The Seaforth News, 1932-05-12, Page 6•
'""11 41, tt,• .fig `9
•'9ih �t�*+I�ik�'i� ... �.-fid
John Uri Lloyd
t't t e,Ve r y „?,
THURSDAY, MAY ' 52,'!1932.
bench place
name wad being recordedted and 'l•
vet. CHAPTER. XLIII tt-otibia •wias in the air, we Sought our PROFESSIONAL CARDS
Selected. Every morning J
the negro brougt his very e oto the The Ohallenge of Red -Mead peaces Thera salt the teacher; sneer
door 'every evening whG,Y school 'W'as him the empty revolver' lay. oft •the
door,'eve he stood Mcieoory is not less vivid their is table, and before Midi 'atoo4 Hlte, tai- Medical
lpatiently waiting sight.' 1 sap seethat uncouth boy now ti,ve sc.ltild awaiting the outcome• of
outside.,;:A lints, shit iki g bit of a as p1a gly as I saw h•utr then Sitting the .crime he `had eotii!untted; ie3 ithus
g. wad n he, str!anrely dressed, neat' on the line fence'rpR. !T. P!
that Separated `our 1?'relcntig ,Lha strictest rule f: oix' al- IUIGIT3 I{IOSIS, Pih smIei-
girl: starched P v Y
and ,prem 1 recall her sc'h;oo1, front the neighbor on the south loge school, and Surgeon. Lace of London • Har
timid look as she stood that morning his favorite plhce wins ,a c.on•s:picuous L'Ihen slpo]cr Professor Drake;' ad- [ita], London, England. Special,
bclore 'Professor Dtal.ethe shay loci t, post, that near the pike line dressing the' cnlpt;+t;••"Ili is against ,attention to' diseases,_6f @he eye, ear, ',
glaance,she shot albeit the room, ills gave a good view both hose abehji Boat, Office. and:mete
s+hriukiog drooping eye that fell to the! street. Elie employment ho o.yo down the rales of this salmi' 'to carry, con-,
t consisted sealed weapons. Some' years a odeuce behind poaniion Bean -k. Office
the door as site stet the gaze of those in ,watehinlg this road, ;wlhnttliiug a boy Was 'killed by his' cla'ssnlate ,iii.
'phone No:, 5; Residence Phone, 104,
about, for all eyes were fixed upon
!her—a new s dtolar, sticld and sharpening his great ,h!orn- this>yery vend, and since that no. pis- R.'Ir.' Ta EUERQIW15,' Seaforth
handled Mile. T might say that his tol has been allowed in , s'cho'ol. I Office and'residence, Goderich' sir
"Your name, child?", asked Proles' ttta'nt, object ,seemed to be to scan
most punish you, severely, •brut before street,
sot Drake, who with pend in and, w s the pike; for even<while whittling, doing so it' is 'but jtust'that 1 slhentld fax; f the United Church.r;'Coroner
prepared 'to enter the his bright Hale eyes were ever ;glanc- a'sk why you leave dis�greced, yourself o the Coutlty of Huron. Telephone
school record. Int was' merely a clues- ing about as ,though' he %Ve're exlp'e'ot- by breaking this rule?"
tion of Formality, for all 'Sltringtown ing some one: Watchful' may better `"Ir ltain'it disgraced' myself, an' IDR. C, M+SOI{A'Y.�C. :Macke
knew the .girl, all "o'f Sltringtown kite+w express the scnsataion that coarses hainii•„ hunt nobody."by
her (history, howl-slhe had disappeared now to my mind as I re#leei over his-'"Biut you surely lend+e' that ,is, is and gold
of Trinity 'University
when the two, negroes did and return- method and deportment. That, knife ! to carry a weapon 'like this," and gold medallist of Trinity lege of '.
ed again' with them ft;oen Canada..., needs,' Iso a word, for it was ever in "Et ain't wrong fer Inc' tet carry, eit," College; member of the College of
Susie;" was the low answer.. his hand. It was esot an ordinarylit is never right to carry'a Pihysicians" and Surgeons of Ontario_
'Your other name, please?" ' Pistol
' "I ant only 'Susie." Pocket=.knife, but. big e vough to "s ick .in a civilised c'nunuttivity,"
a hog."' I'Irue,' the blade closed ieeto a'
"Teachah, ef yo" know my story, DR. F. J, R. 1�O!RSIT,FIR-Eye Cyt
I Who sat near caught the, flush on rude buckthorn handle, still it was, Yo' wouldn't say et's wrong fer. me Nose and Th'roa,t. Gradvaihe in. Medd-
y drooped.p carry ter carry a gun. Eh yo' het been cine, University • of. Toronto:
(Continued from last .week,.) "Did he give you reason to fight?" her e eek as her a as in stack. It soeuiedat merchants through 18W,
Tie teacher seemed inclined to as+k o ave been rude- g what I hey, an' looked fer Late Alssistant New: York Oplh+tbal-
Yes, sir." another iy made by a blacksmith `Be 'that :as what's com'n'," yo'.d carr one too." mit' and Aural Inst tu,e Moor
Isis turned -up nose grenv more .point- ' "What did he do?" question. Then; perhaps, v Nfie1d'r.
ed, his thin red lips drew tightly and "Nothing," cause he Mo noticed the cheek flush, be -
it may; Red IH;ead knew .How to' use This was •said half persuasively, half Eye, and Golden Square throat -
it. Indifferent to 'our •ddflad tl The , head of .the ba wasLondon, ' EngIand. , A,r hospfi
stretched over his foribore and Motioned her to be seat -games or Pas Y• y tali, Go+mgr
gums until I saw 1\noR'hin'g] and yet gave you reason .ed,times, he held himself aloof, ,knife in raised proudly; no appearance o'f ercial Hotel,Seaforth,
Pked in
to. ,fight him," said the ,teacher iron- baud,: perched upon - the' shame bei sad a forth, 3rd Mon'dny is
• ressimvs of his teeth manfence, gaz Pu kris face, no dro'o: 'in each month from,` 11 a,m, to 3
tuts through bhe)r very substance, really,' Children," he said, speaking to the g IIP the i.e. Yet .occasio'nail he gun in m P g p.m.,
"Yes, sir,"P g 't Pi YUatuce. I bed the' y pocket
[EP"s hat was held in his hand—a hand T 1I answered, . school, "we have a new scholar to- d'id take pant in`'sott a boyisli• turn, when I fought beet fellelr"(he .point -
• ' _
as red as the foot of a 'duck; his. mop urning to the other .boy, Mr. 'day, one long absent ,froth S!trin town 'We were -Point
g playing -at itoip-skip and_ .ed -me), `an' didn't use et, I fdontt. DR, W. C.
e, ked: ;but whom I have' wished 'slides her Ju'rnp, we schoolboys. The a'intend ter- shoot b Sedieine, U Graduate of '
,of red hair glistened hi the sun'sdtine iDral.e as' g me had o't us hit,I but
like oak leaves after a frosty spell in I)rd Sammy 'say anything to you?"return to` number among us, This drawl✓ itisellf. dawn until the two ane use fer tit an' whenWestern Faculty of Medicine, University of
autumn—red as are the Leaves o, the "Nuthin;" . , child" --o rivalthe bane Y
'Ontario, London. • Member
f and he looked at ,Stride—"de- jumpers of Nhe school confronted each conies I'll need the, flu' 'awful bad, of C
autumn oak, red as is no other shade "Did he strike you first?" serves to be treated with the utmost, other. Every boy but Red-IHe'ad ,had teadMa+h." 'College' of Physicians; and
of red. No"• kindness. She is my especial charge taken pant, and he, in'differen't,,•sat on "T'ell:lite yoyr iter goon's of Ontario. Office in rear of
'Have story." Aberhaet s drug store,' Sea+6antlb.
Then occurred an amazing thin you and 'Sammy fought be -
she has excited my personal int- the fence idly ganlitng first up the pike "Et's too long, an' dont • consanee
g g; fore this time?' erest. While no favoritism can. be �eed then down. cup'oii-fhe striving can- mo!body but me." Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p,m., '7.30 •
While yet I faced the boy his impish rr „- shown ,by' me' for or against a testatrts below him. A sneer' from Why it is right for -9 P.m' Other hours b
eyes hashed and- created sensations in "Why did;you fight?" still I wish it to be knwn that wMb y. mot ear,veal meg t you ec by aPpointmetot:
any mind that words could not have „ some bobut sneers tact pistol. I. command it, Tell me
Fer nvlNhof ever mistreats fhi's-,child will incur my were uo!t.uew to him,
done, "We two are 'enemies:" Per- The eyes of Drake dropped to the severest, displeasure;' and that those `Alfiraid to jump, Redd -lead?" cried Dental -
!haps any own eyes answered his stare. floor. As they ,did so) the Iacera'ted ear Who aid .and favour her will please me +one• OI AN1jE12 281./IV
,Be this as it may, all the viciousness of the Red -Headed Boy, the ear to- very mtrch. Let the older ,girls take 'Who's afeard?"
Of my nature uprose, and back into ward me, Moved up and dawn, back an interest in her welfare by assis'tin'g "Red ITile ei l" Pined in Red !Head's 'Story of the Fefi'd
his face T leered as insolently as didP Panother. �R J. A. M'LtN!N; Successor ts'
Y and fonUh. The young devil was meek- +the Tuttle girl in every way possible, Slowly climbing down from his . «I'mt front Nhe moun'nes, I am. T 'Ar: R. R" Ross
he into mine,. His lips turned whiter ing me again. I could not answer'him and in making her school-d'a s l perch on the' , graduate of
y peas opposite ids of the d'en't kndw jest how we'uns came ter western University, Chicago, Ill.:ari-
North -
still as he drew thetas more tightly in the,same way, but I scraped a tuft ,ant" Then looking about the room,. ,fetvice from us, the ntrountaite boyhue thar, an' et ddii''t make no,' diff- centiate Royal, College
over his closed teeth; and sure as of his hair from between my fingers,
he, said: "lliy child take ed hi's knife and dos- ''✓encs, We altgays;lived in th eons g of Dental Sur-
. truth can be written, his crimson ears' and as he eyed .me, slyly I twirled it Your seat at with a run and a e mourn 8 Toronto. Office over Sills'
he desk with Jennie Mauls Its ov East •Kainituck, Our house hardware, Main St„, Seaforth. Phone
t wagged back and forth and mockednie MauleyY• Jen Jump' sprang straight toward the tall
before his gaze. The war was still on. was the youngest laugh_ fence. High onto •the air his lithe form w'an't no great shakes,, et jest bed 151.
ti • me. Then while yet they waved before "'I,1 will do no good to flog these ter of the planter who had suddenly rose, drew itself inito a knot as he
my eyes, • the scalp of his head began two rooms an' a,inud chimney. The'fs
g boys,' said MT. Nort1man, Who ft died one night a few months before, ap of the feats was reached,'dou!bled all. •,
to creep backtvs a it drew upon the could be seen was not disturbed over And so 'Susie, came shrinkiingly into a so f the ht twee
the air, 'then over `Dad said, said he, one day when DR. F. t
crown until his elongated forehead She combat. ' +tlte, 5ftringSusie school in ,the ` co -m- without touching, over a ver ,I wadi a Tittle thinJ•' BEOHELY, graduate
reached, near to his ear tips, after "I am not in favour o'f h Ibe Sir east of this session theand g' and far be- g, an' he pirated back Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
1Y yts'faalover the hog -hack hill b'hind the ca- Toronto. Office over W. R. Sminh'ak
'which the flexible skin flipped sed- g had school Y was he when those heels struck bin—`Dogi't none ovyo' children
back and etude net
answered the inafe'ssor, d dvtvlbly attended all ray sah'aol and harked the soft earth. Never: be- den cres's grgcery, Main St.' eaforth
'dully• gyrated round and "I do not wh+ip'bnys. Discipline; how-
and to which, now came the Red_ fore had such a jump b the divide. Keep this side ov B'a] odic a Phones„,
round, then back and forth, maviug, ever,.is necessary. I must punish
?Headed B'oy of'Nordman, We three gsuch schoop bee-arnde in d e 185 W, residence 1S5J.
as it ditl so, that map of heir, whichthe Sitrin HA fer Nhar's -a • feud 'Nwiayt Hol ,
severely.” were at l • rather, neben and we -ins.' I can't remember
. as the movements of the seal' cess- Y est together in. the,same IT should say, into the Stningtow'n when he fust said this, at war when T
p them sessah," spoke Mn. Nordman, room, .school
ed, rose ,up as: do the bristles on a "will you permit. me, soh. to mke a yard. We village boys' stood war .too often, ec! 'remember, .but he Auctioneer.
wild hog's back. Never before had I suggestion?" The girls of our Str3ngtown sc'ho'ol amazed at' the feat of the youth front' said et A'n.' we never c +GIEgemeE the
seen such gymnastics never. gave Susie a warm reception; they butthe x mountains, who gave us no word, .hog -back hill,,von rest. the the Count Licensed:
• since '"Certainly. I' shall value it"went back to hisa ov •us; fer :dad said Auctioneer for y of Huron.
have T seen his equal, "I am an old man and have learned opened their hearts to the waif, and the fence and turned his gaze
elimbed that the feud war off' till the Hal- Arrangements can be trade for Sale
But an instant did it take for these some things as I have passed along, 'son the child was made to feel at toward the south, gaze again, combs er we -ins ,broke et by bigctager,
Date at The Seafor•htt News. Chargee,
things to come to pass. I alone saw Blood is blood, sal, and ,blo'dd counts, me. Bright and cheerful, grateful Some' time alter the divide. A'n' es wegrew bee moderate and satisfaction guranteed.
Youngfolks are n,that we ' were gger,
hint, and he alone saw my face; for of old folks, I can- for little kindnesses she made for her- shooting ata mark, the weapon be- in the Jim an' me, end. kept us up
my form closed jar of the door. not • sae anything wnang about what self a place' in. each .heart, ,an'd Prof- ing a rifle of small bore a squirrelin`Nhe story ov the feud.
We raised our fists as by a signal, ese boys have done, unlrs's it be in cssorfD:rake had no need to ask fur- rirAe) the ,ob'ieot a sheet of• E¢ et ever ha•p!pens 6het the fend WATSON AND, 'ii$ID'
the place selected for the ours in her behalf:, Paper ge es on ag'in .' 'soshe, 'char won't be REAL iilST
and then, 'just es .the teac'her's voice fcgMt. It a Plank against a distant tree. Strange no end ter et es long es char es a ATE
broke 'upon the air, we sprang at was fair on both sides, and neither of Not so warm was the reception the amusement that for chiidrenl some combRol-
eaah other as do boys who hate each Clem showed the white 'feather. ' of our school + may say. True, but I speak of K'en, era +NordaNlan livin'. She said. AND TN,SU+RAN'CE AGENCY
School is for. stud I'll admitgave ` Red H'ead," P £e fled been one • ov the bloodiest
other. Boys fight with teeth and fists Y, , but His advent, it is true, had ed- such lucky in tTrue,a�bu't spea same de- foods
and finger nails and Esser, and so did not all of it can be ✓study and, by Gad, as to merit their admiration, and his
fiant boy singled • out Red Hov the moun'uis, an, nzore'.n a ('$ucessors to James 'Watson)
we, to the credit df Uhe most vicious,
when the time tomes that boys'are subsequent depoebnnent was defiant challenged hint to jonws- sad and dozen had been killed on each ills MAhN ST., SIEr1GCs&TH
dared hem co she 0 o1ied side the raw ov HO- First
-Claw 1Linm;]ndful of blow or bruise, of bite punished for an'i•nnocerit 'tussle and enough to please any Kentucky -.bred to shoot. Indifferent as he had been All
or finger clutch, we fought in a man -
never to fight soh; the pros- Ieeeo But he made no .frien'ds., He in the' jn:nipeng Indifferent
combs oil one. ov .the graveyard kinds of Tnsurance risks effect
ler wholly worthy of those who fight p'ect for our Country isdid he sem an' the row of we-un5 on rather side, ed at lowest rates in First-C1a�ie
Y devdli'sh bad,. came alone to school each morning, tit this: Leaning the gun we used Laxed lsa what the feud war 'bout
in behalf of a good cause, but •neither ProfessahJ alone he left when' tirdy hours were the fence; he' stepped to the ,
cause had we for teihiel Agadir the professor gushed, ' over. During recess, if Oe weather line, obje before- we could anticipate but she said, said she: `I don't jest ..
good nor bad cpate
to fight, It was simply fight, The "I am an old.nuan, Pro£essah Drake, was Fair, he at on the, fence and his abject+. from an inside pocky of remetttlber, Et ,begun l.efoah I come THE
,bruises made by the stony pavement and you will take kindly what I'have whittled, .taking no part in thegames his jacket drew -a tri titter the family, but et ain't make no 111
fie' say. Don't Y bright revolver, diff'r'nce 'taut the begiunin' then����LP
on rv'hich 'we .rolled were unfeit, the y punish' hath tv'ho runs Of the boys; if. the weather was had
'Raising it, he dreut alining, he Erol
blow of the fest that were
sashed" my away.: If you'll persuade Sammy to he sought a lone spot inside the don't cotvs'ant, us.'
and waited the 'result, Several boys "An' dad, Ise didnit; talk tA1 Mutual' Fire'ISOLATED s. ur Coe
close and bloodied my face and, gar 'fight nro meth during school •.bouts, I room, Hissarcastic face leered at all e•pratng to the mark; there was he muclu 'bout
intents gave lie do pain, the bite' that co sm for that chap, and he p'oineted 'Hsho approached him. epra hole in the mark;
t et neither, but when brother Jim an' FAIRM AND
Within a weekP . far above the S could holdTOWN
left, the print of two sets of teeth on y antagonist. "But u'nle'ss same- nit boy spoke to Min, he in turdgave wildest shot we had made. A , i a' gun he' ter bus all PIRIOIPIERITY, O'+N I. Y
thing strongah thanY bout s'hrootin'! `Et air fer bbegiss Icily, ed
my arm did not concern ane. T yeah nrlesCry, of ,
gave pre- no word to others, and 'an occasional derision, a series o'f eat mews, a clubh p'r'ops > he said; Officers
as gond as I ,received—that vent, they will fight it out yet, sure cat wail could be heard When his its of sarcastic jeers, tali. n, d, 'ef the feud begins ors"-- John Be'nnewies, 'Brad_'
point' as shooting, Pnafessa'h." back was 'turned. But no other' bo g pen the Seafo President; c,-TrConnotl
alone rues my atrvbition—and when aid. ag to yo' .boys'll: be in'it,' There sin t ; y, 'God—
'we two combatants were Professor PDrake mused a moment. sought a• direct quarrel, By carnation
no m'o'alh ter say, teaChah, 'bout the erinh, Vice Pres.; R. F. McCartney,
parted by "Sammy, takeBetter flit a rest," sneered one: tend, an, ranted
know $er'
(Professor Drake and Mn. 'Nodman it your place at your consent, it seemed, the field 'F1oalsd" he said,. "that's the r ►uu'tlt'in' ma'ali. 'Seafontih No: 4, !Sec, -Trees;
would have been difficult to who- desk," he said: Slacking adroit the was left ,ter shoot at. Efyo' nark. Jim an' nee nniehd ter shoot, an' etDire'otors—IGeo. R. lan5, t •
therroom, he selected a vacant seat. t e for us—we. two who ware cotuspi'cewah raised in the nley, Sea-
woti either.had been punto say more p , hi, that • we never looked at eachmour'n's, ant 'wou'ld shoo didn't make match difference what dt forth No. 3; Alex. Br ns, 'ot
orated, q+ui'te a distance Irani my other aid alone ave no + v ,atat 'a 'whole war we slot at, we hit .,a ` for,kh No. 3t 'ane 4 > !S '
than the biter. "A devilish gaol fight g o .taunt when sheet o p pah, they'd taket• An' dad !Ames s Evans, 1SHaforbh+
on short notice," said hit: Nordmcr bench,• for the new boy accident brou ht us together; too
away yo' off,yeah gun grew monsitrefe proud.ov us, ah' one No. S'; IRobt.;Ferris, B4ythiNo, ,
g G g Y alt' drivenest's the day I heerd 'hurl say tel Mani the'' he boroufce, Walton No. 4;John 'Pepper,
M a tone bespoke no ill will; CHAPTER XIII deep was the hatred that clown in our mark,]I say—elle bullet hole fer the
but Prof. Drake took another view
natures spoke from each to the other, centre an' five in a sin d'idtt''t care now of the feud utter on' �rt}cafie+ld; William IGn!ox+ ,LotLdess_::
of Uhe•mattthat beigross breach of lis- rendering no taunt necessar8 Jest 'roue' ag'in. But he kept tellin''me 'n Jim borough,
Y 'War et."i As e spoke his him was raised tr keep this side ov BI
Suslie's Introduction, to the String- had been declared when first we met,
c+ipline had •been comtniated and aagain, and as fast as, the triggerold Hill, an' we Agenms, Jas. Watt, +Blyth No. 1;,W,
strict rule of the school broken, town S'chooL and it seemed evident Chat no peace be pul'1'e'il canto five shatt. •could did, Jim war 'bout' two 't'e'ars older E. +Hi,tnchile ;See ,
would carne between us untils gent we Hien, 'mei teachal, Y, aEsu h; J. A. Murray, ,
We,wer4 led inside, and then Proi. As I sat at my desk that a'fter'noon,sprang to the di'sta'nt mark, and there !Seaforbl No, 3. W J. Yeo, ,011initoh:
Drake chanced two small circles an �' mind reverted to the fight had been finished. the int ',a • •close ;circle •e er To be con,tiuued., No, .3; R. G. J+armputh Bo ,
past. I re- q al dastan!ces o. 5, m.`
the floor, Side by side; each in hfs lad flat it had really, bean predict- ' Atha so the "Red -Head" came call t, was a thug elf li' he holes• I re Parties
—, Jas, Kerr, '`
ring, stood the Iced ed that this b'o and I were felts an -and call the eadaat words he had2omm' r`H, Thos. •Mo Sea'fanth;
ed Boy and y went; never did he seem tsa look, at ' e, used, Y: ow old is ',that lamp, Ylan ISe+alforth No. 'S,
myself, both defiant, each .more vie-
Men, as My medibatirrg airy flit], stiroly he did n r ' One bullet hole `fer the centre mother?" T'arties deli i'
ons than before. ed ,blood was scat- 'Hind drew a still clearer view df the ,any lacy. Ali Lr o speak to five in a, ring j ss!t 'nown' an revs to effect insurance
scall those days S per- B• et, Mother: "Oh, out three years." at transact,'oNheT business wilt
tered over his garments, and clumps Past, I recalled• rhe exact words of ceive, as I .could not then,ut, alasd our challenge nes Tommy: "Then 'turn it , promptly he- of has .red hair, were sticking between the black omen -reader who had darn- stood Uhattf ev- d ulted in down: its P Y alten'ded to by applications.
er a boy ad isollBaster to the, expert- tnarlrsm+oat. No: tea. young to smoke." of any of the alicve named officers
my fingers: The eye .Hexa me was
e me to "Beware' of the Red -Mead garea in the. World permitted
of .the carry
,seeho , that boy town boydressed ad
!closed, the ear on the same side wa's °?�1 Back and 'faith ran. firagments was a•]oq:e. And permiltted to carr was their respective of Want,anvd ... Sale A'ds. 1 time ZSc, es... ct Post r,
Boy'!" loin as I think of the ,dreary Part our Y a pistol, bite wea-
lacerated and bloody, "A devilish long -neglected prediction, until school was to him, I sours, pen was ` positively edy prohib'ietied
of but by
spunky pair, IT say," added :YIr. Nord- at laislt I caught another sentence:, "Et
flues- Professor Taroks,
than, 'who now occupied a chair on tion, had I not met him h'aif way and carr n who � considered: the
say kat de Red -Head. Boy'll die trod- struck that blow, would he y, yi g of a pistol, by a boy►
the rostrum 'beside Prof. Drake. But
den, alt' dat yo' an' Susie'!! he ttre struck me? I'f we lad no,t ave suffi+cienit cause to be. ►
for ,exlpulsioWe ► A DOLLAR'S WORTH
the indignant teacher made no reply. !dau!se' `an' da't afternoonfought Uhat had beth' deeply'' arbs!onbedP
yo'll die sudden, an' in the ol'dr Clf this coupon and mail it with $I for a six weeks' trial subscri tion t
"Sarrtroel Drew, he at de Red Mead B
schoolyard, S,trinlsmtownt_ sport, and as She M,a. in ►P o
., P spoke of severely, Boy an' Svsie'II be y rd, wogld •Nhe'eh+alit o'f evs,sts, spent revolver dr li'd that field the ► THE CHRISTIAN ye0esn SIENCE
rao Iain to the cause this di•s- de case'"' that: followed+ dva, oPPead, the boy who, r MONITOR
graceful affair." There sat the evil object of 'Hatt Uhe bo Ve been diver+ted?' beta it was taken byPutiuehed fir TSE oxmsxlAn eetENpc FanolsuRiO Soon=
omen-reeadlin J the Y,s and girls OE dor school the fir'rn. the sluou.l'der in: ► Boston, Mesasbhusetts, V. 8. A.
"'C5 made no ovine✓. There was no g seer; and then, as the sought to 'befriend him, grasp of our teacher, ' IA n l We 'rnd ,the dovoledo 50 505 of t
ense" to ea p'1'a'in, fa's't 'Sart of theas we might unperceived byw l'o, : ► as. well ¢s department's devoted to he world from Its 000 spectra writers.
sentence ran again' have done, and should: have. us, had from behind ► nod the
seueptton, radio: etc You wm'be na¢Ehildren's Interests, sports, music;
"Did this• boy say anything Through my mind, I would done, joined. the Vett), d (thence,
ed cation, o- di pews and 61 to welcome into your home so
g to war- glanced over d the evil ie his. tin $ P> every eye of which ► prohibition. End -dont mess soups, Our sox,.
make-up ¢nd'the 8undlel and the titer featbrps.
taut you in striking him?!' mon'g ate girls; at one who came stren'gtlhentd as it dad? P have had been fixed on tlne-nt'ark. ►
Na, sir,"nvosug us in the part of the nes's and grace h Would good- Red-FIead' was ]e ►
"'Did he strike ?„ Presen!t session: I earlyber that mor -
have upsNarted and Capftor,: whine d away ,by his ►
you. first. dislPl'aced his life? 5 cannot a»'saver, cause of fids. arrest hut ltad been, the.
No, sir, Hing well. S,he•wias and ,
mpanied' by these musings are not pleasaiet, caped hunghad' es- 0,„:',..11,,q
old negro. for it is evident row thiat there' who
You pre•vtously?" g Cupe, pho decd µhh yore our heads, r
' et
No,t] sir."struck side the a en Was In a moment the bell calling cD
le her cause to seek for evil in m'ysel'f• the room ran
-. :• - gni t0 ' °�'a.D--__�
head be g and knowin. (Town)
r .wf»
g that
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