The Seaforth News, 1932-03-24, Page 3THURSDAY,, MARCH 24, 1932. THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE" TI REE t S'OUT'H H'URO'N MEMBER IN AN ELOQUENT, POETI'C'AL' SPEECH WANTS LIBERALS TO FIGHT "TO THE BATTER END" AGAINST FURTHER U'N EMPL'OY'MENT AND FARM•RELISE•F. Ottaw (Prom Hansard) Unemployment and Farm Relief Proposed .:Extension o'f Operation of 'Act for Two'1'I'ontlis. The house resumed consideration of the motion of the Prime Minister that ,Mr. Speaker do now"leave the chair for the Mouse to resolve 'itself into ,committee of the whole on the follow- ing proposed resolution: `"Resolved, that it is expedient to introduce a bill.to amend chapter 5'8 of the statutes of Canada, 1931, strik- ing out the word "'Marc'h" in section 8, and substituting -the word "May" therefor." Mr THOMAS ltcMILLAN (South (Huron): Mr. Speaker, in view - of. the fact that II ani a lay'm'an the house 'will be surprised at my venturing into the realm of legalities. II wander at the .attitude adopted by. the Prince Minis - 'ter (Mr. ;Bennett). I always looked upon him as -being a wizard among the great lights of the' 1'egal world. IHawever, ,since taking.any seat int this )House 'have often thought ,we have had to` listen to more trash in 'the way e. of legal technicalities than S have. 'heard 'during all my Previous` life. The resolution 'readls: 'Resolved'that it is expedient to in- froduce a 'bil'l to amend chapter 518 of the statutes of Canada, 5031, striking out the word "March" in section 8, and substituting the word "May" therefor. ;Sec'tion' 8 of the act reads: This act shall 'expire on the 1st day of March, 1932. The first point I wish to make is, I am not dealing with 'legal technical- ities, but sojourning in the field of common s'en'se, Here we are discuss- inon 15,h Marchthe question, of g q amending this actOne grain of com- mon sense s'h'ould bell us that this act is just as dead and defunct as is Mo- ther. Shipton, with whom my right hon, friend is so pleased to converse, and, who, I am sure, must have ex- pired four hundred .years ago. Why should we discuss an act'af this kind? Is it cot reasonable to request the ;Prime Minister to withdraw this leg- islation in `order !that: we may discuss something into which we can instill life. The reso'lu'tion upon which this act was based reads: That it is expedient to bring in a measure to confer certain powers up- on the governor in council in respect to unemployment and farm relief.; and for the maintenance nI peace, order and good government in all parts of 'Canada; and to aut'h'orise the gover- • nor in council to expend for the said 'purposes out of the consolidated re- venue fund such suns as may from time to time be necessary. What is the meaning al that rerolu lion upon which the :act is based? Does it mean that t'he' government. asked :for authority to be allowed to ride roughshod over the constitutional rights of parliament an'd' to do any- thing which the most gbaadoued 'citi- zen :of this country might 'feel inclined to do?- I do not say that the govern-. vent will do that, but the power is there. 0 will discuss :this phase .of :I be matter,later or:, 'bort I ask ,the louse to realize that this is Mereh 1:, fifteen day,; after the act .eapi-ed. I ask the right hon. gentleman to bear in mind the warninggiven by Ju:iu� Caesar—Beware. the il:es of .March. - This le slation it tut t$e logical sequence. of the record t f ehss govern meat since it 'obtained office on Aug- ust 8, 1930. ,;During the election cam- ipaign the ;Prime Minister promised that he ,woudl end unemployment by federal means. He referred to the tnenibers of the Ring cabinet as "this group of mercenaries holding office by sirano and, su'bter'fuge. Look upon then as treacherous to you;`self-con- fessed, deserving of your passionate condemnation" rhtu•1'them froth place and power and select the:great I Am wh'o will lead you into the promised land and do that which ought to be done for the 'welfare ,of this country. /That was the promise he made during the elections That promise was im- plemented when in September, 1930, he called the special session of par- liament presumably for the purpose of ending tat:eniploym'ent by federal 'means. In about as little time as it takes to 'tell, he ,scrapped, the 'w'hol'e theory„ of ending, uneinploymeut. by ,federal means, soughlt'a vote of $20,- 000,000 for the purpose and saddled over three-quarters of the cost upon. the provinces and municipalit'ies of this dominion, .IW:hat else. did he do?. IPIis :first expression an the floor of parliament as Prime 'Minister of.Can- ada was "that in so far as possible the requirements of�the ten millions of Canadian people must be 'produced at tion 'campaign, of eliding unemploy- the machinery of freedom. I would Ment by federal means, ask you, Mr. Speaker, and through this hoes e to rs of h s members r On jure 30, the hon, member for you the n ;Willow Bunch ('Mr. Donnelly) direct- realize that we have recently emerged ed attention to the appalling situation from the greatest conflict of the ages, in Saskatchewan, and the Prime Min- and this world is groaning with the ister 'replied; financial, burden as a result thereof. I The primary responsibility . , . am reminded of :the words of Lord rests with the municipal, authorities IByron, who in his ode to Napoleon and the province, Bonaparte at the close of the Napol- This is the manner in which the eocic wars said: government continued' until July 29 when legislation was introduced. The Prime Minister then said: That element may inset thy home," thereby showing; at once that «\Vital alone concerns us is that smile— heancd his overnntent did not wish 9t ne'erwas ruled by thee! g many of our people are now in want, to encourage -the im ortation_of. any Or trace with thine alt idle hand p y and unless extraordinary measures are In loitering mood upon the sand line of goods which could be produced taken many more will know hardship That earth is now, as fnesh in this country, thus drying up- the and privation in the conn months stream of ladeand paralyzing, our o'f winter., I(nowing this it ,becomes 'But, M•r, Speaker, subsequent greatest industry, that of agriculture, our solemn duty to aid them. In the events have proved that after all this 1Flis next act in am:pBfieation of this short session .o'f parliament last Sept- w,or'id was not so flee as s•oine of th'e course was to jack •up 'the Canadian ,ember and in the one cow drawisg to hictolria+is of . that day evidently tariff against the importation of Bri- a close this:.governrie, t did all within ,thought it ,was, because after the lapse, tish goods almost to the prohibitive 'its 'power to strengthen our economic f an ther hundred ears w•e have re - point, practically wiping out the Bri- 'structure and' to re u'lse the wave of o y p Gently emerged from the greatest con- flict preference before he and his col- world-wide' econontio depression flict of the ages. What was' the cause leagues ever went • to elle Imperial ,which was then peon us:" of :that conflict? It was caused byrife conference; thereby ejecting British I would saythat the effect of all his ' rosecution of the deetrine that the goods at the toe of the boot from P Work has. rather been, to p'lun'ge this freedom and liberty and' humanity of o3 'e .Canadian markets which they had. en- country into the most desperate ,econ the subject is a matter ofaro concern, joyed •fra li'fe'time, envie and unemp'loynient condition that the people are simply the serfs His third act was to pass 'smote of which exists to -day. 1 can tell the and chattels of the state, and that the the most unre'asoaua+ble 'cusbonte and !Prime Minister that in my section of state and, high command should be all tariff legislation ever forced through Ontario there is a decided feeling Of :supreme, That is ,the 'doletrine against the parliament of any •couietry, and, scarcely ,concealable unrest and disc which we fought for four long years, Ire did this under the threat that un- satisf'ac'tion over the way in which the and we know well that we should new Ill all this legislation to which I 'have government has been administering he under the yoke of autocracy and referred, was passed, he would refuse the affairs of this country, 'more par- despotism had the allied powers not to leave Ottawa to go to the Imperial al' tieui'arly along economic and unem-gained the victory. Yet in imitation ary'lrence. o is well known that eV- pl'oymestlt lines. of the kaiser ihmsel'f, in the guise of cry 'member of the house wished the Prime Minister to perform his duty On a recent oecasion when S visited a dictator, we have the. government at the,Irri erial conferenceLeaden,qmy own home I ,met one of the moat thr'ou'gh the medium of this brit laying p,in d+own tie law ,Of aut'o'cracy when it in and we allowed these acts' to pass Protnfivent citizens, a lifelong' 'Censer - without sufficient analysis or discus- native, but a man of sterling integrity. effect says that the representatives of sion. The Prime Minister withhis He had 'represented his township at 'the people :here assembled are of no colleagues went to the Imperial con- county council for many years. His more account,'thtat they are no more feren+ce, leaving us with a lavish pro= ;first expression was: "What are y'ou needed, :than a herd of dumb, driven fellows doing do'w'n there at O't'tawa?'? icattle, that in; effect they should' be mise 'that there wonoet be free and. op- ,01+cour'se, I explained to him that we silenced and told to go home because eft discussion at neat session of .par- were tied hand' and foot, that we of their services are no longer needed lfatnonit. The next -session, eotn'men. the Liberal act could do nothing,'here. sed on the eat2th day of March, 1'93'1. that we had pa Prime Minister who This is'>bhe most vicious 1egisl'ation, Everywithrepresentative 'came to Ottawa " Mr. Speaker, of which I can conceive. with the idea of hearing somethi'n'g was gating in an autocratic mangier, p• of what should be Josie to care nn -and that although he had surrounding Q am surprised at the attitude of my him a cabinet of ministers wiho ought hon. friends opposite, and more par - .employment in Canada, because we to be good men, yet they seemed to' tfcularly of my good friend the Min- t° beenat since time it was worse tens get as though they were minions at ister of National iRevenue (Mr. ;Ryck- it had been Since he assumed the reins'friendman who sits in his place s'mi'ling, I. his EeetMy) 1 ' 1 would not w of. ' +q ower. Asa s say,the house a sentb- ledpour the 12th day of Mardis 0n the to say another word ` akac," he and Who leas an absolute disregard' for Marsh 20 the hon. m'ember for North said, "you know what.; 'have always the nights and .privileges.- of a free 'been in politics, and 1- can' tell, you People. I am 'lied to that conclusion IW place aiad (VTr. ;Heap's)' •rose in his that ,i1 we onlyhad an o after the manner in which he has cis place and asked the ministry if any pPortunity to special measures were contemplated cast our ballots the government would charged his duties since the short ses- to cape with the unemployment situs -wonder where their support had gone sion of p'arluattte:nt in September, 10. to my seotion of the country:" Ile knows' that 'because of legislation tion. There was no answer from any I speak the -mind, I1 believe, of every for which he is responsible the stabil- memlber of the cabinet, On Manch21 member Of this chamber 'when I say ity of business has been destroyed to the bon, member for.Kenora-Rainy t'ha't' we assembled here on the 4th of such, a degree that every prospective River (Mr. Iieenau) rose in. his 'place iiFe'bruary .with the inbenhion of help- trader is afraid to launch out and do and asked what the government in fig to discharge the business of this business 'because he may never know tended to do with regard bo linens-business valuation upon which he will have 1'o anent in his constituency. There boosts with all reasonableodispatch, P' y That was to pay duty. Common sense should ,was still no answer. The Prince Proved', to he the intention at least on this side of the house by tell us that- the valuation which should Minister said that the question ,could 'the fact that we passed the debate on put goodsported ,into this be uion shard: On 'March 31 file loon. mein on the address 'in less than. two days, first country is the reasonable price -paid her for Noah Winnipeg rose and ,because there was nothing in it, and for them. Yet under the legislation moved the adjournment of the ,house, :secondly because we did not want in to which I have referred power can but his motion was luted out of order. be given to the Minister of National ,On April 17 the hon. mensber for Ke any .way to hold up the business Of'th,e house„ be that time to this unem_ Revenue to set wha'tev'er valuation he .nova Rainy River again brought the may wish, without reference what - question before the house, and failing ''floor Of the . repea of 'Commons.theHouse ever to the purchase price, and when - to get a satisfactory -answer from the ;As I ,say, the resolution; which I ever he feels inclined to do it, government, he moved the adjourn- have read and whichortn a That is the sort of. legislation to went o•f,th'ehouse, •but•the motion was £ s the .a of the bill to be enacted; gives: thes 'which the are opposed, and which we defeated. This was the manner in governmentpower to ride roughshod wile not suffer. That is the type of which we were. allowed a;full ,discus- over the constitutional rights 'of par- legislation which is placing the people cion of the problemo'f unemployment. Cement and to do anything' which of Canada in a restive condition, and On April 24, the hon. member for they may be disposed to-do •without is Making them wonder how long such Bow River Garland) asked •tyle- asking the members of the House of legislation will be passed. Legisla- fher the government intended erto cola ,Commons anything about it whatever,, tion such as that is something against a dominion unetnpl'o'gment conference, t14 is simply trampling under foot the which every fibre of my nature rebels, The :'rime 'Ministerreplied:will a very first principle of constitutional !What does it;mean? It meatus that - 'The .host. member will he advised under the measure which the govern - when the event happens, if it does government, namely government o the people, by this people and for the trent now seeks to pass, and which happen-" has been in existence since' August 3 On May 25 the hon, member for people. The roily 'reason ri wall the g people themselves do riot all come last, any man may be deprived of his CauoY IA'IUerni t(VIr,- .Neill) directed dawn here -for we are living in a free h'onte, separated from .his faintly, the attention of the goverutn•esrt, and ,democracy- to help carry out the thrown into prison, his property;con- par•.ticularly the acting .Minister of L'a_ work of legislation t£uscated'—all those things without a hour (Mr. Gordon)" to the des crate g is that it is not P practical for them to -do so; therefore fair trial at the hands of his peers. For condition 'existin'g in: the city of Na- they have ,chosen the members of this Pant, Mr. Speaker, I have - desire nafiiso over he matter of unennploy- mylnous:e as their representatives to act whatever to .in p,ede the business of meat, and. urged the government to for Theon in this , parliament. But the 'house, but concerning an autocra- deal with the situation immediately; p t n tic measure" such as this I would be The minister said that the matter was .enacting -this 'legislation the govern - purely practically says to the members disposed to stay here as long as pos- purely a provincial one, and this, in .of' this .house: You had better go sible 1o, uphold the rights of the the face of the fact that during the home :because electron campaign, as S have said,the you are of no use here. people and perform the duties allocat- Ielecti Minister. i hold ifn any hand the estimates for ,ed to ills by my constituents. s inter had- stated tiers and the present fiscal year. The The Prime Minister talks about pre - there throughout Canada that this had which this overiimen ~`s inclined action serving untarnished the' dignity of the 'become a national problem and, we ii t i . n Imed to, high o ' permitted take in passing this legislation is such position he has been should deal with ft in a notional way. 'that they night •ust a's well Iesen' to fill. By his attitude he has grovell- On vlay 2'6, on the motion to go .elle estimates in a bulk sum and.say- ed in the deist and 'exposed to public into committee of supply, the hon. ,to us: Here is a total of some I356,- view, those who are near and dear to nnenvber for Comox-Al'bet•ni .discussed 000,000 o;f -estimates. Pass them him, whereas',if he had only consider- tlne urgent necessity :of holding acon- one gulp.11fes 'ed the source whence such scurrilous yrou do `not do it,; it' d'o'es feremce. A ,lengthy debate followed; ,not make any difference, because we action came, and let that fact be, sof-. but not a word was uttered by ally' will assthem actio t ear its own +et 'thenmation, I ani P anyway. Under this member of the govern'isnena. On June .legislation Mr. ' S' eaker the rgovern-r certain he ,wound have had elle approv- 8 the hon, member for ContoxiAlber- ' e ' al of every right thinking titeti,t if they were so',inclined could g g •person in nri--brought the matter once more to change these estimates at, an' time. Canada. Where do we find Matt to flue attention of the governati:ent, but t yday. Byhis .prosecution of this vis That fs the sunt and substance of the y Che Deputy Speaker ruled hem mit of legislation wh:ilc'h this govern'men't is ions legislation he is doing snore than order. On June 29 the hon. member asloing,'the house to pass,';W'hat are words can express to dishonour the for Kenora Rainy River again 'brought 'tve here for? II's it not to high • 'posi'ti'on he is • ;tory allowed to up the natter and the Prime Minister, use our best.jud'gment in 'hel'pin'g to legislate adorn. Does he not know it is just replied: for the good of this ,country? Or are such legislation as the government is anappropriatede, . time a state we here' simply as; puppets to how now trying to put through the house state- ment will he made. The pri-' and sera e at h such in days, gone. by caused the heads nary duty with respect to unem do , the nod and. of the of kings to be a led into waste -a- p Y- 'grasping, elf -willed, autocratic, di.c- g t .PP p inert does not rest with the federal batorial power whichsway over the Illouse of now', e`ercises per•liaslcets? go ve rs meai.t," 0.ivad some power the giftie gie us iThen haste thee to thy sullen isle, Arid gaze upon the sea; What airs in dress 00' gait wad lea's us, -- An' ev'n devotion! I feel like making a further quota- tion from the works of the` same na- tional poet: :But inous'le, thou art no thy lane In proving foresight may be vain;, The best laid schemes o° mice an' hien Gang aft agiey, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain For promis'd joyl I appeal to the Prime Minister and the members of his cabinet, I appeal to 'the Minister of Justice to withdraw this legislation. If they will present a reasonable supply bill in a constitu- tional way we will pass it at once. If INSURANCE AGENCY they will proceed in a proper cons'titu_ Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. tional manner we are 'will'in'g, 10 help them, I have reviewed the discussions {� of last session, on the legislation then Blood Tested Chicks put into force which took from parlia- ment matters which should be under ive :control of that body. Hatchery .and flocks ' are both.. in the exclus t That legislation established a virtual in- spected under the Dominion Depart- That violated the basic print- m�ent of Agriculture's Hatchery Ana ciple of the control of parliament over proved Policy, The testing of the p blood samples was done h Capital national expenditures, and was more P y p sweeping and far-reaching than the Laboratories, Ottawa. The bred -to- ware measures introduced' by Sir Ro- to -date qualities .of our lairds are kept up-, Bert Borden. AS has been so. often to -date by the. purchase ofmilebirds said by hon, members on this side, from high record R.IOJP; hens owned during the whole period of the war by some of the most successful breed Sir 'Robert Barden never ventured to ers in the country, him in the autos atic anddes_We expect to h'atcth about'1500 do anything i Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and potic mangier now being followed by this government. 500 Leghorns per week: Please order I treed not review al'1 .the measures about one month before you want the t have been enacting;. we thous chicks if you can. Don't think too they much about price; we will use you heard' about them.time and again. right. }However II ask :the gov'ern'ment to g • that theyare'pursuing a dos- Come and see us, or phone 97 r 4, realizeHensail. We will be glad to talk trine which, if persisted in will des- troy the liberty of Canadians, and one things over tvi'bh you, Feed,.stoves, from the and other supplies kept on hand. which is taking the power hands of parliament to do those. things J. ELGIN McKLNiLY; ZURICH parliament should be allowed to - do. 'Certainly parliament in session ,should stitutional question involved in'this not be deprived of stioh powers. Any i lin the next two months this resolution, but rather to deal' with the time w t practical question of unemployment government would be at li'ber'ty to q Services We Can Render In the' time of freed PROTECTION friend. is your best r Life Insurance —To .protect your LOVED •ON1; S. Auto Insurance—' To protect you against LIABILITY to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY. Fire Insurance— To protect your HOME and its CONTENTS. Sickness and Accident Insurance— To protect your INCOME. Any of the above lines we can give you in strong and reliable companies, If interested, call' or write, E. C. CHACIIBERLAIN call upon parliament to pass a supply relief. hill, and there is no doubt that any ,T'he conclusion of Mr. Beynon's reasonable legislation presented in a speech follows:) constitutional ananner would be, pass- That is the attitude of hon. gentle - ed without delay. The more I think men opposite. The people of Canada h more I think hon; ntetvibers and particularly of western' Canada, of it the are not going to forget the attitude of on thisside of the house should tip the opposition when they say: You hold our .principles to the bitter end. have to put through this relief meas -- is a possibility of preventing IB therep Y r is l you,o it the • �a we tell urs in w i lo- Y • he proposed le s ' e oft g e ossaP the P . p gnot going through the house without tion now before us, certainly we should at the present time take steps, a great deal of delay. to that end. 'I o'f'ten wonder of what kind of HURON NEWS. common clay members of the govern- ment think Liberal's are made. Do Death of Mrs. Robert Pearson. --An they not know that we possess the other of the old pioneers of ''Grey same spirit by virtue of which in days township, Mrs. Robert Pearson, pass - gone by we fought autocracy and des- ed away last Thursday. Mrs, Sudan potism and Which made possible the !Pearson was bona in 18'49 in 'Picker - enjoyment of ,otic present freedom? ing, Ontario county, corning with her The freedom enjoyed in Canada and parents,,John and Mary Musgrove to throughout the world is due to the Turtiberry in 1858. After her ntar- sacndfices of those who have gone be- riage to Mr. Robert Pearson, who fore. As they have sacrificed for us, predeceased her in 1915 in 1873 moved it is our duty to sacrifice for those.into Grey township, where she .has who will follow us. It is the same resided since. Surviving are her seven spirit which courses through our veins children, Mrs. A. W. Beacom- 'Many), that led that` Scottish national poet !Mullett Township; 'Mrs. Wm. Brenn- to say: ner (Kate) Grey Township; Mrs. A. " I'm designed you lordling's slave— A. Harkness (Isabella), Alberta; If g y g Mrs. Emerson Vipond °Susan), At - By Nature's law design'd— wood); Capt. Robt. Pearson, B.A.,. Why was an independent wish Edmonton; Rev. J. J. Pearson, BA., E'er planted in my mind? !Laings'burg, Mich„ and..Jno. 'L, wh'o' If not, why am I subject to has lived with her since her Husband's His cruelty ,or scorn? death on' the homestead. Mr. A. H. Or why has man the will and pow�'r Musgrove, 'Postmaster, of Wingham; To make ,his fellow mourn? and Dr. Geo. Musgrove, Niagara Falls lit is the same` spirit which moved Ont., are brothers, and also there was Robert Burns 'when in speaking of his one sister, Mrs. Samuel Emerson of native' country, lie said: Minnesota. The funeral service was 0 Scotia) my dear, my native soill held'' at her late residence on Saturday For whom my warmest wish to conducted by Rev. Taylor of Ether ;leaven is sent,. United Church- The minister refers- Lang may thy 'hardy s0115 of rustic ed to the long and useful life of - the toil deceased and her interest in church, Be blest with health, and peace, and .work. Among her neighbors she was. sweet content! areal "Mother in Israel:" The pall: - Geo, ,01 may Heaven.their simple ,hearers were: J'no. and James Pear - lives prevent son, sons; Joseph and James Pear - vile! luxury's contagion, weak' and son nephews; John Strachan and Dr. p ,J vale! ;Geo, . Musgrove, The interment was Then, how'er crowns and coronets be made in Men nt Pleasant 'Cemetery, rent, Ethel. A virtuous populace may rise the 'That shows the'way in which he'_would ask the, government toVrealize that all 'despotism ,is bad,To see morsels as -ithers see' us I scrapped the theory which he had an-: but the . notnced to the electorate of Canada worst kind of despotism is that which 'I't wad frac noon\ a blunder free us, An' duringshe whole I . is exercised through the ,nsecliunt of foolish no'tio �; period' of 'his e ee g While, And stand a wall of fire' around their much-lov'd isle. lit is the same spirit which coursed through his veins when he said: 0 Thou! who pour'd the patriotic tide, That stream'd thro' Wallace's un- dagnted heart, 'Who dar'd to, nobly, stem tyrannic pride, Or nobly die, the second glorious part. That is the spirit which actuates the members of the Liberal party in opposing the legislation now before the house. The ACTING ISfPEAI.'ER (Me. 'Smith, Cumberland): Order. The Stott. memberhas spoken forty min- utes.: Mr. BIEYNIOIN (Conserv., Mo'ose'w) Mr. !Speaker, it is with some diffidence that I rise to address time house after the poetic :eloquence of the member for South Huron (Mr. McMillan). ` a do not intend bo devote any consider- able Bine to a discussion of the con - Deep your stock free from blemish with Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Removes inflammation, quickly re- lieves bruises, sprains, strains,. Swell- ings, contraction of :cords, stiffnes's. of joints and sore muscles. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTO'M HATCHING IWe are offering six popular breeds in Blood -tested 'Qual- ity Baby Chicks, Barred and 'White Rocks, Black Minorcas Jersey Black Giant, White! Wyand'ottes and White Leg-' horns, We have installed a new 30,000 egg capacity incttbabor for custom hatching only. Trays liold eleven dozen eggs each. Plant in charge of an experienced operator, Phone or write your reservation early, THE H'OGA'RTH BABY CHICK', HATC'HERY Exeter, Ont, Phone 184W