The Seaforth News, 1932-04-21, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932. THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
-Below are listed a few of the outstanding values at Superior
Stores this[ake a 1i'tof your requirements and phone your
order to your nearest Superior Store, Our Service will do the rest. If
icoavenient ca3l personally for there are many values in pure foods
and hIouse,hold necessities, clot listed here, which are to be found in all
Superior Shores. Remember our slogan—
Items for: Week Ending April 27.
MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, L'................_38c
SINGAPORE SL•IIC'ED PINEAPPLE, per tin' rg yqpp f�
CALDF ! : 8, .1L dL 6 i
ORN A SWEET PRUNES, goad size, ...3 lbs, 2°
PURE LARD, 1 lb. cartons
TDEAL. CATSUP, large bottle
11 c
[Camper Cookery Parchment Paper, 8 sheets 23c
(Sea Lying' Lobsters '/4'.s;.. , .l19c %'s 34c
Venos Cough Syrup, per. bottle 32c
IlliliiBy's Sauer Kraut, 2%.'s ' 2 tins 21c
YPerrin's Arrow'ro'ot Biscuit, per Ib. • 29c
2 pkgs. 25c
;Chateau Cheese, 'A's ...... 17c
Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, %'s 19c
IPanshine "a quick and sanitary cleaner" 3 tins
Quaker Cra.ckels
[Borden's St. Charles Evaporated Milk, small, 3 tins
tallt, 2 tins '
'Aylmer Diced Beets and Carrots 2 tins 23c
(Magic Baking Powder, ...8 oz. 23c;
IB'eas'on's Corn Starch, per pkg,
Siiirriff'•s True Ekt:racts, new rosebud bottle
F-ami'ly Blend Coffee l's 39c
Family Blend Tea l's ......... 39c'
IKra't Salad Dressing, each ...........,23c
101d Homestead ,N'o, 3 Peas ..•..... ...3 buns ..... .25c
0.4resto Was Paper "to hang up" each 15c
Part Sant Wax Paper, ,green box, 1'00 ft. 25c
Aylmer Pork and Beans, 21/'seach 10c
'Iodine, 1 oz. ,bottles each 10c
Shelf Paper, ass't colors . 25 foot rolls lec
t: & B. Branslton Pickles .. ...5 oz, „ 25c.
Walter Glass 'Egg Preserver .... 2 tins 25c
!G'o'lden' Ha'llowi Dates2 lbs 19c
Dutch Sets Onions .......... ....................2 llbs. 1t5c
Popping Corn Z lbs. 2t5c
Aylmer' Strawberries, 2',s tell, per tin 27c
ICh'oc. Palm Beach Cakes, per 11,25c
iStandard Oatmeal for 'Chicks 10 lbs. 25c
All colors. Ask about them.
16 oz 36c
Hawes' House Polishing Week
Hawes' Floor Wax, in 1 lb. tins 43c; % lb tins .25e
Hawes' Liquid Floor Wax, per battle .: .. ,.,55c
'Lemon Oil'. 4 oz. bottle 15c, , 12 oz, bottle 23c
32 oz. bottle for 55c and one 25c polishing cloth FREIE.
Castle, P7bor Wax, 1 lb tins 25c
Shirt. Stove Pipe Enamel, 'bottle 23c
Ross J. Phone 8
Miss N Pryce Rhone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
• you by our services and highest
market prices for good create.
and a Cream weighed, tested, graded and
Oeendable Re utation paid for while you wait,
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop. -
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. W i r ICER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67,
Mrs. C. McVey, of M'itchel'l spent
several days with her sister, Mrs. W.
ktiss Jennie 'Htogg spent the week
end with Miss Agnes Patrick.
The W:M.IS. of the United Church
are hSoldSing their thanleoffering ser-
vice on !Sunlay morning. when Rev.
A. -Sinclair of Hen'sall will be the spe-
cial speaker.
The H1olrse 'Shoe C'lu'b re-elected
their officers at a recent aneeting and
,the ring of ,the ring of the horse shoes
^s• heard again:
Eva''Verner of Stratford Spent
the week end with her grandparents.
[Mr. and Mrs. G. Butson visited
with Walton relatives over Sunday.
Mrs. •Cecil Stewart of Exeter spent
several days with her parents, Mr. and
?vtrs. G. G. Wilson.
hlrs, A. A..Colquhbun addresser[ the
L+ lull
Women s In'stitu•te recently.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Sillery entertained
the former's sisters and their hus-
bands, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Sadler
Mr. and Mrs, W. Sadler, Mr, and Mrs
'1, Livingston and Mr. and Mrs. D,
1l3'ruce on Sunday,
'Mrs. S. Casey and Miss Reta Mlt-
chel'I spent Sunday with - Mrs. J. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffery of De-
troit visited 'over Nhe week end with
the former's parents.
Mrs. D. Elliott, Mrs. H. Fletcher,
Marion and Miss Ada Elliott of De-
troit spent last week with their par-
ents,..Mr. and "Mrs..F. Elliott.
'Keep in mind the 'Women's Insti-
tute to be held on 'Wednesday, April
25th, 'Tile roll call is to be an ex,
change of roots, plants and seeds.
Mr. Fired McGregor is moving his
family to the Rdbinison estate resi-
dence in Egmon•dlville,
Mrs. . Rebecca Kelly, accompanied
by her grandson returned home Satur_
day after spending the winter wilbh
her son' Po'stma'ster Kelly, at Wind-
Mr, H. M. Jackson of Toronto was
a visitor at his home on Wednesday.
The many friends of Miss Isobel
MdLlau'gh!Uin, R.IN„ olf Nlorval, who
trained in the Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal here, will be sorry to learn she
=dement an operation Tuesday in
St. Jbseplt s hospital, Taranto, for
niSasito!d's, following an illness with
the flu. She is recovering' nicely,
Mr. Ben C. Rising ' spent a few dlays
in town this week.Mr,. and • Mrs.
Rising intend returning • :to town
sho nt'ly.
Mr. Andrew Oke is visiting with
friends in 'Clinton.
[Mr. Pt, ,Caintelon is moving from
'Stratford into !Mrs, Woo'd's house this
i\Ir. James Young visited al Waltot
over The week end.
'Mi'. Thomas McMillan, ,M,P„ arriv-
ed- home from Ottawa on Wednes-
Mr. James Manson, who has been
staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Manson in Eggmondvble, for the past
three months, has returned bo Bay-
Mrs. F. D. McGregor, who suffer-
ed a paralytic stroke and was taken
to the hospital last Friday, is improv-
ing nicely.
Mr. and Mr's. Alonzo Matthews
moved their household effects' to
Clinton on Tuesday from the resi-
dence formerly occupied by Mr. Hen-
derson Sr., E. Wi'lli'am street.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly 'Beaton mov-
ed from Egmondvi'1'le to bhebate Mrs.
Shine's house in town on Tuesday.
'Mrs. Charles Lockwood and Mrs.
McCracken of Brussels, were guests
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. McKel-
lar one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McL.el'1an,
Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch of .Gromanty
were visitors in town with Mr. Mc-.
Letter's father who is still quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens, who.
have been residing on Main street,
have rented the house on Sperling
street of Miss Melville, w+ho is stor-
ing her furniture there.
Mr. and Mrs. Thonpson, Mrs.
Tyerer, Mr. and Mrs. Curwane and
Mr. Alberts of ,Sttratford were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr, E.
Miss .Ela Boyce of Brucefleld has
been visiting at the home of her sis-
ter, ,Mrs. Frank !Fowler, of the Huron
Mrs. Henry Cudnnore returned last
week after spending the wirier in
Seeding started Wednesday,'
—The purple martins have return-
ed to housekeeping on Main Street.
The "Canadian Band" gave their
first concert in the swamp Tuesday
The death of Mrs. Thomas Jar-
man, which ocourred about two o'-
clock an Monday afternoon at Scott
Memorial Hospital after suffering a
heart attack during the morning, was
a shock to her 'many friends, Mrs.
Jarman was token to the hospital on
Saturday being quite ill with stom-
ach and heart trouble -from which
she had been ailing for some time.
Deceased was far forty-five years a
resident of this vicinity. She was
born in North Wales, England, sixty-
four years ago last .September 7th,. be-
ing formerly Sarah Harris. She .and
Yuman ' carne to this country 44
years ago and wese married, They liv-
ed five years in 'Tuckensm'i'th and then'
went to MicKilllop,'F'or 12 year, they
hive lived retired at the northerly
edge of town. She head many friends
with whom- she was very popular be-
cause of her bright, cheerful and kind
disposition who deeply regret . her
sudden passing, She was a member
of North Sidle United Church and of
the W _lI'1S, Mrs. Jarman is survived
by her husband and a son and daugh-
ter, Mr. W. T. Jarman, Climax. Sask.,
anti Mrs, James S. Honile'rson, W.
W'ill'iam. St.; also two brothers, Win.
Harris, New York state, and Louis
Harris of Coluniibu's, Ohio; a sister
and abrother predeceased her in the
old country. Her son W. T. Jarman
of Climax, •S'ask., was home six weeks
ago but was uualble to return since
her dearth. • The funeral which eras
viery largely attended, was held from
the res'iden'ce of her son-in-law-; Mr.
J. S. .ITeniderson, on Wednesday af-
ternoon to the place of interment in
'Maitland Bank cemetery, Rea-, .W. P;
Lane of North Side United 'Church,
don ducted the services, Dining the
service a duet Wlfple All Tears Away'
was sung by Mrs. W. P. Lane and
Mrs. John Wilson. Six nephews of
the deceased, acted as pallbearers:
'Ph'ontas Edward,. John and George
Pryce; James Carter sird Geo, Leitch;
lBurniing, smarting eyes.
Those who find reading,
sewing, etc„ difficult.
Those• who cannot see in,
the distance as they should,
should decide for them-
selves that these conditions
are not naitural. Here is a
fact that surprises many—
even seeing well is no proof
that you do not need our
Continued next week,
On _April 20th the Marion Keith C.
G I. T. held' their regular :weekly
meeting in the basement of North
Side United Ohutc'h, The meeting op-
ened with a hymn, followed by Mrs.
Lane leading in prayer. The minutes
were read: and' adapted; as correct. The
roll call was answered, by twenty-one
ntemlbers, The Scripture was read
by Helen Sotnermille. The Fireside
Story given by Miss 'Thompson prov-
ed very interesting. H'eftn Britton,. in--
telleotulal vice,president.then took t'he
chair. Miss Bell gave a very helpful
and entertain'in'g description of the
works of Thomas I•lardy. Halen
Crich played a fine instrumental. The
meeting closed wabh several games
and the CIG,II.T.'benediction,
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of
Cavan United Church, Winthrop, met
at the horde of Mrs. Lrvin Trewatitha'
on Wednesday, April Otlt. The -Pres-
ident presided during time business
period. The m'eet'ing opened with a
hvmrt followed by prayer by Mrs.
Patrick. The roll call Showed a fair
attendance. The minutes of the previ-
ous meeting were read and approved.
Mrs. Robert Beattie gave a reading
on Tetnlp'erance. Miss Vera Camp-
bell and Mrs. Patrick were appoint-
ed as delegates to the Presbyterial
in Win:gtham. Circle 4 then to'o'k
charge of the meeting with Mrs. F.
Bullard presiding. The circle meeting
opened with the Easter Worship ser-
vice after which Mrs. Belton led in
prayer. A dialogue entitled "The Ste-
wa'rds'hip of Giving," was very much
enjoyed, at the close of . which the
offering was received and the dedi-
catory hymn "We Give Thee but
Thine Own" was sung. The topic on
"New Schools in Korea" was taken
by Mrs. Russel Balton: Mrs. . Tre-
wart'h'a and [Miss Vera Campbell gave
sentence` prayers. Mrs. Joe Little
played a piano solo, fol'lowin'g which;
the meeting closed by singing hymn
576 and all repeating the Lord's
1 -Lr. Kenneth Jackson' has re'turne'd
home from Guelph College where he
is taleing a course.
\'Ir, Ted Taylor of Chiselhurst has
engaged with Mr. Cecil' Murray far
the summer mortlhs.
Mr, and Mrs. Murray from Detroit
Spent the week end with, her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kennedy,
Mr, Wilfred Coleman entertained a
anumber Of his friends to a party,. on
Friday evening last and all report a
good time.
Mr, Stanley Ford has engaged with
Mr. Ivan Forsyth for the coming year,
\'I•r, John Clark is visiting his dau-
ghter, Mrs. Chas, MclKay.
Miss Theltna Elgie spent Sunday at
her h'otne.
'Mrs. T. Blake spent last week at
her daughters, Mrs, David McLean.
(Miss Louise Allan of Hamilton
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and lc3rs.' Jas, Allan'
of Egmandville.
Mr. and Mrs, D. McLean spent a
few days last week in London.
Mrs. E•ph, 'Clarke and Miss Dorene
spent last Friday at her brother's,
Mr. Russell Coleman.
'Mrs. Jas. Allan of Egtwou:dville
spent a few days last week at Mrs.
David ?ticiLean's.
Mrs, Geo. Dale 61 Hlanpurhey hars
rented her p'astusre land on the 2nd'
H.R.S. for the su'nrmer,
'Mr. Lloyd McGee was under ' the
weather wjbh rheumatism for the
week past. ,We are glad to report he
is improving.
'Mt, Wilfred 'Coleman attd his mo-
ther, 'Mrs. Coleman, entertained the
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take 'a
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Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your ,while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
tnrily paid,'
Phone, write or call—Night and
•- Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Sutherland
Office over Keating's Drug; Store
line ancl a few outside [friends to a
dance Friday evening last. All enjoy-
ed a most pleasant evening,.
Miss 'Margaret Charters underwent
an :;operation for ilppendicitis in the
Scott Metnora'l hdspital Tuesday last
and is progressing as well as can; be
esepe;eted. •
Mr. and Mrs.'D"u'Pap'ple spent Fri-
day evening at Mr, acid Mrs, William
lMr, George !Black is now at lnonae
on a short Ivaeation,
Mrs, 'Dave McLean was in the .Lon-
don Hospital for a few days,
Mrs, •Wm. Cameron is visiting at the
home of her sister, 'Mrs, 'Scbtdhrner,
of B'aylfield,
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Cooper have
moved to the farm recently vacated
by Mr. J. ,Upshall and are getting
nicely settled,
Mr, William, Pollock sold a . fine
team of horses to Mr. 'Harries of Yar-
mouth Center last week,
Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas
visited friends in this neighborhood
one day last week.
Messrs. Robert and Harold Pen'hale
motored bo St. Thomas on Friday
Miss Elizabeth Snowden had a
pleasant surprise last Saturday even-
ing when a number of her friends and
neighbors gave her a surprise party
for her birthday, bringing many beau-
tiful •gi'fts. Miss Rose Snowden made
her a very beautiful birthday cake,
which was decorated with rose-ibuds
and candles. 'Miss. Susie Westlake
took change of the games and every-
one h'ad a very pleasant evening.
.Miss Gladys Douglas, nurse in
'Scott Memorial H'ospi'tal, Seaforth,
spent Sabbath afternoon with. her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Dou'g'las.
Mrs. W. Hohuer and two children
of Goderieh township are spending a
few days with Mrs. John Ho'hner-
Quite a number of the young
people took in the play at Bayfield
on Friday evening.
On Thursday, Apr. 114th, there pass-
ed away at her hone in Varna an old
and highly esteemed resident of
Stanley in the person of Mrs. Ellen
Clark The large concourse of sym-
pathizin.g friends at the funeral on
,Saturday spoke ofthe love and es-
teem in which she was held.
The four -act play entitled "The
Village Lawyer," which is being pre-
pared by our young pe'op'le will be
presented in the Blake church on. Fri-
day evening, Apr. 29. This is a high-
class play and is highly recom'm'end-
ed and should draw a large crowd.
Mr. and . Mrs. Lorne Manson of
Tlaorndale spent the week end with
friend's in the vicinity of their old
dine -
Mr. D. Tough of 'Brucefield is visit-
ing old neighbors on the Bronson
Mr. and 1'Irs. F. W. Hess of Hen -
sail, with their two grandchildren,
spent Saturday afternoon with Mr,
and Mrs. J. IA. Carrie,
Mr. Jiro. Flaxibard of Zurich called
on friends on the Bronson on Satur-
Master Asa [Suckle of the Bronson
line, .has been ill in bed for over a
.meek. His friends wish that he may
[have a speedy recovery.
Miss Catherine Gormley of Buffa'lo
spent 'Sunday at her home here.
Mr. Jack McGrath shipped a load
of horses to Quebec on 'Saturday.
Mr. Gerald Holland of Windsor
spent. a few days with his ,parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Holland, Dublin,
Miss Minnie Maloney and Mr. Fer-
gus Maloney of Buffalo are visiting
their mother, Mrs. 4T. Maloney.
'Mrs. J. Ryan of Stratford spent the
end with her troller, \4ns.:lSa-
Mr. G. IK. Holland is 001 getting
along as nicely as we would like to
see him.
Mr. Martin Murray Hied on 'Monday
tnornmg at 9 o'clock at his home in
Du'bl•in after a short 'illness. fir. Mur-
ray book a, partial stroke 'on Wednnes
day, April 6th and was in ' a semi-
conscious condition until death: He
leaves to mourn his loss his wife, two
sons, John and Gilbert, and one dau-
ghter Nora (Mrs. Maloney) all of
op, two brothers in California.
and two sisters in Detroit and one in
1Grand Rapids. The funeral took place
tfnont his home in Dublin Wednesday
morning [to St. Patrick's Church, Dub-
lin and thence to St. [Coltti .ban ceme-
tery for interment. ?otr. Murray was
in his 79th year.
'The Young Peoople's Anniversary
of St. Andrew's United Church trill
be held on S.undlay, May 161th, at 11
a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev, S. J. Mathers
M.A. of Grand Band, will be the
special speaker for the day.
About 125 were present at the
Young Peop'le's meeting held on Fri -
clay evening, April 1Stth, in the
church. Miss Olga ,Bell presided • and
,tock the devlotional ,period, after
Which Mrs. ,Henudersott and Miss .Pen -
fold sang a duet. The matin feature of
the p ogranaptiet was a debate: Re-
s'alved' 'thatt 1§very Young Man or
Woman 4d1'o111d have a University Ed -
Upstairs Clothes Shop
Custom and Made-
to -Measure
Alterations and Repairs on
Ladies' and Gents.' Clothes
Langley's ,Agency
ucation at; Public Expense provided
He or She Shows Willingness an;d
Ability to take itt. This delbate was
arranged by, the executive of the Y
P. Union of ,Huron Presbytery. The
affirmative was talcen by ,Gerald God -
bolt and Hazel Smith of Centralia
and the negative by Norman Alex-
ander and Lettie ,Love of Kippen.
The judges were 2elr. Wethey of Ex-
eter, Rer. C. A. M'alcolmm, .)./1.A. of
Egmondville, and Mr. Ferris Canitelon
of ,H'ensell. The debate was a most
interesting one, bath sides• doing ex-
ceptionally well. The judges decided
that the affirmative won by a slight
margin. Miss Blanche Mustard play-
ed a piano solo, also a , piano duet
with Mr. j.. 'Mustard, and Miss Jean
Ivison sang a solo. At the close
of, the meeting lunch was served in
the S. S. auditorium.
Mr. Jas. Hill of Stratford has been
spending his holidays with friends in
the village and vicinity.
Mrs. Jas. Berry returned to her
hone in the village recently after
spending the past three months in
'Liondon. Her many friends will .be
glad to hear that she is much improv-
ed in health. Mrs. Hugh, Berry is with
her mother, Mrs: Smith of Bluevale,
who is seriously i11. Mr. and Mrs.
_.McLaughlin of Toronto spent the
week end with friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McKenzie and
family left for Toledo last week where
they expect to make their home for
the summer.
W.ILS.—iThe regular meeting of
The WIMIS. .was held in the school-
room of the church with Mrs. Addi-
son in the chair owing to the absence
of our president, Mrs. Bremner, wiho,
we, are sorry to say, is ill. The meeting
opened with the singing of a hymn
and repeating the Lord's -prayer in
unison, Mrs. A. McQueen read fhe'
devotional .leaflet after which Mrs.
Haugh opened the study, "What of
the Day," chapter VIIII, Korea, Land
of the Dawn, She Was assisted by
Miss Munro, Mrs. R. P. 'Watson, Mrs.
M'dLaughlin, Mrs. Haugh and several
others read papers on temperance.
The meeting closed with prayer by
Mrs, Dow.
Wealth to be Given Away at Bruce-
field..—,In a time like this, w-h,en,every-
one is talking depression this is. a
startling announcement which you
may not believe. Are you willing to
Ibe convinced of the truth of this
statement? Df so, conte' to church on
Sunday, May 1st,The YJP,S, have se-
cured for their anniversary services
the Rev. Keith Love of St. Thomas.
He is a gifted speaker, rich in experi-
ence and wants to share this wealth
with you personally. If you attend
these services on 'Sunday, May 1st,
you will receive your share. We have
done our part to oust "Old Man De-
pression," will you do yours?
'Remember the play, "As a Woman
Thinketh," to be presented here by
the young people of St. Andre'w's Un_
ited Church, Bay/field, on May 2nd, at
8 o'clock. This is a grand chance for
the humble male to get an understand- .
t g of the way a woman thinks, 6s, also
for the other sex to improve their
thinking, Let's all go to Brucelield
on May 1st and 2nd,
Tuesday, Apr. 26
Music By
Ken Steele and his Cleff Dwellers
The Band that brought the crowds to
Grand Bend all last summer and who •'
are now playing at Brant Inn,.Hami1-
ton. Liteiuded in the orchestra are
Garr Batson, 1st saxaphone; Ted
Suit, 2nd saxaphone; Eddie Darby,
3rd saxaphone; Tim 'Eaton, trumpet;
Graham Melross,-Trombone; Tarn
1\2cCan ttton, piano; Ron Wicken,
drums; Ken Steele, banjo -violin,
Admission: $1 connive extra lady 25c
J 'Al. \4c\Iiltan, Pres; Chester Grigg,
Treas.; A. Y. McLean,; Sec,