The Seaforth News, 1931-10-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER' 22, 1931: HENSALL. Mrs. Lou Simpson of Detroit is visiting at the home •of,'her mother, 'Mrs. R. B'onthr'otr. Mr. Milton 'Boyle of L'on'don spent the week end at his home 'here. Mrs. Fred ISmallcom'be of- Guelph is visiting with her sister, 'bliss Mat- tie Ellis. Mr, and Mrs. Fred, • Hess spent Monday with friends. in Zurich, Mr. and v1rs..All'an S'oldan visited for a few days at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and. Mrs. H. 'Soldan. Mrs, Thos, Murdoch and d'aug'h +ter, Miss Ethel, visited last week with friends an Lucan. IA boys' conference will be held; in the United Church, •Heu.sall, on Fri- day 'afternoon and evening, at 6 o'- clock. The ladies of the church are serving a hot bean supper. Everybody welcome. IThe Y.P.L. of the United Church held their regular meeting on Mon- day evening +writh the president, Mr. Walter Spencer, presiding, After the opening exercises the .Scripture read- ing was read by Miss 'Margaret Hab kirk, followed by an instrumental duet by Messrs. Gladys Passmore,, and Grace Brock. The topic was ,given on Short 'Cuts by Rev. Mr. Sinclair and`. a ,pleasing solo was rendered by Mr. Claude B'lowes, atcompanied by Miss Greta (Laramie, after which the meeting closed with t'he Mizpah ben- ediction. Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday Mast. Tn the 'United 'Church Rev. Artuhr Sinclair occupied his own pulpit and the mu- sic was well rendered by the choir. In St. Pants' Anglican +Churuch a chil- dren's day was held. The Sunday school 'ied the service of song and the Rev. Mr. Parker lead charge of the services. Next Sunday, Rev, Mr, Rickard of Brussels, will occupy the pulpit. In the Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. Mr. MoIlroy delivered a very inspiring address in the mor- ning and in the evening the service was withdrawn owing to the anniv- ersary service at the Caves Presby- terian Church, Exeter. The many friends of Mr. Thomas Parhner will be sorry to 'hear he is confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Laird stickle accompanied by her mother and sister, Mrs. Thomas IWetsh and Miss Florence Welsh spent Monday 'inLondon. Mrs. Andrew (Love is visiting for a :few days with her daughter, Mrs,. Clifford Moir o'f Usborne. Miss Mattie Ellis visited last week with friends in Guelph. The Young People of the 'Carmel Presbyterian 'Church held their first meeting Monday evening. The occa- sion was to select new officers for the year. After :the •busin•esa was dis- cussed election of officers resulted as follows: 'President, Blanche Mustard; 1st vice president, Ruby McLaren; 2nd vice president, M. Workman; sec- retary, 'Hannah .Murray; assistant sec- retary, Mrs. R. McLaren; treasurer. (Roy MdLaren; roll call, Donald 'Wal- ker; assistant roll call, Thos. Dougall; executive, M. Dougall, J. Mustard. Mr. Donald McKinnon spent Mon- day in London. Quite a number from here attended anniversary services in the Caren .Presbyterian Church, Exeter 'on 'Sun- day. Airs. Fred Bengough is confined to her home with 'a severe attack of neuritis and her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, William Harding .of London is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cor- bett of 'H'ey. Mr. Milton Love spent a few days this week- with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Dick of.Toron- to spent last week with Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Dick. Quite a number from here attended the anniversary services at Kippen on Sunday last. An address on the Passion Play was given in, the 'United Church on Friday evening last by Miss A. Cori- sitt under the auspices of the 'Mission Circle and Miss Ellis' 'Sunday school class. Miss Consitt's address proved most interesting and profitable and was illustrated by lantern slides. Mrs. J. E, Short of ..Windsorwas a recent visitor with the. Misses M. and E. Johnston. Mrs, Roy McLaren and Miss Ruby 'McLaren entertained the Arnold Circle on Tuesday evening and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Persian Baltr invests every woman with subtle charm. Delicately frag- rant. Cooling and healing. Dispels all roughness or chafing. Makes skins de- lightfully, soft -textured. Every woman should ;use this peerless toilet requis- ite, 'Dai ntitne'ss—beauty—re'finement— Persian Balm achieves thesein every instance. Softens and whitens the (hands. Promotes clear and youthful. love'l'iness, All women who care for additional ,charm unhcsita ti n g 1,y choosecPersian iBalm. Want and For Sale Ads, I time 25c. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Markets. Hay is y. $ 6.p0 to $6,5O per ton, loose; oats 312c, peas 65c, wheat 73c, b'ar'ley 410c, butter 18c loose, 19c tubs, 'eggs 17 and lie, Five hogs $5.50 to $6. Successful Season. 'Mr. Toor Has just returned -from a successful season with his racing horses in the United States. Mattie nphienes received a mark of 2:10'% and 15'hade:land B'oy 2.119. Both are young horses of great promise, the owner having refused 2,0'00 for, Mattie 'Chimes. Mr. Toor removed here with his family Bast spring and the horses were trained, ,on the track here. Hulett. O'F the several thousand acres in this town's'hip wthich once belo'n'ged to the Canada Company, four hall lots only now remain - in , its possession, that is fifty acres on the 2nd 'son., tine same amount on the 7th and two fi'f- ties on• the 14th, that is only .200 acres altogether. A Visitor from the Sunray South. Mr. Joseph Collie of -'Bisbee, Ari- zona, paid a flying visit to his sisters, Mrs. C. R. ' VanlEgmond and • Mrs, Jno. Beattie, this week. He is foreman for the Lake Superior & Pittsburg Mining Co. there and the company havebeen fortunate in striking some very .rich opper properties. Mr, Collie took in the St. Louis Fair on the way over and looks as though the sunny south agreed with hint. Mr. Thomas Geary of Hibbert was in town this week delivering a heavy draft 3 -year-old 'to an American buy- er, for which he received the hand- some sum of $240. The Seaforth Milling 'Co. have re- ceived' a large order for hard wheat flour from the old ,pountry and will be kept running night and day from now to Christmas. Mr. Ed. Latimer, sr., has sold his ,property on N'ort'h Main street to Philip Harris ofGrey. Mr. Dan McLeod has been very i11 the past week but his many friends will be pleased to hear that he is itow recovering rapidly. A musical ent'entainmetet will be held at the residence ,of Mr. L. L.:Me- Saul on Friday evening in aid of the Presbyterian organ fund, Mr. James (Willis made quite a re- putation one day last week at the Willis legging factory in cutting 100 pairs of leggings in nine hours. 'The death took place in Lucknow on Tuesday of Mr. Wm. Jo'hnston, father of Mr. Alex. J'ohns'ton of this town. Mr. Johnston was an old and respected resident of Lucknow and had reached the age olf 72 years. A Bit of History. HIBBERT. The regular monthly meeting of the Rib'be''Council was 'held at Staf fa on Monday, October 112th, all members peesent, the Reeve presid- ing, 00 m'o'tion of Kay and Burch- ill the ntinttt'e's of the previous nneel- ing were .adopted as read, A resolu- tion was passed prohibiting any dances in the township hall, except by special permission from the coun- cil board. Leonard Strong was pres- ent reque'stin'g extra mileage on his trucking contract, maintaining that his interpretation of the meaning of the contract was different front that of the Council. The Reeve pr'omised to con'su'lt the' county` engineer as well as other reeves at the ;county council, and leave the matter over until the next meeting. A resolution was pass- ed authorizing the members el the council to naeet at Staffs an Friday, Oct. 116, at 8,30 p.m, to let contracts for crushing and trucking approxim- ately 800 yards • gravel from Dan Burns' pit. The treasurer submitted his ,ntotnth- ly financial statement and a nu'mb'er of communications were disposed of, Orders were issued for road expendi- ture $937 and general expense $25. The meeting adjourned until Monday, November 9.11, at 1 p.m.—Mrs, (Cath- leen' Feenney, Clerk, STANLEY. One of the pioneer residents of iiunoa county passed away Saturday evening' at Wingham in the person of Catharine Sharpe, widow of Andrew Reid. She was ,born in the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, and • came to Canada with her mother at the age of seven years, and settled in Stanley township, where she resided until her marriage, when they moved to the township of Turnberry where she had since resided. Mrs. Reid was prede- ceased by her husband 12 years ago. She is survived by three sons and two daughters, John, of Turnberry; An- drew, of Mo'osonuin, Sask.; Robert, of Whitewood. Sask., .Mrs. Robert Case- mate, and Mrs. Mex. Robertson of Wungham. The funeral service was c'on'ducted on M'ond'ay afternoon at the residence of her daughter, :4Irs. Raberts'an, Wintgtham, at 3 o'clock, Where she had been visiting at the time of her death, by Rev. Sidney Davidson, pastor of the United Church, Interment was made in the Winighaan cemetery. air. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake, ac- companied by '.Mrs. Th'om'as 'Snowden and daugther Mary s'pen't the week end with friends at St. Thomas, lir. and Mrs. J'o'hn Scotchmer mo- tored to London on Monday last. 'Rev. and 'Mrs, W. ?Townsend and children of 'Londo'n spent Sunday last With Mr. and 'Mrs. Will Scotchme:r, Hon. 'Thos. Greenway, Liberal can- didate for Lisgar for the House of Comn,nns is well known here. It is more than thirty years since he was first a can'did'ate lot a seat in that chamber. In. 1372 he stood as a Con- servative for the constituen'cy of 'S'outh Huron as formed at Confeder- ation. The no'min'ation proceedings were held at the village of Varna and the speeches were made from a rough platform erected at the oro's•sroads. While the meeting was in progress a buggy, swiftly driven along the Bay- field road, dashed into the village and from this alighted a heavy man with one arm, a wide soft hat and a white vest, unevenly buttoned. He mounted to the p'latforth unrecognized by the crowd. while the late Judge Senkier of Lincoln, then a,practising barrister at G:aderich, was speaking. Later he was in'trod'uced as Hon, E. B, Wood, and the moment Itis name was men- tioned., shouts of "speak now" arose and a tumultuous demonstration fol- lowed which only,a strong appeal - from ppealfrom. Mr. Greenway s'ucoeeded in ,quieting. The "spealc now" had a reference to the mote fished out ofa spittoon which was sent to Mr. Wood try Hon. Edward Blake at the time of the downfall of the Sand field Macdonald governnn'ent. W'heu at last Mr. Wood got a hearing he plunged into a speech of remarkable vigor and very soon see'me'd to have the whole meeting at his command. Mr.' 'Greenway was defeated in that con- test by 185 votes. • He Poet again in 1874 by 86 votes. A yeat later C. Cameron .of Goder.ich was unseated and in 1875 Mr. Greenway was elect-' ed for (South Huron by. acclamation:' Although he had stood as a Conser- vative candidate in 1872 and 118174 and was now returning as an independent Conservative, he supported the Mac- kenzie Government during his three years in the Commons, and ever since has acted with the Liberal party. In 18744 he went to Manitoba and in the year following was sent to represent Mountain in the Legislature. He .be- came leader of the Liberal Opposition in 187.7, Premier in 1883 and resigned office in 1900 on the defeat of his ad- ministration., '.ICr. Greenway is now likely to return to the chamber where he began his parliamentary career thirty years .ago: WINTHROP. and Mrs, Cecil Baxter olf 'Ben - miller an'd' Mr. and 'Mos, IAdaiib Dodds of Listowel spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert Campbell. 'Mr. and Mrs. Elton 'Hoist and son Billie, and Mr. Archie 'Camp'bell' Of Toronto spent (Sun'd'ay with relatives here, 'Mr. and Airs. Will Kerr entertained the Merry 'Makers to a euchre and dance in the ball last 'Friday evening.. A good time 'w'as reported. Mr. Joseph 'Haycock of Toronto spent 'Sunday in the village. His many friend's were pleased to see him again as he has not been here for al- most eleven years. '\'tt•, and Mrs. Albert 'Edger of Sea - forth called on friends here an Sun- day. A very large crowd attended the anniversary services int Coven United Church, Winthrop, on Sunday. and also the fowl supper and entertain- ment on Tuesday evening. ,On Sunday Rein. _lar. Cummings, Walton, preach- ed two inspiring sermons and special music was rendered by the c'hoir. The play on Tuesday evening by the Westfield young people was excep- tionally good. The total proceeds of the anniversary amounted to $290. MANLEY. Mr, and Mrs, AWill Iam \'['anIey call- ed' on friend's in Seaforth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, McKay made abusiness trip to Stratford last Mon- day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pete McLaughlin. Quite a number from here attended the Passion Play in Stratford and re- port a good time. TUCKERSMITH. Miss Annie Durnin and: Messrs. John and ,Robert Durnin of :Lucknow- were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Keyes, ILolig Standing Asthma. Many have suffered so long, from asthma and have tried so many so-called remedies they think that there is no real help for them. They should read th'e letter re- ceived by the manufacturers' of Dr. J. ID• Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from hundreds of cases once, as desperate as their own. Even in long-neglecleti' cases this .famous preparation brings prompt help.• Let us have the names of your visitors AUCTION SALE 101 Clydesdale Il+orses, Registered and Grade .Shorthorn Cattle, Regis- tered Yorkshire Hogs and Roots.— l'.(cThuil and Nairn, auctioneers, have received instruc'tions to set by pub- lic auction, on lot 8, con, 10, Hi'bberlt, 2 miles east of Groivanty, an Friday, October- .30th, 101311, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. the following: H'ors'es —Draft gelding 6 years old; draft marc 3 years old, team off agricultural, geldings 2 years ord. Cattle --4 Reg- istered caws, fresh with calves at foot; registered cow due time of .sale, 2 registered covas due in December; registered heifer due to May; regis- tered cow due in. June; 4 registered 'bulls 111 months old; 2 registered bulls 8 months old. The above cattle are a choice .lot from the well known faun die's of Ji'l'ts, Roan Lady's, Mina's. Ala yotin'g and guaranteed sound and fu'l'ly accredited. Grade Cattle,— 'Grade cow due in December; 2 grade 'heifers 2 years 'old; 2 grade 'hei'fer's 1 year old; 112 two-year-old steers (feeder's). Hogs -2 Pure bred York- shire brood sews, clue at time of sale, 3 pure .bred Yorkshire broad saws due in December; 4 pare bred Yorkshire. logs 4. months' old. frosts -40 rows of turnips; Positively no reserve. Ev- erything offered will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms -Six months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Property owners 'as security with interest at 4 per cent. straight, MdNeil and Nairn, Auctioneers; Wm. Hamilton, D. MelKel'lar, Executors for the late J. F. Hamilton Estate. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable .Farm Property. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered, for sale by. pub!. lic auction, su'b'ject to a reserve bid, on Monday, 26th day of October, A. D., 1931, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at lot 6, concession 1, Hallett 'Town'ship, t'he following property, namely, Firstly: Lot numb- er6 in the First Concession' p'1 the said Township of Hullewtt in the Coun- ty of Huron, except that ,portion of the Lot included inthe plan of the Village of Mena registered in the Re- gistry O'!IW'ee of the County of Huron, save that p'ontion of the Lot in'c'luded in Gte said plan which is laid out in blocks but not subdivided into Village lots and not numbered in said plan, Secondly: Lots 34 and 315 in the Vil- lage of Alma as sho'wrl upon the said plan.' Upon the propenty it is said there is a good barn and a ,plen'ti'ful supply of water. •Terms -410% of the purchase stoney to be paid down at the time of 'the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and cond'i'tions of sale apply to the undersigned Solicitor. Dated at Clin- ton this 66 day of October, 'A. ID. 1931, 'Harold Dale, Auctioneer., IF. Ring -land, Clinton, Ontario, Sol- icitor for the Mortgagee. Want and For Sale Ad Where Quality Reigns Picnic Hams, per pound 15c Cottage Rolls, per pound .. .. ... 19c 'T3reakfss,t Bacon, per pound 23c Fresh Weiners, per lb. 18e 3 pounds L'ar'd 29n 31BIEX Bl'anlcets per pair ..................................1.79 Women's High S'ho'es'..,......... .... .. .......:.990 Walnut's' Over Rubbers, per pair ... .:60e Our trt'omens and Childress Shoes we are sellnt.g at very.. Flow price's. Cash Prices Only. W O 0 FOR SALE To close the estate of the date Hen- ry Taylor, the frame cottage on Side Street must be sold. This is a ch'oice property and in good condition, elec- tric lights, town ,,later, furnace, bath tub, " garage. In's'pection by aplp'oint- ment. Possession on November lst. A. D. Sutherland 'General Insurance, Real Estate, Etc, Phone 5512, Seaforth, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, John L. Smith and fainly wish to thank their many friends and' neighbors for their sympathy and beautiful flon•1a'1' gifts, also for their many kindnesses received during the illness of the late Mr. Sm'it'h. CARD OF 'THANKS Miss :Margaret and :Mr. Jalvn. 71c - Naughton wish to thank their many friends and neighbors far' kind acts of sympathy and assistance during the illness and death' of their beloved sis- ter; firs. Mary Smith; and also for the beautiful floral sprays and wreaths especially S.S. No, 3, .Tuck- ersmith. HOUSE FOR RENT On Side street, 'Sea'forth, three 'bed, - rooms, kitchen and big front room, good woodshed, hard and soft water. Available about Oct. 19. Apply to \''RIS. 'CHAS. WcXOfD; Goderieh St. West, FOR SALE. Pure Bred Oxiford rant 'lam'bs. (Prices rea'sona'ble. Phone Clinton 31 051 622. Frank Weekes, Varna, Ont. 44 FOR 'SAIJE, 112 gorge single barrel shot gun, only fired ;fifty rounds. Will sell cheap complete with 'cleaning rod. W. E. SIHIAID!E, Egnuond'vi'lbe. 43. NOTICE. All accounts in the Township of Tuckerstnith for weed cutting 011 roods, must be in the hands of R. Dal- rymple,Road Superintendent, by Oc- SEAFORTH MARKETS.. tober 24th, in order that the annual report of the Weed Inspector may he Hogs, per cwt. $5.00-$5.60 completed by fNov. 1's't. tSlitter, per 'lb. _.21Ic W'M. BEERY, Eggs, per doe. 7,6c -34c Ij Are Your Chimneys Safe. 'While the good weather lasts, have us put your chimneys 'lex good safe condition for winter We also do plastering, sidewalk- ing, etc. Expert wonlenxaaship at reasonable cost, R. Frost & Son Tile Manufacturers and General' Contractors SEAFORTH, ONT C%DER IshlrLL 'imis tnlitI will operate four days a week. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- day's and Fridays. Apple butter and cider. Lot 23, con. 6, Log'a'n. FiRI l 8JDNNIHOK, Plhone 6120n31, Mitchell FOR SALE Comfortable Cottage situate on East Gode'rich Street, Seaforth, foam- erly occupied by Mrs. Clara ') c-- Ciuskey Crowley. Immediate possession can be gibes. For further particulars apply to R_ S. HAYS, Seafforth, Ont. FOR SALE. A number of choice . Barred Rock. White ILeghorns, `and Black - Minorca Pullets for sale: Some laying. Apply to ANDREW MOORE, R.R.3, Sea- forth. 3 on 137. FOR SALE. (Having given up the McCormick -- Deering Agency, have several goad used Oream Separators for sale at a rig'h't price. Also a lot of good rased. repairs for nearly all makes of farm implements. W. C. GOVEINII Phone 146 r 5, Seaforth.. RO'OMS"TO RENT Electric light, town water. etc Ap- ply to E; L.' BOX. 1 time 25c.' 43 Weed Inspectar. Potatoes, per bag . 31Ie Your Own 5 Year Plan tsTYEAR 2NSYEAR 3°°YEAR 4TYEA12 5TMYEAR $183 - 4381 4581 4787 $1000 riNE thousand ..dollars . saved in five years! `w That is'•a logical objective- for many families. And not too difficult, either. By making small sacrifices' and depositing $3.57 here every week for five years—the $1,000 becomes a happy reality. Back of your position, your home, your family, wouldn't you like an ever-present cash reserve? Five years is a short time—but it's reward never comes unless you make a start. Why not,begin this week by depositing $3.57? Seventeen Branches in Ontario PROVINCE O I k , •t�' ,��VI GS OFF CE EVERY DEPOSIT CUA1 A##EM2YON'TAR/®6O11°'."WENT HEAD OFFICEobeus `wcsert `�ocny+ka BUILDINGS R� '3.T M. McMILLAN, MANAGER. ,PEAFORTI-I BRANCH