The Seaforth News, 1932-05-19, Page 971, THURSPAIY 1, MAY.'19, 1932 • .1 e els the B ' fog less QUALITY GOES SKYROCKETING AS PRICES TUMBLE. W arefail to, wewill expecting you to call; if you w 1 both; be disappointed May 21st and May 23rd. MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON %'s.. , 15 7 FOR r $1 ■00 MCLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS each sc Ass't Flavors., 21 PKGS...... , $1 ■00 Premium Tea, Black or Mixed 54c with Free Cups and Saucers, Plates,Teapots, Vases, . Creams & Sugars- Two pounds for $1.00 ' Coffee and Tea, Special Blend .. 11 39c 3 tbs. for $1.00 Aylmer Soups 2 tins 19c All flavors except chicken 11 tins for $1.00 Canned Peas, No. 3's large tins 3 for 25c 13 tins for $1.00 Canned Tomatoes, squats 2 tins 15c 14 tins for / $1.00 Sliced Pineapple, imported 2 tins 25c 9 tins for $1.00 New Cheese, fine quality .,.. ib 14c • 8 pounds ...$1.00 Finest Rolled Oatmeal - 7 lb 25c ' 30 pounds $1.00 Salmon', pink Ige. tins 9 tins GROUP No. 14. -Reg. Val. $1.35. 1 pkg. Ammonia, 1 Super Suds, 1 Cleanser, 1 tb 'Ma- caroni 2 tbs. Beans, 1 tin Salmon lge., 1 Peas, 1 Pump= kin, 1 Tomatoes, 1 Sardines, 1 lge Pork & Beans, 1 doz. Clothes Pins, 1 pkg. Bluing, 1 tin Superior {L' 1.00 Baking Powder. 14 ARTICLES FOR w GROUP No. 10. -Reg. Value $1.30 1 11 tin Floor Wax, 1 bottle Lemon Oil, 1 tin Corn, 1 tin Tomato Juice, 1 box Salt, 1 16 -oz. Jar L. & Orange Mar- malade, 1 box Noodles, 1 tin Plums, 1 tb Prunes 1.00 • 1 lb Figs 10 ARTICLES FOR P. & G. or Pearl Soap 7 cakes 25c 29 cakes 1.00 Toilet Tissue 7 rolls 25c 29 Rolls 1.00 Aylmer Catsup 13 oz. 2 for 25c 9 bottles $1.00 Fancy Chocolates in 5 ib boxes Regular $1.25 now $1.00 Heinz Catsup, large size bottle • 22c 5 bottles $1.00: Pastry Flour, Drummer -Brand 24s 55c ' 2-24's for 100 Hosie Made Fudge pound 19c Turkish Delight .pound 19c FREE Samples while They Last. FREE Eastman Cameras, all colors, with purchase of 6 films. 48 exposures. FREE Strainer with 1 pound Crisco at 25c. We want your Eggs. Highest cash prices paid. 2 tins 25c $1.00 Ross J. Sproat Miss .N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 i Buy Seaforth Butter A Service. that creates Confidence • add a Dependable Reputation 18 YEARS Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will. try to please • you by our services and highest market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, 'Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment WA r KER, holder of. Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Vight or day phone 67. ,Want and Far Sale Ads, 1 VARNA. Mr. Wm. Beatty of Mount Brydges 'spent Sund'ay and Monday in this vic- inity. Mr. J. E. Harngcell of Goderich was renewing acquaintances in and around our village, ' ,Misses Gladys, and ;Emily Beatty of (London spent Sunday at -their home here, Mr. Wm. Lamont of Zurich, vsited' in our village last week. ' Mrs, E. and A. East of Clinton spent Tuesday with their gather, Mr. ,P11 ince 25c. grim. AwY.Y•.A'W^�"'NNutsvnW!r,�,,r, THE SEAFQRTH. NEWS, TOWN ,TQPIC$ Mr. and 'Mrs, Thos: Oliver ;of`"Sta da attended the graduating exereis at McMaster !University, Hlamilto Gill May lP6fh. A' large wooden "ferkis wheel" e ected: at the rear of G>•il:lespie's Clea ing plant onT Main street has occasio ed inu(dlt interest. Though it'much re sdmbld ' s the,„ old-time time treadmill, squirrel wheel, it ill be welcomed li all husbands and other official carpe and rug beaters, This large revolvin cylinder is for cleaning rugs that a [placed, inside it. Misses Ria Hulls • and Marjori [Bickel! of Toronto spent the iwee end at their holies here. Rev. James 1M1eDlroy is moving hi family from Stratford to< his hone i town,. Mr. Thos, Stephens Sr. it able to b out again after his serious illness. Mrs. Robt. J. Holmes "of town- spent the week end in Baylfield with ' Mr. Leitch and family. Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Holmes au'd. son Kenneth of Leadbury slpetnt Sunday with Mr. Dlavid Leitch and sister in Egmondville, 'Miss Mona Hughes and friend' of Deaitborn, Mich., spent a fe[w, days with Miss 'Hughes' mother a'nd bro- ther in town. Miss Ethel Ross, from: near Clinton, was visiting her cousin, Mis's Jean Turner, George Street Mr. and Mrs. Fred Faulkner and children, Fred Yr. and Gloria Mae, of Detroit, are guests,at the 'home of the forener's mother and sisters. Mr, and Mrs. Bickerton of Wood- stock, have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mils. Wes. Nott, Huron Road recently. •Mrs. Hugh Wright was at Belmont on .Saturday a'ttend'ing the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. Edward Silver. Mss. Geo. Weir will arrive home on 'Thursday from Anderson; S. C., 'wlhere she spent the w^intei with her daughter, Mrs. Latimer, and Dr. Lati- mer. [Mrs,`Wm. McMichael returned on !Saturday after spending several weeks' visit in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna and Mrs. !Annie Reid were in Clinton attending the funeral of a relative on Wed'nes- d-a . Mr, and Mrs.' Coa'ts. Sr., Mr..and Mrs. A. Coats and two daughters and Miss Helen4Amtent of London, Mr. A. R. G. Ament,of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Warren. A'ment and Frances, of Detroit, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Amient over the week -end, Mrs, Warren Annul: re- mained. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Stark of Wel- 1'aud,spent several days in towns. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Woodruff of St. Davids were week -end guests of Miss Margaret McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preston of Ha- iii'ilton, former Se'a.fortIh residents, spent the week -end at the •home of Mrs. F. Faulkner, George street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Broad'Eoot left on 'Tuesday morning .for their home in Moose Jaw and their daughter, Mrs. S'hoe,craFt to>Ne'w York. Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan left on Satur- day morning for her Ironte in Grand Forks, N. Dakota, after visiting her f- es iii' r.= Cleat y g re Week 0 e mother, Mrs. McQuaid, 1Goderich sit, Mrs. (Dr) McArter and son John of Guelph, are visiting Miss Broad - foot this week. Many friends of Mr. Janes Scott, Thornton Hall, regret to learn /that it was found necessary for hint to return to Clinton hospital on Monday as the broken leg was not making progress ex'p'ected. Miss Pearl Grainger and \fisc Pat- terson were in Toronto on Saturday. :A new cement tile drain was laid this week under the direction of the streets ,committee along Helen street, between Jlahnes and Go'derioh streets. Wilson MacDonald, Canadian poet, addressed the pupils at the Collegiate on Tu'esd'ay. • EGMONDVILLE. The Egmondville Y. P. 3S, will hold their. anniversary on'S;unday and Mon- day, !May 22 and 23. On Sunday, Rev. James Anthony, M.A. of T'hame's Road, will bring the message at,111 a.m. and, 7 p.tn. r 'Monday, daY, baY73 at 8 P . Pro- fessor A. Sp,enceley, M:A. of Wes- tern University, London, will give an illustrated lecture "Robinson, C•usoe, a great Anglo -Seton Book" The ad- mission 25c and 1.Oc. ' HOG SHAPMENtTS 'For month ending April 3d', 1932: IHensal-Total hogs 868, select ba- con 1187, bacon 301, butchers 63, hea- vies 2, 'lights and feeders 111. Walton -Total hogs 4114, select !ba- con 1'36, bacon '2,14, butchers 39, hea- vies 1, lights and feeders 1 (Huron Co. locals --Total hogs 22161, select bacon 601, bacon 1354, btntchers 212, heavies 412, extra heavies 2, ligiits and feeders 38. Huron County -Total' hogs 7064, select bacon 2035, bacon 4008, butch - [ere 744, heavies 71, extra heavies ' 3, lights and feeders 132. li DRDICATED;TO BETTER VISION THE SAVAUGE:;EYESIGHT SERVICE Seaforth. THE, FUNiCTi'QIN OF SEE - he more it ist h studied the more it is recognized as' !having an important rela- tion to health and efficiency. I'm'perfect eyes' and perfect efficiency art an: impossible combination, But fortunate- ly the seeing of imperfect eyes can usually be greatly improved. Probably YOU are among those wlho -might be benefited ted by .aux service_ Continued next week-, FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The Huron Football Association n aikes its bow to soccer fans orm Wed- nesday, May 26,, with Winthrop play- ing at Brussels in the .opening game. A win counts two points. The three ,highest team's at ,the conclusion of the league sohedule will play off for the possession olf. the Sltep'hen•son. Tcophy, Itfay 25-lWituthrop at Brussels. May 27-rClinton'at St, ,Columlban, May 31-{Egmondville at Walton. June, 2 -Exeter at Clinton. June 3 -Walton at Winthrop. June 4-4Sit. Colunoban at Egmondville June 7 -Clinton at .Exeter June S--[Egmondville at Brussels. June 10 --(Winthrop at St. Columlbatu June 113 -Brussels at.Cilin'tott June .14-IEgm'ondville at Winthrop. June l06-1Cliniton at Walton: June 117 -[Exeter at St. Coi'um:ban. June ?0-Egmondville 'at Exeter. June 21 -St. 'Coluxn'ban' at Clinton, June 22 --!Walton at IBriissels .. June 13--,Exelter at Winthrop. Jame 25-1Brussels at Walton, (June 2T -Winthrop at Clinton. June 28-Egmondville at St. ,Colum - ban. June 28 -[B'ru'ssels at Exeter June 30 -Winthrop at Walton, July 4 -,Clinton at Brussels, (July 5 -Exeter at Egmondville. (July 6 -!Walton at, St. Columbian, July 7-IEgnuondville at Clinton. July 7 --Winthrop at Exeter. July 11=Sit, Col'umlhan at Brussels. July 114' Walton at Egmondville, July 16 -Clinton at Winthrop. July 18 -St. Coluangtan at ,Exeter. July 118• -,Walton at Clinton. July l9-1B'russels at Winthrop. Jmly 22 -Exeter at Brussels. July 23 -Winthrop at Egmontivi'lle. lTuly 25 -Brussels at St. Colu'mlh'an. July 25 -Walton a't Exeter. July 26 -Clinton at Egmondville. July 28 -St. Coluntlba'n: at Winthrop. July 29 -!Exeter at Walton. July 30 ---Brussels at Egmondville. 'Aug. 2 -St. Oolaanba'n et'4iralton EX'CURS'I'QNS. .Several took advantage of the ex- cursion to Toronto on Saturday. last. Twenty-five tickets were sold, at the ISeaforth station. Excursions will be run to Montreal on May 27'th and to Detroit on the 28th. STANLEY. •Mr. and Mrs. Art T. Keyes and son ,Arnold visited .last [Friday and ,'Sat- urd'ay with 'Mr, Oscar Wright and (family of ;Kenniljworth. Mrs. D. J. 'Stephenson and son El- more and Miss S. Jlohnslon spent a Few days last 'week with 'friends' 'in Michigan. 'Mr. Wilson 'Cantlplbell and sister of ISealforth and Miss May Campbell land friends .of 'M[dKilio[p spent Sunday at the 'h'ome of (Mrs. 'Jean '1M'cKinley. Mrs: Rudy Desch and Susie and Willie 'Desch of Blake visited :with Mr. ISanm Desch and ,,family last 'Sim - day. @ [Rev, .Win, O. Robinson who has s[pent the past year with his mother at 'the old 'home in Stanley, 'has re- ceived and accepted a call to 'become the pastor of the United Church at. Pilot Mound, Manitoba. AutoIosuraoco Let us protect you anywhere ,"in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It -'s worth' your while to see us' before placing your insurance and at the new : lots non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances, All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid.' Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 D.Sutherland t'rENERAL INSURANCE. - REAL ' ANCIESTATNGETC.E, CONVEY- , Office over Keating's Drug Store t HILLS'GREEN.. The service in the Church was 'with- drawn here on [Sunday owing to the Y. P. Anniversary at the !Krippeti 'Church. Quite a large crowd attend- ed the "service tram Hillsgreen "Church,- T'he ' W. ,M. S. will hold their May meeting at the home olf 'Mrs. '([Rev.) ;Conner on Wednesday afternoon of this (week; [The IHdllsgreen X P. A niversary,, will be held on Sunday, June 12th at 111 am. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. W. J. Pat- ton, IBA., of Ben,miller, will be the special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. 411, !Rice visited at the home [cif Mrs. Troyer enroute to their summer home at [Forest Nook. 'Miss ,Blanc 1 he Mustard 1 ustar d ofhe t Lon- don t don Road IN.,visited with her cousin, ...Miss (Mary [Forrest, recently. Misses Annie and (Agnes Cochrane of 'Clinton visited 'with their sisters; Mrs. ; iH. (Fuss and Mrs. J. G. 'For- rest for a few days recently. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas 'Daymond of Kligpen visited with Mrs. 'Troyerc on Saturday atternaon, ' - Mr. Ed. 'Chamberlain of 'Seaforth was a recent visitor at the home of. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Love, • The IS.S.''No. '3, 'Hay, •lw.as .closed fora ;Week owing to the epidemic of neasles, miss' ,Annie J'arrott wishes to thank all 'those [who were so kind and ,houghtful to her while she was in the Hospital and after she carie home. .Mrs. R. Love has beenattending her sister-in-law, Mrs. I's'aac Jarrott at 'Kippen, ,who has 'been very sick. ''Mr. W. Jarrott attended a commit- ee meettinlg in 1Clinton United Church as,t week. [Muss Dolly Hagan was in Lbndon ecently. CONISTANCE. lOn '[Sunday, May '1'51th the death ook plaice in..Seaforth Hospital of Mr. 'George Riley of Constance in his '68th year. Mr. [Riley had been in poor c'ealth .for over a year but it 'was only a week before he died that he was compelled to go to the hospital in Seaforth• where he underwent. an op- eration last week, .Mr, Riley ;had been a life long resident of this vicinity and will be sadly missed. Besides his widow, formerly Margaret Freeman Of 'Hullett, there survive five sons and three daughters, Joseph and 'Frank of Constance, Tom o'f Clinton, Charles of London, George of [Guelph, Mrs. Chas. Hoggarth of Millen, .Mrs. Fred Stephenson of Brussels and Mrs. IJames.,MdFariane of Goderich To'wn- s'hmp; also one brother, Mr. Benj. Ril- ey of 'Constance. There are also eight grandchildren. Mr. Riley, who was a native of Tuckersmit'h, [had lived at Constance a great many years, and had lived in .McKillop a. short time af- ter his marriage about 44 years ago. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to ;Clinton cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs.. George Wheatley, Beni. 'Snell, Howard Arm- strong, 'Wm. [Britton, .Roht. Beattie and 'Wim. Clark. Rev. -Mr. Johnson o'f Londeslboro conducted the service. • Mr. Clarence Clark of Listowel vis- ited his mother on Wednesday of last week. The Constance United Church are holding their annual S. S. anniversary on May 29th. Rev. C, Ouanings of Walton will prac'h afternoon and ev- ening. Miss 'Viola Morrison' 'spent the week end with her cousin; Mrs. Weiland, of Toronto. Mr. Charles Riley of London was •home for a few days to attend his father's funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Leo .Step'hensoit spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan o(f Blyth. 'The .Women's Association 0 cf Con- stance oiati n 0 stance United Church are 'holding a cooking sale on 'Saturday, May 2811, in the Toggery [Shop,' Seaforbh. Doors will open ata o'clo'ck,'There will also be three quilts for sale. The choir will be assisted by the YIP. o'f 'Londesiboro, also the Misses Little and (Lyon will sing a duet ac- companied by their guitars, both af- ternoon and evening. Services after- noon 2.30; evening 7.30. We expect a real treat. Everybody welcoin-e. DUBLIN [Miss Veronica McConnell spent the week end with friends in Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kram-ers and family have moved to Dublin to re- side. Mrs. M. Benninger spent Sunday in London with her daughter. Mr. Jack McGrath shipped a fuse carload of horses to Quebec on Sat urda'y. • Mr. Wilfred Krauskopf spen't Sun- day is London. Mrs. William' Kraus'kopf ,of London visited her (mother, Mrs, Bricklin, on Sunday. Death of G. K. Holland, - ±Art old and highly reslpected resident of this' district ,passed away .about 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon May 18th in the person of Mr. G. K. Holland at his 'residence in Dublin after an 'illness of two dionithst The late Mr. Firoliand was widely known this en-'; Upstairs. Clothes Shop Custom and Made - to -Measure Clothes Alterations and Repairs ' on Ladies' and Gents.' Clothes Langley's 'Agency ANCE TO TONY FARR AND HIS [SEVEN ,PIECE BAND TN THE OPERA HOUSE D[JBLIN FRIDAY EVENING May2o 'Ticicets 7:5 cts. per couple. Extra 'Lady, 26 cis. !'tire district, having successfully con- ducted the Beechwood stare fo r 25 years, and was for some years a mem- ber o'f the MdEIllo'n township couii- oil and for about fifteen years treai- rarer of that township, which post he 'held until he retired to• Dublin about eight years ago. The late Mr. H'ol- •lrand was born in Wa'terl'oo County and came to ,MdKillop sixty-eight years ago. He was married fifty years ago last October to Miss Barbara Eckert of McKillop, who survives, to- gether with a family of five sons and rive daughters: John J. Holland, Mrs. J'aines Carlin, St. Columban; Leo, Tlhomas and Gerald Holland, of !Windsor; Sister Stephena, Windsor; Sister Pav'lla of Petenboro; Mrs. John Fllynu and Geo. E. Holland of Dublin, and Mrs. James Dorsey of Duluth. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Mat- thew Murray of Sloan, Iowa. The fun- eral arrangements have not been com- pleted at time of writing-. 'The following is the May report of Dublin Continuation S'c'hool. Per- centages are given. 'Subjects in which student fails are .in brackets after the name. IFortn• It1. Harry McIver 76; Elizabeth Carlin 75. Don Benninger 7034 Bridget Delaney 68%. Veronica Molyneaux 66, Vincent Eckert 621%, Eileen Eckert 37, Jack Molyneaux 65 (Canadian History), Nellie Doyle 59 (Literature), John 3IdIver 57 (Geom- etry), Frank (Ryan 5I (Composition), 1Genevieve McCarthy 60 (Composi- tion, Literature), Gordon Dill 58 (Fr. .Authors, Fr. Grammar). Irene Don- nelly 5-7 (Composition. Can, History), John O'Reilly 511 '(Composition, Fr. Aut'hors), Frank Krauslcopf 51 (Lit- erature, Geometry), John Holland 49 (Algebra, Geometry), Dan McCarthy 48 (Can. History, Latin Authors), Frank Doyle 54% (Comp., Literature, Chemistry), John McQuaid 53 (Com. - ,position,, Literature, ' Can. History), Ursula i{rauslcop'f 52 (Literature. Can, 'History, Latin A:uthors), Agnes Coyne '52 [(Comp., (Chemistry, Latin !Grammar), Rose Melady 49 (Litema Lute, Can. History, Chemistry), D'or- othy, Brennan 49 (Comp., Literature, IFr. Authors), Monica Roache 48 '(Comp., Geo'ntetry, Latin Gram.), Leata Ryan 47 (Can. History. Geom- etry, Chemistry), Clare Gormley 42 (Comp.. Chemistry, Fr. Authors). 'Form III.JFrancis Delaney S'2, Ell- wyn Morris 714., Margaret O'Connell 70 (Arithmetic), Agnes O'Connor 68 ((Arithmetic), Dorothy Stacey 05, Rita Stapleton 64, Arthur Lo'aby 61, Matilda IDorresteyn 58 ((Algebra), 1Bertha ;Britton '55, Cecelia Feeney 52 (Algebra, Arithmetic). 'Form L-i4'ary Ecl.art 80, John IKrauskopf 76 (Algebra), Dorothy 'Donnelly' 73, Dorothy Riley 73, Mary Walsh 65 (Algebra), Charlie ,Bene 64 (Algebra) Norman O'Connor 60, Marjorie Byers 60 (Algebra, Latin), :Margaret Atkins -on 5'1'% (Algebra, L'a'tin), Lloyd MoCarthy 54 (Gram- mar, Algebra). Michael 'Wa's'h 51% (Algebra, History, Latus, French), Marie Feeney 46 (Algebra, History, B'otany, Latin), Clarence O'Reilly 40, (Literature, Algebra, History, Laitin, ,F'renc'h), Jatnes Ecl.a'rt 313, (Litera- ture. Algebra, Composition, Gram- mar, History, Fmench), 1.orses-eows With the idea of giving employ- ment, we have decided to, continue handling thes e animals.a1s 'Phonee us promptly when you 'watts an animal removed. WILLLAM' STSON.'ONS,'United INGERSOO'LL - i TRIATFrORD