The Seaforth News, 1933-02-23, Page 2CI 0
Greatest Value a Al Times
}. from the Gardens
Far Fares: and Irmo" Freak Ptauting
1aq HCl' Trees Free
r.te- Oa tar',, Voreenitenit. Fere:trr
;1:4 1.17 p'itamei 1�¢ a 'i
z G
7.1741.4. i t,,t !:lxe nn esti^
yea:. t•= alar armor 11 the. Province. of.
- sr.7.1711! ...aL
3^a x h l'.!1!!1' :Fare''.
F1 r to ,cT e••1 . t 1 xT'
au!.$ ,.1-..•:
yr k:.. -.Jr, ...... -... L'.:..,.. UV 1.„_ ..._...
of the stock placed ton the auction:
Mock : were knocked down to one in-
dividual who &di the : Randr?r . A ane
t2aue od Fercherons. :lona: migira weLf
have brought ght over one hundred dot -
tars each were knocked down at: R;a"
eacheat cowry, some riff them splen-
did milkers, h11I went asst the one price
• $S .each. Pigs. weighing in the
eighbotho'od al ROD 'poundseach
ar s3,glatt (morn IM/ to S.YOC't each, The'
rite ta: deer v„•as H. A. Stinky. on Lan -
Hiam-Sieman..--.A pretty wadding
took place St Pete:: s Lutheran
February 1314, when Martha Ceccg
i at '1 p4a.
nvir. 11an Mr NI:iti: r3( Siel r err tF i+ �n n2� ..Y
;Sim/forth., DV RTS iTtv.�w:r` Paa4•.•e's-Word
114 i
▪ 1., ?. Hinz, son STr 'Jul.: Mrs. ±a.= 5aer re,',eived here of the p.Lssing
r -Lr c c r a• e1, T1 'Trade .,:nwrof Sur. .Darr•: C>,<rG"Lxlrailt, :ir former'
rq; ✓ 1 ▪ 'n zlr� Tat ..,;1 t Zarich, arra( 7 at )3•x11.
▪ T+ 2 ran o e ltie. SL * a: Dice:wed was Found
i._ .. ... ^:L'.._.. iia, g .__.. :euf.. hr. his 7"a:re of business,,C. a
'471:77717:1!4!7r.21:irye , shoe merchant. zu i; F Pielk life
1. fern.. the __.:twf3, arms .. :ixt .:., the .....xr1"Irg and
143.'1._ ..... 1:'"._1`... ?.. '.Fa'„ 721.1 not _N. ....
.-.`[ 4.7.7:17,71:::t1 L/716.11 r .^'.E... m .znnd:'
..... .`'�. , _. _.
:;ere tr.!, ::'Lilt. 7X3 _.
iJRSDAY, FEETt1TA,RY 23, 1933.
gave noticee of conference of road. -seam
erinnteneleuts, Sled. ¢ fan '3'Ceit_.eed,
Distract Representative wrote asiding
for the usual grant t® Canton ,Spring
Steck Show, owl a grant 3333 kteo was
simile. Mr. H. C Cas was ap pointed
:member off the amid a"'Health im
Lace of fir, T. IL Woods, resigned.
ylaw to provide car, expeedi
ire on township roads ander the
Highway Lrwlbrcavement •AM, was read '.
a third, Blume :and sassed. The schedule
off expendleam (mesa, I9M was Pre-
sented, showing an expenditure of
42727.94. The gcamt OM this. will 'he
96955. The Reeve and Oerk were'
x` at -acted to sign and subunit to theg
Deo:or'tment of, Highways, awlbkfng the
statutory grant thereon. Auditors
Sturdy and wen presented their re --
pont which was adopter(. Mr. Tared
laetriliotlh asked permission 10 cut
a ,tree an -the road adjacent to his pro-
prertyr;, trh'r4 was ,gra ntecii Ilfr. Howard
'Sturdy, collector, presented his repos
on taxes and his, time was extended to
March dela, to finish. The following ac-
ct'nanwere paid 74'17. D. Falk sta-
tionery. 1615; R,. ta. Thompson, vita(
statute-, I1a2Sg E. A. Yeo„ auditor
a rsti i Snarly. andiron /x201„
,pat;pay voucher 1 d3(. : $5911..37.,
Road foremen were requested tis, send
is then- pia I/slre:ts at the earl of the
month 'instead of tate Saturday night
before the council tweets,;. Cuumci7: then
adjourned .to meet o10: Monday. Mar.
vas ...... "7"7-' t. -:yam . .. r. +.... _ T.. ,""L'V•"w .1'.
C•te". 71_ .._ ..- '77ll1 r:...:.
h _ - ar r ar" ' a )octei
a.. , .._.. .r .
1 ae.l x. ._.xL rear r,t,.r. s'saat
ae.L .n.. Farl1 a.ld. n :r. .;
.,1 ae L> !(3116 under a :vr.
714e. rtaro11,er. 047. litrrVieri.K '7,.:1(333 1
C o•s t ty e•atc,,,.lc a . z._ 1;.1 .. rte.: Irl res. e•l-
>.t free c. ,. tl3r'' it rcJ Sin :-a-zt.:_rs•L"II>`L^-e. _L Fww_e0
1nym.. year is year. In 14;3./ only d,SS .. ..^a• /Ja._1"' \ ' a.
s . a
trees were reccrve l ri Hiroo; county 11N. os Tr ,ar ba
,.r 1.1x1 'a, e t and _,reg• , a Bing o e s.?. .ems Pe
while in. 1931.'aZ4110 trees were plant East a,+..k Collegiate. ce o
tt /14O,..." -there vias tr ruin an atpararrient. 131^7 x 1 L, :other
doniracrease. increase.the number Of tree c..ctar aa/asaa/as ars¢ fast L r a
+.caved,. trxe total being 17'23177Tru _ rr5a3 They >vere aeiwkenw1 earty•.
ahoie figures indie to the s e.ari 1y in ., .tire morning- s the 1111111 .. e.
c easrn.g latero.: iariners are taking in caped in their r_igllpt a;et^.�re..Olie: of the
establish'/ng wind breaks to protect z:ri§ :u'aa sonxewLat r*st-711 tel
their fa>"rn teal against high winds,
and to improve the general appear- Losses z3( 1932 were 57%-q4 6,- - T1 e
ai e of their farms. Many farmers are 3133 ;tnnua: ueaul 331(3 We -t \ a-
rer:n..+ns Sarts o-4 teres Farm. ,viticlAaro3il W:utua.l Eire Ln' xraw�e La
relturn there very hole, s[ any.:reven-
ae in- time way of crops ar pasture.
Do. not forcer :lw t your application
for trees mast ream, toile. Forestry
grand, b,y the en6 o: gare`h Tire amount of loss cl.alins paid in. 19'3..
trees wilt 1)e shipped express collect oras 37049416700: This amount covered
9,erlt6eme Surieg, .the, 11t.ieh sr . the eno=Fes paid For 339 barnswith, c,)a..
Far 'cartirer information an,i the ap-t', tenth.. and twelve homes beanies a
prim/don f' rebs 'f:er tree... apply to the ;,'Fauber sE uai •eel'Pane1us clailrlis. Be -
Huron County Sraoeh of tine Ontario -au;e the lass ciaitzts were ula111;u«u1,l,lr
Department.gnculture,. at Clair_ ,reavy: the policy ]holders were. urged
Ion. 'Ontario. use ;treater precautions in order to
34vi'ti 8a es.
Ft was the general opimio'n.
the p h•v tuol'ders present that the
insurance Oa : farm property should be..
reduced, when necessary i -u 'renew:in1g.
Dr. Clark Retires from Fair 'Board.
-Dr. W. F., 'Clark, who •hosbeen. strcr-
'r¢:ta-y of the ,Goderich lia'du:etnial and
:.;:gricultural S'3elety or twenty-five
rears, has. resigned ;Hudd been. made
3331. honorary president of the society..
Howard Ro•bertsoun was appointed
sacretary «tnraasiner:
%f'au.d Lrej+aseet-_LLn.. Jeri,'Djanaon, of Marc.Water'Jised.-,Djuriuu the, cold
Coderi+rh pr warier, 11 71! the. tiels'en'. ct ';31.11 :rut week the consumption of
cirop'laino 1n,.i. had his tlnu131b severe 7111:1 at iGirldierichl rose. to a peal: of
ig auersrtcll ,lhilr feedi_rt the chop 71107)01): yalllan.s Baty, a, against a tsar
pinag -3'3t11 title 3113. Tw,esdiy' 1431.. Lt is.3 al c,)nvu11nlpti•)ra o'B 5500(170 ga11i3tut
thena14ii,t ilre daaxrage was dune by at 'any. This exceeded the hottest day in
3,:11'x. thrown, back by the rrcachine: 11..1,aiy when the average was 609,0,00
satl:olls. The reason given is that
4pa4111 It t .ro�i•?Irain rLatit, son; r. Tracy 3110 a 13'der1 bent their- taps run -
Fs v:. alar('. 3I1 F: W. Cradlt oC Ga'.d'er- xtuaag to. 291011' 11391z'iu ,.
huh underwent an: operation for ap1113(3
+Ileitisin G citirircla hospital,. He Iis'::eI . 4eatinlg. System: D'a=+ged,-Dnlrimg
it1rg well since dile operation.. ,:he cold -pelt' it was discovered thint
aJn' but three of 1113 raldialtans oe the
i of 3. prepped, Dead; -Cara is ,'ti]1i I eatux _ > r stem o,f Sit. 1Pete - LLC:
so (''the. Thames Road'153nt a vain .:hluruli alt, r b,:tsriicis. 1311111 11133911 and
11313 3311393 on Fri4eLy et... last week were' resist ,. rea,,udh. h alio u a'. •,reel:
\1r Allison bad been to, the ux if with r;1 root T1 I the (kmlra 'T71e church is
a toad of chap and. 33x3 on ]oda Wray s.earrtheatt,ed: Strati -arm ' were, hoikl as
home and when alirt.Lyt to. *top at: 1)13(3• "1c5u21t.
store of; Mr.Cann one of tate animals
dropped dead irrsrll heart trouble.. Onlp, Third of Markers; S'altit--Sb
ar only {113)` rna11•Iters neve }keen :sole1
Neighbors.iRefuse try, Bid at Tau ,it.31 Gbri'tx o for iartom0Hiles., which: is
Sa% 4;:ci r efts aE y i17ace. el to is 'e,,;:s than one 'third the usual' nlunrl•11139
sbng3 famnai¢r refuse( to. txfaae any btirli5'
at an auiction sale: that ,was held for Oprietiela Tpa Cbuc:arl3. The Fwhrut-
taxes that township oar Sonday,:lty 1uet1mg1115 held
L1 1mes3117,
iu,,t. The sale consisted ort •1,311 9tocit'n Monday Ltart 1Car 101131.1 tar: for
and/ while there 31191 a fair erow;d pre-
sent there 3329 131 competitii911 and all
was held at Dungannon last 'Fri:duay..
The net risks in force at the end c'f:
093e were 51302: The IMO:ant 421.1 itrsur-
2;nce carried is $336446,b4t. Total,
Fiftieth Aaardveasary:-Mr. and Mrs
t., 0. Sturdy, a1 the seventh conces-
sion if lio11:ell1313l 11331rsb4), 013331ved
therm golden wed ling anniversary on
Eu sellay 'February 7th. 3•Lrs. Sturdy
before 'S:ar lrn3rriage was )Alan Mar-
tha Driver.. 'Lhe cere•.mony )f Eiiity
years ago was. pernarrtri"ti: by Rev.. 1111r..
Matthews. .
WHEN guestsunexpectedlycomunexpectedlyfor dinner., the. housekeeper ap-
preciates her foresight in maarl
an emergencyshelf in the pantry.. And
when one of 'those calls conn upon, the
family fManCial resources -' as come
they do in. revery' fly's history -she
thanks' her good fortune that a tidy
Seventeen Branches in Ontario'
slum'. of money is .lying ready for use.
You'll not findit difficult to build up
a substantial reserve if you deposit a
fe'•'dollars every week in any branch
of the Province of Ontario Savings
Office. Here you. will find courteous,
personal attention and a desire to help
you to achieve your objective.
EVE. % O. r 'O• ITEuola ,N ,T r , i GfiTA ICCOVERNMENT
J'dl"�i}l>>Q -FJ�SE: xa>zexa ase; BUILDINGS
. M 1rr1iiILr.calr,,, 1 az es
Mrs. . Graham 319 r1 wry
F13 .4.1.-77*:1 1'y 1'.l. 1311.) 1133113.
.311, funeral 31:34111 17:3.42. 1rOlw the
:,.9, :1W.:- 31313.111l . L-}:. x.41 Mrs.
I 11 r 1,' .1, ertl+53)11„ the Ser -
114 41: ria! ac...: 1x_3. 18"31": D E.
1• 1312 :1 u:: t T.. P:.
• ... =ECM .1 31 L :103111
▪ 111 7r. mt is.ves a lid" beside
-which opentid with the 3"116 u_ :c that The re..en,: blizzard blocked mast o€
'beautiful tra,..'.Rut1c c'@ A,gL " T.',the hack roads. The cars are now
rruicr:ste'r_ 11.;:113 (31.. -..r'p3^•21 lessan .r:m threading .1113nr way "thrsuga again.
the 41fria111 pea,lite. and after teading. 1' r ''Evan eat: services -4-ere held in the
:prayer the ;•a..tgreg•rtb:.s' 11a:1714 411✓ er Salvation Army ha0l under the direc-
11Ev (sod n ti. Rear. sr a L_ .tion offCaptain.. Barret and Rev. Silas
'srioke ,rlie high esteem in arbica the 1rac"a11-• ,�
'dirctor' was13111 Miss. E> = a ren- Thin:Ling hack. here Es an intere,.-
`d'ererl a. xpp _-nriatla _rl:x.. Vas eh:a . m comparison. ba 0922 ft cost :the
Ecol- S111ar11." Th vn1Thearms. 7131. 'farmer 507.75 to purchase a bag of
311333. Logan, R. arsa'mt . +1 Mitch-- tar: 'Today .77.75 will buy the ioi-
e11,. lir, T. T. McRae. L-. W D. S F:m:3':'T"ae same bag+of sugar, 3 pkg.
1z'- 13. r l3 It :fn*xix ceano. 313431113333233,en"i 112 SP T1. _. 11 '-'11111 S'sreaa:fed 111'1eat. 2 of Corn Flakes,
-` Aar la 3(L .a` 13133 1.. ,a ,�,,,er111 :la: tea, 2 :be. coffee. 3 cans of sal-
.. •. .c-_Tl�:l'f:- • ".:ll: tv.' '•v'hr mere from, t`
t� to 1311391'Li 3£ 1 1 1a (313.1. 1 jar olives 3 sans
;. r `:x„ 3farn; : I^at1 e-, 2 cans of corn, 1 pkg. of
H��l�srl,� as 1
.im I -
Ham:. . lits . titil n 3T:. The seen rr rniat tar t _ 123 m ul. I pl g a cake 3yur, 000 53. ,,:
-. • �. i`L' }t;Jlr: D1 1^'} ; ll: Fall _'.r 1a 2q- r :aro. ..:aSC 2 pkgs. of 1?e r
,. '1 ere lr:L.1.n..,'I,: .. .. _?. 1) bars soap. 3
7.. 7.arw.n anal': anti .3311111 .n ;1 3.:171 11:7,t .:_kali cans Cleanser. 1 ma bal.irg powder, 1
'brim' iinteaceed. with :tG cl' jar :=m. 1 box of oranges. 1 doz. le-
,. � x1.,33 '_-`.1:33'.1, a;rz3 1 !" 'La'
5;a> : i r t1er. 3131.. figs:ad is amour, . ryau'E honey, 1' pari syrup, 1
_,.- .,'txe :r - u-tcr•ta;. YF P.
m t'nr icn'dert at le el:mins ofhon macaroni. 2 31"I pumpkin, 1 bat-
1- -,9 e _ j5 lrlar' (*I .ia progreasing 11t117:7 fav 'ketchup. 3 pl:g, of corn starch,
led the ..^v. �.' it E- .3:.. .4 r 7nfl ')1�:c:. 11 .1: 1. ' 0l31'eS1'. 311 t.:l .111F 1i ` ? 7
fl e•
n r1 ii, 1 . ilea a cheese, plc'=,• oatmeal, eau_
...e_rs _.
ls, 11 =;nla1tt I1S 11 11 11x(333 Sitrale,:. removed in :1b011- a ',reek- r _.aalpiretti.
r p C r trate a B yes. e ixlr v Ltr; 111 33 933 •n .11E :atm Dr
LL3". .•'•e 1 71.217:: 1.:. L . .aad 44,13 aL111C Ltl 1l131U1, n 11 ;
rear:• a hie.d.a CZ ;W -4 n 1.tiocat itu•.^lt 1 er-
.ead b•soi.og 2celeftratio,n1,r :sill filo fir• x3'.1: w 133, '141d111 ..
Blur/NI ., : Year, ? 3 .L ) 1, 1. L•., Er 113 11 1 ,n; '71111.L.. r
with- North; FLar+3n 143 a -=',7-1:!..11.1724::67111 11 -r•, . , 7:111 !to 1 '11: .1L «".e
be held at 11russe:.. 1 3 3413:. 1ntt. 13�,1...a ..1 �..sil[t.'STbn. 111 thei
Death of urs. Gam'= Cl^�- I'trt1: Miry .renamiet '1: 1.7'.31, nine
Maria Saturday ,330"1'33' ..mac _i. .t rials: 1111 3121 1r 1r t- 1x2. 011-
1Lasy 'Stanley, wrxdla,ru J0. Ianzes Gra- age : 3L` ii1L`.1n- .13911uated`'17131 T7 -
horn slipped into the Great 3ex az ' 1111 ,' Iru11z1 .1. 111. ' 713
Mrs. Graham had been inu c w ry •.. n:;11311Sl.. c .m 1. a `7ci1-
;heali11, for a couple ,Sf 1x1 an't's hu .,.2i .-. Tt' :1.3114111 u': -tuienti! -31111. a. uu:'i1lc
s11'y been c,llnfinei to. 11,(3,1 a .week. hear •r'r " a v.,i 1. +T -1t1. '" 112.11 aln..
death being the result ,. a'ta3aa up v' 2 4.':> tl: ::_ar_ati u "n.:7111.1.77
the system. She va-as in iser c:g.ae1.
yeas:. 11rr. Graham was a daughter of t »l '71481 wl .-r r '1133 -inter
the late 'Ge'orge Stanley and ins wife. .'-1" 7.T•-` '1 r 1Lrin1lrrit , '1"+t11'L 13&1: lie I,
bl asyr Si11epher=1; aril a> 'bora on the '313,9311±
♦e-'-.-21" n Z:n111. ::ntll'tiillf. him' 111
:farm on the LLt11 cancessivtt of God ..
erieix townal3ip in. 13.33: In 113.7., she his 'orre •:arvirr lar
v2 3 ma11ttti33 to shies Gra:ll,l m: anti l'1 it:i 11 :a0.a''Gnln.-34111te:lt., inti l ow l>33"
'continual bo reside 111 the township papulas :1) MI -6'311, sr cz^. it„illi• rsalp. i,
x1312111 about thirteen years ago when .11711; ari tltr_ 1 :itlet7 rullti ll '13:(11 4711-
s1be:1an1 bei 1lnsbzelld: left the eat= and: hag his. (1113' ^lau.1" 1773. r=.:rc. "111111 u' <
came. into Clinton to reside: 'T'hey'rem.l.0 see cL 51'111' ,.tear.+1 t a: _ 313311 1t
10'014 up residers r in the cottage in hoille 3(1911 us "1211i'' Il i 1:er
Ftlbtees e:t1ee't 31334131 Na% recently ' Re retain -ed, .I.1: 111311 11 ;abr., 411111, 1
111(311234,ed by +;htr:. 21111(11 34ira R1•:1'dawav died the honorary 11 i}111331:f a tato-
and there they r¢va'aenled, uueil SLr.. 15'r13l2sels 1311113 1>.me 3311,:. •.lid' v.,1. 9r
Gradieaur`s• death Caine yews. atpo; 5i•nte one time president ::i; the :111.rl: a,1f'ir11,
that rme: Mrs,. Graham brad mode her : club for s-eweral year.} A. .reaSih31111 n
13,31x13 vvi;13: her ,iaugliter. 1713. :pea. this di'stric't all 1>1±>he.Tlrar:.uslr1. lir;
L .•Eui:oltt, where sole Tied'. D111ri,7 her :calling. here for 133114. cert;.rrlr.•1nr11cl;r.
residence i111' 'G0e1e114111 tow/1,1,11,k) \Ir itig b1'lallwellb and. whining .4131 (1 111
arn111 11±13. Gramm 1111411. oonnecterl all the patients to-5>133lache. aura .a :•
with tae ;1-J1o1m,eev'ili,e Methodist ed. ,I1e did molt re11'33 21,3331: 11 n ilk
Churc'b but on coming to 'Clinton scientific kt1rrwbe(Ig1e;limn gave 3.1,
they- identified. '911el>aseliles, with 139 331.115 43111)2(: 113111:3. to 2tteal3i an aqua:,,
Presbyterial, Church., which: was close (share of lti1113113 syx131p'a113 ands gentle
to, diem:and 011 11111 union of Willis understanding: 'l,Ir011311ing their i. -:'a.
and Wensley, eonnapregatilons, 3drs. Gra_ (besides his Most of friends and belay -
continued her connecrti,on. with .ed Wife- he: Leaves; one 3120.911>1129,,101/::1.
the' united', ec5111reealtii)1n although: far elvee,. at. 3ome 01a11: One si't'ter;. Mrs. Ad -
Sante, years, she 1talri not been. able to di'son 'T'ayr11013 of Grey township; con -
t11„. "ere .1(331 rrtg3Llrby: 4lrs . sins,, ors.. 1P'arker," (1lrs: Faster of Kin-
inn111113 :ors is 911rvived bytwin soar; 33191 !, acr11ime,, and Dm IE.. T. M1100taug'lltDns.'
ohne dauglllter, .Mrs. C31"», ''H. .175 111 .mf P31ln Tuns,, drew Yaxtt state, also. ,1(14
131511 1.7.11,0111 364made her borne and {lrivice.,'Mrs.. 12 'Sholidfee, off]'op;
Tdenay Imo:,, tend 103'tltcidl 5,,. 0-tll 04. and arse niepidets2 Milton; ',Lowe; of
Ctoderielr 110331shitr4. An elder dauglla- 4wris Fod1olwnng a. pal+vnute service a:
teb ,drauglnter;. 3111(19 Poll I>Ltwnnla', who 'I>1is Uabe. 1ax31bue- 02';30111 streek,. the foul'
is<Ld` .:Deli: es. t l2 y:elars. i1, 1114 west, b.ut 'exai, was 1>1eild Fraauc 111 e, GTwirtell 1:1'111133.113
"rule Bailee for• (31331lrtad! treamztent a3.d1 1Q31i Nomcllag aE 311310011 at twrro: 1 3113)3111.
riitb131 epseeeh was failed to capacity with'
}3grr1313iit1l> friends': 211111 arnaseitntance's.
!who come: ,from liar- and near ion Spite
( .
g1e'tlie terrible � t' + 1
t `tab je` QL7an a q a 1 4
1 aE the roads
Ifollt 1391117 the recent 53113(3 'Storni. to -
'pay their last ttil):utes bo their clirar4y
beloved Family c1io1101, 1.111., ,200r -1i
house was 121 charge of the service
siiryeat care;. died i1 is 4111in1Ua3 hospital,
eiehlteen years- ago,'Tw,11 1331Gars also
ulviroe Slits. 'James 'Key es, o1 SIarl'',
l.ttel. a•Ec1S3 who is 0x3(33 171l1214y G1ve
aa'd 30:rs. wm. C113r1 CiiL17i o 11 Morris
alt'C1 3' 1,1113 so1I4112d a grant, no au 1/11113131 •, the only smarming, men-
tion. The Department of Highways Iburs-. o - a family of elle-veno There are
!e . 'andrle great '
en; r2nrynliwltxlgen,a
no, 'we're
..ever lonesome'
For 36 cent's;
you: ¢:m1 telephone
10 1 miles.
by- martiang an "any, -
one"' catB (st.111on
to sre.bioa);after 81501.
p.m, See list ofrates
in froauofdirecto(y,.
"You mut be lonely these days,"
jpe.Hanl'ey suggested, "now that
young; Jim has'' left home."
"Why, notat ail," replied Old
Iiin‘, pointing to thetelephone
with a smile. " We talk with the
Ind. on Long Distance every
week. And it's: almost as good
as seeing him."
"iscet k expensive?"
"Why no, station -to -station night
rates make it about 25 cents."
Let Long Distance keep you in
touch with friends and relations.
It is quick, cleat, dependable .
and the cost is trifling.
°* coram'
/a irlMM lyy 11,234114pl,eta,s3ve