The Seaforth News, 1949-07-07, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Mr, Harry a•• Bolger daughter
and u
Y �
Miaryltu� at Toronto.
Miss Amy Love, Toronto, with
Mrs. Bernice Hackwell, 1.N.,
Stratford, at her hone:
Mr, Flank Dundas, Toronto, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo: Dun-
Dirs. R. laiillsot, Cleveland and
Mrs. N. Frederick., Reno, Nevada, M.
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,.Dtin-
das, their sister.
Mrs. Jas. Cameron and daughter
Carol at Detroit.
Mr, and 14Irs. Andy Ree'kie and
family of Brantford spent the week
end with Mr. William Britton.
Patsy and Peggy are remaining with
their grandfather for a week.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred : Buchanan
and family of Nilestown spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Donald Stephenson of Ottawa
spent the week end at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bromley of
Kitchener spent Sunday with th'e
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Dale, •
Mrs, Galbraith of Regina is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durham.
Mr. Gordon' Buchanan of Toron-
to spent the week end -with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan,
Mr, and Mrs, Ted Warren have
returned from their honeymoon hi
N. Ontario and are spending a few
days with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Earl Lawson.
Mr. George Durham of Kitchener
spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durham.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley of Kitch-
ener visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Riley during the week end.
Ms' and Mrs, Wilmer MacGregor,
K'ipptn, aeeem,aliiO;i by Miss "Mac-
Gregor, Tonintr pent the holiday
weekend with Mt r,1 Mrs. Arnold
Petrie at their emtage it Dorset.
Lake of Bays, ars., v .nine Algon-
ollin Park.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Davidson and
•a ford spent tl
ofStr t
little deughterl
weekend with Mr, and ' Mrs. Ralph.
Davidson. Jacqueline Davidson re-
turned to Stl'atford with them.
DIr. Andrew Montgomery, Brant-
ford, spent the weekend at his home.
Miss Doris Bvoadfoot, London,
spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt, McClure.
MIr, and Mrs. Elgin Dale and Doug-
las of Hullett with Mtn and Mrs,
George Bernard.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Adams and
Joan Philips, Zurich, called on Win-
throp friends on :Sunday..
Mr. and Mr's. Wm. Coxon and
family of Milverton spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson.
I Mrs. John. C. Diegel spent a few'
days in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs.'
Ed r ssler,
Mrs. H. Smyth of Chatham is visit-
ing her daughter Mrs. Ford Dickeson
Tho following from our school'.
were successful in passing tlieir en-
trance exams• which they.. tried at
Kitchell. Het School. Shirley' Ann
Diegel, datigliter, of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry L. Diegel, Raymond Byerman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Byer
man; Irvin Gloor, son ra lir. and
Dirs, Edwin Gloor: '
Mi. and Dins. Norman Rode of De-
troit spent the weekend with her
parents Mr. and Mrs..Ed.. Prueter.
Mr. and Mrs. Prueter returned to.
Detroit with them for a holiday.
The Band played in Brussels last
Sunday afternoon, ted-this
BRUCEFIELD evening there is tebe another open
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel
spent a few days at Niagara and
Diegel Reunion
The 12th annual Diegel reunion
was held on July 1st at the 'hoine of
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leonhardt
Bornholm, with about 100 -present.
The afternoon was spent in playing
games and racing, and playing ball,
Lunch was served. The results of the
races were: Children 4 and under,
Richard Leonhardt, Dianne Stein-
bath; girls 5 to 7, Joan Haney, Bet-
ty Lou Drager; , boys 5 to 7. . Earl
Rock, Ray Rock; girls 8 to 11, Ar-
lene Diegel, Erma Drager; boys 8 to
11, Henry Leonhardt, Warren Shold-
ice; girls 12 to 17, Erma Voek,
Yvonne Diegel; boys 12 to 15, Gary
Sholdice, Ronald Drager; throwing
the,ball, 6 and under, Betty Drager,
Larry Steinbach; throwing the ball,
10 and' under, Warren Sholdice,,
forma visited at the home of J. Henry Leonhardt; peanut scramble,
Prueter. pre school children, Roger Sholdice;
Mr. and Mlrs• Clifford Woodward putting egg hi glass, ladies, Arbutus
of Toronto and Warren Stanek of Smith, gents. Don Markle; bean bag
Kitchener with Mr. and .firs. Albert rate, group, R. Sholdice, Captain;
Qum engesser• pie .plate race, John Henderson,. Er -
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Diegel Jimmy ma Dock: sing song, Mrs. R. Shold-
and Larry of Kitchener with Mr. ice Mrs. Carl Steinbach, Erma and
and Mrs. Henry L. Diegel. Carl Vock: youngest child present,
1Iis. Albert Herbert of Montreal Robert John Rork, son of Mr. and
with Mir. and Mrs. Fred Her- Mrs. Harold Rock: oldest gentleman
t. present, Mr.. Geo. H. Leonhardt;
oldest lady present, Mrs. Arnold
Mi. and Mrs. Stanley G. Rumble
and Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Bernard, of
Toronto, spent the holiday weekend
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Miss Beth Murdoch and Mr. Har-
old Kearns and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Murdoch of Hamilton were also re-
cent guests at the Murdoch home.
Mrs. D. N. "Pentney and little
daughters, have left for .their new
home .at Geraldton, Ont., after
spending a month at the parental
home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rathweli
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Rose and
Yvonne of Point Edward visited
with Mr. and, Mrs. Chris, W. Leon-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dittnier and
Sally of Toronto,, with the former's
Mother, Mrs. Mary Dittmer.
Mn, and Mrs Fred Mogk of Cali -
'Brodhagen; ISBn..Janies McLean ,and
lire. James Campbell, Elbow, Sask.;
Mrs. John Kressler,
B.C. ,Drs. Charles Re eMcKt1lo1Nrs
Ed. Scherbarth, Logan,f,ownship;27
grandchildren and four great grand-
rand-children; two stepsons, C. Brooks,
292 Romeo St. and R. Brooks, 30
Wellington St,, Stratford; and three
step -daughters, Mrs, A, Kinder, 439
Brunswick' St,, Mrs. G. Fraser, 19
College St., and Mrs. N. Edwards,
496 Brunswick St., all of Stratford,'
A largely attended funeral service
was held at' the Lockhart Funeral
Chapel on Monday afternoon, July.
4 at 2:;30 p.m. followed by a service
in the Evangelical United. Brethren
Church in McKillop township. Inter-
,nnent was. in the adjoining cemetery.
Rev. R. Lederman of Listowel offi-.
elated and during the service in the
chapel, Mr. Bertram Croome sang
"I need Thee Every Hour," accomp-
anied by I. W. Lockhart on the or-
gan. At the church a favorite hymn
"'Abide With `Me," was .sung with
Mrs. R. Lederman presiding at the
organ. The pallbearers were neph-
ews, Edward Scherbarth, Clarence,.
George, Harry and Edward Regele
and Norman Eggert. The beautiful
floral tributes bespoke the high
esteem hi which the departed was
held. Friends and relatives were
present from Toronto, Chicago,
Hamilton, Elmira, Kitchener, Strat-
ford, Seaforth, Detroit, Gladwin,
Mich., Mitchell and surrounding dis-
Friday Nite, July 8
Night Game
9 P.M,
Admission Only 25c
Gloor; person coming the farthest
distance, lies, Ola Burnett, Fern-
dale, Mich.; latest married couple,
Mr. andlirs. George Shernin of Tor-
onto. Before the supper hour the
meeting was held with Chas, Leon
hank the president in charge. The
committee for ir411 were R. Shold-
ice, sec-treas., sports committee, ,lir,
and Mrs. Geo. Rock, Mr. and Mrs,
i Fred Kistner, lir. and MIrs. John
Henderson. The officers for 1950
' erected as follows: +Pres., Mr. Don
Markle; Sec.-Treas.. R. Sholdice;
Sports, Co mittee. 31r, and Mrs.
George Wright, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Diegel, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Kist-
ner, Martin Diegel (horseshoes);
Wm. Vock (ball game) ; Mr. and Mrs,
W. L. Querengesser offered their
place for the 1950 reunion on July 1
Mr. and Mrs: Chas. Fischer, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Fischer of Gladwin,
Mich., visited Mrs. H. Kleber and
other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Heinz and
family spent Sunday in Elmira visit-
ing Mr. and 14lrs. Wilf, Klenkim
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Brooks at Mt. Albert.
Mr, Donald Skinner of Munro has
been appointed teacher at our sphool.
Flowers adorned the altar of St.
Peter's Church in memory of the
late John C. Dittmier, Who passed
away 5 years ago June 30. They
were placed thele by his wife Mrs.
John Dittmeir and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scherbarth
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stender
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Selerb, Trenton, with relatives and
attended the Dalyrmple—Dietz wed-
1nwit NEW
?&OSE 9/a71N6:
e0 ectcedevi eaded , ,
gave Raided Oispz eaded 76fr
WE'VE HAD TO BUILD or enlarge 100 telephone
buildings in the last three years. We were
obliged to do this at a time when building costs
were about double pre-war costs. Yet, up to
now, despite rising costs 'on all sides there has
been no increase in the basic telephone rates
established 22 years ago.
To meet unprecedented post-war demand
for more telephones, our expansion and im-
provement of service have of necessity taken .
place in a period,of rapidly rising costs. Most
businesses have offset their higher costs by
higher prices for their products. We have not
yet done so.
You can be sure we will keep on doing our
best to provide you with adequate and con-
stantly improving telephone service — and to
provide it at the lowest rates consistent with
a fair return to our investors and employees.
Stephenson Reunion
The annual reunion of the Ste-
phenson family was held on Wed.
Juno 29th at Jewett's Grove, Bay-
field with over 100 signing the
register. The day was ideal for :such
an oceasion, and everyone from the
youngest to the oldest enjoyed
themselves to the fullest. A special
feature this year was relatives from
Manitoba in the persons of Mr. and
Mrs. Wes, Cockerline and son Harry
of Pilot -Bound, and Mr. and Mrs,
David Johnston, La Riviere. These
two ladies are daughters of MIr.
Ralph Stephenson. the oldest mem-
ber of the clan, who will be 88 years
old in September. Dlr. and Mrs. P.
J. Watson from Ferndale, Mich.,
who have never missed a gathering
for the pasttwelve years, decorated
the supper table with two well
choked hams. Phil says he neatly
knows how to satisfy a Stephenson's
hungry appetite. Other members at-
tending were from London, Clinton,
Wingham, Seaforth. Hensall and
On July 4th at 1 p.m. Logan town-
ship Council met with all members
being present, the Reeve presided,
minutes read, adopted and signed,
correspondence read, 'and it was re-
solved as follows: That contractor on
culverts bond be refunded, contracts
being completed.
Accounts re chicken; destroyed
ordered paid.
Eng, report on Roney Diads ad-
opted :by Council (Initiating Munici
pality being Hibbert twp.).
By -late No. 478, Roney Drain was
introduced and provisionally adopt-
ed, Court of Revision being set for
July 18th at 8:30 p.m.
Contractor on Watt Drain was
paid in part $750.00 and Eisler
Drain 3250.00. -
Council adjourned for 1 hour to
View conditions at River bridge, con.
2-3, lot 18.
After resuming business it was
ordered the Road Sup. be instructed
to purchase plank for cover and
some joist to repair two sections of
said bridge.
Road Accounts cheque No's 211 to
239 total $2,975.40 was ordered paid
General Accounts cheques, No's
240 to 247 ordered paid, .total of
31,312.00. A communication re
High Sehooi ordered filed.
Council adjourned to meet July
18th at 8 o'clock p.m.—John A. Ru-
dolph, Clerk.
Nqw Playing THURS. FRI. SAT, 1 In Tcuhnicolor
Get sot for thrill after thrill of soredire entertnitunent with Roy and : Trigger—with
Bob Nolan and The Sons of The Pioneers
Mon. Tues. Wed."THE SHOW-OFF"
• with. Reck Skelton — Marilyn Maxwell
Roar your way through this one frith Rad and his zany- antics. A good slow for the
entire family
Nest Thurs Fri, Sat ,,THE BOY WITH THE GREEN HAIR" In Technicolor
with Pat O'Brien, Robert Ryan, Dean Stockwell and Barbara Hale
A gem of shining originality—This is one to stand up and cheer for. A story of the
Plight of orphans left In tragic circumstances by the war
with Butch Jenkins — James Craig
day and some farmers have started
to cut wheat.
Miss Doreen McGuire of Clinton
has been engaged to teach at S.S. Not
14 Stanley. •
Mrs. Straut of New York City is
visiting her brother Mr. RAI. Dayman
and other friends in the vicinity.
Mr. Wm. Kyle is improving slowly
after his recent severe illness.,
Mrs. Dietz and daughter Norma and
Mr. and Mrs. Toni Munro left this'
week for Muskoka where they intend
to spend a•couple of months.
Mr. ort Finlayson is iluproving
nicely after his severe accident. `
Picnics are the order of the day
at • present,
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love of Caro,
Michigan, spent the week end with
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Seaman of Kit-
chener spent the weep end with
friends in this locality,
Mr. Gilbert Knight of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mrs. M.
Geminhart, on his return he was ac-
companied by Mrs. Knight and Miss
Mary Knight, who have spent the
past three weeks here,
,Mrs. Robert Watson and son Ed-
wards of Broadview, Sask., arrived
on Saturday to spend the summer
with Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
.Miss Beverley; York is attending
sunnier school at Western Unveristy
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baker and
two children of London were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Robinson
and daughter Claudia of Detroit are
spending the next two weeks in the
village. ••
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grierson and.
two children of Kitchener were
weekend guests of Mrs. F. A. Ed-
Mrs, Charlie Playter and five
children of Detroit are spending the
summer with the `former's another,
Mrs. J. MacLeod, Sr.
Mr. Chris Howard of Windsor
spent the weekend with his sister,
Mrs. C. Berry- and Mn. Berry.
lir. and Mrs. Harold Weston of
Detroit arrived on Friday to spend
the summer in the village.
Dir, and Airs. Keith Pruss of Lon-
don spent the holiday weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
-lir. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan of
Romeo, MIich., spent the holiday
weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms of
Detroit are spending their vacation
with Mr. John Tours,
Mr, and Mrs. Ted Crane and two
children are theguests of Miss Eliz-
abeth Weston this week.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. Toros
over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Guest, Miss Norah Guest•of
Guelph, Miessrs Bill Johnston and
Bart Dean of Windsor.
Mrs. Clarence Larson, Miss Betty
Lou Larson of London and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Ring of Sarnia were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson
and Mrs, Parker over the weekend.
Mr. Donald Scott of Seaforth 1s
visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Scott for
a few weeks.
Guests at the Albion Hotel this
week and over the weekend were
Miss Forothea Treleaven, Mrs, Vera
Ballingal and Mary:Joan of London;
Cpl. and Mrs. J. A. Page and baby
of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Turitt
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkins and
son Rickey, Mr. J. E. Atkins and son
Jiminy, Miss Phyllis Hurcomb, Mrs.
H. Deverson, and Donald Diehl, all
of Royal, Oak, Mich. Mr. and Mrs.
0. F. Senn and Miss Elaine Wade of
Mrs. Robert Brooks, 73, Mitchell,
died in Stratford General Hospital
en'Friday afternoon where she had
been a patient for four days. She
had been ailing for the past year and
seriously ill for four weeks. Born in
McKillop township October 6, 1875,
she was the former Mary Eggert, a
daughter• of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John Eggert, the former Elizabeth
Hoegy. Fifty-three years ago she
married Henry Rapien who died 27
years ago. Twelve years ago, she
married Robert Brooks, biichell,'
who survives. She was a faithful
member of Main Street United
Church. Besides her husband she is
survived by four sons, Leslie and
Lawrence, Chicago; William, Born-
holm, Reuben, McKillop; four daug-
hters, Mrs. Otto Rudesuela (Laving),
Elmira; Mrs. Harvey (Pearl) Isehe,
Ellice township; Mrs. Norman (Or -
dela) Mforenz, Willow Grove; Mrs:
Mildred Cole, Toronto;. one brother,
Charles ,Eggert, McKillop; seven
sisters, Mrs. Charles Fisher, Glad-
win, Mich,; Dirs. Henry Kleber,
Grade A hogs are the top grade
and command the premium and best
price on the market. In producing
this kind of hogs, top glade practices
must be followed, says P.. B. Fraser,
Division of Animal husbandry, Cen-
tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, In
particular, there are three main
essentials which contribute to sue
cess ui pir raising, namely: tor,.
grade feeder pigs; top grade feed-
ing; top grade management.
Top grade feeder_ pigs mean pigs
of good bacon type. These are pro-
duced from bacon type breeding
stock. So, retain only those sows,
and use only boars, with the length,
depth, vigour, and general type
which can be properly called good
bacon type.
Town Hall, Bayfield,
Friday, July 15th at 7 p.m
Benefit Pioneer Park Assoc'n
Hall will be opened for donations
10 A.M.
- use
The Coal you Can Depend
oo hall
St. Columbaii
'Game called at 7.30 d:s.t,
Our Boys need this game to get
into the playoffs. Come out and
give them yopr support
5. Deering hinder, short and long tongue
and trucks. Apply to ANSON COLEMAN,
Zurich. Phone 95n11 Hensall- central
Stuart McBride, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin McBride, has been success
Ful in passing his third year at West•
ern university with first class honors.
Mrs. Wilmer Jones, who has been
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, has
returned home.
Hay making is now the order of the
Bedroom Furniture
3 Pc. Suite in light walnut finish. Cable Spring and 190 coil
spring filled Mattress. For only $113.00
You cannot afford to_ miss this opportunity. Our prices are
4 yd,, Linoleum., Iniaids. 2 yd. Congoleum
Rexoleum, 2 yds. and 3 yds. wide
Many patterns to choose from
Immediate Delivery
Box Furniture Store—Funeral Service
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but
have ,everlasting life.—John 3:16
As many as received Hun, to them gave He power to
become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His
name.—John 1:12,
Thanks' . be unto God for His unspeakable gift. —
II Cor. 9:15
Have you accepted this gift ?
CHAS. FULLER on Station CHUM 1050 Ke.
9.00 - 10.00 A.M. Sundays
Chas' E. Fuller P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif.