The Seaforth News, 1930-08-21, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930.
To all women who pride themselves on their good judgment of
price,,gttality attd service .w'hen they buy food, the name "Superior
Oleain 'Sltares" means everything. Experience has taught thein than
these shores maintain a consistent standard and thsat the surest eco-
nomy is
co-nomy'is to make all their purchases et one, You, too, will find that
your shopping worries are over when you deal tit one of these stores.
• Items for Week Ending August 27, 1930.
P. G WHITE NAPTHA SOAP . , ......... 10 bars
POST'S BIRAIN . , ... ... 2 pkgs, 19c
NEW PACK'ST4AINDAR'D No, 5 SIEVE PEAS, 2's ..3,•tiins 25C
LUX'' "For fine fabrics" . . ...... ...... d. , ..... per pkg. 8 c
HARVEST PURE MARMALADE ...... , . 40 oz, jar 29c
Star Amneonia
Palmolive Seep
French's Mustard, "Cor Meats, Fish & IWeiuers"
Fly Tox
Elark'•s Catsup
Royal York Tea, % lb. pkg. ....28c 1 lb. pkg
McLaren% Inrvincible Quick Tapioca
Derby Loaf Cheese "Speeads or Slices"
Family (Blend Tea
Good Old. Tuckebt's Marguerite Cigars -Buy in packs
"The Motorist's Cigar"
Green: Giant Peas, 2s,
Keen's Mustard, %'s 25c 54's
Best Cocoanut
Pumpkin, large size, 2 e's
S.O.S. Cleaner, 3 pads ...14c 6 pads
Learland Sweet Mixed Pickles
Today, "Serve IHot or Cold" 5lb. .....33c 1 lb.
Magic White "For Bleaching Clothes"
Parowrax, .1 ib.,,pkgs.
Rubber, each 15c Wire each 10c:
Fly S'"Fors and Jellies" ........,.,..... each 29c..
Certo, •l or Jams J per. b. 19c
Fig Bars, "Fresh and Tasty" ......... .. 1
Sohneider's Smoked Boneless Back Bacon, in the piece, ....46c
Schneider's Mealed'Boneless /3ack Bacon, in the piece • 39c
2 pkgs. 15"
per Min 23c
2 cakes 17c.
each 13c
S oz. bottles 45c
per bottle 19c
2 pkgs. 25c
per 1b. 33c
1 lb. pkg. 39c
of 5's
each 10c
per tin 24c
• 49c
per ib, 25c
2 tins 25c
30 oz'43c
per battle 10c
2.for 250'.
Ross J. Sproat
A. Jeffery Rhone
Phone 8
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services,
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaford',, Creamery Seaforth,Ont.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned. ` and
Chas., A. Kowey
Phone 327-J. Centre: St
D, H. Mclnnes.
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seatorth.
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons'
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Wo J, Walker & Son
'Motor or Horse Equipment
W J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers •Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Want and For Sale ,Ads; 3 times --50e
"Business as Usual"
John was "just married"—but busi-
ness had to go on, When he Was out
on the road, he got in the habit of
telephoning his wife from whatever
town he' was staying in. It was such
an easy, convenient way, and their
nightly talks became treasured mo-
ments of the week. ,
Mr. !J., Newcombe and Miss .Addle
Bell were visitors at the home of Mr. O
Robs. Wallace last 'Wednesday,
Miss Mildred iHilborn 'Spent Sunday C
with Miss .Minnie Yeo.
Master Jimmy and • Miss . Mary
Laidlaw spent a few days last week k
with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs, Geo. Charter.
Mr, John 'Price was the guest of
Mr, Cloyd Johnston on Sunday,
Miss Margaret Johnston visited
with Miss Mildred'H•iliborn last week.
Mr, and Mrs.Jahn Riley, Eileen h
and Helen of Jamestown, spent Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Nichol- a
Mr, and Mrs. J. 5. Chuff, Miss Janet
Chuff and Miss Margaret 'Thompson
are spending a week's vacation at
Honey Harbor, Muskoka.
Mr. end Mrs. Edgar Brownlee and
baby Kenneth ,of Windsor; Miss Mar-
garet Chanter, and Mr. Elroy Brown-
lee, of 'Loudon, are visiting at the
home of Mr, and. Mrs, George Brown -
Miss Corinne 'o h r isin '
C H t a n visiting m
Mr. and Mrs. • Herb Hotham of
Lambeth, called on Mr. and Mrs. 3.,
Hotham one day last week.
Miss Nora Quigley has returned to -
Toronto after speudiing the hoi'idays
at Mr. James Nolait's. She'was - ac-
companied by 1Vliss Vera Nolan who
intends spending some time in the
city. -
June and Bessie' (Bray of Toronto
are spending; a couple of weeks with
Grace Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Sclater, Helen
and Marion,have returned f- -
d tont Tor
Mr, and Mrs, . Will Lynder of Ha-
milton, and Mr. Bert .Davidson, of
Vancouver, visited their aunt, Mrs.
James Archibald, and also Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Porteous, .Mr, Davidson,
who is attending the British Empire
games at Herhillbon is manager „ o:f
Percy Williams, who has *on distin'c-
tion as tine world's swiftest runner. `-
Mrs. Edwta.rd Price returned to her
home in Rochester, N.Y., after spend-
ing two weeks at the home of .her
parents,, 112r. and Mrs. James Morri-
Miss Ola Reid, who has been visit-
nig Miss Leone Hotham, has returned.
to her home in Exeter. •
Mr. Davis E. Morrisons of Niagara
Falls, Ont., and Mr. Edward Trice of
Rochester, N.Y., spent Sunday at the
home of the formers parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. Janes Morrison.
Misses lilary and Gertrude Mat-
thews and Sadie and Lulu Hart are
camping for two weeks at Bayfield.
Mrs, William !Smith of 'Welton was
a eeeek end visitor at the home of her
brother,•Mr. W. H. Sholdice, and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Bolton (form-
erly Belle Lockhart) and their family
of Moorebown, Ont., motored over and
were , visiting old neighbors and
f'rien'ds:' '"
Miss Tltelnsa' Johhston 'is visiting
Ws§ Vincent at Little Current.
Mr. Charles Ross, ,of Toronto pol-
ice .force, spent the. week-ettd . with
his mother, Mrs. Isabella Ross,,Cen-
tre .street.
Mrs. Wm. Sclater, Mrs. L. Kruse
and son 'Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Finlayson spent Sunday in Auburn.
Mr, J, Hotham made a business
tripto Ingersoll,
g d. t 1.
c and
LPndon on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sholdice were
visitors in Galt on Sunday.
T h 1
and el r
t�'�r, a Were
a uuH ., _ nd
d+a visitors s
Y tors withClinton'
C ton f tend'
Jack Hathary
s ent a week
with hisgrandmother,
AMrs. fZotha
of Delaware,
Mr, L. C. Lippsardt of Everett,
Wash„ is visiting with his uncle, ,Mr.
Sam. Gottschalk. He will also visit
with' friends 'in Zurich, Elmira, 'Go-
derich and Brussels, Mr. Lippsardt
is a native of Ontario, going west for-
ty years ego, but has visited here a
number of times since then. He
made the trip of 3,000 miles in twelve
Clays by motor. Drought conditions in
the mid -Western States are bad, Mr,
Lippsardt reports. At one town the
day he passed through, three carloads
of horses from the farms were sold et
$6 each.
Mr. George -Brownlee has returned
home after spending a month et New-
Recent visitors at 3lr. and sirs. J.
Hothani's were Mr. W. Robertson and
Miss Rhea Brown of Delaware, and
Mrs. Sweet and ivlrs. Reid of Exeter
Mrs. Graham and daughter, Miss
Ruth Graham, and Mr. Lee Aiken, of
Buffalo, and Mrs. Landford, of New
York, spent the vetek-end with` Mr,
and Mrs. A. L. Porteous. Mr. Aitken
is a nephew of Mr. Porteous and Mrs.
Graham is a niece. Mrs. Graham is
remaining for a two weeks' visit,
Mrs. Donald Shaw and two little
sons, N.eih and !Gordon, of Ridgetown,
were guests last week of Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Sproat.
Mr. G. J, Coleman and family, Eg-
mondville, attended the funeral at
Lucknow Wednesday . afternoon of
left's. James Webster, mother. of Mrs.
Coleman, who has 'been at her bed-
side. Mrs. Webster passed away on
Monday, August 114.
Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Kenchen of
wen Sound, whose marriage took
lace at Owen Sound on Monday, ac-
ompanied by Mrs. Kenchen Sr., were
uests of the fornter's sister, Mrs. 'W,
d. (Golding. The bride and groom
ft Wednesday for Saginaw, Mich
Mr. and ,Mrs. Heath of Listowel
were visitors 'in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ro'bt. McKinley M-
end leaving (Saturday with their son,
r. John MdKinley and Mrs. :Ke-
nney, for the latter's home in Win-
ipeg, (following the sale of their
ousehold effects on Thursday. A
great many 'friends of both Mr, and
bIt's. McKinley regrettheir de -
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Long of P
Cranibrook and Mrs. Alex. Russel of
Brussels, also, Charles -and Harold L
Cunningham were guests at Mrs.'Nei- vi
son Nidhoison's on !Sunday::
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Granby, also .W
Mr, and Mrs. Russel 'Bradshaw of d
Jamestown, 'visited Mr. Thos. IGrasby Rn
on Sunday.
Mr. Mr. and Mrs. 11„ Raynard of
uckiiow spent several days. hast
eek visiting re'Itt,tives in town and
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Little left on
ednesday'•after spending several
ays 'with the latter's parents, Mr.
id Mrs. J. A. Wilson. They will
rive at Iroquois Fails next Tuesday,
siting friends en route.
Mr. Chas. Hays of Detroit is visit
g Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays.
Mr. Thos. Soole and two 'sisters,
isses Mary and Jennie ISoole of 'To-
nto spent Monday to Wednesday
th Mrs. L. T. DeLacey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and chit- a
dren of Jamestown spent Tuesday Vi
with Mr. and Mrs, John Granby. in
Mr, and 'Mrs. Thos."S'hoebottom of
Beligrave,a're spending few days with M
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs: Nornsair Shepherd er
and family visited at the home of th
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Reid of Blyth, of
Mr. and Mrs, John T. Knox of Cal- D
ertenia, visited at the home of Mr. and Su
bins, Isaac Rapson Friday.
Mrs. Bert Allen, Mrs. Charles Par-
Mrs. A. W. MSEhving and Mrs. Bu
William Bell have taken children• from its
the !Fresh Air Camp, Toronto, for he
two weeks. G
Ile. and Mrs. Charles Leiper are
entertaining Toronto friends.
Mrs. Richard Winters of 1St Ca la -
ices and Mrs. Geo, Watt of Cha
am spent a ,few days the beginning'
hhe'week with Miss 'Stephens.
3/Er. Albert Robinson and his w;ie,
r. Robinson, of Clevehrand, left an
.nd'ay after spending a few days
th his aunt, Miss Margaret Dorsey.
Misses Ann and Kate Henderson of
{'Talo spent last week at the Com
ercial and called' on their friends
re. They left on Sunday for
Miss Mary Hays of Toronto is
spending a month with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hays.
• Miss Jean Scott of Toronto and
Miss Frances, Burchill of Brussels
were guests of the Misses Brine last
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton and
daughter of Syracuse, N,Y, spent the
week -end with 'Mrs. Hamilton's de-
ter, Mrs. J. A. Case, and Mr. Case,
Miss Margaret Case, who has been
holidaying at her home, returned to
Detroit with them,
Miss i Ann
to Rossof Toronto is the
guest of Miss Lottie Thompson.
They will spend the week with Mr.
and Mrs. 'J. W. Thompson, in Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Webster of
Toronto were week -end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs: John
Miss Ethel McDougall of Detroit is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry
Hoggar•bh. -
Miss Kate Broad'foot is Rending a
week visiting friends et Guelph and
Port Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Calder and lit-
tle, son are spending, their vacation
with the latter's parents , Mr. and
Mrs: Adapt. Heys,
_hiss Elizabeth 'Willson.of Detroit
is spending a holiday with her sister,
Mrs. W. G. Willis. .
Miss Marion Watson of Rochester,
N.Y., is visiting her father, Mr. Jas.
Mrs, John Berry of Ottawa left on
Wednesday wiser spending a week the
guest of the"Misses Cresswell.
Mr, and' Mrs. Homer :Hunt attend-
ed the Catnpbeil-lHunt 'wedding in fi i-
ron,to on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silverthorne
of Toronto, ere visiting her • parents,
.Mr. and _Mrs, William Freema,t.
Miss Libby F;:eeman is visiting in
Cleveland. •
Mr. and Mrs,"Daivid Mole, Mr, and
Mrs, Russell Male and Mr, Maxwell
Mole returned on Saturday tp Ro-
chester, N.Y., after holidaying in this
Mr. Ernie,,hittenden and daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Padgett
and family of Toronto were guests on
Sunday with Mrs. llrm. .licMichael,
Mr, and Mrs. Graham of Stratford,
sent undo with h r. and S y I 3Mrs. Ed.
Male and 'family.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Guelph
spent a -few days with :Mrs. Stewart's
'aunt and uncle, Mr. and firs. A.
Mr. Keith Webster who had one
leg injured lest 'Tuesday morning by
a bull in his father's barn in Ttck-
ersmith, will soon be able to be
Mrs, John Davis and son Fred,
Mrs. Guy Richards of Detroit; Mr.
and 3Mrs, Jos. Robinson and some
friends, also of Detroit, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Robinson ,for
Davisseveral days. Mrs. Davand Mrs.
Richards 'will stay for some time pn
account of their father's e s serious illness.
'Mr. James P vi t
of Guelph,
the .week -end with Mr.
, taoin /ilk
kinder. who otvasthe
gtient of Miss
Henry for
two wool.hitt,
s back with
Mrs. R. Harford, her son Mc
Charlie Harford and her mother, Mrs,
Geo, Duncan of Woodstock, and Mr.
and Mrs, T, 5, McKinney of;. Guelph,
were guests of Mrs, 'Wm. McMichael
on Monday.
Mr, Fred Jackson is visiting Dr.
Clarkson at his summer camp on
Lake Tereagami,
Mr. Fred Powell of Philadelphia
is the guest of•ltis sister, Mrs, L. C.
Jackson, this week.
7fr. Earl Webster has been engaged
to teach for the corning year u't Grand
Mrs. W. J. Hart of Stratford was in
town for the week -end calling oe
Miss Ger•tie Abell of Montreal and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lidigate of
Toronto were visiting their uncle, Mr.
John ,Abell.
Mr. John Abell spent the week -end'
in Toronto calling on friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best of To-
ronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Gillespie, 'James street.
Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hildebrandt
were in Kitchener over the week -end.
Mrs. Thompson and Miss Vera
Thompson of Chatham were guests
of the former's cousin, Miss Margaret
Jackson, this week.
Miss Mary Jackson has been en-
gaged to teach in a school in Kent
Mr, and Mrs. W. Grassie of Van-
couver will arrive !Saturday for an. ex-
tended visit at the Queen's.
Miss •Florence Fowler visited friends
in St. Marys on Wednesday,
Dr. and Mrs, Harbttra are spending
a week at Brantford, Niagara Falls
and Port Colborne.
:Vir. and !Mrs. A. D. Armstrong and
Margaret accompanied by Dr. and
Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, Mitchell; Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Armstrong of Minn
ico, and lir. and Mrs. F. Batt of
London, motored to Lucknow to at-
tend the Armstrong-3furdie wedding
on Tuesday.
Mr, Moore, truck -driver for ide-
A Word to
Auto Owners
for the new amendment to the
which comes into force on .
SEPTEMBER 1st, 1930
Drop in and let us explain to
you just what is required un-
der the new amendment.
Nothing to worry about if you
have a policy in the
of London, England.
One of the strongest in the British
Issued by
A. Do Sutherland
Conveyancing, Real Estate
Investments Etc..
Coll-Frontenac Oil Co„ and family,
have moved here from Goderich and
are ,occupying Mr, E. :Mole's resid-
ence, James s1.
Grain Wanted—Pool and cash .grain
wanted. Vire are prepared to pay you
the Highest possible price and furnish
you with bags and supply trucks, We
specialize un Aeas,Be sere and get our
Phone 54, Hensall.
Harvesting is the chief occupation,
also stook threshing.
Mr, and Mrs. John Meagher attend-
ed the Meagher-Sc'hummei• wedding
in Guelph on letonclay last.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm -Stapleton spent,
Sunday in Marden, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Stapleton,
liiss Lucy Burke has returned from
a visit to Midland and Muskoka dis-
trict. '
Congratulations are to be extended
to thie teachers and pupils. of Dublin
Continuation School on the splendid.
showing of the Middle School re-
sults. The following have completed
their Junior Matriculation and ent-
rance to Normal: Marion Dill, Viola
Feeney, Patrick McConnell, Rose Mc-
Connell None McGrath, Dorothy
Moiyneaux, Joseph °Rourke, Zech-
ariah Ryan.
Congratulations to Master John
McGrath who for the past year has
been attending the Stratford Colleg-
iate Institute and who has been suc-
cessful in obtaining his full Upper
School certifieate, taking honours in
eight out of his nine subjects.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil O'Connell and
Annie Watters of Detroit motored to
Dublin on Saturday, where Annie is
spending her vacation.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Rpan on the arrival of a young
Mr.' and Mrs.. Dan Creman. of De-
troit are visiting at She home of Mrs.
Patrick Ryan Sr.
Mr, and Mrs. John Kline of Pont-
iac, Mich., are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey.
_lir. and Mrs. George Holland and.
fatnhlly spent Sunday at Stratford.
Mr, Joseph McConnell, accompan-
ied by his aunt, Mrs, Byrne and his
grandmother, Mrs. Carpenter, spent
the day in 'Grand Bend al the lake
Mt. and Mrs. Stanley `Bloodsworth
attd son Frank and daughter Vera
have •returned to Toronto after two
weeks visit with Mrs. G. Diegel.
•lir. Lionel Beale has returned to
his home in Stratford after a nice vis-
it with his grandmother, sirs: C.
Mr, Joseph Lerner returned to his
11 f
home in the village e a ler n x a extended
visit with friends in Hamilton anti
othertt i
o .
P t 5
The many friends ds of Mr. . Joseph
amnion will be sorryto hear
he fel t '
from a building i l'
dntg fn Detroit and
^ish hint
brokehi leg. l'� a w! a Reedy
a 8 P. }
recvvery. Joe has many warm
ui this tillagi9,
3Mr, dltd Mrs. Joe 'Maloney and itr,
and sirs. Gib Murray of 3icKillop
were guests of Mr. end .firs, Martin
Murray of the village, .
'Miss Beth Hicknell has returned to
sugar, per cwt, $4.99 cash.Flour, per cwt:' $3.75 cash
Salada Tea, per ib. 53c
Red. Salmon, per 1 Ib. tin 30c
Bread, 3 loaves
for 25c
Saturday only. Phone early that your order may be cared for,
Pure Manilla Rope 75c' a Lb.
Paint Greatly Reduced for One Week.
Floor Enamel and Regular Colors, -Quarts, reg. 1.40, for $1.10
Pints, reg, 75c for 60c
Flat Colors, Quarts, reg. $1.40 for 95c
Pints, reg. 75c, for
Hard Eu555
Enamel, quarts; reg. $1.7x5 for • � 1.35
Pints, reg. 9�0c, for
(These prices 75c
p es apply only on present stock.)
s All kinds of oil on hand . at all times. Raw, boiled and machine
separator oil,
Cream and eggs taken in trade, or will pay cash,
H. F. Berry
To give you the Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with
Highest Quality,
The Home of Buttermilk Scones—have you tried them?
Variety of Breads improves every meal,
Buns, Cakes, Pies and Cookies always on hand.
Finger Rolls 2 doz. 25c
(If we please you, tell others; if not, tell us)
Te R. Anderson
her duties after two weeks' holidays.
Miss Mary Beale is on her vacation
for two weeks.
,Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling and
Mr. and Mrs. James Redmond spent
Sunday in Dungannon with W. H.
Carpenter and Mrs. Carpenter.
Mr. and firs. Ales. Gordon and
two daughters of Stratford were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Darling on Sunday.
'bliss Margaret Strubb of Kitchener
is visiting iter grandmother, Mrs. T.
Mir. Dentis Mohyneaux of Chicago,
Il.u., spent a week with his mother of
the village. sirs. Thomas lfolyneaux
accompanied him black for a :,se,
weeks visit.
st the history of the
Vuiage has a more general sadness
prevailed than when word wasP assed
!rem one to another On Wednesday
afternoon of od the
death of Josephthe Keyssof Nagle of De-
troit, that his bright young life had
d to hie eternal P a rest, at the early
age or twenty-one years However, it
Was fitly during the last few days of
his illness the critical nature of hie
ailment was realized. This fact served
to intensify the shock which his litany
friends received when they learned of
his death. 3eeph was a boy of a
very fine character, and a very loving
disposition, slways ready to assist in
every good work. Although :his early
demise is deeply deplored, it is con-
soling- to know that he received all of
the hast rites of the Roman Catholic
Church, of which' he was a devout
member. His remains were brouglid
from Detroit on Wednesday ,night
and were taken to 'Mr: Bod's under-
taking parlors and were leit in state
there until Thursday morning at 10
o'clock, when the large cortege fol -
leaved the remains. to the Catholic
Church, Mitchell, where High 'Mass
waa ,ung by hu; eouaitt, Rev. Father
3ltt• arty, of Sarnia,, and Plother Brick -
lilt, of Dublin. The large funeral of
dear friends of Dublin
shoved that,.
Tosenh ,sa it Friend all.• The sym-
pathy of ttcconuunttY is exnded
td at -a::
.the l
•u rec
.ioninMitchell Catholic cemetery--:„.„,
enetetY— .,to ins iuJ"broken-hearted mother in
her sad hon -.Intern ,t teak lace
thatest in pea know no death. -May his
soul c:'
were Martin Klinkhammer, Joseph
Carpenter, Michael Nicholson. Mich-
ael Ragan, Edw. O'Hetarn. 5. C.,stello.
Many friends attended the. funeral
from Detroit.
Seaforth Branch
C nvenience
Daily. 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat.,
9,30 to 5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
to 9.30 p.m.
EXTRA hoursI That is one of the Key.
notes of the banking service provided fol
you by the Province of Ontario Savings
Open at nine thirty aim, 1 How convenient
this early opening is to thousands of Ontario
And the doors stay open until five p.m.!
These extra hours at the end of the day pro.
vide an exceptional opportunity for you to
make deposits without undue hurry. r
On Saturdays, none of the Province of On-
tario Savings Offices close until one o'clock
and most of them keep open during the after-
noon and evening of that day.
Remember, too—you can, withdraw as well
as deposit anytime during these extended
Seventeen Branches Throughout Ontario.