The Seaforth News, 1931-03-19, Page 3'Canadian Fish i .BeaUtY
p �p . BY LI• Wyn Griffith In "The -
Take to the An. Walsh Outlook."
This pattern we call Good and (ll
From Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Is but the play of light and shade
,comes the news that fish -have taken Upon a hill,
to the air in the Canadian north- Born but to die with set of sttn,
'wort, To be- exact, they ,have been Foredoomed to birth when nigiic is..
taken ' by air to market. A Gov- done.
ternment bulletin supplies the follow Iiia hand who -held the Scales 0f
ing interesting information on this Right
,subject. "Fish caught in Lae la •
iron days of Rome' is dust
Runge, in Northern Saskatchewan, • In Nirons• In the light
are flown twice daily to Prince M - The sword that slewiat his -behest;.
•berm, a distance' of 200 miles and from there shipped by rail to Chi -
In his dread court the swallows nest,
cago, New York and other American Forgotten now the Evil wrought
and Canadian centres. Each inane In Forgotten
loath by daought
,carries about 1,600 pounds of fish•in :kegs;
an unfrozen condition, and immedi- A thing of naught
:ately on reaching Prince. Albert they
are packed in ice for shipment to The: sorrow, sand -engulfed the tears,
50 -pound boxes, While airplane But Beauty Journeys down the years.
transportation has peen reported sat• I know of naught can e'er outlive
`[efactory, it was found that increasing This nesting fashion in man's mind,
demand for the northern fish made fugitive
necessary .an additional means ofThis fu
-carriage; BJ tw0 motor tractors, each Pursuit iof Right and icer ot Wrong,
'hauling a heated caboose with a car.. Save golden, echoes of an ancient
Tying capacity of about 7,000 pounds! song.
'of unfrozen fish, Dave been put into; Or crystal words the Poets write
0000100, arid a trip from t he 'elle by 1 To illume the darkness of a troubled
the *two tractors mon" apnrovin,aCe••
ly sufficient fish ran be brought to I heart,
Prince. Albert to make up a carload l The cool delight
- lot for shipment, Though this is the I Of Venus rising from the deep,
first year in which fish have been ; The mirrored stars, a child asleep•
handled by plane, catches 'from. am- IWhat when is Beauty but tie _thread
-tors in LN more remote areas of(,02lite that binds our days_In thrall
Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta
have been successfully marketed as.I To years long dead,
tar away as the cities of, the United To unborn hours, and of this Now
Slaios for several seasons past. Fish A phantom makes? Go pay thy vow!
from Late Athabasca, Northern
Alberta, for Instance, have won mar- Rev
ket favor, notwithstanding that the
distance they have to be carried
from the lake to the international
boundary alone is about 700 miles."
—"The New Outlook."
The Bridal Cactus
l sl��s R atoYA
F ask luck,. holder of junior transcontinental record an. 17 -year-
old al later of Elizabeth, N.J., at Havana, Cuba, after establishing new
junior record for flight from Newark, Ni,
Naval Treaty Terms Find Vitamin C Heroism Recognized ;
Accepted By Italy In Peas and Beans By Humane Society
France and Italy Now Reach can bei enflowedriwith esome as dofethe Manys Ontario People Receive
Basis For Limitation valnabie food properties of fresh I Awards for Bravery.
Compromise ` , vogetables..fby the simple process °f medalsiand pat lton — Awards of .bronze
Remo, — Tho Italian government sprouting them, recent studies by chment certificates for
have now accepted -proposals advanc- the Bureau of Bone Economics of bravery were announeed recently,
ed by Great Britain which will per-
p +s,v rru. c- department of Agriculture i when the annual meeting . of tbo
Royai Canadian Humane Association
took place hero. George E. Cop-
pley, Hamilton, Prescient of the or-
ganization, presided, and the report
of awards was presented by IL E.
Waterman, Honorary Secretary,
Reversible `%eSteeS o .b
who make their own de- First Plane Leaves Tourists to Make
advantage of having these bits of ®y ®n or �'���! scribes limitation an reduction o rl en ex on was posthumously awarded to Mr.
finished 'with equal care naval armament 'for the United I Detroit—A machine which trans• Lothian.
and attractiveness at both ends. GYaf Ze clivi ✓ill ALSO $e States Great Britain and Japan and, mit written words by radio and Jacob EbY (ueceaseds Kitchener,
When this is done, the vestee s Imperial Airways Inaugurates cup erE t one phases of the i t n bronze
mit its full adhesion. to the Lon -don t,ave revuwav +, ,
naval treaty. Ordinarily dried beans and peas are
The Proposals previously had been lacking in the valuable vitam'n 0,
accopted by the French government. but the 'sprouting process ln'e mo
Adhesion of the two, gnvernnfento to way produces this essential diet 'Lc -
the London treaty, reached at conclu- censors. '
sion of the naval conference almost Complete- absence of vitamin Cin
a year ago, which makes that pact n the• diet results in scurvy, formerly Ironze Medals.
five-power011t-instrument instead of a the dread •of sailors .on long sea "ey 9Villiam James Hilton, Vancouver,
three -power treaty as it is now; ages, many Persona endanger their for the rescue of Martha Wagnor iron
health because of an unperceived drowning in the Canadian Pacific
Negotiations which brought the deficiency of vitamin ei in their diet. -
Italian acceptance were carried on Railway docks; a Vancouver.
by Ill. Hon. Arthur )Ienderson, for- This food deficiency also [s thought Thomas Harris Bailee', Chapleau,
eign secretary, and Rt. Hon. A. V.
Alexander, first lord of tate admiralty
for Great Britain, and Dino Grandi,
foreign minister, and Rear Admiral
Guiseppe Shriana for Italy. Premier
Mussolini himself .tarried on Part of
the conversations.
The proposals advanced by Gre'kt
Britain, some reports said, specify a
specified relationship to the British'
that f Great Within and inasmuch
to be an important cause of tooth
decay and of many cases of -so-called
Citrus fruits, tomatoes and raw
cabbage have been recognized as im-
portant sources of vitamin C for
number of years, but until recent'
'beans had not been conafdered as a
possible source.
To obtain vitamin source from
dried beans and peas, the Bureau of
Home Economics experimen a with
for his rescue of George Samakeeee
Prod drowning in Che Kebeequasling
River, Chapleau.
Dennis H. Chivers, Humboldt,
a Sask., for his rescue of Wilhelm and
Stefan Hansen from drowning in
Y Waldsea Lake.
Joseph It. Douglas, Wobbwood, for
his rescue of William Belch from in
front of'a train at Massey on Dec.
is o ren r t experimented
1, 1930, '
as France previously has accepted a Emmis Binns. Vancouver, for iter
specified rleationship to the British several methods of sprouting. One 'heroic rescue of William B. Williams
1 navy, fix indirectly the relationship simple method was simply to roll al/ I from A burning aeroplane, going from
between the Italian and French navies a sheet of cheesecloth sprinkled with
i Victoria, B.C.. to Seattle, Wash.
dried beaus, and keep moist until' Nellie Drake, Courtenay, B.C., for
it is understood that the Franco- the boas were an inch long. her reseue of Mrs. Irene.. Lennon
Italian parity controversy, is e elect tro Sprouted coeds, long u50d in Ohl-; from drowning in the river near the
naval treatyd unto 1936, schen the entire : nese dishes, `ease a mild flavor and 'Dyke illill.
naval comes up for review. (make up into tasty dishes. F. E Lothian (deceased). Cancou-'
The agreement apparently elinin -tial,. !or the attempted rescue of J.
ales at least for five years the threat A. HAIyndman (deceased). from drown-
Women , of an Italian -French naval ra0e. The , ing o Lynn Creolt, North Vancouver,
Loudon treaty signeu last April, pre- Machine Transmits
it 2' 1929 The bronze medal
taohable vestees have learned the C . yd
F gt � Trips �n Zeppelin d f lon pr
aUi S-�, Written TextRadio
m j'• ageeemen on s s
i' p I reproduces them instantly et a 7 posthumously awarded the
quickly changer,. end for end, to case bine-Day.. Service Roe to
being worn 5,114 M'1 Route to and �.
A' cactus wass
Used as Taxi toEgypt ' naval disarmament problem among
carried by a bade it becomes spotted while
distaut point or points in the same medal for the rescue of Ephraim
manner as a telegraph Printer civ Ernst from gas-filled well, Sewer
et g 1 e , Spain those three nations, France and Italy.
net This has been found a simple way Tanganyika Arrangements for low-priced flights tinder the limitation clauses 8 -inch
instead 'e- the more usual bong to avoid the embarrassment of heti• nn cruiser tonage is fixed at 146,800 Watson, local salesman. I'
of orange blossom at a Warsaw suedon' the Graf Zeppelin will bring ilia , g , Ephraim Ernst, Kitchener, for 1113
ing to wear an untidy -looping vestee London -The first section of theexperience of a ride in the famous for Great Britain, 180,000 Por the The sending apparatus resembles rescue of Wii][am Stevetteon rad Al
ding recently. It was stated, in resultin sometimes from a little nits- Imperial Airways route to Capetown, world -roaming dirigible within the !United States and 1OS,400geor Japan . a typewriter, to which has oxen at• banns Meyer from gas-filled well,
reply to inquiries, luck.
that the cactus g
• hap at table or during the serving Union of South Africa, was innugur- reach of almast all travelers to Ger- Britahi11 cruiser bonne e: G543 melted a revolving d`er•, and the re` Sewer Farm, Kitchener, Sept. 2,'
brought good luck. most o! informal refreshments. Bneenc, 192,000; United States. 143, calving set is of simfiar construction 1930.
It will come as a snrt`rise to mo wheli selectingready-made vestees aced on Feb. °Stu when amine -ton many this summer. 500, and Japan, 100,420. Destroyers: I As the letter key on the sending ma-
a• CertCficate_
eo le to know that the cactus isArgosy •air liner left Croydon with Short flights over Germany for as
P p n it is well to consider this inter- d f lettere. for deliver- in little as $36 a Passenger will be Great Britain, 150,000 United Stakes;ichiue is depressed, its characteristic
"lucky"—so far it haso't usually bee h b! end-to-end,advantage inter -1
0 000, Japan,10" 500 Submarine' Parchment certratte3: Melville C.
ff d for the benefit oY touristsimpulse {s se th i -nus BlaclrPord and Lenard S Placlnfoid,
cult, has been perfected by Glenn W. Farm, Kitchener, Sept, 2, 1930.
c angea e, Dusan s o 16 , a, sen over e a r, c
credited with producing either Awed various parts of Afrca. o ere tonnage is equal at 62,700 for each ;
b a bride, 11 the decoration is vertical, in the A large crowd, including Colonel says an announcement of the Ham- inn the disc to revolve. When the Toronto, for rescue o[ Nancy and
or bad fortune. Carried Y nature of pin tucking. drasvnwork ori I0! the three. France and Italy signed impulse is received, the disc on the
it rattier suggests a warning my to W. H. Franklin, Trade Commissioner ! burg -American Lines, general agents ,only those sections relating to "hu I receiving set is turned 8o that the Jane Sim -Coe from drowning near
indeed, insettings of lane, one has ofor the fare llif1Uan ch0relin, The Port Carling, Muskoka, July 12, 1930.
to the bridegroom, because the aver-; add a corresponding baud of lace to in East Africa, mill air line oitictals, i I manization of submarines, a capital
Il ovlded cheered as the great machine took 'minimum fare will be chdrged fora U' eotiday and certain other tech,I same letter is prinked UF, .he receiv. L y
contains the normal
bridal wear with Med in Africa on this service but Tyro. ee on a keyboard. The
NOW that sinal U this ,from Fro I whereby world Powers will st asked discs are perfectly synchronized and
bouquet, The more usual orange•' novo vogue as a trimming detail, a�two passengers were aboard on li .to limit their maximum construction
initial flight, one for the Continent Berlin, controlled by the radio waves, thus
blossom can, alter al., produce reit. . closely eel- line '.f these, either fn, to 25,000 -ton warships wiil be pro- assuring exact reproduction of the
the other f Karachi, India I In addition ion to serving el an outingd U F B jt • and Italy
it is appropriate at a wedding [ which fabrics are 1 hale, the age cactus is fairly we Pr I he lower end o4 the vestee, thusI ing apparatus.
with the means of self-defence. lir bete suitable to I, off in a drizzling velli. • -For the 1 four-hour night over either Lake 1 heal phases,
The cams is hardly likely, there -;nicking the entire p resent, no passengers will be car- Lucerne, the Black Forest or the , Each disc
e either end at the top.' P 1 Most o! the nights will be A new scheme of naval limitation characters 205
fore, to win general favor as a t buttons
aro 5o much r e i dr'ICbsltafen, a 'esti from
son Pot• its claim to, be 11 luck -bringer. eclor, is a modish Mater and e o ler of France, r am message se t
According to authorities on f the Graf Zeppelin will be p Y
isi 1 both h
cause the orange -tree bears flowers L1 P
and fruit at the same time. So the easily kept fresh. llggshell, flesh, t on
bride's orange -blossom means that or :cul oP the orf•white shades, are
site will have a family and creep her excellent tor combining with white
good looks. or •slightiy ecrtt lace 'which finishes
the vestee at top and bottom. Lee white
or machine, 080 n .
folklore, decoration for a vestee or georgette changing at Cairo. When exhibited to local scientists
a be., The m til consisted of Rehr bags run in a tart service to Egypt, Spain, it was learned at the foreign office machine is believed likely
or aoi e, ° 40 000 letters, recently.•
o revolutionize i methods
containing more .than c'1 Riviera and other .eoun-
10,000 of ♦vincly were emit by s ams trice, tucluding the Scandinavian.
collectors. Ia addition the plane ,The ship will be made available for
carried half a ton oe urgent freight. charter by groups oh tourists, socfe-
Tite aircraft travelled across Eur- - ties and clubs, whenever a minimum
ops to Athens, where the cargo was of fifteen passengers is booked, The
•boat for the dirigible will accommodate thirty-
five passengers.
Tentative plans have been made
for a cruise over the Mediterranean
to Egypt in April. Deltuite ar-
rangements have been made for a
cruise over Spain, leaving Friedrich-
sliafen on May 29. The Zeppelin will
stop at Seville, and cruise over Lis-
bon, Oporto, Vigo, Santander, San
Sebastian, Biarritz, Toulouse, Barce-
lona, Valencia, Malaga and Gibraltar,
returning to Germany June 2.
Other trips will be made to the
Baltic, the Mediterranean, over the
Alps' and to England add France.
Pussywiilows Early
Fort William—A large sprig of
pussywlilows in full bud, found on
Island No. 2, Feb. 24tH, by a local
resident is said to be six weeks
ahead of schedule. An old-timer,
resident here for 37 years, says he
has never seen a February so mild
' nor .pussywillows so early in the sea-
to -d G. Fair, Grimsby, for the
rescue of Miss Frances Bushman
frons drowning at Grimsby on Sept.
5. 1929. t
Fret' B. Robinson, Moncton, N.B.,
for the rescue of Miss George B.
Barnhill from in front of a train:
William Cools and. D. S. Kizer,
Hamilton, for the rescue of Robert
I ti tze transmiss on Scott and Lloyd Leach from drown -
for police work or uthers requiring leg in Lake Ontario at Hamilton on
drown -
Motoring adored circuit ce wotions within a limited June 23, 1930.
Ruby Flanders; Montreal, for the
The motorist adopted Pleading area. rescue of Yetta Trachtenberg, Ida
tactics. Shrybntan and Sara Kapustin from
wish you'd overlook it this time,
table " ho said "As a matter A Doctors Dinner -Party drowning #n the North Rivsr, near
Shawbridge, Que.
N. P. McDonald, Beaton, for the
reseue of Keith Erie Rogers :from
drowning at Becton on May 24,'1930.
John McDonald, Winnipeg, for the
rescue of Romain Lanthier from
drowning at Seven Sisters Falls.
Dominic Sisty and Logie Serviss,
Iroquois, for the rescue of Lester J.
Watkins from drowaing in the St.
Lawrence Canal, Iroquois, San. it,
Aubrey Wilcox, Grimsby, for the
rescue of three boys from drowning
in Lake Ontario, Grimsby Beach,
June 30, 1930.
Archibald McDonald, Owen Sound,
for the rescue of Cecil J. Mundt()
from drowning in the Sydenham
River, Owen Sound, July 8, 1929.
Stewart A, Thompson, Iroquois,
for the rescue of Cecil Larabee from
drownlug in the river. Iroquois, June
Value of Farm Lands
era' small tamps on each side oe a
center row of buttons g NOS
d transferredto a flelug
Declines $5' An Acre sired vertical trimming, Dark iba lt-
Ottawa.—Vajue o! . farm lands in tons on light fabrics are specially
smart just now, tee color matching
Canada in 1930 showed a consider- the predominating tone of the dress,
in consequence o! the i never any mistake in
Tall in the . prices ot agricultural using small, white pearl buttons,
products, says a report issued re- which maize the veste3 wearable
cantly by the Dominion Bureau 0! with other than, one frees.
Statistics. Average value of oe• see
_ --.
cupted. farm lands as 'a whole, in-
u- Family 'Watch Sold
l di both improved and un#m- y
proved land, as we
able declinebut there s
Mediterranean journey to Egypt.
From Cairo the. boat flew long the
new 2,760 -mile route to elwa zs, in
Tanganyika Territory, *Completing
6,114 miles from 'Loudon in nine
days, a journey taking thirty-two days
by ship and train.
The new service is to be run each ,
Saturday morning from Croydon.
Captain H. H. Perry was the Pilot,
c u ng accompanied by a mechauia Tho
Il as dwelling to Former Kaiser first return flight leaves Tanganyika '
houses, barns, stables and, other Potsdam, Ger.—A gold watch that March 10, and the air liter to arrive
farm buildings, is returned as $32 ticked for Frederick the Great a back at Croydon March 19 with Afri-
021 in century and a half ago was knocked can mails. In several mouths :the
Ter acre, as compared with
1929 down for 5000 marks, or about $ whole
route to will be opened and it
By provinces she average values.,to Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, the will be possible to reach Cape Town
are as follows, with the previous last of Frederick's successors, at the from London itt eleven days at a fare
Year's values within brackets.r nce
P i auction here recently of the turdisk- of about $650. The first Class boat
Edward Island, $42 ($43); Nova lugs Of the Glieuioke Castle. tare is about 9450, but the air route
Scotia, $39 ($36)1 New Brunswick, This castle is 'rho property of saves six days.
$28 ($35); Quebec, $48. ($55); On .Prince Friedrich:Leopoldevon Rohm -
This This inauguration is a casual to
tarto, $52 ($60), Manitoba, $22 ($26); zollern, a cousin of the former Kaiser, the pioneer work of Sir Alan Cob -
22 ($26); Alberta, $24 who has been living in Switzerland ham, commenced six years ago, when
ant a,
The average values in 1930 of orcin
($28)• British 1 bi $76 ($90)
made a great survey flight to South
Other bidders withdrew when the
t and fruit lands, including build- Africa and back. son.
the last few years. 1
offer of the "House of "Doors" wan
ngs, etc„ in the chief 'fruit -growing announced, and a crowd o[ bargain
provinces, are estima ed as follows, hunters who had come to pick up
the figures for 1929 being given with- relics Nf the imperial regime ate
in brackets: Nova Scotia, $94 (9118); included when the auctioneer dechtr-
Ontario,$710 ($147); British Colum -
ed the watch sold to the exiled
Ma, $291 ($314),
former Kaiser.
Surprisingly low prices were paid
for other items. Some idea of the
A New Seasoning con mfeat 'alien popularity of royal portraits in Ger-
Au interesting condiment devised many these days was indicated in tate
und marketed by Japanese chemists
several years ago, end described iprice brought by live lithographstheet
n Prussians and princes, The Industrial Be" • 1 0f Arthur D.
Little, Inc, (Cant Mass,), has $i5wh.aleo0. lot Using knocked clown for
come Otto 0,ida , throughout. ,pings -- .
China and Ja+salt, 1.1 now makiug,
friends in this country, We read:
"Chem::t fly, the material is sodiutu
glutamate, It ie made front the gluten
or protein part of wheat by acid hy-
drolysis, followed by bleaching, neut. Toronto Growing tendency in the
ralization, and crystallization. It is prairie province.' to favor Ontario
• thus of vegetable origin, and does not farm products was fennelby I#, H. Wile
violate the food proscriptions et any ford, chairman of the 1`00011t.campaign,
race or relig:.,n. "Onion Week," who has just returned
Aji-no-reoto is white powder, look- from a trip wonCanada to ascertain
ing like bicarbonate of soda, of such the results of the campaign-
-character, that it keeps 'welt and may Careful grading and packing in On
be dispensed from a ,salt shaker. tarso goods were she reasons offered
"Ithasa faint but definite odor of. by Mr. Wilford for increased useof
rather strong cheese,' Ontario produce. Buyers favored Cita
"The taste, however, is that of the atl.iau-grew fruits and vegetables, he
red yule; from roast beef: salty, said, aul care in their packing and
'meaty,' and , poetizing. grading had resulted in building up
"This condiment is the 'making' of assurance of their dependability.
chop suey and other Chinese dishes.. Many >more onions were being used
It goes especially well with spaghetti in the Prairie provinces as the result,
lug, 'toast cluck is Said to be good for
"Its acquaintance is worth cultivate rheumatism. 41 sounds like a quack
ing.,, remedy,
Finds West Fair i rs
Ontario Produce
and other • egetarian cliches, and of the campaign, he saki.
1lken s^
tisfying as well as fill-
of31fact, I was hurrying to town on Dinners for doctors depend largely
very important business." --too largely --on luck. Get a mem-
"'Peak' I can't help Lhat" said ber of the profession comfortably
the policeman, seated at the table and set an see-
.• fast 1 But petizing meal before him—and it's
I never rias as a rueve
I've got to get to town quickly to see dollars to doughnuts that some urg-
my solicitor—" ent patient will desire his presence
"Well," said the policeman, "you'll before dessert is served.
have a bit more news for him now," Probably Mrs. H. W. Carter, wife
of a Washington, North Carolina,
physician, knew this all along. But.
In the Sante Boat if she didn't, she does now.
It was little Timothy's first day at
school. Shortly alter the opening of
the first lesson be walked up to the
school -teacher's desk and said:
'•1 ain't got no pencil."
The teacher, with a shocked expres-
sion on her lace, said:
"Oh, Timothy, I haven't .a pencil!"
A sympathetic look crossed the
small boy's face, and he replied:
"Ye ain't, either? Well, we're both
In the same fix ain't we?"
huge Liner in Dryslc.clo for Spring Cleaning.
This interesting photograph shows the gigauttec propellers of the S.S. Majestic, ono of the largest
liners in the world, and how they look ,during .ship's overhauling in drydock at Southampton, Eng.
Not long ago, says an Associated
Press dispatch from Washington,
"she invited several of Dr• Carter's
fellow practitioners to dinner." Read-
ing o
e the guests were awaiting
the summons to tea dining -room,
the telephone rang. It was an
emergency call for Dr. DeWitt
Kiuttz, and he grabbed lits hat.
Two minutes later Dr. P. A. Nichol-
son was called to the 'phone. He
disappeared in the wake of Dr.
Kluttz. •
lust as dinner was served, a call
for Dr. D. T. Taylor, and before the
oyster cocktails had been finished,
Dr, E. W. Larkin also had, to leave.
"Well," began Mrs. Carter.
Just then the telephone rang again.
Dr. Carter answered, seized his
hat, and rushed out of the door.
Mrs, Carter finished the dinner in
solitary state,
Taking • a Risk
The doctor :tared hard at his client
as the latter entered his surgery,
"I perceive, that you are in a very
despondent mood," he commenced.
"In act, you don't seem to care what
happens to you."
"Good gracious!" the client gasped.
"How on earth. did you 'deduce that?"
"You came here in a motorcar and
you let , our wife drive," he said.
4, 1931,
Leonard Goble, Vancouver, for the
rescue of Donald McAlpine from
drowning in the Burrard Inlet,, Van-
R. H Alanley, Westmonnt, Que., for
the res tie of R. Fisher from drown-
ing la Biome Lake, Knowlton, Que.,.
August 31, 1930.
Ira Smith, Claresholm, Alta., for
rescue of David McKee from drown-
ing in Willow Creek, near Claree-
holm. Alla.
ArthurA. Lock, Toronto, for res-
cue of Miss Margaret I, Simmons
from drowning in Rice Lake, Gore's
Landing, July ID, 4030.
Hl1nh H. Bailey and Walter Ren.
alds \Vining, Moncton, N.B., for the
rescue of Miss Belle Mabee, from
serious injury at Moncton-
Harry Hagen, Wallaceburg, for
the rosette of Donald Truan from
drowning ht the River Sydenham,
Wallaceburg, January 10, 1931,
Dorranee Bates, Grand Valley; for
attempting to rescue Elgin West
from drowning in the Grani 'liver.
The Pleasure Was Theirs Township of East Lather, lune 18,
The mistress of the house rang the 1930,
for the rescue of C
larence Edwards:
bell to call her maid. Lawrence 3. Herbert, Brantford,
"Jane," she said, ,when the girl ar- from drowning in the Grand River,
rived, "did you ,toil those ladies who Brantford, Jan. 2, 1931.
just called that 8 was not at home? Mr. Hambleton, Brantford, for
"Yes, ma'am," replied the eta, resuscitating Clarence Edwards,
"What did they say?" asked the after he had been rescued front
mistress. drowning in the Grand River, 'Brant
"They all smiled ,and said, `How' ford, Jan, 2. 1931.
fortunate'," Jan.. answered.
The very spring and root of hon- Java has a population of 42,361,626 i
esty and virtue lie in the felicity of this is over two million. more than t
lighting on good education, -Pint• total population of England a
arch, • Wales.