The Seaforth News, 1948-07-01, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1948 Tl -U0 SEA11'0E1'H Nl*WF Snowdon Bros., Publishers DUBLIN CONTINUATION SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS The following is the report of the Dublin Continuation School, examina- tions for the year 1947-48. Class I or A over 754'0; Class II or B 66-74%; Class III or C 60-65%; Credit 50.59%. Grade XII Flanagan, James-.Elealth B, Eng., C, Geom. I, Hist. III, Chem, II, Lat. III, Fr C Kennedy, Mary -Health G, Eng, C, Georgi. C, Chem. 0, Lat. C, Fr, C. Kleiner, Dorothy -Health B, Eng. C, Hist. C, Goons, II, Chem. II, Lat. 0, Fr, C. Malone, Jack -Health A, Eng. III, Geon,. I, Hist. I, Chem,~II, Lat: II, Morris, Jack -Health A, Eng. III, Hist. II, Geom. I, Chem, II, Lat. II, Fr. I1I.. 1 h B,Pan. Rowland, Lorraine-Heatg II, Hist, 1, Gam, I, Chem. I, at, II, Fr, III. Stapleton, Jerry -Health A, Eng. II, Hist, I, Geom, C, Chem. III, Lat. III, Fr. C. Grade XI Dillon, Maurice -Health B, Eug. G, Hist. III, Geom. III, Chem II, Lat. Pr. Givlin, Rita -Health B, Hist, C, Geom. 1, Chem. 0, Lat. II, Pr. I. Givlin, Teresa -Health B, Eng. C, Hist. C, Geom. I, Chem, 0, Lat. II, Fr. III. • Holland, Barbara -Health B, Eng. III, Hist. C, Geom. II, Chem. C. Kennedy, Lewis -Health B, Eng. II, Geom. III, Chem, C. Malone, Joseph -Health A, Eng. III, Hist. I, Geom. I, Chem. II, Lat. II, Fr. C Morrison, Vincent -Health B, Eng. II, Hist, I, Geom. I, Chem, II, Lat. III, Fr. III. Murray, Patrick -Health A, Eng, III, Hist, I, Geom, I, Chem. I, Lat, III, Fr. I McQnald, Patricia -Health B. Eng. I1I, Hist. Pr„ Geom, I, Chem, C. Lat, 0, Fr. C. Roach, Joseph - Health B, Eng. II, Hist. C, Geom. II, Chem. I. Woods,' Rose Marie -Health A, Eng, IC Hist, I, Geom. I, Obem, II, Let, III, Fr, C. DANCE! Pn.EE iii MODEL MANTEL RADIOS Stratford Casino Ballroom DANCE TO THE BEST BANDS Every Wed. Fri. & Sat. & Holidays Holiday Dance July 1 Change of Bands Each Mite FREE DOOR PRIZES Every Wednesday night we will give away free -1 Model Mantel Radio, 6 Tube Value $42.50, Prize drawn at 11.30 p.m. Winning No. will be on Page 6 Beacon Herald following clay. Adin. to Dance 50c. Adm. tickets on sale uptown at United Cab. Every Friday Night Is Ladies Nite, Ladles free - Gents 50c Dancing Every Saturday Night. Admission 50c Grade X Burdett?, Joan -Health B, .Eng, 11, Fr. 11, Lat. III, Maths, C, S'c. C, Hist. al, Geog. 1. , Nutters, Ronald -Health A, Eng. III, Fr. II, Lat. I11, Math. II, Sc. I, Hist. II, „eog. 11, Dillon, Madeline -Health 13, Eng. II, 3e. IT1, Fr. C, Lat. III, Math. III, Hist. 91,'0008. II.• Evans, William -Health A, Math. C , Sc, 111, Hist.'0, Geog. C. Fitzpatrick, John -Health B, Ing• 0, Fit C, Lat. 0, Math. C, Sc.. I, Hist, 1, Geog. 1. Givlin, Leona - Health 8, Eng. • II, Fr. 11, Lat, III, Math. C, Se. 3I,. Hist. 11, Geog. t holland, Mary -Health 13, Eng, III, Fr. C, Lat. III, Math. Pr., Sc. II, Hist 0, Geog. Pr. Horan, Mary -Health B, Fr. Pr:. Lat. C, Math. C, Se, C, Geog. C, Eng: C Jordan, Jeanette -:Health A, Eng, 111, Fr. III, Math, I, Sc. II, Hist. I, Lat. 191, Geog, ll, Kelly, Jack -Health B, FEng, III, Fr. II, Lat. 1I, Math. C, Sc.. II, :Hist,' C, Geog. III, Lane, Louis - Health B, Eng. 0, Math. 0, Se, II; Geog, C. Lane, Marie_ Health B, Eng. 0, Fr. 0, Lat, C, Math. C, Sc. II, Hist. 0, Geog. C. Meagher, Alphonse -Health 13, Eng. III, Fr. C, Lat, Pr., Math, IT, Sc. II, Hist. III, Geog. C. Meagher, Alnhonsine - Health 8, Eng. C, Fr. C, Math. C, Sc: C, Hist. Pr. Geog. C. Moore, Florence -Health A, Eng. II Fr. TI, Lat. I, Math. I, Se. I, Hist. I, Geog. I. • Morris, Gregory Health A, Eng. Il, Fr. IHI, Lat. C, Math, II, Se, I,Hist. III, Geog. C. MVlnr phy, William- Health A, Eng. 11, Fr. C, Lat. II, Math. C, Se. I, Hist. IT, Geog, IL Murray, Beatrice -Health A, Eng. 111, Fr. III, Lat. III, Math. II, 'Sc. II, Hist. III, 'Geog. C. Murray. Gilbert - Health A, Eng. Fr. t r.. Lat, C, Math, I, Se. I, Hist. 0, Geog, I, Simpson. Mai'y-Healtll. B, Eng. I, Fr. 11. Lat. It. loath. 11, Sc. 11, hist. 1. ..,ti;. I. Guid. 8, Eng. 0, Fr. III, Math. I, Sc. I, Geog. 1, Hist. IL Ryan, Alice -Health A, Art A, Guicl. 8, Eng. III, Fr. I, Math. II, Se. I, Geog, III, Hist. II; Sloan, Thomas-Health{� ,.,Art Guid. C, Eng. 0, Fr. 0, Math, 11, Se. III, Geog. G. • VARNA Mr. and Mrs, C. Keyes, Mr. and Mi•s, Lloyd Keyes, with Mr. Jas. Reid, took a motor trip to Monetvi'lle' Fri- day and visited the latter's daughter Mrs. R. . Go'rril (Gertrude Reid). They returned by Sudbury .and Manitoulin, Island and. crossing on the ferry, reached home Tuesday well pleased with their trip. ' Miss Fisher of Ohio is the guest of her Sister Mrs. J. F. Smith and family Mr, John McAsh is in Victoria Hos- pital, London, where lie underwent an operation. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. M. Reid is visiting her sister Mrs. J'. E. Hartwell In,Goderich, The Varna School picnic, was held in Seaforth Monday afternoon. Rev, LaVerne Morgan will address the members of the L,O.L.- in St. John's Anglican'Church July 4, at 7.30 Mr. and Mrs. Stockton, who have been visiting the latter's sister Mrs. M. Elliott and family for several) weeks, left for their home in Cali- fornia. almfornia. They will visit other relatives on their' return trip, Master Billy Laythent of London is holidaying with relatives in the village. The Snaith family in company with their aunt spent Sunday with Mrs. Elliott in McKillop. Grey Cameron to .Helen Jane Shuler in Detroit on Wednesday last. Mr. -Lawrence Fowlie, of London spent the week end with his sisters, Misses Fowlie. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stothers and family who have been residents of the village since February mooed to Ernbro on Monday where they have purchased a hardware business, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Sturgeon, Miss Jean. Sturgeon of Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback of Clinton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sturgeon over the week end. Grade IX Barrie, Loretto- I•lealth A, Art B. uid:uice B. Eng, C. Fr. 1, Math I, , 1I, Geog. 0, Hist. C. :;oanrun, Ite;ius-Ihalth A. Art A, Gatti, A, Eng. 1I, Fr. I, Math. I, Se. I 1.0g. II, Hist. 1, Costello. Joseph Health B, Art D, t. C. Math. C. dc. C. Bene), Atae - Health 13, Art A, uta, C, En6. 0, Fr, 11, -Math. C, Se. I. Geog. 0, Hist. Pr. Feeney, Leonard -Health 13, Art 0, 0, Math. C, Sc. III. Feeney, Ursula -Health A, Art B, Guid, A, Eng. III, Fr. I, Math. II, Se. .1, Geog. C, Hist. C.' Feeney, \Villiam-I3eaIth B, Eng. C, Se. 111. Flanagan, Francis -Health A, Art A. Guitl. B, Eng. III, Fr. III, Math. I, Se. 1, Geog, II, Hist. C. Jordan, Veronica -Health C, Art B, Guid. C, Eng. 0, Fr. 0, Math. C. Sc. 11, ,eog. C, Hist. G. Maloney, Lorraine -Health B, Art A, Guid. B, .Eng. II, Fr. 1, Math. I, Sc. II, Geog, C, Hist. C. Maloney, Stephen -Health A, Art C. Guid, B, Eng. IIi, Math. 0, Se. I, ,rug. Pr.. Hist. 0, Morrison, Mary -health 13, Art B, Eng, C, Mid, h, Fr. II, Math. 1, Sc.. 1. Seng. -0, Hist, IIT. Murray. John - Health 0, Art B,. Guid. A Jing, 1, Fr. Il,'Math. 0, Sc. I. Geon. Its. Hist. I. Murray, Rita - Health A, Art A, WINTHROP Mrs. Russell Holman and Rae of Peterboro are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson. Mr. R. K. Davidson and Ronnie attended the Costello -Fraser 'wedd- ing hi Stratford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase and fa- mily visited with Mrs. Dan Murray in Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hunter and fam- ily of Brampton visited with Rev: S. R. and. Mrs. Peters at the McKil- lop manse. Mr. Frank Morton of London was a guest of Mr. R. K. Davidson last week. Football game at Winthrop on Thursday evening between Winth- rop and St. Columban, was Winth- rop 3, St. Columban no score. Mon- day evening Winthrop played at Walton. Walton 1, Winthrop 0. Misses Dorothy and Mavis Me - Clime have returned from a' trip to the Western provinces where they visited relatives at Melita and Silv- eri -on, 'Manitoba. and Wilkie, Sask. Mrs. Jack Kellar and Mrs, McDon- ald have both been re-engaged at their schools. We are glad to hear Mr. John Montgomery is able to be around again. Many friends of Mrs. R. K. Mac- Farlane will be pleased to hear she is home from Scott Memorial hospi- tal. Mrs. Irwin Watt and little son, of Ottawa. spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. IC. MacFarlane, and Mr MacFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson . (-Jean Staples) of Wadena, Sask., are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mr's. Tern Toll. The death occurred at her home in London on Friday,' June 25th, of Mary Helen i(Eily) Moorhouse after. a long illness. Mrs. Moorhouse was born in London, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Breiggler. In 1910 she was married to H. Kennedy Moorhouse and spent her married life. in London and Bayfield. Surviv- ing is one daughter,, Mrs. J. C. Maitland of London. The funeral took place on. Monday in London, the Rev. H. C. Merrifield of St. James', Westminster, conducting the services. Among those -attend- ing the funeral from Bayfield' were Mrs. J. W. Jowett, Mrs, James Fer- guson, Mrs. Roy Poth, and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson of Goderich. Born: In St. Joseph's Hospital,. London, on Sunday, June 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maitland, nee Mary Jean Moorhouse, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss'of Lon- don were weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson, Mar- ion and Stewart Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Renouf Johns and babe of De- troit and Mrs. M. Mack and daugh- ted of Orillia spent the weekend at the Atkinson cottage in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray of Lon- don spent the weekend with the litters mother Mrs. F. Lawson, Dr. and Mrs. Robin Hunter and family and Charles. Rogers Jr., of Toronto, arrived on Friday to spend the season at their home in the vil- lage for the summer. Miss Mary Alice Hunter is enter- taining a houseparty of six girls from Toronto this week. Mrs. Maynard Corrie is spending a few days in London this week. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Parker and son Bill of Nekema, N.D„ are .sit- ing the former's mother, Mrs. Charles Parker, .this week. Mr. E. A. Morrison of Los Angel- es, Calif. spent a few days at the :Cibion Hotel recently. Miss Peggy Burt and Ronald Burt of London spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 1'r•ed Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and three children of Toronto, arrived on Saturday to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. E. A. Featherston. Dr. E. P. Lewis of Toronto spent the weekend the guest of Mrs. N.W. Woods, Mrs. Lewis, who has spent the past four weeks with Mrs. Woods, returned to Toronto with hire on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie of Oak- land, California, are the guests of the latter's brother Mr. David Mc- Naughton. Miss Jessie Metcalf and the Miss- es Miller of Detroit, arrived on Monday to spend the summer season at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bristol, of Arlington, Virginia arrived last week to spend the summer at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Ferguson of London spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs• Jim Scott of Toron- to Ghent the weekend at their home in the village. Miss June Lyon and Glen Smith of London, spent the weekend in the village. Dealers, Bakers, Farmers & Feaders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality arid Prices are right Excellence Feeds Calf Meal Chick Starter Chick Grower Laying Mash Dairy Ration Pig Starter ao Hog Fattener Hog Grower Sow Ration • EXCELLENCE in Name and Quality �e Tu r on Grain Feeds Processed. Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of Excellence Flour Hills Ltd. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson from the West have been visiting at the home of their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Yo,tnghl„t. Miss Williams of Brampton visit- ed with Miss F. Mains last week. Mrs. T. 1CnoX who has heed visit- ing with her daughter, Miss Vina Knox. Toronto, and other friends, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Crawford - • wfo •d visited for r the nC llaat week or two with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Press. Mrs. Wm. Lyon spent a few days last week with her aunt at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Youngblutt spent Sunday and Monday with friends at London, •d Brunsdon, Clinton,Hwar B Mi, o visited his mother, Mrs. W. T. Brun - scion. Mrs. Wm. Griffiths has returned after spending a week or two at the home of her daughter, Mrs. and Mr. Wm. Breen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Townsend of Souris, Man.. are visiting her broth- er, Robert Townsend, and. Mrs. F. Wood, his sister. It is forty years or more since he left Hullett township for the West. Rev. W. Malcolm. and Mrs. Mal- colm of Rochester, N.Y.,and Misses Mary and Rose Coventry of Wing hem were callers on 'their cousin, Mrs, Margaret Manning on Monday. Miss Josie Medd of Brussels spent the week end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Mi. and Mrs. Lorne Shobbrookr Oshawa, and two children spent a week at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Shohbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, of Clinton spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Lyon. BAYFIELD A very enjoyable surprise party was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Sturgeon on "Saturday night by their family, the occasion being their 85th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in dancing and singing and a delicious lunch was se,.ved, the dining room being dec- orated in pink and white, the table centred by a large two layer wed- ding cake. At the close of the even- ing Mr. and Mrs, Sturgeon thanked their family and friends for' their thoughtfulness. Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter and son Bill of London spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Mrs. A. Supnick of Detroit spent the mast week at her cottage.' Mrs. W; M. Purves of Birming- ham, Mich., srcomnanied by 'her sister-in-law, Miss Purves of Prince- ton, N.J.. are at the former's cot tP^•^ for the season. Miss Mildred Cameron attended the wedding of her nephew, John E6 ENT 'FSEAPOYtl•�ArrPr�RTH THURS. PRL SAT. - IN TECHNICOLOR Matinee: July .1st at 2.30 p.m, Now Playing "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" Bethel, Williams= Tim,ny. Durance This time there are unsurpassed thrills' with -five great stage Personalities -A sear - spangled, song hit -parade Picture, lull of, fun and music MON. TUES. WED. - '+DAISY KENYON" DOUBLE •FEATURE. with DANA ANDREWS -JOAN' CRAWFORD - HENRY FONDA. These -three together in a Inc that only t.w0 can share; and "SUSIE STEPS OUT" with David Bruce' - Nita Hunter' Susie steps into a pack of Wolf -trouble -Music to hum .Prom the start- Romance to thrill your heart Coining; . ."CARNEGIE. HALL" with Marsha Hunt William Prince DUBLIN iod gown of white slipper satin, fashioned with a wide bertha collar Dan R. Williams of the U.S. Mar- ines, stationed at Newport, Rhode Island, is visiting his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Dan Williams, Honoring the choir of St. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin, a picnic spon- sored by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, ;was held on the Continu- anon School grounds. Various games were played including bingo, for which' prizes were awarded. A bounteous lunch was served in the parish hall by the Ursuline Sisters. Thirty members of the choir were present. An impromptu program was presented followed by a social hour. A lucky number prize was won by Louisa Feeney. Misses M. anti R. Kruke have nn Redtheirin shop "The Villagee Guild for the Elsie h summer. Misses Johnson and Elizabeth Halford of Detroit were their guests over the weekend. The pupils of St. Columban Se- parate School held their annual pic- nic on the school grounds. Gaines were played and the teachers direct- ed various rues and distributed prizes. Hot dogs " and soft drinks were contributed by the school WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven, Winthrop, will meet at the home of Mrs. Stanley Garnhare on Wednes- day, July 7 at 2:30. Circle 4 will have charge of the meeting. board. Charles Malone, Fort William, with Mrs. Malone and Mrs. Mary McGrath. Rev. John F. McConnell, M. M, Marvknoll, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Hau'ry 1. Dingeman and sons, Detro- it, with Mr. and Mrs. David McCon- nell. Miss Katharine O'Connell and Miss Betty Webber, London, with Miss Molly O'Connell and Mrs. Eliz- abeth Bi•uxer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Detroit Joseph Morrisson, Windsor, and John Morrisson, Hamilton, with M". and MTs. Tames A. Morrisson. Mrs. Johanna lloaeh and 1Vliss Monica Roach, St. Columban, and Mrs. Loretto Schmidt, Stratford, with Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin. • Miss Mary 'Evans, Windsor, with her another, Mrs. Katharine Evans Mrs. Dennis Dillon, London, with Mr. and 'Mrs. I awrence Dillon, cake. Gordon Costello. London, with his For travelling the bride chose a _.h of satin' and lace and a net yoke. The basque bodice was shugly fitted and the long lace sleeves with satin inset were tapered to points over the hands. The bouffant skirt had alter- native panels of Satih and lace ex- tending in a long train. A full length veil .of embroidered illusion nef was caught with white blossoms. She carried a' bouquet of red roses.., The maid of honor was: the bride's sister, Miss Lorraine Jordan, Lon- don, who wore a floor length gown of white taffeta, fitted bodice with double net skirt, sweetheart neck- line trimmed with lace, and short puff sleeves. She wore long lace fingerless gloves and matching white headdress. The bridesmaids, Misses Theresa and Patricia Ryan, sisters of the bridegroom wore iden- tical floor -length gowns of white brocaded silk, fitted bodice with double net skit, sweetheart neck- line, white brocaded bows at the waist and short puff sleeves. They wore white headdresses and white long fingerless gloves, and the at- tendants all carried nosegays of roses and sweet peas. The best man was Mr. Jack Blood, Detroit, cousin of the bridegroom, and the ushers were Mr. Ryan Jordan and Mr. Jo- seph Delaney, Dublin. , Following .the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The br'ide's mother received the guests wearing a pearl grey dress with grey and black pic- tui e hat. black accessories and•cor- sage of pink roses. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, who wore a navy Niue costume with matching hat and white accessories end corsage of red roses. A dinner was served at the Royal Hotel, .Mitchell, where the bride's table Was decorated -with white streamers and a three tier wedding parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pugh and Glenn at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. William Stapleton and Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Kahle were in Toronto attending the orcjination of their nephew, Rev. John S. Sta- pleton C.S.B. at St. Basil's Church, on Tuesday. Mrs. James ,Tordan in London. Mrs. Pat Jordan in Toronto. Miss Bridget Costello at Grand Bend. Martin Feeney in Detroit. Mise Dorothy Ann Costello in 'Lmtrinn Miss Reta Mclvor, Toronto, agent a week with her narents, Mr. and Mrs, William McIver, Mr. and Mrs. tvrc.Tver attended the graduation exercises at Convocation Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday, when their eon. Thrones McIver graduated from Osgoode Ha1L Rs'an--Jordan Red and white peonies ado cad the heantifill altar of St. Patricic's fn,• the wedding on Saturday when Mips Jean Frances Jnrdan• thin) da»trhter of Mr. and 1,e .Tnaanh 7nrd n . Dihlt n. Wag Mr. n h m r •iiia to na d in a i F. Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs Pat- rick Ryan, Dublin, in a double rine' ,.vre»,en„ Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes offici- ated at the reremnny and the BUB - Hal macs The clinic under the direc- tion of Vlnther Frances Clare sang "Ave Maria" at the offertory, and "On this Day, 0 Beautiful Mother" dining' the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length per - grey wool suit, green shortie coal++ with white and green accessories and corsage of red roses. Among the guests attending the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Blood and son Jack, Miss Anne McAleer, Mrs. Matt. Williams and two daughters, all of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Naylor, Lon- don, HULLETT The School picnic was held on Fri- day afternoon for the scholars and their teacher along with the rate- payers of U.S.S. No. 9 Hay '& Stanley, at Jowett's Grove. Sports and games , were the main events of the day, topped oi'f with a picnic supper to end the day's outing: Mr, Robert Ducharnte and Itis friend anti mother and sisters, Mrs. Martindale and Mi'. and Mrs, Reg,® Bedard were in Sarnia Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. G. Clarke, who visit- ed isited a few clays with his mother Mrs. Clarice and brother \Vill, left for their 'work at Ottawa again. Miss Ella Bohn and friend Gode- rich, i, visited Nr. and Mrs. G. Bon The Bible School is being held at the Ammoisli Church on the Bronson Line So. this year, from July 5 to 12, Mr. -Irvin Gingerich and E. Shantz are in charge of the school. Bus trans- portation is carried on again by the church 1'or those interested. Send vs the names of your visitors. Try the Portable National 2 Cow Milker in your own barn for one week -- at our expense 12 you have 6 or more cows -here's' a grand Opportunity to- prove at first-hand the amazing time and work saving features of the Na- tional Milker. Call in at our store, •write or phone -and tell us that you want to try 1t out, without any obligation or your part. COMPLETELY PORTABLE-- No installation or expensive • piping required. MILKS 2 COWS AT THE SAME TIME -Cuts milking trine in half, INDIVIDUAL VACUUM ADJUST- ment - instantly set for fast milking of "easy" or "Bard" milkers. Complete with 25 cycle / hp electric motor $200.00 -. Also available with gas engine drive $226:50 Simply plug the National Milker into aey convenient outlet and you're all ready to milk faster cleaner and Ptisier than ever bef geer The clear glass pails- eliminate all guesswork -von (“111 readily .how each cow is milking, Supplied with sterilicet rack, R milking palls, also rubber boots to protect theist. CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION ASSOCIATE STORE Smith Bros. Dublin Phone 73