The Seaforth News, 1949-07-14, Page 2''Poor Timber" Business Booms -Old-timers used to say "there's not an inch of good lumber in a square mile of it," but forward-looking timber farmers are ready to turn North Caro- lina's old -field softwood trees into profits. The secret is a creosoting process which makes soft- wood timbers last up to 30 years instead of five. Small plants like the one above can turn out up to 600 fence posts a day, at 65 cents a post. Lumber, crossties and electric light poles are also produced from timber formerly considered worthless. SPORT t• :tXBITCk t IC In a recent issue of Collier's Weekly we noticed a feature article devoted to Luke Appling of the Chicago White Sox. Somehow or other we couldn't help thinking of x novel by Somerset Maugham, a principal figure in which was an outsles who because the greatest fig.:rs in the Brigs:.: zerary world, no: because of the race:fence of his wcrt. baa simply because he had cu:'.iced any of his contem- peraries Like .t ing is a better -than - lair ball player. His fielding. hit- ting ,.-...o team play are away above the a:erant. E:i:::e iso: the sort of n.baracter pepagazines . viculd publish featere articles about racer, for t:g one sling. Hes the or k, -rear man now regularly pe ing on any cf :.^.e IC teams which constitute the two major - leagues.. fracility c: made= baseball - r..,: the ever -lengthening list of ers iaEd temporarily on the shs7f to: seemingly raltry injuries, le..'', Arthur Darer of the N. Y. make some interesting cc. ris As against today's ste:- see- gy as precious and as e :ti. 1:1;-e as Dresden China he rata -l_„ for example, the old b re O_.e'es the era of Tt McGraw. Hoashey Jennings. Tac Kt -:ley and the rest of them. bozos acre EO tough, ac- rcr to 21:. La:ey, that they never hurt: Gr. if. they did. their me :c5/ wan to spray the injury Wit 0. 7o:-_,azcc,:"uice-a care -alt which. ., lunc..ced Te e t for everything front a alight bruise to a broken legand ctn.inne playing. T.re.se old timers went 9 innings a day. 154. games a year, and twenty seasons or more without drawing a deep breath. One o: the most reck- less _tars of all time was Torus Raymc-d Cobb, who continually courted injury on the base paths b n Favorite - Oscar Judd, Canadian member of the . fall•• leafs, whose pitching and ncIi-hitting have made him a 1 pular figure with the fans. with his daring. Yet the Georgia Peach spent 24 years in the big time: and his batting average in his final season -he was 40 then- -was a mere .323. Still, Ty Cobb's 24 years up there wasn't a record. Eddie Collins Iris a big Ieaguer for exactly a quarter of a century and so was Bobby Wallace -and they both played the game for all it was worth, too. . The first time we ever saw Babe Ruth -he was a pitcher then -we couldn't help wondering how soon those puny -looking underpinnings would snap under the strain of tot- ing around that giant body. His idea of training rules would have never got him an after-dinner pat - on -the -back from Conn Smyth, Tommy Daly or any of the other inspirational speechifiers. Yet the Babe lasted for 22 years; and Rab• bit Martinville, who was no bigger than a fair -size bat -boy, and who also thought that training had some- thing to do with locomotives. kept going for 23. 5 * s. . (Stili, lest you alight tiulk that a proper appreciation c.f malted. spirituous and ferru tt d l.t veragee N.1 an e•se. iia'. Cf t'.,., _ l Rogers H is:•y did r -:t t ., .,is mare in the mLjc-, far 23 }'•arc too; and he fevtr t•:.." r, t-trit in his •e.' Year n cern t;:c..s: artist keeps his salary arm, literally, in cat en batting. He practically lives on rr. -soyas, litat-treatments. electric therapy and the like. let a guy named • Lenten Tecumseh Young boasted. truly, that he never had a rub-dowr,'°In his life. Yet all that Cy Young did in his 22 sea- sons of majoring WS5 win a paltry 511 games -a mark that will pro- bably -,ever be even approached. Nor was Cys Y ciu:ag by any means an isolated case. Herb Pen- nock and Sad Sam Jores were in there for 22 rears. t\ -alter Johnson, Eppa Rixey, Ted Lyons, Red Buf- fing and Waite Hoyt kept pouring it on for 21. Among the 20 -year heavers were such as Grover Cleve- land Alexander and Urban Faber. = s Others on the lists cf old-timers who carried the burden- for 20 or more years are Tris Speaker, Fred Clarke, Napoleon Lajoie. Mel Ott, Honus Wagner, Jimmy Foxly Frankie Frisch, Gabby Hartnett; Al Simmons, Paul Waner and others too numerous to mention; and which one of those would find it too diffi- cult to chisel his way into any existing major line-up? "It is generally an indication of advancing age," *rites Mr. Daley, "when. a fellow sniffs scornfully at the modern generation and talks glowingly about the Good Old Days. Yet how can you get away from it? The moderns get too many wound stripes -and toe few service ,tripes," To all of which Nye. personally, add a very hearty ."Amen." And if we were asked what we think is the reason for it all, we would lay the blame directly at the feet of your modern baseball managers. Over -publicized as "master minds" whose every lotion is as deeply and cannily thought out u the 64th move of a chess -master, your Dur - ocher's, Southworth's, Boudreau's et aI, spend so much time juggling lineups, and switching playere that their hired help don't get a real 'hence to develop into stars pos- aeesing, not only speed, but the priceless assets of durability and ability to "take it." Motorists ould treat everybod. as though they are blind, deaf o- defective. Pedestrians should treat alt motorists as though they are homicidal maniacs. Then, between the two, we should get fewer acci- dents. VIIIRT ON�j r .9� YN THE 1 WORLD NamanBlair GREAT BRITAIN Anxieties regarding Anthony Eden were dispelled by his appear- ance of perfect health when he turned up in Parliament after the recent recess. illis collapse while snaking a speech in the open air is said to have been nothing but a touch of the sun -of which Britain Wes some other places I could men- tion, ha been getting More than its share. The Socialist Cause was dealt a rather seveee blow a week or 50 ago whnn. in the House of Lords, Lord Milverton. well-known Social- ist Veer announced that he was cutting his connection with the Party. Ir, a dramatic speech Lord Mil- verton said that for years, as Gov- ernor cf \,_(:ria, he had endeav- oured to to aim the blessings of free- dom to a :-ackward people who had never h:,,t any. NOW. in Britain, he re. used to preach the advantages of slay -try to a people who had al- ways known freedom. "1 thought I was taking part in a crusadr," he said, "but now I find it has Leconte a rake's progress." There was an interesting time in Parlianleiit when the Conservatives tried out their strength by Moving an amendment to the Finance Act calling for a reduction of the stand- ard rate of income tax by sixpence. The Government, after a tough bat- tle which lasted till the early morn- ing hours, staved off the attack, and the standard rate remains at nine shillings in the pound. This means that, three and a helf years after the war, the British -people's income tax rate is only a shilling less than when they were at death grips with the enemy. THE FAR EAST There are increasing indications that the "cold war" continues to spread in the Far East. The widely - held idea that the Chinese Com- munists might find it advantageous to keep friendly with the Western democracies, for business and other reasons, received something of a setback in a statement made by Mao Tze-Tung, )the Red Chinese leader, in which he hailed Soviet Russia as China's "real ally" to which he looked for help. In Washington Secretary Ache- son told a House Committee that if Southern Korea did not get speedy help from the United States it might fall under Communiat dom- ination before very long. Communists continue to be busy in Southesast Asia and there is evi- dence of their activity in India as well. And some thousands of Jap- anese war prisoners recently re- leased by the Russians arrived home singing Communist songs and apparently under the effect of intensive Soviet training. This, and much more like it, all adds up to evidence of the need for broader activities by countries trying to block the spread of totali- tarian communism. Just what is the CLASSIFIED ADVERTIIIN-6 AGENTS WANTED OILS,. GREASES, TIRES. Inl.atictdea, Electric Feneb Controller., Hou.. and Barn Paint Roof Coatings. eta, Dealers are wanted. Write Wargo Grease ♦ 011 Limited, Toronto. BAB)- CRICKS PALL HATCHED Chicks, 'older pullet. 10 week. to laying Many breeds to choose from. Free catalogue. TOO Notch Chick Sates, Guelph, Ontario. , STARTED chicks,- 2.week old non -sexed: Bar- red Rocks, Light Sussex X Newham:shires.. White Rothe :21,05, aro- lrampshires 51,40, Light Sussex 29 95, Assorted Heavies 20,45. Pullets: Barred :Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshire... New Hampshlres 130.90, White Rocks, Light. Susses 33.95, Assorted Heavlee 29.95. -Cockerels; Barred -Rocks, Light Sus- sex X New Hampshire., ,few Hampshire& LightSussex 20.95. White : Rocks. -22,95, As- sorted. Heavies 10,75, Three week old add 5o per: chick. -:Alan other breeds. 'Day. old 12 pure breedsand13 erose breeds. Prompt de- livery. Older Pullets 10 weeks to'day000. new, ed- dle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. CHICKS available the year round. Also pul- lets 10 weeks to laying. Twiddle Chick Hateheriea Ltmitad: Fergus, Ontario. STARTED hicks -2 week non -sexed: Barred Rock. Light Sussex T New Hampshire 31.75, New. Hampshires 21.5,' Light Sussex 22.75. Assorted Heavies 20.35. Pullets: Heir - red Rocks, Light Sussex X. New Hampshire. 30.75, Light Sussex 32.75. Assorted Eeavieo 20.75. Cockerels:. Barred Rocks, Light Sus- sex ti New Hampsbires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex 20.95, Assorted Reavles 20.76. Three week old add 5c per chick. Also day old turkey points and older pullets. Top Notch' Chick Sales.: Guelph, Ontario.. DYEING. AND OLEAi<1N0 RAVE Tot' anything Deeds dyeing or clean - lime Writs in us for information We are glad to 80swer soul gueatioae .Department B Parker's 0,. Works limns,: rot ronge Street Toronto :Morin - -_ F,,,NM.OT3IENT WANTED SWISS girl 37 years old rants position in household. Box 43. 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. FARMS FOR BALE 80 -ACRE farm for sale. 17 acres cleared. BuildingChe on. 4m cash. from Englehart. Clear title. Cheap for cash. Apply Antton.Mantari, Englehart, Ont. CUR SALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross-Crtmped Corrugated and ribbed My'se. . to 10 ft lengths Immediate delivery from *tock Write for sample* and eattmstee Steel. Distributors Limited 600 Cherry St. Toronto NEW AND USED DC= 1.1. DOZERS, SHOVELS, /11011 -LIFTS, POWER GRADERS. DITCHING MACHINES, FARM TRACTORS, WHEEL AND CRAWL- ER. THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, BALERS.- WRITE, WIRE 011. CALL: MEITER'S MACHINERY SALES INC. BEAIER FALLS, PA, OR CDAPEAL, GUE. SHAVINGS -SOFTWOOD at 20 tents per bale loaded on ears Haliburton. W. 0. BAILEY S SONS, Halibnrt0n, Ontario HAG5TROM. High -Quality Scandinavian pi- ano accordions or sale. Catalogue sent On request. Write Theodore Bezan. 219 Shot- maker Ave.. Kitchener, Ontario. iRepreeent- me importers of Hagstmm accordions 10 eastern Canada.). y+Ht.EL Cbatra of alt kinds: folding. ad- justable and special built. Bamford -Retia Ltd. Ottawa, Canada. DODGE 46 Truck F.W.D. for ptongbing and togging- -als0- 41 Chevrolet Special. Sutherland. Centre Is- land. o-land. Toronto. wa, 1211. relationship between Soviet activity in Europe and in the Orient is not entirely clear. But news coming from the Far East certainly sup- ports the view that Moscow is still working hard on its project of stir- ring up world revolution. THE UNITED STATES One hundred and forty-nine years ago a young elan named Eleuthere Irenee du Pont, of the town of Nemours in France, arrived in the United States and began casting' around for a chance to set up in business. Deciding that American gunpowder was both expensive and inferior, in 1804 he founded a,$mall black -powder plant near Wilming- ton, Delaware, Today the du Pont enterprise has become an industrial empire with total assets of more than one and a half billion dollars.- The princi- pal unit produces some 1200 lines of chemical products including rayon, plastics, nylon, cellophane,.. anti -freeze and Heaven only knows what else. In addition to this, the du Pont family -which operates two holding companies -has a $560 million in- vestment, which amounts to a con- trolling interest, in General Motors. It owns 17 per cent of the United State4s Rubber Company, and has interests in other companies manu- facturing tetraethyl lead, ethyl fluid, ethyl chloride and refrigerants. Recently United States Attorney, General Tom Clark filed an anti- trust suit in Chicago demanding the breaking -up of the du Pont empire. He charged that du Pont, General Motors and L".S. Rubber used secret agreements, price preferen- tials and rebates to stifle competi- tion. The du Pont company denied that its relationships with other organi- zations have been either illegal or detrimental to the people of the United States, The president, Craw- ford H. Greenewalt, whose wife is - a du Pont, said that Attorney Gen- eral Clark is attacking "bigness in business 28 Sych." Altogether it shapes up as one of the biggest and hardest -fought suits ever known; and if you live to see It finally settled -well, you might have quite a span of }lie ahead of you, at that. FOR, SALE PURE • WOOL VALUE Initial offering of .pure: wpol .utility/ ruga, Indl.peneable for plonk., couch govern, nlltll" mobiles and that extra blanket. Oolorrl red. and black,blue and black, green and b1ltol(i fringed both ends. Size, approxhnntOly 111' x . Price 0545 each delivered, PAY postman that .amount only. Provincial. 11txo0 it any, extra. Atony basin guarantee. Many other real values to follow. THE: MURPHY GRAHAM 00. Room 115, 353 St. Nicholas, b10ntreal 1.' FOR SALE -Eagle Tractor with 005, 25.40 In good running condition. Peter GlnarWll, R,R. 2, Zurich, Ont. GLASS CUTTERS set with gonulno 0103110 diamond. .A most useful tool around Faun, Home or Summer Cottage, Price $4:10, 1505 - age paid. C,O.D. chargers extra. Deal0r 9010011 on ooantltleo, Canada's Oldest Dlnmond '1'001 Company, Fuentes Clarke and Co,. LIrnIled 331 Bartlett Avenue, Toront, Ontario, ATTENTION FAR:4ER55 Field drain 1110 - we are now In a position to accept horn orders for, deliverythis season,. olzon d' to 10". Bartlett Tile Yard, mor Romeo' and Nor. folk St., Stratford. Tel,' 2384. . 'FARM: EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1-10' COCRSHUTT grain binder, 1-8' Mas- - sey Barrie grain binder, 1 McCormick Deo* IMF Green Cron bay loader, 8 fork hay tailor -McCormick Deering, 1 Fleury 5-8,0010 Plough, 1 28" 6toCormack Deering thr4nhing machine, All Implement. In good working condition. Toho' Stephens, Roselawn Norm,'. Richmond HUI, ALLIS-CHer.*-ERS NO, CO, 8 It. - cotnbino with straw spreader, windrowor, pick -5/D at- tachment. _ .Apply D. M. Burt, St. George, Ont. GALVANIZED steel chain link fencing of British manufacture, 9 50050 x 1" .metal l0 roll 8'0" high: Stocks available In Canada at Very competitive prices. acct's orell0lrlb1l- tore write Lawrence and Newell Ltd., 78. 540 - lade. St. 3yent,Toronto, Ontario. MEDICAL PEP UPI Take O.O. & B. role Tablets 500 low- vitality, nervous 'and"ienenot dehIllty. 000 and 11.00 at druggists. GOOD RESULTS -Every sufferer from aheu- mtic Paine or Neuritle should try Dixon's Remedy. Munroe Drug Store, 835 Elkin, Ottawa. Postpaid 21.00. TRY ITI Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine Or Neuritis .hould try Dixon's neme0Y. Munie's Drug Store, 331 Elgin, Ottawa. root - Paid 31.00. INGROWN TOENAILS removed 0000515: and eainleesly. "Nail -Fla" $1.00; "Com Fix" removes. corns In -ton min- utes, also callouses -60c1 'Wart -Fix" re- moves ugly warts, 36c. Month back guarantee onall three. Sent Poet paid by A. Thomson,. 363 St Clarens Ave., Toronto LADIES ONLY -Get quick and effective relief from painful, irregular periods. 82.00 for box regular strength, $5.00 Double Strength,. We pay postage. Satiefaettonguaranteed or money refunded. Nater Distributors Heg'd., P.O. Box 264, Outremoot, P.G. HELI' WANTED WANTED, .Registered Nurses for general duty, 8 -hour Day. Apply Superintendent o1 Nurses,- Rosa Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. WANTED: General Duty Nurses for 160 bed General Hospital, 8 hr. day, 8 day week. Grose salary 8155 per month. $30.00 deducted for maintenance, Apply stating qualiticationo, experience and age to Administrator, General Hospital, Chatham, Ontario. FULL or part time, 35.% commission on initial repeat buolnese. A fact selling business service. Income Tax Aide. 1732 Avenue Road, Toronto. SALESMEN to sell roof eoating,,;paiots to farmer., property owners. Selling plan al- lows you to beat competition. Canadian made, Shipped Dem Toronto, United Builders Co„ 5007 Euclid. Cleveland, Ohio, 118.A. LIVE --WIRE ealenmen to handle new lino of Hand -Painted ties. Sensational .fast -selling Item. No special connections needed. Sells on eight to consumer. Good living asoured: No competition. Ruth reply for free catalogue to Oriental Art Studios, 2035 St. Tlmothee, Mfontreal, Que. OPPORTUNITIES for 0IEN and W0ME24 BE A HAIRDRESSER 10126 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dlgotfied profession, rood wage*. thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest eystufn Illustrated eats logue free Write or Call sr ARVF.L HAIRDRESSING 0 HOO 765 81000 51 wLS , 0ronto Branehee 44SCR1 St.', Hamilton A 73. Rideau Street, Ottawa. COMFORT for bellovere in affliction cent free for 10 self addressed envelope 1102 41. 128-1810 St., New Toronto. Ontario LEARN SHOW CARD WRITING Men and women now have the opportunity to get started In ihir profitable and money- making career. Interesting and fascinating work. leo advanced edueatl"n or experience required, WF. SCPPLT FULL TRAINING RIT ON E-- ROL0ENT Specially prepared and approved lessons, com- bined with practical training, enable you to start right in sour home, under the euper- vislon of Instructors with years of experience. Write for full particulars, without obliga- tion. to CREATIVE SCHOOL OF At0.T 930 Weston Road. 5000,1to 0 PATIONTs 1,101tlattWONltAtIUI9 0, Company Paten% 50110110ra 1004It9n01104 11100, 3)0 :Bay Street, *'ocfl0t0. - 120nitlnl 01 Intormntloe en re/Met.. 5'354Pr11411i0 PHI FREE 5 x 7 iENLARGEMENT A4i'l0) mows roll 1r .115/,1 0ev,1n0etl. One. nal 1411,11100. 2111. 0115/10/ 1'9102/ Her vice, P,0 Sar 1110, Ottcwn,_ ..... 11'0011M/I 00/5143101 055104NQ 'l'owsolllp nohow Area r00uiree 4 4 10/110141 1111110( t0 Omumonae Sent G. An111,v ottrtilr0 0na11(Innticnfa, 00500leoce, 01011111 ,,t 1110 011111110000, and dalarY. expected, lit 61.111111 11 0,1, 1'. .000 •'i'rean.. Clayton Quuu'ln - WANTED LOGS WANTED Proms Out 4'htrd(wott White pine „ ant 111114101) VIlllOtl' 11110' ,Ia1Vl,gn. 100, prlaee ,tai Inmellleadollo nail ftoddlo Lumllol' and.. Venom Cc' of Ckubtdn 5/P write O02 068. Sault. Ste. 014010 (till, WANlIAD BY AUGUST FIRST I NIGHT SUPERVISOR 81011.0)1 10,111 0110,00, hoard and single room. l0xp,irloiluoil m5/ sonny and Home oneratlne room, ALSO 2 GENERAL DUTY NURSES - $100,00 loth 300.00. board and pinglo room. '511 days 1,111452' sun 7 ntatutcry holidays. 10111 pity Yearly, • No broken shuts. 100 bee. tonpItal. ideal cilrnnk, good conditions. wtr0 or wl'ite. 1(IN0'S- DAU('IIPt10100' 3508PITAL, Duncan, 73rltlali. Columbia. - Neighbor: "Where is your brother, Willie?" Willie: "He's in the house play- ing a duct. I finished my part first" Special Purchase 84.99 pair Sporty 0/0008000 vamp Crepe Sole Oxford, rice Bog goody shade leather, rondo en 011 fitting Comfortable lost, 0tur4517 built for appearance and long' wear. Int. mediate delivery. Sized 0 to 11, In- •oludinghal/ elzee Postpaid It money order or cash lo, ent with Mall Orders Filled Hunter -Billings Shoes 1515 Gerrard. St. East" Toronto, Ontario Phone GE. 5050. Pile Sufferers • You've mlosed out if you haven't tried • the new scientific Pyltone Treatme,tt. Liquid Plant Extrnete, special Bsisnme, and Gums go direct to that Inner trouble, removing the cause, 1t gets worth- while results that last, Your first bottle Of Pyltone proves thio or its price re- funded. Pyltone Trenfinent, 81.75. Your druggist. TARPAULIN "Cover it with a Tarp" Satisfaction immured Heavy 15 oz. Waterpr' ofed Roped and Grometed Size Price 0a 8 *5.75' 6 0 9 6.50 7 it 16 12.00. 8 x 100.00. 8 x 12 11.50 9 x 12 12,05 0 x 16 10.20 10 x 1214.40 10 x 14 10.80 10 x16 10,20 _110 a 20... 85400 72x14... 20.15 12a16... 22.00 1a:x 18. 21.90 12 a 20.... 58.00 14 a 10 26.90 14 x 18 ,... 30.25 14 a 20 ,,. 33.00 161 20 .. 36.00 15 a 25 41.00 Other Sizes 311111e un Prices an Request Send 82.00 Depoit Far Immediate Delivery' F.O.D. C.O.D. Potento Superior Tarpaulin Co. 125 HURON ST, TORONTO 2. Ont. PL. 0743 17.4 ► Just inhale the. Booth ing, healing fumes, fel quick relief, it's foe' acting! Get a bottle today Try This To Clear Up Unsightly PIMPLES For quick grateful relief, there's nothing better anywhere at 007 Piles than MOORE'S EMERALD OIL" to -.soothe and heal externally_oaused un0lghtl3 skin blemishes and irritations, - It you are muttering from any simple ebrtaoe skin trouble and want quick: ease and comfort and real results, get a small bottle. of EMERALD OIL today, Uee as the simple easy (Brettlone advise -satis- faction guaranteed or money back. "EXPORT CANADA'S 'FINEST CIGA'R!ElTT'E ISSUE 29 - 19,19 ay Arthur Pois to