The Seaforth News, 1930-08-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Hydro Commission. — The regular
monthly meetingof the local' hydro
commission was 'held on Monday ev-
ening with all the members present.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and adoptedon motion of Moore
and Higgins, A communicationn was
read from the Ontario Power Com-
mission that they recommended a re-
bate to the town for street lighting to
the amount ' of $78.85. The rate for
power to be $50.00 per horse power
and the rate to. domestic users to be
3%c for the first 55 k.w. and over that
1;..4 cents. It is the intention' bf the
Ontario Power Commission to re-
build the lite from Exeter to Hen-
hall this fall. Heavier wire will •lee put
in where necessary. A carload of
poles is already here to . start the
work. A number of bills were pres-
ented.and ordered paid, after which
the Commission adjourned.
Mr. and firs. Pete Buchanan of To-
ronto' are .holidaying with relatives
here. •
Mr, and Mrs. J. Swan of Toronto
are visiting at the home -af Mr.
Swans parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex.
Sayan, .
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Higgins and
Mr. Alvin 'Higgins of Brussels, ac-
companied by Miss Maude Higgins
of Win.glram spent Sunday at the
hone of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hig-
Quite a number from here were in
Exeter Sunday attending the Salva-
tion Army Band concert in Victoria
Mrs. Samuel Steacy and son Jack
of Detroit were week end visitors
with friends here.
Mr. A. Butts of Toronto is visiting
at the home of his sisters, Mrs. J.
Murdock, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Din-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess were vis-
iting relatives in Exeter on Saturday.
Council Meeting. — The regular
monthly meeting of the village coon -
:it was held on Mlon'day evening with
Councillor Consitt absent. The min-
utes of the last meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Petty and
Ortwein. In the report of commit-
tees Councillor Petty took up the
gravelling to be done this fall es
some of the streets were needing it
badly, The reeve stated he intended
getting in a power grader and grade
the streets before the gravelling was
done. Councillor Ortwein reported
that the catch basins on the London
Road had been rebuilt, as the old ones
were under the shoulders of the new
pavement. The reeve reported that
the Hydro Commission were given a
rebate on the street lighting of $78.85,
a check having been turned over to
the town treasurer for this amount
and that the rates being charged for
Hydro service would be the same es
last year. A number of accounts
were presented and ordered paid, on
talon of Petty and Cameron. A
bylaw (No, 6) was given its several
readings on motion of Petty and Ca -
mer n, This was authorizing- the
corral to raise $407,00 to pay Hen-
sa:l e share of the Black Creek drain
exlensi•:n. The [pinion of the comi-
c.: was not to issue debentures for
this amount but to raise one mill ex-
tra n our assessment and pay for the
dra extension. Considerable dis-
cos,..n took place as to bringing in a
'nr'ew bell bylaw compelling all chit-
drer under 16 years of age to be off
the streets by nine o'clock at night.
It was finally moved by Councillors
Ortwein and Petty that the clerk pre-
pare a bylaw that all children under
16 Near. 1 age must be off the streets
at i clock in the evening unless ac-
companied by their parents or guard -
:an. The constable is to ring the bell.
The council intend meeting on Friday
evening to pass the bylaw. The next
regular meeting of the council will be
held cin Monday evening, September
8. when the tax rate will be struck for
the year
TO SHOW a profit on the farm at the end of the year it is
necessary to cut production costs down to rock bottom these
days. Farmers all over the world are gradually turning to
Power Farming,' as e' means to make their farms pay.
McOORMIOK,DEERING Tractors are serving 'faithfully
in every community. They are looked upon by satisfied own-
ers as the standard farm tractor,
There are three sizes in the McCormick -Deering Tractor
line `the 10-20, Farman, and 15-t30--a-size for every farm.
McOORMICK-DEE.RING Horse Drawn and Tractor
Binders are descendants of a century old line of harvesting
machinery which gave complete satisfaction to our .fathers,
grandfathers and great grandfathers. This heavy croP is
going to tax a binder to the utmost. Will your old machine
stand. the test ? Come in and inspect the new McCormick -
Deering, famous for light draught, clean cutting, and efficient
tying of bundles.
W. C.
Anniversary services were held in
Blake Church on Sabbath, August
10th. Rev. Mr. Hogg of Clinton,
conducted the services morning and
The young people of Blake are
holding en ice cream social on Thurs-
day evening, August 14th, on Mr. Ro-
bert McBride's lawn, Goshen Line.
Lloyd Scotchmer, Fred Watson and
Harold Penhale were , at Toronto
Monday of this week.
Mrs. A. J. McDonald, Me, and Mrs,
Gordon Manson and children of Dun -
'las spent the week -end with Mrs. J.
A. Manson.
Miss Grace Manson of London is
at present visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Manson.
Mrs, Menno Steckie Jr. and Mrs.
Peter Gingerich were at Elmira last
week seeing their father who was in-
jured in a motor accident on Monday
last. We are glad to know Mr. Mus-
elman is progressing satisfactorily.
Misses Maribel and Jean Carrie at-
tended the annual reunion of the Al-
llan and Drysdale families at Port
Huron on Wednesday last,
Miss Jessie Tough is at present vis-
iting relatives and friends at Galt and
Miss Mary Campbell and Miss Me-
linda Steckle have returned home af-
ter an enjoyable visit at Goderich.
Mr. James McNain of Ashfield vis-
ited at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Roy McBride on Sabbath.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ifess and children of Hensall,
Mr, and Mrs, G. Howard and Miss
Evelyn of Exeter visited at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Carnie on
Miss Jean Carnie returned with Mr,
and Mrs. Howard to Exeter for a few
Mrs. J. M. C. Tough of Bayfield
visited her brothers, J. A. and Will
Genie last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart, Helen and
Charlie Hart of Toronto are visiting
Mr_. G. King. Mr. Hart returned to
To onto on Sunday.
Dr. E. P. and Mrs. Lewis who
spent the oast week with Mrs. N. W.
Woods, returned to Toronto on Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Patterson and
daughter who have been guests with
their cousin. Rev. F. H. Paull, re-
turned to Toronto on Wednesday.
Dr, Wm. M.' Donald, prominent
Detroitspecialist, was the guest of Dr.
and Mrs, A. S. Atkinson at their cot-
tage over the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Cameron and
children and Miss Helen Cameron of
Detroit were guests over the week-
end with Miss E. Cameron. Miss
Mildred Cameron is remaining for a
visit with her sister.
Mrs. McDonald and son Carl of
Windsor are visiting Miss M. Mc-
i- ger.
Mrs, Eric York and babe of Toron-
to are guests with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mr, and
Mrs. W. B. Ferguson and
family who have been summering in
the Cunningham cottage, returned
home to Toronto on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Speed and babe,
Mr, and
Mrs, W. McClinch-
ey h
ey or Dunnville, Ill., are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs, H. McClinchey.
Misses Paull who have spent the
past week with Rev. and Mrs. F. H.
Paull, returned to Toronto on Wed-
Misses Ruth Fisher and Ploy Ed-
wards attended' the Erwin -(Schultz
wedding at Kitchener on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Erwin of Kit-
chener :spent the week -end with their
aunt, Mrs, F. A. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierson .Grieve and
babe who spent the past week as
guests at the Albion Hotel, returned
to Buffalo on Monday.
The Worry -Saver
Mother [pent a 'few weeks every
Visitingrelatives. ve The family.
managed' to "get along" somehow,
but it wasn't easy. Mother started to
telephone home every so often to ask
about things and to offer suggestions,
It certainly helped matters and re-
lieved D'ad's mind of a lot of *tarry!
Persian Balm is alluringly fragrant.
Adds e charming refinement to the
most finished appearance. Creates
and preserves complexions - of sur-
passing loveliness and texture, Soft-
ens and whitens the hands. Cools and
dispels all irritation castled by weath-
er conditions. Swiftly absorbed by the
tissues leaving never a vestige of
stickiness. A peerless toilet requisite.
Invaluable to all women who care for
elegance and distinction,
Mr, Robert Stephenson and son
Herbert spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Stephenson of Walker-
ton. Miss Rena who spent a 'few
days with her brother, returned home
with them.
Mr. Mac. McAllister of Toronto
spent a few days with relatives in this
1'fisses Eileen Turner and Gladys
Stephenson are spending a few days
with friends in Michigan.
Mrs. J. Steacy and son Jack and
friend of Detroit, spent the week end
at the home of Mr, William Jarrott
and daughter Annie.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the anniversary services at
Blake on Sunday.
Mr. Clarence Reichert of London
business college spent the week end
at has home.
The service was conducted on Sun
day afternoon in the Hillsgreen
church by Mr. Leech of Hamilton. A
very pleasing solo was given by Mrs.
A joint meeting of the Kippen and
Hillsgreen ladies was held on Friday
afternoon in St. Andrew's Church,
Kippen. Mrs, (Rev.) Lane of Sea -
forth, was the special speaker and
spoke on the Conference Branch of
the Presbyterial meeting held in Go-
derich, which proved to be very ins-
piring and helpful to those present.
Those attending from the Hillsgreen
auxiliary were Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mrs,
Ross Love, Miss Annie Jarrott and
Mrs. R. McAllister and Mrs. W. Tur-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love and daugh-
ters, Misses Anna and Agnes, were
recent visitors with Mrs. Anderson of
Mr. H, R. Samuels of Toronto was
this week busy getting his barley crop
threshed on the Babylon line.
Threshing is now the order of the
rlay in this vicinity.
Fall Wheat
To our old customers and as
many new ones as it is possible
to serve, we wish to remind you
we will have fertilizer for you all.
Ruhm's 33 p.c. phosphate, Tan-
guay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar-
mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c.
acid phosphate.
These grades have made excel-
lent showing this spring.
Ask our customers and find out
for yourself. Don't be in a hurry
to sign an order, as' we always
use you right as to price, qttal-
ity and service.
WM. M.R:.T
SP A'�
or any representative agent,
OfHousehold• Effects.—At the re-
sidence of. ;Mr. Robert McKinley,
Goderich street west, Seaforth, on
Thursday August 2155, at 1.30 p.m.,
the following.
4 piece walnut parlor suite, oak
hallrack, 2 sideboards, ' 1 extension
table, 1 drop leaf table, 3 small tables;
2 couches, 1 Morris chair, 3 rockers,
6 diners, 7 kitchen 'chairs, 2 four-
poster beds, 2 beds, ' 3 dressers,‘ 3
Washstands, 4' bedsprings, feather
ticks 'ansi pillows, 3 mattresses, Con-
goleum' rug and linoleum, carpets, 1
cookstove, 1 Quebec heater, 1 3 -burn-
er Florence- coal oil stove with oven, ,
1 coal` oil heater, 1 bookcase, 1 Davis
sewingmachine, kitchen cupboard,
fruit cupboard, odd dishes and seal -
era, flour bin,' flower .stands and port-
ted 'plants, copper boiler; wash,' bench
and wringer, 1 kitchen srool, cooking'.
utensils; pictures, set of scales, step
ladder, grindstone, 'Daisy churn,
scythe (new), wheelbarrow, lawn
mower, 2 five -gallon coal'oil cans and
articles too numerous to mention.
Robert McKinley, prop.; Geo. H.
Ell'io'bt, `auctioneer.
Word has been received of the
death of Mrs. Peter Campbell of
M'oosejaw, a former resident of Stan-
Miss Gladys Mountain returned to
her home on Saturday after a week's,
visit with London friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths and family
spent S'und'ay with Mr. and Mrs. 3.
Yungblut of Constance.
Mr. Eph. Gray is home from
Guelph where he has been• attending
college. •
Mr: and Mrs. Robert Caldwell and
Mr. and Mrs. W. IG. Ross spent Sun-
day with friends in the village.
Miss Bernice Emmerton, of Toronto
is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. D.
D. Roberton
Miss Jennie Cowan of Blyth spent
the week end the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Townsend,
Mr. Peter Brown is in Montreal
this week.
Miss Arnett visited with Mrs. Har-
old Adams recently. -
Miss Laurly, Young returned home
on Tuesday after visiting with Wing -
ham friends.
Rev.. Will and Mrs. England are
visiting at the home of his parents in
the village... Mr.'Finglend preached a
very able sermon. on Sunday in Knox
Church • to large gathering.
Mr. 'and Mrs, Jas. Fairservice en-
tertained a number of their friends 6n
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Risley spent
Sunday with IsIr. and Mrs. James El-
sley of. the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Postle visited
with Mrs. Tamblyn on Sunday.
Miss E Lyon returned to her home
on Monday after a pleasant visit with
Palmerston friends.
Miss Ella Armstrong spent Sunday
with her brother in the village, Msu'
John 'Armstrong,
Mr. and Mrs. Millar and family mo-
tored to Komoka on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McCool, Mr. and Mrs
H. Moon and Miss Alberta were
guests at the home of Mr. Chas. Ruda
dell on Sunday.
Mrs McCall is visiting her father,
Mr. Jas, Wells of Walton this week.
Miss Beryl Calendar of Hartney,
Man., visited her atint, . Mrs. Taylor,
on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Snell and family
of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Tamblyn.
The August meeting of the Wo-
men's Association was held August 7
at the home of Mr. Chas. Reid. The
work period was spent in quilting and
other needlework. The devotional
period was led by Mrs. Rattenbury
while Mrs, Stevens led in prayer. The
president then took the chair. The
roll call was then answered by
"Simple Home Remedies" after which
Mrs. Jamieson gave a very helpful
talk on "First Aid." A delicious lunch
was served by the hostess, Mrs, Jam-
Mrs. Montgomery of Tiverton was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alex.
Mustard this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hilland daugh-
ter of Moosejaw, Sask., are visiting at
the hone of the former's mother,
Mrs. George Iii11 at present.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johns and son
Kenneth were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. JamesMcQueen last week.
Mr. and
Mrs.J Cornish ish and Mrs.
G. Hill attended the, funeral of the
former's sister-in-law, Mrs. Cornish,
at Elimville last Sunday.
Miss Edna Bremner of the Seaforth
Memorial- Hospital spent last Sunday
at her home in the village.
Nurse Grata Mustard of Gypsum -
vine, is visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Mustard
at present.
Mr, and Mrs. Monteith and family,
London spent the week end at the
home of the latter'.s mother, Mrs.
Janet Ross.
Mrs. Bryan of London was a guest
at the home of Mrs. Jas. McDonald
fast week.
Mr. and Mrs, Gottschalk of Bad
Axe, Mich visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Z'apfe and other
friends in the village lest week.
Mr, and
M s, Dan Ai n
kz h
a d
dau liter
g orF Winnipeg, are visitors at
the home ni the former's brother, Mr.
William Aikenhead and other friends
in the vicinity at present.
Miss Margaret Aikenhead is spend-
ing her vacation at the home of her
Miss Edythe Beacon who was vis-
iting friends in Grey Township last
week, returned home Sunday.
Misses Ida and Edith Jwsling visit-
ed at the home of their friend, Miss
Marie Rapson Sunday.
Mrs, James Chowen and baby vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs.
Thomas Knox Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox also
Messrs. Wm. and Audrey motored to
Toronto Sat. night, returning home
Sunday. They attended the funeral
of the late Thomas Knox of Picker-
Miss Illeen Knox of Caledonia is
holidaying with her cousin; Miss
Marie Rapson.
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt and fam-
ily'visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. McTaggart of Walton Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Bickel' of Seaforth
is spending a`'few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Al'l'en,
Miss Amy Parsons is visiting with
her friend, Miss Grace McEwen, of
Stanley Tow'nsh'ip.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reid of Wanton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 2vMartin Edwin
and Ernie Martin of Sunshine, were
afternoon visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. David Reid. Mr. and Mrs.
Huron Roadalso
Glias. Mann of the
called in the evening, and a number
of other friends
Miss Eupheania Reid of Calgary,
wire has been visiting, with Mr, and
Mrs. B. Allen for the .past two, weeks
is now visiting Blyth friends. -
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, who
were visiting their many friends here
over the civic holiday, returned to
To onto Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Rogerson' and babyare
at present visiting at the home of the
.Dormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da-
vid Raid.
90 Pounds ROLLED OATS ....a............
RED ROSE TEA, per pound ....
LIYTON''S TEA, per pound
Buy in Egmondville.,
Tenders will be received by John
Malay, Clerk, R. R. 2, Seaforth, un-
til 3 p.m., Saburdfay, August 30, 1930,
for construction of Henderson. Drain.
Length including three brandies,
5,535 feet of 'open drain,, and 8;7512 feet
of covered drain. Tenders are to be
in the form ofa lump sum, and must
be accompanied by a marked cheque
payable to the "Treasurer, of Mc
Kahl) Township for 5 per cent. of
atmdunt bid. The work is to be com-
menced within one month front a-
warding of contract and completed
on or before November 30; 1930.
Plans and specifications may be seen
at office of the Clerk. 54
The Treasurer of MciK•illop Town-
ship ivtill be at his office, Lot 26,
Concession 5, on Friday afternoon,
August 22nd, to receive cash pay-
ments on assessments un Dodds
33 , JOHN McN'A!Y, Clerk.
One Happy Thought range in fair
condition, burns wood or Alberta
coal. Fine for a 'summer kitchen.
Man's raincoat, man's flit -lined coat.
Both scarcely worn, small size. Bar-
gains for quick, sale. Apply to The
News- Office. 34
A registered silver fox, having tat-
tooed marks, disappeared from my
premises on the night of Aug. 4th.
Any person giving information will
be rewarded, and any person found
harboring him will be prosecuted.
Apply to NOBLE - HOLLAND, r.r.
4, Clinton. 33
Two roomers' or boarders wanted,
fther b s ..r girls. Apply'to Miss
Agnes Carnochan, West William St.,
Seaforth, , 33
High school pupils, roomers or
boarders. Brothers and 'sisters pre-
ferred. Miss F. GALLOP, 34 East
William st., near High School. 34
Sleep is the great nourisher of in-
fants, .and without peaceful sleep the
childwill not thrive. This cannot be
got if the infant be troubled with
worins. Miller's Worm Powders will
destroy worms and drive them from
thesystem, and dlfterwards the child's
rest "yvill be undisturbed. The powders
cannot injure the most delicate' 15a'by
and there is nothing so effective for
restoring the health of a worm -worn
Three young pigs, about four
months old. Apply to W. F. SMITH,
Telephone MdKillop 239r15. '
A good farm wagon. Apply to CON
One second hand top buggy, to
good repair. Apply to EDMUND
STAFFORD, Box 216, Seaforth. 35
Photographed now befgre they
start to school. We specialize in pho-
tographing children and babies. BUR-
chell, Ont. 33
The Public Library will be closed
from Aug. 111 to Aug. 25. GRETA
TiHOMPSON, Librarian. 33.
Comfortable dwelling,'Barn, Chick-
en House and two acres of land.
Buildings in the best of repair.
Good water, small fruits, etc.
A Real Bargain.
Immediate Possession Given.
Insurance, Real Estate, Etc.
Phone 1512.
High school' girls preferred. Com-
fortable home with all modern con-
veniences. Apply to Mrs. W. L.
KIEYtS, William st, west, Seaforth.
High school girls, roomers or
boarders. Apply to Miss J. Mc -
BRIDE, Centre st. 33
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Phyaicias.'
and Surgeon, Late of London Hoa.'
pital, London, England, 'Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and: throat, Office •and resi
'ence behind Dominion Bank. Office '•
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone. 104,
DR. F J. BURROWS, Seaford.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east of the United Church, Coronet
for the County of Huron. Telephang
No. 46.
DR. • C. MACKAY.—C, Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity-Universlty
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.'
Nose and Throat.. Graduate' in Medi. • "
cine, University of Toronto '•1M2.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instil' te, Moorefield'[ •
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos-
pitals, London. England. At .Como
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
each month, • from 11 a.m. to 3• p.a. " -
Next visit in September.
DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate M '-
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Menthe'
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhares
Drug Store, Main St., Seaforfi.
Phone 90.
' Denta .
IAR. J A. MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R. R. . Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill. Li-
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over Sirs
hardware, Main St., Seaforth, Plums
DR. F. J. BFCHiELY, gradual
Royal College of Dental Surgeose,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smitis's
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Photos,
office 185W, residence 1853.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.)[
O.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute .4
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
ID. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit-
or, Notary Publid, Hours -9 a.m.-2 p.tsr•.,
and 7 p.m. Office above Phillips'
Drug Store, BIyth, Ont. Phone 6.
. Auctioneer.''
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for SIM
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed;
8 -roomed comfortable dwelling in
good repair, electric lights, soft and
hard water in hoose, one-fifth acre of
land, on Market street. Apply at the
News Office. 38
Wednesday, Aug.• 13th.
PASTURE. Br„^« per 1b. 25e -27c
'HAROLD D. DALE, Licensetl
Auctioneer for the County of Hama
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box, 13,.
Pasture for a few head of cattle on Eggs, per doz. 20c -2550c (Successors to James •Watson)
Lot 3, Con, 5, Tuckersmith. Apply to ;Potatoes, per bag•$1 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT.
JOHN SPRbOAT, Seaforth.. . 33 Hogs, per cwt...... $11;50 to $12.00 All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First-Clase
Beauty, eonveni=
ence and 1lIIaYears
Round Utility
Combined in This New
Coal and
Electric Rang e
ready for immediate use of ei-
ther fuel, without changing a
part or turning a lever.
McClary's Electric Stoves
Phone 143 r 4 Seaforth
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all ,makes of Batteries
Ag ood line of new and used parts of different makes of cars
If your car is in need of, repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
ees Garage
i a e
Mutual Fire Insurance Caw
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President;- D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors—'Wm. Rinn, No, 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood M,
Ewen. Clinton,. James Connolly, God-
erieh; Alex. Broadfoot,' No. 3, Su -
forth; J, M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents --games Watt, Blyth, rs
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r,r, No. 3, Seaforth J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoutb,
Bornholm. James ,Kerr and Jolts
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or tuns-
act other business, will be. promptly
attended to by application to any 'of
the above named officers' addressed•.
to their respective postoffices.
Good-bye Asthma. Person's suffer-
ing from that extremely trying
trouble be kno twt
asthma lima knowh
w ad
it i
seto long with all their hearts for '—
escape as from a tyrant. Never do
they know when an attack may come
and they know that to :struggle .un- •
aided i
s vain. With Dr.
Asthma Remedy at hand, however,
they can say good-bye to their enemy
and enjoy life again.
STEVENS—In Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Siea:forbh, on Saturday, Aug-
ust 9th,' 19130, to Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
est W. Stevens, of Seaforth, a
' daughiter,'
'BAXT'ER — At Alexandra Marine'
and General Hospital, Goderich, oa
Thursday, August 7th, "1.930, to Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Batter, , a daughter
QMarjorie Ruth),
BIROADFOOT.—!In Scott Mem'oriet
Hospital, on Saturday, Atig, 9, 1930
to Mr.
Mrs. Ross ss B
Kippen, a daughter. '
ABIRIHiAIRT.—Alt Stratford Genermf
Hbspi'tal, on August 911h, to Dr.
'Williann Abenhart and Mrs. Aber
hart, of Mitchell, a son (Charles