The Seaforth News, 1931-07-02, Page 5THURIS'DIAY, JULY 2, 1931.
Our Loyalty begins right at our lawn home. From there it spread's
.to embrace Ontario, 'Can!ac[a and the British !E'nupTire.
Every ahem lasted in this advertisement; is Who* ,rade 'in Canada
by Canadian 'hvb'our, Every [Item 'is of eacelllenit !q eality. and good
value. We couvntend to your seriouls consideratipn the :purchase atnd
use of "Made in Canada" 'foods.
Items for (W'ee'k Ending Ally 8, 1901.
ICELLOGGIS PEP, " A Summer Cereal"S ecial ...•per pk , 10C
Gn ) g
COLUMBIA 'MATCHES "Strike Anywhere"
"A very ibiw price for this qu'ality"
Buy 'a supply at this price"
2 pkgs. 15 c
1 lb. prints 10 c
5 .cakes 25 c
CERTI•FI,ED JAM .. 40 .o`e139
3 .. c
AY'LMER SOUPS, any kind except Chicken , , , , . 3 tin's 29 c
Shirriff's Good ,Morning Marniafade„ . , 16 oz, 23c;
"A combination of Lemon, !Orange and Grape
McCormick's Cocoanut Cream 'Biscu[!ts
"Hugh quality at a real price"
Fancy Pink Salmon, l's
Clark's Pork & Beans, Med. 2's [sot,
Toddy, "Serve bat or cold"
Niger Brand Catsup
32 oz. 39c
per 'lb, 3'lc
2 tins 25c
2 tins 19c
'8 oz. 33c, . , ...n16 oz, 53c
Large Quart Bottle • 15e
Taylor's Peanut (Butter in 'Grown Jars
Glacier Sardines, "Canada's Best :Pack ..2 tins...'.25c
Ingers'all 'Cream_ or Pimento Cheese 2 for ..-...,....25c
Tomato Juice in tins each 10c
34's 28c t
"Packed by Canadians for [C'an'adians"
Canada, Dry 'Giiager Ale Pts 15c; Qts: 25c --plus bottles
A Real Can'adian' Product
2 in.1 Shoe Polish,—any colour per tin 12c
Cro'wa'Fruit IJlars.small $1.03 doz.;i Medium $1.14 d'oz.
Certo, "Makes perfect Jelly wilt all Fruits" per bottle 29c
French's Mustard large bottle 14c
Best Jar Rubbers
H•ilIcrest 'Extracts 3 battles ' , 25c e
Cfo@ties Pins 3 doz. ,......10c
Marshmallows r
1b. pkg. , 10c
Bulk Soap Chips 2 ibis. ....25c
Pumpkin, large 2%'s size 2 tins ....25c
R'oya'l York Tea
is .55c
2 doz...15c
Ross Sproat Rhone 8
Miss N. Pryce Rhone 77
Cream Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our servicesi
We will,pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
moat careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery r
p Seafor h
. Walker's
Motpr or Horse Equipment
W. 5, WALKER, holder' of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Mowers Furnished.
t F rnished.
Nightor day phone
Chas. A. Howey
PHONE 327-3, Centre Street
:Hiss Blanche Wheatley of :Toronto
returned home on Saturday to spend
the holidays,
Mr. Edwin Bribton is erecting a
new cement bridge at the entrance to
his house.
Mr. Httgh Dunlop has returned af-
ter apen•ding a , few weeks with his
brother, William, at Cul—labials, Sask.,
and nep'hew'4tt Meaford; alsoa broth-
er in Dakota.
`:Mrs. James Medd is visiting with
friends in Exeter for a„ few days.
Mr. Jac'k'Moore returned to Tor -
onto on Saturday after spending a
couple of weeks with his mother and..
lir. Beet MioN'ichdl has returned
to Toronto.
!Mr, and Mrs. H. Glazier .and fa•in-
i'lywere at Stratford on • Saturday.
Mr. phos. Tudor of Toronto, Mr,
Henry Tudor of Eugenia; 'Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Bird of Brussels, were
visiting Mr, Duncan Tudor.
...alias Thelma Dale and Mr, Wm.
(Ante of Toronto. arrived home on
\tondo ht.
and Mrs, Jac:. Busby of Chat-
ham spent a few days at Mrs: B,psby's
home with her plarents, Mr. Mrs.
Robert Lawson.
'Mi. and Mrs. B. B: Stephenson and
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Stephenson were
Kincardine visitors on Sunday.
The W. M. S. will hold a birthday
party in the basement of the church
July 9th. A hearty invitation is ex-
tended to all the ladies of the can
gregation. Mrs, Leitham of Exeter
will be the speaker, also musical
numbers and readings. Let your
birthday be a liberal offering.
The fal,otring shows the results of
the June promotion ex'amimttions for
SS. No. 3, Hulbert, and the various
classes in which each pupil will be on
September the first:
Sr. 1V. -•.Edith :Britton, Doris Law-
son, Ethel Dexter, Kelso Adams Ha-
zel Jamieson Etta Dexter John
Jr. IV.—(Fred Riley, Charlie Sund-
ercock,' Gordon Pethick,
Sr. IIIc, -+Edna Armstrong, Jean
A•ndersott, Elva Su tadercoc'k, Olive
/Jr. PI'L—•rICaltirlcen Yungbtut, Jean
W akelfield,: :Marion Lawson, Alvin
LI.--aaiJofa Dexter, Reggie Lawson,
S'tellia Armstrong,. 'David Anderson;
Ellwood Clarke.
At the graduation exercises. of.
Scott Memorial H'ospita'l, the „prog-
ram.cne was opened by a plan!o selec-
tion by Miss Helen "intent. Mrs,
Rennie kindly ac'co'mpanied the vocal
numbers and the following little Ao'w-
er girls presented the graduating
nurses, the saperintendlent, Miss Wil-
son,e and assistant sup't., Miss Gin -
erica, with flowers: Merle Keating,
Barblara Best, Patricia B'echely, Mar-
jorie Golding.
Mr.and Mrs, R. Frost and Misses
Dorothy and Jean. Frost were in Lon-
don 'ias't week o'win'g to the death of
.Sar, Frosts sister:
Visitors at George Stewart's, Har-
[rhe were Mrs. P.E. Stewart art and
son of Fargo, ,NID. also Mr and Mrs.
Watson, Freeport, 3'11
Mr. J. N. Dutot of Comber attend-
ed the wedding 'dinner given in hon-
our of his gran'ddiaughter, Lona Wal-
lace, atud is remiaiuiing watt, relatives
far the steamer,,
7amen allae,e bias returned of
ter spending 'a few weeks in Comber
acid Chatham.
Miss Jean Brodie of Goldenlbung
and Miss Annie Brodie of Aadeo'na
are holiday visitors with their P'ar-
ent's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' Brodie,
aliases Eva and Ida Love are
Vending a week or two at Nestleton
on Lake Scugog with Mr. and Mrs.
T. Leary and fatuity at their cottage,
JMr, Will Pollard of Woodville is a
holiday visitor at his home.
Mr, and Mrs. James Mowbray of
Detroit visited at the home of Mr,
Alex, Lamont over theweek end.
IM2is'a Laura McMillan of Carlisle
who is a holiday visitor at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
:McMillan, hes' aocepted a position oil
the teaching staff in Toronto for the
next term,
:Miss Margaret Tough of Shake-
speare, is spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Reid.
Mrs. Arnold Case and Miss Nell
MdDougall are visiting in Windsor
and Detroit. Mrs. Case's sister, Mrs.
P,,apst, of Win'd'sor, has been recently
The Egmondv!ille fdotb'all team won
by a score of 2-1 over the Stanley
team on Mo'n'day n'igh't, making their
third successive win.
•Mass Florence Laidlaw of Toronto
is a holiday visitor at her home.
Miss Edith Davidson and guest,
Mrs, Harald Cherry of California, are
spending the week in Wallaceburg
with Mrs. Davis.
Mr, and Mrs. J J. Sclater, Mrs.
Sclater Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John
Finlayson were at Auburn on Wed-
nesday attending the funeral of a rel-
ative, the date J+osep'h Lawson, a resi-
dent of Auburn for a great many
years, who died Sund'a'y afternoon.
Mrs, Emmerson Fisher of Drayton
is visiting at the home of her father,
Mr. John .McDowell.
Mr. Lloyd Ken'chen and Mrs. Ken-
chen Sr., of O'wen Sound, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gold-
ing over the week end. Miss Dorothy
Goading aoconopanied then to Osten
Sound to spend several- weeks there,
'Mrs. R. J. Sproat is visiting friends
in Detroit.
Mrs. Sparks and scat, of London,
were visitors in town o'h Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Shaw of
Ham'i'l't'on., were guests of J M. and
:Miss Robertson on the holiday.
Mr, Payne of Kincardine called
on Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Storey this
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Dunlap and lit-
tle daughter Lois spent the week -end
in Stratford and New Hamburg.
The Misses Thompson of Timmins,
Mfrs. Free Sr. and Miss Alma Free of
Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Free
of Port A1'bert were visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Free
on Sunday
Rev. V. E. and Mrs. ,Bes'hge'to'or of
Alma, Mich., and their daughter, Dr.
Grace, of Marion, Indiana, paid a
short visit to town. They were the
guests of. Mr. S. Wallace and his sis-
ter, Goderich street east, and also
called on Several other friends.
Mr, Edward Rankin o'f,Fort Erie
ia spending the holidays Here,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stua%t and Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Archibald were in
Port Albert visiting friends on Mon-
ifr. and Mrs. Harry Tyndall at-
tended the Golden Jubilee at Thames
Roadyn ,Sunday,
d .
Rev, and Mrs, 'C..A. ,Mfaicohn, Miss
Betty, and Miss Margaret Finnigan,
pent a few clays last week at Bruce
Mrs. W. F. McVlill:au is convalesc-
ing at her home. in EgmondviJlle,
The Young People's picnic of Eg-
ntondville Church' that was to be head
at Springbank, is postponed indefin-
itely until further notice.
Mrs. J. Heriot of St. Marys is vis-
iting Mr, and: Mrs, F. W, Darroch
Last Saturday afternoon several old
time friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Stuart of Los Angeles, Calif., ware
invited to the :tome of Mr, and Mrs,
Andrew Archibald to have a frieadil'y
abut and reunion of old tinter Tea
was r served in the spaciouslinin
room and atl didample 'ts Lice he
1 s t
p � to
splendid repast, Mr. and Sirs, !Stu-
art are old time residents of Tucker -
smith and Seaforth before trotting to
W'inn'ipeg, where Mr. Stuart was
identified with the C.l Rfor
tears and was inspector of engin ea
for several years and lately inc sup
ecannuated and bought a home in
Los Angeles where they now reside.
They have been on a tour through
several cities and towns and they
le are for home Thursday. Mr. :and
Mirs. Archbald w'il'l motor with them
as far as Kitchener and will visit
frienals there for a day or two.
:L•. and Mrs, Frank Coates and
baby were visitors- with Mu. R. E.
Coates ort Tuesday, Mr,. Cates
and baby will spend the vacation at
her home in Brussels.
Mrs. Thos Grieve and Misses Bes-
sie and Margaret Grieve went to
Windsor this week where they will
"oend' a couple taf weeks with \Mc, and
Mrs, Harry Grieve, Little Tammy
Grieve returned, to his home with
hem after spending.a few weeks with
his grandparents.
Tues.. July 7th
Open Air Dancing
Mrs. Gordon Hays whoo has
spending her biolidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, C. Eckart, return-
ed to her home in Detroit with her
husbasail, Mr. Gordoir Hays, last
Mrs. J F. McMann who has been
with her brother, Mr. C. Eckart, the
past two weeks, left here Tuesday to
attend the golden wedding of her sis-
ter at the home al Mr. and Mrs. G.
K. H'olland, in Dublin, on Wednes-
day,. July 1, and from there will re-
turn to her home in Chicago.
arr. and Mrs. Jos. C. Eckert and
family of Oakville returned to their
home after attending the Sills -Eckert
Mr. and .Mtts. 'John MelKerehnr and
daughter Mary, of Embt',o, visited at
the parsonage one day this ,week.
Mr. W, J. Keyes of C'oronach,
Sask., and his sister, Mrs. J. A. Do-
herty of Manse Jaw, Sask., are visit-
ing with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Sidney Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn M. Cuff and
sisters Rosabelle and Irene, of Buif-
Palo, visited their mother last week.
Mrs, R. E. Howard of Guelph is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Westcott.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wallace visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Hackett near .Clinton
on, Sun•d'ay.
Mr. and Sirs. J. W. Rands who
have resided in town the past year,
have moved to Monkton, where Mr.
Rands Iran secured employment.
Miss jean'Scabie of Belgrave spent
a 'few days with her friend, Mise
Helen Lane,
About fifty children spent a very
enjoyable child's picnic at S.S. No. 5,
Elma, last Tuesday afternoon prior
to examinations. Races, relays and
games were enjoyed most. of the after-
noon, but the most important feature
of the day with the presentation from
the pupils to Miss Way, who has
been their teacher during the past
two years. Miss Way was taken
completely by surprise in the midst
of one of their clack games, with a
beautiful silver tea service. The fol-
lowing address was read by Margaret,:
Graham, one of her 'entrance pupils:
"Dear Miss Way, --It is with feel-
ings of regret that we learned of your
intention of leaving our school. We
feel that often we must have sorely
tried your patience. We are taking
this opportunity of showing in a squall
way our appreciation,; of what you
have done for us and hope wherever
your new work,ntay be, you will often
think of the pupils of SIIS. No, 5, El-
ma Township.
,After Miss Way had expressed her
thanks and appreciation in her kind
manner, she served the pupils and
visitors with different kinds of ice
cream and other dainties. After join-
ing hands and singing "For She's a
Jolly Good Fellow," all departed to
their homes.
Cheapest of Oils: Considtking the
qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
it is. the •ohea.pest of all prepartions
offered to the public. 'It is to be
found in every drug store in Canada
from coast to coast and all country
merchants keep it for sate, So, being
easily procurable and extremely mod-
erate in price, no one should be ,with-
out a bottle of it.
m than 22
An increase of o
cent. in creamery butter production
in Ontario for the first three months
of 1931 as compared with the same
I period of 1.930 is noted in the report
of George H. Barr, :Director of Dairy-
ing. Last year the first quarter's pro-
duction was 8,032,1190 lbs. of cream-
ery. 'butter, and Elis year 9,816,325
S.—Allan Sundercock, aim Janne-
son, Barry Yun.e'blut.
:I?r.-- Nlornta Dexter,
'Viol'a 5, Mo,rrisan, Teacher.
Mother Knows Best.
Mother was inclined to worry and
whenever anyone went away, insist-
ed that they keep her posted on
everything. "It's so easy these days,”
said mother sensibly, "one is always
nearn /Distance.
telephone, and Lo
. e[ I o e
a t e
o n't
n satisfactory, is so quick ac1 faceor - s y, I d
know what I'd do without it 1"
Auto Insurance
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United' States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid,
Phone, write or call Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Sutherland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
'Promotions—Form IV. Jr. to IV
Sr.-=Jatnes Eckert (hen), (trail Hil-
debrand, Margaret McSver, Jean Mc
Iver, Jeau Stewart, Rec. Edmund
Forni I'III, Sr. to IV. Jr.--Margar
et Carron (hon.), Rita Duncan (hon.)
Isabelle Flannigan Ohara), Friel Stew
art (hon.), Jack Dixon, Charlie Lane
Jack Williams.
'Form IIII, Jr. to Id1. Sr.. —Aldie
Eckert (hon), David Bolton, Jean
n'kl 'es It �ein-
Dixon, Mlary Evans,.Hlel t
er, Louis Lane
Form bI. to Jr I'Id.—Mary Carron,
Glen Hildebrand, Frances Matthews,
Margaret Nigh, Francis Phiillips; rec.
Bernice O'Reilly.
< t Margaret
Form I'L-'Edna Eckert,
Ratans, Helen O'Reilly, Joseph O'-
R!eil'ly, James Quinlan, Doreen Reg -
ler, Margaret Williams,
Form I. Senior—Genevieve Allen,
Mary Doyle, Mary Theresa Duncan,
Betty Matthews, Teresa Moves,
James Flannery, Neville McMillan,
Jean Nigh, Jimmie OlReilly.
Mid -summer Promotion Examination
'Sr. III to Jr. IV --Howard Carrot,
Mary Dolmage, Jack Drover, Ferne
Dunlop, Alice Hudson, Merle Keat-
ing, Helen McKenzie, Marion Moore,
Edna Plant, L. ShewfeIt, Mac South-
gate, Rollie SJtewart, Geo. Welsh.
Jr, IV to Sr. IV — Ruth Cluff,
*,Helen Crich, A. 'Finnigan, Garnet
Free, M. Hanley, Mary Holmes, *iia.
Hulley, L.Montgomery, *Geo. Pin -
Jr. 111 to Sr. III—Janet :Baker,
Helen Cheoros, Helen Chamberlain,
Harold Calvert, Jean Dale, Jean.
Dungey, Zeta Dunlap, .Harold Free,
David Grieve, Muriel Hudson, Mae
Hodgson, 'Mary Howes, Donna Male,
Donald MacTavish, Ocban MacTavish;
Roy Oke, David Stewart, Alastair'
Wigg, Billie Walmesly.
II to Jr. III—Margaret Barlow, Ri-
chard Box, Anna Denis, *Clayton
Dennis, 'Clete Dickson, Allan Dol -
mage, .Clara IDol'mage, Lenore Edler,'
Al nt a Elliot, Margaret Fletcher,
Grace Gillespie, Carolyn Holmes,
Doris Hopf, Marion Pbbotson, Arthur
Jones, *Roy Kerr, Betty McLeod,
Jack MdNab, *jack Moore, Floyd
Pinkney, Mae Siegrist, Helen Swan,
Chas. Woods, Bruce Wright.
1st to II—Doris Barlow, Barbara
Best,' Florence Calvert, Muriel Cam-
eron, Frank Ca9son, Reg. Dalrnage,
Dorothy Fletcher, Helen Fraser,
Mary Geddes, Frank Golding, Sterl-
ing Habkirk, Margaret Hudson, Ruth
Joynt, Clara Keller, Lois McGavin,
Jack Pinkney, Marion Sclater, Donald
Scott, June Siegrist, Joe Smith,
Stuart Wigg, Mary Woods.
Primary to 1st Class—(Reid Allen,
Charlie Case, Margaret Dale, Thelma
Do'lmage, Gordon Dupies, Jack El-
liot, Arthur Fraser, Ross Greene,
Helen Hodgson, Kathleen Holmes,
Vernon Hopf, Lorne Lbbotson, Scott
Kerr, '[Isabella McKellar, Audrey
MdGavin, Kenneth Reid, Clayton
Ritchie, James Southgate, Kenneth
Southgate, Mildred Swan, Evelyn
Venus, Clarence Westcott, Donald
Woods, Lois Wright.
Those marked (*) are recommend-
ed. having failed in one examination.
COMEDY ON SEPT. 3 and 4.
The committee representing the
Can'ad'ian Legion, headed by their
president, Mr, B. 0. Muir, met at
2.30 oti Saturday with Mr. ,Besrkhouse,
representative o'l the Universal Pro-
ducing Company of Fairfield, Iowa,
to complete arrangements. for the
production of a modern college com-
edy, "The College Flapper" at Card-
n.o's Hall on September 3 and 4.
The producti'an is som'ethinig entire-
ty different in the matter of commun-
ity entertaittinen't. "The College
Flapper" is a strictly modern, up-to-
date college comedy with a thrilling
football story, and has a number of
special features that makes it colleg-
iate in every respect. It requires 150
local people to stage and is a scream-
ing comedy from start to finish. The
story deals with college °li•fe, and has
such characters as fraternity boys
sorority girls football star,coach,
r in r College resident thold pro-
fessor the maid dean of wdne•n
and many- other such typical college
The p'l'ay is particularly adapted to
amateurs and will prove ane of the
biggest events ever staged in this,
Same of the features of the produc-
tion are the girls' choruses, in special
costume, the old Alumni Col'leige Glee
Club, portrayed by business men, and
the famous • Rapper chorus of Bala
Bata College, portrayed by prominent
business men. If you want to laugh
be sure and see The College Flapper
on. September 3 and 4.
Past Noble Grands to the number
of 30 of district No. 29 of the Reb-
ekah Assembly held an enjoyable pic-
nic at Goderich oat Wednesday last.
rain aasports c ro
arts w- carried D
the p pnize winnersas ar out,
being Flower -
guessing aoatest Miss Freeman Sea -
forth; open race, Mrs, Gould, Clinton;
biscuit race, .:Mrs, McKellar. Seaforth;
bird -guessing contest, Mrs. Shore,
Goderich; peanut race, Miss R. Elder,
Seaforth; kicking Slipper, Mrs. Mc -
Gavin, Sealforth.
YIr, Archie 'Cani'p'be1L 'o'f • Toronto
spent the'wee'k-end wi1Ftj, his 'mother,
Mrs. Campbell,: 1
Mr. and Mrs. 'Adam L1add's of
tolwel spent Sunday with, Mr. and
Mrs. R. 'Campbell, (
'sir. John Bullard spelt the week-
end with Mr. H. Stna•tldan of Walton.
Mr, Moody. Holland called on
friends in the village on Sunday.
Tint Eaton spent Sunday in
Quite a number from here attended
the Tavistock -Watton football game
in Walton Monday night the score
being 4-0 for Tavistock.
'Mr. and Mrs. Fergus .Bullar'i and
Mr. and Mrs. W, C. 'Bennett spent
Sunda afternoon
0o in Goderi-h.
Mr. and of Mrs. DSmith,
s .Dawson
Toronto called an friends east of the
village on Sunday. .
'Strawberries are the order of the
day and are a very good crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shannon, •of
London were visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Mr. John.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Geddes of
Winghant visited Mr, and Mrs. Jo-
seph Little on Monday,
Among those wh.o vis'i'ted around
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Rod-
gers, from near Kirkton; Mr. and
Mrs. James Willis, from Stephen;
Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, from
London; Mr. and Mcs. George Earn
and family, from Zion; Master Chas,
Harris. from [tear Farquhar; Mr. and
Mrs. Ephriam Hern, Mr. Henry
Hern, from Zion; Mrs. Kyle, Zion;
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Francis, from
St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Horde, of
London; Mr. Tom Brock, from Ex-
eter; Mrs, Lammde and Miss Hunter,
from Hen's!all; ,Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt
Pym and Myrna from Exeter; Mr,
Lew Woods, from London; Mr. W,
Pym. from Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs.
George Hunter, from Exeter; Misses
Lulu Hunter, Elsie and Gerta Hunt-
er, front London; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Hern from Zion; Mr. anal Mrs.
Fred Ford and children, from E'den,
and Mr. arm. Ford from Centralia;
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks from Whalen;
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gunning from
near K'irkton; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Foster and child, from Granton; Ms.
and Mrs. Rus. Skinner from Exeter.
lin memory of the late Mrs. Hum-
phrey Mills Snell:
"Hast thou measured the depth of
yonder sea?
And counted the sands that under it
East thou measured the height of
heaven above?
Then m;ayest thou meet out a moth-
er's lo've.
Mr, and Mrs. John Keller of Mount
Pleasant, Michigan, were visitors at
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton's, also
Mr. and Mrs, George Kis'tner'•s and
friends in Kitchener over the week
end. They returned home on Tuesday
with Miss Anna Kistner accompany-
ing them for a few weeks' holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Holmes were
visiting Mr. and Mrs, Joae•ph Thorn-
ton[ Sunday afternoon,
. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Leeming
and son Ross were visiting Mr. and.
Mrs. Turnbull orf Grey Sunday even -
The following is the promoltion lilt
of the classes for September, 1931, df
S.S. No. 3, Hibbert and McKillop:
Sr. IV.—+Honours, Irene MaQuiaid;
pass, Thomas Meiady, Lillian Mates.
On trial until Christmas, Ella 01Su1-
livan, Benedict Holland, Jr,
Edhvard Roach, Margaret Murphy,
Jack Cronin, Albert Hart, jo'seph 0a -
Reilly. Sr. DIS. -Wilfred :McQuaid,
Louis. O'Reilly, Isabel Reach, Mary
(Bart. Jr. NIL—jack Roach, Lenore
Ruston, Con Holland (honours), Pat
Oleary, Fxan'cis O'Reilly, Sr, H.—
Ralph Murphy, Angeline Ruston, Jr,
DI.—Honours, Elizabeth R•oac3t, Mil-
dred Murphy, Joe Hatt, Pat O'+SuBi-
van, Mary Murray, Pat Mc'Grath.
Pass, Mary O'Reilly. Sr. I.—Gloria
Ho'llan'd, Doris Ruston, Jiro Roach-
Primary—+Jim Cleary, Agnes O'Sulli-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bra'll and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays,
from Detroit, spent the week end
with friends in our burg.
Mr. C. Eckart of Seaforth, and Mts.
J. F. McMann, Chicago, called on
friends here last Sunday.
Mr. Pete Eckart Jr. and Mrs. Ste-
phen Eckart and her three 'c'hil'dren
from T?mmins, arrived here by motor
last Saturday and are spending their
vacation with friends in this vicinity.
Sister Mary Francis and Sister
Stephen Jose h and Mr. n
n J p and Mrs.
Frank Mack front New York, arriv-
ed here by motor last Sunday and are
spending their vacation at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckart,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele and
son I -tarry were visiting Mr. and Mrs
Edward C. 'Regale Sunday evening.
Young Husband: `'Last night when.
I got 'home, my wife had niy chair
drawn up before the fire, lmy slippers
ready for me to put on and my pipe
filled, and -a
Cynic: How did you like her new
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us. ['Thank you—call again.]