The Seaforth News, 1933-12-14, Page 4AGE FOtJR THE SEAPORTI-I NEWS. Snowdon Bros„ Publishers, WALTON. Bethel "Sunday School will hold an- nual ChriSemas tree on Tuesday even - Mg, December 119th. The Gleaners' Mission 13aited :of 1Duff's Unit tl •:Church met on •Sunday : morning at the usual huur. Jack MM. - ' Tay presided, Meeting was'ppened,-by,. kitting "Jay to the World,"43 re-` _pouded 'to • Roll=gall Minutes of last meeting „ere read and adopted. The regular -open aneeting for ,election 'oi cilticers'and report of the Year s work wilt he held Sat. Dec. 23rd, \Wer ship period was opened by'quiet lull sic "It cattle upon • the mtdnig'ht cleat," tltcu lite e ill to worship and response from the Study hook and 'Prayer ny the leader. Kathleen Fa,r- 4uharsot read the prayer -verse, and Itlyuut'70 was sung, .Scripture read •:ing front Matt. 2;4.112 was taker by : lBarrie \Marshall. Then, :Birthday offer' ang was received and worship period •closed by all repeating the Friendship prayer. A story was then read, "The Visit of the \Vise:Meta," and Our radio !Broadcast for the clay was taken from the Watch -Tower, iAlso a broad- cast from Y.P.S. station announcing Lantern Slides to be held on the ev- ening,, of Dec. 24th in the church basement. The pictures are those about "The Other Wise Man." After singing "Away in a Manger," the classes dispersed for the Study per- iod. Meeting n -as closed by singing of Hymn 52 and'Mizpah benediction.. Alt those interested in sending a lit- tle gift for needy children will please bring the sante to `, S, next Sunday 'morning to be in readiness for "White "G ft" service an Monday evening, De- eember 1S, • BLYTH. The annual meeting and election ,f efficers of the Women's AssoCiation of the Queen street "Onkel t-hercbt was tel d at the home of Mrs, T W. Pears eta T ue 'ay. Dec. 51h. The pres- ider Mrs, h Richmond, presided. Ileeting opened by singing hymn 2$, after which the Lord's Prayer was re- peated :n tt.t..on. Satisfactory reports were given by the secretary and treas- ttrer. A vote of thanks was tendered the girls who did the posters for the bazaar. The vice presiaent. Mrs. I -es - Tie then took the chair and the offic- er": were returned by acclamation: Honorary president, Mrs. T. T Huck - step, Mrs, T Maine's, Ylrs, Benjamin Taylor; president, Mrs, R. Richmond; viee president. Mrs. G. S. Leslie: sec- retary. try, Mr. \ Garrett; t: tint, Mrs. L. H lrs ,r treasurer, Mre. J. S. chel,ew; press secretary, Mrs. A. 11 'Cale:ought n stn et, M-re.D, l too{y : a tant, Mrs. H. \fcd rely; auditors, Miss A. Gillespie. Mrs. R. D. Piutp. parionag,e committee Mrs, D Floody. Mrs. R. Richmond. Sir_, L. Htburn, Mrs. N. Garrett. Meeting closed by singing hymn 84. The t';ttnal meeting, and. election of triters of the \\'.51.5. of tate Queen street t'ni e' C Sarco wee held at tate :tame o` Mrs. T l\' Petts,y:t Tuesday Decernher th with a nlen,ti1 :t.te.n- dttc, The me ung ,neticl with a short w -r up service ied by the pre- sident, Mrs. W. G. 1 i i. asSisted'ty Mrs. Philp and Mrs. 11 'Ili: troy ac- e ttltant:t. The reports were 'el i- t 1 :,y the y i ;: t. ;secretaries 1iwng whet they h,..l .it's .,tittle ;ted] ct:19111 t' year. (ie : i.ntina ine 'stn tee • appointed •a to X t t to -t meeting hri.nght in e -late of . ffic ers for 1').4 and was aeceeteili. Honorary l;rt, i i.r.t.. Mrs.. 1. Maines, Sirs. B. Taylor, Mrs. T. J. IT k :en, Mrs, W. TI McElroy; president. Mrs, ileee.t W. lis lame' 1st vice president. M•,. D. 11L'.ti 1,1 vice president, Sirs. C. E. f.yil 1 r in secretary, Mrs. R. D Philp; assistant. Mrs. E. Pot: - aril: corresprm ii ;g see,. Sfra. \Citi. f -• tet.? nt treasurer. Mrs. C. Glrechy'; tress secretary. Strs. A. Si. Cit - 1;h, pianst;Mrs. H, McElroy; as - ant, Mrs. W, TI. Lyon; sttpeti:tten- dont o f Ch:•isti.an 'Stewardship attil F'- n.iuce,� Mrs. T.. Hit e'r a; Finance com- mittee. Mesdames Hilimrn. ,T. Mills, •Gresby, Bender, E. Taylor; superin- tcttdent Mission Brand, Mrs. Bender; assistant. Sfre. Philp: Mission Band Helpers, 3fesdaanes, Lyon, Hilhorn, Garrett, Chellew-, Leslie, 'Moody, To11 • an.,1 ltiull; strangers' Secretaries, Iles- dame- Suter. Richmond. S. Kechnie. P: Toll; visiting committee, Mesdames Petts. Fawcett, Wm. Taylir..Hoorer, •1ti t -, 'R. Sanderson TI`,wat' birth- day sicretary, Mrs. H Joltne , t as- sistant, ;- si tan Mrs. F. 1-loliy-ntan; associate f•c her:, \fe•dantes Bender. Garrett. DaVis Quint T LYen. T t -ib on SW. Lyon, C Tillsupply wark c rmnti ter Mies A. Gillespie., Mesdames Col - clotted:. +l- ct t li Petr \\-nt, \(itis, C. Bell. L h (leo. A\ h'ite, 3s T thnt'tin in s- si,i it mon hv renre en tative Mrs. T. •1 , rett-.on, Mrs S. Whin— Baby 'Land <.cre .- 31- Wigh,man and lirs. E. P, t • -editors, Irl. \\rm. Lyon, Sirs, C. Toll 'niperance corm- ti tees Mre Ilsines. Mrs. Carr: mus, ie committee, \L:.. H. SfcElroy, Mrs. ica T to ^tan Its:, Wm, Gibson. Mrs. N. Santler,nn. \f •s,•Rm. Slnrritt. Re- i ttmendations: 1st, That a nteuther- ehi, eomniitfre he al:Painted. Carried. 2nd, That each convener call' her com- mittee together at the beginning of the vele to di Cass their work and make pians for the year. Mfrs. Beet( then raid the story. "The Other, Wise \9 m by Henry Van Dyke, •which w c very interesting Hymn, "Come All A ^ Faithful," .was sung; meeting rin ed by all repeating the\cirpa'h honed'etinn The group enmmittee sea red refreshments, A2rs, Pe-tts, Mrs. T. Gib,snn, Mrs. N. Trhnston, Mfrs. A. Slater, S-lrs, A. B. Carr. ST. COLUMBAN. The .Catholic Womete's League have made arrangements to hold a euchre party in the parish hall on Tuesday evening', Dec, 2dth. THE SEAEORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEM'BE'R 14, 1933 Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and, see our New and Used Cars (gent for ehrysier,DeSoto and Rlymout'h JOHN GRILLO'? AGENT FOR FROST FENCE All Repairs and Labor Cash. DUBLIN born., and ha -ought up.'He was 67 years iRep'ort for RC27S,S. ,No, 2, H+ib- of age. Tie+funeral will take place on bent;'for the month of It1'ovenvber: Thursday, Dec, 14th, at;2 o'clock, Sr.+'IfV-IHonours: Jack Flanagan, from his fate home, lot t27, concessiion LO, ,Hi,bbert,� west of Staffs, Besides Joseph Evans, :Fergus Stapleton. 'Pass his wddpya, fortnet4y 1Ltss 'Margaret —iFergus Cumming, Harry Cumming, \3r+hitehead of. \litchell, he is survived Margaret Fitzpatrick, Camilla Don -by three sons, Harold and 'Roy :at belly, James ,Curtin, Charles Straus- home, and George of Stanley; also nelly .one 'brdther, lLr. Sdrelston Kerslake, kopof Alberta; a sister res'eding in 'Mitch - :3r. IV — Honours: Mary Evans, ell predeceased Mr. Kerslake a short Pass—Lucille McGrath, Mary Jordan,wthile ago. Loreen ,Looby. 'Failed -Joseph Dors 'Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Walton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo ey, Loreta ;Feeney, Michael •Feeney; Butson on Sunday. Rose Feeney, Louis Looby, John Mrs. C.'Ups'hsell and babe are visit - Maloney, ing with friends near Bayfield. Sr. III1I—Honours: Margaret Tiers, Mrs, J. Verner of Stratford spent Pass=Margaret Cumming, Helen O'- the week -end with her parents, Mr, cud. Mrs. Archie Miller, Reilly, 'Joseph 'Beni:, Kathleen Staple- 'Keep in mind the entertainment to :an, Louise ,Flanagan, James Kraus- be given in the United Church on kopf. Failed James Jordan, Dalton Dec. 22 by the Caroline Jubilee Sing- Burns. ers, These singers are highly recom- mended and the concert promises to Jr. S!I2 — Pass: Rose Klfnkhamer, be a real treat. There will be a Aileen Jordan , Joseph 'Klinkhamer. Christmas Tree, also Santa Claus is Gerald Burns, Catherine Jordan, Mary expected to make his annual visit, Woods, William Maloney. Failed— Everyone comet Earl Nage, Wilfred Tyers, Thos. H. O. B. ANNUAL MEETING Dorsey, Angela Donnelly. Second Class — Honours: Bary The o4lBy Meeting- of the Huron Oldd Boys' Association of To - Stapleton, +Roseila Burns, Francis ronto was held in the City Dairy Re- Evans, William Benn and Margaret creation Hall, iS'padina Crescent, on, Krauskopf. Pass Louis Donnelly, the evening of December Sth, at 8 Mary Dorsey, Helen Flanagan, Kath- o'clock. with the President, Mr. L. M. 'Pringle in the chair, and a very large Fist Class—+Honour: Edith Tyers, attendance, representing every section, Agnes Feeney, Bernice Dnmtelly. of the Old County of Huron, Pana—Francis :Bonn, Theresa Cum- 10,11 motion the minutes of the ming, Catherine Woods, Jean Jordan, nual meeting were taken as read. Mary Costello, Rita -Maloney. Prof, J. C. Robertson, as Chairman (Primary Class — Honours: Marie of the committee appointed to pre Evans, Dorothy SCrauskopt Margaret prare data for a history of the Count Holland, Geraldine Tyers, ,Philip of Huron, reported progress in teh Ktinkhanrter, Ally Marie -Looby, work, but as the 'Secretary of the William Costello, -Eileen Evans, Marie Committee had removed to Van- 1a.le. Pass—iGerald Feeney. Hibbert Council met in regular ses- sion on Monday, Dec, 14th, ail mem- bers present. The Reeve presided. The minutes of the previous regular tli'stittg, cls, of a special meeting were read and confirmed and a num- ber of communications disposed of satisfainarily. .Re. ,tutiane were pass erne Tyers, si: Allowing ng a rebate of d r;X tax to \ nlreu \tell ellen and Graham 'Ile - Laren; att,uo,taing• she treasurer to appropriate the strpius standing to the credit oftale toad and bridge ae- colint to the township and police vii-; ;age of Dublin respectively issuing der- for the payment of salaries, county unty rates, scitool requi:sitions, road exnendit.treand allntiece:lattcoms ac e;nits. Engineer 3. \I. Entpey was •:rescn•, submitting a plan fe'r 'begin - g reiief work at Steffy hill, The 1 et—aside. Roa+i Superintendent was _.i..rurte:i to begin work as soon as peseible. The meeting adjourned until Firideii, Dec. 15th when the :;;tacit will :neer to finish the business of tate year.—Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Town- ship Clerk, Hubldtt. 3tr, Mike O'Loughlin of Seafortlt has dispose! of his ,mise and property in Dnhlin to ,Toe Rowland of Dublin, Congratulations 1e'e on the nice c.tnt- nao,iiotie heine and also ren ratnl.t- :dirt. and felicitations on a coming ev- int'at no distant date. Sir. and Mlrs, P. Tyers and family eluent a day with their relatives at Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mrs, R. Brooks. Strati nil. Mrs. J A, McLaren, Mrs, Dr. "Per- i large De Soto car with two men! eusctn, Mrs. D. Robertson, Mrs. G. C. ^Ctlnant., was hurtled into the ditchyoung. miles et 1of Dublin ;,n Sfonday ' . Tee :eft iHonorery Advisory Committee -- ;e high veering wind was the cause ringthe pavement midi \lr,. McCreath, Mrs. Jos. Beck,. Mrs. S. L. Scott, Mrs, R Holmes, \Gr. T, Mustard, Brucefield; Dr. 3, G, Ferguson, Brussels; Mr. W. 1. Catt- telon, Clinton MrD, D. Wilson, Eg- mondville; Mr. S. 3, -licks, ' Exeter; Mr. 13, II. McCreath; Goderich; Mr, IR. A. Greer,'Gorrie; Dr. Byrom Camp- bell, 1-Iensall; Mn, R. Scott, Londes-' ihor,o; Mt•, "'R. C. 'Xing Saltford; Mr, iA. E, Forbes, Sea'forbh; Mr. W. H. Pearson, Wingham;-Mrs. A. Becker, Zurich, ,Among those present were the fol- lowing: IDr. and Mrs, H. J. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle; Mr, and Mrs, J, A. MdLi ren and Miss Mills; Mr: and Mrs. W. A. Campbell; Mr, and Mrs, Geo. E. 'Ferguson; Mr. and Mrs.' B. H, McCreath; Mr, and Mrs. E. Floody and Miss Moody. Miss Sadie 'Walker, Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Wilson; Mr. R. S. Sheppard; Mr. H. I. M'ot-' risk ,and Miss Morrish; Mr. and Mrs, S. -12, Wickens; Mr. ` and Mrs, D. Thompson; Mr, .and ,Mrs, ,R;' Brooks; Mr. Robt. Holmes; Mr, and Mrs. John M0011; Mrs. ,H. B. Stowe; Mrs,' D.; Robertson; Mr: R. C. Ring; Mr: Geo. 'A, Newton; Dr. and Mrs, J. G. Ferguson;. Mrs, I. H. Brown; Mr, A, G. Smith; Mr, S, J. Hicks;; Mr. and. Mrs. R. A. Greer; Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hainti'lton; Mr, and Mrs. UV, D. ;Sprinks and Miss Hamilton; .Md. 'an Mrs, W. Duckworth; Mr, and Mrs Geo, Love;' Mr. add Mrs, A. Miles Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry; Dr. J. G Bricker; Mr, and Mrs, 5, Laird; Mr and Mrs. W. E. Hanna; Mr, and Mrs +J, H. Fisher; 'Mr. and Mrs, J. Saul Mr, and Mrs. F. F. Martin; Mr, an Mrs, J. R. Cousley; Mrs. A, B'rone ley; Mrs, J. Brogden', McMabh; Mrs J. Cox; Mrs, D. Reid; Mrs. D. Pren tice; Mrs. D. W. Dane; Mrs. 12, Smith; _Mrs. M. L. Hessey; Mr. \\ 'Brine; Mr. N. Topping;Mr. G. Ver ral; Mr. Reg. Williams Mn. A, S Taylor; Mr. L. Wilson; Mr. Jack Moon; Sir. K.en, Hoffman;; Mr. W. II. Ferguson; \ II s S. s V. Md Irauchh t' t, Miss S I.s M L. MartinMiss.Edith Mc- Lauchlin;bfis E. J. McLauchlan; 3fiss E. Bryans; Miss Lavima.Knox; 'biise B. Crittenden; Miss B. Stirling; Miss 12. M�dLauchlin, Miss E. Mc Math, and man}- others whose names could not be obtained. smiting Blyth on the Ixeecutive. lie is a Hallett' Old Boy, and is head of The Forest Boys' School in the city, 12r, J. H. I isher, Seaforth Old d3oy; and representative +of the Evening lelegrimt was late' in arriving but he made up amply foe lost time, (Past Pi•esideult Harry Stogie was unavoidably absent on.aecoent of ill'- !toss, but Mrs, Stowe was on the job and added: materially to the evenings e ttltertaiautt'ent, Mrs. Moon got list, Prize itt Bn•idge, , While Miss Mc•Lauehlin oaptured the 2nd prize. There were four McLauoh this present, and they are good play- ers, and all from Brussels. Mr. W. F. Catvte'lon, the new repre- sentative for Clinton, is a prominent druggist of Doivercourt Road. M DD 4V'1 h 1 d r. h •son, t e popular an: untiring 'treasurer for two years past, was obliged to relinquish the position on account of his onerous duties - as Entry Clerk of the Royal Winiter (Fair Board. Mr, S. J. Hicks, the new representa- tive for Exeter, .is.alive wire and will ao good service oil the Executive. He is an. Engineer on the Canadian Paci- fic Railway. IMr. A, G, Smith, Chairman of the Publicity Depatitnuent, is a . Wingham Old Boy, and formerly proprietor of. the t Wiinghann Advance." .Mr. Robert ,Holmes, ex M.P. and '' ex -(Editor of the Clinton New- Era, Blass present, and in Isis glory. He says the is not talking politics at the pres- enttinle, owing to the depression, d I . Dr. J. G. Bricker looked after bhe 1'-low^ick delegation and threw himself right into the Euchre game. Hon`. Justice Garrrow, new Honor - _I. A ! ary President, is a Goderich Old ,Boy, W son of the late Hon; J. T. Garrow. Mrs. D. ThoTt son and Mrs, H. B. .I P • Stowe supervised the refreshments and we all knots how well the work was ,done. To Mrs. Thompson belongs the credit of having the meeting held at the CityHall. f,_, Dai. r Recr eatfon sec etary l r ood ,F had ht oyv , Y s n time DA E. with the Attendance Register, and notwithstanding the repeated requests, quite a number failed ed tore inter, and g , AT •.DUBLIN as a consequence their names will sat appear on the list of"those present, John S J Soon looked after- the ; his 1 1 1 D P .� Dec 1• 5th- gramme arrangements and did his asork well. He refrained from talking politics the -whole evening. Notes. Dr. I3. J. Hodgins, the nee- Presid- ent, is a Seaforth 01d Boy, and has his Dental Laboratory at Boor and Keele Sts., in the city. He is in charge of 'Dentistry with the patients at Christie 'S , Hospital and the On- tario Hospital nn ween St, \Vest. The City. Dairy Company takes the ctntver, it was resolved on motion. ;sake fee spiendtd serrice and unique continue the services of the 0.mrt tee, and Mr, 'B. H. McCreath wee "Ver n . Spei ke. ; f the Customs pointed as permanent Secretcry - iron a prize in tine The Nominating Comma ,teeen es - amend dl 1 A l A rI e ttat the . nnua t -nine:es re-Fresident.sea. E Ferguson, held at Simpson's Arcadian C:..r. . e Prize in Enehr e. Friday evening, February ' A tz,z,k the 2nd and this place and date was e:.I by the Association, - A -r ,_ , e H.a;e•t 012 .A resolution, commending ...r e _ e :,_ Prize in retary and Treasurer for their _ 327._ ?... r171.1r23 ices during the past year was c.,. ei With ntitc'h enthusiasm, The Secretary's report was read •1-. Miss Sadie '\Walker, Assistant Secret- ary, and related in detail to the acus hies of the Association during the year. The Treasurer', report gave in de- tail the various receipts and expendi- tures of the year. Both of these re- ,yorts were adopted. The 'Nominating Committee with the President as Chairman, recotla- needed the following as a slate ,of ofticere for the ensuing year. This re- port was read by Mr, Pringle, and was unanimously adopted. Hononary Presidents—Tion, Rnitt, Weir. \Ir, Justice Garrow, Mr. T. A. Russell, Mr. J. A. McLaren. Mr. A. C. McVicar, Mr. L. M. Pringle. 'Honorary Vice-Presidents—Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mrs. G. E. Ferguson,. Idris F. Paterson, Mrs. W. A. Camp- bell, Mrs. John Moon. Mrs, E. Floody, The car has on its early journey front; Toronto to Gnderirh. Both menre- .lir. Raba Holmes. e.yefi e few cats but the steel body1 President—:Dr. H. J. I•Iotigins. of the car was a great protection to, Vice4Preeldents-_lr. Geo. E. Fer- i, th Wren and car. Dublin Service guson, Mr. \V. A. Catnpbea, \lr. it',n '.d ;one repairing, to the car, Harry Martin. Mr. Geo. R. Dane. Mr. 1:11 it was a.rain ,t its way in a short t Vt . A. Buchanan, Mrs. G. Sl. Chesney, nt t Mr. B H. 'McCreath, Sir,, Geo. R. Sirs, (Dais McCarthy and friends, of Dane. Mrs. W. A. Buchanan, 'Mrs. A. 31 ttkion, were the guests o1 Mrs.! E. !Forbes, Miss E. Bryans, Mrs. D. Nagle last Friday. D. 'Wilson. Mr. Donald 113enninger will pursue iSecretary, Mr. E. Floody; Asst. i' studies at high school after New; Secretary Miss S. Walker, Financial Years; !Secretary, Jfr R. S. Sheppard; Tress urer, Mr. Wni. "Powell; Chaplain, STAFFA. )Rev. R. C. McDorntid; Organist, Mrs, The Junior Farmers and Junior IT+n- Harry Martin; Auditors, "III-. H. T. sfitute'meeting will be held in the hall Morrish and Mr. S, Ai. Wickens, on Tuesday, Dec, ]Atli, !Please notice, .Conveners of Cotmntittees4Recep- ehange of date. The 'Junior Instituted tions, Mrs. H. J. Hodgins; Refresh- roll call is a labor saving device for ntent, Mrs, D. Thompson; Program; Mr, John Moon; Printing Mr. A. G. Smith; Property, Mr, G. N. Newton; Visiting, Mrs, H. 1. Brown. Special Represenitatives.3Ir. J. cember 111. Mr. Kerslake's death oc- Camerory iBayifi;eld; Mr, H. B, Stowe,, 'u:red: on the farm where, he was .B'luevale; lir. W 3. Ttmblyn, Blyth; use on the faint. 'A good attendance s requested for the boys' an,nnai sheeting. The death of Sir. Osbert Henry Kerslake occurred on Monday, De- bit' 53 r - n Exetetire. is a G rugs Old Boy, and. carries .. Ng dr :ore o.. Gelleze ; -.e..^. 52-. W. J. T B.A. =s-ep-e ':�I�A'TitE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYLNG Jolla BOLES in M Y Y p L s Betray An Outstanding Musical Comedy' Comedy -.Cartoon 1VIon. Tues. Wed. ifec.'1B-19,-20 BIG DOUBLE "BILL Will- Rogers iin »OW'N T O EARTH. and GEORGE O''BRIEN: . in Zane ,Grey's SMOKE LIGH'TNIN'G Thurs. Fri. Sat., (Dec: 21-22-23 WHEELER & WOOLSLEY —in --n "SO THIS IS AFRICA" Xmas Day: "Paddy The Next Best Thing" J. A. McLaren won a Euichre .gene 'from B. H. M'oCreath for the first time .in twenty years. Pipers Dam must have echoed bhe noise of this result, 'Mr, R. S. Sheppard, Financial Sec- retary, vias Comptroller of Revenue, at the door all the evening and the re- ceipts were reported to `•ke heavy. (Phe proceedings wound up at 12 o'clock, after dancing had been car- ried on for an hour to the music of Prof, Hughes' orchestra. IAi Huronites Should reserve Fri- day evening, February 2nd, 11934, the date of our big Annual Alt -'Home. JOE CRISSY and his 7 -piece band of London Admission 25c ' 9.30-2 Ship Your Xmas Gifts sit By Can. Nat. Express PACKAGES PICKED UP AND 'DELIVERED WHERE DELIV- ERY SERVICE PS ,MAI•NTAINED Rates given below cover value up to $50.00. Charges in Cents per package To any Express 1 2 -3" 4 5 6 7 8 9 -10 '. 11-15 Point in 16 Ib lb lb lb lb lb lb' lb lb : lbs or less incl. ONTARIO . ; ..... .. 15' 17 22 27 30 40 45 50 55 60. 60 QUEBEC & MANITOBA . .. 15 19 26 33 40 50 55 65 70 80 80 Prince Edward Is- land. Nova Scotia, N e w Brunswick, Saskatchewan .. 15 23 32 41 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 ALBERTA .... 15 26 38 49 60 75 85 95 110 120 140 BR. COLUMBIA .... 15 26 38 50 65 80 90 105 115 125 155 WHAT a "grand and glorious " feelin it is to see a sizeable , g b sum entered up to your credit in a pass book of the Province of Ontario Savings Office. In these days particularly it gives a sense of relief and security to know that you have financial reserves. DON'T BE DISCOURAGED if you haven't this reserve On hand now. The important thing is to make a start. Bring a dollar bill, get a pass book and decide that you will do your best to make a deposit regularly every week. As the monthsgo by, you, too, will be able to "point with,,pride" to your balance. PROVINCE OFvi�cqAREq\AVINGS OFFICE EVERY DEPOSIT GUARANTEED �YONTAR/OQOVFRNMF#T HEAD OFFICE vtyyaEey� o<prR"'ger PSARLIAM,ENT floatt5 61 LQINGS SEVENTEEN BRANCHES IN ONTARIO SEA.FGRTH, BRANCH` J. M. MCMILLAN, Manager 4 }f