The Seaforth News, 1933-04-13, Page 4,.PAIGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON. Keep the date open for .the splay in Workmen's Hale, Walton, on April 21st under auspices df Ladies' Aid 'of 1St, George's Chur'c'h. The Glieaiers'' Mission Band . of .tuff's United Church held their regu- ,ar.monbhly meeting in.the :school loam of ,the c'hurah on Sunday, 'AP'ril tth, with a ,good. attendance. Meeting was Opened. .by s'in'ging the Welcdmte -'tong, .after which Jack Drager read ,the Scripture lesstin ('the ,Easter story 5n Mark 15:11'41I6) +after which MTs. .Bryanvs led in prayer. ,Roll call follow - ,ed ..and ..ablaut 40 'responded. 'M'i'nutes ,of last meeting were read ,and adapted. .Bu:sln'ess was d'iscu'ssed' in connection veiuh Easter concert to be held on tIi'ras'ter ,Monday cdmmenoing at ei'glat o.citook. Please bear +this concert in eauind.for.sbaff and members .have 'spar- ed no pains to make this entertain - :anent a,suuccess Admission I115c adults; ,.children ,free, ILantenn slides- on Africa .alt •i the close of the concert. After all '.was .se'ttl'ed in this connection, classes :formed :for study period at the con clusian of Which meet'i'ng was closed 'with singing and Miapah bened'ictio'n. iThe R'dwla'nd orchestra will play "for 'dances in Blyth, April "17'tlh; Wal- ton, April 119ih; and. Clinton, April Mrs. 'Meet Murray of,Dublin, who ihas been visiting her sister, Mrs, Geo. Williamson, .has returned home. :Mrs, L IBdltost of M'dKi11dp is visit - ling Mrs. W. .Huai + her u P .ddla J g+ Humph - tries. :1Lr. Douglas Ennis spent Monday :,in Stratfard. 1'8r, .and Mrs, Jas. Mann are moving o'n .to the Harm on the 171th of Morris which they ,have rented, I'r. Lawrence Ryan wears a striae -these days. •QIt's a boy,) l/Liss Mildred Sellars spent the week. 'end with friends in Kitchener. Report says there .veil be a wedding in the near future. The .boundary is to supply the groom. BLYTH. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew M'dNidhol -spent Friday et Mr. Jas, MdNic'hol's of McKillop. 'lir. and Mrs. Chas. tNicholson and Gordon spent 'Wednesday at 'Wing- hana and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brydges •and. Mr. and' Mrs, Ab- ner Nethery. Mr, and Mrs. John 3LcNiehoi and Autry visited Mr, Samuel Storey of :LIlast • 'axillap on ThY week. of Mr. and Mrs. ,Clarence Johnston and Iona spent Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. John Gras'by. The :Historical Research meeting of the 'Women's I'nstitu'te was held' in 'Memorial 1Hall on April 6th with a large attendance. The secretary read a letter From 1Londesboro Institute stating that the summer speaker who was to have addressed the combined 'branches of Belgrave, Blyth and Lon- .desboro, had been cancelled by the Department, !The above 'branches will still ,go to Lond'esboro tor' a friendly -meeting. On motion of Mrs. ;Watt :and Mrs. Kelly a .new music book will be procured for the use of the meetin'g's. A communication from Clinton hos- pital was .received asiain'g .for a dona- tion. John !Barr, president of the Ag- ricultural Society, came with a.re'quest that the In'stitu'te assist the Fair -Isoard this year in paying off indebt- edness. 'P'resi'dent, 'Mrs, J. W Scott ..and secretary, Mrs, A. M. Calciough, 'were appointed a committee to meet -the • Fair board to discuss the ques- tion. The 'speaker .of' the meeting was Dr. W. J. Milne, wlao gave .a splendid -address on the sulbliect of Memories of Long Aga in Comparison •with To -day. The Doctor had several rare ,odins for inspection,. also a $5:00:bi11 of the year '17148, one of ,the first in cir- ,culation, He stated there 'Were '25,000 more ,people in Huron, 50 years ago 'than now. Fifty-two years' ago B'iyth's -population was 01260, .now it is around. 700. Are we progressing as we should? he asked. The country has, gone ahead too fast and. has accumulated an en- ormous debt, also to the unemphoy- ment situation, he spoke of the 'change in citizens these being only two here mow that were 'here ,fifty-two years ago. He impressed upon this h•earer,s the importance ,orf ,public 'health and urged the 'Institute to work along that 'line. He also showed Nie necessity of 'keeping records .oil organizations 'for future reference. On motion ,of Mrs. ,A. !B. Carr and Mrs. Jas. Watt a 'hea'r- ty vete of thanks was tendered the doctor for his ad'dress. 'Mrs. Jas, 'Cott. one df the- charter members Of the lens s'ti'ttute, was. present and gave a brief talk an the docto'r's skill i'n'his :proles- si:on, :Mrs. 1Wighibman ,gave some in- 'format'ion reg'ardi'ng the number of former memibers •deceased in I20 years, 'FA. Farewell" was the ti'tl'e of a recit- ation given by'Alma Munro, A ,mu'oh ap,prectated 'duet, "He 'Wlas Nailed to the Cross," was given by 'Mrs. L. IScriintgeou.r an'd Mrs. '131. [Herrington, 'followed by a reading 'Go, 'West N'seiug M'an," by Mrs. Jas. Watts. The ladies spent a social hour in viewing the 'exhib'it of 'an'tiques on display, same over '100 years old, quilts, bed- spread's, sthavels, 'pdveder .horns, flask's, pewter teapots, crimpers, moulds,, v'as'es, shiver, candlesticks, table cloth's, -potato mashers pictures and numer- ous other exhibits. Special mention -should :be made of the ''com,mitbee in. charem. Mrs. 'James Cumming, Mrs. Tas• Watt, Miss A, 'Gillespie, Mrs. A. IB, Carr, ,for making• the meeting a success. Those 'bringing antiques were Mesdames !Cumming, Gillespie, Watt Fear, !Elliott. Oolol•ough, Kelly, !Mists Caa'sie McMillan and ethers, !Group No. 11 served a dainty lu.neh. Mrs. H. M'dElrev, 'Mrs. T. McGee. 'Mea. 15 . El'Fiott Mrs. R. 'Fear. The .Acini meeting .of the 1W'M,1S. and the Women's Association of the Oaken street TTnitrd'Church was held the home nt Mrs. E. !Bender on ITuesAav, Arnril 4th with a s'plend'id atte'lrlance.. 1st vire president, Mrs. n.,,-1 -. naes'ided. The ,WIA, attend a+,>ir meeting with the use of hymn rel. after, which the 'Lord's prayer was renearte3 in unison. After the reports tip Factory Upholstering Work Done and Guaranteed by C. Atchison Prices Reasonable. Phone 179 JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash were given ,the meeting wars brou'gh't to a close' to allow the W.M.S. to pro - seed with their (Easter thank offering ,meeting. Hymn, "Christ the !Lord is IRisetf To -day," +was sung, Mrs, Carr led in prayer, the Baster message was read by Mrs. "Wightinan. The respon- sive worship service, fPWe Would See 1J'esu's," Was used. ,Mrs. IN. 'Saunders sang an appropriate solo, Mrs. 'Rev.) W.. G.'B'uel! gave an inspiring and in- structive of a' re Avo pF tie address. s'truc v a : entered 2tirs Bue fl the Has- tion w s t , ter thankoffering was then taken tip dedicating :prayer was offered by Mrs. 'Slater. The secretaries gave in- teresting reports, the supply secretary, !Mrs, Fawcett, reported' several dona- tio'ne For quilts for the bale ,for Ox- ford House, Selkirk, to be sent in Vane, 'The .hera'lds' work was taken 'b'y. Mrs. Carr, .China; Mrs. J. W Mi'l'ls, 'Japan; M•rs. E. Pollard, Trinidaid, A letter was read from the 'Presbyterial ,president, Mrs. 'Rev.) W. P. Lane, ISeafotrth, on the ,Kingdom of God 'M'ovem'ent, sponsored by Or. Kagawa of Japan. "Oh Lord, revive thy work beginning with me," asking •th'e Aux- iliary to spend the first five minutes 'o•f the day in •prayer. Hymn 185 was sung, the meeting closed with .the e wed ediction. The group in charge s r a ten -cent tea. 'Mesdames Bender, F. Huckstep, •H. McElroy, E. Pollardr.andJohnston and Mr. Mrs. `H..C. J family spent the week end with friends near Hamilton. .Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Ho -aver, who have spent the winter with - their Ittnuan daughter, liter Mrs, Norman Wn !; Gore Bar, Manitoulin Island returned home last week. BRUCEFIELD. The officers and teachers of the Sunday School of the B,rucefield Unit- ed Church gathered at tine home of the Superintendent df the school, Mr. C. H. Haugh, on the eventing of Thursday of last week, The °can- Sion of the meeting was to' bid fare- well to one who for many years had been a teacher of a class in the Sun- day Soltool. After a pleasant evening had been spent Mrs. Brook, teadter of the Beginater's' Olass, read the fol- lowing address and Mr. Haugh pres- ented, in the name of the officers and tea'chers, a beautiful teacher's B'i'ble and a leather bound Dopy orf the hym- nary. Mrs. Addison, although taken completely by surprise, replied in a few suitable words. The fol'l'owing is the address: "To Mrs. Jloseplh Addi- son: We 'have learned with deep re- gret of your proposed removal ,from amongst us. Lt is inevitable th'a't such changes should come about, as -a kind Providence orders our lives, and yet when they do co'tne, it is with mingl- ed' feelings that 'we meet them. Your going from our Church and Sunday 'School at this time cannot seem to us to be other than, a very great loss, The deep ,interest you have always manifested in the work of OUT Sunday !School has been a master of great joy and helpfulness to us all, as well as a real bonen and blessing to those whose pnisilege 11 bbs been to' be mem- bers of the different classes Of which foam time to time you 'have been the faithful teacher. Our 'hope and prayer for you is that is the church with which you may connect yourself you; may find congenial friend's and a real oap'pontu,nity !for service, IWe cannot think of you as being other than actively useful in some branch of the • wank of the Sunday 'School, even as you have been while with us, and, although we 'keenly feel the loss we are about to. sustain through. your removal, we know that the church to which you go will be the richer -for, your, :presence with them. As .Officers and Teachers of the - Sunday 'School of.the BrunetfieldUn- ited Chu'rdh, we ask you, to accept suis Bible and Hiymtnary as a rememb'ran'ce of our love and esteem. Signed: C. H. Haugh, 'Smit.; Hugh iAlikenhead'., Asst. Sup't." Address and Presentation.—A large gathering of friends mad neighbors. held, a reception in Watson's 'hall, at Kippen, on Monday, Alpril 'iOth,in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack - eon, The bride and groom were .pres- ented with a pair of chairs and a lib- rary table and Mr. Larkie Mellis read the folib'wing address: "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Dear Sala and Harold: Irn view of the fact that von have recently in the staunch ship orf `Love,' set the sails and embarked on the 'adventurous sea orf Mabri:m'ony, we, your friends and neighbors, have Tethered here to -'night as a tangible ex'pres'sion of the high esteem and 'n,cere :good wishes to you 'both. May the Divine Providence who regulates all events of time blend into. Peace 1 Contentment all the various series -f future events of your Lives. We st your troubles may he subtrac'ted. "...rt your cares you divide, but the :n.vsand hones be a'dded and the btu sings ntult riled. Nott for its in `-,nsir value, but as a small token of STANLEY. Mr, Percy Johnston was taken to .a !London 'hospital last Friday to re- ceive medical treatments as he has not been ,enj'oyin'g good health for some time. We have he may soon ,be restored to his .usual 'health: 'Miss Mabel 'Calvet. spent a few d'ay's visiting her mothieir at Clinton, Th'e ISaoramenit ,of. the Lord's 'Su'p- 'per will be db'sbrved at Goshen, Blake and V'arnta churches next 'Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. John A. Armstrong and family visited' the ,farmer's Mother Mrs. Anms'trong, in Olinton last Fri- day. Mr: and Mfrs. R. Turner of L'ucan, accompanied by their daughter .and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Freok'feton, paid a- .visit to Mr. and Mrs, George Campbell on 'Mon'd'ay af- ternoon. T'he young peoplle olf'Blake and Go- shen United Church :are staging ' a p/'ay in iB'la/ke Church On Thursday evening of this week entitled, 'Farm ,Folks," in three 'acts. There veil! also be music and many other ' interesting i't'ems in the program )ancing! HAROLD WAGNER AND HT'S MINE -PIECE O,RIO!LE CLUB ORCHESTRA at Dublin Easter Monday N'I'GHT, APRIL 17th Couple 75 cents. Extra lady 25c "A POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT" TRY Sense 'Institutions come and go,, :but lllesple'S linger 'round .a spell Gam® �/ �r And why they vanish from our Sight, 'tis Mighty 'hard to tell, 'Butt they don't seem to have in thetas the life for !anger years, Or as yet bo have their psing off, marked b'y a gusts• of tears, ',Blurt other, cuatofn's that we have; are snipe with .honored age, And unto one of these' 'h'ere, th'i'ngs, we dedicate this page. (Why, 'fang about tins time of year,, When 'Whntdr''s,on the wane, !And when the ,Almanac each week, call''Is for a bit of rain, • When other days are chilly like, and canes a skiff of molar, 'Along tlres'e slbrndes that •goodll'y thing, "Tlhe''Seaforth !Spring 'Shaw." Ali, have we not, each ,one .of urs, • in days. t'a'ts passed away, BBuilt, up upon that there event, to 'have orre;g'losioun day. You know it'is one splendid thing, this once a year oc'c'asion, „ 'When farmers came to town, "By tiling," and, come without ut 'persuasion, The 'w'o'men folks they come along, when the 'weather, itis fine, And watch t'he menfol'k's straw their 'horsres, an the 'halter and' the V.emembrauce to 'remitgd, you of our continued friendship and good wishes, we ask you to :accept ,this gift and we, sincerely, hope the •successes, the re- ward's, and pleasures ,orf life may be ,gi- ven you in generous and unstinted measure and that your cup of ,Happi- ness may be filled to capacity, press- ed down and evenflowiug, Signed on !behalf of your Friends and Neigh- bours." Mr. Jackson made a suitable reply, thanking the gathering for their 'kind gift to himself and Mrs. J'acks'on. The even'in'g was spent in. dancing. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, L. Beale and sonsof (Stratford were ,Sumd'ay visitors with his mother, Mrs. !C. ,Beale. 1'Lr. ,H. Benninger of Kitchener is on his vacation. The many friends of 'Airs. Con Eck- ert will be sorry to hear of her s'erio'us operation in''Seaforbh 'hospital. IDr. +S. Murray 'has 'leased- his farm up north and farmers are pleased to hear that Inc .will continue ,his practise here far the coming summer. 'Mrs. Alex. Da+ring returned :from tLo'ndonafter a pleasant visit. Mrs. I. ,Maloney spent Sunday with Miss Annie Maloney. Mrs. John Murray spent Sunday with Mrs. G. K. Holland. Mr. Joseph, 'Maloney has return- ed ho'm'e after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs, ;J. Ryan. Mrs. J'osep'h Dillon and fa•mily spent Sunday in our 'burg, , The regular 'monthly meeting of Hibbert ;Counlcil was ,held at Staffa on Monday, _April 110th., all mentbers .pre- sent except the 'Reeve .who was un- avoidably absent on account of ill- ness, The m'inute's of the bast regular meeting, also ,of a 'special meeting, were read, and ado'pted. !Resolutions were passed: Authorizing the :treasur- er to sum'm'arize the receipts from the monthly 'statements 'for the tfinancia4 statement; allowing a :grant of $25 to the Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan Agricultural 'Association; writing off the sum Of I$24 from 'the 193.1 collec- tor's roll 'being dog tax as 'considered in,collectible, (Roland 'Kleinfeld-t was present tthrea'tening action against .the To'w'nship for recovery of damages for exemptions at 'seizure -and sale of his Chattels in May, 1931. No -action twa's taken. !Raab expenditure orders for ($4'9.60 and 'general expense orders, 811918.0.0 were 'i'ssued. 'The meeting ad- journed until 'M'ond'ay. May '8, at ,1 p.m,—Mrs. KK'athlleen 1Feeney, 'Clerk. HILLSGREEN. Communion services were held on !Sunday afternoon in the HilI'sgreen Church with 'Rev. R. IR, Conner in charge. 'Lantern slides were givett at the home of M,r. ,and Mrs. W. Turner and were much en'j'oyed by ;those pres- ent. W.M.S. was held on. Thursday aft- ernoon at the home of ,Mrs. R. Steph- enson 'Mrs. W. Love visited her van, Rev. R. K,'Love, in Victoria IHbs'pit'al, who is recovering nicely allter an appendi- citis operabian. Mr. W. Turner has 'been 'busy un - leading fert'i'lizer at Kippen station. Mr, W. J'aero'tt .and Annie visited' with lir, and Mns. I'sa'ac J,arro!tt on,l Sunday •evening. ,S'pring fairs are n'ow the circler of the dray with the fainters in this vic- inity, WINTHROP. The euchre and dance last 'Friday rven'ing was well attended Ladies' first prime went to Mrs. Herb. Tram- nell ladies' brie hands, Miss 'Ruth -Gordon; ,titer's first prize, Mr. Harold Agar an•d men's lone 'hands prize to 'Ii=amold 'Pet'h•iak. The last euchre and glance of the �mson will be 'held in the hall this T'hu'rsday niehtuAp'ril 1,3lth. Mr,. and Mrs, Jake B'r'olotne spent Sun'd'ay with, Mr. .and Mrs. . John Beuerman of Brodhagen. CONSTANCE. Cleaners & Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT ORDDR Phone 196w. We call and deliver V. J. Gilleap'se, Prop, . 'Mrs. B. ISlndll''s class, wh'i'ch passed their ;exams on the Sunday lessons the Oast three Months, were presented with their .certificates by Rev, tGandin- er ''asst Su'p-day. Those .nnalking perfect, marks were Elia Dexter and, Kelso 'Adams. Miss 'Gauley,' teacher of Constance, is s e d ing her trotidaY, sat e' r home o+ en O. A.cnv le also the fn iE inRip y ‚ion in Toronto. Mrs. Jack Busbee, who has been visiting her parenits for the past twc weeks, return'ed' to hen home 'Chatham on Sunday last: Her broth- ers,Messes. Roy and Lorne Lawson aoconupensed her and spent a couple of -days. Mr. J. Davids'on and mother of IBirucefield visited :at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ',Rob't. Lawson an Friday last:. Mrs. Davidson and, infant son re'turned home after having spent a cou'p'le of weeks under the .parental roof, IM'r. ,Lyle Warden, Mrs. Bert Fell and Miss F •ra'yne of 'Staffervisited at the home of Mr, and, Mrs. R. 'Law son on Sunday last. • The W.MS, will hold their Easter meeting in the school room tof the ,chinch on 'T'h'ursday next. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley,'af Clinton visited 'with relatives in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jlohn 'Mann and Chil- dren of near Clinton.spent Sund'ay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ri�mo'ldlb . G Y Mr. Harold Glazier spent the week end at his parents' home in: Clinton. Mrs. Tam Pollard visited friends in 'Clinton over the week end. Mr, Harold Longman spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert tGrimoldby. STAFFA. Mr. Henry Golding of Seaforth, castled on friends on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, S. Robinson, Atwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs, G. Tuffin, +recently. ' The Women's Institute wilt meet on 'Wednesday afternoon, April +1'Pth, .Roll call, Nantes of your public school teachers. Topic, History Of ,School Sections in charge of Mrs. Bowman. The geranium' exchange will be con- tinued bhris month. ELIMVILLE IThe roma-ds are 'drying u'psince the graders have been working on 'therm. Mr. and 'M'rs. P. Whitlock of Thames Road visited at Mr. IH. 'Ford's on Slund'wy, • The .members orf the Brotherhood 'held a social evening :last 'Thursday night ,when: they entertained. +their. lady friends. A splendid program of great variety was 'given and • lunch served afterwards. ;On Monday •night Rev. Peters gave an interesting display of lantern slides in the 'church. They were wcenes'from the, life of Christ. 'Orn ,Tuesday .evening the young lad- ies of the Mission Circle were enter- tained by the Circle of Main Street Church, Exeter, at' the latter church. McKILLOP. The regular March meeting -i of the W.M.S. and ,Ladies' Aid of •Duff's Gh'urdh5 McI{il'lop, wars 'held at the home olf Mrs. Angus More with a goad attendance. 'After working for a time, the devo'tion'al part of meeting was taken by Mrs. F. McKercher. Hymn 768 was sung and all repeated the 213'rd Psahn. Mrs. Johnston led in prayer 'a iI the roll was called. Mrs, H. •Lawreh,ce gave Christian Steward- ship leaflet, [Business was then: dis- cussed. Mrs. John IHillebrecht was appointed delegate to go to Thames Road Preaibyteria'l. Hymn 386 was sung and the meeting came to a close by ajll repeating ,the Lord's prayer. A social -half hour was s,penit and a delic- 'ou's 1unch was served by the ladies. Mrs. F. M'dKercher offered her home for -the next meeting. , MANLEY. The many friends of Mr. Jloseph Johnston are sorry to learn he is un- der the d,actor's dare and hope for his speedy reco'ver'y. A pleasant even'in'g was spent last Monday at the home of -lir, and Mrs. WilliamIHtoegy when a kitchen shower was ,given to Miss Carrie .Eisler .on the eve of her wedding which is taki'n'g ,place on Wednesday to Mr. Clianeuce 'Rage/e: whro has leased the home of Mr. Norman B'euer'mann, formerly known as the houses/bead of the • late Archie Ferguson, We wish the young, 'cou'p'e a sm'oo'th journey through the', stream of life, Mrs. Thos. McKay and Mrs, W. Manley visiitedtheir mother, Mrs. Con. Eckert in Sea%orth who is con- valescing tat Stott 'Memorial Hospital after a serious operation: We wish, her a speedy recovery. in„ And, it lreeadlty must be t'hrilli'ng, for every chap that tries, IWdbh a dandy bunch of ho'rse's, for to prize. social twin ,a P I used to go ' in days:gone past, when ' II"was yo'u'ng and spry, And with a,stntmg olfhorses, .forothbse ,prizes have a try. And it's great, "By Jove," you bet it is, as you may well sntppose, ,With a smaslhing.pair of drafters, win a nifty suit •of &tithes, I used to go, you're right I did, untto that ,Big ,Spring Fair. And try for a d'and'y "Special" with an lAgriculltu'ral pair. And it's grand' to try the sweepstakes, when :out upon itis mounds,, !Wirth a big ups'tan'ding gelding, 'weighing nineteen hundred ipoun''ds, And if you do not l'a'nd it, of course you never care. Some fellow often .gets it, that has a a stylish mare. But those big shows, with emblems red, to either lose or get, Those things had pleasure once for ire, I almost feel it yet. `And theydecorate those 'horses' tas manes, spin ribbons its their tail, And with their skill to decorate, they surely never ,fail, They get them shlod with beve'l'led shoes, and dress their feet up Ifitte, And pluck and' trim their fancy kgs, till every 'hair's in lime, And When they drive their ,in hire street, they step up gay and spry, .'It is. one .grand and glorious sight, and pleasing to the eye. And don't you mind when on the square, they call the ladies trot, iWthen all the 'lady drivers round, are right there on the, spot. And hitched' unto some four wheeled rig, they make 'their horses fly, As though it 'were a case for 'them, to win that thing or die. An'd have that crowd .did c'la'p and yell "by heck," it sure was grand, When .the winner drov-e her noble steed, up past the Ju'd'ges stand I've wandered round a quite a bit, on this old earthly plane, And seen a quite a lot of things, that's built to entertain. A'n'd some sof them are mighty good, and set up queer and strange, 'They sprinkle all along the line, and cover quite a range, taut 'I'd sooner go "By Heck" I would, unto that 'Sig. Sp -ring Fair." And step ,right out along the street, and meet any neighbors there. There's Joe and Jiim, and, 'Tom and Tim, Ezekiel, 'Ed. and 'Mac, IAnd Matt and Ike, and Pat and Mike, and Finlay, Blab and Jack, There's Bill and Ben, and Lon and !Len; and. Ep'hriann, A'b'and Abe, IAnd Sim and Sam, and Dave: and (Dan, and Russel, ,Ross and Jabe. There's Linke and Les, and Wat an'd Wes, and ;Archie, Dick and, .Don :And Hugh and Hank, and Fred and• 'Frank, and Wilfrid, Lack and 'Lon. There's Antos and Andy, 'Silas. and Sandy, and Cecil, Roy and 'Verne, ;And' N'ic'k and Ned, and. Tad and 'Ted, and Norman" Jake • and, Ern, There's Adam and Alf, and Mary and Ral'p'h, Montgomery, George and Tete. IT!hey come from all the 'country round, and 'make our joy complete, And we talk . a'bou't the !Wi'nter, and the plea'su're of `titre Spring, !About the price .df ,catItle, and al -moat everything. And' ,we watch those •cla'ssy horses, when ,parading in their togs 'And we sioeatk 'nf't'he depression, and shout the jump in 'hogs, 'The 'ladies, too, are on the street, they amble to and fro, And inspect ahe latest 'fashions, :thlat the ,merchants 'Move to s'h'ow. And 'we s'u'rely had one ,glorious day. every mass and wom'a'n there, [Let's hnio'e we all shall meet wain, at "Seafo'rth's Bi:a Sorine --'"ONLOOKER" HURON ROAD WEST. Mr. 'Frank. Gllew has purchased the nndreebut r; property knn'wii a ilia Mcilaroi'rt farm, and is'having'Hv'd- rn•i'ts'talled and will iaiove to it im- mediately, EUCHRE 1 DANCE! at Winthrop Thursday APRIL '13th Good Music. Admission; iGenips 25e. La'd'ies' wilth. lunch free. TUCKERSMITH. 1MIr. Gerard Ruslh, who has. been vis- iting here for a Month, left 1ror his 'tome in the "West on' Mb:ndaty. IMis's Mae Wallace .has returnnd she has where � Stratford; m 'home from been the past three months. IA rec'epltiom was held in Kippen hall on Monday 'evening in honor of Mur. and Mrs. H'arolld-'Jlacks'on, There was a large : otldwd and 'ail reported a fine time, + 'Wedding bell sane still •dtniging in !this vi'cinti'ty, Much symp"abhy'''is extended to, the ,family Of the late ,Robert Eigie in 'th'ei'r recent said. ,bereavement. 'Mr. and Mrs. R'o'bert E•bgte, Toron- to,' and Mrs. John Chesney, .Stratford, ,were here attending the funeral of the fate Robert Elgte. ,The ;Manch meeting of the Tucker - smith. 'URF Y.1P.10. was 'held. at the ,home of Mr. C. Haugh, March lvllsit. The president called the meeting to order, followed by community singing and the opening ceremony. Roll call was answered 'by tall ,present spelling their 'names ,backward, 'The minutes were then read and adopted as cor- rect. During the business' part of the meeting. convenors ,and assistants were appointed ,for the following 'com- mittees:'Program committee, 'Qun'ch-- comrnittee, membership committee, s'aoial committee. IA club editor w s ' d• th� t appointed. St was�decnde also aro I PP the ;Club would meet the t e third' Tues - clay of each ,rnbonth. [An anticle ""Where Are IWe !Head'in'g," by Jas, G. IGibson was read by the 'p'residen't, followed by a 'short 'discussion. !A social' ,hour followed during ,Which we were favor- ed with a rdeltghtfults'o•lo by Mr. 'Berlin Whitmore. 3Tiss Munro, our lea'd'er, gave a ,htumorous reading entitled, "Cure for a Cold," but the care .prov- ed to ibe very drastic, A violin solo was 'contr'ub!ulted..,by Mr. 'Warren Whit more, accompanied on the piano by •Miss Stara 'Whitmore, Mr, A. Petrie then. gave a short talk, Twenty-three young people were enrolled as club members. 'A contest -under the direc- tion • 'of .Miss Mary MdNaughlton was enjoyed by. all alter which a d'elici'ous lunch was served. iA 'vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs.: Haugh and Wallace ,for their-h'ospita' sty alter ,which 'the • melting' si'os'e6' by all singing 'G'od 'Save the IC'fng, The next meeting swirl be held at Mr, C. Haugh's, ''Tues'day evening, April 11911, at eight o'clo'ok. The roll call' to be answered by a 'good name fora farm. 'Dr. Moir of Huron ,Srprings 'San'atorium will give an ad- dress on ,Prevention of 'Diseases. ;Ev- eryone is medially 'invited :to attend this meeting. +New Publications 'Publications of interest to farmers recently issued by the )Department in - clack ,the following: "Vegetable Gar- dening" 'a&ulleNin No, 369) ivy !T. IH. Jones IDelp:t, of 'Ohein'istry, 10.CC., and O. IJ. •Robb, Horticultural Experim- ental'Station, Vineland; 'Annual Re- port of the 'Ontario •Agricultural 'and Experimental Union 'for '19612'; -and the 02nd annual, resort of 'the :Entom'o'log- 'cal Society Of Ontario. Copies. of these interesting and valua'b'le book- lets scan 'be procured through your lo- cal agriciiltu'ral ,office or by- writing to ,the Publications IB'ranc'it, Ontario Department Of ,Argrioufture, Toronto. REtIENT- THEATRE SEAFORTH' Now Playing MAT,INIEE—'Good Friday, 3 P. M. JACK 'BUCHANAN —i'n- "Good Night Vienna" Comedy ' Cartoon Mon. -Tues. -Wed. April 1748-19 GEORGE M. COH'EN -CLAUDDTTIE CIOILBERT JEM'M'Y DUIRANTE The Phantom President This .picture was' created for Laugh Purposes Comedy News Reel Thus. -Fri. -'Sat. April 20-21-22 WARREN WILLIAMS MAAUREEN O'SULLIVAN -it1L Souls Skyscraper ,ours •