The Seaforth News, 1932-07-28, Page 1tIt is good to be out on the road, and
• going one knows not where,
Going through meadow and village, ,
one knows not whither utar why;.
'Through the gray light drift of, fhe'
dust, in the keen cool rush' of the air,
at ` all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
3:1OAKES VOIR 15c (with Palmolive
of the very best and easy Ni
hands for 15 c
2 lbs. for
is guaranteed to do all that the
very hest and finest fiake,s will do,
even those at 40c lb.
LUX TOILET SOAP.- 3 for 21c
SOAP. -4 for 25c
WICH REL1S'H.-2+4 oz. bottles,
On. July 24th there cane to .the
hone of Archie Lainont, McKillop a
tame grey pigeon with a .silver band
onits leg with the following number
en it 311-136501CHU
ITthings seem to be coming Sea-
forth's way phis year, and not just
nominations, either. At St. Colum'h'an
on Tuesday night three of the .first
five prizes of the drawing were won
by Seaforth people. Miss Annie Hurt,
who is living with Mrs. T, McQuaid,
Goderich St., won the first prize, a
hope c'hes't, and two other prizes were
won by Dr. H. H. Ross and M.r. J.
Wesley'Beattie. Lt will be remember-
ed that early in the year Dr. Slproak
won a new Ford at Stratford. Sea -
Borth is doing quite well; thank, you.
North Side United Churchi—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, July 3l;st.
Union holnd'ay services. Egtiido'nel-
ville and Northside United` Churc'h'es.
(Sunday Schools at 10 a.m. at res-
pective churches. •
Rev. E. Pouter. df Varna will Icon -
duct worship at North Side United
Church at 111 a.m. and in Egmontdville
United Church at 7 `p.m.
ISO'DAISJP/ lbs, in .useful tin 30c
2 fot 25c
' IW'hite .Spirit Vinegar ....40c gal.
,As Monday, August 1st is Civic
Holiday, the Wednesday half: holiday
will not be observed next week.
At the Toronto Conservatory' of
Music examinations held recently in
Stratford, Walter McMillan was suc-
cessful in passing t'he introductory
grade piano with honors. He is a pu-
pil .of Mrs. M. R. 'Rennie,
Airs. ‘William Hanna and daughter,
Miss, Annie Hanna Of Kingsville, llr.
and •Mrs. Sam Hanna of ISealforth• vis-
i'ted :with !Mr. and (Mrs. Thos. )Bell and
Mr. Wand Mrs, Chas. 'Stephen last
Tee ,Band concert in. (Exeter Smit-
•day `evening was an attraction which
drew quite a crowd from this com-
'Mr, 'Fletcher Staples, soloist of
James Street Presbyterian iChurch,
(Toronto, :sang 'a solo in this church
last ?Sunday evening which delighted
the congregation. Mr. and Mrs.
S'taples and' daughter Joan and Mrs,
Nestle were visitors at Mr. William
Johns lash week. ,Mrs. ,Staples, whose
Maiden name wlas Miss ,Ella Spargo,
is a icousin of Mrs. Johns. Mr. Staples
was also a college chum of ,R'e'v. J. 1R.
Peters, our ,-pastor, and each was
pleased to have the opportunity of
listening lo the 'other.
Miss Ina ,Ford is spending this week
with her aunts, 'Misses Joy and Eve-
lyn Whitlock in St, ,Thomas,,
Miss .Leila McFails of ,London was
a gues'•t at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, iRoutly and 'Mr. and .Mrs. Wes
,Horne over ,,the week end.
A few •of'the young people went to
1Goderic'h•'ors Sunday evening.
Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Johns and fam-
ily attended' the Passmore picnic at
the Bend on Saturday.
'On 'Tuesday the Egmondvii'le
team defeated Clinton 2 to 0. The re-
creation ground was covered with wa-
ter and Clinton team showed good
sportsmanship in eolmling d'o'wn to
play on such a disagreeable evening.
However, it was a very good game all
the way through. Don Dale got the
first goal in the first half, scoring
from a neat pests from D'Orlean• Sills.
Ian the second :half the Egmonelaille
boys. crowded Clinton, but with their
strong defense. Egntondville scored
only on a corner kick, Don Dale get-
ting the goal. ,Ferg. Bullard 'o'f Win-
throp refereed.
Egnrondvil'le line-up: Goal, Alex.
Lillico; full back, R, MdGeoch, Art
Niokois'on; half back, Jack Doig, L.
Hiolen'e'Pl, IP. Doig; forwards, D. Sills,
J. Flannery, Don Dale, J. tblcMillan,
W. Wright; sub. J. Morris.
(Brussels football team plays here
on Saturday night at 6.30 ,wizen they
meet Egmoitdv!ille.
Brussels played et St. Celum'ban
on Monday .night and were defeated
•Egmondviile also added a viotory
by defeating Clinton 2-0 in the game
played at Egmondville on Tuesday
/The Winthrop at Egmondvill•e
game was poll+tponed on Saturday
The last -game of the first schedule
of the T•furon Football A'ssaciation is
on Tuesday next, August 2nd. The
four highest teams will draw up a
schedule for t'he play-off series.
'The remaining games of the first
series are:
St. Coiumrb'an at Winthrop on
IBrussels at 'Egmond'ville on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. D. Z. Gibson of Cale-
donia announce the engagement of
their daughter, Jessie Lorene, to Dr.
William Aubrey Crich of Toronto,
son o!f Mir. and Mrs. W. A. Crich of
Sealionth; the wedding to take place
the latter part of August.
BROOMS.—(Regular 50c for 39c
BAKER'S COCOA. -2 lbs. 25c
F1C\S.-3 Lbs. 25c
CLARKS SOUPS (any of seven
'kin+ds)- 3 for 25c
ONIONS.-1New 'Crop.—8 lbs. 25c
CH+I'CKEN • HtADiDSE. 15c per tin
jars 25c
EGGS. --Bought for cash or lc per
dozen more in trade.'
CREAM -/Bought for 'Seaforth Crea-
mery at Creamery prices.
Bought at any time.
(Sive rinks of Seaforth' bowlers at-
tended the Goderich Scotch Doubles
to'urn'ament on Wednesday. Two out
of the six prizes were won by Sea -
forth:. W., J. Duncan and Harry. Jef-
fery being runners-up . in the trophy
event and W. G. Willis and ,Dr. Be-
ohely winning the first prize in the
second event.
Our July Circular
''More 'eviden,ce: of price lead'erslhip"
We are hitting the high' prices'
Maid these days: Comeand see.
• •
B ea
Last Tihunsclay, July 21st, there
were thirteen players for golf and ten
for Ibridge''over from Baytfield. The
Seaforth ladies won their game.
On Wednesday, Judy 27th, about
twenty-lfive ladies, anal gentlemen of
the .Listowel Club were guests of the
Seaforth Club.
Today (Thursday) there will be a
competition for ladies.
Grand 'Bend at Bayfield --Grand
Bend, 14 hits, 12 runs, 2 errors; Ray-
field, 7,hits, 5 run's, 5 errors; batteries;
W. IDetjardine and B. Snaith, for
Grand [Send,an'd, Peddie and W. Stur-
geon, for Baylfield.
ISe'aforth played at 'Goderieh on
Wednesday night and a neturn game
will be played here on Friday, night.
'1St. Colum'ban at Walton on Tues-
'The joint meeting for July and„Aug-
ust of the Barbara K''irlema<n Auxiliary
was held in the 'basement of First
P•reslbyterian 'Church on Tuesday ev-
ening, supper ,beingservcd at 6.115 p.nt.
This meeting was 'to ,have taken the
foam of a picnic held on. the Pawn•
the tame of I'Iiss Laidlaw, but owing
to the rain, thee' .gathering intt at the
church which Was nicely decorated
with flowers.
'The _hfacd'onal's and Robinson
group was in charge and the openinlg
hymen' was .648. Glad tidings prayer
taken, by Miss May Dorranoe. Hymen.
461. Piano solo by Mrs. Roy Ahtder-
son.'Bissinahs's was taken up 'by the
president of the Circle. 'Tire topic ways
taken by Mrs. Miss Ro-
binsons one of our missionaries.
Mrs. Rennie and Miss Murray fav-
ored as with a duet. The dosing hymn
was the first and last verses of 'On-
ward Ohristiaei Soldiers,” and the
Lord's Prayer was, repeated in unison.
The next meeting will be held hi
Death of a Former Resident of
Stanley.—It was a severe shock to the
relatives and friend's, to learn of the
sudden death by heart failure of Mrs.
Duncan Shepherd of Galt on Thurs-
day inorning
hiers-dayinorning of last week, The deceas-
ed, formerly Miss Mary Carnie, dau-
ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Carnie, was born April 1564, and was
married in 1904 to Mr. Duncan Shep-
herd of Galt. Besides her husband she
leaves two sisters and two brothers
to .mourn their loss: Mrs. 'J. M. C.
Tough, of Bayfield; Mrs. J. A. Doug-
las, of Hyde Park, ;anti James A. and
Will Carnie of the Bronson' , Line,
Mrs. K'ampman• of Kitchener visit-
ed her brother, 117r. George 'Camp-
bell; overthe week end.
NIr.' WIn. Turner of Win'dsor was 'a
visitor last week with Mr. John 'Tur-
ner of the iBlue Water Highway and
also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. J A. Carnie received news of
the death by accident of her cousin,
Mr. John Hunter of Fairgrove, Mich.
Mr. Hunter was a former res'ide'nt of
the town line, near Blake.
Mr, and Mrs. IJ.' A. .Carnie and Mr,
and Mrs: Will Carnie were in Galt on
Saturday attending the funeral of the
late Mrs, Duncan Shepherd,
A lifelong and highly esteemed res-
ident of this vicinity, Mrs. Thomas
M'eElroy, formerly Agnes II-Iays, pass-
ed peacefully .away at ' her home on
'Tuesday, July 26th, Six weeks ago
last Friday, Mrs. McElroy was afflict-
ed with paralysis alter a number of
years of failing health. She was born
in 1855, a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. James Hayss Mcl illop..She
was`Imarried in 1579 andcontinued to
live in M'eKillop until Mr. 1'IsElroy's
death in November, 4926. F,or a year
she lived in Toronto and the 'West, re-
turning to 'Seaforth in the Spring 01
1926, residing. with her sister, ,Mrs.
John Millson, and Mr.. Millson, North
Main Street.
Mrs, McEiroy's passing is the first
break in the, Hays' family of, ten., who
were all together :for the first time in
years 1n 192'8 during the Dadd's school
reunion. 'The surviving me:nvbers are
four brothers, Robert •tC. Hays, Sr.,
barrister of Goderich; Adam Hays,
Seaforth; James Hays, .Egmond'ville;
WGlilt,am Hays, !Upton, Sask.; five Sis-
ters, Mrs. C. Garden, Toronto;, Mrs.
Wan, Ireland, Climax, Sask.;' Mrs,'
William Flowler, Le'amington; Mrs.
J. 'Millson, Seaforth,, and Mrs. Fannie
Ireland, Detroit Lakes, Minn.
A private funeral will be held on
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the residence of her sister, Mrs. Mill -
son, North ,Main Street. Interment
will take place in Maitlandlb'andc ceme-
Mr. Joseph Thornton has returned
home from: Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth after undergoing a serious
operation and is very much unproved.
He is able to be up and around.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Campbell and
Ruth o'f (Winthrop spent Sunday af-
ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reg-
ele. AIr. Regele is not as well. as his
many friends would like to see hint.
Mrs. John Crozier is not as well as.
her many 'friends would like to see.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McTaggart of
Walton visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Crozier Sunday afternoon..
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph 'Thornton were Mr. and Mrs.
George Kistner and, Mrs. Siemon,
Miss Vera ,Kistnero'f Waterloo, also
Mr. anid .Mrs. 'Chris...Leonardt of
Mrs. George Thornton is spending
a couple of weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. Herman Broddtagen of Mitchell.
Mrs. William .Mitchell •of Carling-
ford has returned home after spending
two weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Leonard Leming.
Mr. Andrew Crozier is improving
very lnicely after having his knee cap
broken and severely hurt.
.The fold'awing are visiting at the
laolme of Mr. and. Mrs, John Scotch-
mer:—Mrs. Alice Gerred and son
Marion of Blanchard, Michigan; Mrs.
Edna ,Gais!ter of Grand Rapids, Mich.;
Mr. Earl Ga'lslter and Miss Jennie
Diskenaa pi (Grant, Mich,
Mr.• and Mrs. Roy Scotdhmer, ac-
e and
Galst r
�i '.r: Eanl
cat anred " M
nP by
Miss Jennie Dieke'rna,of Grant, Mich.,
Motored to Niagara Falls last week,
andi.spenit..a few days.
.rWe`are gald to report that Miss
Nina Heard is able to be around
again,' after her recent illness.
'Wheat har'eslting is the' order of
the clay in :Stanley Tldwnshlp,
Phone 84,
Under the flyari•g white clouds, and•
the broad blue lift of the sky.
acl Co hale at the chattering brook,
to the tall green fern at the hrinllc
!Where the 'harebell grows, and the
gorse, and the foxglloves purple
and white.
you play
E ii■iu
00k 011..E
.. you'll need a fine sports
watch this summer! And
i . the ones we're now show-
ing are just as dependable
"in action" as they are
good-looking on the wrist
of a spectator.
For without sacrifice of
beauty or quality, these
smart watches are built to
withstand the jolts and
jars of hard play.
Many of them, by the
way, are in cases of pre-
cious metal by Wadsworth.
—with cool, comfortable
metal bands to match.
See them!
Fred. S. Savauge
Phone 194.
Res. 10.
Maloney -Murray. St, Colunthan
Church was the 'scene of a pretty
wedding Monday morning when. El-
izabeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
John Murray, was united in marriage
to Wilfred Maloney, son of ,lirs.
Jahn Maloney of Seaforth. The mar-
riage ceremony was performed by the
pastor, Rev. "Father Dantzer, and
Nuptial High Mass celebrated by the
bride's uncle, Rev, J. M. Eckart. The
bridesmaid was Miss Marie Murray,
sister of the bride and the groomsman
was the, groom's brother from ,De-
troit. Following the ceremony the
wedding party to the number of 7+7
guests, sat down to a sunt!ptuous wed-
ding brealdfast atthe home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Malon-
ey will reside on the ,groom's farm in
McKillop, Best wishes of a host of
friends accompany them.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hall and their
three daughters and Mrs. J. F. Mc-
Mann returned to Chicago last 'Wed-
nesday after attending the Murray -
)Maloney wedding, an Monday.
Mr: and Mrs. Michael Buckley from
Chicago are at present spending their
holidays with friend's in this vicinity.
A large number from here attended
the garden party in St. ,Coltirnbas on
Tuesday which was a grand success.
The late rain has levelled the heavy
crops of grain, although ° the wheat
ImoKillop Services. — On 'Sunday,
Jnly 311st,
the congregations of Duff's
and' Bethel churches will worslhip with'
Winthrop', congregation at 2.30 p.,m.
;Rev. E. Piou'lter of Varna will preach.;
On Sunday, August 7th, Dluff's service.
at 9.30 in ,charge of the Young People.
Winthrop .congregation will unite with
Bethel, service at 2.30 p.m, Rev. W.
P. Lane *illi' preach.
crop is mostly cut, which was 'heavy
cutting on account of the lodged con-
dition,, but the sample is good.
Mrs. Thos. McKay is still conval-
escing with her parents, 'Mr. aand'Ntrs.
C. Eckart,-'but is improving Medi -
Her son 'Clement is stillconvalescing
in the hospital and is also Making
good progress.
Mrs, Wietzman of Niagara is vuli-'
ing relatives here:
Mrs. Norris and daughter of Win-
nipeg and Mrs. (IRiev.) Metcalf of
Florida are visiting at the home o€
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie.
Master Lloyd Allen of Brantford is
holidaying with relatives here,
Miss Rogers, who has been visiting
at the manse has returned to her
Mr. Robert Hoggarth of Stratford
spent a few clays last week in this vi-
'Mr. and l\Ire. Jeff Keys and daugh•,
ter, Dorothy, and son, Charles, of
Nashville, Tenn., are renewing ac-
quaintances in the vicinity,
A raspberry supper in connection
with St, John's Church is being held':
at Mrs, Chas, Diehl's on Thursday
Mrs, Lorne Epps has returned'from
Clinton Hospital. eS
40360.110=1.00101100 -
Imagine TIds as
Your Servant
One that is spotlessly clean, sanitary, and a hundred per cent ef-
ficient. It is an electrical servant, the Air -Way Sanitary System, and it is so easy to obtain, and to keep. Let it do your hard work.
Rugs are gently combed until the indicator shows all dirt has been
removed. Those hard -to -get -at places are readily reached by strong
suction through the hollow handle.
Furnishings are cleaned by snapping attachments over the handle,
-only five seconds required for the change.
Maths are killed, and floors are cleaned, waxed, and polished With
new ease and efficiency,
Best of all—you never have to shake a dirtyba l Air -Way's
bags are highly approved by leading doctors, hospitals, and sani-
tariums, because they are not only dust -proof, but germ -proof,
The Air -'Way is a revelation in modern house-cleaning' methods.
See it on display at Box's Furniture Store, or phone 'No. 207 for a
demonstration in the convenience of your own home, under no:ob