sr. does
not impeove as fast as his friends
would wish to see him.
Mr. Becl, and Mr. Shade are busy
cutting .wood for Mr. Jas. MdIntash.
Mr. Arthur Nioholson wears 'a
broad smile these clays. It's a'girl:•
Mrs. Ross :Cha'pmFFan accompanied
Mr. and Mss. Elgin \I'oKinley to To-
ronto' last Wednesday.
S. S. No. , 6 held a very successful
Christina's eivtertainment 'Wednesday
afternoon and Santa was there to
hand the presents off the tree.
,The members of the Tuckersmi(th
!Ladies' Club met on Wednesday, De-
cember 6th at the home' of Mrs, L.
Tebbutt, with the president, Mrs. R.
:Fear, in the chair. The program for
the day was give:' in honor of the
:Grandmothers. The roll call was ans-
wered with 'Something Pertaining to
My Grandmother," and some very
interesting articles were displayed,
such as dishes brought from the home
land, aprons, jackets, a christening
gown over 100 years old, and a doll.
over sixty years. Readings were given
by Met: Fear, Miss Sadies and Miss
Margaret Crich describing conditions
,fifty years ago and the modern ver-
sion. A dress pa'rade was held show
ing the styles of fifty years ago and
on down to the present day. The Jan-
uary meeting will be held on Jan-
uary 3rd at the home of Mrs, Fred
Pepper, The roll to be answered with
"Hints for Improvements in the
Club," The program is to be conduct-
ed by a question box, each member
to bring a written question,
Alesdatnes !Benninger, Cutttn Dail-
m , Stapleton DoE the village and ,Mrs.
Julia DeCotusey •and her sots Thom-
as of Monlaton''were •the guests: of
Mrs, Nagle, Matilda St. on Monday
afternoem •Mas'ter'Wilbur Tyers and
his sister Edith sang when the guests
were having refreshments. Several
games of 500 were played and all Wel-
comed Mrs Nagle to her own home
The following is the school report
far S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, based on
Niovem'ber and (December weekly ex-
aminations and the Christmas exam-
:nations: Sr. ,DV.—lAlice 'Wright 77,
Mac Wilson 7.3, Mayme 'Watson 68
Isabel Armstrong 16I1•, Donald Mac-
Donald 56. Jr. SV, Myrtle Papple
71,, Ervin ;Sillery 611, (Grace Dalrymple
60, .Ivan Taylor 57, ,Sr, LPI -\(uric:
Wright 51, Hazel Wilson 51. .Hazel
Dining '74, Preston ?Dallas 72, Allan
Hill 72, Wesley 'Hans 70, Morley
Wright 67, Bobbie Watson' 60. Jr. III.
—Anna Watson 70, 'L'loyd Papple 47.
I+I �Oiiye Papple 75, Ethel Wilson
73, Freda Hill 65, (Jackie Caltvill 61.
I.—Ross Dillhig $1, 'Melva Taylor 71S•;
Prs.—Gordon Hill and Betty Allan
(ties) 73 Jr. Prs,-1Kennetlt Scott 69,
The following have perfect marks for
daily spelling throughout November
and December: !Alice (Wright, 'Isabel
Armstrong, Muriel Wright and Haze!
Wilson. Mary --qc.INatigliton, Teacher,
The annual Christmas tree enter-
tainment will be held in the schoo'
room of the United Church Friday.
Dec. 22.nd at 8 p.m,
The .many friends of Mrs, Chas.
Wright of the village wili regret to
hear that she had tite misfortune to
fall and break her thigh. Her daugh-
ters, Mrs. -Riley .of Brussels, and Mrs.
Wm. •Hill are waiting on her at pres-
Miss Hazel Haugh RN of Toron-
to arrived hone last week ancl is nor\
at the •home of her uncle, ,SIr, Robt
Allen, whose little daughter 'Betty un-
derwent an operation last week and f>
quite ill.
The Egtnonclville Young ,People.
held their December meeting on Mon-
day evening, The president, .Mise
Gladys Coleman, opened the meeting
w-ith hymn 338 and Mr. Malcolm they,
led in prayer. This was followed b;
hymn 295. Miss Vivian Townson"
sang a solo, "Silent Night, Ho:;
Night," and Miss Jessie -Smith .player
an instrumental, "Star of the East:
1Both number were enjoyed ver}
much, \'Liss Alice Thompson liter
gave a report of the election of offic
ers which was as foilt •:.1-1 n. ores'
dent, \Ir. VGalcol n past presides
.Gladys Coleman; president, Timm
\'faofntosh; ice president Stanle"
Jaekson; treasurer, Peter S mp •in
secretary, \frs. Elarolcl Jacksrt; press
secretary, .Arthur Wallace; corres
ponding secretary, Mrs. Charles Eyre
strangers' secretary, Marion Wallace
pianist, Vivian Townsend; assistant
pianist, Mina Steuart; social conven-
or, not appointed; programme cam-:
mittee, :Jean Smith, Boli Tyndall, Al-,
ice Thompson and Harold Finnigan',
social committee, Alex,-Broad'foot
Mary Macdonald, and Raymond Nott,'
The meeting closed with the Mizpah
The Queerest Accidents of 1933
Odd twists of fate by which a fish.
a cat and a chicken each shot a hum-
an being, an egg worn•'ed" a burg
lar and:>made him s" '-ender, an
many other strange accidents are des-
cribed in an article in The. Americar
Wee}ciy; with nett Svuday'5 D....rot
•Mrs. Annie Ryan is quite ill at her
home, in the village,
Mr. and MMrs. Tom Molyneaux
spent .a few days with- relatives at
Mrs, 'Kathleen Feeney held a very
successful sale of stock and iaiiple-
mettts'an Monday of this week.'
1St, Mary's ;Anglican Sunday school
and the pupils aif the public school
are having a 'pulbinc •concert on 'Friday
might in Lobby's hall, Santa will be
there at 8 p.m,'
Mrs. Nagle, Matilda` street, :spent
Tuesday at Clinton with her ;niece,
Miss .Carbert.' Mr. John Carber't had
a stroke on the 111th, inst. and is in
very serious condition at his home,,
Mrs, James Phelan, IB1yth, his mar-
ried daughter,
arried"daughter, is at his bedside and
Miss Aileen .C•arbert,
Miss Maizie OIReilly of Sarnia is
spending 'a few weeks' 'h'olidays at her
home here.
Mrs. White'ford'of;Exeter is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. ,Wes Horne.
Mr, and Mrs. Well. Bell and son
of Detroit and 'Miss ,Florence Bell of
W'oodslee' were. Sunday visitors with
relatives in the village.
Mr. "A. C. Whitlock and ,Misses Joy
and Evelyn Whitlock .of ,S'tr-Thomas
visited i,n this vicinity last Sunday.',
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williarns were
Sunday visitors with 'friends near, Mit-
chell. •
The ,Sunday School of the Evangel-
ical Church just west of Brodhagen
are making great preparations for a
Christmas entertainment to be held
.on .Saturday night, 'December 23rd,
beginning at 7.30 p.m.
\¢r. and Mrs. Charlie Eggert and
Mr. Charles ,Regele made a business
trip to Seaforth on Friday last.
Mr. Harry Beuenma'ntt is making
his rounds with his clover huller and
is threshing for several parties in the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert and
Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Gross spent Sun-
day evening 'with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Mr. and Mrs, 'Henry Koehler were
visitors at Mrs. Dan ,Regele's Satur-
day afternoon.
(Hooked Rug; Recipes, Soups, Mss. R.
MdCnlloc'h. Contest in charge of
Mrs, Parsons and Mrs. L. Harburn,
Tea will be sen•ved as usual by
Group 2,
A deer which los't 'its . bearings last
•Monday and wandered into our burg
'was pursued by a band o, dogs and
was worried so badly that it was
picked up by a good Satnariten who
cared for it until the game warden
came but it had to be destroyed and
was taken home by the game warden
who will likely distribute it for
Christmas cheer.
(Great preparations are being made
by our teacher, Miss .Helen Delaney,
for the Christmas tree and concert on.
'Thursday afternoon,
•Mr. C. Eckart paid us a flying visit
this 'wee'k.
' Miss. Mary Drown is home front
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie of Stratford
visited' friends on Sunday.
We are glad to reportl'liss Don
aids Gray is able to be around the
store again.
Mr. C, Yeo of the \Vest is visiting
at the home 'of Mr, R. A. Sadler.
The Institute will meet on 'Wed-
nesday, Dec. 27. The program will
he: Paper, Winter Salads. \Irs, J. A.
+Sadler; Current Events, Mrs. M.
Gray; Demonstration and Display of
The W;M.S. held their ,Christmas,
'::eating on Friday evening, Dec. 115,
the meeting.opening with the presid-
ents, Mrs. Britton,t presiding, :After
singing the dio.cology, the minutes of
the last meeting were passed as read
by Mrs. Charles Dexter. The treasur-
er, Mrs. Wheatley,, read the report
for the year. It Was uot just as en-
couraging tes we would like, but hope
to do better. Hymn, "While Shep-
herd's Watch Their.,Flocks by Night"
Mrs:•Rdbert Lawson read the Scrip-
ture Lesson from Luke, Std Chapter.
After singing two verses .of "0 Little
Town of Bethleihetii,"' there was two
minutes of silent prayer, while Helen
Britton played softly, "0 -Little Town
of Bethlehem." Mrs. Wheatley read a
splendid 'leaflet "The Touch of His
Hand." Mrs. Linds'ay read a''p•oem on
"Making O•ur Lives Count for Jesus."
Mrs. (Rev,) Gardiner gave an excel-
lent address on "Stewardship," which
all enjoyed very ',much. There was a
reading in song and' story entitled
"Graney Day's Christmas.' The read-
ing' -was taken by Mrs. E. Adams.
Those taking part in the 'different.
songs were: Joy Bells, the Misses
So Tiiis as Africa
Mon. Tues., Wed., Dec. 25-26-27
Matinee Xmas Day -3 P. M.
Paddy, The Next
Best Thing
A whimsical, delightful story of an
Irish madcap girl
Special "The Three Little Pigs"
Thurs. Fri. Sat., 'Dec. 28-29-30
Joan Bennett - Spencer Tracey
Coming' "Moonlight and Pretzels"
Elthel and Ella Dexter, Doris Law^
son and Edith Britton; Cleta Medd
sang "Memories" and ,Away in a
Manger"; "A Heart of Love" sung
by .Mr, Kelso -Adams; A, Merry
Christmas sung by Pihyliss Medd,
Donalda Adam's, Margaret Yungblut,
Helen and Edith Britton, Closed with
"Joy to the World," and prayer by
Rev. Gardiner. Lunch was served.
Word was received 'here of the
sudden death of the wife of Rev. John
Button of Fordwich. Mr. Button was
(Continued on Page 'Five.)
HE two rings of romance—
the Diamond Solitaire and the
Wedding Ring—nowadays
they combine the highest
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The engagement Ring is
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Platinum or Gold, set with
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monds. The Wedding Ring
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ment Ring, artistically hand-
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You are cordially invited to
inspect our new showing of `.
J. A
W STCOTT' Jeweler
WHAT a "grand and glorious feeling" it is to see a sizeable sum
entered uptoyour credit in apass book of the Province'o
f Ontario
Savings Office. In these days particularly it gives a sense of relief and
security to know that you have financial reserves.
DQN'T BE DISCOURAGED if you haven't this reserve on
hand now. The important thing is to make a start.
Bring a dollar bill, get a pass book and decide that you
will do your best to make a deposit regularly every
week. As the months g •o b
,y, you, too, will be able to
"point with pride" to your balance.
c�Qtt,.oc q
J. M. MCMILLAN, Manager