The Seaforth News, 1930-05-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. , TH'URSD'AY, MAY 29, 1930.. HENSALL. Mr• and lairs. T. W. Palmer spent the week and with friends in Windsor. .Mdse Florence Welsh of London spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Joynt and fam- ily Spent the week end with friends in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Devis of Tor- onto spent the holiday with friends in town: Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer spent the week ,end with friends. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hedden and family of Hamilton and Mr. Frank Hedden of. St: Catharines were holi- day visitors in town, Miss Alice • Dougal1 of Toronto speixt the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougall. Mr. Win. Stone of London spent the week end at his home here, Mr, and Mrs; Alen Fisher of Tor- onto were holiday visitors at' the home df Mrs. P. Fisher. Mr. Albert Smith of London spent the holiday at his shame here. .Miss Mildred McDonnell of Guelph is visiting at her home here, 'Services in the United Church' on Suhday, last were largely attended with the Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupy- ing his own pulpit, In the morning a duet was given by Mrs. Joynt and Mrs. Hess and in the evening a trio was given by Mrs. Hedden, Mrs. Sin- clair aid Mrs. Hess. Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Knight of Kit- chener spent the week end with rela- tives in town. Born• tottMr. and Mrs. e rs, LloydHed on Tuesday, May 27, den, a son. The W.M»S, of the Carmel Presby- terian Church held a birthday meeting on Friday afternoon in the basement of the church. A solo was rendered by Mrs. J. W. Bontbron and Mrs, J. A. Paterson and Mrs. Donald Mc- Kinnon -Kinnon gave a very pleasing duet. The speaker of the afternoon was Mrs, P. B. Lamont, who gave a very interesting address. Following the close of the program, a dainty lunch was served. Mrs, ;lfossop has returned to her home in .St, Marys, after a iew days visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. Harry Joynt, of Toronto, is spending the vacation at his home here. At the baseball tournament staged on Victoria Day at St. Marys in con- nection with the Rotary Club, Hensel] beat Sr. Marys 44 and Ilderton 7-1 in the finals and 'carried off the prize. Members of Hensel! team were Medd, Cantelon, Brintnell, Gaseho, Rennie, Horten, Scruton, Hedden and Nicol Hensel] team is heing congratulated on its success. Quite a number ei political C011- ventions are to be held in the village week. The Lierals of mouth Hurothis n intend holdingb btheir convention on Wednesday afternoon :when it is very probable that Mr, Thomas McMillan, the present mem- ber, will be re -nominated. The Con- servatives will hold their convention on Thursday afternoon. Mr, N. W. Trewartha, Reeve of Clinton, will al- lew his name to go before the conven- tion and will probably be the Conser- vative candidate, Mr. Trewartha is a former M.P.P. of the riding and is well known and will make a very popular candidate. The Progressive party of the riding will meet here on Thursday, June 5th to nominate a candidate to contest the riding and ase far the annual election of officers. Mr. W. G. Medd,1LP.P., of Exeter, will be the principal speaker. At the Conservative meeting, Mr. Mark Senn, M.P. for Haldimand, of Cale- donia, will be the speaker, and at the Liberal meting, Mr, Thomas 111cMil- Ian, M.P. Victoria Day passed quietly in the village, no celebration taking place here. The baseball team went to St. Marys. Quite a number took in the races at Mitchell and others spent the day at the Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and family end Mr, and Mrs. Jas. A. Pat- erson spent .the holiday visiting rela- tives in Detroit. Mrs. Miller and daughter, Miss Marie, of Windsor, are spending this week with Mrs. :Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford. Mrs. Bertram North, after spend- ing a pleasant two weeks visit with relatives here, returned to her home in \\ oodstock on Sunday, .lir. ;toland Kennedy was a visitor in town in Tuesday, Hensall Continuation School Re- port from Jan. to April, Asterisk de- notes absence from examinations. Forni I. --James McEwan 73.2; Alvin Bell 64.1, Harold Sherrit 59.3, Rays Paterson 58.5, Helen Munn 57.1**, Eleanor Bell B 1 5.4 Lome Elder 53;6 Nelson Pepper 52 3 Edith Dick 48 BForm Harris 4a 9*. F rm I'1.- Mabel Workman 80.6, Maude Mc- Lean 80,2, Irene Daters, 78, Stuart Horton 7/.1, Florence McDonald 69, Howard Hemphill 644.2, Grace Dick 57.1, Jean McQueen 55.9, Ralph Ab- bott 54.1, Grace Brock 49.4, Mavis Spencer 44.8, Form III', -Mildred Forrest 67.3, Joyce Scruton 63.6, Sara Manson 61:7, Jean Bell 60.2, Mary Carne 60, Lorne Chapman 59.8, Mil- dred Smillie 38.9, Edera Monroe 38, Eldred Smith 55,8, Marion Sinclair 51,7, Margaret McQueen 50.9***, Ro- bert Varley 41.4* -F. C. Cantelon, Principal; M. E. Stuart, Assistant. Mr. B, C. Eaton of Windsor, rep- resentative of the Solway 'Flake Cal- cium Chloride Co, of Syracuse, N.Y., was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Bertha Bell and son Arnold Opera the holiday visiting Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent the holiday visiting relatives at Ridgetawn. Mrs. Peter Buchanan of ,Toronto .visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Zuefle, over the holiday. Mr. Henry Horton is in Woodstock this week attending the United Church Conference there. Miss Robinson of Toronto spent the holiday here visiting her sister,. Mrs. Henry Arnold, Mr. Isaac Buchanan of town was a holiday visitor with his'. mother, 'Mrs. Wm. Buchanan." The severe frost on Monday night did a lot of damage to the gardens in town. (Boss & Brazier, contractors for paving the London Road, have about; eonvention of the ‘Liberal --Conservatives of South Huron Will Be 1Held In The Town Hall HENSALL IHURS., MAY, 29T11 at 2 p.m. To nominate a Candidate to contest the Riding of South Huron at the corning Federal Election. Officers for the coming year will be elected. Several Prominent Speakers will be present to address the Convention Three Delegates will vote from each poll Ladies are especially invited to attend. Executive Meeting at 1 o'clock. GOD SAVE THE KING Robt. Higgins, Secretary. Col. H. B. Combe, President, three miles of paving down, and are rapidly getting along with the work, The London Road north of Hensall to Kippen is now closed to traffic and a steam shovel is at work cutting down a hill at the bridge., Rev. (Arthur Sinclair is attending the United Church Conference at Woodstock this week. Mrs. Robt. Higgins who is suffer- ing from a severe attack of heart trouble is showing some improvement in her condition. BAYFIELD. Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto spent the holiday week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fowlie and Mr, L. Fowlie of London and 'Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich, spent the 'holiday with their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Trebell of Stratford spent the week -end in Jowett's Grove. Mrs, Lawson and family of Strat- ford spent the week -end at their cot- tage. Mr. Fred Weston, Fred Heard, and _Miss Nina Heard of Clinton spent the holiday at their homes. Mr, Cliff Pollock of London spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock. Mr. and Mrs Hugh McLaren, Mar- ion and Christina Mac'Laren of Port Elgin spent the holiday week end with Mrs. MacLaren's sister, Miss J. Sterling. Mr. Sidney Castle of Stratford spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. G. Castle. Mrs. D. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs, McLean and family of Sarnia, spent the holiday week end with Dr. and Mrs, A. Newton -Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and babe of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, F. Gemeinhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and family of 'Toronto spent the week -end at their cottage. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, of Tor- onto were holiday guests with Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mr, and Mrs, H. Cotton and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rob- inson, Mr. and Mrs. Manness, Mr, Fred Trebilcock, London, spent the holiday at their cottages. Miss Grace Jowett of London spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Jowett. Mr, and Mrs. Harold King and little Harold Attwood of Sarnia, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker. Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Orr and Mr. and Mrs. H. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Scrimgeour of Stratford spent the week -end at their cottages, Mrs. W. J. McLeod and babe who spent the past two weeks at Detroit, returned home on Saturday. They were accompanied by Mr. end Mrs. The Railabis Shaa Repair Implements. Several 1st class lend rollers, good dump rake; spring tooth cultivator, Massey-lHarris with seed grain attach- ment—for sale, worth the money. See our Fertilizer Drills.Soil Pul- verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep- arators and Complete Line of Farm Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and Trucks. Repairs strictly sash. W. C.GOVENLOCK Agent for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of Seaforth HOSPITAL for sick shoes. Our "SOLES" are the "SOULS" of Good Health We "HEEL" sick shoes. Guar- anteed cures. WE NOW CARRY A REAL LINE OF MEN'S WORK SHOES at Prices to fit the Pocket FRED RLOW Two doors west of Beattie's Variety Store Enrolment 1953. Approved, Form I. The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT (24641)'. Will stand at his own stable, Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, for the season 1930. • Terms: $15. Under the management of T. J. McMiclrael. BABY CHICKS There is profit for you in the dif- ference. Better chicks for thg same money. Chicks hatched by, our Huron Mammoth Incubator 'possess extra vigour. Are you interested ? Well I think so. Write or phone for parti- culars of Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Chicks, to ' J. ELGIN MCKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. 97r 4 Hensall. C. Plater and family, who spent the week end. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johns and babe spent the week end at \\riartmt. 'Miss Alma McKay of Toronto spent the holiday week end at her home. .hiss Mina. Proctor, Mr, end Mrs, A. F. King and son Douglas of Tor- onto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. King. The latter has return- ed home front a two weeks' holiday at Elmvale and Toronto. , Mr. and Mrs. Diaron Glass and fam- ily of London spent the holiday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Atkinson and family of Exeter spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr, and Mrs. John Stewart and Mr, Jeanes Stewart of Hamilton were guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Pollock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poch of Toron- to spent the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett. FARM BARGAIN 100 acres good land, well fenced,' plenty of water, frame house, Barn 602160. Cement stabling, 50 acres being sown with Oats and Barley. Balance good hay land. A snap for $5,200.00 with a cash payment of -$1,- 700.00 and terms for balance. Im- mediate possession," We also have several grass farms for sale or rent -50 and 100 acres. A, D. • Sutherland Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds, Etc. PHONE 152 • ST. COLUMBAN. Inspector Th'o'mas Malady and fa- mily of Windsor, spent the week end with his father, Mr. Joseph Melady. 'Mrs, F. J. McQuaidand son Frank of Straltford spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid, . i&Ir. James Shea of Toronto spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Shea. Messrs. Thomas and Basil Lane of Toronto and James Lane of Teeswa- ter spent the week end with their mo- ther, Mrs. Jolhu Lane. Joseph Moylan of Ottawa visited his parents over the holiday. Mrs. O'Loughlin of Stratford spent the week end with her brother and sister, John and Miss Lavin. Miss Anne Downey of Seaforth hospital. spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Michael Downey. HILLSGREEN. Mr. Clarence Reichert of London business college, spent the week end at his home. Mr. Russell Love of Toronto spent the week end at the home of his par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Love. -Miss Mary Hagan of London spent theweek end with her mother, Mrs. Anne Hagan. Mr, and Mrs. W. Turner and dau- ghter, Miss Eileen, were in Clinton on Sunday to the funeral of a relative. Miss Agnes Love spent the week endat the of her Mr. ho e parents, m and Mrs.7 as• Love. Mrs, L. Troyer, who spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Coleman of Seaforth, returned hone, Mr, and burs. Alan and children of Toronto end Mr. and Mrs, M. Love and son Howard of Hensall were re- cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Love, Mr. Wm. Forrest and daughter, Miss Elizabeth of Clinton, were Sun- day unday visitors at the home of Mr. J. B. Forrest and family. Mr. W. Carlile end daughter, Miss Annie of Hensall, called on friends on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Pennock of Torotno will conduct the service in the church on Sunday, June 1 and will speak in the interests of the Bible ,Society. The Y. 3'. ate holding their anni versary service on Sunday evening, June 8, at 7.30 pm. Rev. C. A. Mal- colm of Egmondlville, will conduct the service. The music will be furnished by the Klippen choir. On Monday night, June 9th, the Holniesville •Y.P. are giving their .play, entitled "I'll Explain Everything." Admission, ad- ults 35e, children 20e. IN MEMORIAM. HUMPHIRTES.—In loving memory of our darling baby, Jean Margaret, who passed away June 1St, 1928. "Dear little hands, we miss them so, All through the day, wherever we go, All through the night, how lonely it seems, For no little hands wake us out of our dreams, We miss them all through the weary hours, We miss them as others do, sunshine and flowers, Daytime or night time, wherever we Deago little hands, we miss them so. EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE Of Dwelling House in Dublin and Household Furniture, --Francis 'Mc- Connell, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mary Agnes Long, worth, deceased has instructed 'Thom- as Brown, Auctioneer, to offer • for sale at public auction, on the premises lately occupied by deceased, on Sat- urday; the 31'st May +1930, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon,' all the household goods and effects and also the follow- ing lands, namely: Village Lots numbers 7, 8, 13, and 14, in Donkin's Survey, of part of Farm Lot 1, in the lst Concession, of the Township of MoKilt'op, in the County of Huron. There are erected on the premises a comfortable:" dwelling house and a stable and the property offers a splen- did opportunity to any one wanting to get a home with all the advantages of living in the thriving village of Dublin and subject, only to Town- ship taxes, Terms of Sale—On ohattels, cagh: On the real estate,—Twenty (20) per cent. cash on the day of sale and the balance, in cash and without interest in 30 days thereafter. The •purchaser will be required to sign an agreement to complete his ;purchase on the day of sale. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known an the day of sale and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. .Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 14th day May 1930. Francis McConnell. Vendor. R. S. HAYS, 22 Vendor s Solicitor: Relieves Asthma at Once, If you could read the thousands of unsolicit- ed letters received by the makers front grateful users you, too, would realize the remarkable powers of Dr. J, D, Kell'og's Asthma Remedy. All ases, incipient and chronic, are bene- fited by this great family remedy. Why suffer or experiment with worthless preparations when the •gen- uine Kellog's can be .purchased every- where. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm ,Eac'termin'ator, and it is excellent for driving worms .from the system. PROGRESSIVES ANNUAL MEETING Of the Political Progressive As- sociation of South 'Huron will be hold in the Town Hall, HENSALL Thur°s•,June 5 2 p,m. Cash and. Carry Prices CHOICE POTATOES Per 90 pound bag ,, .,.,,,,,, RED PATH SUGAR . , °. , Per cwt, 2.19 5.39 DOMINION'SUGAR_ 5 a 19 Per .Cwt. V FI.NEST ROLLED OATS 3.49 Per 90 'Pounds �+ �+ 10,BARS SOAP 29c W. I I - .i F � N C� N Also a CONVENTION To select a Candidate for the forthcoming Federal Election, will be held at the same time and place. The meeting will be addressed by W. G. Medd, M.P.P. Joe Forrest, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Sec. Wm, Black, President. QUALITY OR Baby Chicks S.C. WHITE LEGH1ORNS, B.P. ROi;KS, BLACK MINORCAS, WHITE WYANDOTTES,, ANCONAS Our Flocks are purebred, bred -to -lay and are carefully culled for • high Egg Production and large eggs. Mated with Cockerels'from high production Hens, many of them Pedigreed. Price list on request. Call and talk, over your needs in poultry supplies. We handle the "Royal" line bnooders, feeders, fountains, etc., also Royal Purple Brooders.; We also handle ell kinds of Feed, Lay Mash, Chick Mash, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shell, Grit., etc: We will have ,a limited apace each week for custom hatching at 4c per egg. Now is the time to order your baby chicks, if you want early Fall Layers when egg prices are high and to .realize the most for your Broilers. Sunnyvale Poultry Farm Hat eery PHONE 137r3. ANDREW A. MOORE, SEAFORTH Ont. Baby Chicks FOR SALE. .Baby Chicks from best bred - to -lay free range flock. Barred Rocks, $15 per 100 Custom Hatching, $4 per 100 Custom. Hatching done in in- dividual ndividual machine. E. J. Trewartha. Clinton Phone, 611r22 CLOSES WEDNESDAYS. My chopping mill will be closed on Wednesdays, all day, until further notice, J. A. McKEINZlIIE, ,Seaforth. WANTED. A child's secondhand crib. Apply o The News Office. 22 FOR SALE 3 -burner New Process coal oil stove with oven, at a reasonable figure.MRS. STEVENS, Clinton central 62542. 24 TOWN OF SEAFORTH. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the first meeting of the Court o'f Revision for hearing of appeals against the assess- ment roll for 1930 of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chamber, tSeafortih, oft Tuesday - the 10th day of .June, 1930, at 8 o'clock p.m. JiNiO. A. WIILSON, Town Clerk. Seaforth, May 27, 1930. NOTICE. Court of Revision The McKillop Council will meet as a Court of Revision on Saturday, May 31, at Winthrop Hall at 10 o'clock, aim. Parties appealing against their assessment will govern themselves ac- cordingly. JOHN MoNAY, Clerk. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 3, •Con. d,-Hullett, consisting of 100 acres, situated % mile east of Constance, convenient to church, store and school. There is on the premises a two-storey brick house with new asphalt slate roof, furnace, bath, hard and soft water inside, frame kitchen attached; a large bank barn, 36x100, cement stabling, water inside; driving shed and garage; a never -(failing ,well with windmill at- tached. There and 2 springs at the back of farm, one on each 'fifty. 5 acres of hardwood maple bush 30 acres of spring crop, 5acres of fall wheat all seeded to grass. This will be sold with or without the crop at a reasonable price on terans,to suit the purchaser. GEO. W. WHEATLEY, Se'aforth,aJR. 2 23 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Medical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and 'Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England, 'Special attention to diseases of the eye, earyt nose and throat, Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No. '5 : Residence Phone 104, BUCKWBIEAT FOR SALE. A quantity of seed buckwheat for sale. LORNE HULLEY, phone 248 r 32. 22 ROOM'S "TO LET. Rooms to let in the !Be'attie Block. Apply to BEATTIE BROS. 24 DR, F . 5 BUR'RO'WS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church. Coronet for the County of Huron. Telephone No. 46. PLANTS FOR SALE We have a larger supply this year, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, As- ters and Zinnias. ALBERT BAKER, Seaforth, 23 CEDAR POSTS. Cedar posts for sale. Phone 31-11 'Blyth. Lot . 114, Con. 8, Morris. NELSON NtCHOLSON, Blyth r. r. No. 2. 23 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Part lot 13, concession 1, Tucker smith, house containing '5 rooms, kit- chen. ,Cellar under whole house, half ac:e of land with a. few fruit trees, Township taxes. On Provincial ,high- way, adjoining Town of Seaforth, Stable. Electric lights. Apply to ROBERT McIlI'NILIEY, Seaforth. 23 FOR SALE. A five -room cottage for sale with hard water, barn, chicken house, good garden and fruit trees. Can be bought at a reasonable price. JOHN H'IUD- EBRANIDT, Egmondville. 22 DR, C. M•ACKAY..-C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity University and gold tnedallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,, DR. F. J. R. FOIRS.TER—Eye, Eh► .. Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, edicine, University of Toronto •l$97. Late Assistant New York Ophtba'l- mfc and Aural Instirle, Moorefield'. Eye, and Golden Sqeare throat hos- pitals, 'London. England. At 'Coma.- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday la each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. DR. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate e9 Faculty of Medicine, University' el Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharttfs Drug Store, Main St., Seafotti_ Phone 90. Dental. DR. J. A, MUNN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, ,I11. L i- centiate Royal College of Dental Stur- geons, Toronto. Office over 'Si17a hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 151. FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Bargain Prices, Several good houses in Seaforth and Egmondville. Improved and Grass Farms, 50 and 100 acres. Drop in and go over our list at any time. A. D. SUTHER- ]3AtNID,- General Insurance, Convey- ancing, Real Estate, Investments, etc. Phone 152, Seaforth, Ontario. CALVES FOR SALE. 1f you want any young calves for raising or for vealing, HAROLD PENHALE, Bayfield, O.nt. Phone 5 on 78, Hensall. APARTMENT TO RENT. Over. Thos, Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. BOX. BABY Y CHICKS AND HATCH- ING EGGS FOR R SALE From high grade hens mated to male birds up to 260 record. Tam Barron White Leghorn. Chicks 12c. Barred Rocks O.A.C., 14c. Hatching eggs, $3 per. 100. Phone 52-23. HARRY KIEHNE, r.r. No. 1, Born- holm, Ont. - SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, May 28th. Butter, per 1b. 33c Eggs, per doz. 26c -24c -20c Hogs, per cwt. $11:00-$11.50 Ontario Breeding Station ' In breeding work the inestimaibid value of the sire and the increased production to be obtained by the use of males with known sound breeding in their ancestry, is to -.day one of the outstanding factors which effect increase profits in poultry keeping. It is a well established fact that the degree of success met with in egg production depends largely on the high producing ancestry of ,the sire used. Our pen of Barred Rocks at the Canadian Egg Laying Contest, Ottawa, competing with entries from the best poultry breeders in every province in the Dominion, United States, and England, are at present in 3rd place in the 26 .pens of Rocks, a�nd'eleventh in the 80- I pens of all .breeds. This pets featuring exceptional egg 'size, were sired by a British Columbia male from a large egg strain of Rocks. Every male we are using this year is a son of this famous bird. We have a few hundred week-old chicks ready to go at day-old prices. Take advantage sof this opportunity and order at once. TPHONE 32 our 251 SF,AF[lrtmu DR. F, J. BF.CHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phonon, office 185W, residence 1853. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor,)1 O.L.S., Registered Professional Be- gineer"and Land Surveyor, Associate Member - Engineering Institute ed Canada. Office, Seaforth, Oat. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of'Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed 'HAROLD D: DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE AGENCY MeAINST. s toSEAFOes RTH;CONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clap Companies. THE McKILLOP . Muteal Fire Insurance Col FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, ONLY, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechworid, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wan. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John '+Bennewies,. Brodhageni James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot No.3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice.I. o. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents-1James Watt, Blyth, r.r. No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. O. Jarmouth, Bornholm, James Kerr and Jobs Goveniock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any"of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. WE _REMOVE Live or dead horses and cows free of charge, Wepay foth for'the phone call. William ''Stone Sons Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll Phone 21SiW, Straffo d ONTARIO BREEDING STATION. Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks. Breeding stock is the highest quality. - 'Evlery bird is blood tested and approved by-""`-' Government inspectors. We trapnest the year round and only 200 egg birds and ':better are kept for breeders.'ee- Only our own eggs are used for in- cubation. Order your May chicks now. Visitors welcome. Located one block worth of nerve ,hospital. Phone 304. 0. F. STEGPIST, proprietor. Box 173, Seaforth. THURS., FRI., SAT. HOOT GIBSON —in King of the RodeoV �Q 'Heyes the picture thiat was filmed at the famous Chicago Rodeo, the pic- ture with a world of Wild West thrills surrounding a modern dramatic story. Approved vU. ALSO SHOWIN CHARLEY CASE in "OFF TO BUFFALO" MON., TUES., WED, Roland West presents "ALI'BI Based on ,the stage pliay "Nightstick" PRINCESS