The Seaforth News, 1932-04-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT,.
Air.T. C. J:oynt was'in Toronto on
Friday on business..
Miss Beryl Pfaff of London spent
'the week cud at her home here.
MissEleanor Machan, R.N.; , of
Blyth, visited for a .few days with Mr.
and Airs. Fred Bengou'g'h.
Airs.' Ross Dick of Toronto is visit -
'Mg at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. ;-J'as,
Mr. and Airs. J. W. Bonthron spent
the week end with relatives in Water-
The Oddfelfowss of the Hens'alil
•ILodge will attend the 'evening service
' in a body at Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, May 1st.
Mlr, and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale and
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson spent
!Sunday visiting friends' in Kitchener.
Mrs. Herman Dayman visited' in
!London on Monday,
Mrs, A. L. Case has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends in
Mrs. J. W. Ortwein visited in L'on,
don on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Scott of Crom-
arty visited with. friends and relatives
in town on Sunday.
Rev. Jlas. MclIllroy spent the week
end in Blyth.
Dr. Forbes of Te•eswater, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of the Carmel Presby-
terian 'Church on Sunday. next,
Mi,. Bert Blorbon left last week for
+Texas where he has secured a good
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Venner of
'Tuckersm'i'th and Mr. and Mrs. John
Madge of Usb'arne were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie H'od-
Mr. Walter Fee is improving nicely
after being conlfined, to his home far
several weeks. Si' . •
Mr. 'Feed Brock spent Sunday visit-
ing friends at Huron Springs.
Mrs. Milton ton I.ove uttdenwent an op_
•eration for appendicitis at the Clinton
Hospital on Monday. She is now do-
ing as well as can be expected.
Rev. Arthur Sinclair and Rev. Mr.
(Stewart of Staffa will exchange pul-
pits on Sunday next.
Services in the. Carmel Presbyterian
Church were well attended on Sun-
day last. The Rev. Mr. Kennedy of
;Brantford occupied the pulpit. In the
!United Church, Rev. Mr. Sinclair had
charge of the services and in the ev-
ening a very pleasing quartette was
rendered by Miss Florence Welsh,
Mrs. Sinclair, .Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and
Dr. Smillie,
The Young People's League of the
United Church held their regular
meeting on Monday everting. The
program was in charge of Miss Marg-
aret Johnston and Mrs, Maude Hea-
t -len. After the devotional exercises the
following program was given: violin
selection by Mr. Scott Welsh, accom-
panied by Miss Florence Welsh; read-
ing, Olive Lennon, duet, Mrs. Maude
;Redden and Mrs. Maynard, accom
shipping out their onion sea's this
week which gave employmentto quite
a number of men 'for t[ne past six
G'ardeniug is beginning to be the
order of the day around Hensall;
The Nomination. - A nomination
meeting was held in the town hall on
Monday, evening to take the glace of
(David Robinson and Waller Spencer,
who recently resigned.' Jas. A, Pater-
son, clerk of the vil'la'ge, was the pre-
!Widin'g officer. William Jones and
aiter Spencer were the only ones
nominated and at the close of the
n'osniantioti we're decl'a'red elected by
acclamation, Both gentlemen were
present and took the oath orf office
and are now full-iledged councillors.
'MM'r. Jlones served on the council a
number orf years ago and will make a
sipdendid councilman. Mr. S'pen'cer,
who was elected last January had
some doubts as to the legality .of his
nomination pa'pers at that time, and
'thought it best to resign and rune the
election over again.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd and
,children ' visited with friends in Clin-
ton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Walter Good have re-
turned to bheir farm near Auburn, Mr.
:G'ood, on account of hill health gave
up the farm a year ago and moved to
Hensall where he conducted a dearness
shop. Mr. and. Mrs. Good while here
tirade many iiriends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Neeb of Dash-
-wood were visitors with ifraien'ds in
town on Monday.
Quite a number'blf 'our local sports
are •spending a lot of time sucker fish-
The Win. 'Rennie Seed Co. finished
up s'hippin'g oat 'their 'onion sets.,which
gave work to quite •a number of inete
for the ,last six weeks ICI d '
ar ening is
beginning to 'be the order of the day
around .Hen'tIll.
Death of Mrs. Alex. Ingram. -The
death occurred suddenly at ,her berme
in ;Hay Township just south of 'Hen-
sel! early !Friday morning last of Mrs.
Alex, Ingram. Mrs. 'Ingram, 'whose
maiden name was 'Mary Jackson, was
(born in Ireland some 55 years age and
when quite young came to this coun-
try with her parents. She was "nsar-
•ried to Mr. Ingram 34 years ago and
has .since 'resided on 'their farm south
of Hensall. She 'is^as in poor health
.for a number of years. Besides her
bereaved husband she leaves to mourn
her loss three daughters, Mrs, ,Archie
;Hlaggarth of Tuckersmith, Mrs. Bert
O'Day of 'Detroit and Miss ;Stella In -
gran of the London Road, John on
the home 'farm and 'Alvin of 'Detroit,
also her aged mother, Mfrs. John Jack-
son and several brother sand sisters,
The funeral took place from her late
home, Hay 'townsh'ip, to 'the Hensall
'Union cemetery. Her pastor, the
Rev. 'Arthur .Sinclair, .having charge
of tithe services. The ,sympathy of
the whale commun'i'ty is extended to
Mr. Ingram and family.
Mr. and Mts. !Alfred Hvnkints of
partied by Miss Gladys Luker; salb, Thanes 'Road visited 'friends in t'dwn
Hiss ,Minnie Sangster; selection by I,on Tuesday.
the Hyde orchestra; piano duet, Mil-
dred Foilick and Ruth Coles.; 'reading,
Miss Flossie Foss; piano solo, Miss
'Florence Welsh; guitar selection, Ka-
therine Drysdale; piano selection by
Miss Gladys Luker; selection by the
Hyde orchestra; salo,,D'r. I. Smillie;
reading, Miss ' Ellis; piano solo, Miss
Irene Douglas, after which the meet-
ing closed with a hymn and the miz-
pah benediction.
McLaren,BelI.-.A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the Presbyterian
manse, Exeter, on :Wednesday mor-
ning at 11 a.m., when Ruby Laverne,
youngest ciau'gther. of Mr. Wm, L.
McLaren, of Hensall, was united in
marriage to Glenn Earl Bell, son of
•iidr. 'Ro'bt..D. Bell. of Tuckersmith,
The Rev. Bernard Rhodes officiated,
The bride was charmingly gowned in
a dress of beige georgette and radium
lace with accessories to match, and
'carried a corsage of pink roues and
baby's breath, The bridegroom's. gift
was a leather purse to match her cos-
tume. The bride's travelling dress
Was blue silk crepe with blue coat
trimmed ' wibh .1'anipin far and access-
ories to match. Fallowing the cere-
mony a wedding dinner was served at
the home of the pride's father,; "The
room's were prettily decorated in pink
and white. _After the dinner: the
young couple left for a short honey-
moon trip and on their return will re -
.side on the groom's fine farm, just
east of Hensall. The presents to the
bride were numerous and costly and
the many frien'd's wish' the young
couple every happiness,
Owen Geiger and Sons have{started`
up their flax mill and are now 'ru'nning
through last year's atop.
On Friday afternoon last Mrs, Rloy
MI+dLiaren' was hostess to a tnou'sseau
tea in honour of her s'ister-in-law, Miss
(Ruby M'dIJaren, whose marriage took
place on Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. McLaren was assisted by Mrs.
Alfred IHunkin, Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Miss Eleanor Fisher, Mrs. Wesley
Venner and ^Mrs. Lloyd' Hud'sIn and
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton . and, Miss
1Aiice Higgins.
The Rennie Seed Co. finished up
W. M. S. - The regular monthly
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Society was held at the home of Mrs.
R. .Stephenson's on Wednesday, Ap-
ril 13th with Mrs. W. Turner presid-
residi»g. The meeting opened by singing
Hymn 249 and prayer was then of-
fered. The Scripture lesson was read
from lst Cor., 131th ch., by Mrs. Rus-
sel Consitt. Hymn 241. The roll
was then called, answered by she
letter L The Seery, and Treas, re-
ports were read and adapted. The'
business was then taken. Ilt was de-
cided to quilt the quilts for the bale
on 'Tuesday afternoon, April 19 in the
church. Delegates were appointed for
the Presbyterial in Win:gham on Ap-
ril 28th. Topics on 1Tem'per'aseoe were
then given. Hymn 262, The `study.
was then taken by Mns. R. McAllis-
ter. Mrs, (;Rev.) Canner then read
an article on "Home Missions." The
offering was taken. Hymn 296. The
meeting closed with the Lord's pray
Mrs, R. Love is visiting her song
Mr, Ross and Mrs, Love.
Mr. Robert Jlarnost of ,Buffalo and
formerly of Phi's vicinity called on re-
latives and friends here last vfeek.
Mrs. Ross Dick and son are spend-
ing a few days with Mr. and 'Mrs,
Jas. Dick .in ,Hensall and other friends.
IMT. Alf. Weeega'te spent a dray in;
Lionidlon recently.
Mrs.' W. Weido spent a day with
her father, Mr. John Decker in Zur-
Mrs. F. Farquhar of Hensel! is vis-
iting 'her parents, Mr. ,'and Mrs. J.
Mr. anal Ms's. 'Faittbairn and
daughter Mrs. , ,Ross Love, were in
London recently spending a dray.
Miss Edna Cochrane R:N. returned
to her home after spending, a week
on a case in Gad'erie'h,
The ; suckers are 'here, and many
are takng advantage and spearing
fine ones for an appettizing meal
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 time 25c
Death of Mrs. David McCulloch.
The death occurred on '.l'hursday of
last week of Mrs. David? McCulloch,
one ofthe oldest residents - of this
town at t'h advanced, age of 90 yearn.
The late 'Mrs, McCulloch, whose mai-
den name was (SarahRobb, was bosh
in Wi'ckitrgton shire, Irel'an'd, and emi-
grated to Canada about the year 1839,
notating in London, where she joined
her husband who had come out two
years previously; there she 'lived for
some ten years, later moving .to Har-
tpvirhey and still later removing to Sea -
forth. Her 'husband, who . departed
this life some fifteen year's ago, will
he well re'mennlbered by all old set-
tlers as the first ,sh'oema'ker in Har
pur'hey, and many of the presenit gen-
eration will remember him as the first
lean to m'a'ke them a pair of shoes.
'Their home was a shelter for all trav-
ellers 04 the early days, and many
were the kind words spoken of both
.A family of twelve children: six
daughters• and six sons 'b'le's:sed their
union, of 'whom those living are Ma's,
A. Sse'want of this town, Wm MIc-
Cull'och, of Shaftsbury, and John Mc-
Culloch of Winnipeg. There are also
129 grand children 'and 37 great grand-
children, who are descen'dan'ts of the
de'cea'sed. During the later years of
leer life Mrs. Md'cCullo'ch lived with
tier only brother, the .late Hugh. Robb,
who died some 19 years ago. Slie
then lived with her daughiter,.'Mrs. A.
Stewart, where sive continued to re-
side until her death on Thursday last.
Good Attendance. ; :; v'i ";
A'ccordin'g to the Minister of Educ-
ation's report, for 1905, the Seaforth
public school hes the largest percen-
tage of aftenelan'ce of any school in
the province. The previous year, 1904,
Seaforth occupied second` place, Dun-
das then holding the 'ba'nner position.
Allege Discrimination.
Atthetows} council meeting for
April, 1905, a motion was passed that
the council instruct the clerk to cor-
respond with the manager of the
Grand Trunk Railway drawing atte.n-
tion to the fact •that the fare charged
by them from Dublin to Mit'c'hell was
out of proportion to the distance bet-
ween the two points mentioned and
request them to adjust the sate if they
deem it poseible so as not to discrim-
inate to such an extent against Sea-
The Beaver Lacrosse Club organiz-
ed on .S'aturday evening last at a good-
ly attended meeting held in the Royal
!Hotel, Everything seems in good
shape and prospects are good for a
strong intermediate team this year. It
was decided to enter a team in The ju-
nior series. The officers are as fol-
lows Patrons, Mayor 'Willis, B. B.
'Gunn, _II.P.; hon. president, Dr, Mac-
kay; than, vice-president, Ralph Cress-
well; president, D. T. Pinkney; vice
president, Paul Freeman; second vice-
president, Thomas Hatcher; secretary,
Charles Stewart; treasurer, John Mc -
'Kenzie; committee, J. P. Bell, Bert
Cluff, Thomas Johnstone, A. Wes't-
cott, Prank Sills, Frank Willis, A'li
Apple'ford, John Case; delegates to
C.L,A. convention, ,Brown Jackson,
H. 1W, Cresswell, D. T. Pinkney;
captain, J. P. Bali; manager, Brown
New Bank at Brucefield.
A branch of the Sovereign Bank has
been opened he the village in the
rooms of Wilson's hotel, 'formerly oc-
cupied by Mr. J..13. J'antieson as a shoe
Golden Wedding at Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKay cele-
brated'their golden wedding this week.
A very pleasant time was spent by
those present. During the evening Mr.
and Mrs. 'M'dKay were presented with.
two chairs and an 'address,
A Tittle boy of Mr. j. 1'Iaioney's got
the fingers of one .hand badly crushed
at school, while playing "duck on the
rock." Unde'r a do'ctor's care the 'hared:
is d'oing well. --''Mfr, A. D. McKay of.
the Ilfh ave., is home again after
spen'd'ing the winter in Vancouver. He
.looks hearty and speaks highly of the
country and of the sights on ;the way
way as something grand, ---Mr. John
!O'Rourke of the 7th ave., sold his
farni to Mr. Joseph' Kennedy of the
8th line for the sum of $'4,850. M'r
Kennedy rented the farni to Mr. Jahr
Shea Tor grazing, Mr. O'Rourke left
an Mlored:ay for Detroit,
Power Company Organized.
The Maitland River Power Com-
pany, Ltd., has been organized. at
Godesich, with the°foliowin'g officers;.
President, M. J. R. Holmes, M.D.;
vice-president, W. 'L. Horton; mana-
ger, J. T. Goldthorpe; secretary, H.
J. A. McEwan; J. A. Rtlmbal4. It has
been decided to engage H. von Schon
of Detroit to report upon the Mait-
land river scheme. Mr, von S'chion is
at present superintending the con-
struction of a power plant at Eugenia
Falls in Grey county.
Purchases Farm.
Mr. Peter 'M(dKay has pu'rchase'd
the farni on the 7th concession oaf
Tuckersmiibh, from the estate of the
late Michael O''Keefe.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jackson and fa-
mily of Win'd'sor :are visiting the lat.;
ten's 'parent's, Mfr. asad Mrs, Dave'
,Miss -Dorothy, McLaren, who,was
operated -'an for ,appendicitis some
ti'nte ago, has returned home and is
Miss Hazel Hay of Montreal is hol-
idaying iv'ith her aunt, Mrs. Polly
Mans. Dane Christie, who has been
ill with pneumonia is able to be out
Nasty Accident. - Mrs. Oswal'd
1Walker stet with 'aserious accidentoh
Friday evening last, while attending a
dance in'Crom'anty,hall, when she fell
dlawn the stairs receiving a nasty
ga's'h in .her forehead. Her friends hope
,to see her better soon.
Mrs. Gillespie of Ayr is. visiting at
the home of hes brobher-in-law, Rev.
IR. C. Rogers.
the W.M.S. meeting was held at
the Messes, Jean and Agnes Hamil-
ton's, Friday.
Miss Kathleen B!eac'osn spent Sun-
day at the ;name orf Ms. and Mrs.
Robert Watson.
Mrs, Wim. Knox of near Walton re-
turned ho:nse Sunday after spending:n
a few days at the home of Mr. an'd
Mrs, Thos. Knox.
'Mr. and Mrs. .Alb. Voddeu, . also
Mrs. Wm. Bell visited Mr. and Mrs.
Bewley of near Walton, Monday.
The Ladies' Aid of Burns United
Church was' held at Mrs. Thos. Co! -
son's on the 6th of April, with Mrs.
Peter McDonald assisting.. At very
pleasant afternoon was spent quilting
a lovely quilt for Mrs. (Rev.) Fors-
ter. The very interesting paper was
given by 'Mrs, Robert Watson entitl-
ed "Personal Workers,"
Of 'Brick House and Land in the
Village of Egtnondvilld and House-
hold ;Furniture.
'The 'Executor of the Estate of Al-
exander Charlesworth, deceased, will
offer for sale by public auction, on
at 1.30 p.m., on the premises the fol-
lowing lands situate in the village of
IEgmosidville, being composed of Vil-
lage Lot 4, on the' South Side of East
Mayfield Street as laid down on a
Map of said Village made for C. L.
VanlEgnsend and registered;; also a
part of Let 10, in the Second Huron
'Road ;Concession of the Township of
Tu'ckersnnith, in said County of Hu-
ron, which may be ?particularly des,
cribed as fellows: Commencing at a
point at the North East 'corner of
said Lot 4, thence 'Easterly along
iBlaylfietd Street 1 chain, 25 links,
!Thence Southerly in a line parallel
with the Eastern_ Boundary of said
!Lot 4, Two chains. Thence 'Westerly
in a line parallel with Mayfield Street
1 chain, 25 links. Thence along the
!Easterly boundary of said Lot 4 to
the place of beginning.containing t/4
of an acre of land more or less, on
Which land is erected a comfortable
Brick dwelling house.
Terms of Sale: 10% cash at the
time of sale, balance within 30 days
At the same time and place the fol-
lowing Chattels will be sold by Pub-
lic !Auction: -3 small tables, 1 piano,
1 parlour carpet, 1 bedroom suite, 1
'bedroom' linoleum, 1 bedroom suite
(oak), 1 'mirror, .1 rocker, 1 lawn-
mower, 1 !hail rack, '1' writing desk
and bookcase, a number of books, 4
parlour chairs; 1 wardrobe, ,I dresser,
1 washstand, '1 music rack, 1 sewing
machine, 2 'hat racks, 2 vases, 2 rock-
ing chairs, 2 easy chairs (horse hair),
1 hair lounge, 1 parlour foible, 1 bed-
room matting, 1 side board, 1 dining
room ta1ile, 4 chairs, •1 arm chair, 1
clock, 1>kit'citen• range, 1 kitchen
rocker, 1 hedge shears, 1 wash's'tand,
2 kitchen cupboards, ,1 kitchen arable,
1 step ladder, 1 hand washing mach -
Inc, 1 flour 'bin, 1 box stove and stand,
1 'hanging tamp, 1 horsehide robe,
quantity of d'ishes and other articles.
Terms of 'Sale of Chattels: Cash.
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known at the
time of sale and may be had in the,
meantime from the undersigned.
;R. S. HIAY1S, Executor's Solicitor,
Seaforth, Out
Mfr, and Mrs. Thos. Warden .wish to
thank their friends and: neigh'b'ors for
the kind expressions of sy,mipavhy dur-
ing their recent sad bereavement in
the death of ,their uncle,
English Breakfast;' Tea, our own
brand, per potuad 43c
Chase Ti Sanborn's Tea,
per. pound 43c
Red .Rose Tea
per. pound , '43p.
Our 'Spec'ial Blend Tea
pe'r pound .........:,,.•330
Lipton's, Tea Salida Tea
•per pound 43c' . per pound ,, 49c'
Rideau Hall Coffee Maxwell T -louse Coffee
pet 'lb 43c per''pound .............. 49c.
You save when you buy from
'0! Farm 'Stock' and Iinpiesn'ensts,
for taxes, on lot 111, con, 10, M'c C61 -
top Tow'nelhip, on Tuesday; tA'pnil 26,
1932; at 2 o'clock p.m., •the following
stock and implem'ent's: 1 bay Norse,
6 years old; 1 -blank and white ow, -4
years did, springing; h red cow, 4
years old mil'kin'g 1 'bTacic cow, 5
years old springing; leibiack ''cdw, 5
Years old, milking; 1 black cow, 5
years old, ,ntiil'ki•ne, 1 black and 'white
heifer, 2, years old; 1 bu'l'l, black and
White, 1 year old; 1 sow, bred two
'months; :1 McCormick. binder, 6 ft.
cart, in 'good condi"cion; • 1 Deering
drill, 11 -'hoe; 1 Frost & Woad cultiv-
ator; 1 walking' pl'ow; 1 set of har-
rows, 3 -section. 'Terms cash. !Geo.
H. Elliott, Auctioneer; J. F. Weigh,
'Girl ar woman wanted at once' for
general housework, in town. Aippdy,
statin age
and wages g g expected to
IP;0. Box 1713, .Seaforth. 16
A number of cattle for pasture.
Prices right. Apply to the undersigned
or phone 21 on 133, Seaforth. THOS
In Tu'ckersntitih, plenty, of water
and shade. Apply to JIAIS. S,PIRIOAAT,
Phone 148 r 4, 'Seaforth, 48
.Fifty acres 44, utile: from ,Sunnier
hill, Hullett Twp., with good bank
barn, for sale or rent on reasonable
terms. MRS. JOHN MUNTER, box
121, Clinton. 16.
Yellow 'Blo'ss'om sweet clover seed
far sale. Apply to Lot 15, Con, 12,
9N:one 231 r 3, - 1'6.
Twenty young pigs for sale. Apply
to,HIAIPJRY OHES!NIE•Y, Phone 136n4,
'On Centre St., Seaton*, newly de-
corated frame house, all modern con-
veniences, two lots, garage, garden:
!This house is heavy wired and newly
decorated+ throughout. Moderately
priced. Apply E.R."GRIAIWFIOIR'D,
'235 Cambria St., Stratford. 115
26 pigs 5 weeks old for sale. Apply
et lot 9, con. 2, I-Iullett; phone 1'5.6316
DIAILIE,' ,Clinton RR. 4. 16.
Tenders for crushing in the Town-
ship ,of Hibbert, also for hauling gra-
vel, either by truck or by teams will
.be received by the undersigned up to
Monday, May 91.h. Tenders will be
opened at Staffa 'Township Hall at 3
.pen, The lowest or any tender siort
necessarily accepted, ,
Township Clerk, Dublin.
:Comfortable cottage for rent, cor-
ner of William and James stree't's,
!Seaforth; '3 -pierce bath, furnace, hard
and soft 'water, heavy wining, posses-
sion on or around. May 1st. Apply 'to
Mrs. REG. REED, Phone 163.
.Choice fifty acres of land in Mc-
Hiliop . to'wn'ship; good buildings,
'Would take 'house in exchange. A'p-
'ply to News Office. 17.
Have Your
Lawn Rolled
Parties wishing their lawns'
rolled by 'p'ower roller apply
to John Beattie or J. J. 'Hug-
Wawanesa ;Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Canada's Largest Mutual
Insurance Co'y.
Our Classified Fire Rates
on Farm Buildings of First
Class 'Construction are a-
mazingly low.
Windstorm Rates will sur-
prise you.
Special Rates to Farmers
for Auto Insurance
For full - particulars, con-
sult our local agent.
J.fl. Scot
Box 142
Phone 336 SEAFORTi£
A quantity 'of red ,clover seed for
sale; 'GORDON McGIAiVaN, ,W'altets
!Phone 231r23. 1211
'Large size cincuiating cabinet heaat-
er or furnacette complete with pipes.
Sb A.1. condition, used only a short
time. Owner leaving town. Agr1y
A. M. fRIINIGLIE, Seaforth, Ont. l�
Ry experienced .carpenter, fierier
work or repairing. L. LtA!.ITENi-
BIA'CEH,' Ord. Street, .Seaforth. 1?
1 dark brown colt, 3 years old, Ins -
ken; 1 large bay colt, 2 years old; also
1 Durham cow, 4 years old, due _ to
freshen Oct. IGfh, .J1N10. MONT-
GOMERY, Phone 2:3441, Seaforth.
1 expect to have a number of young.
calves for sale during the calf season...
(Apply to HsikRiOLjD PIE2lPTALEe!
Bayfield. , Phone 5-78, HensalL
A quantity of timothy seed fez'
sale. ,Phone 12 on 136. JOHN
From Single Comb White Leg -
'horns, Barron straits, mated to cock-
erels from hens with: a record timer
265 to 275 eggs; chicks '$7.90 per 100;
!Barred Rocks $9.90 per 100; Baa&
/Jersey Giants $10,90 per 100. Yew- ;
own eggs properly incubated at V.
per 400 in, a Jamesway incubator. 1P:l8 t,
these hens are real egg producers;
and all goodhealthyhens. I also
have 4 incubators to sell very chetgi, i
IHtAiRRY I{111EjHINIE, RE. 1, Beam.
horn, Ont. Phone 52•r 23.
The following are offered for xi -
vete sale at Lot 19, Con. 1+3; Slcff%il..
lop, 1% m'i'les east of Leadbury: 2r
pounds of ''bee foundation, 1 bee
smoker, 1 'honey knife, 2 slats ex-
tractor, '1 ';ton 'honey tank, 150' emptg
bee boxes, 50 to 60 hives of bees, Tree
screens; '7 2 -year steers, 'weight Ste• '
1900 lbs.; 1 heifer 800 ibis.; 1 6 -yeas='
road cow in calf; 1 fresh cow and call,
750 lbs. Yellow Blossom s'wee't clod.-,;.
Butter, per 1'b,
'Eggs, .per doz.. „S-Ila-''YPP.I
Potatoes, per bag , gat
'Hogs, per cwt.
Wheat, per 'bus. 5rie
Shorts, per ton
per ton SZP
Toronto 'Live .Stock
lBuecher O'atble--$4.50 to $5,56
1lTe'avy 'Slteer'-$'4,50 to $6!50
•0olws- 42,Oa'.to.$3,75.
lFed (Calves! -5:50 to "$7.00
'!C'alve's (1d'hoice)-16 to $6!50
'Lambs --4,4 to '$'7,75.