The Seaforth News, 1948-10-07, Page 2Bayfid Bayfield :fall 'fair on Wednesday last was attended by a large crowd, the biggest in some years. The ex- hibits were good, With an increased showing of livestock, The procession of school children from Clan Gregor Square was. led by the Bannockburn Pipe Band. Mr, Thomas Pryde, M.P.P., offic- ially opened the fair. Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., also spoke words of encouragement to the officers of the fair. Tlie speakers were introduc- ed by Mr. A. H. Warner, president. The Bayfield. Agricultural Society shield for school display was won by Bayfield senior room with No. 1 Stan - ler township runner• -up.. Winners of Special Bayfield Agricul- tural Society prizes for sections were: Section 4, Joyce Webster, Varna; sec- tion 5, Margery Webster, Varna; sec- tion 9, Margaret. Howard, Bayfield. Goderich Motors special for section 7 was won by Barbara Brandon, Bay- field, and tor No. 8 section by Stuart Broadfoot, Stanley township, An addition to the day's program was the presence of a steer hitched to a buggy driven by Miss Ruby Mar- tin of Bayfield. The steer was trained by Ruby and her sister Beta. A line concert was put on in the town hall by the Ripley Players, with a dance afterwards to the music of the Bayfield Valley Five. HORSES Agricultural—Brood mare 1st and 2nd, Elmer Webster; foal. lst and 2nd, Orval McGowan; gelding or 1111)' foaled in 1945 or previous. 1st and 2nd, Wm. Dale. Heavy Draught—Gelding or (illy foaled in 1945 or previous, 1st and •dud Wm. Dale. Percheron, Belgian and Wagon— Gelding or (illy foaled in 1945 or pre- vious, 1st, Harold Penhale; 2nd, Lenn- art' Hunter; 3rd and 4th, Bruce Grigg. Harness ---Agricultural teaiu in har- ness, Wm. Dale, Elmer Webster; heavy draught team in harness. Wm. Dale; tandem team. Wm, Dale, Saddle Horses—Running race. 151, Donald McGee; 2nd. Frank McDonald; 3rd, Babe Arbour. Hurdle race, 1st, Akin McGee; Ind, Babe Arbour. Horse Race Della. Grattan (J. Barns) 1 1 1 Peter Direct (J. McClinchey)3 2 2 Jean Gratton (E. Mcelinehey),2 3 3 THE SEAFORTH NEWS all air Is utstanding Event g 121111.1.11.111100 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1948 Belgian, Percheron or Wagon team, 1st, Bruce Grigg; 2nd, Leonard limit- er. Special prize to exhibitor coming longest distance, W. J. Dale. —Judge of Horses — Hugh Berry,. Kirkton. DAIRY CATTLE Holsteins—Cow, in calf or milking, 1st and 2nd, Alvin Betties; heifer, two years or milking, 1st and 2nd, Alvin Betties; heifer, under two years, 1st and 2nd, Alvin Betties; heifer, under one year, lst and 2nd, Alvin Bettles. Jersey or Guernsey (pure bred or grade)—Cow, in calf, or milking, 1st and 2nd, Irvin Trewartha; heifer, two years or milking, lst and 2nd, Irvin Trewartha; heifer, undertwo years. 1st and 2nd, Irvin Trewartha; heifer, under one year. 1st and 2nd, Irvin Trewartha. Special prize for best showing of dairy cattle by one exhibitor—Alvin Bettles, Special prize for truest -to -type Reit• er—Alvin Bettles. BEEF CATTLE Shorthorns (pure bred and grade) —Bull, calved in 1947, or previous, Elgin McKinley; cow or heifer, calved in 1946, or previous, Elgin McKinley; heifer, calved in 1947, lst and 2nd, Elgin McKinley; herd—one mule and two females. Elgin McKinley. Special prize — Heifer calf, six months and under one year to have been bred, raised, owned and exhibit- ed by boy or girl ten or over and under eighteen years of age, Irvin Trewartha, Aberdeen Angus—Bull, calved In 1945, 1st and 2nd, Klopp Bros.; cow or heifer, calved in 1946 or previous. Klopp Bros.; heifer, calved in 1947, 1st and 2nd, Klopp Bros.; heifer. calved in 1943, 1st, Iilopp Bros,; herd —one male and two females, Kropp Bros. Herefords—Brill, calved in 1947 or previous, fist and 2nd, John McGregor; cow or heifer, calved in '1946 or previ- ous, 1st and Ind, John McGregor; herd, John McGregor. Special prize for best. showing of baby beef cattle by one exhibitor John McGregor, Elgin McKinley, Klopp Bros. Special prize for baby beef cattle -Elgin McKinley, John McGregor. Judge of Cattle—W. R. Lobb. SHEEP Leicester Sheep—Ram, 2 shear's or over, Wm. R. Pepper; rani shearling. Wm. R. Pepper; ram lamb, lst and 2nd, Wm. R. Pepper; ewe, 2 shears or over, 1st and 2nd, Wm. R. Pepper; ewe sbearling, 1st and 2nd. Win, R. Pepper; ewe lamb. 1st and 2nd, Wat. R. Pepper. PIGS Yorkshire—Aged boar, A, H. Warn- er; brood sow. 1st and 2nd, A. H. Warner; boar, littered in .1945 1st and 2nd, A, H. Warier; sow, littered in. 1945, Fraser 'Stirling, A. H. Warner. Market Hogs—Pair bacon hogs, any breed, Fraser Stirling. Special pilze for best sow, any breed—A. H. Warner. Special prize for best pen et 3 ex- port hogs, any breed—Fraser• Stirring, Special prize for best boar—A. H. Warner. POULTRY American Breeds— Jersey Black Giants—Hen, cock. pullet, cockerel, Fred McClymont, New Hampshire Reds—t-len, 0. Battler, Fred McClymont; cockerel; C. Scotchmer, q. McClymont; pullet, F. McClymont, C. Scotchmer. Runde Island ,Reds, --,Cock, 0. Bat - 'tier; hen, 0. Battler, Fred Mca1y, moat; cockerel, 0, Battler, Fired Mc- Clymont; pullet, 0. Battler, Fred Me- Clymont. I Rocks, Barred, lJtillty-Hen, Ivan McClymont, 0. Battler; cockerel, Fred ' McClymont; pullet, Fred McClymont. I A1101t on cock, 0, Battler; hen, 0. Battler. Wyandottes, White—Cock, O. Bat- tler, Ivan McClymont; hen 0. Battler, Ivan McClymont; cockerel, Ivan Me- Clymont; pullet, Ivan McClymont, Rocks, White, Exhibition — Cock, Harold Penhale; pullet, I. Mcelymont, Asiatic Breeds— Brahmas, Light -Cockerel, Ivan Mc- Clymont; pullet, Ivan McClymont. Brahmas, .Dark—Cock, 0. Battler; hen, O. Battler; cockerel,. 0. Battler; pullet, 0. Battler. English Breeds— Dorking's, Silver Grey—Hen, F, Mc- Clymont; pullet, Ivau McClymont; cockerel, Ivan McClymont. Orpingtons, Buff—Hen, Ivan Me- Clymont; cockerel, Ivan McClymOut; pullet, Ivan McClymont. Sussex, Light—Cock. 0. Battler; hen, 0. Battler, Alvin Betties; cock- erel, A. Bettles, Ivan MoClymont; pul- let, 1st and 2nd, Alvin Betties. Mediterranean Breeds— Aueouas — Cock, 0. Battler; hen, Ivan McClymont, 0. Battler; cock- erel, 0. Battler, Ivan McClymont; pul- let, 0. Battler. Ivan McClymont. Andalusians—Cock, Harold Penhale; hen, Harold Penhale., Ivan McClymont. Leghorns, Brown, 17xhibition—Hen, 0. Battler. Leghorns, Brown, Utility — Pullet, Ivan McClymont; cockerel, Iran Me- Clyntout; hen, Ivan McClymont, Har- old Penhale. Leghorns. 'White —Cock. 0. Battler; hen, 0. Battler. Elmer Webster; cockerel. 1. McClynnont; pullet, Ivan McClymont. Minorcan, Meek—Hen, Ivan McCly- mont; cockerel, Ivan McClynnont; pul- let. Ivan McClymont. Other European Breeds— Hamburgs, Black, Cock, O. Battler; hen, 0. Battler; cockerel, 0. Battler; pullet, 0, Battler. Water Fowl— Muscovy Ducks, old—Drake. Colin Campbell; duck, Colin Campbell. MuscOVy Ducks, young — Drake, Colin Campbell; duck, Colin Caiupbell Pekin Ducks, old—Drake, 0. Bat- tler; duck, 0, Battler. Pekin Ducks, young, Drake, O. Bat- tler, Elmer Webster; duck, 0. Battler, Elinor Webster. Rouen Ducks, old—Drake, John Mid- dleton; duck, 0. Battler, J. Middleton Rouen Ducks, young—Drake, 0. Bat- tler; duck; 0. Battler, Runner Ducks, old—Drake, 0. Bat- tler; ducks, 0. Battler. Runner Ducks, young -0. Battler. Embden Geese, old—Goose, A. H. Warner; gander, A. H. Warner. Embden Geese, young—Goose, A. H. Warner; gander, A. H. Warner. Toulouse Geese, old—.A. H. Warner, Toulouse Geese, young — A. 11• Warner. Miscellaneous— Bantams, A.V.—Cock, Harold Pei - hale, Lewis Taylor; hen, Mrs. J. How- ard, Harold. Penhale; cockerel, Ivan McClymont, Mrs. J. Howard; pullet, Mrs. J. Howard, Harold Penhale. Guinea Fowl — Cock, Ivan McCly moat; ben, Iran McClymont. Poultry Judge—LeRoy- O'Brien. DAIRY PRODUCE Crock butter, Fred McClymont; print butter, 0. Battler. Cottage cheese, Mrs. Metcalf, Fred McClymont. Lard, Fred llcClyinont. Hall harm, H. A. Fuss, Dressed chickens, A. H. Warner, Hen's eggs, white, Elmer Webster; lien's eggs, brown, A. H. Warner, Harold Penhale. Special prize for dressed chickens, A. H. Warner. Judges—Mrs. John Cairns, Airs, Harry Dalrymple, DOMESTIC SCIENCE White bread, Elmer Webster; gra- ham bread, Elmer Webster; Boston brown bread, Elmer Webster; nut, bread, Elmer Webster, Mrs. Metcalf. Lemon pie, A. H. Warner, H. A. Fuss; apple pie, Elmer Webster; raisin pie, Elmer Webster. Graham muffins. A. H. Warner, El- mer Webster; scores, Fred McCly- mont Elmer Webster^ vegetable) salad, Mrs. Metcalf; plain cookies. Evelyn Sturgeon, Fred McClymont; buns, Elmer Webster, Ed Foster; tea biscuits, Fred McClymont, 0. Battler, Muffins, Ed Foster, Elmer Webster; meat loaf, Mrs, Metcalf; tomato juice, ribs, Metcalf, Mrs. Fred McEwen; lunch for school child, H. A, Fuss. Baked beans, H. A. Fuss. Cold lunch, H. A. Fuss, Mrs, Metcalf. Pickles; 0. Battler. Mrs. Metcalf; catsup and meat sauces, 0. Battler, Canned fruit. 6. Battler; canned Fall pears, Fraser Stirling, A. H. vegetable, H. A, Fuss, Mrs. Metcalf; Warner; winter pears, F. Stirling, canned meats, H. A. Fuss. Harold Penhale; large plums, Mrs. Maple syrup, 0. Battler. Fred Mc- Metcalf, Snowden & Grainger; Clymont. small plums, F. Stirling, Harold Pen - Special prizes, Robin Hood—Bread, hale; large prunes, Mrs, Metcalf, F. Elmer Webster; sponge cake. Evelyn Middleton; small prunes, Harold Sturgeon; apple pie, Ed Foster; oat Penhale; peaches, Mrs. Metcalf, F. cookies. Fred McClymont; tea bis- Stirling, edits. Rd Foster, White grapes, Harold Penhale, Special. Purity Flour— Apple pie, Evelyn Sturgeon; red grapes, Har - Fraser Stirling; plain cake, 0. Battler; old Penhale; collection tea biscuits, Mrs. J. McGregor. basket fruit, Ev. Judges --•firs. John Cairns, Mrs. H. M t aiff,rrFred'Middleton; northern Dalrymrpte. spy, Stewart Middleton, Fred Mid - PLANTS AND FLOWERS dleton; McIntosh Reds, Stewart Mid- dleton, Don Middleton; a.o.v. winter Bouquets— apples, Fred Middleton; basket nor - Collection of cut flowers, Mrs, D. that spy, Stewart Middleton, Fred Hammill, Mrs. Metcalf; small bon- (Middleton; basket McIntosh Reds, quet. Mrs.- Metcalf, Mrs. 3, Howard; Stewart Middleton, Fraser Stirling; table bouquet, Fred Middleton, Mrs. basket a.o.v. Fall apples, Fred Mc - Metcalf; fall bouquet, Mrs. J. How- Clymont; basket, a.o.v. winter apple, ard, Mrs, Gordon Cunningham; winter Don Middleton; collection apples, F. bouquet, Airs. J. Howard, Evelyn Stirling; collection Fall apples, also Sturgeon, Potted Plants-- Begonias, lants-Begonias, fibrous rooted,` Mrs. Fret McEwen; coleus, Mrs. Fred McEwen Cut Flowers.—• Asters, 0. Battler, Mrs. 3. Howard chrysanthemums, Fred Middleton cosmos, Fred Middleton; marigolds Fred Middleton; pansies, O. Battler Petunias, Fred Middleton, Mrs. Frec McEwen; verbenas, Fred. Middleton zinnias, Mrs. Metcalf; 'any variety an nual or perennial, not otherwise listed Fred Middleton, Mrs. Metcalf. Judge, Mrs. Robert Allan and Mrs Wallace Haugh, Brucefield. FINE ARTS Landscape, original oil, Mrs. Me - calf; landscape, original water color, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. J: Howard;. frui , original water color, Mos. J. Howard; flower's, original water Color; Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. J. Howard; drawing crayon or. lead point, Mrs. Gordon Cunningham, H. A. Fuss; pen and ink dt'awiug, 0. Battler, H. A. Fuss, Hand painted china, Mrs. Metcalf; flowers, in oil, Mrs. Metcalf; penc 1 sketch from nature, Mrs. J. Howard., Judge, Eileen Antagnini. LADIES' WORIK Living Room Accessories— Crocheted centrepiece, Evelyn Stu, geon; chesterfield set, crocheted, 0. Battler; table centrepiece, colored, 0. Battler; cushion, complete, embroi - ery, H. A. Fuss; cushion, any other, kind, H. A. Fuss; card table cove • lliiss E. Webber, Ti. A. Fuss. Dining Room Accessories— Crocheted table cloth, Evelyn Stu'- geon, Mrs. J. Howard; table cloth and serviettes, H. A. Puss; tea cloth, cut work, H. A, Fuss; tea cloth, embroid- ered, Evelyn Sturgeon, Miss E. Web- ber; tea cloth, crocheted, H. A. Fuss, Miss E. 'Webber; centrepiece for din- ing table, H. A. Fuss; luncheon set, cloth and serviettes, Miss E. Webbe •, 11. A. Fuss; buffet set, lace, H. A. Fuss; buffet set, embroidered, Miss E. Webber, H. A. Fuss. Children's Wear— Girls' wool socks, H. A Fuss; girl ' wool mitts, Evelyu Sturgeon, H. A. Fuss; child's sun suit, H. A. Fuss; child's overalls, 3 to 6 years, H. A. Fuss; boy's pullover sweater, H. A. Fuss; girl's cardigan sweater, Miss E. Webber, H. A. Fuss. Child's play dress and bloomers, home-made, Elmer Web- ster, H. A. Fuss. Baby's jacket, bonnet and , bootees, crochet, H. A. Fuss; baby's jacket, bonnet and bootees,. knit, Miss Webber, Evelyn Sturgeon . Crib quilt, H. A, Puss; crib sheet and pillow case, H. A. Fuss. Bedroom Accessories— Hemstitched sheets, initialed, H. A. Fuss; pillow cases, hemstitched, H. A. Fuss; pillow cases, embroidery, Miss E. Webber, H. A. Fuss; pillow cases, hand made, H. A. Fuss, Fred Bell; towels, embroidered, H. A, Fuss; towels, crochet trimmed, Miss Web- ber, H. A. Fuss; dressing table se , embroidered, H. A. Fuss, Ladies' Wear— Apron, H. A. Fuss, Elmer Webster - dress, H. A. Fuss; woman's house coat, H. A. Fuss, 0. Battler; hand made bed jacket, Miss E. Webber, Mis. Fred McEwen; woman's gloves, handknitted, H, A. Fuss. Apron, -fancy, Miss E. Webber, H, A. Fuss; ladies' fancy homemade handbag, H. A. Fuss lady's cardigan, handknit, Miss Web- ber, Fred Bell; woman's pyjamas. homemade, H. A. Fuss. Men's Wear— Pyjamas, homemade, H. A. Fuss pullover sweater, STiss Webber, H. A Fuss; mitts, one pair heavy, 0. Bat tier, H. A. Fuss; gloves, handkuit H, A. Fuss; socks, handknit, Evelyn Sturgeon, H. A. Fuss; socks, handlatt 0. Battler, H. A. Fuss. HOME MANUFACTURES Bedspread, crocheted, Mrs, J. Howard; bedspread, any other de- sign, H. A. Fuss; quilt applique, Miss Webber, H. A. Fuss; quilt cot- ton patched, Snowden & Grainger, C. Scotchmer; quilt, cotton plain, 0. Battler, H. A. Fuss. comforter, fan- cy, I. Battler, H. 4,. Fuss; comforter, goose down, H. A. Fuss; afghan crocheted in wool, Miss Webber, Fred Bell, Hearth rug, Ed, Foster, 0. 'Batt- ler; rag mat, H. A. Fuss; hand soap, Fred McClymont, Ed. Foster. Judges; Mrs. Charles Twitchell, Elizabeth 3. Zapfe. GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall wheat, Fred Bell, 0. Battier; white oats, H, A. Fuss; barley, Fuss; red clover seed, Snowden & Grainger; sweet clover seed Snow- den & Grainger; timothy seed, H. A. Fuss, Snowden & Grainger; dent corn, Snowden & Grainger, Harold Penhale; sweet corn, Snowden & Grainger, Wm. McDool; stalks corn, Snowden &. Grainger, Elnrer Web- ster. Judge: R. F. Stade. FRUITS collection Winter apples, F. Stir- ling, Fred McClymont; crab apples, yellow, Fred Mctlymont; red crab apples F. .Stirling, Snowden & Grainger; Blenheim PippinF. Stir- ling; tnling; Delicious F Middleton; Gold en'Russet, F. Stirling, Mrs Metcalf; Greenings F. Stirling, Fred Mc- Clymont; King of Tompkins; F. Stir- ling; plate McIntosh Red, Stewart Middleton, F. Stirling; northern spy, Stewart Middleton, Fred Middleton; north star, F. Middleton, 'F. Stir- ling;, Ontario, F. Stirling, Snowden & Grainger; snow, Fred Middleton; Tillman Sweet, Stewart Middleton, F. Stirling; Wealthy, Fred Mc- Clymont; F. Stirling; Wolf River or Alexander, F. Middleton, Fred Mc- Clymont;'plate a.o.v. Fall apples, F. Stirling, Fred Mcelymont; plate a.o.v. Winter apples, F. Stirling, F. Middleton, Judge: R. S. McKercher. VEGETABLES Early potatoes, Fred Bell, Harold Penhale; late potatoes, 0. Battler, Mrs. J. McGregor; white' mange's, A. H. Warner, Elmer Webster; yel- low mangers, Elmer Webster, H. A. Fuss; globe mangers, Snowden and Grainger, Elmer Webster; heaviest turnips, Snodrden ,& Grainger; Elmer Webster; table turnips, Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor, Fred Middleton; field car- rots, 0. Battler; long, table carrots, 0. Battler, A. H. Warner; short car- rots, 0. Battler, Mrs. J. McGregor; table beets, 0. Battler, A. H. War- ner; parsnips, 0. Battler; winter radishes, 0. Battler; cabbage, Wm. McDool, 0. Battler. White onions, 0. Battler; yellow onions, 0. Battler, H. A. Fuss; Span- ish onions, H. A. Fuss, A. H. War- ner; red tomatoes, Snowden &r Grainger, 0. Battler; yellow toma- toes, Mrs. Metcalf, 0. Battler; lar- gest tomatoes, Snowden & Grainger, 0. Battler, collection small fruit to- matoes, Mrs. Metcalf, 0. Battler; sweet peppers, Mrs. Metcalf; pepper squash, Mrs. J. Howard, Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor; muskmelons, Snowden & Grainger, F. Middleton; citrons, 0. Battler, C. Scotchmer; hubbard squash, F. Middleton, 0. Battldr; vegetable marrow, H. A. Fuss, 0. Battler; pie pumpkin, Fred McCly- mont, . Battler; largest pumpkin or squash, 0. Battler; gherkins, Fred Bell, A. H. Warner; cucumbers, Mrs. D. Hammill, Fred Bell; sun- flower, Mrs. J. McGregor, A. H. Warner; collection garden herbs, Mrs. Metcalf, Fred McClymont. Judge: J. E. Gascho. SCHOOL SECTION, BAYFIELD FAIR Weed naming contest—Bobbie Le- mon, No. 7 school, Stanley; Mae Cole- man, Stuart Broadfoot, Gerald Par- sons, Bob McGregor, Bob Brandon. Hand sewn cloth apron—Marion NIakins, Margery Webster, Donna Sturgeon, Thelma Baird, Mildred Fraser, Joyce Webster. Hand sewn pot holder—Ann Ostrom, Patsy Scotchmer, Margaret Howard,. Lois Webster, Lola Chuter, Sheila Soper. Cloth or Oilcloth Toy—Joyce' Web- ster, Margaret Kelly, Ruth Clark, Mary Tyndall. Plasticine Model — Bobbie McCly- mont, Joyce Greer, Ann Westlake, Nancy Anne McFarlane, Wayne Wat- kins, Donald McKenzie. Picture cut out—Anne Ostrom, Ka- therine McGregor, Jean McGregor, Ruth McFarlane. Joseph Ryan, Sheila Soper. Flour and salt model map - Ruth Jackson, Ruth McFarlane, Mary Mack, Monica 3. May, Gerald Clark, Sheila Soper, Junior scrap book —Billie Pilgrim, Nancy McFarlane, Margaret Howard, Ronald Taylor, Ruth Jackson, Elaine Grainger. Hobby scrap book—Joan McLeod, Bobbie Brandon, Ruth Clark, Ray- mond Scotchmer, Gerald Sturgeon, Bob i'IcGregor. 'Woodwork model—Gerald Parsons, Margaret Kelly, ,Edwards Watson, Stewart Broadfoot, Gerald Sturgeon, Billy- Parker. Poem Book—Rath Snelling, Bob McGregor. Stewart Broadfoot, Donna' Taylor, Verna Eyre, Ruth Clark. Illustrated poster—Gerald Sturgeon, Stewart Broadfoot, Billie Parker, Don- na Sturgeon, Ruth Snelling, Doreen McKenzie. Glass Painting, grades 5 and 6— Margery Webster, Patsy Scotchmer, Joan McLeod, Shirley Brandon, Joyce Webster, Bobby Talbot. Glass Painting, grades 7 and 8— Bobbie Brandon, Billie Parker, Donna McBride, Mae Coleman, Gerald Sturg- eon, Margaret E. Kelly. Writing, grades 4 to 6, Margery Webster, Marion Makins, Joyce Web- ster, Verna Eyre, Thelma Baird,. Grace Forrest. Writing, grades 7 and -8—Margaret Stirling. John Moffat, Janet Marie McLeod, Donna Sturgeon, George Baird, Doreen McKenzie. Printing nursery rhyme (grades 2. 4)—Irene Batkin, Joan McClinchey, Marie Hammill, Bobbie McClymont, James Clark, Anne Ducharme. Essay (grades 6.8)—Margery Web- ster, John Moffat. Stewart Broadfoot, Gerald Sturgeon, Bob McGregor, Bob Brandon. Collection of leaves—Bobbie Parker, Margaret Howard, Allen Hutchings, Donald McKenzie, Joan McLeod, Neil McGregor. Apples—Margaret Stirling, Donat Cataford, Bobbie McClymont, Donna McBride, Bob McGregor, Ronald Cole- man. Pears—Mae Coleman, Donald War- ner, Donald Mckenzie, Doreen Mc- Kenzie, Leo Ducharme, Henry Rau• Fruit Salad—Margaret Howard, Bar- bara, Bassett, Ruth. Snelling, Anne Ostrom, Joyce 'Webster, Joan McLeod. School lunch box, Margaret Howard, Gerald Clark, Joyce Webster, Ruth Snelling, Ruth Clark, Ronnie Mc- Clinchey. Bran muffins --Jean McGregor, Ste- wart Broadfoot, Ruth Clark, Patsy Scotchmer, Anne Ostrom, Nancy Web- ster. Special Prizes for most points— Collections—Barbara Brandon. Fruit, grain and vegetables, Stuart Broadfoot, Sewing—Joyce Webster. Fine arts, Margery Webster, Domestic science, Margaret Howard, Best vase, grades 2-5, Monica May. Best vase, grades, 6.8, Doreen Mc. Kenzie. School displays of fine crafts (non- competitive) Were by: S.S.'No. 4 West'. Stanley; S.S, No. 1 Stanley; Junior Room, Bayfield; No. 1 Stanley; Nod 6 Stanley. • School displays, (non-competitive), were by: Varna; No. 10 Stanley; Bay- field Senior Room; Bayfield Junior Room. Collection Leaves (grades 6-S)-- Barbara -8)—Barbara Brandon, Billie Parker, Bob' Brandon, Gerald Sturgeon, Margar- et Stirling, Doreen Mckenzie. Collection Weeds—Barbara Bran- don, Shirley Brandon, Neil McGreg- or, Margaret Stirling, Jean McGreg- or, Margaret Howard. Bouquet (grades 2 -5) -Monica May, George Telford, Billie Pilgrim, Elaine Grainger,' Rose Marie Tel- ford, Margaret Howard. Bouquet ((grades 6-8)—Gerald Sturgeon, Doreen McKenzie, .Bar- bara Brandon, Ruth 'Clark, Edith. Love, Donna Sturgeon. Beets—Joyce Greer,. George Tel- ford, Jack -McGregor, Stewart Broadfoot, Mary Grainger, Patsy Howson. Carrots, long—Stanley Telford, Leo Ducharme, Carl Faber; Anne Ducharme, ,George Telford, Douglas Batkins. Carrots, short—Barbara Brandon, Ina Taylor, Margaret Howard, Jack McGregor, Mack Webster, Lola Chu - ter. , Spanish Onions Stewart Broad-. foot, Margaret Howard, Phyllis El- liott, Ruth Jackson, Jack McGreg- or, Donald Warner. Onions, A.O.V.—Margaret How- ard, Douglas Batkins, Shirley Bran- don, Stewart Broadfoot, Jack Mc- Gregor, George Telford. Potatoes—Ruth Jackson, Kather- ine McGregor, Alec Ostrom, Marg- ery Webster, Bobbie McClymont, Leo Ducharme. Table Corn—Elaine Grainger, Mary Grainger, Marlene McLachlan, Ruth Snelling, Stewart Broadfoot, Charlene Scotchmer. Pop Corn—Bobby McClymont, Donald Warner. Sunflower—Bob McGregor, Jack McGregor, Stewart Broadfoot, Don- ald Warner, Phyllis Workman, Jean McGregor. Sheaf Wheat—Many Grainger, • , Stewart Broadfoot, Donald McKen- zie, Elaine Grainger, Neil McGreg- or, Doreen McKenzie. Sheaf Oats—Mary Grainger, Pat- sy Scotchmer, Stewart Broadfoot, Bob McGregor, Elaine Grainger, Charlene Scotchmer. Sheaf Barley—Elaine Grainger, Mary Grainger, Stewart Broadfoot, Jack McGregor, Charlene Scotchmer. Hensall School Fair Prize 'Winners' W RYBO L � Busmnss by Do you know why the setting sun is red? What language is spoken, in Brazil? How political candidates are chosen? No, this is not a quiz! Iris a way of suggesting that there are countless subjects which most of us never explore. Yet there are very satisfy- ing rewards waiting those who acquire general knowl- edge on any subject. The mere act of learning facts has a beneficial effect on one's personality, apart alto- gether from the usefulness of the information itself. Where to start? Perhaps the most useful subjects are those related to your work. Next, you might study eco- nomics, psychology, history, or whatever else appeals to you and build an interest in it, Such a program helps make you a more effective worker, a better developed personality and a more in- teresting conversationalist! It may surprise you to learn that people in 64 different countries buy life insurance policies from Canadian com- panies — a fact which proves that Canadians are not the only people who have con- fidence in thess companies and their efficw.,+�.tient� ry opaeration.. : 109 0' Hensall and rural school fair was held with the following schools par- syellIngra, m, Bin Kerslake, Gerald ticipating: Hensall public 'school, B Tuckersmith No. 10 Tuckersmith No. Squash—ShirlColeman Chas. 2, Hay No. 10, Hibbert No: 7. The Mickle, Glen Kennings, Eudora parade started from the town hall v at 1.30 p.m. Summary of prizes perr school, the sports not included: Hensall, lsts 92, 2nds 24, 3rds 24, 4ths 1G Total Tuckersmith No. 1, fists 2, 2nds 4, 3rds 1, 4ths 3. Total 10. Hay No. 10-1sts 11, 2nds 5, 3rds 6, 4ths 4.—Total 26. Hibbert No. 7-1sts 3, 2nds 4, 3rds 1, 4ths 2—Total 10.• Tuckersmith No. 2—lsts 2, 2nds 1, 3rds 1, 4ths 3—Total 7. Hensall public school has an at- tendance of about 120 pupils, the other schools will not have an aver- age of 20 each. Running Races— Girls under 8 — Joan. Kerslake, Connie Corbett, Norma Passmore. Under 10—Beverly Nichols,' El- aine Bell, Margaret Moir, Under 12—Eudora Hyde, Beverly Nichols, Marion Mousseau. 12 and over, Ruth Soldan, Gert- rude Bell, Eudora Hyde. Boys under S --Murray Harburn, Murray Bell, Charles Mickle. Under 10 — Graham, Farquhar, Donald MacLaren, Lawrence Eyre. Under 12, Gerald Bell, Wayne Welsh, Billie Kerslake. 12 and over, Bill Carlile, Cecil Pepper, Ronald Passmore. Three-legged race, girls 10 and under, Shirley Bell and Beverly Ni- chols, Judy Shaddick and Carol Mo Murtrie, Lois McLellan and Elaine Bell 10 and under -Eudora Hyde and Marion Mousseau, Ann Hildebrandt and Elaine Beer, Beverly Nidhols and Jean Lavender. Boys 10 and under—Bill Laven- der and Jack Bell, Bob Lavery and Wayne Walsh, Gerald Flynn and Graham Farquhar, 10 and over—Mernie Twitchell and Jimmie Orr, Bill Fink And Wal- lace Maxwell, Bill Carlile and Leroy Peters. Girls and boys, kicking' slipper, Allan Johnston, Leroy Peters,; AnnHildebrandt. Girls throwing ball, Ann Hilde- brandt, Betty Moir, Elaine Beer. Boys throwing ball, 13111 Carlile, Allan Johnston, Ronald Chuter. Prize winners: Ajag oats, Jean Soldan, Robt. M. Bell, Ruth Soldan,�Ross :Corbett, Field corn„ Millie Funk, Roy Ing- ram, Gerald Bell, Cecil Pepper. Street, Golden corn, golden ban- tam, Marilyn. Mousseau, Jeanne La- vender, V(en Coulson, Lois McLel- ran. Field beans—lien Coulson, Mari - Prize Mousseau, Millie F'utgk, Lola Volland. Table turnips, Donelda Fostell, Millie Funk, Jean Soldan, Wayne Chuter. Red beets—Ann Sinclair, Chas. Mickle, Joan Kerslake, Marie Sin- clair•. Carrots — Gerald Flynn, Donald 141acLaren, Wayne Welsh, Billie Ker- slake. Yellow onions --Ann Sinclair, Lois McLellan, Marilyn Mousseau, Don- ald Kyle. Parsnips --Douglas Brituell, Mari- lyn 'Mousseau.. Pumpkin --Jimmie Barnham, Dai- Send us the names of your visitors. yde. Asters Jane Horton, Shirley Coleman, Marilyn Mousseau, Marj- orie Hyde. Zinnias—Charles Mickle, Marilyn Mousseau, Judy Shaddick, Beverly Harris. African Marigolds — Marilyn Mousseau. Calendulas—Gwen Spencer, Di- ' anise Rennie, Jack McKenzie, Lola Volland. French marigolds—Colin Roberts, Betty Parker, Connie Corbett, Jean,... Lavender. Pinks—Gwen Spencer. Snapdragons—Charles Mickle, K. Coulson, Marilyn Mousseau, Dianne Rennie. Petunias—Charles Mickle, Mari- lyn Mousseau, Wayne Chuter, Jean Mousseau. Gladioli — Bill Kerslake, Joan Kerslake, Ronnie McKenzie. Dahlias—Donald Kyle, Judy Sha- ddick. -, Table bouquet -Marianne Rennie, Connie Corbett, Margaret Moir, Jean Lavender. Living room bouquet — Beverly 'Nichols, Geraldine Parker, Gladys Moir, Wayne Forrest. Wild flowers — Connie Corbett, Lola Volland. Potatoes—Gerry Rennie, Gerald Flynn, Shirley Coleman, Lois Mc- Lellan. . Potatoes, named—Judy Shaddick, Audrey Walsh, Billie McKenzie, Jack Henderson. Mangers—Douglas Shirray, Jean Soldan, Ruth Soldan. Tomatoes—Charles Mickle, Wayn McBride, Nelson McClinchey, Ken Coulson. Large field pumpkin — Shirley Coleman, George Parker, Bill Lav- ender, Tom Lavender. Cabbage—Roy McKenzie, Bilile Mcl{itnnon, Donald .Kyle. Early oats—Ross Corbett, James Bell, Shirley Coleman, Gerald Bell. Winter wheat — Ross Corbett, Wayne McBride,. Beverly Nichols. Turnips—Shirley Colman, Lav- erne Hamilton, Ruth Soldan, Jean Soldan. Snow Apples—Lola Volland. McIntosh apples=Lola Volland, Pears—Lola Volland. Barred Rock cockerel, Wayne Mc- Bride. Barred Rock pullet, Wayne Mc- Bride. White Leghorn cockerel, Jean Sol- dan, Hensall. White Leghorn pullet, Roth Sol- dan, Hensall Pen any variety, George Parker. Pair ducks, Billie Parker. Brown eggs, Ray Ingram, Doug- las Brintnell, Gwen Chapman, Shin. ley Coleman. White eggs—David Ingram, Grace McLeod, Jean Soldari, Ruth Soldan. Bird pets—Donald Volland, Phyl- lis and Donelda Lostell. li0g•s—Ken Parker. Dogs on leash—Eudora Hyde, Teddy Norminton, Marilyn Mouss- eau, Billie Fink. Animal pets, Gordon Lavery, Marilyn Mousseau, Donald Mac - Laren, Judy Shaddiek.