The Seaforth News, 1930-12-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
The elieglig People's 'Society of the
United' Church held their meeting on,
Monday evening. The young people
entertained the 'A.Y,P,A. of St. Pauls'
Anglican Church, who put. on the pro-
gram and eaeh number was very ably
given, with Mr. Robert Varley pres-
iding. An address was given by Rev.
Mr. Parke!' on "Christianizieg .'In-
etincts," after which Miss L:ouis
Drummond gave a olo. A. reading
was given by Mrs. James Simpson
entitled, 'Sir. Cottle's 'Buttons," • fol-
lowed by aflute solo by Rev. Mr.
Parker, accompanied by Miee G.
Laramie on the piano. A vocal duet
by Mrs. Goodwin and Mrs. E. Drum-
. mond, entitled 'Alpha Qt.," and a
reading by Mrs, Peppier, entitled,
"Mrs. Tubbsat a Sewing 'Bee," after
which contests .and games were in-
dulged in, these being •in charge of
Miss Grace Stone and at the close of
The meeting refreshments were serve
The of the United Church
held their regtilar monthly meeting
on Thursday afternoon last. The
meeting was opened by a hymn Ml-
kwed by the Scripture reading by
Moore,, after which Mrs.
I. enry d
.eraYee. Mrs. Wiiliarn
Dougall gave a reading on Temper-
Ance and alter the minutes of the last
Meeting were read, the devotional
leaflet was read by Mrs. C. Cook, af-
ter which the election of officers took
place: 'Pres., Mrs. C. IA, McDonald;
Vice Pres., Mrs. A. ,Sinclair; Treas.,
Mrs, A, W. E. Hemphill; Rec, See.,
Mrs. E. McQueen; 'Cor, Sec., Mrs. J.
Elder; 'Missionary Outlook, Mrs. A.
McDonald; press sec,'Mrs. S. Mer-
ner; pianist, Mrs, C. Cook; finance
cone, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Carlile;
floveer com., Mrs. Fred Hess and
Mrs. M. 'Drysdale; strangers' sec.,
Mrs. Wm. Dougall; .home helpers,
Mrs. G. Habkirk; Mrs. Peck and Mrs.
A. Moir; Mission Band superintend-
ent, Miss E. Morrison.
Loyalty Sunday will be observed in
the Chiselhurst United Church on
Sunday afternoon, December 14, with
the Rev. A. Sinclair conducting the
services. Special music will be given
by the choir and they will be assisted
by several members of the Ilensall
Mrs. 0. Talbot is visiting for a few
days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G.
Mr. Frank Sneak of Detroit spent
the week end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Smale.
Mrs. Robert Bonthron and Miss
M. Gibbs have got settled in their
apartments over Mr. T. C. Joynt's
store, where they will spend the win-
ter months.
Quite a number from here attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. John
Caldwell of Exeter on 'Monday after-
A duck 5hoot will be held at Chis-
elimint on Wed., Dec, 17.
Mre. Maelkinson spent a few days
in Clinten last week. •
Mr. elenrice Boa of Windsor spent
the week end at the home of Mr. and
Mee, George Smale.
Serviceat the United Church on
Sundae. 'met were largely uttended,
with Rev. A. Sinclair conducting the
eervicee. In the evening Mrs. M.
Dee -Male and Mr. Goodwin sang a
Ms Ruhy McLaren ie vieiting her
sister. Mrs. Wee. Venner of Chisel -
Miss Matie Spencer, who under-
went an operatien Inc appendicitis, is
defee as well as can be expected.
The many friends of Mr. Alex. Bu-
ehenan will he sorry to hear that he
is ....endued to his home lirough ill-
our 1,,eal Sunday schnele are busy
practieing Inc their annual Christmas
The bazaar held in Carmel Presby-
terien Church on Saturday afternoon
!est e.a., well attended. sale of
hemema.le coeking and fancy eork
wee held till 5 o'clock, after which a
chicken pie :dipper Wee served.
Miss Mabel Cudmore. R.N.. of De-
troit. spent a few days visiting her
mother. Mee. R. Cielmore.
A pie social will be held in the Car-
mel Presbyterian Church on Friday
evening under the auspices of Wel-
fare Yeeth Club.
Mr, S. A. Spencer who has been the
teller in the Bank of Commerce here
since August, left on Saturday to
spend a few days in St. Catherines en
route to New York, from whence he
sails: on the thirteenth for England to
be home for Christmas. Mr. Spencer
expects to be away for three months.
Mr. Patchell of Chesley is taking his
Rev. R. M. Gale who underwent en
operation in Clinton hospital on Sat -
day for the removal of his tonsils, is
progressing favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston who
spent the past two weeks in Goderich,
returned to the village on Friday.
The Young People of St. Andrew's
United Church had an interesting
meeting on Thursday evening, De-
cember 4th, The featere of the even-
ing was a debate Resolved that Wo-
men can get along better without
Men than Men can get along without
Women. The affirmative was upheld
Miss M. Douglas and Mrs. W. Wallis,
negative by Murray Grainger and
Brown Stewart. Many of the points
brought out by the debaters were very
humorous and the debate was so
closely eontested that it took the
judges some time before announcing
their deoision which was in favor of
the affirmative side. A duet was ren-
dered by Mr. James Rouatt and Mr.
A. Woods with piano aceompani-
"Afraid of stomach gas, I lived on
soup for 5 months. Then I tried Ad-
lerika and now I eat most anything
without any gas."—Mrs. A. Connor.
Adlerika relieves stomach gas in
TEN minutes. Acts an BO'TH upper
and lower bowel, removing old poi-
sonous waste you never knew was
there. Don't fool with medicine which
cleans °lily PART•of, bowels, but let
Adlerika give stomach and bowels a
REAIL cleaning and get rid of ell
gas! Keating's Phartnacee
solo by Mise G, Gale,
meet by Miss G Gale, also a piano • HARexecx.
, Mrs, M, Ferguson who hWe are much pleased that Mrs, An -
drew rroggarth and Miss Bertha MID
httye bothbeen very seriously ill
with erysipelas for some time, are
sufficieetly recovered to be able to do
their own work again. We hope they
will soon be strong enough to enjoy
the winter months.
'Some of the young people are prac-
tising short dialogues to help the chil-
dren with their Burns' Church Sunday
Sehool Christmas concert. They held
their first practise on Monday even-
ing at home of Mrs. Jennie Knox.
__Sonie of the people from this vic-
inity, attended the farewell party
which was given to Mr. and Mrs. Ho-
ward Brunsdon and family of iBlyth
by the Firemen in the Blyth Memorial
Hall on Tuesday night of last week.
A first class time was -reported. Mr.
and Mrs. Brunedon have been resid-
ents of Blyth for a number of years
and have now moved to Clinton and
what is Blyth's loss will be ClinVon's
the pest inonth at .Seaforth and, Wat-
erloo, returned home on •Sunday.,
Owing to the weather there was not
as large an attendance at the Tea held
at the RectorySaturday afterneoe
under the auspice,s ef the Girls' Aux-
iliary, The Gift and Candy tablet
were arnanged in the drawing room
where the Senior Guild also had a
table. The proceeds not 'beingas
latge as usual will rneae that the girls
will not be able to contribute as ouch
to Missions as in the past, yet they
feel the affair was III SUCCeSS.
Mr. Wm, j. Stinson shipped a car-
load of cattle ter Toro:len on Friday
anti will spend a few days in the city.
The regular meeting of the A.Y.P.
A. of Trinity Parish was held in the
basement of • St. James' Church. Mid-
dleton, on. Wednesday evening of last
week. There were thirty-three mem-
bers present. The meeting was called
to order by the president, Miss Eve
Blackhael, and opened by singing
Hymn 619. Prayer was offered by
Rev. F. H. Paull, the STiipture, lets
2. 4, 16, was read by Muriel Ragmen.
A businese discussion then took place,
the next meeting to be held on Wed-
nesday Dec. 19, so as not to interfere
with other affairs in the vicinity. The
meeting was then conducted by the
Captain of the Blues, Carl Diehl,
Who took charge and whose side pre-
sented a splendid program. Between
numbers he amused the .audience with
humorous jokes, The first number
on the program was a splendid Paper
on Bishop Strachan read by Sam
Widcombe; Mrs. Paull, a musical sel-
ection, after which she read the am-
using and instimetive chapter cin
'Glasgow from the book, "In search
of Scotland." Mr. Paull told in song
of the Scotch way of- committing sui-
cide. A game "In Search of Edin-
burgh" was then played, "Lord Ul-
len's Daughter" WU very humorously
dramatized while Mrs. Paull read the
poem. Ferryman, Leslie Elliott; Lord
Ullen's daughter, Alice Bonnick;
Highband Chief, Sam Widcombe;
Lord Ullen, Carl Diehl; his follower,
Jack Cluff. After this was a spelling
match and a race with bags of oat-
meal. The whole program was of a
Scotch nature, having been planned
for the Friday before, St. Andrew's
Day, but owing to the storm was
postponed. Mrs, F. Middleton acted
as judge. The meeting closed with
singing of "Auld Lang Syne."
The annual meeting of the Bible
Society was held in St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church en Sunday evening. Rev.
F. II. Paull of Trinity Church, gave
an interesting address. There was a
fairly good attendance. The following
officers were appointed for the year:
President, F. A. Edwards; Sec.-Treas.
Mre. Robt. Scotchmer. Some of the
Trinity Church choir assisted the
choir. Miss L. Woods sang a solo in
pleasing manner.
The annual meeting of L,O.L. of
13ayfiehl wan held on Monday, De-
cember Sth, The following officers
were elected, Fred Watson, Worship-
ful Master: J. R. Castle, Deputy Mas-
ter; Ninian Heard, Recording Secret-
ary; E. A. Featherstone, Financial
Secretary; Harold Stinson, Treasurer,
George Sturgeon let Lecturer; Wm.
McDool, 2nd Lecturer; W. Parks, 5.
Lindsay, Tylers; A. E. Erwin, Chap-
lain; L. Smith, Marshal.
Come te the progressive euchre and
dance its 1Vinehrep hall this Friday
evening,. There will be good music,
gee' erizee and good time.
The enew ie nearly all gone again.
It is to be hoped it will help put wa-
ter in the wells as several are dry yet.
Little Betty Bullard entertained her
school churns to a birthday party at
her home lest Friday afternoon.
Tim Eaton of Seaforth spent Sun-
day at his home here.
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid and Women's Missionary Society
of leaven United Church was held
on We Inesdey, Dec, 3rd at the home
of ),fr. Stanley Garnhani, with the
president, Mrs. Robert McClure, pre-
,iding. The meeting opened with
hyiroi 188. followed with silent prayer
e..r Mrs. McGillivray, The Scripture
lesson from Luke, Chap. 7, was read
by Mee. C. Hillen, Mrs. Hiram Bien -
shard, leading in prayer. The roll
call was answered with a Christmas
message and the minutes of the prev-
ious meeting were read and adopted.
After singing hymn 177 a very in-
teresting topic was given by Miss
Margaret Cuthill, from the first chap-
ter of the study book on Japan, fol-
lowed with sentence prayers by Mrs.
A. Cuthill, Mrs, F'. Bullard, Mrs, Ro-
bert MaoFarlane, After the election
of officers for the coming year the
meeting closed by all repeating, the
Lord's prayer. Mrs. David MacFarl-
ane acted as chairman during election
of officers: Officers elected were:
President, Mrs. Robert McClure; Ist
Vice Pres., Mrs. Alex, Cuthill; 2nd
Vice Pres., Mrs, David MacFarlane;
Secretary, Mrs, Calvin Milan; Trees-
urer, L. A. Mrs. Robe Campbell;
Treasurer W.M.S., Mrs. A. Cuthill;
Christian stewardship Sec., Mrs.
Ferg. Bullard; ,Ptess Sec., Mrs. Hiram
Blanchard; Visiting Committee, Mrs.
Trewartha, Miss McNeil, Mrs, Sol
Shannon; Treas., expense fund, Mrs.
Robt. MacFarlane; Strangers' Sec.,
Mrs, James Simpson; Supple- Sec.,
Mrs. Hiram Blaechard; Temperance
See„ Mrs, Robt. Beattie; organists,
Miss Margaret Cuthill, Mrs, Russell
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
H. Golding has been confined to her
bed for a few days with the cold.
Mrs. Melville Gray visited with re-
in Stratford recently.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Leslie and Mrs.
Remnant of Stratford spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Butson,
The W.M-S. met at the home of
Mrs. O'Brien recently when officers
were elected Inc the new year. Presi-
dent, Mrs. H. Currie, vice president,
Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart; secretary-treas.,
Mrs, 5. Leary, corresp. sec., Mrs. L.
Butson. At the close of the meeting
the hostess served a dainty lunch.
Sweet and palatable,. Mother Graves
Worm Exterminator IS accePtable
children, and it does its work surely
and promptly,
Mrs. A. W. Beacom who has 'been
visiting her motlier, Mrs. Pearson,
also ether friends in Grey for over a
week, is expeCted home the latter
part of this week.
Messrs, William and Audrey Knox
are busy cutting wood Inc Mrs. John
Miss Marie Rapson s,pent part of
this week in Clinton with her grand-
mother and Miss Eva Rapson.
Messrs, Leslie' Reid and Newt.
Lloyd spent one evening last week at
the home of Mr. A. W. Beacom.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson visit-
ed at ehe ohme of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Mr. Cliff ,Holland and family have
moved to Clinton for the cold weather.
Mr. Newt. Llbyd of Clinton is at
present helping Mr. Leslie Reid cut
The 'December Ladies' Aid of
Burns' United Church was held Wed-
nesday of last week at the _home of
Miss Anne Taylor of near Kinburn
with Mesdames Carter and Jamieson
assisting. There was a good attend-
ance present and a very enjoyable af-
ternoon was spent by all. The new
officers appointed for the coming
year are: Mrs. Bert Allan, President;
Mrs. Thomas Colson, ViceaPres.;
Mrs. Peter Taylor Treas.; Miss Olive
Knox, Sec. The .fan. meeting will be
held at Mrs. A. W. McEwing's.
.Mrs. A, W. Beacoin returned home
from visiting at the home of her mo-
ther, in Grey, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson visit-
ed at the home•of Mr. and Mrs. I.
Rapson Tuesday evening.
Mr. Wm. Brown is at present tak-
ing in the Guelph Fair.
We were very sorry to hear of the
misfortune of Mrs. David Bowes of
near Blyth, when her home and house
hold effects were destroyed by fire
last Friday evening. Sincere sympathy
is extended.
'Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Beacom and
family attended the funeral of Mrs.
Beacom's uncle, Mr. Robert Mus-
grove, of Bluevale, Tuesday.
Quite a number attended the fun-
eral of the late Mr. Bert Teyddiatt Sa-
turday. Sincere sympathy is extend-
ed to Mrs. Lyddiatt and family.
Miss Margaret Jordan left for De-
troit this week to spend a 'holiday with
Miss Helen Downie.
The daece and card party held in
the Dublin parish hall, Friday, Dec,
5th, was largely attended and all re-
port a very good time.. The prizes
given for the cards were won by Mrs.
Michael .Nagle and Mr. John Kenny.
13euermann's orchestra supplied the
music for the dance.
We are glad to report that Mr. Jo-
seph Mcgo of Seaforth, Mrs, Jos. Hi-
ckey's father, is improving in health
as quickly as clan be expected,
We are sorry that Mr. Fred Eck-
ert and also Mr. Jos. Cronin, have had
the misfortune to lose several of their
cattle this past iveek with the flu.
Mrs, Jerry Ryan was operated On
for peritonitis Thursday in the Strat-
ford hospital. We hope for a speedy
Mrs. Wm, Curtin entertained a
nember of her friends to a. card party
Saturday night.
lir. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor spent
Sunday' with Mr, and Mrs. Lou
Miss Von McConnell of St, Cleme
ents, spent the week end with her fa-
ther, Mr, Frank McContiell,
Mr. Joseph Nagle spent last week
in Stratford attending the county
An old and respected resident of
Dublin died on Wednesday morning
in Stratford at the home of ' her
daughter,. Mrs. John Dorsey. Funeral
will take place on Friday morning.
Misses Marie and Margaret Flan-
nery visited their aunt, Mrs, John Mc-
Grath on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell
spent Monday in Stratford.
Mr. John McGrath shipped a fine
car load of horses to Quebec on Sat-
Mrs, Benninger and Beth I-Egnell
spent Monday he Stratford.
Mr. Pat Maloney is visiting friends
in Stratford.
The late mild weather has made the
roads passable for wheels and reach
the highway, which had cut off nine-
ty per cent. of the population from
reaching towns.
Mr, W. Manley spent the week end
with friends in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete McLaughlin
were visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Eckert this week,
Our burg has broken the record for
harvesting pine stumps while the
sleighing lasted, with fifty teams a
day making their way out of the big
pine swamp whioh is beginning to
look like a prairie country now.
Why. Good -Bye?
"Good-bye" is a word which no one
likes to say. There is sometlhing too
solemn, too final, about. it. Nowa-
days people are more and more grow-
ing to say, "So lone telephone
soon," They conserve their friend-
ship by keg distance telephone.
Mr, C. Rudclell had the misfortune
to lose one of his team last week,
Mrs. Nott returned on Wednesday
after a few diays visit with her daugh-
ter in Seaforth.
Mrs. McCrea and MI'S. D, D. Rob-
erton took in the bazaar at Belgrave
oe Friday last.
The street lighting committee of the
village, are putting on ass ',old tyme"
dance in community hall on Dec. 31,
Now Year's Eve, in aid qf the street
lightiege The Allen orchestra will
furnis,h the music.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence of Wind-
sor, were guest§ of Mrs. C. Ruddell
Mr, and Mrs. H. Lee and Mr, and
Mrs. Edgar Munt of Buffak are vis-
iting with frieeds here.
The WeM.IS. are holding their
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs,
C. Watson today. •
Mr. Hugh Radford of Port Col-
borne, is visiting his ,parents here.
Mrs. Mountain 'returned' to her
home last Monday after spending
some time with her daughter, Mrs.
Pipe,,o,f Goderich.
Mr, ,Lorne Shebbrook of Port Col-
borne is visiting at his home on the
113th concession,
The United Church, formerly Me-
thodist, are holding their Christmas
tree in Community Hell, on Dec. 23.
The Ladies' Glut; of West End met
last Wednesday at the home of Mrs,
McGregor. The roll call was answer-
ed by exchange of Christmas gifts.
Mrs. Tebbutt gave it reading on
Christmas and Mrs. Johns also gave a
reading on His Coming, The secret-
ary gave a report of the year, show-
ing a good standing for the year.
Then the ladies quilted a quilt and a
box was ordered, to be sent to Mrs,
Sloman up in the northern district
Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt spent last
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cole.
Mrs. Fletcher Townsend held a
very successful quilting bee lase Fri-
Mrs. T. Coleman spent lest Sunday
with her brother, Mr, Stephen Troyer,
of Hensel], who is very ill at pres-
We were all sorry to hear of the
death of Miss Effie McKay which
occurred in the Scott Memorial Hos-
pital on Tuesday morning,
Mr. and Mrs, Joe McLellan of
Milton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Forsythe,
Mr, Lloyd Stewart of., Guelph is vis-
iting his mother, Mrs. A. Ross.
Flour Mills
Co., Limited
Mill Feeds, Corn Chop,
Cracked Corn, Barley Chop,
Mixed Chop
and Cottonseed Meal
Phone 51.
ungszamaranwasay malsomsamemisrolv
Schneider's PORK SAUSAGE .... ... . ......... '. . ....per pound 23c
"Schneider's BOLOGNA • per poundific
Schnezder's COTTAGE ROLLS per pound 26c
3, cakes PALM OLIVE SOAP , , 19c
10 Cake P. & G. SOAP 34c
10 Cakes GOLD SOAP 30c
LOAF cugEsa, per pound 28c
Mr. George Riley of London is
spending a few dhys at his 'home here.
'Our school teacher, Miss Viola
Mlorrisbn, is at present ill with tonsil -
itis. The school will be closed till
Miss Morrison is 'better.
Mre. John Mann and children spent
Monday with her sister, Mrs. Robert
Grim oldby.
'Wedding bells will soon be ringing
merrily in the vicinity.
Mr. Ben Riley Sr. is on the sick
list at present.
The Evangelists, Rev. Mr. White -
sides of Toronto, and Mr. J. H. Leon-
ard of Owen Sottnd, left Monday for
their homes,
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones of Lon-
don, visited at Mr. Harry johns, on
Sunday last.
Miss Florence Herdman visited in
Exeter last week,
Miss May Jones of London is visit-
ing at Me. Nelson Coultis'.
The jack rabbits have been catch-
ing grief this last week,
.Persian Balm—the ideal toilet re-
quisite for every discerning wonean.
Perfect in results. Creates
ions...oti rare beauty and ehartnaDe-
ttu y cool and refreshing. Never
leaves a vestige of stickiness. A vel-
vety smooth lotion toning and stimu-
lating the skin. Making it truly rose..
leaf in texture. All dainty women in-
verialeiV ehoose Persian Balm, It im-
parts that subtle distinction so char-
acteristic of the elegent woman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale wish to
thank their friends and neighbors for
assistance and kindnees during and
after the fire on -Thursday last.
Miss Dorothy Robinson wishes to
thank her many friends and neighbors
for assistance and kindess during and
after the fire on Thursday last.
MCBRIEN.—In loving memory of
W. J. 'Meriden who passed away
one year ago, December 13, 1929.
He bade no one his last farewell,
He waved his hand to none.
His spirit fled before we knew
That he from us had gone.
A husband kind, a father dear, -
A faithful friend when he was here.
—Loving Wife and Family.
2 purebred jersey heifers, 1 yr. old.
Also 1 purebred Guernsey heifer 1 yr.
old, HOMER HUNT, 228 r 12, Sea -
forth. ' 50.
15 ,Rock pullets, for sale. GEORGE
EATON, Winthrop. 50
One splendid Shorthorn bull, "herd
sine," Waterloo Sultan, registered.
One P,olled Angus bull, 26 mos. old.
One Jersey cow, znillcing and,- due
early in March. One Jersey heifer
rising 2 yrs. Two Durham heifers.
rising 2 years. Some good young tur-
key hens and gobblers. HAROLD
PENHALE, Barfield, 52.
eall itiAclitvEvegirltof,obrffuaraitie.feeril:
SHANTZ. 259 Huron st. Rates reas-
onsble. Work called for and delivered.
Mr. R. E. Bright ie making his
snooker golf parlor into a. sixteen
hole coerse with hazlards that will tax
the skill of the most expert golfer.
He hopes to be ready to open in a
few days,
A cattle beast, from lot 10, con. 8,
McKillop, late n October,. Hereford,
red, with white face, weighing about
red, with white face, coming 2 yeers
old. THOMAS MOYLAN, Jr., Dub-
lin, R.R. 1. tf
Comf...rtable living rooms to rent,
Oct. 1st. JOHN BEArDTIE, South
Main Street,
Wednesday, Dec, 10th.
13titter, per lb. 32c
Eggs, per doz. 28c -38c -45c
Potatoes, per bag ...... 1.00
Hogs, per cwt. $9.25-S9.75
Daily. Make
Money Easier.
Men Warateitl.—Quick sure
way to become EXPERTAnto Me-
chanic, Welder, Electrician, Brick-
layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c
per hour, part time, from start.
Advancement in few weeks. Free
Railroad Fare and Employment
Service. Write at once fir Il-
lustrated Booklet,
Commercial Engineering Schools
57 Queen St. W., Toronto,
Suite One Hundred
Evening roles on "Anyone"
(stationao-staion) calls now
begin at 7 pan. Night rates
begin at 8.30 pan, lust give
"Long Distance" the num-
ber you want—it speeds up
the service. If you don't
know the distant number,
"Information" will look it
stP /or yon.
It was wonderful to be engaged but it was miser-
able too because Dick was out on die road all
-week ruid letters were difficult when he moved
around so much.
Then one night, when he was specially lonely,
he telephoned her from his room in the hotel. It
was the nicest present he could have given her
and it cost less than the price of a movie.
It was so easy and it made them both so muds
happier that they arranged regular visits by tele-
phone every Tuesday and Thursday evening — •
moments of affection to remember and look for-
ward to. The weeks seemed only half as long.
Telephoning is the next best thing to being
together. Out -df -town calls are simple, depend.
able, inexpensive — and quicker now than ever
DR. II. HUGH ROSS, Physicists
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, all% ,
nose and throat. Office and reside e#,,
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104,
DR. F .5, BURROWS, Seaforth,
Office and iresidence, Goderich streak,
east of the United Church. Corozal
for the County of Huron. Telephone
No. 46.
DR. C. MA.CKAY.--C. Mackay
honor graduate of Trinity University
and gold medallist of Trinity Itedikei
College; member of the College a
Physicians and Surgeons of 0ntarie4
DR, F. J. R. FORSTER--Eye, Eat
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi,.
cine, University *of Toronto 1897. *-
Late Assistant New York Ophthail.
mic and Aural Instil- le, Afoorefieltre
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos-
pitals, London. England, At Comm.
ercial, Hotel, Seafooth, 3rd Monday In
ea -ch month, from 11 LIU. to 3 pat
DR. W. C. SPROAT.--Graduate oll
Faculty of Medicine, University sal
Western Ontario, London. Meagher
of College of Physicians and Sm.
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharen
Drug Store, Main St., Sealer*
Phone 90.
DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Nord'.
western University, Chicago, Ill. ist-.
centiate Royal College,of Dental Sur.
geons, Toronto. ()Kee over sari
hardware, Main St„ Seaforth, Pon4
DR, F. J. BFCHELY, graduate;
Royal College of Dental Surgeon,,
Toronto. Office over W. R.,Smitiles
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phonon
office 185W, residence 185J.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Ter.)/
0.L.S., Registered Professional Ell•
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute ed
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit-
or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 p.m
and 7 p.m. Office above F'hillipir
Drug Store, Blyth Ont. Phone 6.
Auctioneer for the County Of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sete
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates hi First -Class
MOlUal Fire Insurance Co.
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. --
Directors-dWm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagon;
James Evans, teeehwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erieh; Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No, 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Ageoto-qames Watt, Blyth,
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seafprth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Hohnesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Partial
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Henry Waldstworqlh Longfellow'
Picturized by Edwin Carewe, with
Canadian history reveals no greater
tragedy ,than the deportation of the
French Canadians from Acadia. It's
poignant drama providing the, inspir-
ation for this --one of the finest mas-
terpieces in all literature, read, andl
studied by millions the world over,--
Longfellow's "Evangeline."
It's picture form hos taken! shape
under the guiding hand of the man
Who produced "Ramona" end with the
same principals in the cake, A gen-
uine treat for all lovers 'of the best in
art and literature. -
This Week -End.