The Seaforth News, 1948-07-01, Page 1he Seaforth Ne
$1 a year
Mrs: E. 0. Hall, Regent street, The members of the Catholic Wo
London, was hostess at a charmingly men's League held a special meet
arranged trousseau tea honoring Ing in St James' parish hall on Mon -
her 'daughter, Audrey Hall, whose day evening. Following the League
marriage to John Stevens,. of Sea- prayer the minutes of the previous
forth, will take place on. Saturday, meeting were read and adopted as
July 3. Receiving the many guests correct. The treasurer's report show -
with "alas. Hall were the bride -elect ed a balance of $185.85. The high
and her fiance's mother, Mrs. Wil- light of the meeting was a very in-
liars H. Stevens, of Seaforth. Mixed teresting and inspiring report of
summer flowers adorned the living the recent diocesan convention of
room and tea table, where Ms. S. the Catholic Women's League held
T. Bartlett, of Toronto, Mrs. H. V. in St, Thomas. Mrs. T. D. Sills and
Workman, Seaforth, Mrs. J. N. Me- Miss Alice Daly presented the re -
Lerman, London and Mrs. P. B. Mof- port. "The Family Rosary" was the
fat and Miss Rena Fennell, of Sea- theme of the convention and speak -
forth, presided at the tea table. ers throughout the three-day session
Others assisting in caring for the stressed the importance of daily
guests were Miss Muriel Hall, Mrs. family prayer. His Excellency,the
0. S. Hall, of Brampton, Miss Annie ,Most Rev. John T. Kidd, Bishop of
Snobelen, Miss Claire Loney, Miss London, commended the C.W.L.. on
Vera Cation, Brampton, Miss Thel- its - work "for others" and asked that
ma Savage, Miss Anna MacSavage they extend a warm welcome to im-
and Miss Cynthia Mclennan. migrants coming from Europe. Most
Miss Hall has been honored at a Rev. John C. Cody, co-adjutor Bish
number of pre -nuptial showers and op of London, urged the need of vo-
parties. Among' the 'hostesses were cational guidance Which should start
Mrs. P. B. Moffat who entertained in the kindergarten. Bishop Cody
at her home in Seaforth, and Misses also said that "Communism is hatred
Marian McLennan and Muriel Hall of God which included hatred of
who entertained at Kapa Alpha' God's creatures" Rev. Col. T. J.
Theta fraternity house, Cheapside McCarthy of St. Joseph's Church,
street, London. Sarnia, impressed upon the dele-.
gates the urgency of united 'Cath-
-_ olic' Action to overcome the isms"
which threaten the world to -day".
During the year the diocesan mem-
bership increased more than five
hundred. -
A vote of thanks was extended to
Mrs. Sills and Miss Daly for their
splendid report.
Miss Alice Daly was re-elected to
the office of first vice-president of
E. L. BOX the Diocesan Council.
PHONE 43 & 18 The meeting closed with prayer.
Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School. Miss Elizabeth Lofft, of London,
11 a.m., Worship Service- granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Subject—"God's Regard for the A. G. Gordon of Seaforth, third'
Outcasts" year Arts student at Toronto Uni
Evening services withdrawn .dur- varsity, was the only girl in a class
Ing July, and August. of 90 to receive first-class honours.
Everyone attend the morning Five boys received first-class hon -
service. ours. Miss Lofft also secured the
Henderson Scholarship.
Warning; Coal will be in
short supply next winter:
Take it now if available:
St. Thomas' Church, Sunday,
July 4th.
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., Holy Communion and
sermon. No evening service.
St. Mary's, Dublin
9:30 a.m., Morning, Prayer.
Rector: Rev. C.F.L. Gilbert, B,A.
Egtnondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday 'School
11 a.m., "What is Seen and Tem-
poral .
The Seaforth Women's Institute
willhold their annual picnic on
Tuesday evening, July 6, at Lions'
Park. The picnic will start with sup-
per at 7 p.m. All those attending
will please bring a plate, dessert
dish, knife, fork and spoon. Also
bring enough sweetened strawber-
ries for each member of• your party,
if berries are available. Ice cream
will be provided. Chocolate milk will
be provided for the children and tea
for adults. Lunch brought may be
sandwiches, potatoes or vegetable
salad, cold meat, pickles, cake or
tarts. Everyone 'interested in having
an evening of fun is cordially invit-
Grade 9
The following pupils of Grade 9' have
been promoted to Grade 10. Subjects
in brackets represent failures in those
subjects. Bernice Dialing ranked first,
IvIarilyn Hillis second, and James
Wallace third. •
Addison, Betty; Anderson, Eric;
Armstrong, Marie; Beacom, Pat.
(Hist., Math.); Baker, Garfield; .Brug-
ger, Patsy; Chambers, Raymond
(Eng., Fr.); Chesney, Grant (Math.);
Connolly, Marie (Comp., Fr.) ; Collins,
Gladys (Hist.) ; Chapman, Gladys;
Dining, Bernice — Honours; Dodds,
Dorothy; Doerr, Laurene (Hist.);
Dolmage, Bernice—Honours Dressel,
Gerald; Ellis, Lorna; Fowler, Donna
(Ag. Sc., Fr.) ; Frieday, Elaine; Frie-
day, Shirley— Hon. Godkin, Lavern
(Eng., Hist.); Goudie, L, (Fr.); Hillis,
Marilyn , Honours; Jacobi, 'Harry;
Reyes, Ruth—Honours; King, Winni-
fred; Lane, Frances; McCartney,
Eleanor-- Honours; McClinchey, Vir-
itginia (Geog.); McLean, Wilma;
McNaughton, Willa (Hist., Ag. Sc.);
Maloney, Loretta; Meir, Pat.—Hon-
ours; Moore, Kenneth (Hist.); More,
Phyllis (Math., Fr.); Nicholson, Bar-
bara; Nixon, Gleri; Rennie, Ronald;
Riley, Grace; Riley, Wiunitr•ed; Shaw,
George; Siemon, Doris; Smith. Lor-
raine—Honours; Storey, Mavis; Wal-
lace, James—Honours; Walsh, Kath-
erine; Westoott, Blanche—Honours;
Wright, Allan (Lit., Hist.); Wright.
Barbara (Ag. Sc.)
The marks of those wlio were not
promoted have been mailed.
Grade 10
The following pupils of Grade 10
have been promoted to Grade 11. Joan
Ryan ranked Inst and Mary Lou Sills
second. Subjects in brackets repre-
sent failures.
Bechely, Michael—Honours; Blan-
chard, Keith (Lit.); Bolton, Arthur—
Honours; Bradshaw, David (Lat.);
Caldwell, Jean; Collins, Margaret;
Dale, Donald; Glanville, Joyce -Hab-
kirk, Jacqueline (Hist., Ag, Sc.);
Haekweil, Merton (Lit., Hist.) ; How,
Joyce; Hulley, Audrey; Johnston,
Irwin (Comp.); Laudenback, John;
McClure, Donald; McGavin, Frances;
McKay; Raymond (Hist., Math.);
MoKindsey, Gordon—Honours; Me-
Kindsey, James (Fr.); Montgomery,
Shiley; Pepper, Hannah; Ryan, Joan
—Honours; Stephenson, William —
Honours; Sills, Mary Lou—Honours;
Upshall, Grace; Wheatley, Joan —
The marks of those who were not
promoted have been mailed.
The following students have been
granted Intermediate Certificates:
Bechely, Michael; Bennett, Shirley;
Bolton, Arthur; Boyes, Phyllis; But -
chart, Bill; Caldwell, Jean; Chesney,
Marilyn; Collins, Margaret; Dale,
Donald; Dorranee, Stanley; Glanville,
Joyce; Huisser, Edna; Ilow, Joyce;
Hulley, Audrey; Knight, Marjorie;
Laudenbach, John; Leeming, Norma;
McClure, Donald; MuGavin,, Prances;
MCKlndsey, Gordon; Maloney, Mary;
Montgomery, Shirley; 'Nixon, Sue;
Pepper, Hannah; Ryan, Joan; Sander
son, Emma; Shaw, Bert; Sins, Mary
Loa; Stephenson, Bill; Stevens
Leona; Traquair, Robert; Upshall
Grace; Wallace, Ruth; Wheatley
Grade 11
Students promoted from Grade 11
to Grade 12 are as follows. Subjects 11
brackets represent -failures in those
subjects. See below for standings in
Algebra, Agriculture Science Part 1
and A. and M. History.
Agar, Donna; Bennett, Shirley;
Bolton, Yvonne; Boswell, Mary;
Boyes, Phyllis; Caldwell, Trona;
Campbell, Muriel; Clarke, alae (Fr.) ;
Chesney, Marilyn; Elgie, Eleanor
(Lot.); Langford, Betty; Leeming,
Norma; Livingston, Lorraine; Pull-
man, .Doris; Richardson, Lois; Rus-
sell, Barbara; -Snell, June; Stevens,
Bessie; Stevens, Margaret; Wallace,
Ruth (Fr.); Butchart, Bill (must chop
Fr.); Chapman, Jim; Dorranee,
Stanley; Mills, Murray; - Traquair,
Bob; Shaw, Bert (must drop Let, &
Department of Education Certificates
Departmental Certificates will be
issued in the latter part of August tor
the following subjects of Grades 11
and 12. Class I 75100%; Class II 66 to
74%; Class III 60.65%a; C 50.59%.
Agar, Donna, A. & M. Hist. 11, Al-
gebra III, Ag. Sc, II; Bennett, Shirley,
A. & M. Hist. C, Alg. C, Ag. Sc. C;
Bolton, Yvonne, A. & M. Hist. II, Alg.
I, Ag. Sc. II; Boswell, Mary, A. R. M.
Hist, I, Alg, II, Ag. Sc. II; Boyes,
Phyllis, A. & M. Hist. C; Alg. I, Ag.
Sc. C; Butchart, Bill, A. & M. Hist,.
0, Alg. C.; Caldwell, Monza A & M.
Hist. I, Aig. I, Ag. Sc. I; Campbell,
Mabel, Eng. Ca Mod. Hist. 0, Alg. I,
Geom. I, Fr. C, Lat. C, Agy Sc. I1;
Campbell, Muriel, A. & M. Hist 0,
Alg. II, Ag. Sc. III; Chapman, Jim,
A. & M. Hist. I, Alg, III, Ag, Sc.1;
Chesney, Marilyn A. & M Hist, 11I;
Clarke, Mae, A. & M. Hist. II, Alg..
0, Ag.- Sc. C; DeLa Frasier, Ann,
Eng, II, Mod. Hist, 1, Alg. II, Geom.
C; Lat. It, Fr. II, Ag. Sc. III; Dor-
ranee, Stanley, A. & M. Hist. II, Alg.
I, Ag. Sc. I; Elgie, Eleanor, A. &
Hist, III, Ag. Se, 0; Hacliwell, Howard
Eng. 0, Mod, Hist. C, Alg, 0, Geom.
C, Ag. Sc, C; .Flagan, Mary, Eng. 0,
Mod, Hist. I, Aig. 0, Geom. 0, Lat.
C, Fr, 0, Ag. Sc: C; Hnisser, Edna,.
Ag. Sc. 0; Huisser, Francis, Eng. I,
Moil. Hist: I, Alg, C, Geom. III, Lat,
C, Fr. C, Ag. Se. II;; Lane, Mary, Eng.
II, Mod, Hist, I, Alg, 1, Geom..I, Lat.
III, Fr. 1II, Ag. Se. I; Langford, DettY,
A. & M. Hist. I, Alg, I, Ag. Sc. I11;
Leeming, Norma, A. & M. Hist. I, Ag,
Sc C; Livingston, Lorraine, A & M.
'Hist, C, Alg. I, Ag, Se. II; McIver.
Josephine, Eng. III, Moir. Hist. I, Alg,
At a well attended meeting of the
executive of the Huron -Perth Liber-
al Association, Albert J, Kalbfleisch,
Zurich, W. L. Whyte, Seaforth and
William Tuer, Mitchell, were named
to represent the riding at the Nat-
tional. Liberal convention being held
in Ottawa early in August. Mr. Kal-
bfleisch is president and Mr. Whyte
is Secretary of the Association.
Alternate delegates named were
Gordon Shortreed, S. G. Dorrance,
Seaforth and George Edighoffer,
In addition to the delegates the
riding will be represented by W. H.
Golding M.P., Frank Fingland, K.C.,
Clinton and Mr. B. W. Tuckey, Ex-
eter, the latter two being candidates
in recent elections.
Huron Presbytery, of the United
Church of Canada, met in the God-
erich Summer School grounds, three
miles north of Goderich, on Thurs-
day, June 24th, at 2 p.m. The mem-
bers brought lunch and after the
ed. Come and bring your neighbors. business was transacted, enjoyed a
Remember, it's July 6. 7 p.m., at' picnic. Besides delegates, eight la
Lions' Park, for the Institute Com- dies were present.
munity picnic. Arrangements were made for the
induction of Rev. James Bright, of
Shedden, at Dungannon, on Friday,
July 2nd, at 8.30 p.m., Rev. C. W.
Cope to' preside, Rev. A. G. Hewitt
to address the minister, Rev.
L. H.
Turner to address the people; also
for the induction of Rev. H. F. Cur-
rie, of Watford, at Crediton, on Fri-,
day, July 9th at 8:30 p.m. Rev.
Harold Snell to preside, Rev. H. J.
Mahoney to address the minister,
and Rev. Gordon Weir to address
the people.
Rev. W .A. Beecroft, of Wing -
ham, who had been elected at a
former meeting, was installed as the
Chairman for the next twelve
months. In taking office, he com-
mended the retiring Chairman, Rev.
Wm. Mair, of Thames Road, for his
patience. He also spoke in, support
of the Pension Fund Capital Camp-
aign, and. Miramichi Camp for Hur-
on, Bruce and Perth Presbyteries,
which is situated a few miles north
of Port Huron.
The next meeting will be held in
Victoria St. United Church, Goder-
ich, about the second week of Octo-
ber, when the President of Confer-
ence, Rev. S. M. Sweetman. of Lon -
was best man, and ushers were Jack Jori, will pay his official visit.
Agar and Wesley Searrow. FUNERAL OF GEORGE DICKSON
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of the , The funeral took place on Satur-
bride's parents, the bride's mother day from the G. A. Whitney funeral
receiving in blue and white silk jer- chapel of the late George Dickson,
sey, navy accessories and corsage who died last week at the horse of
of pink roses. She was assisted by, his son at Delhi, Ont. Rev. R. H.
the groom's mother, who wore gray , Williams officiated. The pallbearers
gabardine, black accessories and aa were Clarence Martin, Ross Broad -
corsage of red roses. Miss Peggy; foot, Wilmer Broadfoot, Harold
Trapnell Seaforth, and Miss Evelyn Connell, Allen Armstrong, Peter
Hemstead, Strathroy, assisted. Dunlop. Flowerbearers were Alvin
For travelling, 1 the bride donned a, Dodds, Geo. Martin, Orville Dale,
two-piecenavy dress trimmed with; Ernest Martin; Leslie Oliver, Ken
white eyel'it, navy accessories and Stewart, Sam McClure. Mr. Dickson
light blue shortie coat, and •a corsage had farmed on the Dickson home
of pink roses. On their return they stead in Mclaillop until this
will reside in. Sarnia. Guests were spring when he and Mrs. Dick
present from Seaforth, Toronto, son shoved to Delhi to make their
Strathroy, Ehnir'a and Kitchener. home.
In a pretty setting of . pink and
white peonies in Canon Davis Mem-
orial Church, Sarnia,, on, Saturday,
June 26 at 12:30 p.m., Rev. 1'. G.
Hardy united in marriage Dorothy
Ann Agar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Agar, Sarnia, and recently
of Seaforth, to Cannon F. Scarrow,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scarrow,.
Sarnia. Mrs, Payne presided at the
organ and accompanied Miss Donna
Agar, sister of the bride, when she
sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Be-
Given in marriage by her father,
the lovely bride wore a floor -length
white satin gown with net yolk and
net inserts in the full skirt. Her
finger-tip veil was held by a head-
dress of seed pearls and she carried
an arm bouquet of deep red roses.
Miss Jean Agar, -Seaforth, sister
of the bride, as bridesmaid, chose a
turquoise satin gown styled similar
to that of the bride's. Her matching
shoulder -length veil was held in
place by flowers and she carried
white roses. Donald Keyes, Varna,
Following 1s the list of promotions iff
from Seaforth Public School. Names
are in alphabetical order, not neces-
sarily in order of merit. Those listed
as conditionally promoted will be
given a two-month trial in the new
grade, and if no improved effort is
shown, they will he returned to the
previous grade,
Bill Broome, Marion Chamberlain,
Gwendolyn Christie, James Flannigan,
Margaret Grummett, Patricia Hawk-
ins, Lorene Henderson, Barbara Hillis,
Marjory Holmes, Jimmy Hopper, Don-
omald Horton, Joan Hunter, Billie Hunt,
Karen Kidd, Lucille Lee, Roy Lee,
Maylieile McClinchey, Jean Tuell,
Marjory Walden, Conditional Pro-
motion—Lloyd Bell, Kathaleen Frost,
George. Langford, Donald Scott.
P. B. Moffat, Principal
Promoted to Grade 7—Billie Ben-
nett,: Marilyn Butt, Stewart Butt,
Mary Copland, Elaine Dale, Ronald
Dale, Wayne Ellis, Joan Hawkins,
Marie Hunt, Beth Johns, Dorothy
McClinchey, Jack Muir, Ronald
Muir, Marilyn Ritchie, Charlie Riley,
Teddy Savauge.
Promoted to Grade 6—Margaret
Broome, Ivan Carter, Jack Crozier,
Audrey Dalrymple, Lila Dalrymple,
Marion Diek, Larry Eaton, Cecilia
Fraiser, Billie Hoff, Bobbie Hubert,
Marilyn Kling, Murray Langford,
Jack McLlwain, Sheila McFadden,
Patsy Munroe, Helen McGonigle,
Gordon Pullman. M. E. TURNBUL L
Promoted from Grade 5 to Grade
6—Floyd Dale, Ronald Drager, Bill
Flannigan, Barbara Fraser, Margar-
et Hemberger, Clayton Hogg, Durl
Hopper, Marjorie Riley, Donald
Taylor, James Watson.
Conditional Promotion Audrey
Promoted from Grade 4 to Grade
5—Ralph Benneweis, Shirley Ben -
newels, Daisy Beacom, Barbara Bo-
shart, Neil Broadfoot, Lois Chart-
ers Erma Drager, Charles DungeY,
Carole Glew, Hugh Gorwill, Betty
Goudie, James Higgins, Patsy Lang-
ford, Francis Langford, Bill Scott,
Betty Simpson, Ruth Teall, Connie
Conditional Promotion — Grant
McClinchey. R. MULFORD..
Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade
4. Marlene Austin, n, Mavis Ben
Larry Berger, Murray Butt,:
Alice Christie, Jimmie Crich, Donna;
Ducklow, Sandra DungeY, June. Du -
pee, Kenneth Dupee, Keith Eaton,
Elizabeth Habkirk, Jimmie John-;
ston, Larry Langford, Ronald Ma
son, Bruce McFadden, Bobby "Mc-
Gonigle, Alice Ann Nixon, Mar-
jorie Pethick, Ruth Pinder, Billy
Roberton, Ronald Scoins, Robert
Snell, Kenneth Thompson, Bobby
Wright. M. M. BELL.
Promoted to .Grade 3. Ruth All-
brecht, Betty Andrews, John Bosh -
art, Joan Charters, Merle Cooper,
Ruth Crozier, Peter Dale, Joan Dick,
Roy Mangey, Allan Fox, Patricia
Horton, Sharon Hotham, Shirley
Kleber, Donald McClinchey, Marion
McLlwain, Paul McMaster, Marlene
;Miller, Mac Munroe, Keith Pethick,
Sandra Savauge, 'John Scott, Isabel
Shannon, Annette Townsend, Mary
Ann Van Horne.
Conditional Promotion Jack
Baker, Keith Bennewies, Tommy
Broome, Kenneth Drager, Nancy
Grew, Richard Watson. E. H.
* Illustrated
are a few of the
many lovely
Bridal Wreath
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Each is a quality
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Promoted to Grade 2—Donald Al-
brecht Joan Bach, Wayne Benne
Weis, Judith Boshart, Kathryn Bosh -
art, Joan Boyce, EllenCalder, Ag-
nes Carter, Gloria Cornish, Glenn
Coutts, Anne Dick, Eric Eaton,
Mary Ellen Go1•wi1l, Robert Goven-
lock, Roger Mills, ' Betty. Muegge,
Karen Nicholson, Gene Nixon, Mar-
garet Reeves, Gerald Regele, Doug-
las Rowcliffe, Rev Scorns, Madelon
Townsend, Craig Willis.
Conditional Promotion—Beverley
Beacom, Brian Flamrigan, Davina
Hubert, Barbara Mennell. 'MRS. A.
Miss Mary Broadfoot of California,
formerly of Brueefield, is visiting at
the home of her nephew, Mr. John
Broadfoot, on the Mill Road,
Mrs. M. Wightthan of California is
visiting -with -her relatives, Mr,- and
Mrs. W. Stackhouse.
Sunday was decoration day at
Baird's cemetery.
Miss Ryan, R.N., of Bay City. Miclr..
spent the week end with her cousin
Mrs. Basil O'Rourke.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Esley of Mount
Forest visited with the latter's mother
Mrs. Stevens last week.
The Misses Ina aucl Helen Mae
Scott of London are visiting et the
homes of their brothers, Ili. Ross
Scott and Mr. B. Scott.
Miss Pearl Regale, who spent last
week visiting her sister Mrs, Frank
Glanville and Mr. Glanville, has re-
turned to her home.
Miss Norma Leeming of Scott Mem-
orial Hospital spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Leeming. Manleyand
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
girls spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Harry Tait and Dorothy or
Brodhagen spent one afternoon last
week with Mrs. Ed Regele,
I, Geom. C, Lat. II, Or. II, Ag. Sc. II;
McSpadden, Earl, Eng. I, Mod. Hist
I, Alg. I, Geom. I, Lat. II, Fr. II, Ag.
Sc. I; Mills, Murray, A, & `M, Hist. I,
Alg, II, Ag. Sc. II; Pullman, Doris.
A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg, I, Ag. Sc, IT;
Richardson, Lois, A. & M, Hist I,
Alg, I, Ag. Se, II; Russell, Barbara,
A. & M. Hist. I, Alg., II, Ag. Sc, III;
Sanderson, Emma, Ag, Sc. C; Shaw,
Bert, A. & M. Hist. III, Alg. 0, Ag..
Se. O; Sills, Rom, Eng. III, Mod. hist.
II, Alg. C, Geom, C, Lat. III, br, C,
Ag. Sa 0; Snell, Jure, A. 4 M. Hist.
I, Alg. II, Ag. Sc. 1; Stevens, Bessie,
A. & M. Hist, I; Alg. 91, Ag. Se, I;
Stevens, Leona, Alg. 11; Stevens,
Margaret, A. & M. Hist.
Ag: Sc. I; Stewart, Donald„ Eng. III,
Alg. I, Lat. 0, Fr, 0, Ag. Se. Pt.
TIL; Traquair, Bob, A. & M. Hist. III,
Alg. C, Ag. Sc, 0; Wallace, Jack,
Eng, I, Mod. Hist. I, Alg. I, Geom. I,
Lat, I, Fr, I, Ag. So. I; Wallace,. Ruth,
A. & M. Hist. I, Alg. I, Ag. Se. I1;
Wilson, Madeline, Chg. 1, Mod. Hist,
I, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Lat. 1, Fr•, II, Ag.
Sc. I.
Mr. Thos, Alcon. Stevensville, with
his motiher•, Airs. J. Moon, and other
Miss Leona Watson, London, with
her parents 2Ir, and Mrs. Earl
Mr, and Mrs. Gillespie and family.
Toronto, with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pollard and ram-
ily in Hamilton.
Penhale, Snowden, Westlake
The Penhale, Snowden and West-
lake families gathered at Grand
Bend for their twenty-third annual
reunion on Saturday, June 26. Din-
ner was served in the large dining
hall to 52 members. The president
being absent, Mr, Alfred Westlake
took charge of the business.
Mr. Geo. Hodgson won the lucky
draw, Mrs. Howard McCullough won
the prize for guessing the number
of jelly beans in a jar, Mrs. Geo.
Hodgson won the prize for eldest
lady and Mr. Toni Snowden won the
prize for the eldest gentleman.
Youngest girl was Helen Grainger,
youngest boy was Douglas McCul-
Officers for 1949 are: President.
Milton Pollock, Varna; vice-presi-
dent, Harold Penhale, Bayfield:
sec'y-treas,, Mrs. Melvin Bennett,
Goderich: assistant, Miss Ethel Wat-
son, Bayfield; sports committee.
Gordon Westlake, Bayfield; Russell
Grainger, Zurich; Gladwin West-
lake. Bayfield; Clifford Talbot, Bay-
During the afternoon sports • and
baseball were enjoyed. Results—
e•irls 2 and under, Helen Grainger,
Ronnie Pollock; ,girls '7 and under.
Joyce Greer, Ano Westlake, Mary
Evelyn Grainger. Barbara Grainger:
earls 10 and ander, Patsy Scotch -
mer, Elaine Grainger; boys 6 and
under, Bob Grainger. Dounlas Wil-
son; boys 18 and under, Billie Pol-
lock, Kenneth Pollock: young ladies
race. Ethel Watson. Nancv Graing-
er. The next reunion is to be held at
Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, the latter
part of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pritchard
of Roland, Manitoba, spent s few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen-
hale of the Bronson Line.
Mrs. Howard McCullough and
baby son Douglas, spent the week-
end with her parents, Mi. and Mrs -
ala led d Penhale.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bennett
spent the weekend' with the latter's
uarents, Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Pen -
hale, .
In a lovely June bridal at St.
James' Church, Seaforth, on Satur-
day, June 26th, Mary Frances Ter-
esa Eckert, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Eckert, Seaforth, became
the bride of Thomas Melady, Lon-
don, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Melady of St. Columban.
Rev. Father T. P. Hussey officiated
at the ceremony and sang the nup-
tial Mass. Mrs. Margaret Devereaux
played the traditional wedding mus-
ic and accompanied Mr. Frank Sills
Jr., when he sang "Ave Maria" at
the offertory and "Sacred Heart of
Jesus, Fount of Love," at the sign-
ing of the register. Given in mar-
riage by her father the pretty bride
chose a floor -length gown of white
satin, with sheer yoke, fitted bodice
and bustle back. Her matching white
satin headdress caught her floor
length veil and she carried a cress
cent of red roses and white carna-
tions. Mrs, Walter Ennett, Sarnia,
attended her sister as matron of
honor, gowned in pink faille, styled
similar to that of the bride's, with
matching headdress of flowers and
she carried, a crescent of white and
blue tint carnations. The flower girl
was Marie Rowland, niece of the.
groom, prettily frocked in floor
Length white organdy over yellow,
and she carried a nosegay of pink
and white carnations. Ted Malady
of St. Columban, brother of the
groom, was best man and the ush-
ers were Fergus Melady and Al
After the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served at the Commer-
cial Hotel. The bride's mother re-
ceived in a gray and mauve print
crepe, white accessories and she
wore a gardenia corsage. She was
- assisted by the groom's sister, Mrs.
Joseph Rowland, wearing flowered
gray crepe, matching accessories,
and a corsage of gardenias.
For travelling the bride donned'
an aqua dress, claret top -coat with
white accessories and a corsage of
red roses: After a motor trip to
Muskoka district they will reside in
Guests were present from Detroit,
London, Sarnia, Ridgetown, Kitch-
ener, St. Columban and Waterloo.
W.M.S. and W.A, -of Duff's
church held the Baby Band meeting
at the home of Mrs. Ken Stewart,
on June 17 with Mrs. Win. Shannon
in the chair. Hymn 172 was sung
and prayer by Mrs. Wm. Shannon.
Hymn 372 was read in unison. Min-
utes of last meeting read and adopt-
ed androll call answered by 12
ladies. Mrs. Hillebrecht gave a
reading, "Motherhood and Prayer".
Mrs. Leslie Pryce gave the story of -
Idoses. Mrs. Sandy Doig gave a
reading, "The Shepherd's Psalm".
Prayer by Mrs. Hillebrecht. Mrs.
Ken Stewart gave "My Mother's
Prayer". Mrs. Hillebrecht closed the
meeting with prayer: Lunch was
served by, the hostess and her help-
ers and a social half hour spent
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dale, James
street, celebrated their 25th wed-
ding anniversary on Sunday, June
27th. -