The Seaforth News, 1932-07-07, Page 1(Or ugreat Oanadian woods yo!1 • mighty trees, roud oaks and pines, that grew for centuries , ing's gifts upon the exiles, were be- stowed, •H U f th ea or e RON COUNT"Y'S LEADING NEWSPAPER Ten thousand homes" were planted;' and each one, With axe, and. firs,' and nnufuai help, made •war Against the wildert}ess, and smote it down." WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 27. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932 Phone 84. $1 A YEAR. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Price's Reasonable' The'Oiympia Confectionery and Restaurant For Picnic or Pauly CLUB HOUSE SAIN'DIWICH 'SPREAD •consislting • of, Vege- tables, Eggs, Vinegar, Salt and Spices, regular 40c 25c {Special CHERRIES. -IE you want the large 'sweet 'ones get them this com- ing week. They are in now and their season is .short. CHEESE 1931. - Fine and mellow and not too nippy. Per lb ...20c COFFEE. -Our own blend at 50c we think is better than apy Canned to a+,y !marCoffeeket, at presentedelionver ft the Canadifresan 'W`h ground. Try it for comparison. CAPOSOL mends leaks in iron, tin, copper or aluminum, is easily used and costs only ....25c per bottle. SARDIN'ES.-+Genuine Brisling fish, 'Special . 10c CERTO, per bottle 30c KIRK'S HIAIRDiWATER CAST'I'LE SOAP. IA new one and a good one. To introduce it 2 cakes free with a of 25c arks P g 23c •Oxydol . , . . CALAY SOAP SPECIAL. Regulate• 3 for 25c. In addition for a short time we give 2 sakes P. ,& G. 'Soap and 1 paokage Ivory Soap Flakes tipti worth -10c. , NEW SEEDLESS R'AISIN'S, 15pecial ,.,: `..,....,. 2 lbs. 25c EGGS bought for cash. CREAM bought for Seaforth Cream- ery at sameprice as at factory. F. D. HUTCHISON PHONE 166 a CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church. -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. ' 'Sunday, July 10th. 110 a.m.-Sunday ,School and Bible' Classes. 11 aem.-fPub1fc Worship, Subject, 'Treasures of Darkness." 7 p.m. -Public Worship. Subject, Human Shelter!! 'SOFT BALL. 'Grand Bend 1,6; Clinton 7. IGiiand .Bend 3'0; IB!ay1jield at, ISeaforth 12; C1iietmtti'9. 'Grand Bend '116; 'Brussels 4. GOLF tin the competition for" putting and approaching, Mrs, J. C. Greig and Mrs. R.' E. McKenzie tied for low score. Mrs, MciKenzie. was winner in the play-off. The . compet'ition was held on Thursday of lase. week. On Thursday (to -day) there will be a competition for members, after which tea will be served. HULLETT. Mr, Fergus Reynolds of Detroit is; spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Pat. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Quigley and little Margaret, returned to Detroit alter visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Carbert, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Blake and fa- 1 .and ' Mr, and Mrs. miry of Cleveland a Ed, B4aike of Milwaukee spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs. Ri- chard Blake. (Holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jlas. Brown were the Misses Helen Morrison and Sadie MisGlowan, Mr. Rex.' i,2orrison and Bat Carney, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Quigley and family of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs.•Fred Elliott spent the first with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Feren Soil. . 'Miss 'Ann Shanahan of Sudbury is spending two months with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Shanahan,. Sr. !Mr, slid Mrs. L. ,Purcell, Mary and 'Torn, of 'Stratford, , 'spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Dominic' Flynn. Mrs. Mike McCauley returned to Stratford alter spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Purcell who is. quite sick at the ,Rome of • her 'daughter, Mrs. Dominic Flynn ' IMrs,'Kindree of St. Thomas is con- va7escinlg alt t'he''ho'me of her dlaugh- ter, Mrs. John Shanahan, Jr, after a very successful operation at Clinton hospital, A. large, nutnbe'r attended the &vents opening of :the new • oonantun- fty hall in Llon'desboro on' the first, THE MANA'GEM'ENT OF SEVERAL HURON COUNTY .WOOD'IJOTIS I. C. Merritt, Forester, Ontario For- estry Branch. One hundred years ago Iuroie coun- ty was covered with a heavy stand of timlber:.To-dray there are many well tilled farms with fine buildings that are a credit to the people who settled the County. Some ' df the farms have the entire acreage cleared and under cultivation. Others have a woodlot that, has 'little value as it has deterior- ated following excessive cutting and pasturing. Would it not be wiser to keep a percentage of the faint in pro- ductive woodlland to provide fuel and logs for lumber? Steep hillsides stony, gravelly, dandy and 's'wamp soils should have been left in trees, as cul- tivated crops and pasture give meagre returns from these soils. An increasing number i of farmers each year • are , protecting their woods;' fromstock and helping the natural reproduction by plantingtrees that are furnished free by the Ontario P0T- estry Brest:eh. The farm of James Oarnochan, Tudkersmith to'wns!hip, has 40 acres of woodland that 'has never been pas- tured or severely culled. Thirty cords of 14" wood has been cut off the bush annually for the past 32 years. Con- siderable logs for lumber has aieo been taken out' at different times. Sugar Maple makes up more than 60 per cent, of the stand with basswood white elm, rock elm, white ash, iron- wood, black cherry; and yellow birch. 'Scattered single trees are cut here and there, as they show signs of de- fect caused by decay and breakages. Large mature trees are taken out for logs and fuelwood. The woodlot al- ways presents an unbroken front as no largeopenings are .made. The, op- eniegs are soon filled by seedlings that start from 'the seed blown from neighboring trees. A woodlot cut in this manner gradually belcbntes unev- en aged with all sizes and ages of trees represen'•ted. It is the ideal type of woodlot for the farmer who plans to make animal cuttings for fuel wood as there will be trees reaching matur- ity each year. The farmer may cut these and they are equivalent to the annual wood growth on the woodlot. A woodlot as fully stocked as Mr. Carnochan's should grow ,II% cords of 4 ft. wood per acre per year. ST. JAMBS' AIR7.1S CLUB . PICNIC On Fridlay, July 1st, St• James' Arts Club held its second annual pic- nic at "Conodale," with a large num- ber of members in attendance. The winners in the sports events were 'as follows: Boys' Events -400 yard dash, l'st Frank Reynolds, 2nd Gars don Reynolds; shoe race, 1st Pgpatius O'Leary, 2nd Frank Reyaloids; three- legged race, 1st Lelo Hagen and Frank Reynolds, 2nd Arthur Dever- eaux and Fred• O'Leary; chariot race,. lst Mervin Lane, Gordon Reynolds and Ed Nigh; 2nd Fred O'Leary, Bill Nigh and Arthur Devereaux; wheel, barrow .race,, 1st Ed Nig!h•. and Joe Lane, 2nd Gordon Reynolds and Mer - via Lane; free style swim, 50 yards, 1st Jack Downey, 2nd Frank R ey- holds• back swim 1st Cyril Reynolds, 2nd Jack Downey and Frank Rey- nolds. ey nolds. Highest points -Fr* Rey- nolds 18 points, Gordon Reynolds and Jack Downey 11 points each. Girls events--ISIhoe race, 1st Celes- tine O'Leary, 2nd Margaret Lane; three-legged race, 1st Nellie Verbeem and,,Ca'fheitlne Lane, 2nd Rose (Mons Icor and 'Celestine O'Leary; potato race, lst Nellie. Verbeem, 2nd, Cel'es- tine O'Leary; candy race, 1st 'Marg. - are Lane, 2nd. Nellie •Veribeem; b'al-, loon contest, 'lst, Margaret Lane, 2n'd Mary O'IOonnor; .roll'i'ng pin contest, 1st Alice Daly, 2nd Margaret Fink- beiner and Mabel Nigh; needle ` and thread race, 1, Margaret Lane, ,Louis Purcell, 2nd Catherine Lane and. Gor- don Reynolds; swimming race, 1st Mary Fortune, 2nd Nellie Verbeem. 'Highest points -Nellie Verbeem 21 points; ;Margaret Lane 'and Catherine Pane, 13 points each. Each' member in the winning teams of tug off' war, sate ball and boat contest was given points. A TRAVELLER. IA former j Huron 'County boy 'who has reached the top of his ,chosen profession retttrned this 'week to visit the scenes of his 'boyhood days, This was 'Charles Pearce, self-styled king of the hoboes -not a burr hind. you, !but a hobo. There is a 'wlorid orf d'ifferentice, be says, Born in London, England, .he was adopted in this country and was raised on the 2nd concession of Hullett. As a youth he won prizes in; local clog dancing con- tests. Later at !Port ,Arthur he 'won sevvera'l valuable con'test prizes,'' He claims to have Ihoboed twelve times baok and forth (between Winnipeg and London in the last twenty years. He entertained a crowd , on Main street Tuesday evening 'with clog dancing to his own accompaniment of bones and 'ixioeit'h organ. HOG SHIPMENTS. 'For month 'ending May 31st. IBrucelfield-Total 35, select bacon 9, bacon 25, butchers 1. Hensel - Total :7416,, select bacon 249, bacon 404, :butchers > 63, heavies 7, extra heavies -, tights and feeders 10. I Walton -Total 352, select 'aeon 123, bacon 183, butchers '36, ehavies 1, tights and feeders 1. Huron 'Co, Locals --(Total 3220, sel- ect bacon 749, bacon 2089, lbutchers 300, heavies '511,' extra 'heaw•ies 4, lights and feeders 46., (Huron Co, -Total 8979, select bac- on 2333, 'bacon 5131114, butchers. 91715. heavies 85, extra heavies 6, lights and feeders 1135. ELIMVILLE. (Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns and fa- ncily of Hamilton visited for a few days 9n this vicinity.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bosttell and Rob- erta of Torlonto' visited :over the week end. at Mr..Wes, Jdhns.' Mr. A. Neil underwent an operla- tion in"`Victoria: 'h'os'pital, London, on Mondayandis id a cortical condition. Mrs. Tufford anal Miss Currie of Toronto are holidaying in the village. The funeral of bhe late Mrs. •Stagg, which was held 'from the Preslbyterian Church on Slaturdy last was very largely attended.' WINTHROP. Brussels and Winthrop will play an e dhilbitian game of footb'al'l here op Thursday evening, Jniiy 7th, for the benefit of Andy 'Croz'ier who was ser- iously injured last week while' playing football and is confined in Listowel hospital. 'We wislh him a speedy' re- covery. Everybody came to the game. Mrs. Hart and son • Jimmy of St, Marys visited Mr, acid Mrs. Joseph Dolnt'age, one day mast week. We are sorry to report tlhat Mis's Rota Campbell is confined to her bed and under the doctor's care, IL:O/L. No. 8113 are going to cele- brate the twelfth in Gaderi•cit this. year. • 'Mr. and Mrs, Dick ,Arntctronlg elf London and Miss Vera Ar'm's'trong Of Detroit spent Sunday af!ternobn with Mr. avd Mrs. Fergus Bullard. Mr. Jblhn Montgomery returned to Toronto General Hospital on Monday for further tre'a!tnlent. Colinton play football here ,Friday night, July 115th (The following is a report of S. S. No. 10, McKillop, with the per cent. of the various pupils and the class they will be in for next term: Jr. IV. - Annie Pellicle 80.5%, , Muriel Dolmage 72:1. SrI, IIIIi-Harvey Dolmage 62.5 Jr. 1'I1I Kathleen Shannon 72,:1, Betty Bullard 711',#, Ruth Pethick 682, Helen ,Blanchard .3. chard 417 n Sr., II-aRuth` Campbell 34,3. gr.' I -(Gordon Blanchard 65.4. Pr. Harold Pry'ce, good. Examinations and the year's work were taken • into .consideraltion in the promotions. a INo. on roll 13; ay. att.. 111.5. Tillie Storey, Teacher. IVDRS.. 'BLIZQABE'TH Du4VID'SON The death of an old and highly re- spected resident of town, IEIiaalbeth Davidson, widow of the. late' James Stewart, • and mother of Messrs. Charles and Harry Stewart, occurred at her home on West street after sev- eral hours' illness from 'heart trouble on Tuesday, evening, July 5. Mrs, Stewart was a daughter of the . late Alex, Davidson, 'well-known proprie- tor of the ;Commercial hotel, who cameSeaforth tion Mitchell while to she was a young girl. She was mar- ried in 1876 to Mr Stewart whose death occurred over thirty years ago. With the excerption of five years they were residents of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart lived in Seaforth. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Stewart had madea trip up town and back in goodhealth but during the ev'enin'g became- 11'1. As well as her two sons, five' sisters survive, Mrs. Blackwell,. Mrs. 'Cherry and Miss Edith David- son, the avid-soil,.-the l'at'ter on a visit in •San Francisco; Mrs Alex. Broadlfoat, Moose ' Jaw, -'Sisk„ and Mrs. E. F, Davis, Tillsonturg, Her two brothers, David and Joseph Davidson,..prede- ceased her. The funeral will take place from her late residence to the place of interment in Maitland Bank Cetnetery on Thursday aftern'o'on at 2 o'clock. The funeral will be private. CONiSTAN'CE. Mr. Jacob Yunghlut, well-known in khis district as one of the old resid- ents of the vicinity of 'Aulburn, died on Friday evening, July l'ct, aged 86 years. He enjoyed good health until a week ago, when he became afflicted with cold. The funeral which took place from the homestead east of Auburn on the Auburn -(Blyth road, on Monday afternoon was attended by a large number of friends and relatives. The remains were. laid to rest • in. Union Cemetery, Blyith. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Mortim- er of Aulburn, assisted by the minis- ter alt Zurich. Six nephews of the de- ceased acted as pallbearers: Robt. Yungblut, Londeslbloro; Eckert Yung- blut, :Tavistock; George Yungblut, Arrburin, George Wenzel, H'espeler; George Henry Yungblut, Goderich, and. Jahn Yungblut Auburn. The late \Ir: Yungblut was predeceased by Mrs, Yungblut who was Isabel Pat- terson before her marriage. lie is sur- vived by one brother, Mr. Fred Yung- blot of Lon;desboro, and five d'augh- tars and a sbn: Mrs. John Nott, Lon- de's'boro; Mrs. Win. ,Archamlboult, 13th ton, Hullett• Mrs. Geo. West- brook, Goderich, M'ns. John Vodden, Londesboro, Miss Margaret . Yung- blut a't home, and Mr. 'Hen•rp Yung- biut near the .homestead. A son, Wil- liam, died two years ago and lastyear his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Deng'(Eliz- abeth) died in Detroit: He was born near Tavistock in . S. Eastho'pe but came at an early age to. Hullett. .Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Yungblut and daughter Margaret attended the fun- eral on Monldiay of Mr. Yung:b'1'ut's uncle, the late Jacob Yungblut, at Aulburn, 'Mi's's Constance Heal and Miss El- va Wheatley of Toronto and Miss Mildred Smith of Islington, were hol- iday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley. Miss Margaret McKeown of Tor- onto spent the holiday at the home of her sister, Mrs, W. F. Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Yungblut and family of Constance attended the Yungblut family re -union at Gowans - town, north of Listowel. \'[r. and Mrs. Blake Faucett and baby of Sarnia were week end guest's with Mr. acid _Mrs. John MC'COwatr. .Little Lenore McCowan: is spend- ing a couple of week's wiith her aunt, Mrs. Rabb" Thompson of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grislier and daughter Jane of Cleveland are visit- inig, at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Earl Lawson and other. relatives. Mr. Gris!han returned home Tue'scl'ay. Mr. Lawrence Taylor of 'Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Will. McMillan and daughter Marion of London visited with, their mother, Mrs. Henry: Tay- lor and brother Harvey, on Sund'ay 'HUL'LF.TT CENTRE -- On June 30th the Bandon school held their annual picnic, on the school ground's. The weather 'being; ideal, the usual• good, crowd gathered, all tak- ing pant heartily in games, races, and softball. The ladies provided a splen- did lunch, The pupils of S,IS. No, 4 took part in the sondesboro parade, winning third prize for ;their patriotic costume and drill. 'Wedding bells are ringing on bhe 8th." 'Miss Jessie Ferguson, who. hats been .re-ecigaged as teacher for No. 4, IHttl'Uett, /has returned to her hone in 'Clifford, .Miss • Jea'ir ,MclDonald. of ,Walton is spending her holidays with her cous- in, Miss Berl Carter, The following were visitors for the week end al the home of Mr. and Alan George Carter: ,Mr. and Mrs.. iug7,,,Camp!be71l, :Brussels; M'r. Jack Kellar, Chicago; Mr. A. M, Caiti'p'hell, Toront'o, , A number Bram this locality 'attend- ed .the. Lorad,eslb'oro July 1st celebra- tion, helping to provide fun for oth- ers;', while enjoying the 'goo'd tine themselves. (Miss Irene Carter of Toronto is spending .het holiday's with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. 'Carter. CROMARTY. !Mr. and Mrs, Slanders of Logan at- tended annive'rsary services in the Presbyterian Church .on Sundls,y, and spent the day with Mr. John Mc'Canl- 1och. ,RevMr. Risers went to Toronto Raisers this week for his son Paul, Who h'as. been going to schdol in that place, (Rev. Mr. Court of London preached two very instructive sermons to large congregations in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Ro- gers oocupied Mr. Court's pulpit.' /Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G'nahait and, family visited, friends aver the •week end. Mr, Ghahlatn assisted with the music in the church on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs.: Wes Venter and fa - Indy 'o'f C'hisellhnrst spent Sunday w.i!th;Mv..and .Mrs. Ed, Allen. The Ladies' Aid met at the home Of Mr, and Mrs. W. Britton on Wed- nesday Hast when a goodly number were present. The president, Mrs, Roy Lsws'o t presided. The meeting opened with singing, and prayer by the . president. After the minutes of last meeting were read and business disposed of Mrs. Wheatley gave a very interesting reading. Mrs.' Lind- say took the ,Scripture lesson and ai '•C assigaziatiffiwismai Diamonds ivt� 4 a Graduation Gifts HIS is the season when we are looking for something suitable for the successful ,student. It is an ogcasion not to be passed without•, something. to mark the occasion. As a paragraph is always marked with a per- iod, so this paragraph in the student's life requires 'a proper recognition. White we cannot list many suggestions, here are a few from our varied stack : For Her. Wrist Watch • $10.00 up Birthstone or other ring $4.00 up The new Levellers beautifvily cased ..$5.00 up Compact $1.00 up wt. For Him. .. Wrist Watch $6.00 up !Signet; ring .•. , ; $4.50 tip Foure ain Pen t e Set $3.75 up ,Pocket Watch.00 u $•+` P Cuff Links..1.00 u $ P and hundreds of other suitable gifts too numerous to mention await your selection at this store. F red. S. Savauge " : JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Seaforth. Phone 194, Res, 10. NO— —sNtiExpert Watch Repairing gave a few thoughts that were worth bert IHlart: 10On trial, Jack 'Cronin, taking horde. After singing a hymn, Josephfi OiR • efillY)Mrs, R.B. Rogerson closed with : c junior IIIV,: prayer. Tea was served. - Wilfred MtQuafdl: 'Rev. Gardiner,' the minister who Tion. ' Pass: Louis O'Reilly, -Isabela has been app'ointed to Londesboro Roach, Mary Hart. charge, took the. services on Sunday, Senior 111L-lPatric'k !Cleary, Rosa. his text being, "What Think Ye of( Christ." Matt, 22:42.pass:jack (Roach, Conrad Holland,.r Mr. and Mrs. Lours Teblbutt and France's O'Reilly, Lenore Ruston. Miss ` Martin of Tuckersmith visited' Junior ITIS-Rallpih Murphy, '\ftid-• at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B.!red Murphy, Honours, Elizabethi Rogerson on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parsons of Roach, Hannins'. Pass: Angeline. Oarlock ,and Mr. Parsons af Iowa Ruston, Gloria Holland,Patrick O'-• were recent viicitors af the home of Sullivanni, IJoseph'Hart, Mary O'Reilly.. \ir, and Mrs. Ernest Adams• (SSnd eor eco(Mary Murray,, Mrs. Barrett and son Itussetl, of Pabriek Meico h. Toronto and chum, ,visited with ohne former's sister, Mrs. W. Clarke and Junior .Second - Dbris Ruston; Mr. 'Clarke for a few days; last week. itibnPa . ss amen 'ch Saskatoon sysi ,J Roach e r of Sas oto Mrs D G e d Part III. Mary Doyle, Loretto ing at the borate of Mrs. Colclough and son. dlb'ach, Eleanor McGrath, Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver visited Hart, James 'Cleary. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Senior Primer -Agnes O'Sullivan,. Lindsay on Sunday last. Arthur Murphy, 'Bosh O'Reilly. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Elliott of To- ron•to.were guests at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Moore and fa - and •Mrs.' Jack Ferguson . on Thurs- miry of Detroit spent the week encu day last. with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flannery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rath and 'Misses Evelyn McGrath of Buffara' daughter of Wawanosh and Mr. Roy and Mary, McGrath of Toronto spent Allen of Clinton Collegiate, visited at the holiday with their parents, :M'r- the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fer- and. Mrs. P, H. McGrath. guson on Wednesday last: Mr. and Mrs. 'Lawrence Power of Miss Mildred Britton, nurse -in- Windsor and Mrs. F. J. McQuaid and training at Ontario hospital, :London, daughters Florence and Anne ah was a recent visitor with her,parennits, Stratford, spent the week end -with: Mr. and Mrs, James McQuaid. The school teaohers have all return- ed home for their summer vacation.. Miss Anne Feeney of Chatham hos- pital, is spending a few days .at her. home. , Mr. John Fortune of Detroit is spending the summer with his uncle, Mr. Tint Lynch. Brother Baptiste of Montreal is, visiting his parents, Mr, and hirs.. Wm. ,h. Rev. FNigather Wm. Nigh has return-. ed to Houston, Texas, after visiting' relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Holland' of Windsor visited friends here over the: holiiiay. Thos, McQuaidis attending sum- mer school in Toronto. in the report of the football game played here appearing in yam fsstre of last week under the above heading;. your correspondent 'referred to the words "pdor sportsinant&h!i.p h' I3n,t1i' words were spelled correctly, but' as far as their meaning is con'cern'ed;, they have 1110 place, never.. did have,. and I hope never will 'have in the -re: port of any game played before St. Eolumlban fans, 'who have always. been noted far their sense of fair: play. There was some danaons'tratiani but this often occurs when feelings, rum high., As a close follower of sport` for years, I have seen many such.' de- eventrations and the one above' >e ferred to was the mildest in my reco - lelcti4on. As for the free advice it is generally taken at its face value. Nuf Sed. -4. J. HOLLAND. Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton: ;Miss. Mary Moore of Toronto is spending her holidays with. her m'o- ther and brother, Mrs. W. Moore. Air. Adell of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. W, ":Moore on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and Mar- garet McKeli'ar of Seaforth ` motored. to Drayton on Sunday and visited their aunt, Mrs. McNabb, Mr, Elliott Andrew of Toronto spent a few days with his sister, Mrs.. B. B. Stephenson and Mr. 'Stephen- son. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gardiner orf Lo'ndon ,weoe guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, B. B. Stephenson on Friday last. Mr, and Mrs. W. Britton had tea at the h'o'me of Mr. W. B'roadlfoot of Walton Sunday last. Miss Rena .Carter of Toronto is spending her vacation at the home of her parents] Mr. and Mrs. W. Car-. ter, Mrs. Gawley and dangih'ters Ethel and Ada of. Ripley had dinner at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, W. "Britton Friday. Miss Ethel Gawley is hired as teacher of Constance 'school for the ensuing year. ST. COLUMBAN. (Standing of pupils lin '5;S.'S. No. 3, Hibbert, for September, 1.962. 'Names are • in'order of merit. Senior laaaci, Hon- ours. Pass: Margaret Murphy, A1 - Your Friends All Comiag-Why Don't .You ? -. RAST e'aforthIT Races ,WednesdaY, July 13th '1932 ALL THE CHA'MIPIiON HORSES -3 Classes Pacers -12 Heats. 1 Farmers' Run -2 in 3 SPEED -THRILLS -MUSIC 2 o'clock. Stannard Tinge AdMiss i•on 56c 'Gra'nd Stand -25c ) Antos -25:c Manr.•tgemenit•--,Har'n'ess •H'.arse Aaiaoistion.'df'Canada'