The Seaforth News, 1930-08-14, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930.
You are a good judge of quality and price—are you a good judge
of .weights and measures ? (Superior Chain Store Managers and
Owners' reputations have stood the test of ;time. You are assured,
not .only of quality and. price; but also of honest weight and measure
when deal youe!a at Superior Stores. p S o es. Our •service• is Free�rvlty not use
it ? Your 'phone orders and your ,children will receive the same
Personal attention as though you carried your orders yourself on
these hot days,
Items for Week Ending 'August 19, 19,30,
RINS'O "Washes Clothes Whiter" Small size
'Pkgs. 21 c
2 tins'29c
3 pkgs. 25 c
CERTO, "For Jams and Jellies" per bottle gni
OLD DUTCH CLEAINSER "Chases Dirt" ; , ...... 2 pkgs. 21 c
TIGER BRAND CATSUP large 'bottle 19 c
Interlake Toilet 'taper ... ..................,,........,.... 3 rolls 23c
DurhamCornStarch per pkg. 10c
Gtlielt's Lye, "Eats Dirt" per tin 15c
Hawes' Floor Wax, 14 lb,.. 23c 1 lb—. .... . ..... . . . ....... , 43c
Quaker Quick China Oats perpkg. 37c
Shirriff's Tumbler Package Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs, Jelly
Powder and a rounded edge, chip -proof glass tumbler 23c
Whiz Fly Fume, 8 oz. bottle •
(and a can of Whiz Metal Polish Free) 45c
Lifebuoy, "The Health Soap" 3 cakes '23c
Sunlight Soap 4 cakes 25c
Choice Peaches, No. 2 tins .. , .25c each or 2 For' 47c
Maple Leaf Fancy Sockeye Salmon, 1 lb. ..48c; / ib. 25c
Premium Tea 1, ib. pkg.'with-decorated Flower Vases or
''Bird of .Paradise' Cup and Saucer 59c
I(na:ft .Sala'd Dressing, 12 oz. per jar,23c
Shredded (Wheat, Muffets, Pep, Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c
McLaren's Queen Olives 19 oz. Mason Jar 25c
MaLaren's Pimiento Stuffed Olives 814 oz. 25c
Weston's Sodas -packages or bags 1 1b. 18c
Sea I{ing Lobster
JA's .23c /'s 35c
Cow Brand Soda '/x's 5c l's 9c
Chloride of Lime .., No. 1 tin 15c.
2 in 1' Shoe Polish—all colours per .tin 12c
Medium Weight Fine Straw Brooms, 5 string each 39c
Java White !Tapioca -best grade 2 lbs. 21c
New Clover Honey in 101E pails ,90c 5's 45c
Gafva•nized No. 14 pails, each 19c
Aylmer Pork and Seams, large tin / for 35c
Ross J. Sproat
A. Jeffery Phone
Rhone 8
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do Better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seafarth,Ont,
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Ilowey
Phone 3274. Centre St.
D. H. Melones
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
'fully treated.
Electricity used.
She Did
/When Lou awoke she realized it
was a "special day." Then it dawned
on her. It was her sister's vtedlding
anniyiersaryl A glimpse of her tele-
phone reminded her that her sister
was a great ,Long Distance user,
She'd ' appreciate being .congratulated
by telephone, Lou was right.
W, J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67.
Special Optical Notice.
- Have your eyes examined by our
well known and painstaking specialist
Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex-
pert for Kenits, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan & Co., Monitreal. Thirty
years' experience, twetrtyoyears coin-
ing to Seaforth. Youare assured of
the ;Jest %Ira ai work to be obtained
and, at very moderate cost. We fur-
nish all the late styles of mountings,
the best fnalce of the best makers and
our prices are from $4700 up, Tues-
day, Wednesday, August 19lth and 20.
Close Wednesday at 12 noon. Come
early. BEATTIE'S FAIIR, Seaforth,
Mr. and \Mrs, Harold McLellan of
Saskatchewan are spending this week
visiting relatives in town and vicinity.
At the band concert in Victoria
Park on Sunday evening last, a piano
number was given by Mr. George
Dlaly and a duet was sung by 14r.
James Scott, of Windsor; and Mr.. M.
R. Rennie, accompanied by : Mrs,
•Mrs. J Car,pettter of Oxford, Mich,,
and Mrs. Ashley of Medicine Hat,
Alta., were visitors on Monday with
their sister, Miss C. McTavish and
with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. McLaren,
They were on their•way'to attend the
funeral °of their brother-in-law, Mr,
Hlarry MclKie of Kitchener.
Mr, and Mrs, C. J. Sho:clecor, and
three children of Detroit spent the
week-endith' Mrs. Sho k
w c cor's par-
ennts, Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat.
Mr: Shockcor returned on Sunday.
Mn. Shoclecor and children wilt re-
main for another weeek,,
•ldrs. Wm. J, McKay and Miss
Marguerite and Billy, of Schurnaoker
and .Miss Margaret and Alex. Kerr
of 'Seaforth'visited at Port Colborne
and Niagara last week
• dvft', Wit..Sillery was visiting . his
daughter, Mrs. John Quail, Clinton,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. -Eckert held their
family reunion in Bayfield last Sun-
day. There were fifty-seven guests
with their nine children and their
families, present from Seattle, Chi
cago, Detroit, New York,, Oakville,
Ont., and McKillop: The day was
ideal for the occasion. Those front
Detroit left for their homes from Bay-
Sister Clover from Toronto is
spending her vacation with her sis-
ters, Mrs. J. Nolan and Mrs. C.
On Tuesday 'naming last week,
Mr. Noble Holland, Huron Road
west, found the gate of one of his
fox pens open and the two valuable
foxes that had occupied the pen were
missing. One fox was located in the
yard, but to trace has been found of
the -other one, and Mr. Holland isofthe opigion it was stolen, as the gate
of the pen practically could not be
released except by some person. A
reward for the missing fox is offered.
Mr. Sant. Carter and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Mole and family spent a day with
fri'ends at Fruitland, Ont., this week.
Mr, J, Wake and son James- and
Miss Dorothy VITake of London were
week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H
W. Hart.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Calder and
daughter of Ilickson and Mr. and
Mrs. James Parker of Hamilton -visit=
ed Mrs. George Habkirk one day last
Mr. Arthur Golding is a visitor at
the home of his uncle, Mr, Frank.
Golding, in Stratford.
' Mr, and Mrs.. J. R. Dunlop and
baby Lois have returned home after
spending a week at Barrow Bay.
Mr. and ?drs. T. E. Sluiels who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.
A, Storey have returned to their
hone in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Sandford mo -
tared to Durham Sunday and spent
the day with friends.
Mr. J. M. Eckert and Mr. James
Scott finished harvesting on Wednes-
day, being the first on the list for the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healy and
son Orden of Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Rothaermel of St. Catharines
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Hohlbein last week.
Mrs. Win. McLay and daughter
Fairy motored to Niagara Falls with
a party of friends and„ spent the week-
Mrs. ICatherine McDonald of the
Beattie apartment's is in the Scott
-Memorial Hospital taking treatment,
Mr, and Mrs, Will Sproat spent the
week -end' in Waterford with their
daughter, Mrs. Nelson Govenlock.
Mrs. Alex, Sproat of Toronto is
visiting Mrs, Geo. Hn'bkirk for a
couple, of weeks,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Hay and son
John of Niagara Falls, were guests of
Mr. and Mr,s. W. Free on Tuesday.
Mr." and Mrs, James McMichael are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Holmes,
in Royal Oak, Mich.
.Master George Kruse visited with
friends in Clinton last week.
Mrs, F. H. Henderson who has
been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.
A. McLaren for six weeks, leaves on
, Saturday for her home in Brandon,
14' William O'Rourke and "friends
spent Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, J. V. Ryan, We are
pleased to hear that Mrs, Ryan is int -
proving' as well as can be expected
after her recent. accident,
Misses Nellie and Mary Keating of
Toronto are spending •their vacation
with the Misses Mulcahy and with
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph I<eatiitg.
Mrs. R, P. Bell, Miss Mary Bell,
Mrs. R. S; Evans and Eleanor leave
Thursday op a motor trip to Barrie
and Muskoka.
Miss Alice McCormick is visiting
her brother, Mr: D. A. McCormick, ,of
Dr, and Mrs, G, M, Mc tfattn and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon \\'illis of De-
troit were week' end visitors at the
home of Mt ,and Mrs W. G. Willis,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry •Bais•ley and
Mr, Thomas Ireland have returned to
Danbury after visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne S. Webster and other relatives.
Mrs, Lorne ;S; Webster spent a
couple of days last week 'accompanied
by her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
L. Baisley, and. Mr. Thos. Ireland,
of Danbury, Conn., visiting relatives
at Luclknow and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Beckett and
\tfis•s Marjorie and Willie, 'of Boani-
ville,' Missouri, and 'Mrs. Forbus, of
Chicago, and Mr. and .Mrs, Charles
Beckett, • of Sfrathroy, and Mrs.
Brown, oaf Windsor, spettt a few
clays visiting Mr.. and 'Mrs, H. C.
• Mr, and,. Mrs. Wilfred McLaren and
daughter.Virginnia, of Saginaw, Mich.
are guests at the parental home of
the former,
Wed., Aug. 20
Afternoon 2 p,m. Night 8 p.m.
Street Parade 1 p.m.
cousin, Miss Eleanor Burrows, for a
few weeks.
Rev, and Mrs, I. B. Kaine left an
Tuesday to spend three weeks' holi-
day at Rondeau Park.
Mr. George Jackson was'a business
visitor in Montreal last week,
Mrs. Ward 'Allen and daughters
have returned from a visit in St.
Marys and Cromarty,
Miss Betty Stevens has returned to
Kitchener after a visit with her aunt,
Miss Belle Jackson.
Mr, ; and Mrs, H. C. Box spent a
couple of days last week with friends
at Stnathroy.
Mr. Gordon Wilkey, of -Tavistock;
Mrs, Keene of Buffalo, and Miss Kerr
of Port Burwell, have been visitors at
'the home of Mr, and Mrs, tt. Mc -
Mr. Gordon McGonigle of Kitchen-
er spent the week -end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and• Mrs, Robt. Mc-
Miss lie'D'ougali and her niece,
Miss Stewart, were week end visitors
in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Smith and.little
daughter Merrill, of Peterboro, are
holiday guests at the home of Mrs.
Smith's mother, Mrs. James Beattie,
Miss Margaret Grieve who has
been visiting her aunt at Port .Bur
well, returned hone with Mr, and
Mrs, Harry Grieve- and little son
Tommy of Windsor, who were week-
end visitors at their home.
'.Miss Anita Edmunds is visiting
Mr, end Mrs, Jack Edmunds, in Mit-
Seaforth Girls' Softball team de-
feated Palmerston here by a score of
28-19 Wednesday evening,
The regular meeting of Seaforth
council was held in the council cham-
ber, Monday evening, with the follow-
ing members present: Mayor Parke,
Reeve Beattie, L. F. Bolton, I. Hud-
son, Con Eckert, 317, 5, Bickel( • and
A. D. Sutherland. Minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed.
!BeattiesBickeil—That the estimated
receipts and expenditures be adopted
as read.
Bylaw 326 for the Town of Sea -
forth for the year 1930, was given its
several readings and passed. This.
bylaw fixed the tax rate for the year,
which will be approximately the sante
as last year,
,Bolton-FTudson—That Mr, E. L.
Box's offer be accepted as band lead-
er, salary $85.00 to Jan. 1, 1913.1, bands-
men, to be paid $1,00 per night for
playing in park. Bandsmen to be
present at practice to obtain the pay-
ment for playing in park.
Beattie-Sutherland—That the coun-
cil adjourn to meet at the call of the
Rroiiincial insurance
eompan • of England
One of the few British Companies
operating in Canada today at
For the term from June 1st to De-
cember'lst. Phone us and we will call.
This means a saving in premium
to you with protection, security
and the night and day service of
this office, ,
Call, phone or write us for full
information, rates, etc. Our ser-
vices at your disposal' at any
bar: Fred Co wan of Huntingdon,
Quebec, is a guest at the hone of Ws � GENERAL INSURANCE
uncle, Mr: W. W. Cowan. Conveyancing, Real Estate
Misses Helen and Catherine Hodg-I Investments, Etc.
ens, of Peterboro
A. D. Sutherland
are visiting their PHONE 152 SI?:AFORTH, Ont.
The report of the finance commit- sairass
tee was adopted as read: W. G. Fee,
salary, $70; jno. A. Wilson, salary,
$75; Thos, Storey; salary, $75; W. G.
Fee, 3 meals for vagrants, $1:50; Can,
Nat Rys„ crossing protection and,
rent, $13:90; John Cumming, drying
hose, $5.00; Jno. A. Wilson, paid C.
Sills, B. of Ii, $1:62; Bell. Tel Co,;
$2.4-5; Geo. A. Sills & Sons, $12.34;
John Beacom $7.70; Gilbert Stead,
$3:70; Jos. I-Ioggarth, $10.65; Jas,
Ryan, $70:00; Peter _McCann $3.00;
{Wilson Hawkins, $60.00; A. D. Suth-
erland, insurance, $6.50.
The remains: of the late Sirs. Jas.
Cowan who died on July 29th aboard
ship enroute home from the Yukon,
.ar'r'ived in Seaforth Saturday morn-
orn-irig. Interment took place in Mtait-
land Bank Cemetery. Until a year ago
Mrs. Cowan resided in town. Selling
her hone on Centre street last fall,
Mrs. Cowan and her daughter, Miss
Phemla Cowan, took apartments in
Brampton. Accompanied by a friend,
they were returning from a tourist
trip through Alaska and the Yukon,
when Mrs. Cowan's sudden passing
occurred on Tuesday, July 29th, on
board ship. Mrs. Cowan had taken
breakfast before rising and shortly
afterwards her daughter returned to•
the stateroom and made the sad dis-
covery The remains were taken from.
the ship at Prince Rupert, B:C., and
sent from there by Mil to Seaforth,
accompanied by her daughter. Mrs.
Cowan lived in Seaforth the greater
part of her life, being formerly Miss
Logan. Before her marriage she
ived .in town with her mother and
sister, bath of whom; have predeceas-
ed her as well as her husband who'.
died in April; 1925. Three daughters
suri'dve: Mrs. Hugh Maitland (Dr.
Mary Cowan); Miss Phernia Cowan,
and Mrs, Burt. Sprucedale. Mrs,
Burt, who has been spending the
summer at Brampton, and Miss Phe
ria Cowan, returned to Wingham
with Dr. Mary Calder who with
friends from Wingham and Sarnia,
attended the funeral.
Friends in town have received let-
ters during the past week which were
written by Mrs, Cowan just prior to
her death, and one letter reached Sea -
forth on Wednesday of this week
which had been posted by Mrs.
Cowan at Dawson City,
The second racing event of the
season was successfully carried out
on the track of the Seaforth Turf
Club on Wednesday' with a good
crowd and fine entry list. The track
was in great shape and the very best
of sport was provided, The results
2,24 Trot or Pace.
Private Direct, blk. g., '9V. L.
Owen, Port Colborne....6 7 1 1
The Sandman, br. a„ C. .
Anderson, Welland 5 5 4 d
WeekEiii Specials
bugar, per cwt, $4.99 cash
Flour, per cwt, $3.75 cash
Salada Tea, per Ib. ` 53c
Red Salmon, per 1 lb, tin ,,,..... ,30c
Bread, 3 loaves for• 25c
Saturday only. Phone early that your order may be cared for.
.Pure Manilla Rope
Paint Greatly Reduced for One Week,
Floor Enamel and Regular Colors,—Quarts, reg. 1,40; for
Pints, reg. 75c for
F!!at Colors, Quarts, reg. $1.40 for
Pints, reg, 75c, for
Hard Enamel, quarts, reg. $1.75 for
Pints, reg. 90c, for
( eric
p es apply only on present stock.).
All kinds of oil on hand at all times. Raw, boiled and machine
separator oil.
Cream and eggs taken in trade, or will pay cash.
°5c a 1b,
H F. f erry
Anderson s Bakery
To give the Lowest Possible Prises Consistent with Highest
'Have you tried our Buttermilk Scones—Home-made and Brick loaves?
Variety of Buns, Cakes, Cookies and Pies always on hand,
SATURDAY SPECIAL.—Ginger Cookies, 2 doz. for 25c
(If we please you, tell others; •i1 not, tell us)
T. R.
Jack Dewey, blk. g., J, Dew-
ey, Chatham 7 3 6 6
Grattan Bars Jr., b.g., Fred
Thrower, Kerrtvood .1 6 5 5
Edgar Grattan, b.g., W.
Harvey, New Hamburg J. 2 1 2 2
Wanda Grattan, b. m„ R
Trench, Teeswater 4 2 3 3
Annie Grattan, b, in., R.
Trench, Teeswater 3 4 7 4
Time: 2.14; 2.16; 2,14%; 2.15.
2.18 Trot or Pace,
McDougall, blk. g., A. Mc-
Intosh, Pr. Albert, Sask. ,,3 4 2 2
Great Storni, b. g., C. W.
Anderson, Welland 4 5 8 d
Peggy Harvester, b. g., R.
Hales, Chatham , .o 6 3 4
Peter Chillo, b. s., George
• Litt, Stratford '1 3 1 1
Mac Mike, ch.g., R. Taylor,
\Vallaceberg fi 1 4 5
Billy 1\ ilkes, big.. C. T. Hod-
gins, Lucan ? 2 5 3
Lou Peters, ch,m., N. Bouch-
er, Sarnia 7 8 7 6
Mac Peter, b.g.. T. Mc-
Cracken S rathroy . 3 7 5 4
Time: 2.13.S?.; 2.17; 2.13; 2:13,
2.14 Trot or Pace.
Peter Patch. b.g., Vic Roan
tree, Weston 2 3 4 #
Betty G..„ R. Taylor,
Wa!laceburg 3 4 3 3
Toll Gate, b.g, F. F. Metcalfe,
Kingston .,..,4 1 1 1
May Patch, 1 2 2 2
Tante 2,14; 2.13; 134a 2,125:
The officials were Stater—Al.
Proctor, Newmarket judges -11'. H.
Grosch, \fartytt, George
Muldoon; Timers --W, Ament, J. F.
Daly. G. R. McCatney. C'erk of
Course—.A. D. Sat heriand,
»F,V tgr �.+xt �*.�u- .. w'ne*., oo-..,n.e.,...
tart a Sivin
Account foe
The Baby ...�
and watch them
both Grow/
Seaforth Branch
Daily 9,30 a.nt. to 5 p.m. Sat.,
9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 7 p.tu.
to 9.30 p.m.
IT is the little details of personal care which
make up your baby's present sum of health
and happiness! And quite as much, it is the
small deposits, made regularly now, which
will help to establish a happy future for him.
How comforting to know that as he grows,
your special savings account keeps pace. Even
a few dollars a month, tucked away in a
Province of Ontario Savings office, will ac-
cumulate with surprising rapidity.
Every dollar on deposit is guaranteed by the
Ontario Government. Further, you may
withdraw at a moment's notice, should need
GEQvt' ,r/c
Seventeen Branches Throughout Ontario.