The Seaforth News, 1933-07-06, Page 1Thus the bark canoe was builded
In the valley, by the river,
In the bosom of the forest; w'.,
And the forest's life was in it,
All its mystery and its magic,
All the lightness of the birch tree,
All the toughness of the cedar,
itAll the larch's supple'. sinews;
And it floated on the river
Like a yellow leaf in autumn,
Like a yellow water lily,
WHOLE (SERIIES, vpL. 55,' No. 27.
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
.With (Bathing Cap 25c 1b.
2 doz.. 13c
iCLAS!SI1C •CLEANSER, regular 10c,
now . , . , 5c tin
'BW 5 -CLEANSER ......,. ," 5c tin
Special this week, 4 for 25c
;CORN 'NIIBLETS , ; .2 for 25c
GREEN GIANT PEAS ....15c tin
BULK TEA at 35c, 45c, 50c, 75c lb.
ORANGES, dozen 19c
\ CERTO 30c a bottle
&i1tE0N, ORANGE &
RY OXADE, makes 2 glasses,
5c pkg.,
CATSUP ,large- bottle. - I t
2 IN 1 SHO'E POLISH ....10c actin
;Cream taken ror the Seaforth Cream-
ery at the same price paid at the
;Butter,' Eggs, and Feathers taken as
cash. 1'c a dozen extra trade for
PHONE 166.
,Presentation. --IA very happy even-
ing was spent on Wednesday, last
when about fifty relatives and friend's
from Kippen and Tuekersmith assem-
bled at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. An-
drew Platulek, 10th concession of Mc-
Killop in the honor of the newly-weds,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patrick; and, bes-
towed upon them their heartiest *con-
gratulations and best wishes for their
future haplpiness. Various 'forms of en-
tertainment were enjloyed by all, after
whi'c'h refreshments were served. Mr.
Wm. Patrick, cousin of bhe groolm
read a very fine address ,and presented
the young couple with a well -(filled
purse. The groom Made a very suit-
able reply. D'ancin'g was then enjoyed
by ,young and aid till the wee sma'
hours of the mooning.
The following are the results of the
June promotion examinations held in
S1S. No. 7, Stanley. Numbers indicate
percentages.' Forty per cent. in each
sanblject'and sixty •per-cen. of riossible
total required to plass. Jr. IV. to Sr.l
IV.-Jntlene Stephenson 616,14. Jr. 11I1.
to Sr. IIIII.-'M,argareit Love 7,5.3, Rut
MdAllist'er 64.1', Regis Aubin 48.9,
Margaret Reichert 45.5. Sr. Jr.
Illli.-Gordon Jlohnston i . 717.7, Ivan
Stephenson 37.4, Leatan Senvan 66,
Armellda A'u'blin 57, Patrick Aiilbin 514,
Jr. III. -'Jean ;Jove 83, Bobby Reid 81,
Kari Reichert 72. Sr. Pr. Rallph Ste-
plhen'son 85,'J'r. Pr., Orval Aubin 70.
Victor Dinnin,,Teacheir
'Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Holland and
ifamli'ly of Windsor visited with
'friend's here during the week,
Mrs. Wm,- Manley visited with her
Mother, Mrs. Con Eckert over the
aweek. end. t
'Entrance examinations are being
;held 1n our school here this week.
North Side United Church -(Pastor
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
1S'und,ay, July 9th.
110 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible
i111 a.m.-PPubllic - worship, Subject,
"The ,Startling Reversal of Status."
7 pan. -Public warship. Subject,
"Watchling Our Motives."
1Reverenld Charles Malcolm, Sunday
July 9th -410 am.-Idhurch school;
111 a.m.-Theme, f'Purity." 7 p.m.-
,m.Tlheune, "Contented:.'
ISunday, July 9th. Morning service-
"The Lure of the Wilderness."
Evening service, "The Wisdom of
4th Sunday after Trinity. Confirma-
tion Class and Sunday Sohool, 10o' -
clock. 111 o'clock, M'or'ningservice
and baptismal service. ;S'ernioif by the
rector. Evening service, 7 o'clock.
Sermon by rector.
An exhib:ibian football match be-
tween an all-star Huron League team,
and the Carling team of London, is
.pl'ann'ed to be held at the recreation
grounds, Seaforth, on July 151th, under
the auspices of bhe Canadian Legion.
The annual congregational picnic of
the Egmondv'ille Ohunch took place
on Wednesday afternoon at David
M•dLean's farm in Tuckers'mith. The
weather was ideal, the attendance was
175 persons, or more,- and an enjoy-
able time was spent. The afternoon
was devoted to sports. Supper was
ser've'd at 5:30, after which a pre -
communion service was held, ad-
dressed by the pastor, Reverend
Charles Malcolm, M.A. Later the
young people assembled around a
large carp fire in a field adjoining
the house, and an interesting program
was 'earned out: Readings, Vera
Hudson, Jean Smith solo's, .Jahn
Wood, Dorothy Taman Jim Broad -
foot; mock wedding brideVera
Hudson; groom, Margaret Finnigan;
'minister, JeanSmni'th; 'bri'desmai'ds,
Betty Malcolm, Vivian, Townsend;
train 'bearer, IBi'lIi 'Forrest; pride's
'father, IMr. James Allan, Appropriate
comic solo, Jeanette Finnigan, "'Has
Anybody IEere''IS'een Charley." im-
promptu speeches and community
singing, The winners of the sports:
4 yrs. old, llgt Donald McKenzie,
2nd Dorothy Colen'i'an, -3rd Charles
Venus. 5 and 6 yelars-;list Doris
Venus, 2nd Dorothy T'heolbe!ld,- 3rd
Betty More 6 and 7 yrs.-illsilDoug-
la's Wallace, 2nd Frank Swan, ', 3rd
'Ross M'dDonald. Girls, 7 and 8 yrs.-
IOlive Papplie, Jean Swan, Ruth
Pretty. B'oy's 7 and 8-1JGm Goddard,
Jack Rice, Billy .Smith.
!Girls 9 and WO -Shirley Wwnm,
Muriel Cameron, Mary Stewart. Bays
9 and 'IQ-Jim'Baoadlfiadt, Elmnler.
Cameron, Lorn Ibbotson. ,e•
(Girls, 111: and 12-Margatre't Pepper,
Ruth Smith, Helen Swan. Boys 111
and 12--Gondon Finnigan, Clayton
Dennis, 'Grant Finnigan.
(Girls' potato race -Mary Bsioed'fo'ot,
,Mlarion I1b'bo'ti*son, Helen Houston.
(B'oys' potato race -Anthill- Wallace,
Rill Forrest, Jim Chambers.
IS'hoe race --Gordon Finnigan.
Walking race -Mrs. W. F. M'oMli'l-
lan, Mrs. G. Coleman, Mrs, Parka
iK'ick bhe slipper -Dorothy Wallace.
Girls,' 13'and 14-1D'aroitkly Gem-
mell, Anna .,:Love, "Betty .Stunt ,
IBloys, 10 and 14 -Roy Kerr, Olive
Coombs. Boys 12 ' and u'n'der, Roy.
Herr, Clayton Dennis Girl's, 115 and
116 -Mary, Smith, Jessie Sm'i'th.
tGirls, 17 and over, Bessie Rioe, Ed-
ith Rice. Boys, 117 and .over-Ohardie
Ferguson, Bill Forrest,. Arthur Wa'l-
lace. Girls, . 3 legged race, M. Fin-
nigan, B. Malcolm. Men's balloon
race, J. Ferguson. Pie plate race -
Pearl Creighton, Hellen Swan.
Tug -of -wear, die legged race, Har-
old Rice.
CAMPBELL -In McSCillop on Wed-
nesday, June 28, 1933; to Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Ca'mp'bell, a daughter.
RITCH'I,E-In Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on .Wednesday, June 28, 1913,
to Mr. and Mrs._ Fletcher : Ritchie,
a daughter.
'Alin and Mrs. Robert Fames Beatty
announce the eogagenien't of their
only daughter, .Berttha Irene, to Mr.
Jiodhn Arthur Brodie, sop of Mx. and
Mrs. George A. Brodie, Langstaff,
Ontario, The marriage will take place
early in ,August,
IA quiet wedding was solemnized at
the manse, Brucelfield, at 1 pan. on
Tuesday, J'u'ly' 4ith, whhen, Vera Agnes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Croz-
ier, of 'Walton, became the bride of
James C. McIntosh, son of Mrs. Mc-
Intosh and the late James McIntosh,
of Seaforth. Rev. W. A. Bremner of-
ficiated. They were unattended. Th'el
bride was charming in a dress of
white s'il'k organdie an'd' wore a white
halt, shoes and gloves to match. Fol-
lowing the coremlony Mr. and' Mrs,
M'dInitoslh left by.,motar for Quebec
and will return through the States to
Niagara Falls and Toronto. The
bride's going away dress was blue
crepe and she wore 'a green coat with
fawn funs and fawn shoes, stockings,
gloves and hat to match, Upon their
return bheY • will reside on the groom's
farm on bhe 31rd concession of Tuc'k-
ersmith. '(Both are web kndwtn • and
popular young people of the district,
and a host of friend's extend best
AA wedding Of interest was solemn-
ized Saturday afternoon at the home
of the 'bride's mother, .,'Mrs. John
Hicks, 01 ,Beacon'field avenue, Lon-
don, wlhen her 'daughter, Ruth Clara,
was anted in marriage to William
Ernest (Steele, of Almonte, by the
Rev. Calvin 'MoQues'ten; o'f 'H'amilton,
cousin of the bride. 'Only immediate
relatives of the couple were •present.
The bride looked -lovely in her long
gown •olf pink chiffon,- with large
White hat end white shoes and gloves.
Fallowing 'the ceremony a dainty
luncheon was served, 'The table,
'Which "was 'centred with the bride's
,cake, was prettily :decorated with .pi'n'k
,candles, sweet peas and 'fern. Later
Mr. and 'Mrs.Steele '.left by motor +for
points east, and after September 1 will
reside in Cobalt, !Ontario.
The sixth annual Page re -union was
held at the hotme of Mrs, Lillian Wad-
dell, Motherwell, Fullerton township
on July 1st. Ideal weather was enjoy-
ed ,and about 70 were present. Games
of various kinds were indulged in and
a fine supper senved by the ladies.
Election of officers resulted as fol-
lows: President, Thos. Mitchell, Dub-
lin; Secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Ella
Ba1f, Motherwell.
.The re -union will be held ' at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Mitch-
ell, Hibbert, next year.
One of the older residents of Sea -
forth passed , away at midnight on
Thursday in the person of Margaret
Thor, widow of the late Charles Mc 1-
lbein, whose death occurred on .April
28th of this year. Thus ` two highly
esteemedresidents, who had lived in
Seaforth for thirty years, passed away
within several months ofone another,
Mss. Hblhlibein in her 88th year ant
her hus'ba.nld at the age of 91 years, af-
ter a few months' illness.
[Both, had enjoyed good health until'
their last years. A parlalytic stroke five
yeArs ago bast January - left Mrs.. Hohl-
bein an invalid, b'ut her aflillction was
borne with cheerfulness and fonbitude.
On June 2,411h she suffered a relapse
and did not fully regain conslciousness
and almost a week later her death oc
our red.
Three 'daughters and one s'on 'sur-
vive: Mrs. Louisa A. Richards and
Mrs. C. McCormack, Sea'Eorth; .Mrs.
A C. Castle, Dos Angeles, Ca., and
Albert 'Hlohllbeim, Seattle, Wash. One
son, A.' J. H'otblsin, Seattle, prede-
ceased her about nine years ago. Two
brothers of the deceased survive:
A'ugu'st Thom, Saskatoon, Sask.; and
Julius Tlvon, Dakota,.
Mr. and Mins. Hodnl'bein celebrated
their 68th wedding : anniversary on
October 2nd last year• They were mar-
ried at Dlashlwo!od and resided a mile,
from there until coming to :Seaforth
thirty yelars• ago. Born in Germany,
they both carne to this country . when
young, Minn. Hlahilbeisi coming wiitlt
her parents when seven years old anid
Mr. Hlo'hflbein at the age of 119, and
were among the pioneers of Huron
took place from -'her
The, funeral bo
late home near the Collegiate to St..
James' ` Church on Monday morning
at 9.30 a.m.,. Mass being sung by' Rev,
Fr Hussey. A solo was sung by Mr.
F. Sills. The'pallbearers were Messrs.
D. Shanahan, 'Thos. Purcell Robert,
Devereaux, James Devereaux, Til onvas
Melady.,and Dan' Barry. • Interment
took place in 'St. James' cemetery, •
A football game on Wednesday
Right, Se'afiorth at Brucdfield, resu'l'ted
in a tie, 11,11.
'Form DV, Junior to Form-. IV. ,Sen-
ior: Leon Bannon, Dlavid. Bolton,
Jean Dixon, Aldie Eckert, Mary Ev-
ans, Louis Lane,
(Form I(11 Senior to F'onm IV. Jun-
ior: Glenmy Hildebrand, Frances Mat-
ilortn I31I. Junior to Form 111)1. 'Sen -
for: Peter Bannon, Gerald Barrie, Ed-
na Eckert; Francis Phillips, Doreen
Form III. to Form I21. Jr -tGene-
vieve Allen, Jerry Bannon, Phyllis
Barry, ;Mary Duncan, Betty Mat-
thews, !Teresa McIver, Neville Mc-
Millan, James Quinlan, Margaret Wlid
Florin I. 'Sr. to Form III,-+Elizalbetlh
Bannon, •Teresa Eckert, Miles M'c-
Mililan, Jean Nigh.
Primary to Form I.-IGlleri'a Alien,
flames Allen, James Atkinson, Nel'oey
IDesb!orough, 'Geis3dia Fllanneey, Paul-
ine M'attltews, Margaret O'Reilly.
Following is the Inst of promotions
in Seaforth public school. The names
are arranged in order of merit:
Jt.,ItV to Sr. 11V. --Helen Chamlber-
laa'n, •Alastair Wigg, Donald Mdltav-
ish, Jean Dungey, (Harold Free, Hel-
en Oheoros, Ross Rutledge, Donna
Mole, team Dale, Oban MdTavbsh,:
'Muriel Hudson, Jan'dt. .Baker, Elva
S.undere'ock, C'hanlotte Thomson, Da-
vid 'Sltewart, Roy (Oke, David Grieve.
1 IP. S. Moffat, Principal.
!Proipoted from .Sr. IIIA(. to Jr. IV.-
Dekson C• Wantsley, B' Hawkins,
G.; Jones A.; IDolmadge, C Dunlop,
Z„ Hodgson, ,M; ,Howes, M.; Wil-
liams, F.; Iibbitson M.; ,Dennis, A.;
Barlow, B.; McLeod, B.; Swan, H.;
Holmes, C.; Fletcher, M.; Gillespie,
G.; Boniface L; IDoltnadge, V.; Hopi,'
D.; S'iegrist, M.; 'Cameron, A.
M. E: Tmtiabull.
!Room I•II. Promoted. to Sr. IIIIL-
Ruth .Joynt, Lois MdGavin, Frank
Golding, Alma Elliott, Roy Kerr,
Helen Moffat, Leonore Edler, Sterl-
ing I,-Iab'kirk, Donald Scott, Joe
Smith; Stuart Wigg, track. Hanley,
Barbara Best, Jack 'Moore, (Jack Mc-
Naib; 'Earl Montgomery, Marian Sclat-
er, Ruth Mc'Nairn, Doris Barlow,
Alex.. Baker, Tom Willbee, Frank
Casson, Jack Cameron.
Maude M. Hartry.
Promoted from Sr, MI. .td Jr. EL -
Lois Wright, Lorne I'blbotson, •Mild-
red Swain, Margaret Hudson, Jack
Elliott, Clarence IWesbcott, Reg, Dol -
mage, Kenneth S'ouithgate, Mary
Geddes, Scott ',Kerr, Jim Southgate;
June Ssegrist, Kenneth • Reid, Irene
Mowbray, Allan Sundercock, Bernice
Boniface, Isabel McKellar, 'Audrey
MdGavin, Dorothy Fletcher, Kathleen
Holmes Charlie Case, Thetm'a Dol -
mage, Helen Hodgson.
M. M. Bell,
Promoted to !Second Class,-,Alhy-
tonlne 'Moore, Harry Scott, Fred . Wel-
ford, Kenn'eth 'Keating, Reid Allan,
Jack Rutledge, Jean Currie, Margaret
Pethick, Lillian. Southgate, Fergus
Annis Dunlop, Richard Eisler.,
Donald Wood, Margaret Edler, Hel-
en Thomsen, Bert Barlow, Henry
Boniface, John Thomson, Erma Flet-
cher, Jean Swan, Billie Wilbee, Eve-
lyn Venus, Arthur Fraiser.
E. H. Elder.
Promoted to First Book. --Janie
Moffat,Marguerite Westcobt, Wilma
Hay, Dorothy Smith, Patricia Bech-
ely, Violet Dulpee, George Hildebrand,
Betty Dunlap, Doris Venus, Marjory
Golding, iJ'ack Eisler, Alvin Hopi,
Ruth Anderson, Beth Walmsley, Isa-
bel Case, Neil Holpper, Russel ,Siegrist,
Stephen Williams. .
The management of the Band• and
Legion gardens party; wish to call at-
tention that all children will be ad-
mitted free to the grounds.
The July meeting of the Junior
Women's Institute will be held on
Tuesday the lllith at the home of
Miss Thelma El'gie. Miss Lawrence
will speak on a health topic. The roll
call is to be answered by au appetiz-
ing dlieih dfor an invalid.
i' dhell Monkton and Seaforth are
tied in Group A, each having lo's't two
games in the 'schedule which was
convpleted Tuesday evening. A meet-
ing will be held in Seaforth on Fri-
day evening to arrange a playoff to
decode the whiter next week.
!Group B does not co'm'plete their
schedule until July" 71th.
For month ending May 3IPst, 19313
jSrafort'h--Total hogs 67, select ba-
con 118, butchers 7, tacos 37, heavies
4, _lights 1.
;Exeter -Total hogs 129, s:elect ba-
con 49, butchers 114, bacon 64, heav-
ies nil, lights 2.
Illensad'l-Total hogs 660, select 'ba-
conr 226, butchers 44, bacon 31715, heav-
ies 3, extra heavies 1, lights' 6,
Walton -Total hogs 2180, select ba-
con 92, 'btt'tc'hie'rs 23, 'bacon 160, lights
'Huron county locals Total hogs
38159, select bacon 9413, butchers 280,
bacon 2151315, heavies 45, Tights 27.
(Huron county -Total hogs .. 9460,
select bacon 21743, butchers 740, bacon
616614, Heavies 713, extra heavies 2,
lights 111113. I
Fell From Load of Hay on Neigh-
bor's Farm
(Harry Searis age 30, farmer, who
resided with . his sister, Mrs. Wiiliiam
Rutledge, and Mr, Rutledge, west of
Seaforth on 'the Huron highway, met
with a serious accident bast Wednes-
day about 5 o'clock.
Mr, Sears was helping Mr. Jaime's
Canter Wednesday afternoon to draw
in hay and they had just gone to the
field to Bert the last load when the ac-
cident h'appene'd, Mr. Canter was driv-
ing the team' and his son Jack and
Mr. Sears were building the road,
when in some manner Mr. Sears fell
from the partial load`Zto the ground,
sustaining severe neck and back . in -
j urines,
IDr. Burrows oif• Seaforth Was called
immediately and Mr. Sears was rush-
ed to the Seobt Memorial hoslpital in
Sealfontlh where am X-ray was taken.
IIIc was decided that a specialist
should be 'cal'led in and Dr. J'oihn'son
of London came at 4 o'clock Thurs-
day morning, but found that the loc-
al docto'rs had done and were doing
all thlat could be done for the injured
man. Me. Sears was conscious from
the first and knew every one as they
spoke to him, but he w'as paralyzed
from the chest downward. While no
hope was held for his re'co'very, he liv-
ed until Friday ,morning, passing away
at 12:115 o'clock in the hospital.
His body was removed to the home
of his sister, Mrs. Rutledge, where the
funeral was held on 'Sunday, July 2n'd
at 2 o'elb'ck with Rev, Farrill officiat-
1Initerrnent took place in Clinton
cemetery. The : 'pallbearers were
friends and neighbors .df the deceas-
ed: Jack Riintoul, James Carter, John
Canter, Frank Fowler, Bert Limn and
Wes, Nott.
IHarry Irvin Sears, son of the late
Joseph E. and' Louebva Hlargi;bt Sears,
was born January 24th, 9900, at
Bright, Ind'iana, Dearborn county,
and died June 30th, 1933, at the age
of 313 years, 5 months and 6 days.
(His childh'o'od days were spent in
the community where he was born.
.At "the age o'f 112 years he united with
the Methodist Church at Bright and
and was a regular a'ttendan't while
an ' August, 1910, he went to NOW
Castle, Ind'i'ana, to work in the Max-
well automobile plant, making' his
home there with his oldest sister,
Mrs. Rdb'ent Bergin. In October 11920
he left New Castle and wentr to 'South
Bend, Indiana, where he secured em-
ploymenit with the ,Studebaker Corp-
oration, workictg in the sante plate
for 10 years.
I'n the fall of 1930 he moved to
Canada with his sister, Mrs. Wtn
Rutledge and Mr. Rutledge, to engage
in poultry farming and was working
in this capacity when he met with a
serious accident June 28th at 5 o'-
!Harry' was df a sunny disposition
and made a host of friends Wherever
he went He will be Sadly missed in
the community Where' he lived. He
leaves to mourn their loss one broth-
er and two sisters, Clayton and Mrs,
Robert Bergin, both of Bright, Indi-
ana, and Mrs. Wun• Rutledge., with
whom he resided, also two nieces and
one`nelp'hew and a- host of friends. A
brother Earl predeceased him two
years ago.
Dear Harry we will miss you,
There 'will be a vacant chair,
Ent we wouldn't 'call you back, dear
For we know you are happy there.
Sunset and evening star,
'And one clear call for me,
And' may there be ,no moaning of
the bar,
When I put out to sea.
Twilight. and evening bell
(And after that the dark,
L4,nd may there be .no sadness of
IWten I embark.
(For, though from out our bourne of
time and place,
The flood may bear me far,
1 hope to see my Pilot face to face,
'When I have crossed the bar,
rMr. and Mr's, Fred Bowes and dau-
ghter Miss Zuliah of London, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Godson the lest and over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey . Jlothnston, who
had been spending their honeymoon
at the home of the latter's uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mos. Thomas Colson,
returned to their lilome at Bracebridge
Thursday af' last week.
Mr. •amid a Mrs. Norman Lloyd and
balby T'oinnny spent the week end at
the home of• Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mc-
Ewing, returning to rtheir ltonve at
Clinton Swnlday.
Messrs..' Guy and,Robert Leiper tank
in the races at Sltralthroy on the list of
July. I -
The Caledonia entertainers who part
on the ptoranamt at the Ladies' Aid
concert fin Lan`desibono community Mall.
Friday evening of last week, returned
to their homes on 'Saturday, 'having
stayed on Friday uighlt at the home o'f
\7r. and Mrs, Bert Allen. - .
Mr. Charles and Miss Any Parsons
sipont the week end in ,Stra'bford visit-
ing Mrs. Parson's in the hos'pi'tal in
that •city, also at the home of the for'nt-
er's 'daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Jenkins, We are ,pleased to report that
Mrs. Parsons is doing as well as can
be expected and hope she will Soon
be able to be'hbme again.
1Mr. Robert Leip'er returned to Tor-
onto Monday after. •spenlding the
week end alt the home of his parents,
Reeve and M'Irs. Leiper,
will continue until'
Saturday night with
special low prices on.
every article in the
store. Don't miss this.
money -saving oppor.-
tunity, at.
Opposite ,Post Office-
Mr, David McLeod .and mother of.
Auburn and sister, Miss Annie, of To-
ronto, spent the list of July at t'h'e:
home of Mir, and Mrs. T. Colson.
(Messrs. Robert' and Wan. Leiper
and Miss Jean visited at the home of
their grandmother, Mrs. John Leiper,
on Sunday.
'Mr. A W. McEwing, Miss Helen,
Master Jack and Jlfm and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Lloyd enjoyed a spell io£
fishing at the river an the list.
'Miss Lydia Reid presided at thea
En'trance••exams in Brussels Monday,,
Tueslay and Wednesday of this week, .
Mrs. Viascella taking charge of her
house work during her absence.
Mr. Guy Leiper assistet Mr. L. -
Rapson with the haying,' finishing on.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelland MnV'i'ttie
spent Sunday in Bayfield.
Mr. James Scott of Toronto, an
com,pansed by Mr. Thomas Cole, mo-
tored up to Mr.S. llfdVittie''s on Sat-
urday to spend the week -end, Ms -s..
Scott and little Ilam returning horme-
wIlth the former. _Mrs. Scott and Ian.
have been visiting the friends around.
for over a week, having, conte tip, Dor.-
the Reid and McTaggart. wedding:.
Mr. Cole is staying up among the
friends for a visit,
Mrs, Frank McGregor is at ,present
]a d up With a bad told. We hope she
will soon be better.
(Rev. Mr. Hawk' of Clinton is ex-
pected to have charge of the service-
in Burn's Church this Sunday, July 9,,
and Mr. Kleine of Seaforth on July 16.
Mr. Harvey McCallum spent Sun-
day with Mr. Audrey Knox.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Vascella on Snnid'ay were-.
Rev. Father Sullivan of Ol'inton• for
tea, and Mr. Jlose'p'h and the Misses
Marie and Eileen Ryan and Mr. Gor-
don Rowland of Walton, for the
Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Vascella spent
Friday evening at bhe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan -Laidlaw and en-,
joyed a really nice time.
Mir, and Mrs. Vascells an'd Miss.
Amy Parson's called on Mr. and Mrs,
I. Rapson on Monday evening.
Mrs, 'Wm. Knox of Cbirrton is a,
present visiting at the hiome of her -
son, Mr, Thomas and Mrs. 'Knox.
tMr, and Mrs. Win, Knox visited at:.
the home of the latter's sister, Itr.-
and Mrs. Neilson Patterson pear Au
burn on Sunday:
St. Joseph's Church, Clinton; was:
the scene of a pretty morning weld--
ing when Leona Agnes, oldest daughi
ter of Mr. Wm. 'nation, of Guedp>b.S.
was united in marriage to Silvio Fred
Viascella, of Iknlileltt township. The
beide, loo'kin'g very damning in a
white crepe frock, with hat, s'ho'es
and lace mittens to anatch, wore the:
giift of the groom, crystal earrings
and pen'da'nt and approached the al: -
tar to the strains of Lohenigriin's, wed-
ding march, where she was given in*
ntlarriage by Mr. Lawrence Ryan..
Her only attendant was her sister;
'Miss :Morrell Mary Tiallon, of Guelph,
gowned in rose beige crepe with white.
accessories, and both carried sheaf --
bouquets of white columibnyte's, sykiti= -
gas and pink roses. The groom wtas
supported by Me. Joseph Ryan, of
Walton, and the ceremlonv wase1=
•farmed by Rev. Pc. M. Suldnvian, of
Clinton. Follow'in'g this ceremony, so-
lemn muss was sung, the music for
which was supplied by bhe organist,
Miss Marie Ryan, Walton, wearing
yellow crepe, alit communion was:.
taken before signing of the register„,
after which the happy couple left the , •
chinch to the beautiful strains of
Al en dels sohn's w*eddling march ancl'
the wedding party adieurneid to the
h'on a of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryon;
of Walton, where a sumptuous we d -
ding blreakfast was served, .fallowing
whilch they left for 'a short honey-
moon (the bride wearing a white-
hitesport suit with bat and shoes to
nilatclt) amid showers of confetti and
good wishes and will, ,on their re-
turn, Make their horn itt Harlock.
Friends were present fcio'm Hlarb'ock,;,.
Bilyth, Walton and Guelph.