The Seaforth News, 1932-03-31, Page 6PAGE SIX
ci i)
*John Uri Lloyd
foolin' wid yoalrlife, ,yo': East Wain ipuf on de back p'b one hose what jes
'tuelc'scrub stock. -What fo'yo'-• stop 'liappen�i' ihdb an empty's'a'd'dle."
in. God's'country? Why dban yo' "Yes so it seesms," answered Nord -
go _on
ordgo'.on t' Mosey County, •Eogiany, what man Meditatively.
de dikes ob yo''belong " "De sojers collie wid only. one
The boy made no reply. empty saddle?"
"I wah sdan'n . by de S'bringtown No respbuse,
pike When de wagon what held yoah "Dey go no farder up de pike, brit.
de'bbilish e'arcass come down :from de tu'a back ag'in?"
Kaintuck moent'ns, an' jes den de No reply.
ho'ses stop fo' res'. D'ah web two "De niggers wah cryin', de mucldah
'scrawny ho'scs, forth dawgs, a coop wah cryin', de ole man wah sw'arin'
ob chic -kens, a man an' woman, a Mt in shims Meant an'keein' up a mon
ob dirty chillan, air' yoah r ad head." serous t'inicin', he am t'inkiit'•nu' s'w'
'No reply from she boy, - arin' yit. iBut yeah tinlgin' doan do
'"An' when , de quistion wah axed, no good, > de ifeller wh'a't tole on de
'W'ha' y'o" conte from?' de aeaalh db boy ammo' foam'."
de mans •wlhat dribewa'h, `East K'ain= 1�?Io.'r
'tuck moth -tens.' An' waren. de quis- "Db yo' know who ca!p'ned de blue
tion wah axed, 'Wile' yo';gwine?' de coats?"
an'sah wah, `Posey County, Engiany',' "I -Ie slid not come in't'o the house:
.IS'tiil no answer. However, he only did his duty unless'
'Why yo' stop in Kalmuck, yo' —" the old man paused.
red -head cuss? Why yo' trot go on t' Suddenly changing the subject, the
Posey; County, wid de tribe what .negro said: "Yo' inus' scus,e de (pert--
peri-bring yo? ,mess ob -de questions, but yo' .know
"Old Nordiman is my uncle; I :came dealt Cupe ha'ni b'en in trouble boo;" he
to' live with him," .said the boy surlily, held up his branded hand and dis-
An' from Iast week.) plaints glowers'; °ley am moadr den a "A'n' yo' brung Shaine on yoah Played the livid mark in its palm;
Mach high: ,Et .wah molt a week sense uncle fo'ha'bin' sect loin. Yo' come `en' dis am de 'fest chance halt had
But when snorme.g'came, with un-,Cuperscra'tch 'tat 'bed obah, a?r''no'w from East ICam'tuck 't' lib wid yoah t' gtt de inwardness ab dis: painful
abated energy the search ,was .resum de 'seed arse up, D'ah am trouble fo' Uncle Nordmen, ,but' de man who yocasion. Cope did ,n't 'come t' see
ed. Aid was solicited from the coup,- de man what plant seed olb' •sage an' dribe daft .wagon dean go on; he,stop' yo' t' be. 'quisitiye,-he come t' ax' el,
+: try about, dogswere employed, buttrouble "fo' him ,who let de sage seed in de city art' gine in de blue coat fir- yo' ud do- him ,de kindness yo' 'hob
either the trail had cooled or themy. De moonlight am notbright, but done go often?"
,Sprout." Jae.Jae.plant sage seed' is a
strange dogs were not gifted as wasCupe a•m a nigger ---he kin see in de A smile came over the, face of the
sign •of death or severe sickness to
(George Washington, for they found one of the fa'mil'y.) night. D'at feller wa'h de man who old' I�eh'tucky gentleman,'' and ' he
no trace of the wand'erer's track, A "De -sage am a suet sign. IBuh am c'ap'ped de cavalry -on de S'tringtown thulnped with his cane. on the .floor
panty of seekers straggled to the cab- pike de uddah night, when yo' slip' of the porch. A negro lad, dressed
de sport t ',ob ole mase satisfied?„
in• of ICup,e, who sat as usual beside ` from unlet de tree, an' wlvispa'h in his in a single garment that was sleev'less
'Low 'and 'husky was .bhe. reply, He
the cabin door, his old dog ,asleep at am welkin' yit, but dat dean oonsa'hn eah. He wah de man.'' ` beltless, legless, (a Lindsey shift), .in
''his side."I'll get even with yo; yo' black obedience to the ca'll''soon stood be-
.miggers. He sway' at de unbohn
"Yo' doan pretend t' say dat yo' nigger, fer I've seen the girl, an' Ell fore him,
babe, he 'cus's de nelw-made mua,,
hasn't loan de chile yet?" dd'dhtell 'where she es." "Pig,take Cu e's bottle,
an' he .must walk •fo' his awn sins " P
"No signs of her. Lend us George; "An' Susie?" "Yo' ,will'?" ll?" Cupe - took the empty flask from h'is,
perhaps he can strike the trail." "Et am fo' de good lab tat ohne d'at "Yes, an' Ill get the fifty dollars gook& and handed it to the lad.
"Yo' am wel'co'me t' de dawg, but, "de ,Chan a mus' come 't' too. Mr. Wagner hes offered' fifty "Fill ' it out Of the second barrel in
he am no 'count. ;He am like his .mese. gYb' an" me. dollars .fo' news of her." ' the far cellar,"
Kin we keep her covered forever S'he
He don't trail de 'possum an' de coon yeah oah nose foah home, an' Cupe. made his best courtesy and
am satttin' in de 'cabin in de ma'hien an
now, he hain't got sense puff in his in de calbin in de eben'in'. She am in walk slow, yo' debliilish i,m:p; of yo' t'he'bny the disappeared, to refurm hortly
ole head fo' humin'. Go wid de geni'.n .de cabin all daylong. She run, de teef ab di daveg'l1 make yo' hohling the bo'ttl'e filled with the am
-de get up, yo' lazy hours', an' g go out wid wisho' 'had
,night a breff ob air, Y gone on wid de East 'ter liquid.
(Cupe in de 'ni
go writ' de gem'n!' but da eyes am heavyKaintuck litter an'-crost de river, T'an.k yo',MI'se 'Nordnlan, yo'
The visitors whistled to the dog, Y an' de mist wha' de likes ab yo' b move
nor lbben de nigger.
sit an' gladden de healik
which listlessly .and with drooping hang low. She mus' t'a'b sunshine, an' The boy did not move sayob de y p
head followed them from the door.
doh ain't no cfiapce heah." a Ef o' wan' Cope f"
"An' word, serve yo', a word , t' all yo' need say."
"Ya, ya," said Cupe, when the men Yo'il dobe de home who' yo' '"Tu'n yoah face to'ard de pike like He'.turned to hen suddenly re-
had "yo' am burn'n yoah re-
wah balm, de len' who' yo' always lib, ,I. tole yo'l Move, Yo' sorrel ap, er sumed the thread of his former'con-
hamdle at disappeared,de wrong end when yo' de grabe bib de ore fo'ks an' de chillun
fo' de sake oat de strange T'll pull .dis sullenly
out by root." versafiion.
walk 'way from dis cabin. Yo' might
nge The b'o suP]enl
"Doan I tole o' so?' Y y obeyed, but it was "Ef yo' fin' dat feller what cap'ned
es well look fo' an eah ab c.ohn' we'd Y evident that 'Cupe. intended to ac- de sojers know de'chile wale home an'
thirteen rows es t' look 'fo' de gear] But yo' am not yoah own mese, an' company him, With the old do set a trap t' cotch ]rim.
1' am not oah nigger,Yo' p' Y g in�"
who' yo' am gwine." Y ca•int 9e'be
front and the negro close behind, they "If I could' find the 'sconedrel I'd
In a short time old GeorgeGeorge,slunk •I saint
back and resumed his former location. "De .pap:ahs ab 'freedom wah drawn 'sngdt t, for the , at f (Before nd of Shoot f yo' sight." 'de
Cupe rested beside the door;go t'gl'o'ry ,'ng et, however, at was command of "An' of fin' ne feller iv'h'ata tole
up by de missus befo' she Orme, the course' ehan ed, and de sojers on de honey?"
Dinah stillsat in the back do'or'way; no de palhahs am ready fo' de Co''ht. l �' Y
other person.was to be seen. "Fo' hof ob us?" passing through the fields along the "Ell shoot him like ;a dog."
Stringtown's search continued until, "Fo' Cupe." village outskirts the group reached The old. da'rkey chuckled, c'eurtes-
after several d'a s had passed, hope " Y ' ud tab Dinah run awe the pike near the house of Mr. Nord-ied low and turned again to depart.
y An' oY
like de fieri' nigger do?" n• man. who, as usual osummer after- Then, as if struck by a sudden
departed from every breast. The child
"Da'h ain't no use in ar of il•s, was sitting on the front porch thought, he said: ``May de chile sift -in'
was given up as lost, Rumours arose y gyin' wid a of his home.
thattittlcouldceota e :yet dwere any
passed "$he'tkind
nyoandbrac'(ctl motiy f, Dinah, sCupet On entering the yard Cupe took off t't one t' deyoah feet, clpike e Ywid'Cupe?• i Dalt
from mouth to mouth, to the effect
yoah duds ready fo' de longg his hat, and bowed -low to the owner am a cu'yus track in de dust dat
that .Susie had straggled 'to 'the pike At this poina slight change uin the of the house. After the usual salute might yiii'terest de boy.'
tions had been exchanged, .he said: "Geo," said Mr. Nordman, --
soldiers marching und by a south,and of Nocar- aughtintensity
bhe eythe light
'alert old ,D ah am sadness obah yoah face, Passing together to the edge Of the
Station 'Sergeant: "Are you •ma'r-
reed' the homeless wait away. This ru Tshl" he whispered, "doh• am a ase Aordman, an' I 'spec' d'ah am pike, a's if they were the best of reed?'
P yoah eye'bal'l sorrah obah de heaht ob 'de missus friends, !Cupe le'ane'd over and. po'in'ted Prisoner: "N'o, sir."
reed grew into accepted fact when a "Tsb!ah on de tu'nt'da
soldier on furlough, returning from back, Dinah, an' tale me what yo' Yes, •Cupe, we are in „ toward the smooth 'furrows' in the 'se0alceoii `"cngeap's he didn't under -
the front stopped at :one Me ring- sae befo' de back windeb. trouble," dust; beat this was merely a blind, for you, Sergeant. ,�Vihis we search-
taverns and told of a child who, Cau'ti'ously, the old woman raised. • A'n' well yo' may sonrah, fo' deli no track was to be seen. ed h'im we found .in his pockets' a
am .}:rouble in de 'house an' dah am "A❑ yo' come from East I{ai'ntu'ck sample aE silk epd two un'p'osked leE-
petted by her new-found friends, was her head s'o that a side .glance could
trouble out ob de house, Yo' will' wid yoah' moun'ta'in mariners," he wo'airau's ha'ndwnitin
tors in a
naw in the Army of the 'Cumberland. be taken of the window back • of Cupe. 'sense de nigger fo' sayers' et?" -whispered."Yo' eat g a
'Say on." week old,"
yyoah own kin -
`Et am a boy;folks dah, yo' possum an' yo' begin
"An' de head ob de boy am rely "Yo' am sah'rin' fo' de Chile, de Yo'adr d sbbilmelut 'heah by •titin' de An American travelling through
'Red -(Head" rebel boy, what come t' see his mud= 'hen' ob de man what feed yo' a'n' lAts'ia writes that he was appalled by
Dtnalh?". the oas'te
"Tools yoah las' Took at de ole dah?" prejudices of India. And
Such.' who 'hasn't no spisliun ob de sin in
plantation, IDina'h, res' yoah eyes Po' "Who' am .Susie?" "Yes." he was from one of the „southern
yoah heaht. De wicked deed am lane
de las'' time on de land where yo' "Playin' wid de gourd doll." "How come de Yankee sojers d' an' saint. be undone, er Cupe 'ud 'states, too,
wah holm. De fragrance 'olb de corn "An' boy kin see de .chile " fin' out he wah home?" squeeze yoah neck like es de piah'son
when et am in silk, de (bread what yo' "'He .de lookin' at de chile." "God only knows, ,U'ncl'e 'Grupe, I did he colonel!' Pointing into the .dust "I h'ard'ly feel like a stranger,". said
make wid de 'frosted d 'shun -i n an' de "De deed mus' be done; de iRed- did not triunes that I •had an enemy in the negro con't'inued: "Yo' saw Sustie' the beset map at a we'dd'ing; ".try
ade sroceet'tatah an' possumde Bead Boy hot seed de the world capable of stooping to such in de c'ab:in?" - 'friend has so often done me the honor
gearl, de spell an act" The•'bo did not reply.of readingy,
am no moth 'fo' yo'. De len' ab yo' ant ' wo'ki-n'. Dgawge"—an'd' 'Cupe -At this,juncture the 'Red -Head Aes'sa'hy a extracts from his dear Ivy's
fandah am no moah yoah tame; trial addressed his sloe in da —" letters,"
P g' g D' aw e, Head boy de quistiml; yo' saw Susie
an' sorrah am f'come fo' de two ole est! tree 'em, Dgawge! tree ' nr attempted to walk away. Cu'ne eyed in de 'cabin?" "Sir!" exclaimed the bride, "My
niggers in de Canerdy country." quick!" hien as he turned toward the corner' Wes:"
name is Margaret."
throughof }he •house amid mildly observed: EE yo' say one word t' man' er
no reply, sandgfin the
Fong doorway, time Cade the oglinmadeoc; the open door, . "'Chile, yo' need n't go; be'tt ehrle'bout de earl
circuit around- the ah yo t , Caped!' toly ' ethe
Worm' jiel;Powders do not
sat mute, lost in meditation.. house, and at ,once a ,arc stay an' heah 'd'e can'benslhashun out, 'iNordimen'bou't what he saw When yo' need the after -torp of sailor, Cif or
y of distress case Cupe hat sum'p'n 't' show y:o' in meet de sojers on de Stringto•wnpike anY Purgative to complete '
"De .ansate say drat de ,grkvbe tab came from ,the window where she de pike when he go back." de Pete (heir th'or,.
Covered de body ob de missus an' de head of the 'b'oy he'd appeared. Stuff- -took l The boy night de raid w'ah spade. Eef yo'. 111 themselves.
ss, because ;they are'thorough,
body 'oh de ma'se, an' d'alt de 'blos'm ling through the.d, or and around of the seemin 1 whisper de fact to anyits theiiiselves. One: dose
g og Y arffess wo'rd's as main iCu e'11
e a command; he returned reluctantly
Y p and they'will 'be found palatable
chile am dead au' burned an' dat Cupe cabin, ;Cupe found the dog slanders y 'ch'oke Cab life out fust,' an' te'l'l MaseP e by'
tab done de longmade P g and sat down on the edge of the IMordenan 'bout who cap'ned de raid all children, ,will end the worm tiro
promise out, over the prostrate' form °'f the "Red- .porch. ub
Et say tat when de dead- am satisfied' Head" 'Boy: ors second. ISD shah es 'Gad' made le by making the stomach and bowels
de :baekena'd Work 'ob man am boldo" "An' yo' hob (came at las', .o' a .•, "De IStringt•ow'n fo'ks doan know
!Adam, yo' .deb'b:it from. EaskK, untenable 'to the erase
e tes, And not.
Dinah lloo'ked into the face of her spell chile!" Y til de rebel boy wah home, ?" of harm Doane' to de :Susie chile, yoah :only this, but the powders will Cupe gave this welcome '"yes, man rod heeaidc4ol .'stbj ha'c Is certain tobe
husband land asked: 'Am yo' sualh and glared down into the face of the ,him but Y of thein called to see P t hm dbisnss eu'f, exert most benefipial in -
de dead am 'saltisfhedl " defiant boy, ' leo men in $Gringto'wn would 'lm de tan' yea.' yo' n no yoalis t' 'fluences in the digestive organs.
t ' y who Scowled :bac'k at the inform, on him,"
"Suet. 'DHna'h, II is'suah: De switch old Slave, "An' so de debbil tab' sent •"1-11is b,r be. Min' yoah motif - now,. keep
ob Su weepers' b, II i ,tree do switch
Yo'd es de 'spent so de
'bis bah
udida•h, Mase Jim, de Yan- 'ham' off dot fifty dollahs andr sa'be This is an opportune time to b
kee ca n,ere-
an' ']rang long lobah' de spot wha' Dass. De spell What P' had be'emr home too.".. yoah me;ck" minded that the whale gained
Cupe stick ,twig o!b'ah sweet missus 'MISS. fie' de chile say ,d'at 'Ca'pe an' "Yes; they met by 'app.oin'tme'n Straightening a •d'iftle byvery
s le -be dere "Yo' hails' t, g P> •Cupe sou n the prophet-'taltirng.
gra'be; 'de aed'ab bough covers ` de home, an' d'o't When de d' , t into cause f• spishttn none 'Once more to the gentleman on the
grebe ob de chide she call Ger :bdos'rn, closed at 91as' oah amt of,- de naggers? dratast porch
IDA am no yal'laih -clay t seen, 'but cabin." you' will sit alone in de "No, Cupid; not one • ,hitt would dog! passed`fro'm1sightgabher with his
,Want and Far Sale Ads, 3 times 5'0'c.
dab am trouble yet Dah 'be a trouble Taking the have made any sacrifice for that 'boy,
prostrateboyboy by the His old auntie is crying no'w in the CHAPTER XXVI'LI
cam.n': ear, Cupe raised him to his feet, .and cabin."
"W'hen 'Cupe go las' 'night t' wh'a' face to face the hob a mo -
hain''t no ,cause t' spis'hu»
de ole'hlouse wah, he fleet de touch ob ment ill silence. Spirits.
]I 'holding
one om de b no
' de Speer -it ,ob -de dead: the look at the ear firmly,place an' no cause t' 'Returning, to the, cabin, the negro
the-ilegl° fled' the toy shun no one in de town?• spi-
de spat wha'f,de bed'ob de missus stan' ti the door of the cabin. "`Brun , M'on'strous resumed Iris usual' position in tihe
• de night de b1os'm •wlalh bolo, an' he hat, Dinah, an' ibrun, g my sh*angel I spec' de 'Yankees jos hap -
chair bescde the door, 'first ho ,
sten' on de shelf,' g de 'bottle what Pent' come `hi de night an' p ,han'd'ing Dinah ,th - Wever,
speak t' -de missus 'Pike es of she wah de e battle,
by his side, an' den he P'f fo' de . n' of II ax yo' fo? h'appen t' stop. befo', oah' Y jos consequence 'of Which, in
ansali. Dah fool a full'bottle, cu' 'u Y house. having been sampled-
a want no sound' ob nigger? Whet fo'yo' yb' nlen at y s, Dey.efront d' !y lulled. return was
talk back? men ere: not naw entire
vloice, but de ansah come out ab de 1B'run'g me de , bottle on de shelf fi' de b'ac'k an' at de o'b d'e 'Y' �ill'th Mitt if reaclie
air an' out ob de,.mooisligh't" II says." like ouse'-jos happen t' do j't; ley make
hand the wary :old neat put d her
a ren ke his finger
"What Yo' see t' pint f new $ ob 'mhs•kets in de moonl'igh't ":11
an the yial, dose to the u
„ This order brought the al] 'roan 'de fnansion. Den upper surface
frou.btle? g desired tat Loud of Ute 7lquid, anct remarkedi. "De'
"When aI search',: in d a bed, ob de' 'bottle, ac, pint flask, Putting it into his knock
on de doah, de s'leepin' ltck'all am heath, yo' kin see de to.
sager da'h" wah . many' Pocket, odd Cupe spoke to;the ,boy:
pulled out ab bed, , m'a'rk; doan yo' let none oh et sweat
Y Young sage "E,f yo' fool' wid y' cuffs slip
de •tan
Cupe, Yo' am P o,wah his wrists, and "h'e u"aIh fru de glass while Cupe am`
'gone." e."
!Long he sat in meditetion, chew-
ing wisps of tobacco which from
'timne to time he stripped from the ev-
er -Present 'hand' of the leaf above his
head. Finally he arose, toolt a spa'de,.
and strode into:the garden, beck to
the graveyard. Digging next to the
footstone that 'marked the reefing
place of his mistress of other years
to unearthed a large closed stone jar.
Removing the cover, he took out an
oblong tin box, again covered the jar,
returned the soil and carefully sodded
'the disturbed earth's surface. 'Peking
the box in his ams, he carried it to
the stable, and there thrust :t into an
empty .neat sacic, which he then
threw over his shoulder. Returning
to .the house, the spoke fb Dinah. "Yb'
know de 'papah what' .de muddah o'b
Susie wrote an' lobe in yoah charge?"
"She say t' yo' dat of de painfulness
ob her life obah had t' be known, :tat
de papalis wah. t' be used fo' de sake
'ob de chile,
"Dat am whatshe say."
"Boeing me de papahs' Dinah, dat
time am come."
fDi.n'a!h hesitated.
"Doan ,yo' heah? Alm yo'. gititin'
deafer eosin' yoals senses? Yo''bettah
be keerful, yo' hain't got amach sense
t' lose," -.
,Dinah dived her hand- into the cor-
ner of the cupboard and produced a
package neatly wrapped in newspaper,
which she handed 'to Cope,who
placed it in the sack, which he threw
across his shoulder and started for
LSitrin'gtown. The old dog with nose
DR, H. 'HRJIGrH RO!OS, Plhysidii
and Surgeon, . Late of London 1.
pital, London,' England. Spee
attention to diseases of the eye, ere,
nose and throat. Office and tmafi-
denlce behind Dominion Ban*,,`Wage -
Phone' No. '.5 Residence Phone ff3IV
DR, F. 3. BUIIJROIWS, Seater*.
Office `and residence, Goderieb
east of the United Church. Coi;¢aar
for the County of Huron-, Teles&tic
No: 46.
DR. C. MiAOI{IAY.-C. Mzclt ,
honor graduate of Trinity trrikeesier
and gold medallist of Trinity Ylrryferd
College; member of the College,!
Physicians and Surgeons of Oatair. .
DR. F. J.. R. FIOiRS'PER-Eye.
Nose and Throat, Graduate in ,NW --
cine, University of '_Toronto INK
Late Assistant New York .0tillstfraLL
mic and Aural Institute, Momereefirt
Eye, and Golden Square'throat-
tai's, London, England. At Oman- .
ercial Hotel, 'Seaforth, 3rd Moadillr iii
each month, from 11'a.m. tat gree;
DR, W. C. SIPROAT:—GratienteaN
Faculty of Me'd'icine, Unlaeetfenr i
Western Ontario; Lon -don. itemilm
of College of - Physicians and SEC.
against the ground trotted lazily M ge°n's'` of Ontario Office in erre
his heels, Dinah in the door'w'ay A•berhaast's drug store, - Sea
watched' the retreati'n'g 'figure. Muin'b-' Phone 90. Hours 1.30 4 p.m.
1ingo-to he'r'self, and accompanying her '9 p.m. Other ,hours by appointment
voice with an occasional drake' of the
head, she stood 'long after the form
disappeared; 'then returning into the - Dental
cabin, she glanced' at the little ` bed
'where Susie, tired of play, had care- e
les'sly: thrown herself and fallenas- DR. J. A. MIU'NIN, -Successor t
!cep. -She hesitated ;a ?moment : and Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Irma
then went Straight to the mantel- western, University, Chicago. 42..''.
piece, talking therefrom the bottl'e centiate Royal College of Deatrl• Sir-
Cupe had brought from Mr. [Word- geons, Toronto. Office over SW
man's. Carefully tying a thread hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Anne
around the bottle exactly on the top 151.
line of the -liquid, she 'uncorked the
vial, raised it to her tips and drank a
deep draught, half emptying it; then, IIR. F. J. BIECH!ELY, ,grammes
snlacking'ller lips, she stepped to the Royal College of ,• Dental Sei gena,
water bucket, and poured water -into Toronto, Office over W. R. SSerftfxs,
the bottle until the liquid's surface grocery, Main St., Seaford:.
struck the thread again, which latter office 185W, residence 1854.
s'he then removed, Finally she re --
plated '131 -ie bottle oli the shelf.
"Yo' am a sly old fox, Cupe Hard-
man, yo' am a sly ole coon, but Din- Auetionaea
'ah-» iGitioneGIE ELLlono County
Whatever she might have in- Auctioneer for the County of Meant
Din -
tended saying as a continuation of her A'rrangements can be remade for Rik
'sol'iloquy was lost, for, glancing at Date ab The Seaforth News.
the little bed, she. again caught sight moderate and satisfaction , f
of the sleeping face of Susie.
To be continued.
(Succssors to James 'Woes$
All kinds of .Insur'an'ce :rislac a cit.
ed at lowest , rates in sir lies
Mutual Fire Nauman Cit
Officers — John Bemnewies, d1-
Hagen, 'President Jas, Connolly; .
erich, Vice -Pres.;, ID, F. MeCreilat,
'Seaforth 'Neo. 4, ISec.-Treas.
lDirectors•—lGeo. R..McCartnea ,Sets-,
forth No, 3; ,Alois. •Broadifeat,
Set -
forth No, 3; James Evans, Stea %
No.15; IRobt.:Ferris, Bilyth:INa "& mea
Sholdice, Walton No. 4; (Jblle Mg.
iBrucelfie'ld; 'Wi9'lilam 'Kai'ox, blur m•
borough. -
Agents --alas, Watt, IB'bytis .Ne. %I Val.
E. tHinc'hley, Seaforth; J. A. U€,
ISeaforbh No, 3;. W. -J. Yeo, Maim
No..3; R. G. IJarmut'h, Bornholm. a
'Auditors — Jas. (Kerr, ; Seeinctf
;Th'o's. Moylan, Seaforth 'N'o: 5.
Parties desirous to effect immmanme
or transact other business, t b ile
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to any of the above named offie atfs-
d'ressed to their respective golf
offices. -- _
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