The Seaforth News, 1949-11-10, Page 4Nntrammansimisem
• The Ladies of the Anglican Guild
and W,A. will hold their annual
Bazaar an
Thursday, '`tiTovr..17
At 2.30 part.'
In Walton Community Hall
Sale Of Fancy Work
Aprons, Elonle' 13aking'
Fish Pond and White Gift
Adults 60c. Children 30c.
In Walton Community Hall
Thursday, Nov. 10
Ross Pearce's Orchestra •
of .Stratford
Dancing starts 10 o'clock
"The Back Woods Romeo"
I3y the Londesilort Players
hi Walton Community Hall
Friday, Nov. 11
;S.lo. Under a .,t the Choir
of tuff t hn Cir
Admission 4ee and 20e
T.T",e nte, tine of the
e .John
,i +r ided to
, D ri
1 t n,1
11~' 1 rt
1.1., hymns .ls t
is to be
• 1. 11tr+n church
.;1, etelting
Tv lee. The
u• n < t hcid on Dee.
U tt t til lire persons ap-
t 1,me leek. .,f the games are
:31,11.; n Bolger, 1.elnit Martin, Leona
J, rt s -.ore and Barbara Patterson.
Mrs. 'Kirkby leen gave us an inter
,-tine' talk ,' Tinlad. Moved by
Helen Johnston, seconded by Edna
'Martin; that we each bring some
little toy to the next meeting to send
to Toronto, •
The meeting was closed with a-de-
lieions lunch; and taps.
The many friends of Mrs, Wm; ,,tie glad to know that she is
inipr-oved and will be able to he
home i'roin Seaforth• Hospital in a
day 'or eo..
Seating plans are being prepared
dorthe examinitions which corn
inence on Monday, November 28th.
This was necessitated because the
third Department of Education con-
ceit will be at the school clueing the
examinations and the auditorium
cannot be prepared for these exams.
On Tuesday morning 1Viar'y Lou
Sills presented crests to eight girls
who had obtained twelve points 0r
over in our S.H.S. Annual Field
•Day, These eight girls were, Junior,
Beth Boyd, Maybelle McClinchey,
and Patsy Lane; Intermediate —
Mary Lou Sills, Ruth Keyes and
Bernice Dining; Senior — Isabelle
Spiers and Mavis Oliver.* *
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
here we come. Yes, next Friday we
head far Toronto to get a look at
the Royal Winter Fair which contin-
ues in the Coliseum Building of the
Canadian National Exhibition
e•rounds from November 15 to No-
vember 23.
5 * 5
Last week a successful inter -school
plowing match was held at S.H.S. In
tic .et alar event Arthur Bolton and
,=ht; M Garin captured the -first
:seat with a total of 1.45,7 points. The
sten eeniors, Garfield Hughes
ud,TertaPe Murray scored 13(3.9.
I. the Junior events ler boys
era --es tr or 10, the Clinton en -
;r.: 4 Murray Tyndall and Donald
1 i e read a combined score of
to th s.eond with 1'29 total
,.r,er ehade end Douglas KcyS
n pleeed third with Pill
Itroleintan ar,d Jim Connell scoring
1.7 i•. i;. noint5.
The phi by _n : match arranged by
Mr. L 1'. I'tuensteel principal, and
ter. L. B. Morrison, head of the ag-
tieultgre depaetment of S.H.S", was
judged by Frank Bell, Stratford.
Well over 250 people were in at-
tendance at Seaforth High School
auditorium onThursday on hear a
superb concert presented under the
auspices of the Department of Edu-
Attention Hydro Consumers
The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario will
immediately begin a spot check of electrical equipment
in hones and conlnlercial establishments in the Sea-
forth and Dublin districts in connection with the
forthcoming Frequency Conversion to 60 cycles.
Personnel making this test inventory Will carry cre-
dentials. For their own protection it is suggested that
consumers request that identification be satisfactorily
The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario
Frequency Conversion Division
c•�aa^.: =•mac,-_r.,.sr.-m;.:
....r..rm=::00.=xu0.0=ns-a ss
Gives Perfect Satisfaction
"GOLD STA " -- All Purpose Flour
"EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour
"MA.GICn -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour
"Just Give Them A Trial"
Calx Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter
Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration
Chief: :. t -a ,r er - Chick Grower - Laying Mash.
Pap, J7 it°QFr1 nrPY•'. t •:.1`'ch?ng 't° n„ h
1'' ) I °ic•i t1Ur, , r
ir" ,.y,
1•s C!Cd
.'•. -.SOC : P:, ONTARIO -- PHONE'S 353 - 354
11. j3 Ja �E% 11
eation. The programme featured
Erica Zentuer, violinist from the
Senior School of the Royal Conserv-
atory; Nancy Whitefield, contralto,
who is studying under Dr. • Ernest
Vinci at the Royal Conservatory of
Music; Doneld George Brown, bari-
tone studying with George Lambert
nig Toronto,' and pianist John Coveart,
winner of the Gold Medal for highest
marks in- Canada in the Associateship
examination of the Royel Conserva-
tory of Music, and also the Heintz-
man Scholarship. •
The program opened with Franck's
"anis Ange.licus" sting by Miss'
QS'hitefield,'"Tes Yeu," by Robbey;
the rollicking On Wings of Song•".by
iMendelssohn and Strauss' "Zulg-.
Next Erica Zeritner.'was heard in
two sensitive violin solos, "A.nioso"
by Bach and Franteur's "Cicleilano
and Rigatidon".
The thrilling baritone of Donald
George Brown was then heard in
TOUT dramatic solo offerings; "Sweet
One and Twenty" by Handel, the
spirited Tobias Hume number "To-
bacco", Roger Quillon's "Over the
Mountains" and "De Provenza Il
Men" written by Verdi.
The first half of the progrlm end-
ed with a piano solo by John Cov-
eart, variations from Czerny's "Th-.
cordanza", A great ovation from
the audience was accorded these
artists at the end of their presenta-
"The Crown of the Year" by Mar-'
tin was the first of a series of four
fine offerings by Donald George
Brown to open the second part, This
was followed by Hely Ilutchensnn's
"Song of Soldiers" and Clarke's
"The Blind Ploughman". In spark-
ling contrast Wit F, his expressive ren-
dition of the modern version of
"Sing a Song of Six Pence" arranged
Michael Diach.
As her Second presentation, Erica
Zcntner played Nolte but the lonely
i,e•a't by• T chailow•.ky, Krei.slet"s
l •:, Wrena" from the Cave Duch by
0:010 1 1 :,•,, Dvorak's "Slavunc
•sect t t rr m,n-'d by Ill Gisler
':t her e-seotel '.ppe a1anee \ e ry
Whit efield sang 'Tito Years in the
Sprite .; Reach, an Irish and an
Fterlisle folk song, "Down by the
;ally Ga den" and "My Boy Willie"
end legally T c:n k Bridge's "Love
\\inter Riding"
Prolonged applause greeted •John
Coveart'e return to the piano for
another brief recital in which the
versatility of his artistry was vivid-
ly protrnyed. He played the rollick-
ing "Ritual Fire Dance" by De
Falla and Debussy's "Arabesque".
As the final number on the program,
John Coveart played by special re-
quest the ever popular "Polonaise"
by Chopin. This number revealed the
amazing quickness of his fingers and
the skill of his musical accomplish-
Dont' forget the annual com-
mencement on November 25th. This
commencement will feature the Glee
Club in Gilbert and Sullivan "H.M.S.
The first of a series of try -outs
and practice for the 1949-50 Sea -
forth Junior '0' team was held on
Sunday. This practice took place at
the Classic City Arena in Stratford.
During the practice one of this
year's hopefuls, Ron Rennie, receiv-
ed a broken wrist and will probably
be unable to play for six- to eight
weeks or longer.
About fifteen boys showed up for
this -practice.
5 ,., * ,.
On of -the five Seaforth cheer
leaders willl-hI chosen to repreent
eaiortlt Iligh School at a competi-
tin. This competition will take place
•'t Kitchener on Saturday, Nov. 19.
Thi; competition is to select the
"Mist.; Cheerleader" of 1949. The.
.•c.luetiun of ethis person will sure
:,lave a pretty problem, Themornpet-
hor's who. will be present should be
".bre t) reeeivu a cheer from anybody
,. 5 - 5
You say you have seen all kinds
01' rugby .games but never a grune
like this. You say you have seen
1 3115 broken but never as many as
"ere broken at S.ILS, on Monday.
• You say you have seen games filled
with comedy and errors bat never
sane so full of flukes and comedy
ee the tame which was played on the
school campus.
What kind of game was it you
e'ek. Wen the girls decided they
wo,,ld show the boys how not to play
,i rlw and how to give a coach gray
hair. Twelve girls from Grade SII
and X111 bep'ged uniforms and equip-
ment from their best boys and pre-
(' eed themselves to play one of the
,,elehest, lou; hest games in the
l i for t" f c e• fee t l High School,
?.t Illay the girls paraded
redo the playing field and stetted to
was ped un by trying to hick the
,'1. .I f ut 11 'et von don't succeed,
try, .resin", "are our words of
i -.dem to 1-1i0'0 111.1.5.
11 e 1,1;,30 of the first whistle
ate r•nt. under way. The game
11. eer,itehin" effair throughout.,
cede. 010 :ctrl eves able to scratch
wev tmeoss the line. • This girl
r rce•a.tcher in the game
t ie 1 mcont or or the Grade XII
' 1 „c1.' 'i'liis scorer was • Mary
";114, the canteen and one of the
• •:ani�ers of this game. She
!'1 r• to 011 (-hick and cut -scratch
-1.,,.tear nd stere five points
the final prone of the game
Le - II 5. Grade X1II 0.
Ter, t••-1 " , ii•15 were. Gracie XIII
v*^ B eeteell, June Steell, Ise-
• •-der^ 11 ,r•1, Tallman, Phyllis
" .•n,1 .l'a'ce ,ret ,Stevens.
C I' TT t h 'Eleanor I:1,a,•ie,
t (niece. Deism Johnston, .loyee
c vin,,.• Lou Sills and Han-
,, '"eeper.
rmeee "leeees lied no definite po-
set were all over the
i.1r1 n h ria^•.env and in .actuality.
•.,., ,re .,1,noeeded. They played
'1''lteh1 they. co'rld de..
I • ,Hat harm,
Mi'. J^nes' 9, Isrerwing of Winni-
Assembly - The: first assembly
was held- Friday, Nov. 4, at 3 p.m. 11.
was openedby the GleeClubwith
the singing of "God Save The Ring"
in three :port singing. Mrs. Mason's
room, (;rade 1, entertained ivitlt the
Play "Little Red Riding Hood."
Iittic Wendy Carpenter, the leading
lady, made a winsome "Little lied
Biding Hood", while Kenneth Al-
brecht, as the wolf, cattle otit 101th
such a WOOF! that he fell flat on
his face causing- geles of laughter
from the. audience.
The next assembly for •our. Re-
membrance Day programme will be
held Thors. Nov, 10, et the Presby-
terian Church.
The boys and girls of Grade III
wore their' hallowe'en costumes to
school last Monday afteriroon, Oct.
31st. The back hall was alive with
spooks, cats, witches, Pumpkins and
even Gene Autry was on hand. Judg-
ing by the smiling end sticky faces
we believe an enjoyable bine was
had by all.
A certain Junior teacher gave a
creep sigh near the end of the day,
During' art period a very serious
Minded and droll little lad of eight
looked up' at her with a serious face
and said, "Life becomes tedious at
times doesn't it?"
The teacher was forced to laugh
and said, "Billy where do you get
those big words?"
"Ole I just hear lots of words,
hieroglyphics and things,"
• Services for Mrs. Susie Munroe
were conducted in Whitney's funeral
home, by Rev. Glen Campbell on C
Thursday afternoon last and inter- a
pent made in Maitlandhank come- I:
tory. Pallbearers were B. F. Christie, $,
I es McClure. W. 11. Stewart, Robert
Watson, Feed Johnson, Reg. Ker- 9
slake. She was the former Sueie
T'e, lc+-, a ud was born in North
l altar.. 13/47, comm•; to Brueefield
a 1 ride in 11)00. For the past nine'
-curs she was a resident of Seafortb
and for three years she was mail
c•„mice on Seaforth rural route 3,
She was a member nt the First Pres -14,
hyterian Church. Surriving are elle
son, George, Seaforth; two daught-
me, •, (Alice) Mrs. Dale Nixon, Sea -
forth; (Gladys) Mrs. -Ray Mason,I
Acton; a brother, Roy Ilemsley, vv
Huntington Park, California, and a
two sisters, Mrs. Harvey Huntley,
Huron, North Dakota, and Mrs. G
Howard Dunlop, California.
NOVEMBER 10, 1949,
with PDNIOND. 013101:N and atOBI+R7' STACK in Tc•ehnienlw
When it comes 10 displaying the- mi11111 in action only. a I'ew monthpictures can month
tslor4s with this ono, .to ,Lich has I con 511010 a; goodly rection of actual combo]
illm culled from Alt force .sources
with RRGD 112aoMIJRltAY and M+ADI)L110G CARIIOLL
They're burning the !'scandali' nt. both • ends In 1(11x. surprise romantic comedy hit
of the year. Tho merriestlot ofay' . gdeeeivors. that • ever,tiirted with trouble
Next Thurs. Pri. Sat:, "THE LAST ROUND -UP" In Cinecolor
with GENE AUTRY and JEAN luiA'a'H1I(
Don't miss One and his. wonder -horse "Champion" in another glorious Western q
0000100 "ROAD 11013011" with Ida Lupin* & Cornet Wilde„ Adult Dntersaimnenn
,...�: ..x... ,.,.
Foie their honeymoon the :bride
donned, a paddy green -gabardine
suit with black accessories. Tile
groom's gift to the bride. Was a gold
wrist watch, to the best maxi, bailersand soloist, a billfold` each. The
bride's gift to bridesmaid was silver
salt and pepper, and to the waitresses
a flower vase each.
Guests were present from Detroit,
Toronto, London, Woodstock, Lake-
side, St. Catharines, Blyth, and Lon-
Mrs. George Hamilton of Auburn
is visiting• her niee0, Mrs. Bob Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dale and daught-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Dale, Doug-
las and Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
73eruard and Lois spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. .Robt. McClure.
At the afternoon service at Cavan
hunch, Kenneth Charles, son of Mr.
nd Mrs. Les Dolnlage, and Agnes
lame, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
oy Dolnage were baptized.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross ;Davidson of
Matford spent the weekend with
Ir. and Mrs, Ralph Dosbdson.
?'i and Mrs. Eddy Wel,b, Toren -
n, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
hohbrnok last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon, Thorn -
ale; Mr. and firs, Pill Riley, IIen-
,ill, with Mrs. C. -Watson and Mrs.
Lyon on Sunday
Miss Bertha Brogden, London,
as a Sunday visitor with Miss Eliz -
beth Mains. -
Dr. Leonard and Whitely of
orrie were the guests of Mr, and
firs. Robt. Youngblutt.
Miss Mary Ellen Prest• spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. F. Preet,
I We are pleased to see Rev. S. H.
1 Brenton back again, he being called
to Vancouver, his brother having
died suddenly, Mr. Brenton went by
Dr. Robert .Grierson took the
church services for the past two
The young people of the United
Church are kept busy presenting
their play in different towns; last
week they went to Ailsa Craig; on
Tuesday night of this week they will
be at Pt. Albert; on Friday night at
1 Walton; and they have several other
places booked for later,
i June Manning had a tonsil Opera-
tion last week and is getting along
Mr. and Mrs, Eckmier, Ripley,
• and Mrs. Mary Sampson were callers
on friends in the village on Sunday.
Operations have commenced on
-the digging of 4 water tanks for fire
urotection. Mr. Geo, Radford, Blyth,
has the. job,
"dire. W. J. Tamblyn, Toronto, is
a visitor at the home of -Mr, and firs,
Frank Tambly'n.
Mr. Henry Aflame has returned
home after undergoing • an operation
in J.oudoe hospital. Mr'. Adams al-
- though SS years of age, came
through the operation in good Shape
!and is now able to be around the
house each Oat'.
Mrs, Belt Brunsclen had the mis
fortune to break her ankle recently
' and -is now et the home of Mrs, W.
P. Br'unsdon, -
Mrs, W. T. Brun dear suffered a
heart attack a. few days ago, but is
better, Mrs. Richard V"dden is tak-
i. care of them. •
The Fireside Farm Forum held
their meeting on Monday night at
the .home of Mr. and Mr,. Wm, ,Tew
itt with an attendane'e of 25, After
listening to the broadcast. and having
the discussion period, - progressive
euchre was played with the following
peg visited the latter part of last
week and Sunday at the home of
Me. and Mrs. Jack iMcEwing, Mrs. A.
W. McEwing and June, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Rapson, Mr. Geo. and
Miss Mae Smith and Mr. and Mrs,
('Warren Gibbings of near Clinton,
also calling on other friends, expect-
ing to go back to London on Monday
where he visits his brother and wife
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwing.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colson and
Mrs. Leo Watt spent Friday after-
noon of last week in London.
On Tuesday evening the regular
meeting of the Junior Institute and
Junior Farmer's was held in the,Clin-
ton Collegiate. During the joint
meeting Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mac-
Gregor were asked to come forward.
After Verna Miller read the address
Fred Gibson presented the couple
with a lovely wall mirror. Mr. Mac-
Gregor thanked the club in a few
well chosen words,
• Prior to her marriage Mrs. Mac-
Gregor•was also feted to several
I showers. The Y.P.U.of Ebenezer
Church, Goderieh twp gave a sur-
pI ise shower at- then regular •ular meet-
ing held at the 1101110 of All, and
Mrs. Morgan Jones. The bride re-
ceived many lovely gifts. The c0m-
evenity met at the home of 1Ir. and -
Mrs. Arthur Hebden to honor -their
trieee - a few days peter to 'her -mar-
'liege and presented her with a lovely
combination magazine rack and end
table and a novel table lamp. The•
same evening the W.A. of Ebenezer
Church presented her with a Iovely
end table, The rest of the evening was
spent in games and the lunch was
served by the ladies.
One evening a week .previous to
the wedding Mr, and Mrs. Ernest
Hebden of London gave a shower at
their home. During the evening Miss
Judy Hebden presented the bride-
to-be with many gifts while Miss
Barbara Wiley read the address.
Miss Muir replied in a few well
chosen words. Lunch was served by
the hostess.
A lovely autumn wedding was sol-
emnized at Ebenezer United Church,
'Goderieh twp., by Rev. Campbell Ta-
vener, en Saturday, Oct, 15th at
high ]loon when Mary Josephine
Muir, daughter of John Muir, and
William" Gordon MacGregor, son of
M1s. MacGregor anti the late Frank
MacGregor, Hullett township,- were-
ereunited in marriage.
The bride entered the church 0n
the arm of here father wearing 11
floor -length gown of white ,ivreey
with sweetheart neckline and full
skirt draping (rem a gathered waist.
tier •finger-tip veil was held by a lace
tem halo. She carried a bouquet of
red roses -and wore three Strands of
pearls and matching earrings, The
bride was attended by Miss Helen
MacGregor, sister of the grown
wearing a floor -length gown of
heavenly blue (trona with matching
feather headdress and carrying, a
bouquet of pink roses. The bride's
brother. Alc • Muir, was best man.
Mis', Verona Miller.91113'ed the wedding
Hayle and during the signing of the
register 1Vlr. ,Jim Lobb sang. "0 Per- -
fect Love".
Following the ceremony a recep- .
tion was held for about sixty guests'
at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs"
A. T. Hebden, who received wearing
a blue. • crepe dross and corsage of
nink roses. She was assisted by the
groom's mother wearing a beige
erepe dress and roraage of white
roses. Those assisting al. the recen-
'ien were Mie"'e J+i'ne tvreC'trtnev.
T"t"o Massa,' -Heehaw, Wiley and
Grace Lobb, ascioted in the kitchen
by Mrs. H. McCartney and Mrs.
;tee we.
winning ,prizes: Ladies moat games,
Mrs. Ben Riley; lone hands, Mrs.
Harvey Taylor; consolation, Mrs, Ro-
bert Riley; men's most games, Jim
Jamieson; lone hands, Eric Ander-
son; consolation, Oliver Anderson.
Next Monday night the meeting will
be held at the home of MT. and Mrs.
Alex Riley.
The young people on the 8th and
91:11 are -enjoying the hydro as the
power was turned on last Friday,
MI'. and Mrs. Henry L. Diegel and
Mrs. John Diegel with Mr. and ;Mrs.
Harold Diegel in .Mitchell on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woodward
and Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward
of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry W. Tait cel-
ebrated their 24th wedding anniver-
sary on Sunday
Mr. James' Riehl is visiting Mr.
Wm. Bode near Mitchell,
its. Warren Schilhe of Kippen
with her daughter, lIrs. Mervin Hod-
gert and Mr. Hodgert,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Schultz and
Maydit and Mi•. Robert Rock of Wa-
terloo with Mr. :ural M'rs. Edwin
IRork on Sunday.
Mr. and itTrs I'.dwin Rock attend-
ed the Ahrens _.-- Rats wedding at
Seebaeh's Hill on Saturday.
Mr, John A. Arbuckle of West-
minster Hospital, London, spent Sun-
day at his home.
'errs. John Amstein has returned
home from Seaforth Hospital
Quite a number of friends and
I relatives attended the 20th wedding'
!anniversary celebration of Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Bennewies of Woodstock
(son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ben-
newies) in the town hall, Mitchell.
Farm Forum met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert . on
!Monday evening with 16 in attend-
ance. Tha topic "Education divided
by ten; should there be federal aid
for education" was discussed aftere
which progressive euchre was played,
the winners were Mrs. Manuel Beu-
erman and Irvin Rock, high; Mrs.
J. Arbuckle and George Mogh, low.
The next meeting is to be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mauer of
Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Prueter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann,
Ray and Wayne and Mr, and Mrs.
Leslie Beuermann, Joanne and May -
da spent Sunday with Mr. and MTS.
Nelson Kahle at Stratford.
Quite a number from here attend -
el the funeral of Miss Clarabelle
McMillan near Gadshill on Tuesday
afternoon, She was a sister of Miss
Aletha Mcii'fillan, former teacher
L:F r'eIPdei im I�.1.(+
Geed going—November 146 to
Nocemher 16th inclusive.
Return—Leave Toronto riot later
than midnight, November z.ich.
Full i,fo,matim, /root any apvt.
Town Of Se fo
Oa instruction from the Council and
in accordance with petitions received
by therm 11 hereby nn
y u t, •R7 ;,, 1r
rida >, �: ove her 1 kl
A Public Holiday
for the Town of Seaforth and respect-
fully request the citizens and business
r trv�
God .,Chid r e 'i ne King