The Seaforth News, 1932-03-31, Page 5tl'
!When we think of a "Specialist" we think of ,one whose opinion
and judgment can be fully relied upon in matters peiltaining to his
.profession. Your 'Superior Store Merchstn!t is a "Food Specla1iis!t"
He is frilly conversant with merits -of •merc'handise'which he sells and
he knows values, Let his'ex!perienice and knowiledge be your guide in
purchasing your 'food requirements—it will save, you time att,d money..
Stems for Week ending April .dole, 1932.,:
14C 5's
OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ...........................per tin 9c
ROBIN HOOD OATS, with China large pkg.
per tin 23c
per plcg, 29 c
per lb, 39 c
per lb. 39c
Cascade Fancy Pink Salmon, /'s.... 9c; l's, 12c
+Brtenswi'cic Sardines per tin 5c
Loose Soap ,Claps 2 lbs, for 21c
!Baker's' -Cocoa ee's ., per tin 23c
Bird's Custard Powder 3 plcgs. 25c
Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia 2 pks. 15c,
'L'awrason's Flusho per tin 23c
Venos Cough Syrup 'Harmless and Effective' per bottle 32c
Perrin's Mayfair Sandwich Biscuit per ib. 23c
Paris .Pate, Excellent for !Sandwiches' .. ... ... . per tin 14c
Heinz Dill Pickles - large jars 40c
Shirriff's True Extracts ,each 23c
Princess Soap Flakes per pkg. 21c
Palmolive Soap a cakes 21c
Lifebuoy Soap, 'The ,Health Soap' 3 cakes 23c,
Chateau Cheese, %'s Per pkg. tic
.California 5'weet Prunes 3 lbs. .'25c; ....lge. 2 lb. pkg
Pure. Maple Syrup, bottle,' small ..,.25c; Targe ..50c
(Loose Cocoa, No. 1" 2 lbs. 35c
Aylmer Raspberries, 2 sqt, . per tin 29c
Aylmer Straveberries, 2'tall per tin 29c
Marshmallows per pkg. -10c
Baker's Premium's.. .15c; °, , 4's 25c
Post Bran Branflakes, Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs.' 25c
Aylmer Diced ,Beets and Carrots 2 tins 25c
Red Plum Jam, 40 oz. Jar per jar 23c
Nut Fudge Candy, Special per lb. 19c
Jolly Mixed Candy o lbs. 25c
Granulated Sugar, spot cash
cwt: $5.00
Yellow Sugar,spot cash cwt, $4.75
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
and a
Dependable Reputation
The. Seaforth
Good QYualit:
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
el you by our services and highest
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. We e.KER, holder of Goe
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Seaforth Softball
R _
(rar-dno's Hall
Teu S r.
A 5
This -is the band that brought the
erowds.'to Grand Bend last summer
and gave s`udh Satisfaction' at the Sea -
forth Golf andY
!Country Club's dance
• fast fall: Cone out and dance to good
music and •helpthe .tea!nt,
.Admission: $1 couple; extra lady 25c
J. M. McMilI!a'n, Pres.; A. Y. Me -
Lean; Sec,
jHigh grade, stylish • and up -to
s:pec'tacles, rim orrimless, your
choice in shell, white or pink, gold -
fitted, with lenses :complete for only
$6.50. Double vision at correspond-
ingly low prices. These prices' in-
clude a thorough examination of your
eyes by our well-known specialist,
Mr. Hughson, Over 20 years coming
to Seaforth. You are assured of the
beet optical work to be obtained and
at lowest possible cost. Tuesday and
Wednesday, April 5, Gth.. Beattie's
Fair, Seaforth.
1O•u Sunday the church service was
held in the morning with special
(Easter music by the choir. In the
evening there were latetern s slides
given on the Life of 'Christ, followed
by a pantomime by"a number of girls.
,Last Thursday evening we had
lantern slides' given in the dhttnoh by
Rev. MronA lustrakt White frfca ii• n
the book "Drum's in the Darkness."
Mr: and 'Mrs. Peter Whitlock of
lLulinley visited at -Mr. Harry Ford's
Inst Sunday, '
Mr, Wm. Routly has secured the
agency for the Hyatt Jumbo Roofing
Co.,of Landon.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W:M'S. was held last Wednes-
day, March! 116th, at the home of
'Virg, Well: Skinner.
Let us have the names of your visitors
Mr. (Robert •Cantelon of !Stratford
,was in town on Monday on •business
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. H. !Hoover of
Listowel-•sipent Easter !with her father,
Mr. W. H. Sholdice•
Miss Kate Ke!hoe •liar moved into
the residence she recently purchased
Froin bhe''Catheriile ,horttnn'e estate. •
Mr. W. Gibson White has secured
a position: ' as classics specialist in
'Walkerville Collegiate, duties to com-
mence Sept. 1st.
'Mrs, White and Gibson and Mr,
Angus MdRae are speneling,a few
days in 'Toronto this week.
'Miss Gladys Thoinipslon of Stain
ford is visiting at her frame this week:
Rev. D. J, and 'Mrs. Lane and son
D!ot?'akd, of Goderich, visited with the
former's brother, Rev, and Mrs, W.
P, Dane, Mrs. D. J. Lane sp'o'ke at'
thethandeofferin'g tweeting in First
Presbyterian Ohurclh.
Marion Scarlett of Fort Wil-
liam is spending the Easter holidays
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robe,
(Friends are glad to hear Mes, R.
Scaelett is able to be up during the
past week' after being confined to
bed for the past six weeks.
•Messrs. Brasil and Eugene Duncan
of St. Michael's'' College, Toronto,
spent Easter with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Duncan,
Miss Rose Dorsey .of Toronto is
spending the Easter vacation at her
home here, •
1fr. Fred Jackson of Merriekvilfe
and Miss Maty Jackson of Milverton
are spending the Easter holiday wibh
their mother, M'rs. L. C. Jackson:
Mrs. 3-csha Spisoat returned tin Wed-
ates•day after spending the winter in
ID'etroit, . accomp'anlied by •leer daugh-
ter -in -!law, Mrs, Hugh Sproat; Hugh.
Rowan and Mary and Margaret
Sproat. '
Mr. James Purcell, who was quite
ill for three weeks,' has recovered and
'his friends were pleased to see him
able to be tip town again last week.
Mrs. A. D. Sutilrlertared and Miss
Anna spent Easter with friends in
Mrs. John S, Cop!pin, who has been
spending .Easter with her mother,
Mrs. F. G. Livingston, will' return on
Saturday to Detroit.
Mrs. F. G. Livingston and daughter
Mrs. Cdppin, of Detroit, were in Clin-
ton on Wednesday, visiting Those
Livingston and Miss Livingston.
Mr. ascii Mrs. Nelson Govenlock
arid' children of Waterford were
guests of her parents, Mr. -and' Mrs.
W. M. Sproat, M'rs, Govenlock and
eh'ildren remained for the week.
Miss Aileen Reynolds of Toronto is
a guest of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Sills.
Mr. 'Will Faulkner of the Dominion
Blank, Brantford, was a visitor at the
home of his Mather, Mrs. W. Faulk-
ner, on Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moffat .and. fam-
ily spent Easter at the home df the
former's father in Stanley Township.
Mr, J. C. Laing represented the
iPubliic • School Board' in Toi+onto this
week at the Ontario Educational As-
sociation convention, ,
'Misses Margaret McKellar and
Muriel Beattie returned to. London
after spending Easter at bheir homes.
Many friend's of Mr, Geo. Seip are
pleased to know he was able to be
out again on Tuesday after several
weeks' illness from a severe attack
of flu.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Flannigan and
little son Bernard, of Hamilton spent
Raster with Mrs. F4annigan's mother,
Mrs. J. Horan.
Mis's Cecelia Hdra% B.IA of Sud-
bury, is spending Baaster vacation 'with'
her mother, Mrs. J. (Doran,
Mr. George Daly of the College of
Art, Toronto, returned Tuesday after
speeding Easter with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 5. F. Daly.
Mr. and, Mrs, Henry' Webber of
Woodham were visitors on Tuesday
at the home of the labter's father, Mr,
Sam H'ann!a, who was, celebrating his
birthday on March 29th.
Mrs. Ohias,' Bartter of St. Cath-
arines isviseting her lnother, Mrs.
Jlohn Goven'1'ock,, Egmond'v'ille,
Mr. 'bV'i11 ,B'lac'k' of London spent
the Easter week end at his home,
Misses Ria Hills, Laura McMillan,
:.I Ida
IBrerthla Beatty, Ida. and Eva Love, of
Toronto, Misses Dorothy Reinke,
(Louise Allen and Marguerite Black,
of Hemiilton, are spending Easter at
their home's,
Mr. Jack Ferguson' of St. Cather:
lines is a visitor at the home of his
parents, M_r. and Mrs. W'nt, Fergtts'on.
Miss Marjorie Biclell of Toronto is.
a lholiday visitor with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bickel'.
,Mr. Harry Livens of Goderich was
visiting friends itt gown on Wednes-
Mese. ,Gertrude Matthews of Lot -
don Norinal is spending Easter Boll=
days at the home of her parents, Mr.
and M'rs.J . Matthews.
Mr. George Hutchfson.ef London
end Miss Dorothy Hutchison of St.
Catih'erines, were guests for Easter
with their 'parents, Mr, add Mrs, F.
D. HuYclnis:on,
''Muss Lydia. Redid Was the guest of
'Miss Mlarjorie B'ickel!1 for a few days.
And you .wond'er why:
Weill, 'jaist !wondering is
something. Many don't
even go that far. Reason!
fuirbher—effects always have
•Causes. Furt'her .still—the
pauses must be removed,
Then you :are on the way to
a pleasant surprise„ Sup-
plying better • vision for
worse is a . duty- we eon-,
aider very trach worth
Continued next week.
Miss Dorolehy Haetehiison left on
IT'hurs'day to spend a few days with
her brother, Mr. Lorne Hutchison and
Mrs. Hutchison, in Toronto.
Mes. J. E. Keating and children are
spending the Easter holidays. in Tor-
onto at Mrs. Keating's (dome.
'Miss Nlora Stelwart of Durham is a
holiday visitor at the home of her
patents, Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Stewart.
Miss Mary Stewart of Toronto re-
turned' on Tuesday, alter spending
Easter' at her -home...
Miss Alice Knechtel of Kitchener
is visiting at her home,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank .Hall and son
'Bernard of Lo'ndes+boro were the
guests of • the Misses Govenlock on
Miss Janet Govenlock of Weston is
spending the Raster ,holidays with
her stater, Miss Govenlock of North
'Main street.
Mr. Dawson Reid oaf Guelph was a
visitor over E'as'ter at his home,.
Mrs. R. H, Ferguson Sr., Sparring
se, is very till with flu at present.
Mr. Lloyd Dineen of Auburn spent
the week -end at his home,
Misses Blanche and Elva Wheatley
df Toronto were Easter visitors.
Mr. D. Moore of Toronto was here
this week. -
Mr. W. H. Little of Pt. Dover spent
the holiday in town.
Mr. Clayton Martin' of Englehart
is visiting friend's here during the
Easter holidays.
!Teachers who spent the holidays
here include M'es'srs, E. G. Rankin of
Fort Erie and Wim. Nec'Nay o'f Duart.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Strong of Eg-
m•ohdville marked their 32nd wedding
anniversary Monday by entertaining
a number of friends at cards in the
evening, a very pleasant time being
lIr. Win. Pollard of Woodville is
visiting his parents this week.
Mr. Rob. Willis of Toronto was a
visitor at his home in fawn..
Mr. James Scott, who has spent the
past..three months in Clinton hospital,
was removed to his home at Thorn-
ton Hall this week,'
(Little J'acl. Carte chap, son of Mr,
and Mrs. James Carhoch'an of 'Tuck-
ersmi'th, had the misfortune to break
his STM this week.
Mr, W. C. Barber of O. A. C.,
Guelph, spent the holiday with his
Among the teachers visiting in
town this week' are Misses Jean
Brodie of Lindsay, Annie Brodie of
Arkona, Mildred' Johnstone of Wau
blaushene, Jean Oluff of Wood's'to:ck.
,Mr, Beverly Beaton ie. caving from
Eginond:ville to Mr. Frank Coleman's
house, formerly occupied by the late
Mrs. J. J. Shine,
Mrs, 5. Allan, of N'orkh Bay is visit
in•g at the .home of her' brother Dr.
W. C. Sporat and Mrs. Spro'at.
M•. -E. C. McCauley of the Provinc-
ial Bank, spent the holiday at his
home in St. Marys.
Mr. Arnold Turnbull of Toronito
'was an Easter visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Williams of Pet-
rolia are visiting her parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. George Dickson -
Miss Margaret Grieve of Egm:ond-
vil'le is visiting , her brother, Mr. H.
Grieve, in Windsor.
• Miss Jean Winter of Toronto is
viseiting.her grandmother, Mrs. Ro:ht.
Mr. Ronald McKay and. Miss Ethel
;M•cKay of Toronto were visitors in
town, . .
Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham,
who spent Easter here, is attending
CEA. at Toronto this week.
Miiss Phemia Gordon of NeeKi'llop
is visiting a,t present with Mrs. M.
'Misses Violet Scoot of Toronto and
Grace Scott of Fullartou attended the
funeral of•the late Richard Bewley.
Mr, Robt. ,M,off!a't is very .ill at the
'lro:nte1of his niece, Mrs. T. Worden;
IGoder'ich • street.
Mr. Wen. Hartry and Miss Hartry
spent Easter in Tomato, Miss Hartry
remaining for the week,
utolns urance
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
Ii's worth your while to see us
your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or •call—Night and
'Day Service
Phone 152
. Suthorland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
couple of months in 'Toronto,
Sunworthy Wallpaper
Week, April 2 = 9
A beautifully colored wallpaper
suitable for any downstairs
room, ,
for 29 cents per roll
The latest designs and colour-
ings in plaster effects
35 cents per roll.
20c 25e 30c 35c
per roll.
Wallpaper Store
Mr. Alex, Bethune left on Thurs-
day of last week for his home in
Vernon, B.C. after spending the win-
ter with his sister,. Miss ,Bethune.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
(Mrs. Wm. Ament were Mr. W. Ken-
neth Ament of Calgary, Miss Norath
'Fowler of Sheffield, Eng„ Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Ament and daughter.
/Frances of Detroit,- Mr. A. R. G.
Ament of Toronto and Miss Helen
Arent of London.' •
Miss Ruth and Mr, Lorne Pink-
ney, Stratford, were Easter visitors.
'Mr. R. Walter spent the holiday at
his home in Jarvis.
hfr. Ro'bt, Powell is visiting int
Mrs. Geo. Israel has returned after
spending three weeks in Toronto.
amiss Dorothy Kerslake and Mr.
Donald Kerslake, spent the holiday
at the parental home.
Mr. and Mrs, P. C. Calder and son
Cameron, of iSt. Catharines were
guests df Mr. and Mrs. Adana Hays.
Mrs. Geo. Love of T'oront'o spent
Easter at Thornton Hall.
Miss r
s Helen
s D' icks'on of Toronto is
visiting her mother, Mrs. A, Dickson.
Mess Edith Govenlock of Toronto
is visiting with her parents.
3diss Gertrude Crich and Dr. Aub-
rey Crioh of Toronto were visitors.
T s rs.
Mr. Jack VatfEgmond of Toronto
spent the holiday in town.
Miss 'Margaret Armstrong of Lon-
don spent the holiday at her home.
Mr. Anther Burrows of London and
Miss Elinor Burrows of Toronto were
.holiday visitors at their home,
Miss Florence Laidlaw of Toronto
is visiting her mother this week.
Miss Eva Fee of Sudbury is a guest
at her home this week.
:bliss Fergus Mackay spent the holi-
day at bhe home of her briother, Mr.
D. Mackay, and Mrs. Mackay, Ha-
Mr. Herman Lindsay of Toronto
Was a guest at the home of Mrs, J.
B. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Adapts have
returned to Toronto after spen'din'g
'three weeks 10 town,
(Miss Rena McKenzie of Stratford
is visiting her mother.
Miss Mary Neville of Sarnia is
visiting Mr. -and leers. 5. M. Mc-
Millen. -
. Mr. and .Mrs, Ross Sproat 'were
winners at the bridge en the G.W.
WA. Monday,
Miss Thelma Johnston of Sutton,
North ,York, is vis'itin'g her parents.
St. Patrick's School Report.`- Tate
following 15 the March report for St.
(Patrick's schooi, Dublin:
Sr. DV.—!QH'on.) Muriel Looby,
'M!ary Molyneaux, Ursula Flanagan.
(Pass) Leonard Nagle, Jack Bern,
Genevieve Feeney. -
Jr. I'V.—'Joseph. Donnelly, James
Delaney, Albert Donnelly, Kathleen:
'Cummings, Mary Cenimb (absent for
one exam), Agnes. Rowland.
Sr. PDh—(iHlon.) Teresa Kraltskopf,
Jack Jordan, Camilla .Donnelly, Jack
Flanagan, Fergus Stapleton. (Pees)
(James Curtin, Fergus Cummings;
'Charles Kratrskopf.
Jr. III.—'(Hod.) Michael Feeney,
Lucille MtaGrath, Mary Jordan. Dor-
etto Feeney. ()Pass) Mary Evans,
Harry Cummiugs•, Dalton Buries.
!Second Class Louise. Flanagan,
IMarglaret Tyers, J'osep'h Benn, Kath-
leen Stapleton, Helen O'Reilly, J'antes
Jordan, Earl Nagle, Aileen Jordan,
!Margaret Cuiminings, William Malon-
ey, Thomas Dorsey, Gerald Burns,
Veronica O'Connor, Angela Dannelly.
'First Class—Rose Klitik'hatnmer,
Rita VaniD'orrestyn, Mary- Woods, Jo-
mrhanmer Ryan Jordan,
(Louis Donnelly, Mary Dorsey, Ed-
ward Rowliand, Francis Dillon.
Primary—Ca'thariee Jordan, Mary;
Stapleton, Billy Beni', Katharine Ty-
ers, Helen 'Flanagan, Margaret Kraus-
kopf, Jbsepli Van Dorreneteyn, Fran-
cis Evau5, Bernice' Donnelly, Agnes
Feeney,' Rtta M'alanev, George Klink -
hammer, Philip,K+lmkhnanmer,
The following is taken ,froM the Ed-
monton Journal; recently received
from Hie West:. "'Phe body. of George
Kidd, prominent figure in ,the White-
law district, was found in' his .home
one and a half miles northwest of the
village of Fairview Tuesday afternoon;
.0. friend, F. Sed'gewick, who was in
the neighborh'ood•on search for a cow,
looked in at the house and made the
discovery. Dr. Mc)Fadyen, -district
coroner, has the opinion that death
had occurred 24 hours p'reviou'sly. No
inquest" was considered necessary, as
death apparently was, due to natural
causes. (Deceased, who was last seen
alive Sunday afternoon, was 70 years
of age and came from Du'bl'in, Ont.,
where a number of relatives reside,
One brother is a priest in London,
Mr, ICidd was . a •well-known and
wealthy store keeper in Dublin thirty
or forty years ago. His father, Jos-
eph !Kidd of Dublin, and his uncle,
!Thomas 'Kidd, of Seaforth, had large
interests in salt manufacturing at
both places. They also owned the
Dublin .flour mill. The late Mr.
Kidd conducted a store on the site of
the building new occupied by.. Mr.
Dill. Fro'ni Dublin Mr. 'Kidd went
to St. Paul, 'Minn., where he owned`
a furniture store, A number of
people recall the large wedding which
took place when he was married to
eMiss Phillips of Exeter. They resid-
ed in one of the residences south of
the station.
Mr. 'Louis O'Rourke of McKillop
is holding a clearing ouct'ion sale of
farm stock and implements on Fri-
day of this week at lot 5, con. 4, Mc-
Kiliop. 'Mr. O'Rourke is lea'vin'g
shortly for the Peace River district
where he spent some time a few,
years ago and 'where Itis uncle has
lived' for the past thiirty-!five years.
'Communication. -,(To The "Sea!forth
Trews.). A meeting o'E the 'policyhold-
ers of bhe 3dcKielap 'Fire In'suran'ce
,Company was held early in February
at the •tdwn hall, 'Seaforth, the prin-
cipal business transacted' being the
electing of one director to take the
place of James Evans, who died 'had
died a month earlier. Thomas bLoy-
lie was elected director to take his
As the auditors' report sinotvs $1,-
195 to be in arrears the directors
'were given the ,privilege by the policy-
holders to take mates from those in
arrears for three months, with in-
terest at six per cent. That is only
extending the debt a little longer.
I !would suggest to the directors
to go &low in collecting these -notes
when they become matured. It is a
well known fact that money is very
scarce with the farmer and 'I ant op-
timistic to express that it looks blue
ahead. In fact it looks bluer .than
the 'blue water highway 'front Bay-
field to 'God•erich that the Goderich
aldermen were wanting to have
paved last suminer to keep the dust
da n. Paving roads
in this time of
great depression only means over-
burdening the fanner. It is a well
known fact that the price .of farm
P ons:•are cuti iwhen
n two and when
the farmer invests in buying farm
machinery or, any requiremente. that
he needs, his dollar is again' cut in
two. rt is no wonder that he is not
on tine dot when his yearly payments
on his iiesurance policy c
1 becomes
' It takes 127 head of eight -hundred -
poured cabbie at four cenbs per pound
to defray elle expenditure of this fire
insurance cotitpany, exclusive of loss
by dare and ligh!titin'g,
S would suggest that the dtreeters
the change h three year
policyholders 3 S t o
a' five year term,-
would cut the expenditure somewhat
but evert at that it is not bringing
the expendituredown', to ccencide
with the ability of the ` polieseeeMeee
NI. O'Loughlin.