The Seaforth News, 1931-07-02, Page 112-5. The strawberry festiv.a was
wonderful success and the ladies de-
serve great credit.
The present officials of the church
inchide the pastor, Rev. James An-
thony; the elders, William Kydd (ho-
norary elder), J. T, Allison, John
Duncan, John Cann, Peter Whitlock,
Wm. Moodie, Ches. Monteith, Arthur
Gardiner. Chairman of Managirs,
Wm. Stone; Supt. of S.IS., Wim Moo-
Below are the names of those who
signed the register during the tnvo
days' reunion. Names without ad-
dresses are residents of the immediate
vicinity of the church.
Rev. James Anthony, Wen, Kydd,
Henry Rohde, 'Thomas Farrow Win.
Lamport Ella Robinson, Mrs. 'Maud
Heywood, Watt Moodie, E. M. An-
thony, Mrs. 'Christina Gardiner, Mrs.
A. Smale, Mr. and Mrs. John Cann,
Dennis Layton, Anna Hackney,
Louise Hackney, Armie McGill, Free-
man McCill, Mary Gardiner, Mrs. J.
N. Ratcliffe, Anna Rohde, Ida Hack-
ney, Mrs, H. Rohde, Jeanette Stone.
Jno.' N. Ratcliffe (Strathroy), John
Rawcliffe, Mrs. Rowcliffe, Chas. E.
Hackney, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph May,
t Duncan 3,1yrele Duncan. Jean,
.,',0,', ,'?.,: , ,.."'"*"-.— - •,t-o.',,w -~.'411..**46
. ,
Tho' the son of the soil has a life
S Yet calm and swept is his rest;
- p5 toil
He wiakes Irmo his dreams, ere the
Day King beants
'Have shone of the hipe-jay's nest.
Phone 84.
fe are freemen good-- not a .allave`
ever stood
On our 'loved Canadian Soli—
•tyrent's power oan withhold for
an hour '
The fruits of our honeSt toil.
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 53, No. 27.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
A Famous Sauce
Which sells on its name for 30c per
bottle, has been (it is claineed)
duplicated so that we can
offer it for Half the Price
IP. D. Sauce
at per bottle...,.....,. SC
IChurch, will give two periods each
.day on "Y(OUNG PEOPLE'S ME-
IHOIDS" Miss C,oestance Young,
WAILS. Secretary foe Young
M Heron J3ay, Ont.; Dr, and Mns,
Lannen, Hamilton; Rolat. MacFar-
lane, eeperintendent of City Water-
works, Braridon, Man.; Rev. Fletcher
r Dunsford OM. Following
Women's Work, will take. the Home yarale is a letter from Air. Leigh, who
Missions group and studY Wm"
Friendehips and Race Relationships".
The Foreign Mission Group leader
will be the Reverend Hugh MacMil-
lan, 13,A., of Formosa, The F•el ow -
ship and Worship group will have Thames Road Cherci.
present in spirit at your golden mini -
taught echool for many years.
2269, Retallark St., Regina, Sask.
'Mr. J. T. _Allison, Dear Sir,— I re-
ceived your kind invitation to be pre-
sent at your jubilee anniversary of
should be
the President af the $ehocll,
Reverend R. R, Conner, B.A,, Kip -
pen, for leader, and the Citizenship
group will be under the leadership pi
the Schocens Vice resident, the
Revdend A. E. Doae, MA., B.D., of
The Reverend Professor Davidson,
of Emmanuel College, will be preseut
again this year for a group study
with the ininiskers.
North Side United Church—Pastor,
Rev. W. P Lane, B.A.
'Sunday, July 5th,
.a.m..--1Sunday !School and aBible
Classes, ,
• Public 'Worship, all •a.m. and 7 pan.,
will be marked by the introduction lot
the new tHynneary 'of the , United
Church, The choir will render ,special
lumbers and the .actdresses will be
appropriate to the occasion,
quality, very free from brokenOnea,
ones, 2 lbs. .......... ..... .25c
CLARKS SOUPS, any aessortmett
at 3 'for ...... , 25c
Sandwich Spread, Poulton &
Noel's Beef, Tongue, Hem and
ChicIten Log- These old Country
preparations are excellent for
'lunches or sandwiches, per tin 25c
• HERRINGS . . .. . ... 25c
, EL (these are •oi the same family
and flavor as Tuna Fish, -and much,
cheaper) ........ ......, 25c'
WEL 'EXTRACTS — 2 oz. 10c;'
The afternoon will be given over to
"organized ,play"
Each day's work begins and ends
with a Bible atedy and worship Per-
iod in the Vesper service the Rev-
erend W. P. Lane, BA., will tons between
me Things that Maater for the r•estilted in a win for Themes Road,
vereary on 28 and
always have a love for Thames Road
Chnrch.and for ,what it stands. It w'as
there I first united with the visible
ehterch of Christ add the memory of
that action as still held steered, Mrs.
Leigh joins with me in wishing suc-
cess to your minister and officials as-
sociated with him in the work of
helping to hasten the time• when the
kingdoms of the world shall have be-
come the Kingdom of our Lord and
of His Christ. Please remember us
to all the friends and those that re-
member us, Yours in the good work,
W. M. Leigh.
1The baseball' game in the evening
Thames Road an re
1 hall
A pretty wedding was solemnized
in Stal+Leouard's Church, North Tor-
onto, on Tuesday, June 30th, at 7
p.m. by the Rev. T. 11, Brown, when
Mary Elizabeth, youngest daughter aMca.
Mrs. W. J. MeiBrien, was married to
Harry Mervyn Ford, only son of Mr -
and Mrs. Fred. G. Ford, of Clinton.
The beide was dressed in white -geor-
gette, with all accessories to match
and carried White roses and lilies of
the valley. She was attended by
Miss Hazel Locke, of Toronto, who
was dressed in figured silk, with all
accessories to match, and carried
Ophelia roses. MT. Ray Mason, ne-
phew of the bride, attended the
groom. After the ceremony, Mr. and
oz. 25c; 116 oz,
Mrs. Ford left for Montreal and
These are our everyday prices( points east, the bride travelling
and regular prices are 15t, 35c powder blue, 'Upon their return they
.and 65c, will live at Hattnesville, taking with
them the congratulations and. best
1.0c TOILET SOAPS, four of them
at .... • ... . .. ......... c' wishes of a host of filends.
New Day," and the morning theme,
With Jesus in His Mornings" will
be discussed by .Reverend Charles
Malcolm, M.A., Secretary of the
The meals will be served in Victoria
St. Church, and the studies carried on
in North Street Church.
The public Will be invited to at-
tend the four evening Trreaings in
North St. Church on M.onday, the
Rally night; Tuesday, when Profes-
sor Dearle, af Western 'University,
will speak an 'The Cold that Keeps";
Wednesday, when the speaker will be
Miss Constance Young, ILA., and
Friday, to hear Rev..Hugh MacMillan
of Formosa.
LUX FLAKES .... . ...... 3 for 25c,
'FIT'rED DATES ... ... . .. 2 lbs. 25c home in a dying c•ondition shortly af
. ter 10 o'clock yesterday (Thursday)
LU.X TOILET SOAP—....4 for 25e, morning, Miss Ann Caroline Frost,
1 PRINCES'S SOAP FLAKES and: aged 70, residing at 29 Elmwood:eV
a SUPERSUDIS—Reg. 37c for .25c; enue, was rushed to Victoria hospital,
where she died several hcoars later.
JAMB'S ,BUTTER PUFFS. ----Per. The deceased Woman WAS found in a
padkage ,... .......... . . . ,- • 25t, semi-conscious State by .Geoege Laida
These are made in Dublin, Ire-‘ law, .0. .naigahor, residing at 3., Earn_
land end are said to be the moat; wood avenue, who saw Mies Frost
I ITS biscuit in the world. ; through the door of her home lying
DAIRY BUTTER, per 18e, Pound lying on tne floor of her
Thames Road 50th Jubilee
Commemorating the opening oi the
neesent brick church fifty years ago,
the congregation of Thames Road
held a golden jubilee on Sunday and
Monday, •June 28 and 29. TWO ferrie-
d b 9 Wil0 entered
Diamond Rings
Beautiful - Flawless!
Our selection of fine
rings and wedding rings
—area tribute to the
jewellers' craft—jewels
and mountings are su-
perb: We keep only
the finest quality dia-
monds—with a selection
of Bridal Wreath Wed-
ding and Engagement
rings that are charming
and exclusive. Reliable
service assured—let us
help you.
Fred. S. SavauEe
Jeweler & Optometrist.
--•••-*... ••••;.„
4 *,,,
,,,,, 4
II -5 iftli ID A IL,
1 R I E, AT IA
__•,.......„..,,, ..
er ames
-ervi es At 11 a.m. Rea, wayeam Dotes, and R.oberta Duncan, Mr. al
• Mrs. flue, Kirk, Mr. and Airs. Wes -
the ministry were the spealcers at ,
ti Mrs
Gardiner of 'Medford gave an :map
Mg sermon on "'Building Character"
and in the evening Rev. William
Monteith of Teeewater preached on
" At both ser -
Phone Phor Phood.
A pretty wedding was sOlelmnized
*at the manse in. Egmonclville on
e ,4ithi at 4,45 p.m. when
prostrate on the kttc en
Laidilaw was working 10 his garden
at the time. He immediately went to
the woman's aasistance.
"I asked her If she was ill," lir.
Laidlaw told The Advertiser last
night, but She was unable to speak.
1 immediately called Mess Emily
Crowler, a friend of Miss Frost, who
lives an the other side of the street,
and then summoned Dr. j. E. Mckil-
,Following the doctor's arrived, the
women was rushed to the hospital in
the W. A. Hunt ambulance. She was
still in a elate of coma and never ful-
ly regained consciousness at the hos-
pital. She died shortly after 2 o.'cloak
in the afternoon.
Retiben Frost, of Seaforth, brother
of the dead woman, was immediately
notified of Miss Proses sudden seiz-
,Triendship an r .
large the church was filed to capac- C. Coward, Emma Passmore .
vices the congregations were so
ity and overdoeving. Etherington, Ivan Stewart, 'Norman
'On Monday afternoon a social ga; A.,..1e.r.c.Pyassmore, Mrs. W. Nell, Mrs.
thering was •held in the church at 2 L'' Passmore, Mrs, Chat. Wag -
p.m. in the nattme of a reunion, when beo:r..:1,:)a;u4A.Wl,il'ie Waghooll (Clande
the pastor Rev. James Anthony, Was °v.) W.Gardiner (Thedford);
' ' The first Speaker
• •• Wag. t,:p:ma_lerie, Hackney, Mr. and "sirs.
Alex. Hackney, W. E. Hatcher, Nor-
. H Mein Milton
ley Batten (St. Marys), .
M. Gregory and Carman, John Wiles,
Catherine Malloy, Mr. ,and Mrs. John
Malloy, Wen. Somerville,' Raba Mc-
, • id Mary Ann MoDonald, Vera
Mrs. James Gardiner of Ki on.
mother of exPremier Gandiner, of
Saskatchewan, who gave a very nice
address Rev, G.Chidley -of Wat-
rard was next. He tOld of Ms unque
distinction of being the only former
• ' u 'II as the
pastor now living, 1 •
church has had but three pa.stors in
the fifty years. Forever entwined in be PoPlee '3
the hearts of the people and in the wart, Mice Hackney, Mrs. George
history of the churcie will be the Beg (Seaforth), Mrs. S. Hackney,
name of -his predecessor, the Rev, Harry Tyndall (Seaforth); J, A.
Dr, Colin Fletc'her who came to the
' and Mrs. Vance OLiato.wel); Mrs.
alll and Il'arrY Ty AM.' °Seal:nth ) II r s.
1Y d Mrs. W. Ward. Graham S.
Vance (.Lis towel) „ 'Mrs. Irene
cher, Airs. John J. MOCuilaugh, John
\V. Stewart, Mrs. James McCullough.
Mrs. A Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, Mr.
and Airs. Arlo Copeland, Loreen Cop-
eland, Marion Copeland, John and
Alex, H.
. the hplel" . ' I and Leone
man Chrietie.
-McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ste-
wart, Mrs. F. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs,
Clifford Moir, Mrs. Wm. Marin
(Kirepen); Mr, and Mrs. Stevenson,
Wm. .and Mrs. Yule, Mrs. Jesse
Jacques, Victoria Poplestone and Les -
1 Iaebella Ste -
Eisnci Honey (Tallsonburg); Gladys
Fulton. (Stratford); Carl Scrimgeour
(Stratford); Mrs. Georgina Pullman
(Mitchell); Richard John's; Airs. J.
Code, Fred Cole, Mrs. Jas. Cottle, W.
G. and Mrs. Clark and Alex. (Brus-
sels); Mrs. Richard Johns; H. F. aid
Mrs. Lawrence (IS.eaforth).; Mrs. T.
Ferguson and Edith (1Seafocth); Mr.
and Mrs. T. 1-1unIcin, Leslie H. Rob-
inson; Mrs. Roy Coward, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Robinson (Detroit); Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. R. Ferguson (Strat-
ford); James E. ,Stone, Bella Canip-
bell OSeaforth); Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Harper (Mitchell); Helen Monteith;
Mr. and Mns. 3.Vtargaret lieDonald
(Seeforth); Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Kydd; Thomas Ferguson (Seefcrth);
Mr. and Mrs. Edevin Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. L, D. Fulton (Strat-
ford); Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Wright
(Centrailia);. Mr. and Airs. Switzer
(Science Hill); Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Traquair and family; Harvey 3,
Wright, B. G. Hale °Centralia); Do-
rothy Hicks and 'Mildred Hicks (Cre-
diton); John Essery (Centralia);
1-lelen Anthony (Hamilton) Mrs. A.
M. Bell (Toronto); jack Rydall
(IShallava Lake); Mrs. A. Ethering-
ton, Alma, Marjorie and Richard
Etherington; Kenneth Duncan, Alice
Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lu-
ther, Arthur Campbell.
Roy Pletcher (Centralia); Mrs. F.
me, but she died before his arrival in
London, Mrs. R. Frost satecl last
night flint her sieterinelaw had not
been feeling well during the past few
days, but her sickness ha not
considered in .any way serious.
cacl stated that in his
Blanche Iona, third daughter at r, r• -
and Ilns. Alex. Wallace, Seaforth, °Pillion the woman hlad died from a
n es ,
was united in marriage to Richard urernic seizure sold rather scouted the
Orville, second son of Mi. arid Mrs, idea of a heart attack. Mr. Laidlaw
Robert Blake of Clinton, The cere- said that his first impressioe was that
was performed by Rev. C. A. the woman had suffered a stroke.
tl •s
corigregation on
spent his entire forty-three years • in
the ministry here.
Me. John Cann outlined tile his-
tory of the Methodist congregation
since the first union Sunday school in
Id stone Preebyterian
Malcolm. They were often e by .Surviving her are
Manion Waltliace, sister oe the bride. Reuben, 01 Sealforth; Geonge, of Sun-
and James Blake, brdther of the. ridge, and two sisters, Alas. Waiter
groom. The bride looked lovely in a Washington, of Seattle. Wash., and
shell pink georgette gown with lace Mrs. Thomas Gaeside, of Flint, Mich,
jacket, blonde shoes and accessories Wars Frost was the daughter of the
to match. late William and Nancy Frost, for -
After the ceremony a wedding. din: merle, of Mitchell. She has been a
tier was served at the home or the resident at this city For the past 40
bride's pszeirts, Mrs. N. Walker, jes- Ye'ara, where elle was widely known
sie Wallace and Helen Ttionipson and highly regarded. For some years
' serving. After dinner the bride and she had lived alone at 29 Elmwood
groom left for the groom'e farm ita avenue.
Co•lborne township,
the little lag school house n years
Church had been in service for many
Airs Selves r. at
years wheti y .
agp Methodist church was erected CM the
opposite corner. In 1881 the Thames
Road Presbyterian Church was built
and for years the matter of -uniting
the congregations -was mooted but
nobbling came of it until "the Lord
took hated," as the blowing down
Of the Methodist Church by a great
wi n dato r is humorously described
by alder members. Dr. Pletcher
who passed away in October, 1927,
was born inethe 1-lighlands of Scot -
teed in Abe' pariah of Kilmey, and
came to Canada when 16. He gradu-
ated with honors from Knox Col-•
lege and aante to Thames Road
where he spent forty-three years, re-
tirii•re a ample 01 years before his
death. In 1918-a9 a great honor was
bestowed upon Dr. Fleeoher and the
congregation upon his elevation to
Moderator of the Presbyterian chtech
in Canada. He was the friend and
adviser of higih and lOw alike and his
precept and exaMple had far reaching
influence in the lives of the boys and
Bargain Broadcast
Funeral services at the W, A. Hunt
funeral home, 149 Wortley Road, on
Saturday at 2 o'Olock, Interment in
Woodland Cenletery:--Lond'un Ad-
s. 1Duncan, . ,
Duncan; J, R. McDonald, Airs. R. 'H.
Iturp•hy, Mrs. L. Westlake (Sarnia).
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. We.stlake (Wy
oming), Mrs. James C. Gardiner, Mr.
and Mrs. George Allen, Wardell Al-
len, Mrs. Wm. Paaemore. Mrs, Harry
Coates, Air, and Mrs. Simon Dom
eCramarty), Mrs. Jessie Habkirk.
Airs. W. Jeffry, Mr. and, Mrs. 'W. E.
Saylor °London) Mrs. 'Ai ar garet
T-Iarris. Matthew- Clark (..Rensall);
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Downie (fWinni-
peg); Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell; Mrs.
M. Clark (II-Iensall); Airs. A. 0.
larancis, A. 0. Frhiecis, Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Hazelwoo.c1 OBrucefielc1) Mr.
and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner and Vera
(Walton); Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert.
Mr. and Mrs. and Mildred Madge,
'Mrs.' Roy Fletcher, Mrs. Eric Mc-
Kay °Egenontiville); Mrs, Jno, Bray,
Donald and Elsie; Kate Ironside El-
lerington (Toronto); Ernest J. Pym,
Cephas Pym; Isabel Allison Horton
and E. A. Horton (St. Thomas); R.
I. Carroll (Toronto); Menthe Eller-
' • Fred
One ought not to let this .Sumener
pass without some progress—an aim-
less vacation gets one nowhere.
The Executive of Goderich Sum -
15eWindow ,„,e, School announces a. very attrec-
Walker Ker sltalke °Cu) tral i a) ; Janet
Hodgert; Genevieve Kerslake; Mrs.
John Gilfillan (1St. Ilarys); jack and
Mrs. Bolton °Hensall); Mr. and Airs.
WduIlianl Green and Air, and Mrs. An-
d'rew Bell (Kippen); Donald Mon-
teith (IRosetrawn Sask.); W. A. Mon-
teith QTeesviater); Beatrice .
Knight, Mrs. A. Mangan, Helen and
Mlle; Chas. Coward, J. T. Alliso,
Mrs. J. T. Allison, Wifliam 3. Allison,
M. If. Rowe, Annie MeLean, Nellie
McLean, Doreen Layton, Clara Glan-
Letha • Glanville, Mrs. C. J.
Moarehouse, Mrs, Ed. Lindenifield,
W. G. Medd, C. j. Iloorhouse, Dr.
Neb Leokie (Motherwell).
Albert Shier, Mrs. A. E. Shier,
James C. McCullough, Milton •
Cutiough, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs, J.
Ballantyne, Mrs. D. Coward, Hy. •
Francis (Seaforth); Harvey Neal,
Wellington N-eall, Melvin Gardiner,
Bert Gardiner, John Hunter, S. J.
and Mrs. Pym (Ellinville); Mrs. Geo.
Monteith, Edgar Montietb; Bernice
Neeh, Thelma and Esther Neeb
(Dashlwood); Mrs. E. Rowclifie, Au-
drey Rawcliffe ; mrs. Quante
(10ronee'rty); Mr. Wm. Pollen (lEx-
eter); John Beatty, George Beatty,
Edythe Mossop, Mrs. Jno. Beatty
(Varna); Philip J. W. Madge; Mrs.
James Harris, 75 Linwood st., Lan-
doll; Mr. and :Nies. 13, Williams Mr.
, .
and Mrs. Rollie Williams.
D. AfacTavish (Exeter), H. W. Ha-
- ht
has an •interes•ting story, for YOU. }eve program far this year. The
. . School will gather on Mlonday, July
Nlo room to gtve list. Don't
tele- .20 and at 8 o'clock in the •evening
phone. We want to see you IN PER-.
SON and you sheuld see this the openlirug meeting will he held in
N.orth Street Church. . Reverend
R. Hamilton, Agnes E. 1-faing on,
Annie •Baxter (Goderich r.r, 5); Ar- zelton eCaerittort); Ars. E.
Om P. and Mrs. Gardiner, Bert and (Centralia); Margery Madge (Lon -
Melvin Gardine•r; ‚bit's. Leonard Har-
trallia; Ballantyne; Audrey
don); Arr. and Mrs. E. Knight (Cen-
hte Ste- a
Leonard, Chas., Ina, an
Harris; Mrs. Jno. Simpson. Kenneth,
Lois and Doris Simpton; Mrs. Ed.
Stone, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison
(Science Hill); Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
_Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. _Coward,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. a Ballantyne, A.
C. and Mrs. Whitlock °St. Thomas);
Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Kerslake, L.
.M, and Airs. Stevenson, Stewart
Campbell Menden); Mrs. Milton
:McCurdy, ,.Dorothy McCurdy, Rob -t.
13 cCurdy, Raymond McCurdy, Me.
ancl Mrs. Grant Ford, James Earl
(Graliton); Ifrs. James Squire °Gran-
ton); Mr. and Mrs, John Fassmore,
Mrs. N. Wiseman,.Mrs. H. A. Mon-
teith (Teeslwater); 'Thelma and Luel-
le Rdbin,son,(lbetroit); Mrs. E. J.
Fassmore, Douglas PlIS51110Te, Jessie
girls who grew tip in 15 g ' in g ton, AI argaret g ,
Out of the congregation a inimber of Ellerin:atom Mr. mad Airs. J. G. Scott,
young men entered the ministry or Aldus Jeanette and Mary F. Scott
fimed high P°1i'bi'cms in t'l'eh. var'imil (Croliearty); Andrew' Campbell, Mar -
walks of life, 'Phis large and pros- ion Campbell; B. W. F. and Roxie
perons church has had many blest- Beavers (Exeter); Mrs. Richard Age-
ings. Dr. Fleteher arid his wife, for- I er son (iLondesb.oraugh) ; Eliaab et h
Ole so ' the Kirkton
5 ow Kenneth Beaton, Secretary of
1 c Wind
• Hoene Missions of the United Church
THERE is an eyeful THEIR& speak on "New Frontiers in
SPECIALS IN DINNER. SETS Home Mission Work" This veil] be
BEA, Ti 9 ,V,hgeet Rtalolg,lye tthIsTeireorofthtehepeSrcroain
merly nna . g ,
cemetery. Airs. Fletcher's mother,
Mrs. Agur, who lives with her datigh-
ter, Miss Mary Agur, at lieneall, will
celebrate her 100th birthday on July
• ing the .five dlays of study begin. The
China store Reverend Dr. IJangfor.d. Secretary of
24th .this y r.
Other speakers were Rev. D. Mac- .
savish, James St. United Church. Ex-' foot (iBrinsicy); A. W. Morgan (Hen-
eter; Rev. Dr. Neil Leckie, of Moth- sall); Wesley Ballantyne, Roy Bal-
erwell, president Of the London Con- la at yn e, Lloyd Hackney, Leonard
ference; Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Main
,, Walker, Archie Etherington, James
St. - Churell, Exeter; 'Mr' J''''" B. Anderson, T, Lloyd Ballantyne.
Doweie, Governor of Winnipeg jail, Kathleen L. Robb and Airs. B. Robb
and a former Thames Road boy; Rev. (Stratford); John A. Hodgert, Alvin
'W'm 'M °nth' th ' Tees'"all ere! and 'Rev' Paslmore, 11, G. An d erson, Ray E,
Wan Gardiner of Thedfor , who gave
Brown (London); G. E. aete
don); Ansi j. Richard, A. L. Richard,
Mrs. Leslie Billiard P.
Whitlock, G.
J. Duncan, Nelson and 'bit's. Baker
(Centralia); Ed. Stone; E. V. Mc-
Dougall M5115011); Mr, and Airs. W,
• (Centralia); Carlton Light-
Religious Education of the United
.vonteith, Be115011
Ballantyne, Mr. an • .
wart, Jack, Glen, Ray, an.c1 Lloyd. Ste-
wart; bit. and Frs. Nelson Squire,
Orland and Dorothy Squire.
Ray Knight, Lloyd Knight, Rev. G.
M. Chidley, Mrs. Chidley, Isabel,
jean, Marion, and Fred Chidley
(Watforci); Carlyle Cornish (Bruce -
field), John IC. Cornish, Mrs. Jno.
Cornish, Anna If. Cornish, Mrs. Geo.
Hill °Brucefield); Mr. and Airs. Or-
an Cann, Mrs. W. H. Tho.mson, Mrs.
Matthew Thomson, Elizabeth Thom-
son; Agnes Miller (iStaffa No.1), N -o.
reen MelNicol, W. lidNieol, Matthew
Thomson, Wm. Cann, Sv•end lag
Erikeent, John Duncan. Alex. Stewart.
Ray Knight, Willie Ballanteme, Or-
land Sqvure, Raymond Layton, Lester
8f.r. and Airs. Ben Wilson, Mr.
and Mrs. Robin Moore ancl Air. and
Mrs. Jas. S, Brine °St Marys); Mr.
and. Mrs. J. E. Pollen; Mos, G. A.
Ran -laden °Lambeth); Mrs. Roy
Campbell atontreal P.Q.).
Jessie Raneaden and G. M. Rains,
den °Lambeth); Nettie McCurdy,
Percy E. Duncan, Richard D. Ether-
ington, Man Coward, Melvin Caward,
June Cowar d ; E. French (Toronto);
Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Mrs. . jet. E.
T-Todgert. Margaret McQueen, Sara
.Munn, Irene Hoggarth, Jennie ble-
Queen; Helot McQueen, Stewart and
Mrs. AleQueen, Mrs, Edgar Farison,
Airs. T. Seers, Mrs. E. Layton, Alice
Tuckey, Ross Tuckey, Margaret
()Milton, Mabel Quinton, Airs. Alvin
Passmore, Pearl Moir, Helen Moir,
}Ale Schainacher (Daishevood), Lor-
een Borland, Mrs. Chas. 13orland,
Mary Borland, Bert Borland, Alma
Borland, Mrs, Wiseman, F. A. Wise-
man, John 'McCullough, 88 hart
Kyrid, Mrs. Jas. W. Watson (Moth-
erwell) James W. Watson (Mother-
well); Clarence S. MelLean (Kippen),
Andrew R. Bell (Kipper); Mrs. Carl
Walker OCromarty); Mr, and ‚bit's.
Alfred Hunkin, William Somerville,
Cottle, Leslie Barnes (Liverpool); Ei-
a reading. A number of inteeesting sin and Mrs. Rawcliffe, Bill and Aldan
letters of regrets were read by Rcv Roweliffe, James Gardiner, Wm. H.
Tames Anahony, which included: Hoe. Thomson, Wm. H. and Mrs. Stone.
katchevean• W. J. Allison, 'Regina', towel); John and Mrs. Thomson, Ar-
Ifalloy, G. G. Jaokson (Lis -
Tames Gardiner, ex-IPeentier of Sas- Andrew
'NIT WW1 ..A.TS. W. J. Morldwrtital• c't chie Thomson (Centralia); W. C. Al-
-Durham; T. A. Russell, 1 Dewborne /(von, N.T. G. Jeffry, PerCy PaSSMOre,
zbtairsitTiehossinatriopp,,too the old coin, try: Geo. PUI,LeYjband, OhriStinta 'Herm
Mario Dot, of minls
- 13.MIrcls,5°BmertStAlleat'cliCerh,asIfr.F. andB°TiMalirds:
Mrs, Geo. Jones, Lott Fulton and tioreen Or1_,Iinton);
Mr' a Id Mrs' Exeter).
.saevye...51, Tarorriosnooto,.,pw'rehsoidelneitt oFeritiihaey
mnejorieli. sRte,ona,c,sriti: Walker, 881515 STheieertsc,hTeero,
"IRsetBta Fjalet--
Darrell Parker, Vvm. and Thos. ac -
Airs. R. Roach, Mrs. J.
ney (Crainktrty),
N 1 Roach' Mervin Nairn uma, cher Harry Stone, .G.orclon Anderson,
ro); Mr. and bit's. Writ Ferguson,
Wilmer and .Roy Ferguson; WiThel-
mina and Norman Ferguson; Ronald
Gollings, Alice Passmore, C. B. .A.1-
lison, E. Layton, T. Seers, C. 14:night,
Tames Little, Agnes Davis, George
Davis, Harry Coates, Ifr. and Mrs.
Tames Ternbull (Kippen); Miss Fle-
rence Cornish,, °Orden E. Lampert,
Mrs. Clarence Knight, I. Mary
Thompson, Wm. G. Thomson, Thos.
Brock, Verna Brock, Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Seers, Mr and Mrs. Robt. S.
Ratcliffe and family, Annabel Yule,
Harold and Mrs. •Jeffery; Meirelia
L liOnney• jem, E. and Mot. Neil and
Lawrence Auclerson, Lenore .A n d
5011, Mrs. Anderson, Marie
Vance. (Listowel); Wm. Stewart, lir.
and Mrs. Wm. Etheringtora Thos.
Lycldiate (Toronto), Herold Fieher,
Miss Evelyn Clarice, James Rodgert,
Roy Coward, Mr, and Mrs. G. Jeffry.
lItes. W. G. Medd, Mrs. P. Whit-
lock, J. Willis Powell, Belle Mc-
Dougall, .antra. William, and Mation
Dougall; John and Mrs. Prom.
Afeinebers of Orpheus Orchestra of
Main st. Church (Exeter)--Aliss Ma-
hal Failiaike Miss Dorothy Grassick,
NIiss Gambrill Miss Helen'
Digntan Miss Dorothy Ryckman,
Mrs. E. Linderafield (of James St.,
5 4