The Seaforth News, 1932-03-24, Page 2PAGE T‘V.O.
. , ........
.7"1:7IB.,'S.AFORTI-I NEWS. ..•.
married S9 Years ago to itliss
AfeDoriald o flullete who predeceas-
ed him nine years ago, at is survived
C'N by one son, ,ohs, edeor, and
three daughters, Mrs. i-lugh NIGoe-
ern and "Airs. Lee Whitty OE TOTOWA)
And Miss jesse: elk:Donald, a. liome.
Two deuginees, Alise Aenie, of the
Tel-ehone C (Afrs.
joeeph Ernes). of St. Thomas, died
last year.
\Viten Sprieg begins to eltotte one's
clothes are usually `teeclied up" in a
zompetent Cieaniug and Pressing
Plant When ene knows that itt ad-
dition to quelity work, prices have
beam reduced, one hesitates no longer,
but gets an Cleaning and Pressing
eleee before the Easter rush.
3-eieee Stairs e*,125 .50
La) .50
()yea:oats, Sering ...UM .50
Overeoets, Winter ., 125 .50
He-, 75
Saite5025 .50
Overcoats. Sprit..t 1.00 .50
Oyeecoars, Winter .. 125 .50
It ?sae been our Privilege e2 -C-11 .50
Ser many seam to "cheer op"
:much clothing for many people.. Dresses 1.00 -to 1.73
Sweaters, 50 cents we attend to yours ?
nev D ngey
Cleaning and Pressing
HURON NEWS. :et the tee ee ehe shore lir*. Later :be
,weeeet and its :ea! iee aere re:le!
Has Vayed Seaieldt.-11-trF rlt trt seeee route hy two teams
11- 11 • MatEitS1:3 r4ter:t 'ices qnne eem-
: re, str.r., Et.t4+' ta in the eicinity for a time.
e". -e ees ee May
• Qir"airra Wrestler
▪ ls: eeer. r .54 eetreteiW:7-:r=
0:zest:4-.. 35
1• ".‘71 ..7.:tta.E.a. 4.."E ti....ttEtt.EIZ""4 2.2S • ere resolt
Seo,... riee eeeeetre3 in cities ereigz'i .17e=r4 1 -`=:f. -'4'n'' 1,1"Z"tir-F
▪ At:ere:ie. ea the Paeitio.lee,fttg. whieb :he jaw wee broken_
, rti.„....zeyedarDetteerai.i. itzweveer.. wen the haute
:en -es SI -es▪ , eerie:re.- Ertere ti4He ;:s s:seeEieig earee teer.--e with his
-..,,...,s,„..,...tailettetece teed lenether
'-e• ▪ '-zen .iet: at Cerise:: .....55t.. . neerlt:4-'.47=a7.•
Pallet Inspeetec SantettowLFe-r- yeertieif
s leaa
reed iith theft iarargea with
Itt:a A. E. Rae at. lEtt P - ,e zamele at- thresMreg heitsi from Ed.-
7e:ice distr.:: in wleieh this lisat2 Pelle= l'isteorne teerenshie;
eentneneetie leeated. hes hove sen- were cenn...^..eireed Str." trtX,. :1st week,
eenzei, te Feaes ere flay Eee the irezethitt
:he treit at! :Koff? here the C-evern- eirer, now eeeety jell, is tee,
}ie ia"..antad three:zee-1 1r:zee.5 in an tir,S-atte a'SFE=. Oftter
E"r lis
Pnre Ceder Poles.-.G:deeith
'Water and Leziet Cerzerissizet aat.Ea-
er"..r.t.E. tte 7.17..."Eattie tea
St.E4,4,t Z..! Ear
tt at e 3 $.5 ezeh de:ire:red,
bee Feeratienai ere5 fee:72=e! ez
Hors.%- Get Thated..-,Iirteet they rsne. Rels native Cierr-'att3
were Za :a a ettereer erea aled ;nay he eiepented.
:ce a: rete eke- iron: Gederiolt,
leiew tee Szerszt Rete. 5z,1: -.74 -!'ay Death Of j McDonald. - The
• SUr., Zeat."Z .tra=tarta EtiS Etatattateka,..iet"-
ter= :YE ."tits" aEtt.ttrt, 17. Harry z= March llieeieh 3 3tsMoDeonaild,
limes elerneted iirte 'toe water when ,eee :Aga lesile"-rt
zieee iat gtee The eecee: and -.5,-th ezt. He aeas honn Ets• Abeeficer_
three teee :f'ea se::: erefie them. Fere- Sere -geed zi eeree with his parents
r:eel, :he weeter, erfly three 5a: -Li a ">::.^' Reeliett re:extr-
2...ece. When Ithentee ceeme :::est Ittersitiet, Fifty szeris :ego becret,yed
Id.V:r7Ez'- ts.ezie. ezeisi:y eerchsei eniGederlole tewn.eltle. where aze
tap or: les :zee!. niriolie. was. ineare Thel,, as, E.:71-ttrar en tee Cerabh them
hreets eerie resonzed bee .7.7-ttEtr..: E.atter'alta. ai wes
inmeees of the eareep:aireed that he
kept ;hem aoake al niefltet hs his ate -
They sal!be altentates sere.
erayed, erre harged h:s head against
the es2: sed ezzasirree:Lyeetteniel
fiEe •rtt tEtt
exannimation sheered Ben-
rinent was made in thel
Ceihorne R.Z.,rean Catholic centetery.1
Heads Gueresey Breeds lee
mutual nieeting ei the Guernsey
;Breeder's Aeeeciation htt iHanel-
ton, M. Iriesh H o Celhoree
township, was e:ected pees:dee:. There,
was an attendance o about sixty a, 1
the meeriege The Aesoeiatlote lie'
• paraikelY yotrag. Mr,: Bill is
as.a.i Hop Co man zo Se ee-
this year. Mr, Frate.k TO elil of
St. I:tele:is having, bit cheeen a few
weeks ago es presideat of the Aber-
deen Angus men.
Maitland Presbytery Meeting -At
elie regular meeting el the Feee'YeterY
Maitland, Betissels as week
two eesignatiotts were stbanirred, that
Rer. Dr, Alex. Forbes of Tease -a-
te; and Belmore and that di Rev, P.
Ceituthoim of Aslifield.The re-
signatien of Dr. Forbes was laid over
to the May meeting of the Presby -
err. As Arr. Colquhoun expressed his
desire to close his pastorate in Ash-
field by the end of April, his resigea-
don was accepted and Rey, Mr. Han-
na of Ripley was apoeinted interim
moderator. The pulpit will be de-
clared vacant the first Sunday in 2,,[ay.
A call from Blueyale and Eadie's hs
favor of Rev. Wm. Patterson, form-
erly of Vancouver, B.C., was present-
ed and provisioaal arrangements were
made fa induction in case of Mr.
Petrersan's acceptance. Rev. C. H.
McDonald- Lucloacine and Ree, .JSt
Po:leek. Wir,iteeherch, were e:ected
earemissieners te the General
"els to he held a: Lore:lent i..jnee.
• reeeeeentetiee e5es Ererat ZEtzt
Eas tttri-.7.2 att:: CM:21,-7'4,2k rEtargeS. Rer.
33.:Keis, of Neel,: St., ass'
....etrozet, ie.:tear- was eamineeted Ear;
tie::: Genera: As-
seeneYes. =el Rey. EEZ.2.:ett.11.:Etatst:Z...trE
St. 'C-5tteS. !Ear the maileraterteltir
• ziee fiseeed Hateriltert and
'N'EtEZEI =tett= at
leoweeet-Pearsen.-The ilehreesvii:e
United Cherch .77.7.-3.7tta:Ze eras the
szene eti a happy
et -e:1 at ireelt zee=
-azonilas when Peer. J. W. Hera‘ert
tenhed raterriaeze iirmeneee Cave
Pearsee of bide danehter of Mr.
'see Pearszsmri Code:Eel Leernship.
ata F.4747 -F S. Dentese.n. east sera of
Me.Artr-Eattl aate4s-Zat and -the "laze
Dna Seez.les township- The
goer= of whiteeat5 with
fa= hese. and white meat. shots to
re-etc:h. He ceeis ememetet was a
• StrErZ ttE La Teesca peas.
ser.teet wer.e nnattended.
The greermie ara ea the ht. -fide was
enneseeee sreer tea serrize. Emmet-
ermele, metered te the :fleece e,if
te.rides sister., Mts. Fred MeCtnenal.
ef the Met.ea...,ri eeeett-e,ere. re-tere
=eche= ar4e, serre! nehe
elintreg rieaM beireg decorated tr. eink.
and white- Foe a leetaesatear: trip to
Detroit 4t5 -Rim the "bride rdentte-.5
reseda eneeen sedt. trimmed wit5care-
t.-zw acrd ar.s.series
r.zatele- On thele nereee-r.„ thee win re.
esfele at 1,1e-mae
Entilth Re-a%-ar. -
Threnteday. evening a reneeterg at
eithe wae. eadieed ier the F...ar177.7."-St of re-
erereatinitter Etatta7 Err t.% -t. ttrAtatErg.,
seas:. Astsb1;aeen5.
tmin,ed :far pismire sad tie is
tee teleint reva,..ert
A Dining Roomr Bedrm Suite
bear, its so than te. twint a e,..Nte.,.....eeed
EA1H 7.i3DIM-11" dine÷eg Irehe......y., Me..eree AI ..7.--za .s,z..5 le -as., 3ZT, .,-.........-
ar.-- vim awe=li,* yeetres fan the e'ee..." Lest. Ene "e -e- hr Sm. the
reee,e.....,-:44.... ti,,,,,.„.e.e.e,
nZat." treeteZ1 Er. 5tt.FEr444 at'F' tlre. Vt= 'NZ Ert.ttat......1 35
See t:tES, E"'=?rafte Despas =.1-• ....,..,- EtIl erantiere'le..7 at
. , Furniture
_ ..
insee Ise: =ale ZEatat the lee -eased enerke._ 35
this yew:. 7= this ea:in-tee:4m ie 35Fen-
twee-tine; er, pare Ortemiee, fires
lei* these zei etezefrees M the
-oei A
Ford est- Oromtie zest 4-713D.
(letreiteer. the same .maikeree ces:
$17,See.35 Xelr Eltarrts'aaErEk 5YR15 35
StaS. ZiEnJEOZ Eat F.EX,
cilieelnr. 35S....„eeteleerean
zee! int 3,'ztf_sh Ci-e=rels eier.T.:13/5-
The zee: .73 Err =Lie- eight zed
enth-e- reeireder aaare
• -54ate eatre as tee Feel
5niitb3a--557.WIF Hateiwe
. ere, Elaiitatattar, +77:1E*-. ^r"--te-
rat etreatia..tit Cat FaFt
weaS baSthe
relisderenee e:, the wag=
g a sham. zeiten... seeir'-reg :ahem
Hats are! ,weagera
were .4',-7142' CE2=4--ea.-
at! 111.1t
Maren 52th Marr Et.--e.s's
laroS rare e: Ireenzie&L..",
assed aee-we 35 her ,Ee_eee year_ She
h was s eef :the :ele dtErP,-eee
Htteroett. ie.ehe *Seek ed Emeeeetr.. Size
I44 seara age at.5 feimafease Mareh lath
The an_iiyeeeny eileenereari-e.iege.
rihie-storied pag*das
rise brick by brick"
Ch:rxese Proverb.
AND sizable Savings Accounts grow
dollar by dollar! Many fortunate
people have learned this simple rule to
their intense satisfaction and peace of
Don't wait until you have collected much
money. The important thing'is to wake
a beginning NOW. Stark with a one
dollar bill and decide to build the edifice
of Independence slowly and consistently.
Every week add a few dollar. You
will be delighted to learn how quickly
your Savings Reserve, -when left at
interest grows higher and higher.
6 W
• le;rtrate?..,'
ze.ene rio.e..e:- same ten
Feari- 41,7: the !eiteased was a faith -ha?
reeMber ny-..aas Read Cneech.
Besides her-hereaved. beshand. she is
les her daze:ate:- Isebee who
eas awe, net- constant compamon.
Two 7.-:edezzase.1 !ler. name-
• Adeeeee, teed Rey. R. D. Ternhnie„
a -he, was ail:eel az Vials Ridge
Great 'War.. The dee:eas-
ed aisee set-et-Zee!5y three bre:hers.
:Elise sisters. R. 1. identerr.
Woodsocek; Gearge, Edmontan;
Mrs- Ede Kaniman, of -Detroit; Mrs.
B.. W. E. Beavers, Exeter; Miss Arlie
Secrete et Torzem and S. R. Eserett
Elgin:rt.-edit:action is Death Trap.-.
The 0^-e". sHighways
have asked :be zo-eperatien et tee
tree:: dennmmeree of previneial
In ia3:s war a= reegeigi eat motoriets
at the 'Elgimied -death comer," ewo
eas: zE LtZtatt. This comer
ha_s hem the nitre of a growing :nm -
:5 EataZ accidents dnfing :be past
two .1-ez:3 an highway ofircials charge
ehaz 1 rega.azieas and other
maffic laws thay.e heea greasy disre-
garde! at tiiis daegkeas intersectiara.
Proyfitriat peeifee have agreed zn to: -
their efineu an this comet-,
laws hreaeh ref .stop
signs will bei ettaimeted.
The MeNel ▪ Erom the
West smtes that one of the McNer.
.ktatlett.S. ES is Sasimeoren and the other
ge.e:nee- Caltegiate In Regime_
3es See-,-emsy-Treasme•e--. At
the antrenel 7.zzetinz Green
Lew= Ifemerris: Pa:1 areaMimetien,
Lawsen C. Cense, at: of
CeettitZrr aed Mrs. Bees-
sea- was eyepeinted see,e-retary-neasnr-
er of the cemna=s„ Iter. Cease Ss
been eeriere ahete....,Tra a :nearest- of, years-
- The Brasses
Post 27.(5735l:ts a :et:et- 35:m Dr. Fred
Geienize ef Le=is, eeseribing a heel-
treerr trig te Mexiere inhere
attended a her. Seize Bui: Sgheleg,
a =aeienel spent in Mexico mr.2 the
eitea,eens are es enthasiesteeate Curead-
fans wereld he nye:- ireekey er73511. hest -
The 515 zi the. mateler, who
carries a rod dee; in Es eit he55 end
• sllenfl.e7 swere 35 his
rn :he far: that be
me • -se s.rad steady ene his feet when
the heeil ohw...-ge He eat sefir.g his
body ',=,F ko-aaF"bat iRts, Int he :nest
not tage $7,ZTS =1 any trreetiee at the
ont: etharges. 3,-e:di's
:at the Ted
asg, to his side en.5 reeinte direet:y
• tbat one,. er=2 as he'ehaiges ise
switegsbit Itte.:2- Ear -.mange eo the
.sede eril.tent mewing hie .feete se :et
the bean
gn Is. If he ...ekes a seep the
=i.e.! do =et elem. i' Se stands
steeely he gees a tremor:lime oration
the end. Affe4e heieg
ez eight :dimes. he
::sr 5is1,mrs ineee as he
"ee'-ges arnel p35tsget the swivel
down .-teeneeene the
the bell eeebitIcaets
and neerm be35g 35beinled
▪ the ees. eat sky
5 sae.' and have no pater::
desem te• see ameith 4a1ikeriat,
5 wen:5 eet hesitate Wa ge 33
I had nor seen one," says Dr. Gilpin.
Injured While Skating. -One night
recently Mr. W. Collins of the High
Sehool staff at Wingham, in some
nor fell while skating and broke his
nose. Howeyer, after repairs were
made, says the Advance -Times, he
was able to attend his classes on Mon..
day as usual.
Elligson-Deitz. - A very pretty
Spring wedding took place at St.
John's Lutheran Church, Seebacifs
on Thursday afternoon, when
Susie A., only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Deitz, was united in mar-
riage to Lawrence G. Elligson, eldest
son VI Mrs. A. Elligson. Rev. A. Poi -
lex, pastor of the church, performed
the ceremony, The bride looked
charming in a dress of beige silk lace
with accessories to match. Her at-
tendant was Miss "Margaret Seibert of
Mitchell, who wore a gown of maize
georgette with dace. .Alfred Ehgoetz,
of Ellice was best man. A wedding
breakfast was served by two of the
bride's -friends, 'Misses "Myrtle Kuebna
and Ina Elligson.
As a vermicide an excellent prep-
aration is Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
termindtor. it has saved the lives of
countless children.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c
• 0
the bards on fire"
Dick Johnson's wife was franking
pies when she glanced out the win-
dow and saw smoke curling up
from tlx barn. And Dick was over.
at the Blay's helping with a load
of hogs!
She san to the telephone. Dick
rush '&1 botne with Fred Blay and
itt a few minutes they had stl/Tsped
out the smouldering bay before the
fire got really started.
"That was a close shave, Dick
said. We might have lost evety-
thing. /Vs lucky we've kept our