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The Seaforth News, 1932-09-15, Page 8
‘PAGE EIGHT. HENSALL. - Mr. Laird roynt of Toronto spent the weel: end at his home here. liars. Roy I<;eron of London visited with friends in tdwri on 'Wednesday, Mr. T. C. Joynt spent a few days 'last week in Toronto. ;The many friends of Mrs. (Rev) Young are sorry to clear she is con - tined to her home through illness. Miss Parker of Dorchester visited `last week with her n'ephew, Rev: M. 4B, Parker, Mrs. John Leiper visited last week ,with relatives in St. Caitherines. IA canvasser for the Lord's Day AI 'll nice is this week soliciting subscrip- tions tliroughout the villla'ge. IHarverst Home Tharllesgiving ser- -vices were held in. 'Carmel' Presbyter - gar and St. Paul's Anglican Ohurches loin 'Sunday last. At the Presbyterian 'IC\hurc'h Rev. W. A. Young conduct- ed the services, his smartens being, in the morn'in'g,"T+he Foolish Harvest- er," and in the evening "Harvest Thoughts" At the morning service a 'male chorus,.,, "The Lord God Omni- potent Reegnetlt," consisting a the Messrs. 0. Taylor; R. Y. McLaren, J. (Denfield, R. Thompson, J. Ben- gou•gh, J. Mus'ta'rd, C. Moir, W. A. McLaren, was given and also a duet lby Mrs. Mc'L'aren and 'Mrs. Young. !Alt the evtening'Service's a quartette Was rendered by Mrs. Young,' Mrs. McLaren' and Messrs. R. MdLaren (and W. A. McLaren and also a ladies' :quartette was given by Mrs, Young, Mrs, Paterson, !firs. McLaren and :Miss Margaret McLaren ' besides the Mme anthems. • At St, Paul's Anglican Church Rev. iCapper of Mitchell delivered very in- sparing sermons a't both services and very well rendered aatheists were gi- ven by the choir. Large congregations attended' the United Church on Sun- day last, the church being filled to the dors at each service when Gypsy Sinton Smith delivered tveo very in- teresting and inspiring addresses. His evening subject was based on his 'conversion and how he became a 'preacher. Special music was supplied' by the choir. A very large audience attended the lecture, "From Gypsy Camp to Pulpit," in the United 'Church on -Monday evening by Gypsy Simon Smith. Mr. Smith outlined his childhood when he was a rambling gypsy boy wandering in the forests of England. He later came to Amer- ica where he became a horse breaker in the States and a week after his 'conversion he mounted the steps to the pulpit where he delivered his first sermon. He composed a number of hymns of w'hich he sang several on Monday evening. A large crowd attended the ball game played on our local diamond on (Saturday afternoon between Hensall and Southampton, resulting in a score 111.1 for Southa'm'pton. (Rev. and Mrs. Young of Nairn vis- ited on Monday with Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young. ]Miss Florence Reynolds left this week for the West where she will re- tstrme her duties as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were visited by friends from Newton on Sunday. Sacrament of , the Lord's Supper will be observed in the Carmel Pres- byterian Church on Sunday next. !Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron have returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Southampton., Mr.and Mrs. Roy M'dLaren visited 'with relatives at 'Shames Road on iStin day, Mrs.' D. Paisley anal children have returned to their home :in Montreal after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Pais- ley's mother,' Mrs. E. Rennie. Mr. Ferris Cantelon of Stramberg epentt the week end with his parents. ,Mr. Harold •Scrteton of Port Dover s'pent the week end with his mother. ,I,fr. 'Wm. L. 'McLaren visited on (Monday in Seaforth. Mr. Ladd McEwen visited last week with relatives in Paisley. iMr. and Mrs. George Hunter and Mts. Hooper of Exeter were recent wisit'ors with friends and'. relativesin lawn. M. Jas. MdClyenont of Kippen vis- ited with friends intown last week. !Me: Josh Ashton of Seaforth was in 'mown on .Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Butt of Sea forth visited a day last week with 'the,former's sisters, Mrs. John Mar - sloth sloch and Mrs. John D'insdale. FMr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children of the Beach o' Pines visited an Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins. Mr. Alex. Neelb and daughter, Miss. lPlhelm'a, of Dlas'hwood; Mr. and Mrs., Wer.' Neeb and Mr. Henry N'eeb, of Zurich visited friends in town • >on Sunday. Mans. John Murdock and Mrs, Har- ry Harmon visited with friends in Klippen last week. Mr., Robert Higgins is able to.:be o,ut again after being confined to his home far the past weak with illness. Council Meeting.=Regular council meeting held on Thursday evening at: 8.130 par, in council -Chamber, all members be.iig, present, except :Ma- ckle.' bdinuttes of previous meeting read, Pettyand e j Tones, that the 'ntvt- utes be adopted as read. Carried. G. Hudson reported the ' hall woof as needing repaira;•sanae''ordered''repair- ed, Petty' reported'.tho11 tax' ar- rears as being all settled, Geiger re- ported the crack filler for pavement as'beiuig here and ready to apply, also some, sidewalks as ' needing repairs. Billsatn,'d accounts read' as follows: 'Canadian - Oil Co., road ail, $18;00; J. Passmore, hydro, $9.G6; J. A. Pater- son, postage, $1,00; N. Blatchlford, sanitary inspection, .$^13.50. -Total $41,5'6. Petty, and Jones that accounts as read be paid. Considerable discus- sion took place as regards the tran- sieut trader bylaw, also the rent o'f Lawn hall bylaw as +being too high ac- cording to present conditions. ,Spen- cer and Petty, thalt the clerk draft out bylaw's rescinding the present tran- sient traders and town hail' bylaws. Carried. Petty end J'on'es; that the Council meet again on Sept. 119 at pan. to pass bylaw's. Carried. Spencer. and Jones, that the 'Council adioanrn. Carried. -!llamas A. Paterson, Clerk. W. M. S. RALLY AM BAYFIELD. 'The - Preslbyteri'an women of 'Hur- on ,Presbytery gathered a'n' large num- leers an Friday in the attractive‘new (Knox 'Church, IBleylfiel'd, for the an- nual rally of the Haien Presbyterial, lWomen's. Missionary Society of the Presbyterian 'Church in Canada. The morning session opened with devo- tional exercises conducted by the Sea- farth Auxiliary. Mrs, Fraser of Pay - field in a 'gracious address of wel- come, said that the last time the :Presbyterial met 'in Hayffield was in 11920, The president, Miss L. M. Jeok- eel, addresised the gathering an'd da;ew attention to the fact that representa- tives were present from all parts of the IPreslbytery. In looking back she: noted that this, me'etin'g was aLways! held in September. It was an inspira- tion for the Fall work, a rally to take stock, and ' oere of personal contact and inspiration which should give renewed effort. "Bayfield church typ- ifies the indomitable spirit which will be carried back to the Auxiliaries." There is a stirring call to advance and the W M.S. has been asked to re- spond. "Are we doing our best at all times?" was the challenge Miss Jeok- tell sent out. Then she spoke of'Dor- cas and :emphasized that 'sic did great works and that there were many persons whose hearts and minds were full o'f good works but that they were taken before the works were accom- plished, "It is easier to dream than to do. Faith without works is dead. Dorcas did good works,.... and she did it, • didn't wait to do them." Mrs. T. IS. Smith of Seaforth then gave the treasurer's report, which showed that to date the funds 'were only $10 behind the repent of last year. 'The allocation for this Presby- terial is $1;705, and. $1223.70 of this amount has already been received. Then folaldwed remarks from the Presbyterial • secretaries, Mrs. Ed- wards of Hensall, H. and H. secre- tary, read' a letter from the 'Provin- cial Secretary at ISimcoe. The Mis- sion Band secretary, Mrs. Reid of ,Seaforth, reported progress in this work and displayed articles made by the children, The Literature and'' Lit- erary secretary, (Miss MoEwen of Goderich gave a report on her branch of the work. Mrs. Arnold Of Hensall, Welcome and Welfare secretary, re- ported that she had made 235 ,calls in the Presbytery Of Huron, besides many visits to hospitals, in her work. Miss McDonald of Goderich, .Supply secretary, reported that the hale con- tained !baby layettes, quilts, dolls and trinkets for Christmas, Mrs. Lawson of Auburn, Glad Tidings secretary;, stated that there were 318 subscribers to Glad \Tidings in this Pre'albytery. The Y.W. secretary, Mrs. H. IC.'Dun- lop of Goderich, reported an increase. in membership, givings and interest, and stated, that the different branches were doing various work. The roll call of the Auxiliaries was responded to by news items from the ,mission fields. Mrs. :Murdoch MdD'onatd of Goderich, mother of Miss iHazel Mc- Donald, deaconess at Peace Coupe, Northern Ontario, told of her dau- ghte'r's' work among the young 'peo- ple. 'She eop'le.'S'he has to :ask for contributions ofthread, vegetables,' etc. for 'their support. There are no ministers nor 'elders to help her. She takes services at Riverside, where she holds Sunday school and also preaches. Mrs. Smith spoke on the work o'f . Miss Lily .Mc- Arthur who formerly did port work at Montreal but who is at present a deaconess in Regina. There is no church but they meet in the day school, Mrs: McArthur of Goderich, her mother, was present and was ask- ed to stand. The report on the Gode- rich Mission Band showed the work of Mies Jennie Manson, who was for- merly at the :school home at New Liskeard, .but is.•n'o'w back in Gude- rich, and a great help' to this :Band. 1Th'e• C,G,T.IT. and W.M.S. of Auburn reported that they had ten meaalbers and carried` on the work and 'held meetings regularly. The Seaforth W. MS. presented a word pic'tur'e of a THE SEAFORTH NEWS. pioneer coa regatlon fifty miles nor- theast of Prince Aubert. Here they built a church, one farmer contribut- ing the material, another donated the site and a third, sawed the ,lags. : Innf two months they had a church worth $500 which only cost in actual cash $65, At the opining four adults and five' children were baptized and sixty - .five took Communion. Miss Douglas .of .Camstii is the name of the Seaforth branch of the Y.W. Mass Douglas was from Luclaarow and the represent- ative told of ;her work a't Tams'ttl where the people are in such dark- ness that at one o'f their services of fa'rewe'll to the -god' of ' medicine, 6 pigs were killed ;which w'o•n1d weigh about 1,000' pound's.` Mrs, Reid report- ed on the work Of the Seaforth Mis- sion Band which is :named "Dr. Go- forth of Manchuria."'Mrs. ;Ferguson of Baylfielt read a letter which Jean, Ross M;adKay, of Foomosai sent es- pecially to this meeting. Tai it she says: "'To . paraphrase !the Apostle T was 'Huron -born.' Also May- field was the most Wonderful place fiorc' a dweller in inland Brucelfield to tifsit. How we watched for the first glimpse of the lake as we drove for a picnic. Moreover, my grandfather, Duncan, was once :minister of the BA -Afield Road Church - long years since 'tarn down. It warms my heart to hear of Huron, P'reslbyterial' rally meeting in•sB'aylfieid church on Sep- temtber 9. That is just the day be- fore aur three younger children, who: are at home with us at present, also Donald and Granit Graham, 'are to turn their unwilling faces schoolward again," A picture of Donald MoKen- zie Mission Band, B'elgrave, was dis- played. 'The 106th Psalm was recited, This Band specializes in the niemor- izationof iScrip'ture. They average 107 verses on Sunday. Hensall MR, -The work of Bella Kobe was d'escriroed; Exeter 'M.13. --Mrs. Rhttdes spoke of -the Diamond Jubilee of the Presby- terian 'Church in Bor.masa. There was a children's recitation of verses of Scrip'ture and certificates were :given which were sent by Mrs. MacKay of Formosa. The work of Dr. and Mrs. Graham, formerly of Exeter, was de- scribed at the report of the Exeter 1W.M,S. d'epi'cting them on the Mis- sion Field, In IFormosa; the Hensall WIMJS. showed .the work of Dr. Mar- garet Strang, missionary to Peace River, A log church has been (built at Dixonville for which Ed'monton So- ciety gave the furnishings. This is the most northerly church in the Presby- terian communion. Hensall M. B., 'Blyth Auxiliary, Hensall" f; IW. re- sponded with true stories, written by Mass Strang, the versatile doctor who looks after` patients, conducts n'ig'ht school end supervises the .canning of fruit and vegetables at Dixon'viIle, Peace (River district; Myth Auxiliary reported on ,the 'work oaf the 'Field ;S'ecreta'ry, Mrs. McKellar, Miss La- mont and Miss Belton who are at pre- sent on furlough in the Old Land bat who will return to work in the late 'Autumn. 'Th'e Belgrave 'W.M.'S. is a new branch' in this Presbyterial and splendid f work was reported. Mrs. (Rev.) G. P. Duncan of (Stratford ex- tended the 'invitation to the the pro- vincial medting to ro-vincial'meeting'to 'be held in !Strat- ford. The report of the work of .iMfi•ss :Soutar of the Bh'id Field, India, was dealt with in the report,•ef the Sea - forth 'CJG.JIJT. A letter of sympathy, was sent 'to Ide .family of Mises S. E. Orr of Stratford, who was 1lnancial secretary for the province at the time o'f her death. Greetings from the :Huron: Presbyterial were brought by Rev. D. J. Lane Of Goderich. Follow= ing a most appetizing dinner which was served in the basement by the ladies of the church the afternoon ses- sion, com.menaced at 2 p.m. Devotion- al exercises were taken by, the Exeter ;Auxiliary. The address was given by Mrs. Chas, H. Thor'burt of Ottawa, a most forceful speaker and ardent worker, wino brought greetings from the Ontario Provincial Presbyterial and: from the Ottawa Presbyterial. She, said that she had more genuine greetings to Huron than to any other as Mrs. . Smith was the best 'Presby- terial treasurer ehe had. under her. In edtending her congratulations to Knox tOhurch, this - splendid ' little churc'h is known throughout the Do- minion of Canada, she said: "Don't forget you built it for the glory of 'God rather than to yourselves." The subject Of her a'd'dress was "Presby- terianism," and as a text she took the statement "To be a P'resby'terian and a slack follower of the Lord J•esus ,Ohrist should be a contradi'ctio:n. IIn her sp'len'did and inspiring address. she said: "Loyalty is a great quality,. the whole foundation of all qualities. Presbyterian is synonymous with Christian. 'We are richly en'dowed and :finely equipped regarding o u r cheroh's faith, founded on and agree- able to the 'Word of God." "We are 'the present day custodians, Are we worthy successors 'of those who went before?" She' then spoke of the work :elf ;the W.M.S. in connection with the General Assembly in the One Step Borward . Movement in which the 'WJMIS. have undertaken to raise $25,000 in two years. Mrs, Dunlop of Goderich has been ap- pointed the ley woman for this 'Presibyterial and she is to forward ''the contributions every three months. IJfaue11 member is asked to contribute to this fund a cent a iweek, IA quartette by Mesdames Revell,. Dunlop, Lane and Saunders of Gode- rich, wys- much appreciated; 'Mrs. I. IB, Keine read: a :most interes'ting re- port of the Summer School and Girls' camp. Mrs, Taylor, Blyth, Mrs, Ed- wards, Hensall, .and !Mrs, Redditt, Go- derich, led in prayer. Dedicatory prayer was offered 'by Miss Jeckell A question drawer conducted by Mrs. r'hotburn, was mo's't instructive and amusing. Miss M'il'liard, of Brantford, sang a solo, "Hold Thou My Hand," which *as greatly en.:oyed. Mrs. Red - diet of Goderich on behalf of the coin- atnittee presented the .following resol- utions: Be it resolved that the thanks of the- Huron Presbyterial be extend- ed` to the Session' 'Officers and ladies of Knox Church, Bayfield, for their generous ledspitalaty and also our heartiest 'congratulations on the com- pletion of 'their, beau'ti'ful edifice, A resdlution of sympathy to the Ontario Provincial in the loss sustain- ed through th'e death of their efficient 'fin'ancia'l seereltary, Miss S. E Orr. Thanks to Miss .Milliard of Brantford, soloist, and to the Goderich quartette, and organist, Mr's. 'M. Ferguson, to Mts. George Mackay, Dr. Margaret 'Sprang and Mrs. Graham. ;The clos- ing prayer was : taken by Mrs. Lane, Goderich, following which the meet- ing dispersed. The Presbytery o'f Huron ,nret, in: (Trinity Church, 'Bayfield, at 10 a:m., at which there was a good attendance, represenitaitive of elders and ministers. A report was given by Rev. I. B. Kain'e of the General Assembly which met at London. Presbytery approved of the motion •passed by the Ge'nerai :Assembly to raise money for the (Church, Extension IFwtnd and assumed responsibility for the ailoc'ation to this Presbytery: Other' matters -'fat connection with the Presbytery were d'iscus'sed and 'business transacted. DUBLIN. (Miss Marie Murray spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs.. -Leo Murray. Mr. Joseph '.Conway returned to his home in London after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Walter Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Jiohn Meagher spent ISun!day with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goy te119. . Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Maloney and fa- mily spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs., Murray. SMrs. Murphy is spending a few days• at the home of her son, Mr. Jno. Murp'by. HARLOCK. Mr. James McIIY,ougal and Mr. and Mrs. Charles MdCuitc'hison and .Miss Audrey Of Wroxeter, spent ,Sunday at the homes of Mrs. Robert Watson and Miss Estella Murphy. '. Mr. and Mrs..' John ' Wallace Of Wood's'lee,'in Essex, visited recently' at the home of the latter's brother, Ma. and Mrs. Charles Parsons, also her sister, Mr. and' Mrs, James Watt of Blyth. ^ Mr. and Mrs. -Richard Ar•mstron'g and the Misses Armstrong of near Ethel visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W..Mcevring. 'Miss Nellie Rapson of Toronto vis- i'ted'.at the home ofher brother, Mr. Isaac Rapson, and ,is at present holid- aying with her sister, Miss Eva Rap- son hi Clinton. Mr. and, Mrs. Andrew Hogarth, Mr. Joseph and Miss Bertha Hogarth vis ited'.on .Sun'da'y a't the home of the for- inenfs, brother, Mr. Wesley Hogarth, near Clilnito•n; Mrs. and Miss Bertha also calling on Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibe things. . . IMr, and Mrs. Kelland McVittie vi- sited on Sunday at the, :home of Mr. a'sfod Mrs. Leo Watt. 'Miss 'H'elen Mc'E Bing spent a few days last week at the home of her sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd in Clinton. isirs. Annie 'Elliott of Blyth visited at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. -Bert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mc(Elwing, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Shannon and Mr. anld Mrs. Geo. Mc1V'ittie were London visitors this week. The September meeting of Burns' !Ladies' Aid was held, on Wedane.sd'ay Lost at the home o'f Mrs. Norman Shreplherd, with Mrs. A. W. Mi'Ewing assisting, A sociable afternoon was spent paltclhing bl'aoks for a. quilt. Miss Lydia Re'isi read the paper which was given by Mrs. David. Reid on a p'an cake supper and was much enjoyed by a11. A d4ainaty hunch was served. iMr.. Bert Beacom has g'o't settler' down again to farina -ng atter spending the l'as't few months barbering in Bay - !field. Wellcome hack, Bert. Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson' spent :Sunday afternaan a't the home Of Mrs. !Lansing on' the 'Base Line.' The Mines • Marjorie Colston Estel- la Murphy, Bertha HHoggia'tt, Kathleen THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1932 immormaimanmeme esh Weiners +Schneider's Cooked '2 pounds , .. , . �� iHam pound �mv5,(� 1 c Psalm Olive Soap l cakes 24c 11LellOgg's Corn Flakes , 3 for 25e R,ect Path 'Sager aper cwt 499 :P, & G, Soap '10 'bars for. 34c; Certo :,per bottle , 24c (All Manitob'a Flour per cwt. ........,.,.,. 2.09 'iP•riday and Saturday Only, W. J. FINNIGAN 'Beacons, Helen MoEwing and: Eliza- beth and ' 'Louise •Mills ' attended' the junior Ginls' Instittute outing to God- erich 'list Thursday 'evening anis had an A;1, time. ZURICH. tLove_Lennie.-lGladlifoli in a'1l t'he'ir autumn colors decorated ' Siherlbo'urne• United Church at h'alf-pas't three o' clack Saturday, afternoon in Toronto for the marriage of Glwendbnyne Pearl, daughter of,. Mr. and Mrs. Al- exian:d'er Lennie to ,Rev. ,R. Keith :Love, B.A., B•,D,, of K'initore, Ont., 'son o'f Mr. and Mrs. William Hugh Love, of Zurich, Ott Two tall brass' sitandla'rds of gla'dio'li flarked,•the chart - eel steps and low brass bo'w'ls of the same flowers were arranged on the o'ommuniont table. The guest Pews were marked with white rapes and eight ,standard's Of t'he'se blooms were in the aisle, 'Rev. Dr. Richard"Rob- eats, pastor of the chvroh, officiateld, and Mr. G. D. Atkinson pre'side'd at the organ. During the signing oif the register Miss MargueriteLauda:11 ,sang "Spill as the Nigh" The bride, who was given in marriage by her 'fa'ther, 'wore a graceful gown of eggshell sat- in made on princess lines with the skirt flaring into a long train. Her veil of filmy tulle w'a's arranged in cap ef- fect caught withorange blossoms and she carried a shower of lily of the val- ley and Butterfly rases. Miss Stella Jackson and Miss Esther Clark were bridesmaids, the former wearing pow- der ;blue velvet jacquette and turban, (blue shoes and gloves arid: carrying IBriiarcliffe roses and delphiniums, and the latter in a sailer costume of Sal- mon pink chiffon with Johanuta Hill noses. Four-year-old Nancy Scott was flower gird in a Charming frock o'f shell pink georgette with big pale pink 'felt hat, white shoe's and gloves and pink socks an'd carryi'n'g a Dolly Var- don ;bouquet. " Mr. Russell Love, of (Hensall, Ont,, was best nsan and the ushers were Rev. Ray. M'cCl•eary, of the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, and Mr. Laird Joynt. Following the cene'snony a receptiotn was held at Slhenbourne 'House Club, '.whenthe bri'de's :Matther.received in a frock of olive green chiffon made with a small 'cape, large beim fet!t and velvet hat and shoulder iaouquet of Talisman roses. The groom's mother was in 'blue georgette with matching hat and ware B: iiaecliffs rases. The toast to the bride was p'ro'posed by Mr, C. H. Barnes and a nuniilber oif congratula- tory' eeligram:s were read by Mr. Mc- Cleary, alter which the .guests went to the home o'f the'blrlid•e',a patents where the many handsome gifts received by the couple were displayed. Later Mr. and Mrs. Love left- on a motor trip, the bride wearing a frock of pale 'blue silk with ma'tehing ,heat, black coat an'd black a'ccess'ories. They will make their home in Kintore. Almbavg ,the out- ofetown guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Tan Hess, Mr. aril Mr's. W. H. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Charles •Hess, all of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hess, of Oshawa; Mrs. L. VsnlDusen, Port Hope; Miss Lois Baker, Kingston; D,. and. Mrs, Robert Martin, St. Tho- mas; Mr. and, Mns. Alfred Guymer,' 'Landon; Rev, and Mrs. M. Seger, 'Grand Valley; Rev and. Mrs. N. J• Win'ods, Louisville, ,Ont.; Miss • Lula !IaDoriald, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Volney Finkle, Trenton; Mrs. Dora Kemp, 'Trenit'an;. ,M•r. and Mrs. 'G. A. McLaughlin,' Detroit; Mrs. C. Robert- son, 'Clevelanid; Mr. and ,Mrs. .Still- man 'Terrill, Wooler, Ont. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock:-SFmed W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received ins'tructions from the undersigned :proprietor .to sell by public auction alt Lot 17, Con. 4, Township of Hibbert, 2% mi'les south 01 Dublin, on :Saturday, Septem- ber 14th, 19312, the .following: (Horses -=2 Perchsron colts, rising 2 years oi'd. (Cattle. --2 Holstein cavus 5 years old, supposed to be with calf; 3 Dur- ham cows, . 4 years old, suppos- ed to be with calif; • 1 ' Dar- . ham caw, 4 years oil, with 2 good calves }y her side; 5 steers and heifers rising 2 years old, 6 spring 'cal'ves. (Hogs. -02 Yorkshire sows all due about time olf sale, 1 Yorkshire hour 2 t'e'ars (Hens-1A'bout: 100 hens. Sale to commence at 2 o'cloek•sharte Terms of Salle. -Ali sums of $10.00 and ,under, cash; over that anz'oynt 8 m'ont'hs' credit will! be :given WI laza dslhing:ap,pnioved joint notes with bona fide property owners a's security or a discount o'f 6 per cent, ,,per annum off for cash o'to credit ,amounts. No re- serve as everyth'in'g is -going 5-0 be soM asShe proprie't'or has no feed' oiwing t© his 'barn being burned. Auctioneer's decision.'final in case, oif, all disputes,; JOSEPH JORDAN, Proprietor; Fred.' W. Ahrens, Awctionieer. IN MrF14MO1RTAM In loving ,ntem'ory of our dear little baby, Jean, ,who passed away Sept. 1116th, 19130. O'er a'nd o'er qur thoughts do wander To a place not far away, !Where'they Maid our darling baby, • Just two years ago today. , - -Ever remembered by Ms. and Mrs. Wnr. Kyle and little Wilma. GIRL WANTED :Girl wanted to learn morcelling:.. (Fee $15. Give ad'd'ress and phone num- .. •ber to ,Box 127, The ,Seaforth News. 39 OPEN-AIR DANCE !Open -'air dlance at _Cromarty os Friday night, Sept. lllth. Music by MoN•ichel Orchestra. Admission: La- dies 1.5.c, gents 25c. Everybody wel- come. • PIGS FOR SALE Twenty pigs, between five and six weeks old, for sale. JIOiBIN MdQ0W- LAIN, Opposite Livings:bone's sand, IHar11e'tt. 37_ AUCTIIOIN SALE Of House and Lot in the Village of D'u'blin also Household Furniture, on: Friday, •September 16th, commencing at 2 o'clock. On the lot is a:s'ix-room. frame dwelling, barn, garage and ben house. Soft water in' house. House- hold Effects. .1 bedroom suite, 2 rocking chairs, 2 verandah chairs, 6 dining room chains, •3 'bedroom sets, 1 Whirlpool washing machine, I Nein 'Century washing machine with wringer, 1 quarter -cut oak library table, 1 round dining roam :exltensios table, 'good as new; 2 fall -leaf tables. Terris on Furniture -C'as'h. 'Terms on house and lot made known day of sale. MRS. MARY FLYNN, Prop; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 37. WANTED Woman wants washing to do at ' home, Apply at News Office. .38. MUSIC IAlnne G. Govenlotok,- Teacher of Piano, IOrgats and, Theory. Pupils pre- pared for Toronto . Conservatory oI Music Examinations. Studio N. Mains St., phone' 103. 37 FOR SALE iTwo New Odea Spreaders for sale. Thesewill be sold at B!argaih Prices. Alpply to R. S. HAYS, :Seaforeh, Ort. 37 REAL BRIAR PIPE ' With Sample Package -lid lbs. mild. or strong leaf tobacco, $2.60; 20 Iles. for $4,00; 50 tbs. for $8,00;100 lbs. for $14.00. Pure. Quesnel, 3 !lbs. for $'2.00., Agents wanted. Shipped anywhere. G. ' Dubois, 24 Henderson St., Ottawa, Ont. FARM FOR SALE In .Townshi•pa'of McKillop, the south half of lot 20, on. 12th concession . of McKillop, comprising 50 acres. Good sugar bush:an'l never: 'failing water. Apply ito Mrs. Alex. H. ,Ross, Wal- ton, RJR. 2. ' SEAFORTH MARKETS. Bran, per cwt: .......... Shorts, per cwt. , . . 'Middlings. per cwt. , $25 Batter, per lib, ... 18c 'Wlh'e'at, per bus. ........, ... 450 Eggs, per doz. '9c -13'c -19c New Oats, per bus.' • 2+2c' New Potatoes, per bag 60e Hogs, per ,cwt, , '$4::85-$5.35