The Seaforth News, 1933-04-20, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1533 that the 'cars dlo nio't' get ick any THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE. TOWN TOPICS. .Mr. Merton Reid is this week nvov- ii g: into his new apartments i'ni. his 'block on North Main street. 'Mgr. Dun Kerslake, Miss Dorothy 'Kersilake and Mists Sheppard .of Tor- onto were Easter guests at ;the hlome of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake: Mr. •Basil Duncan 'of Toronto Uni- verity is spending the summer vaca- tion with his parenits,. Mr. and' Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Mr. Jlo'hn .M'dCaa than moved into the blouse he recently 'built in Eg erron'dville. • ID'r. an'd Mrs, Arm's'trong of M4't- chell- and Mn•, and M'rs. A. Armstrong of Hayfield, were -visitors on, ,Sltndla3r wi'bh Mr. ,and Mns, A. D. Armis'trong, Mir. and M'rs, JolIae Beattie . were lEaster visitors in. T',oronito with their son, Mr, Douglas Beattie. ..Miss Verna M'dGre;gar of Toronto spent Easter with her assent, Mrs. iRuss, W. William sltreet. ,Miss ‘Nfli'Fdrdd Turnbull of Toronto spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. IMes. J. •R. Hillis and Do'na'ldre- turned to Taron!bo on Sunday .alter spending the week at her home. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Mabel Turnbull, who is 'spending a dew days there. Mr. Melvin Ritchie of E'gmnnd. ville moved to Bllyth this week where he lea's taken' a position with the IWeymouth dairy. 'Mrs. Black and daughter Laura qnd two sons, Bert and Frank, Of To- ronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. NI'Esis Mangaret McKellar and Miss Muriel Beattie of Western Univers- ity, tandem, spenit the 'Easter h'olidlays at their h'om.es here, Miss Ruth Pinkney' , of Stratford spent Easter with her mother, M'rs. J. W. Pinkney. IMdss Mary Carty has been quite i11 et the home of 'her,'nephew, Mr. John Quinlan. M. A. C. _MatOauley olf Newts!ar- ket was• an Easter visitor in town. The anneal meetinlg of the Sea- fonth Business Men's A'sso'ciation will be held in• • Carnegie Library on Thursday, April 20th at 8 p.m. ,Miss Margaret Armstrong of ` Tor- onto is visiting at hers, home here. Mr. and Mfrs. Wm. Stewart and little son of Toronto spent the week 'a .e end with Mr. and M'rs. 'Wim, G v- n lock. Mrs Govenioiok returned to Toronto with thelm on ,Sunday, IMds C. Atleinslon returned hdtne the latter partde last week from De- troit where she spent the winter. ,Mr: and Mrs. P. E. Madeleine and baby daughter of Toronto spent Eas- ter with Mr. and Mrs. Oleanles Mtat- IK'a'y 'Tttckersinibh. Mrs. Macklam is remaining for a few drays. iRev. and Mrs. W. P. Lane and Miss Helen Lane are spending the week with relatives in Tlotlon'to. Mrs. James ' Devereaux is in Lon- don this week attending an executive meeting of the Oalbhali'c Wo.men's League of the Diocese of Lon'd'on 'Col. R. S. Hays will arrive Blame on iSlaburday from a M,edliternanetan. cruise during the •pas't three month's, Miss Emma. J'ainies'on and Mr. Ralph Howling of Kitchener spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mlasan. Mr. James Fllen'agan of Toronto is spending Flaster at home, Mrs. Hodgins of Kincardine spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Winters. Mrs. J. H. Best and 'Barbara are spending the week in Toronto - with her parents, MT. and Mss. W. C. T. Monson. 1Misls Marguerite Black and Miss 'Louise Allan of Halmiltan are spend- ing the holidays at their homes 'here. MTs Kenisiben Sr,, who spent bhe winter in 'Saginaw, M•i'ch., and Ha- milton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Goid'ing, • `•Mr. Earl Webster and Miss Jean Webster of Whitev'ale are holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Welhslter, Tuckersnrith. .Misses Bertha Beattie, Lama Me. Milian, Lde and Eva ,Love, and Ria Hills, of Torioito, are spending the holiday here. ' Miss Lillian' Wankel df Toronto spent several days over Easter • with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel. ,Mr. Arnold Hab'kirk of Listowel was an Easter Visitor at the hone of. his mother, Mrs J. R. Hablkirk. Miss Mary 'Hay's of Toronto spent Easter with her.parents, Mr, and Mrs. .Adam. Hays. Miis•s Bes'sie Grieve of Ghathain s P ant Easter alt the hame of 'herpar- ents, P a r enEs, MT, and Mrs. Thos. Grieve, Eg- mondville. IM,r• and Mrs, Harald Sltark, 'Wel band, were Raster vis'itors with the fore er's inlot'her, Mrs. A. E. Stark, 'Mr. and Mrs Wm'lIia'tn Curnie of Pine Creek, Man., were guests Sun any of their neothew, Mr. Jtack Currie. Mr. Currie was a well-kn'olwn :' resid- ent of Hlatpurhey some years ago. Mr. And Mrs. Cerr'e are visiting their two daughters in Galt. Miss Sadie 'MeDbatal'd o'E. Hamilton spent E'as'terin town. Mr. Gibson White of Walkcrville is a holiday visitor with his mother Mee. M. White. Mr. Henry Golding and Grandson,. \'8r. Arthur Golldtng, were vis'itors at IS'taftla nil W%ctiva'dlaY, Miss Gladys Tthoanpson, Ntiaeaoa , Fells, scent Easter Villi• her mother, >., other Ihlnni n. Mrs, J B. 1 so r tMr. Bert Williams, barber, , has moved into Mr. Ed• M'ole's house on names, .at., vacated' by MT. A, W, Moore of the McColl-laOil` Co., who has moved to ' 1+'rs. T. Be'at- Wrant and .For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c. ties residenlce on N. 'Ma'in st.,'veoat ed by Mr. C. W. Kestle who has gone to Exeter. Miss,Ethel \41adEl y of 11oiroubo .was an Easter visitor at her home. Mrs. Snell and M'argueri'te of To- ronto spent Easter with her niece, Miss Jean Turner. Dr. Clarkson and daughiter of To- •ronito were guests over E,a'stter of 'Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. Miss Eva Fee of Sudbury is a holi- day visitor at bhe :home Of her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W. Fee. Mr. Louis reel:Sion of Exeter spent Easter in towel: Mrs. E S. Chapman, delegate of ,the H. and S. club, is spending the week in Toronto. (Capt, and Mos. Hodgins of Toronto were Easter' guests of Mr. and Mrs. !Oscar Neil, Mr. Ja'dk Hb'dgin's and Miss Bernice Hiodlgin!s, Mrs. L. T, De iLacey and Miss Anna Sutherland,: who Were 5150 Easter vlis'itorsin town 'were guests .df Mr. and Mrs; A. D. Sutherland, and were accom'pan'ied ,balk to'Toronto 'b:y .Miss Eileen Chap- man who is spending a few days, there. • IMr, and Mss, Detrain of Lucknow were visiti'n'g Mends in town on Wed n'esldey. IMr. and Mrs..Geonge Hills and Miss Ria were in St. Marys attending the fu'neral of Mr. Hills' nude, who -died at an advanced age. IMr. and Mnis. George Ferguson' of Toronto spent Easter with the form- er's sisters. Tiheir testa children Bus- sell and Jean Fengp'so'n, accompanied them and remained for .the holiday week, Miss Marjory Bickell of Toronto is visiting at her home. Mr. George Bethune left on Mon- day for Port McN'idhol after spending the winter with his sister, Miss Jessie Bethune. 'Mr. Peter Daley of Usbonne was the guest Mast week Of his daughter, Mei. Wilbert Webster. Mr. and 'Mrs, F. G. Armstrong of Toronto and Mr. J. A. Allen of North Bay were 'Easter guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sproat. vlr, Ernest McLntotsih , of London spent Easter with his mother, Mts. E. MdLntosh, John street. Mr., Reid Edmund's of Bran'tfond was an Easter visitor with Ibis parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Edmunds. ;Miss Florence 'Laidlaw of Toronto, spent Eastter with 'her mother, Mois. M. ,Laiddatw, God'erich et. Mr. Ronald Mdlaay of Taranto .is an Easter visitor, .Miss Alma Free, RN. of Dungan- non, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free. (Miss Alice Knechitel of Kitchener is spending the holidays at her home. Miss L. Holmes of Boston is visit- ing her father, Mr. S. T. Holmes. Miss K. Asmara of Toilonto was an Easter guest of the Misses Elder. Mr. W. W. Crosier went to Brant- ford on Tuesday and is also spending a few days in -Hamilton with his sister. Mr. Carl Anent and Miss Helen Ament were Landon' visitors this week. Mrs, Vern Walker and daughter Janet of Rochester, N.Y., spent East- er with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney. 2v1r. and Mrs. Frank Evans 'leave moved ,from Stratford to Seafonth and are occupying an apartment in the Heabtie block, Mr. Evans is with Mr. J. A. McKenzie's mill. Mrs. McKean of 'Hamilton is spend- ing a, few days with Mr.. and M'rs. P. M. Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Almen't and da'ngqlihter Frances, Detroit; Mr. A, R. G. Ailment, Taeonto, and Miss Helen A'ntent, Duffield, spent E'as'ter at the parental home with Ms. and Mis.. Wm. Amend. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Mowbray and their son and daughters moved from New Hamburg to Seaborth an (Wednesday and are occupying the Dlavid'son residence on the corner of lGoderidh and West William. streets. Mr. Mole/bray has been section fare - man an the CJNJR. at Nelw Ham- burg and will fill a similar position there. Mr. Bouglhner who, was fore- man, on Sealfonth section ,far several years, was .transferred to Mil'venton about a week ago :and will move there soon. N BUYS FARM Mr. P. Petersen of Egmondville has purchased the property in Me- Killogs of the Ganrow Estate conslist- ing of house, barn and 27 acres of 'and. The price was $2,600. Mr. Pet- ersen, who is a native of Den'm'ark andem'p'loyed with Avon Chests Li- mited, gets immediate' possess'ion. HARLOCK. IMIs', and M'rs. A. W Beacom and Harold attended the silver wedding anniversary Of Me. and Mrs. E. W. s/'frond an, Monday at the 'home of their daughter, Mrs.' Leslie Wight - mon of near Win•gham. The guests 'enteiTed to the dinging rooms to the strain's of the wedding march play- ed! by Miss 'Mangaret Vipo'n'd The. table was centred by the wedding cake Auto Insurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW • Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates You cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid:' Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherland GENERAL 'INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Kea'ting's Drug S'tore Superior Baby Chicks A close check up reveals that we had 8,236 chicks sold before April 1st. There are approximately 8,243 still living and doing well, pr over 100 p.c. We allow 4 extra chicks per hundred, and this more than covered all losses up to date, April 12. Canadian Government Appeovgs 'Chicks from breeding stock blood tested by Capital Lalbbraltories., Ottawa. IPt takes 3 weeks to hatch Chicks, so please order well in advance if passiblie; 1Wh. Rocks, Barred Rocks. Wh. Legh,onns After May 151 Oct lac 60 After ; Ma'y 24th Sc Sc 6c Alter June 1St 6%,c 6%d 6%c PHONE J. EIinMcKinIey, • Zurich and was illuminated by candles, ter the dinner toasts were pro!plolsed and responded toy M't. Btea'oom act- ing as toa'stmas'ter. The rest of the evening was spent in m'rsie and so- c'i'al dh'at. Guests were present from Ethel, Donegal, Wling+hlam and BIlyth. /The Ladies' Aid and W.'M. ,S. sent plants in remembrance of Easter to same • of bhe older ladies , olf Burns' United Church. Anderson -Mills --The ,m'antse, Sea - forth, was the scene of a pretty Eas- ter wedding at noon on Saturday, :when Annabel Lodine, younger dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mills of Blyth•,was united in 'marriage to William Hellbent, only son of Mir, and Mrs. William Anderson, of Walton, he ceremony 'being performed by Rev. I.. B. Keine, B -A., cousin of the bride, assisted by Rev. C. C. Keine, uncle of the bride. The bride, given n 'marriage by her father, was lovely n a gown of peadh corded taffeta, with blue slippers, and a necklet of blue a'qu'amarine and crystals, the gift of, the groom. She carried an arm bouquet of butterfly 'roses and blue glary of the sun. She wore a small bandeau of rhinesbanes in her hair. .Miss Elizabeth Mills, A.T.C.M., 'sis- ter of the bride, welaring pale green flowered chiffon wibh mauve sash, pre- sided at the piano during the cere- mony and the signing of the register. The gift of bhe groom to the pianist was n a s boudoir clack. The bride and groom were 'unattended. After the ceremony, the wedding party, consist— ing of the immediate relatives, .motor- ed to Goderioh for the wedding din- ner, served at the Bedford House, The 'table, pretty with spring flowers A PAGEANT ENTITLED Sunrise in the Garden Will be given by the ladies OAVEN CHURCH, WINTHROP Thursday evg., Apr. 27 in the auditorium of the church (Admission, adults 20c, and child-, dren 10c. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley. 'IMr. and Mrs. Chas. H'oggarth visit- ed with Ma. and Mrs. Joseph. Riley on Sunday fast. MT. Benj. 'Riley is spending a 'fe'w days this week at the Nome of ,his daughter. Mrs.. Jlolhn Mann. MMus. Chas. Dexter and bd'•rs, Austin Dexter and .Mrs. Joseph Yunnghlu't attended the •funeral of their cousin, iMns. Robert •Cackerline, on Wednes- day of last week. ,Mrs. A. Bromley of Toronto spent the week enn! with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'a'mes Dale. The Goldlowgh ' brothers have Pur- chased e bh'ouoirghibred sire from the 'famous O'Brien farms of Pembroke. Mr. fames Armstrong of Toronto spent the ,holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Arnrstrang. The Live Wire Sunday School Klass are holding a class social on IS'aturday e,vening.. Mr, B. B. Stephenson sold a pure- bred 'Shorthorn male calf to Mr. Eplh- oiam Snell Of Hallett an'd delivered it and lEaster lilies, Was oentre'd with ,one day this week. the wedding cake. The hapgpy couple' left by motor for a short honeymoon HILLSGREEN. to eastern points, the bride traveling W. M. S. — The regular monthly in a gray coat of 'French crepe, with a ,meeting off the Women's Mission - dress of blue figured crepe, with blue 'cry Society was held at the home of iMrs. Rdblf. Slt Ih n shoes, shat and accessories to match. taltennoon, Apraelp 13Ibh,nwtith Mrs,s W On their return they wilt reside 00 the Turner presiding. We opened our gectom's harm in .MdKiiiop, meeting 'by singing Hymn 253. The Mr. ErnestTalo was busy Tuesday Scripture was read responsively •hwntinS 'his nice black and white diag from 1 Cor. 13 and led: by .Mrs. R. Consltt. Hymn 402 was sung. Theso if it happens to be seen by anyone .devotionatl topic was taken by'Miss Mr. Toll would 'be glad to get track 'A. Jarrett, followed by prayer by b'f it: ,'Mrs. (Rev.) Conner. The Seery, and Messrs. Ernest and Ward Knox; IT'reas. reports were read and ad'ogt- ed. The rol'1 was called and anslwered Mrs, Jennie and Miss Olive Knox vi- by fetter S. The business was then sited at the h'om'e of Mt, and Mrs. 'ta'ken. Delegates to the Presbyterial Toney Appleby on Sunday. meeting were aplpointed, Mrs. Chas. Me. John T. Knox returned to ISltephentsian an'd. Mrs, H..Turner, All IOlintan Satundia night in oomp'any othar 'ladies o. bhe society are asked y g to attend al4s'o. Letters from families with Mr.' John Leiper and Mr. and receiving our blade supplies were read .Mrs. I. Rapson, who spent the even 'with muiinttereait, Tlhe President 'frig art' the home of Mr, jio'seph. cora readch a leiter tram Mrs. (Rev.) Wheatley Lane asking all members of the hour of 10 o'dl'ock each day for missfon- .Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and the ary p'ra'yer and are a's'ked to abide by 'fonmer's sister, i.VI'iss Mary Reid, who this thraugh'outeach day. The Tem - has been holidaying for a few days penance Topics were then given on, n 5 was with her:brothel's, Angus and David sun'gg. The studyu n Melthodistt Mis- (Reidd, visited one day 'la'st week et the Bions in Saskatchewan from ,pant of home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ch. 5 was given by Mrs. R. 'Mc- IFinank Martin of Sunshine. Miss Reid Allister. Silent prayer, and the meet - returned to Parkhill on Tuesday.ing clo's'ed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mr. and Mrs. Jtseph Campbell of :Mos. R. Lave is spending Easter near 'Walton visited at the home of with her son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Love. Mr. and Mrs, A. W MOElwing on I Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Dick and ,ran Sunday, Douglas and Miss Edna Cochrane, R. Mr. Jahn T. Knox spent FridayIIhN of Toronto, are vi'si'ti'ng at the b'm.e of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.. evening at the .home of Mr. an'd Mrs. Thom'als• Knox, Mrs. Wm Knox spent a few days last week with her s'is'ter, Mrs. Holly man off Blyth. Miss Helen MdG'negor and Miss 1Bebh Slhldbb'rook spent M'andlay after- noun with the Misses Kathleen and Edith Beacom, d Mr,W. g .iron Thomas Knox Messrs. 0 H. Knox spent part of Sundayafter- noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Beacom, Mrs. .Junes Scott and .little Ilan, •who were 'holidaying last week at the borne of the former's parenbs, Mr.. and Mrs, Sinlon MaVittie and akh'er 'friends returned to Toronto on Mon- day with the for'mer's husband Mr. 'Misses Agnes and Jean Cameron of Clinton are visiting their au'n't and uncle. Mr, and Mrs, J. H. Cochrane for Easter week. Miss 'Gladys Jhrroft visited her aunt, Mrs Arvin MclBride, of near lKipoen• recently. Mr. Geo. Cl'arksbm, a well known resident, being a bachelor all his life and living in Hi:llsgreen here. died at his brother's home at G ran d Bend around 7 1 3. Aril 9U P miss Mary Hiagan of London, spent Easter at her home here n'th her -is- ter, Miss Dolly and brother Frank. Mr. and Mgrs. Lennis. S'eimon and Children o•f Kitc'hener• spent Easter with the farmer's p'a'rents. 'Mr. and Mrs. Tlli'os. C"•nsitt f IHensald s'oent. Easter with Mr. ant ,\fps., R. 'Conts'i'tt and Mr. and Mrs, R. M n Mhsiter. MT. and Mrs. F. Coleman lelo re - :areas Sooet.' who spent the' week- cootie m'oved to their new home in J P Here'all are eettiag nicely settled. •atnong the friends in this vicinity : Miss Jean Atkin of the Goshen (Line spent Ea's'ter with her neree'e. CONSTANCE. M''• GIallfiei'd aro", o'f 7ui:'ih von Mgrs, Ernest Ellwood and children. '1'"re "elccilti calling on llr. and t\ors. C• ni. of Clinton, are visiting at the home oft IMrss 1Se44•rrietihatarelt Reichert is e'iienil- Mr„ and Mrs. Joseph Riley this wecic.' fife her Easter 'h'oliday's with friends 'Mr, Benj. Riley and daughter, and in 7.uric!h. Baker and s \lr. alio Mrs. Tack Tloieen' Retcbeit and Claren r= -and ,Karl vi'sited recently on the 1'dtth crit, of Htay :with feierale Mr. ,Glenn Bro'adfo'ot o•t Mense Jaw is with his mother and brother on the McAllister farm, Parr Line South, •Mia, Robt. Gs'innoldby spent the week -end with Mr. ,and ill's., John Riley of :Brussels. ,Misses Blanche and .Elva Wheatley of Toronto, are spending their Easter holidays atthe home of their parents, • Helpful The problem busy housewife who 'choicest food's the hind it all is the ,Sulpernor periene'e, whose;, helpful wh'ether you are slhopping venient s oilglhleorhaad WE DRUM'M'ER BRAND �, CROWN BRAND . H'IILOREIST LAND, ROYAL YORK TEA, BU'RFORD • PEACU'ES, PUMPKIN, LARiGE Ringo, `makes clothes Weal Sweet Pickles' rA Superior Derby Loaf Cheese IIVIadia Oil, No, '1 Tea 'B'isk, large size Eagle Brand' Milk Windsor 'Salt, plain Crosse & Blackwell IShrp'eri'or Baking Fdwder 'Cri'sc'o 'for better Egg4O C'a'ke Mixture Oxo Cubes, smal!1—i:4c, 'As'k your Schneider''s''Choice 5'dh.neid'er's'Choice °waltine, `lib more IEdwardslbung Laundry Old Dutch Cleanser /Plancy Bl'u'e' Rose Maple Leaf Salman iKUrk's H'ardwa'ter 'Soap b sTOIEs..It Service to the Housewife of What to serve ceases to be a shops at Sltiperior `Sltorels. There world produces, displlayed' for her S'tore'.Me'rcha'nt, a 'grocer, suggestions Make shlolpping 'For family or 'friends; first Sheenier Store, whose slogan is— SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week iendieg April 26. FLOUR 7's -13c. SYRUP 2"s -13c • ,,,. .i.......,...... ,,,., 1's 2 OR COFFER 2'squ'at per TINS, 21/a's per • , worry to . the sh'o finds the selection. 'Be- rich in ex- a pleasure. So visit your eon- 24's 42 c iii 5's 2T C lbs. 25c 45 `a tin 15 C tin 12 c 23c b'o'ttle 29c per iib. 25c per tin 29c per pkg. 33c per in '20c 2 ctns 19c per blob@le 19c I1'6 .oz. 23c 1's 23c per pkg. 23c ..large 28c per 3b, 21C % lib. 14c 45c large . 1.09 • per ,lb. 10c 2 tins 91c 3 the 25c . , ,1's 33c per lake 6c • whiter', ' ebna11-9c; large . large family Clrisp 'Fine 'Cut Pickle' • or iodized, Gaut p ......6 oz. -15c, Balding' . .., 'Gilder .alblowt $'500.00 'Cash Contest' Beton 'Bac'on, % lb. .pkg. sliced, no rinid' sleeplless nights'.smelt medium -69c. Starch Rice ' z's-19c, ... . ..................e.,... .... F2Lar a Baskets g r��6.roceries NO COMIIEST. NOTHING.TO PUIROHAISE To Adults residing in this community visiting 'Thurs., Fri,, and Saturday, we will be pleased to Lucky Draw Coupon which will entitle holder,.of coupon to a Free Basket of Groceries DRAWIINIG TIO TAKE PLAICE SAT. NIGHT, Phone Rors J. S:prOat Miss N. Pryce Phone our present 10 Stores a lucky P.M. 8 77 Buy Seaforth Butter AS Service e that creates,, Confiden and a Dependable Reputation Seaforth Quality 18 YERR'S Always Good your cream- try to please and higher cream. t graded and Y Prop. Ce Please us patronage • you by our • market •p•rices • Cream weighed, paid for., by giving us and we will services for good tested, while you wait. Creamery C. A. BARBER, Walk er S FUNERALSERVICE UNDERTAKING ' -and— EMBALMING :Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. W! \LI. LER, holder of Go- veretnent diploma, and license. > Flowers furnished Night or day phone' 67 g swore. shalpe. A quiet took place 1. 30 P daughter ,ler of marriage of 'Mr, Of MIclKigl:lop. ¢armed ,P,rad'hegen. .sem The gown" to match, sister; becoming gray accessories was attended also of. ceremony motor points. side in , friends journey They certainly were in bad, butt ,very pretty ,wedding Wed'nesd'ay, .April 112th sm. .when. lanoline Eisler, of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Eis- Souris, Manitoba, iwas united to tClarence H. 'Re.gele, son •end the late Mrs. 'Chas,. Rege'le CChe ceremony was 'iper at bhe Lutheran parsonage, by 'the Rev, S. Friedrich 'bride lacked charming' in Of ,Meige crepe ,with accessories She •was 'attended by her 'Christina • erg wearing.a Chsisroiuua R. 'Eisler, g ,gown of Ntassau blue with to mach. The glom by ,Anion, IFI. S'ie,non, McKi!11'op. 'Directly after the the young couple left .fo'r Iyonon ito and •other !Eastern IOn 'their return they will 1oKillop. Their many 'hlo'pedthey will have a •smooth through life. at- , in - a by re- .ods r -- 'WEST BRODHAGEN. Mi-. and Mos. IWm.' I's'ohe of Seb- ring ville spent Monday' 'a'fternooat g with ,Mgr. and Mrs. IRegele' Mr.•aiid 'Urs. Wes Fishier and chit- diene from Fullat•toit speipt 'Mond ay svibh \ir. gnndJMrs. W•n.'fioegy ,,,.,_ __,-,i. i.,,-„ ,a,..riir a:tittle new so that the 'cars dlo nio't' get ick any THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE. TOWN TOPICS. .Mr. Merton Reid is this week nvov- ii g: into his new apartments i'ni. his 'block on North Main street. 'Mgr. Dun Kerslake, Miss Dorothy 'Kersilake and Mists Sheppard .of Tor- onto were Easter guests at ;the hlome of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake: Mr. •Basil Duncan 'of Toronto Uni- verity is spending the summer vaca- tion with his parenits,. Mr. and' Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Mr. Jlo'hn .M'dCaa than moved into the blouse he recently 'built in Eg erron'dville. • ID'r. an'd Mrs, Arm's'trong of M4't- chell- and Mn•, and M'rs. A. Armstrong of Hayfield, were -visitors on, ,Sltndla3r wi'bh Mr. ,and Mns, A. D. Armis'trong, Mir. and M'rs, JolIae Beattie . were lEaster visitors in. T',oronito with their son, Mr, Douglas Beattie. ..Miss Verna M'dGre;gar of Toronto spent Easter with her assent, Mrs. iRuss, W. William sltreet. ,Miss ‘Nfli'Fdrdd Turnbull of Toronto spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. IMes. J. •R. Hillis and Do'na'ldre- turned to Taron!bo on Sunday .alter spending the week at her home. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Mabel Turnbull, who is 'spending a dew days there. Mr. Melvin Ritchie of E'gmnnd. ville moved to Bllyth this week where he lea's taken' a position with the IWeymouth dairy. 'Mrs. Black and daughter Laura qnd two sons, Bert and Frank, Of To- ronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. NI'Esis Mangaret McKellar and Miss Muriel Beattie of Western Univers- ity, tandem, spenit the 'Easter h'olidlays at their h'om.es here, Miss Ruth Pinkney' , of Stratford spent Easter with her mother, M'rs. J. W. Pinkney. IMdss Mary Carty has been quite i11 et the home of 'her,'nephew, Mr. John Quinlan. M. A. C. _MatOauley olf Newts!ar- ket was• an Easter visitor in town. The anneal meetinlg of the Sea- fonth Business Men's A'sso'ciation will be held in• • Carnegie Library on Thursday, April 20th at 8 p.m. ,Miss Margaret Armstrong of ` Tor- onto is visiting at hers, home here. Mr. and Mfrs. Wm. Stewart and little son of Toronto spent the week 'a .e end with Mr. and M'rs. 'Wim, G v- n lock. Mrs Govenioiok returned to Toronto with thelm on ,Sunday, IMds C. Atleinslon returned hdtne the latter partde last week from De- troit where she spent the winter. ,Mr: and Mrs. P. E. Madeleine and baby daughter of Toronto spent Eas- ter with Mr. and Mrs. Oleanles Mtat- IK'a'y 'Tttckersinibh. Mrs. Macklam is remaining for a few drays. iRev. and Mrs. W. P. Lane and Miss Helen Lane are spending the week with relatives in Tlotlon'to. Mrs. James ' Devereaux is in Lon- don this week attending an executive meeting of the Oalbhali'c Wo.men's League of the Diocese of Lon'd'on 'Col. R. S. Hays will arrive Blame on iSlaburday from a M,edliternanetan. cruise during the •pas't three month's, Miss Emma. J'ainies'on and Mr. Ralph Howling of Kitchener spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mlasan. Mr. James Fllen'agan of Toronto is spending Flaster at home, Mrs. Hodgins of Kincardine spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Winters. Mrs. J. H. Best and 'Barbara are spending the week in Toronto - with her parents, MT. and Mss. W. C. T. Monson. 1Misls Marguerite Black and Miss 'Louise Allan of Halmiltan are spend- ing the holidays at their homes 'here. MTs Kenisiben Sr,, who spent bhe winter in 'Saginaw, M•i'ch., and Ha- milton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Goid'ing, • `•Mr. Earl Webster and Miss Jean Webster of Whitev'ale are holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Welhslter, Tuckersnrith. .Misses Bertha Beattie, Lama Me. Milian, Lde and Eva ,Love, and Ria Hills, of Torioito, are spending the holiday here. ' Miss Lillian' Wankel df Toronto spent several days over Easter • with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel. ,Mr. Arnold Hab'kirk of Listowel was an Easter Visitor at the hone of. his mother, Mrs J. R. Hablkirk. Miss Mary 'Hay's of Toronto spent Easter with her.parents, Mr, and Mrs. .Adam. Hays. Miis•s Bes'sie Grieve of Ghathain s P ant Easter alt the hame of 'herpar- ents, P a r enEs, MT, and Mrs. Thos. Grieve, Eg- mondville. IM,r• and Mrs, Harald Sltark, 'Wel band, were Raster vis'itors with the fore er's inlot'her, Mrs. A. E. Stark, 'Mr. and Mrs Wm'lIia'tn Curnie of Pine Creek, Man., were guests Sun any of their neothew, Mr. Jtack Currie. Mr. Currie was a well-kn'olwn :' resid- ent of Hlatpurhey some years ago. Mr. And Mrs. Cerr'e are visiting their two daughters in Galt. Miss Sadie 'MeDbatal'd o'E. Hamilton spent E'as'terin town. Mr. Gibson White of Walkcrville is a holiday visitor with his mother Mee. M. White. Mr. Henry Golding and Grandson,. \'8r. Arthur Golldtng, were vis'itors at IS'taftla nil W%ctiva'dlaY, Miss Gladys Tthoanpson, Ntiaeaoa , Fells, scent Easter Villi• her mother, >., other Ihlnni n. Mrs, J B. 1 so r tMr. Bert Williams, barber, , has moved into Mr. Ed• M'ole's house on names, .at., vacated' by MT. A, W, Moore of the McColl-laOil` Co., who has moved to ' 1+'rs. T. Be'at- Wrant and .For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c. ties residenlce on N. 'Ma'in st.,'veoat ed by Mr. C. W. Kestle who has gone to Exeter. Miss,Ethel \41adEl y of 11oiroubo .was an Easter visitor at her home. Mrs. Snell and M'argueri'te of To- ronto spent Easter with her niece, Miss Jean Turner. Dr. Clarkson and daughiter of To- •ronito were guests over E,a'stter of 'Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. Miss Eva Fee of Sudbury is a holi- day visitor at bhe :home Of her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W. Fee. Mr. Louis reel:Sion of Exeter spent Easter in towel: Mrs. E S. Chapman, delegate of ,the H. and S. club, is spending the week in Toronto. (Capt, and Mos. Hodgins of Toronto were Easter' guests of Mr. and Mrs. !Oscar Neil, Mr. Ja'dk Hb'dgin's and Miss Bernice Hiodlgin!s, Mrs. L. T, De iLacey and Miss Anna Sutherland,: who Were 5150 Easter vlis'itorsin town 'were guests .df Mr. and Mrs; A. D. Sutherland, and were accom'pan'ied ,balk to'Toronto 'b:y .Miss Eileen Chap- man who is spending a few days, there. • IMr, and Mss, Detrain of Lucknow were visiti'n'g Mends in town on Wed n'esldey. IMr. and Mrs..Geonge Hills and Miss Ria were in St. Marys attending the fu'neral of Mr. Hills' nude, who -died at an advanced age. IMr. and Mnis. George Ferguson' of Toronto spent Easter with the form- er's sisters. Tiheir testa children Bus- sell and Jean Fengp'so'n, accompanied them and remained for .the holiday week, Miss Marjory Bickell of Toronto is visiting at her home. Mr. George Bethune left on Mon- day for Port McN'idhol after spending the winter with his sister, Miss Jessie Bethune. 'Mr. Peter Daley of Usbonne was the guest Mast week Of his daughter, Mei. Wilbert Webster. Mr. and 'Mrs, F. G. Armstrong of Toronto and Mr. J. A. Allen of North Bay were 'Easter guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sproat. vlr, Ernest McLntotsih , of London spent Easter with his mother, Mts. E. MdLntosh, John street. Mr., Reid Edmund's of Bran'tfond was an Easter visitor with Ibis parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Edmunds. ;Miss Florence 'Laidlaw of Toronto, spent Eastter with 'her mother, Mois. M. ,Laiddatw, God'erich et. Mr. Ronald Mdlaay of Taranto .is an Easter visitor, .Miss Alma Free, RN. of Dungan- non, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free. (Miss Alice Knechitel of Kitchener is spending the holidays at her home. Miss L. Holmes of Boston is visit- ing her father, Mr. S. T. Holmes. Miss K. Asmara of Toilonto was an Easter guest of the Misses Elder. Mr. W. W. Crosier went to Brant- ford on Tuesday and is also spending a few days in -Hamilton with his sister. Mr. Carl Anent and Miss Helen Ament were Landon' visitors this week. Mrs, Vern Walker and daughter Janet of Rochester, N.Y., spent East- er with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney. 2v1r. and Mrs. Frank Evans 'leave moved ,from Stratford to Seafonth and are occupying an apartment in the Heabtie block, Mr. Evans is with Mr. J. A. McKenzie's mill. Mrs. McKean of 'Hamilton is spend- ing a, few days with Mr.. and M'rs. P. M. Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Almen't and da'ngqlihter Frances, Detroit; Mr. A, R. G. Ailment, Taeonto, and Miss Helen A'ntent, Duffield, spent E'as'ter at the parental home with Ms. and Mis.. Wm. Amend. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Mowbray and their son and daughters moved from New Hamburg to Seaborth an (Wednesday and are occupying the Dlavid'son residence on the corner of lGoderidh and West William. streets. Mr. Mole/bray has been section fare - man an the CJNJR. at Nelw Ham- burg and will fill a similar position there. Mr. Bouglhner who, was fore- man, on Sealfonth section ,far several years, was .transferred to Mil'venton about a week ago :and will move there soon. N BUYS FARM Mr. P. Petersen of Egmondville has purchased the property in Me- Killogs of the Ganrow Estate conslist- ing of house, barn and 27 acres of 'and. The price was $2,600. Mr. Pet- ersen, who is a native of Den'm'ark andem'p'loyed with Avon Chests Li- mited, gets immediate' possess'ion. HARLOCK. IMIs', and M'rs. A. W Beacom and Harold attended the silver wedding anniversary Of Me. and Mrs. E. W. s/'frond an, Monday at the 'home of their daughter, Mrs.' Leslie Wight - mon of near Win•gham. The guests 'enteiTed to the dinging rooms to the strain's of the wedding march play- ed! by Miss 'Mangaret Vipo'n'd The. table was centred by the wedding cake Auto Insurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW • Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates You cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid:' Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherland GENERAL 'INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Kea'ting's Drug S'tore Superior Baby Chicks A close check up reveals that we had 8,236 chicks sold before April 1st. There are approximately 8,243 still living and doing well, pr over 100 p.c. We allow 4 extra chicks per hundred, and this more than covered all losses up to date, April 12. Canadian Government Appeovgs 'Chicks from breeding stock blood tested by Capital Lalbbraltories., Ottawa. IPt takes 3 weeks to hatch Chicks, so please order well in advance if passiblie; 1Wh. Rocks, Barred Rocks. Wh. Legh,onns After May 151 Oct lac 60 After ; Ma'y 24th Sc Sc 6c Alter June 1St 6%,c 6%d 6%c PHONE J. EIinMcKinIey, • Zurich and was illuminated by candles, ter the dinner toasts were pro!plolsed and responded toy M't. Btea'oom act- ing as toa'stmas'ter. The rest of the evening was spent in m'rsie and so- c'i'al dh'at. Guests were present from Ethel, Donegal, Wling+hlam and BIlyth. /The Ladies' Aid and W.'M. ,S. sent plants in remembrance of Easter to same • of bhe older ladies , olf Burns' United Church. Anderson -Mills --The ,m'antse, Sea - forth, was the scene of a pretty Eas- ter wedding at noon on Saturday, :when Annabel Lodine, younger dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mills of Blyth•,was united in 'marriage to William Hellbent, only son of Mir, and Mrs. William Anderson, of Walton, he ceremony 'being performed by Rev. I.. B. Keine, B -A., cousin of the bride, assisted by Rev. C. C. Keine, uncle of the bride. The bride, given n 'marriage by her father, was lovely n a gown of peadh corded taffeta, with blue slippers, and a necklet of blue a'qu'amarine and crystals, the gift of, the groom. She carried an arm bouquet of butterfly 'roses and blue glary of the sun. She wore a small bandeau of rhinesbanes in her hair. .Miss Elizabeth Mills, A.T.C.M., 'sis- ter of the bride, welaring pale green flowered chiffon wibh mauve sash, pre- sided at the piano during the cere- mony and the signing of the register. The gift of bhe groom to the pianist was n a s boudoir clack. The bride and groom were 'unattended. After the ceremony, the wedding party, consist— ing of the immediate relatives, .motor- ed to Goderioh for the wedding din- ner, served at the Bedford House, The 'table, pretty with spring flowers A PAGEANT ENTITLED Sunrise in the Garden Will be given by the ladies OAVEN CHURCH, WINTHROP Thursday evg., Apr. 27 in the auditorium of the church (Admission, adults 20c, and child-, dren 10c. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley. 'IMr. and Mrs. Chas. H'oggarth visit- ed with Ma. and Mrs. Joseph. Riley on Sunday fast. MT. Benj. 'Riley is spending a 'fe'w days this week at the Nome of ,his daughter. Mrs.. Jlolhn Mann. MMus. Chas. Dexter and bd'•rs, Austin Dexter and .Mrs. Joseph Yunnghlu't attended the •funeral of their cousin, iMns. Robert •Cackerline, on Wednes- day of last week. ,Mrs. A. Bromley of Toronto spent the week enn! with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'a'mes Dale. The Goldlowgh ' brothers have Pur- chased e bh'ouoirghibred sire from the 'famous O'Brien farms of Pembroke. Mr. fames Armstrong of Toronto spent the ,holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Arnrstrang. The Live Wire Sunday School Klass are holding a class social on IS'aturday e,vening.. Mr, B. B. Stephenson sold a pure- bred 'Shorthorn male calf to Mr. Eplh- oiam Snell Of Hallett an'd delivered it and lEaster lilies, Was oentre'd with ,one day this week. the wedding cake. The hapgpy couple' left by motor for a short honeymoon HILLSGREEN. to eastern points, the bride traveling W. M. S. — The regular monthly in a gray coat of 'French crepe, with a ,meeting off the Women's Mission - dress of blue figured crepe, with blue 'cry Society was held at the home of iMrs. Rdblf. Slt Ih n shoes, shat and accessories to match. taltennoon, Apraelp 13Ibh,nwtith Mrs,s W On their return they wilt reside 00 the Turner presiding. We opened our gectom's harm in .MdKiiiop, meeting 'by singing Hymn 253. The Mr. ErnestTalo was busy Tuesday Scripture was read responsively •hwntinS 'his nice black and white diag from 1 Cor. 13 and led: by .Mrs. R. Consltt. Hymn 402 was sung. Theso if it happens to be seen by anyone .devotionatl topic was taken by'Miss Mr. Toll would 'be glad to get track 'A. Jarrett, followed by prayer by b'f it: ,'Mrs. (Rev.) Conner. The Seery, and Messrs. Ernest and Ward Knox; IT'reas. reports were read and ad'ogt- ed. The rol'1 was called and anslwered Mrs, Jennie and Miss Olive Knox vi- by fetter S. The business was then sited at the h'om'e of Mt, and Mrs. 'ta'ken. Delegates to the Presbyterial Toney Appleby on Sunday. meeting were aplpointed, Mrs. Chas. Me. John T. Knox returned to ISltephentsian an'd. Mrs, H..Turner, All IOlintan Satundia night in oomp'any othar 'ladies o. bhe society are asked y g to attend al4s'o. Letters from families with Mr.' John Leiper and Mr. and receiving our blade supplies were read .Mrs. I. Rapson, who spent the even 'with muiinttereait, Tlhe President 'frig art' the home of Mr, jio'seph. cora readch a leiter tram Mrs. (Rev.) Wheatley Lane asking all members of the hour of 10 o'dl'ock each day for missfon- .Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and the ary p'ra'yer and are a's'ked to abide by 'fonmer's sister, i.VI'iss Mary Reid, who this thraugh'outeach day. The Tem - has been holidaying for a few days penance Topics were then given on, n 5 was with her:brothel's, Angus and David sun'gg. The studyu n Melthodistt Mis- (Reidd, visited one day 'la'st week et the Bions in Saskatchewan from ,pant of home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ch. 5 was given by Mrs. R. 'Mc- IFinank Martin of Sunshine. Miss Reid Allister. Silent prayer, and the meet - returned to Parkhill on Tuesday.ing clo's'ed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mr. and Mrs. Jtseph Campbell of :Mos. R. Lave is spending Easter near 'Walton visited at the home of with her son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Love. Mr. and Mrs, A. W MOElwing on I Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Dick and ,ran Sunday, Douglas and Miss Edna Cochrane, R. Mr. Jahn T. Knox spent FridayIIhN of Toronto, are vi'si'ti'ng at the b'm.e of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.. evening at the .home of Mr. an'd Mrs. Thom'als• Knox, Mrs. Wm Knox spent a few days last week with her s'is'ter, Mrs. Holly man off Blyth. Miss Helen MdG'negor and Miss 1Bebh Slhldbb'rook spent M'andlay after- noun with the Misses Kathleen and Edith Beacom, d Mr,W. g .iron Thomas Knox Messrs. 0 H. Knox spent part of Sundayafter- noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Beacom, Mrs. .Junes Scott and .little Ilan, •who were 'holidaying last week at the borne of the former's parenbs, Mr.. and Mrs, Sinlon MaVittie and akh'er 'friends returned to Toronto on Mon- day with the for'mer's husband Mr. 'Misses Agnes and Jean Cameron of Clinton are visiting their au'n't and uncle. Mr, and Mrs, J. H. Cochrane for Easter week. Miss 'Gladys Jhrroft visited her aunt, Mrs Arvin MclBride, of near lKipoen• recently. Mr. Geo. Cl'arksbm, a well known resident, being a bachelor all his life and living in Hi:llsgreen here. died at his brother's home at G ran d Bend around 7 1 3. Aril 9U P miss Mary Hiagan of London, spent Easter at her home here n'th her -is- ter, Miss Dolly and brother Frank. Mr. and Mgrs. Lennis. S'eimon and Children o•f Kitc'hener• spent Easter with the farmer's p'a'rents. 'Mr. and Mrs. Tlli'os. C"•nsitt f IHensald s'oent. Easter with Mr. ant ,\fps., R. 'Conts'i'tt and Mr. and Mrs, R. M n Mhsiter. MT. and Mrs. F. Coleman lelo re - :areas Sooet.' who spent the' week- cootie m'oved to their new home in J P Here'all are eettiag nicely settled. •atnong the friends in this vicinity : Miss Jean Atkin of the Goshen (Line spent Ea's'ter with her neree'e. CONSTANCE. M''• GIallfiei'd aro", o'f 7ui:'ih von Mgrs, Ernest Ellwood and children. '1'"re "elccilti calling on llr. and t\ors. C• ni. of Clinton, are visiting at the home oft IMrss 1Se44•rrietihatarelt Reichert is e'iienil- Mr„ and Mrs. Joseph Riley this wecic.' fife her Easter 'h'oliday's with friends 'Mr, Benj. Riley and daughter, and in 7.uric!h. Baker and s \lr. alio Mrs. Tack Tloieen' Retcbeit and Claren r= -and ,Karl vi'sited recently on the 1'dtth crit, of Htay :with feierale Mr. ,Glenn Bro'adfo'ot o•t Mense Jaw is with his mother and brother on the McAllister farm, Parr Line South, •Mia, Robt. Gs'innoldby spent the week -end with Mr. ,and ill's., John Riley of :Brussels. ,Misses Blanche and .Elva Wheatley of Toronto, are spending their Easter holidays atthe home of their parents,